Cobra - Etheric Liberation Update

There is even more progress being made. The etheric Archon grid in layers between 110 feet and 8.6 miles above and below the surface of the planet is slowly (and in some cases not so slowly) disintegrating due to actions of the Light forces and there are more and more Light beings present in those etheric layers. 
In the meantime, the innermost surface etheric layer (up to 110 feet above and below the surface profile) is still pretty dense with few occasional cracks in the Matrix. The main problem remaining is the etheric ELF HAARP technology which keeps the Matrix in this layer in place. You can experience this technology as a low frequency hum or vibration, which you can feel both in your physical and your etheric energy body, as etheric sound tends to propagate through the physical plane as well. You can feel it also as an electrical current in certain parts of your body, a feeling of spatial disorientation (due to strong etheric magnetic field) or a cold energy present around your aura (due to etheric electromagnetic standing wave resonance interfering with your auric membrane). When there will be more awareness about this technology among the awakened part of the surface population, the Light forces will remove it so much more easily. 
You can see a simplified explanation of the current planetary situation on this picture:
Or read an excellent article about the progress of the etheric liberation process here:
Except for the technical details about the position and size of the remaining unliberated etheric layers, I completely agree with intel presented in that article and I would recommend everybody to read it. 
Victory of the Light is near!

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  • thanks for sharing OrangeC.

    i too have a ringing in the ears, like it was a LARGE high powered transformer pluses hum to it. it is higher frequency.
    i somehow been hearing lately it's been changeing it's pulses at times, i too have been hearing humming pitch for years like i have water plugged up ears, now this constant hum so to speak, but not the pulse changes which has been in the last 7 months or so.!!!!!!!!!!!
    i like the sound, as if it was my friend, and i use this hum sound to keep me in the NOW moment as much as possable so i don't go day dreaming into my head, and so i can absorb every sight, smell, taste, touch of the NOW momment, this is something not that easy for long periods of time, it does quiet the mind from the chatter of the mind, absent minded to me does occur at times, but i would rather have the heart brain online, how do i say this, "talking to me". other things are happening now to me that i could not say before, i will keep it to myslef, untill i can understand it better of what is going on. these are the golden times i.m.h.o.

    blessings to all of us for we are all one
  • More info on the hum

    "The Archons control the grid with advanced etheric technology. The whole etheric plane within the 17.2 mile layer controlled by the Archons is permeated with strong electromagnetic field chambers that can distort space-time structure according to the program of the etheric mainframe computer program which directs the flow of etheric energies worldwide in a way that controls humanity the most. These chambers detect all positive thoughts and emotions and if these are too powerful, the chambers  send a signal to the etheric mainframe computer which then tightens the grid of distorted electromagnetic field around the person experiencing positivity, effectively shutting it down. If this is not enough, it activates additional ELF chambers with a low frequency infrasound hum that suppresses the person, with additional electric pulses sent into the solar plexus chakra to shortcircuit the kundalini energy, shutting it down. This is sometimes combined with strong electromagnetic fields around the third eye chakra, disorienting the mind and making the person sleepy or almost drugged. Along with that, strong negative thoughtforms are projected, constantly bombarding  the mind of the person. "

  • This is not the surface haarp, this is the etheric elf haarp. And yes i agree we don't need to fear the etheric grid as it is slowly being dissolved. Progress is being made.

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