This is just my personal opinion. Also, I have no intent to cause fear to anyone here, I am just being honest and straightfoward with all of you. Please read this with your heart and I hope you can understand the message.

I have noticed many people are under enourmeous pressure because of this date, some are very nervous and afraid that nothing will hapen, others are afraid something might hapen.

I know that some people are trying to fill the hole they have in their lives with faith and in my opinion you need to be very careful with this, because if for some reason the outcome will not be hat you expect it to be you might get sucked inside that hole very fast.

If you have faith, let that faith and hope be genuine and not something you are holding onto because your life right now is not a happy one and you wish for it to be better, this will make your life depend on that day.

I know people that have lost family, their partner and jobs because they are putting all their focuss into this date, what if nothing hapens? How will you cope with it?

I see it this way, I do believe that something will hapen (not on that date but before and even after yes) but if it doesnt hapen I will not let it disturb my life, I will keep walking, smiling (and crying too ofc) and being who I am.

If you enter a place without expectations you will not be upset about the outcome, because you didn't expect anything at all.

So perhaps it is healthier to speculate about it but not say it is a doctrine, as you might harm yourself with it afterwards. 

Remember, if you sacrifice everything to build a castle and the wind comes to break it down it will be very dificult for you, but if you only write the plan for it, you can always decide later if you will or not build it and no one can destroy it. You will lose nothing.

I have a lot of faith myself that something will hapen, but if it doesnt for some reason, be it whatever it is, I will not be upset about it, I will still study and visit my friends and be in nature. 

And also, maybe you think something specific will hapen and something completely random will hapen instead, who knows.

With all this I am just saying, and this is a personal opinion, do not get attached too much to things, and do not put so much pressure on yourselves, if nothing hapens you have still got a whole life in front of you, and there is so much to explore here on this Planet, take a trip to other lands and see for yourself, and you can always travel inside yourselves too.

Please release this pressure and look at it like a child would, I think you will help yourself doing so.

I wish peace of mind to all of you, and this is a genuine wish, I think its so hard nowadays to be in peace

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      • Thanks for your insight developed old soul.

      • You don't know who she is so I hope the rest of them will forgive you for this...... little sick man. Always inducing people in fear and talking about hell when you are the Devil yourself. If you are as wise as you say (guess what you are not) you would know you are medling with one of the two keys of ascension that are here on earth. Without them there will be no ascension for the human race itself but you are too ignorant and stuck in your human brain to understand this.  


  • I choose Ascension if my choice or some event allows it to happen then awesome. If not oh well life for me right now is great. No expectations, No disappointments.
  • 26, 000 years divided into 800 million years = almost 200 time's this planet and man has gone threw this end time apocalypse scenario ---- and out of that --- only those who lived at the principal time period of 26,ooo cycle. The survivor’s of any one of these turnovers if chiseled into stone or steel, do we have any record other than archeology to glean what took place each 26,000 year period. 

    How many were unlighted and worked with light each time we entered this renewal every 26, + what good did it do them?  What story’s were told then people argued about.? What God or space ship’s saved man kind the last couple hundred times this has happened.?   Watching the second hand tick away all the time is a very worrisome endeavor.

    Everyone in the Japan tsunami the day before New they had a wonderful long life to live as do we, tomorrow we all may be looking to reincarnate yet once again. But at this very moment all is as it should be.  Chicken little is not the answer or the Calvary coming over the hill or the rapture.

    Count the sea shells in the ocean, hundreds of billion on trillions times its self.  And each one you single out had a eternal spirit occupy it for many years, leave and return in another incarnation to do it all over again and again.

    The whole problem is and always will be ---- quit looking at the shell as being life.  We will never ever become the body, as much as ego want to -- we will always be spirit occupying a shell. 



    • I agree with you, as we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, we've done this many times before IMO. This veil of forgetfulness was put on us so that we could actually learn and figure out things for ourselves, else we would know everything and want to check out early, since we would know what happens at this physical bodies demise.

      • :-) not to many see.  its a good thing. rest. my friend.   all is as it should be.

  • Most people are too busy liveing a life to even look , just go along with what your teacher says in school and church and nothing else---- very few are seeking the truths that are out there.

    And are only concerned with whats in front of there  face.  or even travel out side of the city or country they were born in. and simply go along with what there told about it.    Threw out the  ages --- thats why there have been so many book and document  burnings.  and burned people at the stake who tried to voice a burned  truth or rewrite it.

    An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning 'un-covering'), translated literally  from Greek refers to a revelation  of something hidden, although this sense did not enter English until the 14th  century.[1]  In religious contexts it is usually a revelation of hidden meaning - hidden from  human knowledge in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception. In the Revelation of John (Greek Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰωάννου, Apocalypsis Ioannou), the last book of the New Testament, the revelation which John receives is that of  the ultimate victory of good over evil and the end of the present age, and that  is the primary meaning of the term, one that dates to 1175.[2] Today, it is commonly  used in reference to any prophetic revelation or so-called End Time scenario, or  to the end  of the world in general.

    So the people  who dont want this to happen, still want people to  believe the world is still flat because they say so in the  official society. (wait for the experts to speak)  or the official  word.  

    Just like the UFO / God =

    If God is so all powerful and knowing. Same for ET and UFO’s  You would  think ---- all knowing god / et “might say "gee" if I show up-- and show myself  none would have to use faith. ----They could all use fact that I am.  A  burning bush, or a shaky blurry snap shot/video.   Come on just show  up/and the myths go away.

    millions of years and there still playing hide and seek me for i am your  God?    IMO 

    Read more:

    • if you believe the bible god is not all knowing, he couldnt find adam and eve after they ate the apple, he had to ask where they were.

      • Good ONE,,--- ONE-- LOL --your right. what a dumb ass statement to put into the very beginning of the bible. never really paid any attention to that, but you nail it. good one..

        Or why dosen't God ever seem to have enough Money.

        • genesis is rife with BS.  it says in the creation days god creates man beast etc, then AFTER creation god makes eden and man.

          adam and eve are not the first people, it "proves" it again in genesis when adam and eve tell their children cain and abel to go get wives.

          liek duh you mom is the only woman so far.

          or how about the statement that the stars are pinpricks in the cieling.  it is just ridiculous and detracts people away from whatever "god"force people are actually feeling.

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