Make no mistake about it - there is a political problem, and it requires a reaction, to which a healthy solution should be presented, which benefits everybody.

It was an insane idea to consider human rights and civil liberties the decision matter of politicians, and political organizations.

The consequence for this now has been things like all kinds of federally approved stupidities, such as microchips in humans.

It is my sincere hope that countries start accepting the fact that there are large numbers of politicians out there who just don´t feel they have got anything with civil liberties or human rights to do, and they are letting the international community know it in an age when globalization is collapsing.

People have had enough, and when they have had enough, they become violent.

They have realized, that it is about time to start referring to today´s overall world political population as a sub - human race which just doesn´t matter anymore.

Unless they start showing us, that they´re not a sub - human race, and that they do in fact want to keep civil liberties and human rights.

Sub - human trash, such as politicians who approve of microchipping in humans and animal - human hybrids and all kinds of other stupidities, because they´re idiots, because they´re fucktarded, because they don´t care about their civil liberties or their human rights, and no longer about their reputation, and therefore no longer about the money we used to put into their pockets.

The human race can exist without such people as those who have demonstrated by their behavior towards their fellow human beings, that they would like to be termed sub - human creatures.

I´m not attempting to start a flame - war or anything like that with my post.


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  • Aye Aye, thank u Anakin

    Bless the Nite.


  • Yeah and to those who don't vote, Ron Paul won't get in there either, and then our ways of thinking will collapse again. Lets just hope we don't make a second mistake like we did with Bush. 

    Bless the Nite, 


  • The Elites own the media and we constantly being  bombarded you  false information and the corporations finance both candidates. Ron Paul can win a straw poll and won't even get mentioned by FOX CNN Times CBS MSNBC BBS etc.

     To win this thing we have to cut off the head of the snake. The Bilderbergs the Corupt Federal banksters and International monetary fund world bank Goldman sachs wall street.


  • I don't agree Anakin, we aren't controlled, and people don't have the power to control us like some "monkey".

    We are not slaves.

    We are powerful and can change this world for the better.

    Judging all politicans as evil, is as wrong as judging any "race" as evil.

    There ARE good people in the world and yes, in politics who have changed things for the better, and I do believe that we have come a long way.

    Positive thinking IS a good idea, and from most of the posts here, a lot of people seriously need to lighten up!

  • GFL, Andromedans, Sirians, Arcturians and many others. + 12 Intergalactic councils/Alliance work on our side. They work for Chris, and have Crist Consiousness. They can easily take out NWO and the Greys.. They have souverign technology based on Universal Laws, and they they are spiritual high envolved, while the Greys are limited..Arcturians are expert on Healing.. Healing of Planet and healing of us when we sleep. But i believe that we must do our work to.. Sharing info, and caring for eachother.

    The magnetic Poleshift have started, and is a decition make by the spirit of Gaia. This is a agreement betveen us (On a unconciouss level) Gaia, and the creator. We will also get geological Poleshift, and our Spase-friends will help this out so the damage will be minimalized.

    Many will awake during the next months..

  • Mhm Women are in more power at times then the man is. I have to wonder though. Being that Females are strong in what they chose to do. Then a bunch of Females wouldn't be shy about speaking there minds on things that is happening all over the world or what is happening here on Planet Earth. I mean i like what u say about women, some of them being in more power then man. Then there shouldn't be a problem if a female would decide to think about something rather then what her fellow brothers and sisters of a group would think. 

    In the 3D reality world yes, females are strong, and have been handed over things to them that they never thought they could do before for themselves. Many of which are working today outside of the family home, and some who are staying home to take care of the kids. Now i would like to know this though. Who are the leaders of Groups, that say there must be only LOVE LOVE LOVE. Is that the male that is the leader, or the females that are leaders. 

    When the females decide to leave that mindset that we are living the illusion, do they get to stay in contact with the rest of her brothers and sisters, or does she have to leave her brothers and sisters behind because she is getting a different view set then what her fellow brothers and sisters are thinking. Rambling thoughts on this for the day. :0) 

    Bless the Nite,


  • DONT WORRY !,, Gaia and her Intergalactic Councils/Alliance know this and have a solution that will stop NWO, for good..


    Poleshift will awake every living entities on planet Earth, inkl The Elite. Have in mind that all these Extra Terrestrials which are here now, surrounded Planet Earth know exactly whats going on, and what to do to help.. Magnetic Poleshift will occure betveen 28 oct 2011 and 21.12.2012.. Game over NWO and Elite!!

    • Eh, i know that this sounds good, but don't u think that the NWO will be taking advantage of times like this as well. I mean i think it would be nice to have a magical date in mind for when the NWO will be stopped and all, but don't u think that even after this date, the NWO is still going to be trying to pull members into there hands again.

      I mean we really don't want to blind side those who are awakening thinking that things will be fine and dandy after a special date occurs.

      Bless the Nite,


    • dear rune,right on the button,they are standing to the 11th hour,then game over for them,and they will not be able to take one red cent with them LOL,theres always another cycle for them,blessings eve(solaena)
  • What happens when we have to leave those hands. What happens when there are those out there who have to go to work everyday, or have to take care of there families out there. What happens to those females, who have to take care of there kids, because there husbands are making a living. Then what? Do we just stay within our own community, or do we see all sides of the coin. 

    Bless the Nite, 


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