Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • Like I said earlier those members who don't like what we post are definitely not going to be happy moving forward since the majority of what we post is exposing the Cabal and also Galactic Federation Of Light info. Wine, wine, and wine some more is all I got to say to them and get some tissues to wipe away all the tears if it makes you sad seeing our posts.
  • Thanks fellas, I suspect that we all know about the members who constantly seek trouble. And Randy is correct about my desire to peacefully discuss the finer esoteric points about the seven rays, with Philip....Until the distraction bomb...

    The quote as follows from the link:

    "Ray IV – Few 4th ray souls are in incarnation, but many 4th ray personalities are. Their major task is to harmonise the new ideas with the old, so that there can be no dangerous gap or break. They bring about a "righteous compromise", and adapt the new and the old so that the true pattern is preserved. They participate in the bridging process, for they are the true intuitives."

    Note that it does not suggest that the incoming 4th ray souls (egoic) conduct this work, particularly, but talks of those PERSONALITIES of the 4th ray...They harmonise through bringing all into a sense of unity and collective focus, through artworks and music...Rather like sports, the arts tend to bring people together, when ordinarily they may be disparate..It may be a social event, such as playing or listening to music...Bridging disparate people, with common interests in spheres of art....
    Now the ESOTERIC reason as to why the 4th ray is truly intuitive (and that does not mean the other rays are not able to be,) is because of the constant conflict within, between rajas and tamas....But a unitary sense realised, due to this interaction, without a polar opposite ray to show the dynamic...The dynamic is within the ray itself....It has no polar opposite ray. It is it's own "polar opposite" within it's makeup expression and achieves harmony through conflict....
    In contrast, the other rays do have opposites, such as the 1st and 7th, the 2nd and 6th and the 3rd and 5th....Imagine visualising a star of David with the rays at each point, BUT, the 4th ray sitting in the centre, without it's own polar opposite, as it intuits it's own duality. And by the time of ascension, it calms rajas and motivates tamas (an energy of docility. rajas being more actively firey, maybe reckless.)

    So the incoming rays are both 7th and 4th....It is not a special quality for the 4th being intuitive, albeit it does have a nature, which, through war and conflict, has become one that longs for a peaceful harmony....More so than the 1st ray, for example...Albeit, currently out of incarnation, though possessed by some personalities and minds, who are coloured by incarnated rays...
    And yes I'm only too pleased to discuss these finer points with Philip, but it was a shame that Vlada had to offer his professional "expertise." Yes, I know all about "expert medics," as I was chided by an absolute fanatic, an NHS nurse in a supermarket, during the height of the so-called pandemic, for not wearing my mask properly...Yes I think we can discount the experts...Trust God, not government, is my belief....(Albeit I'm not a church goer.)

    And interesting question Philip had for Vlada about sungazing, but I would kindly advise that viewing the sun without protection is reckless, so please don't try this at home.....🌞
  • Vlada, the discussion between Drekx and Phillip was about the 7 rays, if you can contribute something to the discussion then do it, otherwise stop your negative attacks against members on AC
  • Again Vlada you come on here with your idiotic rants and attacks. Jancar called people babies because some of his comments were removed.

    The only person who can remove comments is the administrator, and if that occured it is because he violated a community guideline, and the admin made that decision on their own volition (if he had comments removed like he claims). You are the one acting like a baby Vlada, grow up. One gets tired of your lower astral outbursts, constantly trying to stir up drama.

