

Each of You Have The Power To Create Miracles! By Saint Germaine & Lee Degani


Lee Degani:


I just love this message from St. Germaine that reminds us of the power of  using our imagination!  


Saint Germaine:


Greetings. I am St. Germaine and I come to you with my title of Saint because it is to let you know, that you also have this same title. Now what is a saint? A saint is seen as someone who does good works, one that is connected to the Divine.


But a saint is also one that can create, that can create miracles and that is your heritage, that is your legacy. That is what I come to share with thee today. That you too have the capacity, the ability.  You have within the very essence of your soul, within your genes, within your DNA, however you wish to see it, as a gift from God even, that you have the ability to create miracles. 


Now how does one go about that how? I ask you to find that which humors thee. For humor brings you into the higher vibration and being in the higher vibration is where miracles do occur.


And I do not say, can occur. I say, do occur. Many times you are creating miracles without even realizing you are doing it. You wonder, wow! Why is it that all of a sudden money is coming my way? Or why is it that my relationship seems to be better?  Or why is it that my health is improving?


Because they were originally wishes, thoughts that you decided within, without maybe realizing it, that you would like to have in your life. And you say, St Germaine, I have those wishes all the time and it does not happen.


Beloved, when you are in the higher vibration, it does.  For the thoughts attract the energy that is the creating energy to make whatever it is that you wish to happen. It is as simple as that.


It is not work, it is play. So I ask you, will you come play with me? Will you step into the world of a child, of laughter, of fun, of imagination? For this is where it starts. 


Imagination is a gift. It is part of your makeup. It is what you were given as you were born and even before. Imagination is a tool that is meant to stay with you throughout all your years. Imagination opens the doors. It opens the viewpoint that all can be as you wish.


You have heard of the dancers and the athletes that perhaps had injuries and were told they could never perform again. But yet with their imagination they began exercising. With their imagination, they saw what could be accomplished. Through imagination, they combined it with belief and yes, this is not that this will be, but that this is. 


I ask you to do the same. What is it that your heart desires? Become a child. Laugh! I am known for my laughter. I am well known for my fun, and I bring these gifts to you. Step into that world of delight, of even taking a morsel, perhaps a chocolate and savoring it and saying, this is delicious, thank you! For that brings you into the higher vibration. 


And you say, just as I have this chocolate that tastes so delicious, what else would I like to taste that is so delicious? I am now tasting the freedom that I am wishing for.  I am now tasting the excellent health, the full health that I have been yearning for. I am now tasting the abundance that I have been asking for. 

What will you do with all of that beloved?


Begin to make your list, make a file. Bring it into reality and then let it go. For it has been put into motion. This is the magic of the creation laws of the universe and of course it will never hurt to use my violet fire and let it burn up anything that is a doubt that you have this ability. And use it under your imaginative ideas for it also is a tool of creation. 


And so I leave thee. Laugh, smile, imagine!  Imagine that you are even more than you have ever seen yourself to be. Farewell with Love. 


💕Love always, Lee 


Audio Recording - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bjcx7ycie0y8otyyjfrz2/St.-Germaine-I...



💙 Meditation Healing Circle - Free: 

Tuesday, February 4, 7:30 p.m. EST

Usually the first Tuesday of the month More Information 


The Recording of the Circle is always available the next day on my vimeo channel and is sent out the following Sunday with Lee's Love Notes. 

Want a reminder the day of the meditation circle? If you have not been receiving one, register here. 


Video Link: Meditation Healing Circle With Angel Of Light





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