“Challenges We're Facing, As We Move Through the Timeline”



I received a phone call from a very dear friend just this morning, a “Light Warrior” just like me, who I hadn’t spoken to for quite a long time. I noticed that when something has to be addressed, the Universe puts us back together. I call us “The Awesome two-some”.

When she calls and asks, “So, Ari…. what’s been going on lately?”, I know that she’s trying to gauge where things are at with respect to changes, transformation, challenges we are all facing in reference to spiritual work, etc. So, she calls and asks me the question: “Ari how are things, lately?”

“Where do I begin”, I ask myself. So many things are occurring and have occurred that I know that she is experiencing challenges, just like I am and that she’s trying to confirm her observations. So, I begin telling her what is transpiring with me. These are things that are so blatant and in my face that I know whose signature it carries.

I have been involved in Sustainability and helping others become self-sustainable. I started a company whose mission is to train others to get back to basics via sustainable, integrated growing systems using aquaponics. Because helping others by empowering them to become food secure is number one priority to me right now, this is what the opposing force is drawn to like a moth to a light.

I have owned a pick-up truck, which was appointed to me by The Command, for use in Command work, as part of ground crew missions. It is well taken care of and has provided numerous assignment details that have accomplished many missions. It had another mission to accomplish – the pickup of necessary equipment for installation of aquaponic systems.

I had been driving the truck for two weeks, since my return from a one month stay in Florida, and the truck begins to kick and lose power and kick and sputter. I call my mechanic, who does home visits and I explain the symptoms. He says, “It sounds like a tune-up job to me….” We discuss his labor and he agrees to do it for $100.

So, I get the parts, and he comes over. He puts in all the filters and all the spark plugs, except the last one – number six. Number six breaks in half, as he’s trying to remove it to put in the new one. Now it’s an ordeal to remove it.  He tells me the news last Monday that he has to chisel the ceramic casing to break it in order for him to be able to grab the pin, or whatever it is.

In between his trying to break it, he tells me he doesn’t have this or that tool and I have to go get one. I make several trips during this little snapshot of a “reality” in the life of Ari and spend a pretty penny, which I don’t have to begin with, in order to provide tools that this mechanic should have had. I just want my vehicle fixed so I can go and do what I need to do – get the equipment.

The mechanic struggles to pull out what is left inside the cylinder; but, every hour or two of his scratching his head trying to figure out a new strategy, he takes off in his car and is gone for a good three -four hours. Meanwhile, my truck is not moving. The hood is left open, the parts moved here and there. It’s almost like it’s on a surgery table with its guts splattered on its side, while the surgeon is out finding tools, going for coffee or doing another surgery at another hospital.

I was getting angry, but still trying to understand that this was part of the process and that in the end, I’d have a wonderful working vehicle that would serve me again. The problem is that the longer he takes in getting back, the more worried I become and to top it all off, he isn’t answering his phone nor calling me back when I call to ask him where he is and when he’s going to be back. I’m without a vehicle and the opportunity of picking up the equipment I need and for that low price is quickly diminishing.

Day two, he’s back…. Looks at it, tries prying out whatever piece is in there, decides that he doesn’t have the tools again, and makes me go to the store to buy a long 10 inch drill bit to drill the piece that is now even further down. I just want this to happen, so I go, without questioning, without hesitation.

 I bring him the drill bit and he goes at it. Several hours later, the piece is still embedded. He leaves to the store for several hours. He comes back around Five PM and calls his cousin the mechanic. The cousin shows up about two hours later. The light of day is quickly fading. The cousin-mechanic convinces me that he’s the “man” and he’s going to get this done….. I put my faith in him and go with the flow. Around eight, he says he needs to come back tomorrow because he doesn’t have the tools he needs and there is no light.

I’m sure you all understand by now that I am not smiling. I’m in a haze of disbelief. I had committed to pick up a restaurant’s organic compost with the truck, a service that one of my companies provides, and I had been after this restaurant for weeks trying to win their business.

The cousin-mechanic offers to relieve the situation by offering me his work truck that he would bring by when he came at ten in the morning. This way, I would have use of it to pick up the equipment and pick up the compost from my new client. I thought that he was being very accommodating and I agree.

