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  • Heres a video on the seven rays.
  • Now that's very true, dear heart....And the soul really starts getting it's act together, when we enter the initiations and especially after the third degree, also known as the transfiguration, when we begin, for the first time in many incarnations, to see reality, without the illusions that vex so many...
    And what I said to Philip about point-in-evolution (attained degree) being more important than the ray itself, in defining intuition....We all know the 2nd ray, which is expressed by the Buddha (one of six) who deals with human evolution and the Christ-Boddhistva Maitreya and his disciple, Koothumi...and his, Djwhal Khul, etc....A powerful department in the SH...

    But there is a difference in the expression, depending upon that important a good example being Adolf Hitler, who was a 2nd ray soul, too, with a 1st ray persona, BUT, only upon the 2nd "baptism" degree his life expression was very much defined by the 1st ray, in it's destroyer phase, rather than his own love-wisdom soul....
    So it's paramount that the personality and it's facets, mind, emotions, slowly lose control and are replaced by the soul incarnated....There are seven methods of meditation, dependent upon the egoic, or soul ray of each....Understanding the vices and virtues of the lower nature, is key, as it allows growth, upon a line of least resistance...
    So we can identify our strengths and weaknesses, and get to work, using some sphere of service and meditation, to attain our goal of planetary ascension...
    Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Letters on Occult Meditation - III - The Ray of the Higher Self
  • Thanks for that Ivy. You're a good teacher on this subject. I definitely should check out more on the rays. Only reason I have not is because I am hyper focused on our GFL material and the Geopolitical situation. I suppose I can try and study this subject a little more :)
  • Beside our Soul Ray we have other Rays in our system. Every human being is a mix of several Rays aka energies, from fierce, to analytical, to creative, to calm and peaceful.
  • You are really really wise when it comes to this topic Ivy. You definitely seem to know what you're talking about :)
  • The soul is our most inner self and if we are busy living life or thinking about trivial stuff, we may not be aware of our soul energy. But if you are by yourself, meditating or on your daily walks, you may feel it ✨

    The 2nd Ray is relatively calm, slow stuff works the best for us. Think about the ease and peace of Buddhist monks. The Buddha was also a Second Ray soul…
  • Well I don't know about me being calm all the time. Most of the time yes. The same goes for peaceful. Most of the time yes, but if I needed to defend myself no way I would just sit around and be peaceful lol.
  • It’s the bestest Ray 😇

    It’s calm, peaceful & reflective.
  • I did not know I was a 2nd Ray soul. Thanks for that Ivy. I'm listening to a video right now on the rays. I'll post it after I listen to it.
  • The way we think, feel, act and even our body type is shaped by the Rays. This is why siblings can have such different personalities and why some people have so much in common although one is born in Japan and the other in Brazil.

    Our Personality Ray may show itself more though, so not every Second Ray soul (like Justin, Agarther and me) expresses themselves in the same way.
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The time selected for the horoscope chart will be when the gates open, and not kick-off time. The Eagles are expected to wear midnight green jerseys, and the Chiefs will probably wear white. These are the reported…

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The map above revealed what happened at 8:47 pm. Air traffic control told the American Airlines jet of the presence of a helicopter in their flight path on route to landing strip 33 two minutes before the crash. Air…

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Photo above from CNBC. A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Astrology involving the use of the stars for analysis of catastrophes (natural or intentional) dates back to ancient Egypt (and note that…

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