The duo got tens of millions of New Age Westerners to meditate on giving all their spiritual energy to Brighton’s Fountain. In 1981 Tim Rifat met the MI6 Occult Branch Magus: Colin Blay. It was at the inception of the Fountain Group at St. Bartholomew's Church in Brighton. In meditation they touched theta at 7HZ. So when dreaming at 7HZ REM sleep their biophysical bodies powered the duo, who used the tens of millions of 7HZ sleeper to power DNA Teleportation on a strategic scale. The Brighton Fountain sprayed water into the air producing the dilution effect from ten million to a trillion times needed for the DNA Teleportation effect. (Can the new Illuminati hierarchy of real vampires be stopped?)

There had to be the Duo. This was because the software to imprint Memetic and specific DNA changes was Enochian Magic; given to a duo of Dr. Dee and his psychic who saw Enochian Angels in a crystal ball. This Chequerboard magic enabled MI6 occult branch to control DNA Telepathy to:-

a)      Change the DNA of humans to hurt or heal.

b)      Enable dark energy matter entities to control and possess human bio-robots.

c)      To control every thought and action (Meme) of the human bio-robot.

d)      To control the physical Matrix by using the control of the human observer to change the physical Matrix. It was used by Dr. Dee and his psychic to make the storm that sunk the Spanish Armada.

One can see now that the DNA Genetic Engineering technology has wider applications when broadened into the Enochian Angel Dr. Dee 007 Service. To show this Colin Bloy (the 007) and Tim Rifat (the Psychic) formed the Duo. A duo is needed because all Enochian magic depends in the form of a chess board grid. This grid uses the 7HZ REM sleepers to carry out a) to d) above. To show how this was done, the Duo used the Fountain connected to all other monuments and fountains in the West, overlaid with the chequerboard, produced by the tens of millions of New Age dreamers to carry out a) to d) on the British public.

At the time in 1981 Britain was torn by industrial disputes. The Unions foremost among which were the National Union of Miners (NUM) were involved in a brutal street war with MI5 and the Police over Margaret Thatcher’s plans to turn Britain into a slave state ruled by big business. The Duo used Enochian controlled DNA Teleportation to change the DNA of every British person.

To do this the tens of millions of New Age Dreamers were used as the 7HZ DNA Teleportation power source, channelled by the Dr. Dee Duo genetically modify the Western population, into the authority obeying slave that is now the Westerner. How was this done? Most of the New Age movement in female. It worships the Mother, Goddess, female principle. Colin Bloy and Tim Rifat broadcast the female Morphogenic Field into all Westerners using DNA Teleportation. Amplified by the Freemasonic network of buildings and monuments, it forced the female Morphogenic Field into all Westerners to induce:-

·        The XX chromosome sex doublet of the female genome into the cells of all Westerners male and female.

·        The XX chromosome sex doublet amplified the female phenotype in all Western females, causing among other things:-

                    i.            Obese female sows. The female sex chromosome causes fat to be deposited in females. Females are genetically programmed by the sex chromosomes to be fatter. Super female sows caused by Morphogenic DNA Teleportation are super fat. This changed the Western female into the fat sow now the norm in the West. America and the UK were the centre of the New Age movement, so Americans and British are the super obese.

                    ii.            Females are genetically designed to obey alpha males, so the super female sow. Brings in the Nanny Police State of rules and regulations of US, UK and EU. Where devotion to Nanny State conformity is a must.

                    iii.            The amplification of the XX chromosome limits intelligence as it floods the sow with female hormones. To produce the fat stupid Western sow.

                    iv.            Cancer rises as these abnormal levels of female hormones triggers: breast cancer, cervical cancer…

                    v.            The genetically modified sow becomes permanently switched into the aggressive maternal mode of biology. Supporting the vicious Nanny Police State raises her progeny without a father, because she can’t stand any male, only docile drone New Age eunuchs that go along with all her insanities. Be a eunuch or no sex and you never see your children again.

·        Males fair worse. The sex chromosomes of the female interfere with the XY sex chromosomes of the male. The result:-

                    i.            Males that are feminised. The New Age Western Eunuch. In 1981 the UK had vicious male strikes to overthrow the Rothschild Thatcherite Police State that upheld the rich. Feminisation of the Western male turned them into the minimum wage or unemployed wage slave; with no union, no rights and kicked out of their jobs by foreign migrants, who work for peanuts; or worse still, job exported to (zero wage) Third World countries to render Westerners beggars in a rich man’s world.

                    ii.            The XY chromosome genes operate differently in a female Morphogenic cell, displaying female characteristics. Reducing sperm counts, boosting homosexuality. The females becoming more lesbian. Westerners are homosexual, African blacks heterosexual – blacks lynch homosexuals. DNA Teleportation has turned Westerners into docile transgender wageslaves. The: sow, eunuch and piglet Archetypes. The effect is more and pronounced each generation due to Lamarkism.

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