Day Three arrives. It is 11:30 in the morning, and no sign of the mechanic or cousin-mechanic. I begin to call them and all I get is an answering machine. Then, I hear the dogs barking and I peek out the window. There they are, looking into the belly of the disemboweled patient, their huge flatbed truck parked across the street, in front of the neighbor’s house, facing the neighbor’s parked car. I go outside and they hand me the keys to the truck. I take them and go back inside the house. I begin gathering the bins that I need to be able to load up in the truck, in order to pick up the compost from the restaurant. When I walk outside, they’re gone…. I guess they needed to get a tool!

So, I walk up to this parked truck. The entire bed of the truck is metal and the cousin-mechanic had built a shallow enclosure around it in order to keep the stuff he had on the bed from falling out of the backside. The metal bed showed signs of rust, but it was solid metal. I knew that it was perfect in size, big enough to allow me to pick up the piece of equipment I needed and to allow me to pick up the compost.

I open the door, put the bins in the front passenger seat, and try to reach the clutch – yep, it was stick-shift – and can’t reach it (because cousin-mechanic is six foot three). I struggle trying to find the lever that will allow me to move the seat up. After ten minutes of searching, giving up, putting my foot on the clutch to crank the engine, while standing (because I’m only five three), my leg going numb, getting tired and going back to searching for the lever, I finally find it. The seat goes forward. I am now sitting comfortably, and crank the engine.

I slowly go forward and then put the truck in reverse and then forward again – a mini U-turn in a very narrow street, and all along trying to avoid hitting my discombobulated pick-up truck and the neighbor’s parked car. As, I’m now facing the correct way, I notice that the emergency brake light is on and I can’t figure out where the lever is to pop out the emergency brake. So, I pull to the side of the curb, 20 or so feet in front of my pick-up truck, in order to call cousin-mechanic.

I dial and get him to pick up – Joy! I tell him that the emergency brake is on and I can’t find the lever. He proceeds to educate me as to where it is. “It’s broken, but it’s a little ball down the side of the dash….”  I start looking for a little ball…. No little ball to be found.  I had parked the truck and had turned the engine off. I get out of the truck to inspect the underside of the dash, as cousin-mechanic gives me instructions. The door of the truck is open and I’m standing on the road, looking underneath the dash.  I’m looking and looking. I see this metal gadget that looks nothing like what the “cuz” was describing and I yank it. The brakes release. “Yay”, I say to him. It worked!

And then the truck starts rolling back.

“Oh my God”, I yell… the truck is moving!

“Huh,” Cuz says.

The truck was being pulled by a slight incline in the road and gravity was rolling that massive metal, rust-encrusted bed right into my incapacitated, sitting-duck-F-150 truck!

“Help,” I screamed. It’s going to hit my truck…..  “Oh, My GOD!!!!!”

I’m doing the Flintstones thing with my left leg – trying to keep it in pace with the momentum of the massive truck going backwards while my right leg was in the truck pressing down on the emergency break and the regular brakes, but to no avail.

“Oh, My GOD – HELP!” I screamed. “It’s about to hit my truck – I can’t stop it”!

I had dropped the phone on the driver’s seat. I could hear Cuz yelling back, “What’s going on? What’s happening????”

Then, everything went into slow motion and I jumped realities or something. I saw the metal truck plunge into my pickup truck, could hear the noise of the crash. I couldn’t stop it. The force pulling that truck and the massiveness of this truck, was too much for a small 5’3” person, with past knee injuries. I couldn’t stop it!

I got out of the truck to just allow my heart to sink, while I watched it plow into my truck like a hot butter knife.

But, it didn’t. It turned at the split second. It turned magically, by itself, and missed my truck by an atom!

But, now it was now heading for the neighbors car that was also a sitting duck.

“Oh, no… not the neighbors car”, I say out loud.  “It’s going to hit the other car”, I yell. “Oh, No…. HELP!”

I’m seeing the neighbor’s vehicle, that will soon be an accordion, and I can taste the aftermath, the screaming neighbor, the screaming "Cuz" and the possible lawsuit. My stomach was in my throat. I didn’t know what was worse, my vehicle being smashed or the aftermath with the neighbor when their vehicle got obliterated.

I tried to move the steering wheel so that the truck would go into the small space between my truck and the neighbor’s car and miss it; but the truck was going too fast down the hill and was almost upon the car for it to turn into that opening.

I was waiting to hear the crash of metal, the sound one would hear when you crunch a coke can but more magnified. I knew something not of the Light was involved. Something very sinister. It had its signature all over this. I was being messed with and I knew it.


Then, I sensed the Cavalry from the Higher Heavens. It explains how the truck "magically" turned. Oh Dear Abba Nartoomid, who hears my every call, who knows all my thoughts, who is one with my heart…. I felt them - The Host of Heaven came rushing in! The Legions of Michael heard my cry!

