james_gilliland.jpg?width=200A New Age Denial And Death Sentence - James Gilliland

I wish I did not have to resort to writing such an article yet so many are becoming willing participants in their own, their families and friends demise. Yes this includes the demise of nature as well the very platform for life. Much of this stems from new age teachings which were generated from Stanford Research Institute and other groups working with mind control and steering the masses. The be lie f that everything is an illusion and does not really matter is like saying all of Creation is worthless, a mistake and of no value. The other program is if you see evil it is within you therefore do not address, look upon or give any energy whatsoever to evil it is just a judgment anyway. The problem with these two ideologies is one you have a physical body and are subject to what happens in your physical environment. Good point is if the environment collapses and can no longer support life there goes your 3d expression. Friends, family, lovers, all of it. If the environment is polluted and you breath the air, drink the water and ingest the food you are not exempt. This 3d expression is just a[s] Holy as all the other dimensions and should be treated as such. What you do in this dimension will weigh light or heavy in the soul on other dimensions as well. There will be a major reality check in your light review upon leaving this dimension.

The problem with denying the presence of evil is it goes unchecked with no resistance consuming everyone and everything until it consumes itself. That is its nature. These two ideologies are a fast track to extinction concerning this 3d physical reality again which just another expression of the divine, which seems to have been hijacked from its original design. If you believe all is well I have to point out the condition of your society, those who govern it and your environment. Lets look at the Gulf Oil Spill, Fukushima, Chemtrails spraying aluminum, barium and strontium at levels sometimes 60 times over the hazardous levels established by the EPA. Lets look at the GMO crops that are neutering and in many cases eventually killing those who consume them. Lets look at the lack of jobs, the loss of homes, the gross uneven dispersal of wealth. Lets look at just who this 1% who are running the world have created. Lets look at the wars, the depleted uranium spread far and wide, not just in the Middle East but in our troops. Is 25 suicides a day acceptable in the military? Is leveling an entire city bombing them into the stone age to free them, killing, men, women, children in the millions acceptable? Which God is in favor of this? As a country how can a country with any humanity left condone this. Do I need to address torture condoned at the very top, drones killing indiscriminately men women and children who made the mistake of having a relative on the hit list, double tapping the strikes to take out the relief workers and first responders giving life saving help? Do you really think decent human beings are responsible for these inhuman acts.

If they are not acting humanely who are these inhuman leaders? Why on earth can anyone turn a blind eye, ignore and support this and still call themselves a decent human being. How can leaders in the religious and spiritual communities profess to be in service, a master teacher by professing they are above all this telling their followers to not engage and ignore what is obviously pure evil. The new age philosophy, it is all illusion and we cannot perceive and address evil, is one of the many ways this evil has progressed to a level where it is going to take a cataclysmic event to dethrone it.

Personally I have spent over 35 years dedicated to the awakening and healing of humanity and the earth. I have studied with Yogis, Lamas, Leading edge Scientists, healers from all over the world and not one denies the physical and what is happening to humanity and the earth. So how is it enlightened and intelligent to ignore the pain and suffering of others along with the collapse of the environment, the very platform for life? It is smug arrogance and ignorance, mind controlled spiritual ego to continue in these perpetuated doctrines.

When the slanderous attacks come for addressing these problems be clear you are only establishing your own ignorance and character. You are waving the I am totally mind controlled and don’t give a shit about anyone else banner. Yet this will have consequences because we do live in an action/reaction world, you do have a physical body and will be subject to the destiny of this physical world. It will also be very clear in your awakening or in your light review when you leave this physical body when you could have helped and did not. Despite you[r] ideologies. So drop the denial, the mind control, the spiritual ego and get busy we have a planet to turn around. It is time for right thinking, right action, right living, impeccable integrity and to stand in your own divinity leading yourself from your own heart and soul. The neutered, zombie, mind controlled robot worker is not an option and do not fool yourself into thinking the 1% have any other goal than the obvious. It is said a man/womans character is established by their actions. Forget about what is said, focus on what is done. Be well,

James Gilliland


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  • What I've noticed is when I reach the point of oneness awareness it feels exhilarating. Yet I cannot sustain it for long because I am currently incarnated in 3D reality. Reaching that point sustains me and creates physiological changes in my cells. I feel better in life and yet realize I made a commitment to myself to experience physical life.

