The credit of this info goes to our own Dechen, who emailed this to me.  As of 8/28/2012, Galactic Free Press will no longer have messages from Greg Giles on their site.  Here is the link:


The messages states:


While we haven't had messages from Greg Giles up on the front page of the GFP for a while now, we've decided to no longer have his messages on the user-submitted blogs section as well. We've felt his messages we're a bit off for a while, and yesterday's message, which called for violent removal of Cabal members, is not something we want on our site at all. 5D Beings would never advocate that sort of thing. Those who wish to continue following Greg's messages can do so on his site:


Those of the dark cannot hide their true colors or intent.  It was only a matter of time that Greg would step over the line as ascension draws near.  As more and more people's consciousness are awakening, it is our responsiblity to protect and guide them.  To continue to allow his messages to lead astray good-hearted individuals is something all lightworkers here must be accounted for.  Other sites have answered the call and stood up to protect their site and their members!!  It's time we done the same!!  NOW, LET'S DO IT!!! 

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  • Wrong again, Andy. You really think that people criticize Giles messages, because they're working for the dark side....and are here to cause division and disunity. You really think that, oh my lord.

    People criticize Giles messages because of the content...because they say things which never happen, or are caught lying, like with Geithner...or because of how they say things. That turned people off and made them suspicious...and the last straw was when they told us to use arms and break into the elite houses...a foolish thing by any standard. That's why people criticize it, and they should criticize it. And that's not hard to see, I don't know why you guys can't see guys seriously don't think clearly.

    I mean SaLuSa even admitted that they manipulated us with the whole August 4th thing, they admitted it. They knew it wasn't going to happen. And where were you guys to demand an answer and where. You guys seriously are fodder, and you should be thanking people for defending you and sticking up for humanity, by making sure these guys are kept honest.

  • Well I applaud you for sticking to it, and making sure people who put out false messages are held accountable. What would the world do without people like you, who make sure that truth is upheld...for all the other people who just passively site by and do nothing but focus on their own life. They have no idea what they're doing.

    And I'm glad basically everyone, except the true diehards blinded by starting to see Giles messages as false. And that's nothing against Giles, I feel bad for him....but the messages are false, period. And we need to stand up and make sure whoever is putting those messages out through him are held accountable. You can forgive...but they can't just be free to walk away from what they're doing. They're causing alot of trouble here, turning people against the GF, causing confusion and disillusionment....and they need to answer for it. And again, I applaud you, and all other defenders of truth out there...who again, do the work the weak are too passive to do.

    • What do you guys refer to as false? Because once again it is alluding to this pretentious reality of loving, kind, forgetfulness and blissful type of world, yes to a degree. But that does not mean we will not answer for what we allowed to happen. Remember Greg Giles is channeling his postings which doesn't reflect his thought whatsoever.

      You are getting these messages from higher beings who see whats going on in this world play by play. Now did they something to the detriment of Greg's reputation that caused people to just exclude him from the ''light worker community'' which I can't stand because it is becoming generic in a nature that precedes the reality of the situation at hand that basically describes a world where no one will be held accountable for their wrong doing but to just simply love them away and ascend into this 5th dimensional paradise with out the consequences of what you may have done to keep other people away from also ascending into this 5th dimensional paradise.

      ''Wrong'' the illuminati wiil be held accountable and face the consequences of their actions whether they willingly submit to higher authority or be taken their by force. They brought it upon themselves. And what I got from that message was that they were not referring to the everyday man and woman to take up arms themselves and march and take down the illuminati with guns blazing. They were referring to people or commanders in the military who are in the positions of influence to get things moving before time runs out, which it is.

      Here is a posting from COBRA describing the hold up. 

      Greed and lust for power inside the Light forces on the surface of this planet (Positive Military, White Dragon Society…) is understandable and tolerable as an intrinsic part of the human nature, to a certain point. But when it begins to hinder operations, create delays, or when certain suffering could be prevented inside the general population and it is not, people responsible for this will be held accountable. The Resistance Movement is monitoring all operations of the surface positive groups and knows exactly what everybody is doing. 

      This is why that posting from Greg Giles got him kicked off The Galactic Free Press. That posting was titled  ''Communique From Our Commanders'' Do you understand now? Those beings are fed up with the postponements and delays. Here is more of the COBRA posting...

