Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • I'll make it short and sweet for you Vlada....One does not have to believe in the GFL, as it's not a religion, but do not conflate us with Greg Giles and so many other fake channels, like Mike Quinsey.... Personally I don't channel I telepath and meet real ETs, in several ways, manasic, astral, aetheric, physical..

    And don't try to pretend that you did not notice that it was me who constantly challenged Greg Giles and exposed all his "global warming sea level rising," rubbish...He left this site, after my challenges to his fakery...He was never in contact with the TRUE Galactic Federation...Just like Quinsey..

    Also, don't try to conflate the GFL with Ashtar Sheran, Vrillon, Sananda,Xzai-On Kumjat which is an officer at the Phoenix fleat, Commander Mon-Ka Kadar (Xzai-On Kumjats cousin) from the fleat the rainbow, Commander Rex from the fleat Phoenix, Commander Thor Odinsson and his brother Baldur from the fleat Asgard. Commander Korton from that same fleat.. The Dove and Commander Christ Michael Aton from the fleat star of Bethlehem. Officer Cher-An Kumjat,.. Officer Xzai-An Kumjat, Officer Stef-An, Officer Shert- On and Officer Mello-Ne...Nor Hatonn....Nor SaLuSa......THESE ARE THE FAKERS.

    And I'll repeat it for you....The GFL is NOT RELIGIOUS, but spiritual and compassionate and you will see us by our fruits, in spite of a UFO coverup....Having saved this planet several times from disaster, unheralded....But no matter, it was done out of love for humanity..Many star nations in the GFL have Earth relatives.....we are relations....Star brothers and sisters....And all human beings on outer Earth, originate spiritual beings and also, based upon their genetics, which has offworld origins..This is science, not religion....Albeit a science you have not grown in consciousness yet, to appreciate...But you will....Eventually....some ahead of you, it seems..

