Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • Lol it's so funny how some people have a hard time believing in the GFL. I found out about all this back in my teenage days and it was not hard to figure out it was real. And Vlada when did I ever say I was in the GFL ground crew? I wish I was, but I am not at the moment. I do plan on working with the GFL one day though. Quite the long and pathetic rant you went on there buddy. Are you mad? do you need a hug? And what the hell is a gee since you called us gees lol. And since our info is fake according to you post real data. Lol this should be good. This wont work since you prob wont believe, but hey I'll give it a try. Sheldan Nidle and his info is where you will learn more about the GFL. Skeptics really do make me laugh. These are the same folks who call our info fake, but will believe everything the Deep State controlled fake news tells them. The same fake news that has been playing a role in keeping the UFO cover up going the best they can. Thats why only some Mainstream Media takes the topic seriously. Like it or not Vlada I'm going to continue to post GFL related material and like it or not Im also going to continue posting real news as well. There are plenty on here who actually know the GFL is real and Im also going to continue to post real news because this site is also used to report actual news on the take down of the Deep State worldwide whether you believe it or not. There are those who may not believe, but there are also others looking for actual information and not the BS we are constantly being fed via the Mainstream Media. Cry me a river if you don't like what my friends and I post.
  • Take your word for it its GFL Vlada LOL Drekx I dont think so, I'm no fool... As neither of you can without a doubt provide undeniable proof in videos or legitimate literature, photographic evidence that there were any triangle ships disarming nuclear rocket heads and as thus on both your parts its all just heresay based off your own tales & made up belief only.. no evidence what so ever to show who said it either.. fake info agents..
    Justin you've fallen into the trappings as well now.. I did however see years ago some footage of a round bright orb scout ship disarming a warhead it shot beams into it and I believe it was NASA Buzz Aldrin who was saying he knew who took the footage of it [but don't quote me on that I just watched it ] and you could see the orb blasting a beam it was great to see, he said it had disarmed the nuke, but I cant seem to find that video anymore on Youtube sadly or I'd post it here,.. also that Edgar Mitchel apollo astronaut spoke of aliens who prevented Russia & USA of going into nuclear war but he also didn't mention as to which ET race it was or how he knew,..But Project Blue Book did have proof of UFO's disarming nuclear warheads on missiles but havn't released who they were nor any footage of it that I know of..
    But you two gees you keep spreading so much false notions claiming to be GF ground crew and yet appear more like disinformation agents all the time on this main page, something you should stop doing as its not helping anyone in any way and more fueling your own egos with false story telling's.. and when anyone questions you on it OMG you go into hyperdrive like dogs marking a trail with their pee for territory rites, then go into trying to talk more dribble to cover things up.. the Rendlesham Incident was not GFL either, lol inside data you say my butt... where did that inside data come from, oh you made it up!!!,..all of it is just your own made up notions, your video's are AI vocalised even you cant talk in your own voice on your own videos, now that speaks of a hidden agenda in its self, its made by you under an false alias..
    Gees you can talk fake stuff Drekx and you call yourself awakened even.. yet appear like a made up con man,.. real people here want real truths not made up sci-fi tales using other peoples video footage to back up your tales either, and AI vocalised video talks,... why do you continually try to mind wash people with your own false agenda on here, no wonder people are getting annoyed with you, anyone who questions you they are made to feel like they are totally wrong or a terrorist no matter what they say or how they say it, this site used to be full of great interest with kindred souls.. now the main page is just packed with you guys political propaganda dribble & lies daily. I'm surprised that Brian is allowing this to happen, but personally I think he's abandoned his role in this website these days he's never here. And many people have left the site too sadly.. I'm not leaving however, I'm sticking around watching from the background to all thats going down & getting a true and accurate picture of what you guys are up to on here...I believe there are UFO's & ET's out there & dimensional ET's too as I've seen them with my own eyes, but not how you guys talk about them you make them sound so phoney.
  • Take our word for it, Vlada, it's the GFL....In fact, this pattern of monitoring nuclear installations, sabotaging nuclear ordinance in space, confiscating fissile materials, directly intervening in preventing nuclear wars and neutralising the operating systems of nuclear missile lauches, has been going on since the 1940s. And one of the best and most heavily laden evidentual "UFO" case in history: The one with the most evidence, was the RENDLESHAM INCIDENT.....I cover it in the vid below and it is typical of what you are seeing happening the deep state cabal, AGAIN try to spark a third world war....Which is being prevented, behind the scenes and sometimes, in front of them...The media is covering a tip of the iceberg, currently, but to give you an idea of the types of things, here is a gift.....The how, the why, the when, the purpose....Protect humanity. Prepare for enhancement. Protect ascension..Humanity is loved far more than you could possibly imagine.....

    I have elaborated upon this singular event, set in 1980, with supplementary insider data, video attached:
    Drekx Omega ~ Rendlesham Incident Prt 3 - 3 Nights Merge Into One Summary
  • Well Vlada to answer your question. During these sightings with ET craft near or at nuclear installations a lot of the time its triangular shaped ships that are seen. Triangular shaped ships are common among the Human civilizations from Sirius B, Pegasus, and Alpha Aries Hamal. A group known as the Druan also uses these type of ships. All those civilizations are in the GFL in this galaxy. I did not need anybody to tell me these were GFL ships It's way too obvious and easy to figure out. Even if it was not GFL ships it's still nice to know we got cosmic civilizations protecting us and this planet, but I guarantee you these were GFL ships.
  • Israel continues to unleash hell on Earth, with 250 new airstrikes across Syria
    and allows al quida the reins of gov-next target-Iran
    The world's top new source on natural health -
    The world's top new source on natural health -
  • Justin you keep saying that these ufo's stopping nukes is the GFL,...I'd like to know who originally said that it was GFL.. can you add any proof of this...these ufo's could be from another ET race one that humans know nothing about.
  • Congressman Warns Iranian Mothership Lurking Off Coast Responsible For New Jersey Drone Scare
  • Whack 'em, Drexk-
  • The UK is definitely trending in the same direction as the US, in terms of political reformation and turning the tables on the dark establishment and legacy media...If anything, having a radical socialist regime in charge of the nation, is speeding up the rebellion...Rather like watching unpopular socialist regimes topple, in eastern Europe, in the late 1980s and 1990s...after the Berlin wall fell...

    Nigel Farage's UK Reform Party is certainly on track to replace the Tories and Labour parties.....The people are growing in awareness, for the pressing need to reform the UK in all spheres and stop the rot...

    "Matt Goodwin dives into the seismic shift happening in British politics, focusing on Nigel Farage's growing influence and his revolt against the establishment. Farage's Reform UK party is gaining serious attention from major media outlets like The Times, Telegraph, and Daily Mail, marking a dramatic change in how he's perceived. Matt explores how this could be the start of a political realignment in Britain, reflecting broader cultural shifts. Don't miss this analysis of how Farage is reshaping the political landscape...."
  • Some good news!
    Illegal immigrants self-deporting ahead of Trump’s return to the White House –
    A growing number of illegal immigrants are choosing to return to their home countries ahead of President-elect Trump’s return to office, citing fears…
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