The reality I was in suddenly shifted.

In slow-motion, the massive metal Truck-bed was just plowing into the neighbor’s car, when it was suddenly stopped cold on its tracks! It just stopped! It stopped a hair from touching the vehicle!

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth! Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts – that doesn’t allow one hair of our heads to be moved.


I witnessed the dark forces wanting to create pain and havoc and I also witnessed the Light forces come in, a battalion of Light, and stop them in their tracks! All this, from the front-row seating of a theater located on the street where I live.

I am in tears and laughing as I write this. I AM so humbled because my Beloved Host of Heaven is Always with me!

Day four: I have my truck towed to the dealership to have a second opinion. I had followed the tow truck into the “truck hospital” to make sure it was OK.  I had driven my partner’s car to get there. I leave the service department with this sense of apprehension. I have no idea what’s wrong with my truck and whether I can afford making it work again.

On my way home, the traffic is bumper to bumper. The two lanes are stopped for almost a mile. I take the outermost lane, which is used for turning left. I need to turn left at the light, which is almost a mile up. I take it to avoid the stand-still traffic and to be able to turn left when the light changes.

My mind is occupied with the thought of my truck and what the cost of fixing it would be. I see that the lane is clear and I drive at regular speed, preoccupied with my thoughts. All of a sudden, my foot is lifted and forcefully placed on the brakes. The car comes to a screeching stop. It all happened too fast to capture each nano-second of the event; but, a car had suddenly emerged from an opening that was created from the stopped traffic and was crossing my lane to make a left. His car and my car were one hair from each other when my car was forced to stop. I didn’t’ realize that this was what was occurring, until after the car stopped. The Host of Heaven is always with me, and one of them is always my Co-Pilot!


There are forces, during these latter days, that know the timeline and are blatantly causing havoc for many who serve the Light. I know that there are many who think these negative ones are off the planet, but I tell you they are not. This is given to me from the Host of Heaven who do not take this lightly and the information that they are off planet has been spread to deceive and to let our guards down.

Take a quick review of your life lately and make a mental note as to the times that you have had a moment of joy or were on the right track with your life and then all of a sudden things turned around and went the opposite direction. Look closely at those things that are not working in your life right now. Many call it Karma or the law of cause and effect. I know it’s more than that…. I write this article to give you knowledge because knowledge here is power. We need to call this what it is because in not doing so, our guards are down and we leave ourselves vulnerable to these forces that wish nothing more than to interfere with our progress and transformation. This is not in Divine Order and I'm calling it out!

Many people that I know that are “Light Workers” are telling me they are experiencing similar things where “chaos” is happening in their lives, or strange things are happening where groups are disintegrating or their message groups are being attacked or closed by Yahoo. Another person told me the artwork or hanging picture frames in her home were being knocked off the walls and batted across her hallway and rooms. This is not of the Light and those forces that are doing this do not serve The LIGHT.

I ask you to please open up your eyes so that you know what you are dealing with and therefore you can handle it, and handle it with strength and ease.

We are here, on this planet, in human form, during the Change of a Great Cycle timeline. This era has happened many times before and those that have been through it left guidelines. During these times, my Beloveds, we are dealing with “powers and principalities” that are in direct opposition to the Light we carry.  We shine brightly and represent the Transformation of this world, the further evolution for the human species to enter a New Era of Peace and Illumination - an era where we’ll wear our bodies of Light. The dark ones will not hesitate to prevent this triumph.

I invite all of you that are currently experiencing the things that I have just mentioned in your lives to comment and express what you are experiencing for the benefit of everyone who reads this article.

Please rest assured that all the tools and protection to deal with this has already been given to us by our Beloved Host of Heaven. We need to arm ourselves with the armament of Light, and we need to use the tools given to create a Force field around us and our loved ones.

I will now provide you again with the most important tools in your arsenal for protection:

1)      Say a minimum of twelve times, and consistently under your breath for constant Shield of protection:

  1. Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth – Holy, Holy, Holy is The Lord of Hosts!

2)      Visualize the Violet, consuming Flame all around you, around your loved ones, in your home, outside your home, in your office, around your building or business. Watch it as it consumes and transmutes the negative ones, the negative energies, negative circumstances, illnesses and discord. Visualize it consuming these negative things. Visualize the Violet Flame transmuting the negative energy into the Vibrant Light, the Light of our Host of Heaven. Let this High Vibrational Light now flow back to Mother Earth to bless her.