      (The Resistance Movement will give positive groups on the surface of the planet  a certain limited period of time to carry out the actual liberation themselves. If they fail to do so, direct action will be taken by the Resistance independently from any positive groups or the general population. This is the second part of Operation Omega Phoenix. Very few details will be given out before the actual operation itself. If Operation Omega Phoenix 2 will be needed, it will be less user-friendly to the general population because a little more severe disruptions in the distribution chain are possible. The Green Light (advance notice to the general population) for Operation Omega Phoenix 2 may or may not be issued.)
       (The “containment”, as many channels describe it, is not possible. There will be actual physical arrests of the Cabal taking place. The positive ET forces will only assist from the distance with their light healing and balancing technologies to ensure they will happen with as little violence as possible.) Greg Giles was right on the money with that posting because it aligned with two other postings I've read. Yall better start doing more research.
      COBRA said they will be actual physical arrest. So why was Greg so discarded by posting something that said the Galactic Federation will be forced to remove the Cabal by force? Isn't he speaking the truth. Which is what this so call light worker community is supposed to be about?
  • First of all, How in the world that anybody would have known how the dark cabal could have been removed? You see this is the problem with this ''light worker community'' thing you guys are under the impression that everything in the 5th dimension is lovey dovey, rose buds and baby puppies. I've read articles on Steve Beckow's site ( channels from Agarthans from when Admiral Byrd visited inner Earth as he described once landed and entered the compounds of this crystal  like etheric building clearly indicating a highly evolved civilization resides there.

    And to me What Greg Giles channeled which was titled ''Communique From Our Commanders'' that rubbed people wrong way and basically came off as if it was more of a militant type of instructions by beings that clearly or some sort of SPEC OPS Team that is less tolerable and more assertive in their duties when it comes to removing entities that are to stubborn and relentless to relinquish power they clearly didn't earn but taken up with force. Well ''News Flash'' Let me tell you why Greg Giles got the message he got that day that resulted in him getting removed from the Galactic Free Press.

    In Admiral E. Byrd Diary he had gotten the same message from those same 5th dimensional entities Greg Giles got his message from and it read..........

    'We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known on the Surface World, Admiral.' Surface World, I half-gasp under my breath! 'Yes," the Master replies with a smile, 'you are in the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth. We shall not long delay your mission, and you will be safely escorted back to the surface and for a distance beyond. But now, Admiral, I shall tell you why you have been summoned here. 

    You see, we have never interfered before in your race's wars, and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely, that of atomic energy. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our Culture and Science is many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral.' I interrupted, 'But what does this have to do with me, Sir?' 

     I say to you, my son, there is a great storm gathering in your world, a black fury that will not spend itself for many years. There will be no answer in your arms, there will be no safety in your science. It may rage on until every flower of your culture is trampled, and all human things are leveled in vast chaos. Your recent war was only a prelude of what is yet to come for your race. We here see it more clearly with each you say I am mistaken?'


    'No,' I answer, 'it happened once before, the dark ages came and they lasted for more than five hundred years.'

    'Yes, my son,' replied the Master, 'the dark ages that will come now for your race will cover the Earth like a pall, but I believe that some of your race will live through the storm, beyond that, I cannot say. We see at a great distance a new world stirring from the ruins of your race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will be here, my son, safe in our keeping. When that time arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive your culture and your race. Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strife...and after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race to begin anew. You, my son, are to return to the Surface World with this message.....' End Quote


    The Dark Ages are referring to when the Europeans were isolated in Europe in the caves when they were exiled from Africa which then put them in a sever survivor mode mentality which justifies how barbaric and murderous they became sense they were basically in seclusion and had to fin  for themselves and find sources of food and how to heat the food, which is why you always here about how they rubbed two stones together to create a fire described in the documentary on Discovery Channel called Before We Ruled The World which chronicles European plight. So that's what that being was implying to Admiral Byrd when he said 

    ('No,' I answer, 'it happened once before, the dark ages came and they lasted for more than five hundred years.')

    ('Yes, my son,' replied the Master, 'the dark ages that will come now for your race will cover the Earth like a pall,)


    So please people get yourselves from under the impression that all 5th dimensional beings are these people that know nothing but love, peace, kindness and prosperity. Not to say they are bad people but you guy need to snap back from reality and stop buying into that lie because you will be in a world of shock when you find out that these beings are real upset at how we treated this planet and how we continue to treat this planet. Greg Giles has gotten more support from me when he got that message because I was waiting for when they would drop all the ''Dear Ones'' type of of stuff and get more down to business. You guys are escaping to much into these Astral web-sites and creating this false world of thinking we will not get chastised and get a talking to when Disclosure happens.

