Anything Health Related

While out on one of my walks the idea of starting a page on here that gets into anything health came to mind and since we post health related videos on the comment wall all the time I figured why not start a health discussion page. All our welcome as usual to post on here. 

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  • Fasting and how it can lower blood pressure.
  • Just think how much healing this planet is in need of...Generally, but also due to the great harms caused by the covid vaccine...
    Just think and feel for all those suffering people, all over the world, who's lives have been ruined by evil forces...Those many forced to take a vaccine against their wills, because they feared losing their jobs and careers...
    Even babies and young children were forced, or tricked, into taking the covid vaccine, with many, many, deaths and serious health issues, following....With multiple hospital visits and crying relatives...

    Many people miss their previous healthy lives and now wished they never took it...and never forced their kids to take it.....These people are very sad, indeed...

    They miss their previous lives........Yet there is hope, with the new healing galactic pathways, that have recently been activated by GFL Ground Crew and the 2nd Ray Department of Hierarchy..

    Ah......Some music for all those sad people out there...Bless you all....
  • I would like to see this former US sniper, given a job in cyber-security, as he requests, now that he was forced to leave the military, on the grounds of ill health, following a compulsory covid jab....

    "John Rich interviews a former sniper who was injured by Covid vaccine and forced to retire early. Senator Ferrel Haile of TN supported employer mandates on employees, and Chris Spencer is running to defeat him in 2024, District 18. VOTE SPENCER!"
  • Lots of things in our food that should not be there so it's always important to double check and look for anything suspicious.
  • Berries are awesome just gotta be careful and not over do it with them.
  • Bill Gates has got to be one of the most odious, mRNA vaxx promoters, in history....RNA lipid nano-particle technology, is designed to redesigned human DNA/RNA....Remembering that not only would this destroy your life, but it would also prevent physical ascension of the person.....That is the true intent, behind this...To destroy human potential....

    Maybe Gates had better focus on improving his own health....? He has a fatty liver, for certain...LOL Would you place your health and that of your family, in the hands of this beer-bellied moron, who pretends to be an expert...?? I wouldn't touch his "treatments" with a barge-pole...
  • UK Parliament answers more questions on the government stance on the W.H.O. pandemic/lockdown treaty.....

    Let us hope honesty is the best policy, here....We should all remain sentinel on this matter....
  • Dr.Berg gets into how to find the right bacon here. Bacon much like eggs definitely has its benefits.
  • The benefits of eating eggs daily. Definitely gonna start doing this more often.
  • More data on the great benefits of consuming regular garlic, in the diet....There are several ways to obtain maximum advantage from alicin, from raw garlic cloves, and ways to mask the extremes in smell and taste, presented here...

    Currently I eat a couple of cloves a day, from a jar, filled with brine. In the past I have peeled raw garlic cloves and chopped up, as Dr Mandell suggests, but it can become a chore.....especially the peeling...
    However, we can make the effort, from time to time, as he suggests...
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Hellen left a comment on Comment Wall
"sure lot of money has been stolten where does it all go .. the deep state or the black buget and getting rid of the deep state!!! good luck that."
48 minutes ago
Hellen left a comment on Comment Wall
"planes have been crashing is does have to with laying off traffic air craft controllers or something else and getting rid of all most important employees could cause a lot problems."
53 minutes ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
3 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
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Andromedaner Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"Who is confirming that gold wasn’t stolen from Fort Knox?

Maybe it’s there, maybe it’s not.

That gold is owned by the American public! We want to know if it’s still there. - Elon Musk"
6 hours ago
AlternateEarth posted a blog post
Judge Who Halted Trump Spending Freeze Received $100 million in Government Money for His Own NGOby Raw Egg NationalistFebruary 17th, 2025 6:33 AM Judge Jack McConnell, who halted Trump’s spending freeze, received well over $100 million in government…
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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
11 hours ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
 What did Ezekiel actually see? The story of the prophet Ezekiel is one of the more fascinating, especially when looked at through the lens of modern technology. Some people suggest that, instead of gods, ancient humans may have actually been…
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                                                           Chapter IX


When in the Sanctum Sanctorum of Solomon's temple, the…

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