    Moreover, there are genuine ET sources, such as myself, Sheldan Nidle and also Billy Meier.....and the Plejares Federation, within the greater cosmic union, have long struggled to seperate their genuine data, from the many charlatans, such as those "channelings" of Sananda, Sheran and Hatonn.....This link shows you a genuine ET conversation, in which the contested information by fakers, is challenged...
    The Future Of Mankind - A Billy Meier Wiki - Contact Report 233
  • You guys try way too hard at trying to dismiss The GFL lol. And you say Americans are mind stuffed with the Dark Cabal well buddy its actually Americans and others across the globe are actually starting to wake up and finally understand that indeed their governments and various others are rotten to the core and do want a new world order with population reduction and then total control over the rest of us. It's literally right in everybody's faces. Yes there are a few morons who still think everything's normal, but I would say the majority of us know something is wrong. It's so easy to figure out. Open borders with illegals who are criminals, endless wars, endless inflation, endless sickness, vaccine mandates, climate scam they have been going with for decades now, and countless other BS. You also say that you will check back in next year to see what else is going on. My guess is you will prob be back sooner than that. One we don't care if you leave and two people who say they are going away for a while usually end up coming back sooner so see you soon buddy lol.
  • Ara that was debunked years ago as a fake book sorry bout that..but thanks for sharing it, as for what I said Justin I never said you were part of the GFL I said quote: Justin you've fallen into the trappings as well now...and how your responding is just how I depicted you would, just as Drekx did too, like dogs peeing on logs to lay down their territory, once someone questions them its all on and they are slammed like a if they are a intruder on their turf...and a bit of education for you too Justin the term 'gees' is a shorter version of geepers, used as an introductory expletive or to express surprise or enthusiasm like 'Gees dude what are you saying!',...but as your probably American I get that you wouldn't understand our lingo over here in New Zealand we have a British side to us. But I amused you at least to become like a grammer you learnt something ...Yeah dont speak to me about Sheldon Nidle either lol he's another looney tune from way back, he was off down a rabbit hole real deep may as well say he lost himself down it, just as Greg Giles did too way back in the time when he admitted that the GFL channeling through him was all fake and made up and he was sorry he'd ever done it and then left the whole mess behind him.....Glad I make you laugh I'm all about comedy.. the thing is let me say this before you pee on my foot,... there is however a offworld 'Galactic Federation' or a 'Council Of Universal Creations',as I know it, my cosmic father was on the board of it millenniums ago on my home planet,...but this was made up of a group of different planetary races that come together at certain times to work together as a team,e.g Andromedian Council,Sirian Council,Pleidian Council,Arcturian Council,Orion Council and so on but you wouldn't know anything about that... as that's totally different to this made up fake 'Galactic Federation Of Light' stuff,that is a total hoax a made up human concept of the 90's to gain money from the followers, they were just parasites if you ask me to just garner money from people...and yet here you are believing in them and in the same breath saying your gonna take down the dark cabal, well thats been said for many years too and nothing has been taken down lol.. see whats wrong here is what your saying, your repeating what others before you have also stated and yet your also fueling it yourself.. Americans are so mind stuffed with this dark cabal, fake news, fear porn & conspiracy theories they dont know whats real and whats not..
    I read somewhere not sure where now it was so long ago,that the term -"Ashtar Command" was started by a man named Robert Short (or also known as Bill Rose), an Editor of a 1950s UFO magazine. Source Andreas Grünschloß UFO's and Religion Pdf..made sense to me at the time too. Oh just For your amusement, since your into comedy this post from 2008 should garner a good laugh... lol..
    and its still going on with Drekx and his made up stuff with no substantial proof of anything he states either and the same lies year after year are outragious, I don't know how one could call themselves spiritual with the lies they right I'm skeptical Justin I've been in this site long enough to read and witness what's been said over the years,how they now have incorporated us starseeds into their religious propaganda also, we are against religion fullstop,we are system busters, there are no religions offworld never has been and never will be the spiritual community as a whole there is a hell of a lot of misinformation & false narratives, false promises & greedy intentions along with hidden agendas of its just unbelievable. GFL is a man made concept it never existed,.I have always felt a person is defined by his actions. So how do we define the actions of this organization? ...its a prank originated in the late 90's but the GFL cult members don't understand this, just look at the graphic renderings & clothing these commanders were suppose to wear that they posted years back, to see where their minds were at, and the names they gave to the commanders were just BS, Sanadra,Xzai-On Kumjat which is an officer at the Phoenix fleat, Commander Mon-Ka Kadar (Xzai-On Kumjats cousin) from the fleat the rainbow, Commander Rex from the fleat Phoenix, Commander Thor Odinsson and his brother Baldur from the fleat Asgard. Commander Korton from that same fleat.. The Dove and Commander Christ Michael Aton from the fleat star of Bethlehem. Officer Cher-An Kumjat,.. Officer Xzai-An Kumjat, Officer Stef-An, Officer Shert- On and Officer Mello-Ne thats just to name a few... had a good laugh yet,my sides are splitting its that hilarious..really can you believe this rubbish.
    If they truly will honor the ‘one law’ that they have spoken about, which is that no one shall have the right to violate the rights of another in any way, then I would certainly be much more comfortable with all of this.
    stepping off my sound box now I've rambled on long enough, good luck with where your heading both of you,I'll check back in next year to see what other sagas have gone down, and in the meantime will lurk in the back ground listening to some cool NZ tunes in peace.
  • You call me a backstabber Ara because I'm friends with Drekx. I have always been friends with Drekx on here going back to when I first found this site back in 2011. I just did not post as much back then as I have the last few years. If you are trying to bring up drama from a few years back Ara that's not going to work because I was the asshole during that time period and got pissed off because I was not invited to GFL tours that will happen after disclosure back then. I reacted like a complete POS and that was 200% my fault not anybody elses. A lot has changed in the last few years as I was officially invited to take part in the tours at the very beginning of 2024. A few years ago though I definitely did not deserve to be in those tours.
  • A kiss ass because Drekx and I share the same beliefs? I already mentioned I have known about all this since I was a teenager I did not need anybody to force their beliefs on me. As for proof I don't need proof it's way too obvious its GFL. I have no idea how people have a hard time believing these ships are GFL. I can see though that you are trying to start up drama by saying I've gotten better at kissing ass. What are we in High School Ara? Absolutely pathetic. What's also pathetic is how some folks seem so threatened by others and myself posting GFL related material. Also Ara who gives a rats ass what you think about me.
  • even this have more evidence
    with pictures and descriptions
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  • Oh Justin, you just get so much better in kissing ass ... es ... clearly .... backstabber i would say you are.
    I remember, not long time ago ... do you? And look at you now, the wagon took you back, and you are lost again. Very sad.
    regardless if this is a hoax or real - however it is visible evidence Ashtar Galactic Command. What do you have? please anything, insignia or a sign that say gfl you are posting general videos posted by simple people as ufo's, who told you that those are gfl ships?
  • This is concerning if true as more than 70% of the population has taken the jab.
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    Do You Owe Back Taxes? Free Consultation: Call 1-800-958-1000 The countdown until Trump gets in office continues. The [DS] is pl…
    Ep. 3521a - Confirmed, Biden Just Revealed The [CB] Economic Plan When Trump Takes Office
    Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA or call 877-646-5347 Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^ Disclaimer: (there's always a risk of in…
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