    Here I share my journey with others. We here on Earth and other physical realms contemplate existence and seek joy in the realization that oneness exists and yet there's perfection in the phase of existence where we experience self and not self. The apparent other's there for companionship, love and co-creation. In this phase of perceived separation we are not alone in our journey. We create diversity from our perception of us and not us and our paradigm of polarity creates the foundation where differences are revealed and maneuvered creating more things and thoughts, ideas and most importantly emotions.

    I believe we are here to find love. And when we find love and the peace in knowing love, giving and receiving, we have reached that state of oneness which exists always and eternally and that we experience as a moment. We thus find peace when we are in the moment, BE HERE NOW.
    • As I see it, it all is about the nature of our being and the ways people take it. It's fascinating and I like asking questions about life. Even more I like answering.

      As I discovered, there are two major philosophies explaining the absolute nature of existence. Let's call them Occult-Buddhist and Judeo-Christian. They intend to do nothing less, than to explain the Absolute (God, the source of life), nature of life and the meaning of human life. They oppose each other without compromises and each implies to be the only true way of life. A lot of the other views are derived from them. The first one has an advantage of being philosophy of the world ruling occult elite. The second one has an advantage of being followed by a major part of the population.

      People are not in denial, right now, they are in a very important moment of finding who they are. I believe, we need to do it personally and as humankind too. People are developing their grand perception of existence and trying to choose what is right. It goes not without pondering different things and having doubts. If I may use Kira's words, she believes in oneness and trauma, these are Occult-Buddhist concepts. Yet, she believes in love and personal importance, these are Judeo-Christian concepts of a different kind. What is the true way in all this that we should take?

      Which belief is true? You decide. Which one will win? Whichever resonates in people's hearts and leads them into the New World.

      Personally, I think that a human being reflects the Supreme Being for a reason. We share this absolute Spirit that gives us unique state of being. With this unique being we can have unique perspectives of life. It becomes the valuable highest expression of life, it doesn't lessen the spirit. When we share our perspectives of being, it fills this spirit with infinitely rich life. With absolute nature, there is one absolute essence in this sharing. With endless states of being there is endless life experience. Human life is creativity in the Spirit. We are alive when we can have all the unique and new life experiences to go on in life that is truly infinite.

      Like I said, our troubles will pass and the New Age start when we realize full importance of our being and realize it in practice in the new way of life. Are we on this together?

      • When I was 4 years old I was taken on board a mother ship and shown 24 different multi-verses, potential future histories for humanity.  They ranged from utter annihilation to utopian realities and all were there for me to experience as per my choice.  

        I've been on ship thousands of times over my 60 years of life.  The best way I can describe it is all of the above is true, viable and the right choice for the individual and they all simultaneously exist.  One may be Occult-Buddhist and Judeo-Christian as well as agnostic during one's life for they are spirious dichotemies and all contain truth and not truth (depending on one's point of view in each moment).  

        We have incarnations throughout time and subpersonalities within one body and multiple incarnations at the same time.  The perspective defines the moment and perspective changes moment to moment as we shift, change, gather new information, contemplate and reflect.  

        Are we all in this together?  Absolutely yes. And sometimes from our point of view, we feel all alone and we think what we feel is real. 

        • I must say that there we have a problem. We are talking about finding the meaningful way of life. I'd put it that this doesn't offer true universal value of life and respect for an individual in a way people truly want it. That's why humankind doesn't follow these ideas and people on the streets have no idea what the age of Aquarius is. I'll try to represent this perspective.
          First, evil and destruction are included as natural parts in the said Multiverse. People like me would never accept it, as it would corrupt and deny true Absolute and existential Good. People don't want incomplete and incoherent highest ideals.
          Second, in the Multiverse, people can work only in particular instances of life without uniting it with global meaning. Becoming One means losing own personal value (according to Buddhism). People don't want to be used and would not use their potential this limited way.
          You were taken by those aliens at very young age, this age not only stands far from understanding global issues, but even from saying "no". That put you in this way of life. I explore life with mutual respect and value from me and life to bring and grow. I expect to receive and give for making common well-being. I was able to grow having my interests and creating uniquely new values as expression of my life. This taught me that life must have valuable relations to be truly living, even to the grand scheme of the things.
          That's why I'm saying that the world will change when the people will see global coherent values to follow in one movement. Only genuine Good can change this world not in promises, but in deeds and I believe we will do it.