    You are sadly mistaking you really are. They the higher dimensional entities will not let us slide that easy. They are going to make you look at what humanity has done to this planet and why and how it got that way. Simply just letting people govern our lives with out the slightest care in the world of how our giving this power away will affect future lives. We are living in that result now. That is what that new movie is about ''Cloud Atlas with Tom Hanks and Halle Berry'' when the decisions they made in previous lives effected no matter how big or small the mistake was shaped their reality for the better of for the worse their future lives. Greg Giles did not make a mistake when he did that posting. He was right on the money. And you guys will continue from here on messages that start to get real serious.

    • *****

      Tivon said:

      The Dark Ages are referring to when the Europeans were isolated in Europe in the caves when they were exiled from Africa which then put them in a sever survivor mode mentality which justifies how barbaric and murderous they became sense they were basically in seclusion and had to fin for themselves and find sources of food and how to heat the food, which is why you always here about how they rubbed two stones together to create a fire described in the documentary on Discovery Channel called Before We Ruled The World which chronicles European plight. So that's what that being was implying to Admiral Byrd when he said

      ('No,' I answer, 'it happened once before, the dark ages came and they lasted for more than five hundred years.')

      ('Yes, my son,' replied the Master, 'the dark ages that will come now for your race will cover the Earth like a pall,)


      ^ Umm no. That is one twisted, anti-European & super racist view of European people that I've ever seen.

       I fear something like that could only have come from Black Nationalists or similar groups in the US.

      The dark ages he was referring to were not some made up, twisted as hell, Black Nationalist view of why Europeans are inferior to African people (which is exactly what that text ever so subtly implies), but the post Roman Empire dark ages that struck the European continent after the said empire's collapse.

      Seriously Tivon, I can't believe you brought such filth onto ACC.

      I shall be watching your posts from now on, very closely!


      • No, Light of Wisdom you better come with better information than that. Because you responding to someone that studies 24/7 for 8 years into this information. You sound like a little kid by the way you are typing denoting that I must have struck a nerve which was not my intention. Yes I do agree that no dark age will come for anyone regardless of what may have happened in the past. I wanted to parallel why Greg Giles message seem to be more militant and down to business based on what Admiral Byrd encountered once he descended down to middle earth. Because I will be honest here, every one white is not European. The term white came about back in the 17,000s when so called white people came upon ancient burial sites and found scribes of ancient test referring to white nobility families back in ancient Kemet which were referring to spirituality and not skin complexion. Trust me I will explain the dark ages some other time when I get the chance. So I can be clearer. So please watch your emotions because anger will not help. I'm telling you right now I studied this to long to just use my information as a weapon and not help educate. I will go into more detail because I did not want to make that post to long. But you'll see, I wouldn't mind you watching my post very closely because I am about to unload a lot. Stay tuned and peace out.

        • I saw the following: kid, 24/7 8 years, 17,000???, Kemet.

          Someone needs a reality ego! Numbers don't impress me.. ok. You will have to do better than that.

          Also, looks like you could take your own advice about the typing, because you destroyed your entire argument and I am not going to deem your reply as worthy of addressing.

          I was not angry, but I did warn you to watch what you write as history, because it is nothing more than thinly disguised racism.

        • @Tivon bro! can you tell another to space out they paragraphs and you fall victim to the same thing? know what we call that ..hyprocrite!

        • The dark ages are the time after the fall of the roman empire.  Without the roman infrastructure the babraric peoples of europe at the time were forced to learn how to goven themselves, hence why all the wars bewteen saxons and britons and gauls until around 1000 when england finally was taken and had a kind fo the whole country. 

          The time between rome and the first king of england are the dark ages. dark ages for europe, at the same time in the middle east it was a golden age. because the power of rome went to new rome and the seat of the worlds power shifted from italy to greece/turkey.

          Why dont you try looking at history without your "black history month" glasses on

  • It is not an issue of my supporting Greg, i would support any one in the same position, it is about how each and everyone of us goes about bringing this issue up, is is about HOW we go about expressing our feelings on the subject, and all to many times the low vibrational people on this website cause trouble with their personal agenda postings.

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