While out on one of my walks the idea of starting a page on here that gets into anything health came to mind and since we post health related videos on the comment wall all the time I figured why not start a health discussion page. All our welcome as usual to post on here.
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Just think and feel for all those suffering people, all over the world, who's lives have been ruined by evil forces...Those many forced to take a vaccine against their wills, because they feared losing their jobs and careers...
Even babies and young children were forced, or tricked, into taking the covid vaccine, with many, many, deaths and serious health issues, following....With multiple hospital visits and crying relatives...
Many people miss their previous healthy lives and now wished they never took it...and never forced their kids to take it.....These people are very sad, indeed...
They miss their previous lives........Yet there is hope, with the new healing galactic pathways, that have recently been activated by GFL Ground Crew and the 2nd Ray Department of Hierarchy..
Ah......Some music for all those sad people out there...Bless you all....
"John Rich interviews a former sniper who was injured by Covid vaccine and forced to retire early. Senator Ferrel Haile of TN supported employer mandates on employees, and Chris Spencer is running to defeat him in 2024, District 18. VOTE SPENCER!"
Maybe Gates had better focus on improving his own health....? He has a fatty liver, for certain...LOL Would you place your health and that of your family, in the hands of this beer-bellied moron, who pretends to be an expert...?? I wouldn't touch his "treatments" with a barge-pole...
Let us hope honesty is the best policy, here....We should all remain sentinel on this matter....
Currently I eat a couple of cloves a day, from a jar, filled with brine. In the past I have peeled raw garlic cloves and chopped up, as Dr Mandell suggests, but it can become a chore.....especially the peeling...
However, we can make the effort, from time to time, as he suggests...