  • the world is an illusion is indian thought and theology, but when i personally see something physically energetically it looks different or i can see it expansively. and or people look holographic. so they do have a point in saying the world is an illusion. in judeo-christian theology, god made the world and it is good (which is true), both different theologies. evil is in every theology around the globe, but the causes of evil are different. sin in its meaning is "missing the mark" which i thought was interesting, and is its own theology.


    what i think is important to raise vibrations and when energy comes in at you to manage it, clear it, and bring it to a higher vibration. i think that the healing of karma is important to clearing and the healing of hearts.

    Comparative Religion - The problem of evil in world religions
    This article surveys the way world religions understand the problem of evil, its origin, nature and end.
  • This is an example of division and NON-oneness: NOT all people think of life as a game. Those who see life as a game will treat it that way and live it that way.

    Life has VERY serious consequences.

    I don't believe in oneness. I believe in TWO, there is never ever anything less than two. In the whole entire collective, no matter what, there is ALWAYS 'me and you'. And not all people are the same. We never were and we never will be.
    • The apparent other is part of the illusion. Duality is the operating system of the illlusion. Games are serious business. People play games with people in all levels of the game of life and there are very serious consequences for each person's individual piece of the whole, their soul and the evolution of their own soul.

      Yes, Source subdivided into subselves and all is still part of the whole. Ultimately at the highest level of awareness there is realization of oneness. It is only in deep meditation and reflection that one realizes this divine connection and oneness. Interview people who have done DMT or entheogens or better yet, if you can find a good shaman, allow yourself to be facilitated if you are so brave to do so. Go where it's legal, like the Amazon if you can afford it. If not, just realize millions drop the veil in life in cultures all over this planet through shamanic practices, tantra, deep meditation and near death experiences. Even alien abduction experiences. In these experiences which are universal and collected stories throughout thousands of years, the matrix of the game of life here on Earth is revealed and the illusion falls revealing oneness of creation along with the duality game we all co-created for the evolution of consciousness.

      And just because we are one does not illimate individuality and diversity. The game creates massive diversity and that's one of the main reasons we all decided to create it. When you perceive self and not self on the board of the game defined by the matrix, you have many reasons and opportunities to create all that there is, was and will be. It's genius. For if we all knew and remembered everything, nothing would happen or progress or be created. Or very little. Individualtiy and the illusion of division creates drama and reasons to create things to resolve life's problems and survive wars and harsh conditions.

      In the end, it's all good, all God and all part of the divine plan.
      • Here, we are speaking about the nature of our being to go from it.

        Buddhism sees true being in oneness, everything else is an illusion. So, it requires all this Way of liberation from self. This includes good and evil in its metaphysics, as you know.
        Christianity sees being as absolute value bringing Creation. What you do should come naturally from your own valuable nature, being only constructive, straight and forward. Without evil illusion, there is no need to change your reality by meditation, trauma and hallucinogen mushrooms.

        You can be who you want to be.

        • The first, seeks fulfillment in supreme oneness alone. For the second, any being and all together have valuable life to the extent they share it.

  • Evil is disregard for consciousness. When you are in the hologram it is indeed very real. Where you stand individually in relationship to light or dark, good or evil defines you. How you are, what you do affects the entire continuum through all dimensions. Every experience, every life is equally important, of equal value. Each of us can and does affect the whole. With that in mind, what reality do you wish to co-create with all of us? Focus on the highest, best resolution for all and move in that direction, one step at a time to create it. What can you do in your own world and with those you love around you? If you don't like something, don't participate. Nullity. Don't buy it, eat it, send your kids to war. Stop glorifying combat and anything that supports division and denies our oneness with all peoples, beings from the smallest to the largest. All have consciousness even the planets. Respect all life, begin with a thought, move forward through life with a deed, then deeds. Remember you are oneness and yes, it's all illusion albeit a persistent one so thus as important as any level of existence you have and will ever experience. Love is the answer. Love it all and transmute it with your higher awareness of the game and YOUR PARTICIPATION in the game which defines you in the end when YOU judge your actions in between lives when you remember who you are in the game of TOTALITY OF EXISTENCE.
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