3)      Put on your cloaks of Invisibility. This cloak is used by the Ascended Masters and is an energetic cloak that makes you invisible to the negatives and psychic attack.  Visualize being invisible and disappearing from view or detection. Know it is so and thank the Creator that it is so and seal it with Amen or other word representing it is done, it is so. KNOW it is happened.

4)      Pray and/or meditate. Connect to Source to the Illumined Worlds. Ask for assistance, guidance and unceasing protection. Know it is so and be in gratitude that it has occurred.

5)      Call on Michael and His Legions of Angels. These will arrive at your side immediately, when beckoned.

6)      Call on Michael and His Legions of Angels. These will arrive at your side immediately, when beckoned.

7)      Call on Michael and His Legions of Angels. These will arrive at your side immediately, when beckoned.

8)      I hope I got my point across!

The key here is “KNOWING” in your heart that it is so!

The Host of Heaven WILL NOT Fail You! You need to call on them for assistance! They will not interfere with Free Will; therefore, YOU need to Call Them!

As we get further into the timeline, we will experience many challenges and witness and hear about many strange events that cannot be explained. Do not get upset, do not go into fear, be poised, be calm, be centered and “Know” you are protected. Let it go and do not pay attention to it or dwell on it. The negatives feed on distress and emotional breakdown. Know it is only an experience that we have while in physical form during these times. Remember too that we have chosen to be here during these times. Do not fall for believing that you are a victim, if and when these things come knocking on your door. You are not a victim! This is part of the test – Know you are DIVINE, and Untouchable by anything that is not from the Light of GOD.

This post was a hard one to do, because it is not bubbly and uplifting, shall we say; but, it is extremely important for me to address this with everyone. These negative forces exist and are still present on the planet. Many of us are experiencing hardships and negative situations due to these negative ones feeding off the negative emotions that are elicited by us when they create difficult situations that we feel we can’t handle. The call from my friend this morning was the Reveille to get me to write this message.

Please arm yourselves with the Gifts and Tools of the Host of Heaven. Please do not put your guards down. These things are real and there is a lot of trickery and deception to pull us off our mark, especially as we get further into the timeline.

Day 5, Saturday: I get a call from the dealership service department to let me know that the truck might need a new engine. It’ll be up to $5,000 to get my truck repaired. I’m upset and feeling like a victim!

Day 6, Sunday - Today: I realize I’m not a victim by reliving the incident with the Huge truck almost smashing my vulnerable pick-up truck. I relive almost killing myself and/or the other driver as I almost plow into his vehicle. I realize how protected I AM and how the Host of Heaven has my back. Why do I doubt?  I KNOW I’m not a victim and I KNOW how to deal with it.  My daughter tells me her friend bought a truck at an auction with low mileage for $600. It's better than the $3,000 to $5,000 to get my truck repaired. There is a silver lining on that dark cloud after all! I realize that without those negative instances, I wouldn't have noticed how the Host of Heaven has my back at ALL times and how truly protected and blessed I AM! How else could this be shown, unless I had experienced situations that merited Their help?

Empower yourselves with the tools given…. The Host of Heaven has your back too - always and in All Ways!

Blessings, Light and Protection,

El Ari AN


Article from: http://12-21-2012.ning.com/profiles/blogs/challenges-we-re-facing-as-we-move-through-the-timeline

May be shared in its entirety by giving full credit to the author and to this site:



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  • Feather Winger, if you use the tools that have been given to us, you will feel empowered! 

    The Violet Flame use is very important and the Kodoish mantra never fails....



  • The good thing is that this is a venue where we can talk about these things and not be considered crazy! I'm glad you too are so protected, Marianinia. Blessings to you sweet Sister.

  • Thanks for the advice Ari : )

    It's a good idea not to be complacent right now.

    I let my guard down recently because everything seemed to be going so well,

    now I'm still trying to dig my way out of the hole I slipped into!

    Thank goodness for the Host of Heaven and their divine assistance!

    (and all the wonderful AC Angels who brighten my life : )

    Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth!

    Many Blessings To All...








    • Hang in their Kelly. The Host of Heaven is right there for you! Know this and don't forget to call on them when you need assistance.

  • Wonderful to read ...you have to write a book on your life experiences so far ..it will be a big hit
    • Lol - Thank you Krishna....  my adventures are forever unfolding!  Thank you for the encouragement. 



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