    Phillip and Drekx I am sure would agree on a lot more than they would disagree about, but you felt you needed to intercede, where it wasn't necessary, for your own ulterior motives trying to cause rifts between members. Allow people to have their own interactions and practice being an adult.
  • Just because people believe what Drekx says does not make them minions. I figured out a lot of the topics we talked about before this site even became a thing and before I met Drekx. Not because I like kissing ass and being a minion as suggested. You might want to get used to all the info I and others post on the Deep State/Dark Cabal because this site has been used for a while now to expose them. The majority of us in the US and in many places across the globe know that there is a Cabal and we are sick and tired of them so ignoring them is not an option. Those who choose to cower and ignore that topic are cowards and closed minded and are the types who would love to live in the world they want for us. Also whether others like it or not expect more info coming regarding the Galactic Federation Of Light on here. As for John Jancar I myself was wondering why his comments were deleted. My guess is maybe cause there was lots of swearing I don't know. Personally I would not have deleted his comments It's kinda funny seeing him make himself look like a fool as all he does is swear constantly and threaten to punch people as what he was doing in his previous comments. My advice for those who hate what myself, Drekx, and my other friends post is to get used to it cause plenty more is coming. If this makes those individuals upset then Boo Hoo! cry me a freaking river.
  • Oh Drekx really there you go with those peacock flapping tail feathers again, I am not into hatred at all...I'm not a hater thats a strong word dont you think.. and so uncalled for nor am I angry you just think I am as thats your ego in full play, when truths are spoken, you wish to belittle & make me out to be a bad person simply as I oppose your view of reality, its a nasty thing to do just cos I wont bow down to you and kiss your feet, and be your minion like others do as thats not my style and I have no hidden agenda or hidden ulterior motive your unbelievable to even suggesting it ...
    But I'm not about filling peoples heads with made up rubbish just cos I oppose the fact you plaster this comment section in dark cabal literature and politics you actually hinder many others to process their own thoughts freely too..
    yes they have spoken up on here over the years and said straight out to you they were leaving because of this fact , so dont make out I had anything to do with that,.. those that arnt so forthright to have a voice like I do have sadly cowered in the background as they are more timid in nature.
    I dont use people either Drekx never have thats shocking you should say that when you dont even know me at all personally nor know what I do in my line of work on a daily basis, which is fully community orientated in a medical industry thus part of the first responders /collective and of assistance to those in need, to the young & elderly so I'm not using anyone, there is nothing to gain from using people & certainly not Philip gees I'm sure he has his own mind and thoughts & notions..I do think he'll be shocked at your response here though..
    No I'm simply sharing my thoughts with him in a general conversation to how it would be great to have a change of frequencies in here, with free will without these repercussions & he's reading into me and vice versa in a natural manner as people should, something your obviously not able to do instead you make manifested assumptions .. also to which you dislike as the attention is not all on you, I'm being straight up blatantly honest, yet your really showing your true colours again, yes I mentioned John now he came on here a few days ago, as I believe you asked for a Canadian point of view on Trump taking over Canada and one can if they so wish go back on the pages and find his comments in response to read them, and he was annoyed and insulted as his words had been censored someone deleted them by the sounds, that was the impression I got anyway cos he was saying who did it, who removed his s--t I dont know what he said before hand I wasn't here, and his words were just a rant to me anyway, something I'm used to with him as he speaks his mind freely, we may not agree with what he has to say at times, but he's straight up and forthright all the same, something I'm used to also working with teens with bad behaviour & life style issues,...but I got the rear end of it all when he was calling you lot a pack of babies.. maybe he was right though.. truths always come out in the end..
  • Vlada is of the opinion that he brings about "righteous compromise..?"....But, all I see in him is hatred and anger...Taking any opportunity to attack what I post..

    And his "support" for Philip, was ONLY about attacking my points....You are being used, Philip, that is all....Vlada even mentioned Jancar's outburst, as like him, he despises EVERYTHING about me, as a member here....And is one of several haters on AC, who blame me for others leaving, over the years...My advice to Philip is beware of your "allies" and especially those who feign support for you, yet hold ulterior motives....
    If this is how you become enlightened, then think again....As I see little compromise, nor collective harmony in Vlada...
  • More good footage from AE :) I would suggest folks take a look at his YouTube page. He has plenty of good footage of genuine ET craft. I get the feeling more ships will be visiting him for the foreseeable future so plenty of footage coming.
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