Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • Thank you ET Hugger 🙏

    For you response and Yes the reincarnation of 4th Ray souls and the affect they will have on the Collective Conciseness will be one of true understanding as the initial work will be performed by the 4th Ray Personalities that are present now and are providing the Balence that is essential for the final part of the transition from old to new. 3D to 5D

    Again Thank you for your Response ET Hugger 🙏
  • Thank you RandyFirstContact 🙏

    For your response and it's fantastic that you are enjoying "Superhuman" and Yes passing on and introducing the concept of Consciousness and the awareness of Conciseness to the most skeptical does indeed "plant the seed" Thank you 🙏

    And I think the Influence of the Manifestation of the 4th Ray in conjunction with the incoming 7th Ray and final stages of the outgoing 6th Ray combind is producing a very potent force that is providing a perfect environment for Global Awakening.

    In answer to your question on my own primary Ray

    In short No,
    I have always worked with the Rays with the observation of the affects it has on humanity as a group and then considering my purpose/position within the group thus allowing my purpose/position to be defined/attributed by the Group and not by self appraisal.
    That's why Authenticity is so important on a personal level.

    Again Thank you RandyFirstContact for your response 🙏
  • Good to see you back, Philip and I was sorry about the topic causing such contention and why I removed that one post with link...It was something we can revise in our discussions anent the 4th ray, which as my friend ET Hugger has so aptly conveyed below, is a ray that is only now coming back into incarnations and will increasingly do so, just as the 6th ray is going out...and we speak of the egoic (I am) ray, the souls of people incarnated within Earth chain evolution...The work of bridging, being conducted by 4th ray personalities and minds, is a work in progress and why the works of art in this era, are less beautiful, than a few centuries back, when those souls were living here...Modern art and modern architecture has a lot to be desired I would say and a lack of that soul presence, played a role. So as you see, the egoic ray and point-in-evolution attained, is a far better determining factor, as to effectivness. I gave JS Bach as one example...

    And that aspect of bridging, currently being conducted by 4th ray personas and minds, will still be subjected to some elements of vice, along with the achieved virtues...albeit, depending on the point-of-evolution of the new tranche of 4th ray SOUL (EGOs) the energy of bridging, will become ever present, BUT, these dear souls will need to grow to adulthood first, as they are currently babies and toddlers...And of course, although the Gregorian year, this year of 2025, was mentioned in the AAB books, as the commencement of the cyclical return of the 4th egoic ray, like the seasons and the ages, there is no strict deliniation, as I have it provided me on good advice (the Count) that my own grandson is a 4th ray toddler...he came into incarnation in 2022...(I love the works of AAB, but they are not holy writ.)

    A bit like the way the winter grows to spring and to summer...we have defining dates for these, but those dates are not always reflective of the weather patterns, specifically...Earth's motion around the sun gives the basic guidlines for the cycles and the minutiae of day to day seasonal weather, fits roughly within...same with the incoming souls.

    My basic contention with your position was and is only that the 4th ray, manifested in personalities, possesses it's own challenges, with the need for rajas and tamas, to gain balance....and only the egoic 4th ray has virtues only, as with all egoic rays...they are expressed fully, in their virtues...the lunar lords are not...
    So, psychic skills, telekenesis, telepathy, et al are not a monopoly of those babies and toddlers, with 4th ray souls, but any of the seven rays who has become initiate, through centuries of lives and attained point-in-evolution, or light quotient...
    I dare say that many will be initiate, beyond the third degree, attained in prior lives, but such egoic rays will still need to grow, if they are not already grown, to perfection...

    BUT, among the seven rays, another which is increasing coming into incarnations with great impact upon the world, is the 7th ray...and it is particularly potent, as it is being empowered, ever increasingly, by the incoming Age of Aquarius and that constellation....The ray of order, ritual and magic....If you are looking for psychics in the 7th ray I would suggest that they are certainly present, older than toddlers...and active in 2025. The "true intuitives" spoken of in the extract are only so defined, as the nature of that ray has no polar opposite and is it's own realisation of the need for balance..Like a person with a bi-polar disorder knows that their mood swings require correction, in moments of calmness....They intuitively know of their pendulum swings, maybe because the ray is it's own yin and yang, unlike the other six rays, who each have their polar opposites...

    BUT, the incoming 4th ray souls you speak of, are already in balance and it is only their lower natures, made up of other rays, maybe, that need resolution..And that impact of such talents will not be felt by the world, in 2025, as they are too young...
    But if you are seeking to observe some telekenetic prowess in them, you may have to wait until they present teenage poltergeist abilities...And this can happen to any ray....
    And again, for the record, my ray structures are: 3-7-4-6-7 (So a 3rd ray ego.)

    And I'll place that extract again, from AAB....:
    The quote as follows from the link:

    "Ray IV – Few 4th ray souls are in incarnation, but many 4th ray personalities are. Their major task is to harmonise the new ideas with the old, so that there can be no dangerous gap or break. They bring about a "righteous compromise", and adapt the new and the old so that the true pattern is preserved. They participate in the bridging process, for they are the true intuitives."
  • Philip, as far as I remember and understand the books written by Alice Bailey, the ‘Manifestation of the 4th Ray’ means the reincarnation of 4th Ray Souls on this planet, starting around this time. These souls were out of incarnation for several centuries and now they are slowly returning, but first as babies and toddlers ✨👶🏻✨

    Because this planet and a large part of humanity will ascend to the 5th dimension, the 4th Ray Souls arriving here are probably higher evolved and will bring more 4th Ray energy into the collective consciousness. This will show in the coming years and decades…
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  • Yes friend, I watched the first part of the documentary and found it to be excellent. I forwarded the link to a childhood friend whose new wife is very skeptical in general and struggles with idea of whether the soul or consciousness exists, or whether consciousness is just electrical activity in our brain.

    So I advised them to watch it together, and hopefully it will plant a positive seed in her mind and she can be a little less terrified about the whole issue of death ect.

    Thank you for your fine contributions to the understanding of the rays as well. Philip do you have any sense of what your primary ray might be?
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  • Thank you.....

    Vlada 🙏
    AlternateEarth 🙏
    Roberto 🙏
    Drekx 🙏
    Justin89636 🙏
    Andromedaner Z 🙏
    ET Hugger 🙏
    RandyFirstContact 🙏

    For all your valued contributions to this thread 🙏

    For a final clarification about my Post
    Firstly I was bringing the attention the importance of the year 2025 that being the Manifestation of the 4th Ray.

    Just think we are at a unique point in the consideration that we will be apart of the Manifestation and are present at the very beginning.

    Secondly to share my observations on the growth/normalisation of skills such as Telekinesis,Telepathy & Remote Viewing and The ability to see without the use of your eyes all of which are accessible with training to all with the correct mindset.

    I thought the Documentary was well researched and presented and I hoped it would create open creative discussion on the skills displayed and the Institutions developing the training.

    I think the conversation has revealed a vibrant and refreshing knowledge of the 7 Rays although I found some of the posts were upsetting to see as we all should be supportive to each other irrespective of differing perspectives and especially what we all represent in Ashtar Command Crew.

    On final note @Drakx
    Not sure why your post at 9.37pm has disappeared 🤔 because I think the very fact that 2 entities a vast distance apart would choose out of 1000s of documents on a particular subject matter the same document to express our understanding of the subject matter ?
    Think about it 🙏
    And it is a shame it has vanished

    P.S Did anyone watch the Documentary? 🤔
  • Got it!

    Point-in-evolution: where we are on our spiritual journey, how much of our Soul Ray is already expressing itself through our daily-self aka Personality Ray.
This reply was deleted.

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