
  • "Astronomers unveil portrait of 'super-exotic super-Earth"

    ...we cannot live there of course, cause it has twice the density of Earth, and temperatures that goes up to 2,700 Celcious... but its something to ponder...

  • I've heard that this Earth is the Dark Cabal's most valued possesion. I've also heard "This Earth is important because when this Earth ascends, the whole Universe ascends." I think that hints that we are the only spiritually advanced creatures in the universe and other creatures are immortal or without the capability to feel emotions given to them by their planet.
    • I won´t agree with that one bit.

      I think there is so many other Earths out there but I still respect, honour and love our Earth.

      I think all this ´crappy crap´about the ´Dark Cabal´is mostly a construct of those who talk the most about this ´Dark Cabal´.

      Who´s always talking about this ´Dark Cabal´? You the guys who keep talking about it because you were the first with the news about the Dark Cabal´s existence something like 11 to 13 years ago.

      What does that tell me?

      You are your own self - created ´Dark Cabal´and only you can decide when this Dark Cabal you have created or are somehow part of will come to an end......

      After all the Dark Cabal is supposed to be largely a human construct or part or the result of the human condition right?

      And I am talking about other Earths - not some ´dark Cabal´somewhere......that´d be the business of ´dark Cabal´historians.........

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