Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • Michael Cohen admits to stealing tens of thousands from Trump. Good reporting here by Benny Johnson.
  • From a biblical stance, if Europe is the beast, then China is the dragon....In this case, a PAPER DRAGON:

    Red China is obsessed with "mega projects," which are often simply intended to impress foreigners...and more often than not, TOTALLY ARTIFICIAL...🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🐲
    Woke corporates in the west may be impressed, but the Chinese people really do not benefit, at all...
    One may even suppose that many of China's "super power" credentials, are also fake, in spite of what the western media claims, or the CCP propagandists say..🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉

    Here we have another BIZARRE fakery example...In this case, a FAKE LIBRARY..
    Watch this vid and be amazed at this communist nation's contributions, to lower astral plane manias..🧟🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♀️

    "China’s Fake Libraries - Filled with Fake Books"
  • Has Allah sent a message to Iran, with the death of President Ebrahim Raisi..?? Maybe, as Raisi's luck had certainly run out, on that foggy mountainside, helicopter crash...Maybe his karma was so great, it caught up with him...??

    Also, Raisi's place of death is aptly named; Uzi. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humour?🤫

    I don't celebrate death, but I do celebrate life.......However, a lot of people in Iran and around the world, will be celebrating Raisi's death, just as people in the 40s, celebrated the deaths of Nazis...💀
  • Argentina is doing really well after taking out the trash there. Just wait till the trash is taken out in the US and then the rest of the world. That's when things get really good. Let freedom ring :)
  • The sooner Creepy Joe is gone the better. These Deep State individuals are the very definition of sick in the head.
  • "It was crystal clear," Martz added about what McGuire said in his original tweet. "You believe the best way to 'save the planet' is to reduce the human population, but you don't want to volunteer to go first and lead by your own example because you think your existence is superior to everyone else."
    Climate professor Bill McGuire tweets that “culling” human population is only way to prevent a clim…
    The only way to save the planet from getting too hot and melting is to kill off millions or even billions of people with another “pandemic,” accordin…
    Ep. 3356b - The Puzzle Is Coming Together, Communication Blackout, Trump Sends Messages
    Chuck Norris Made A Special Video Learn What He Discovered Go To The [DS] is preparing to switch everything up. They pus…
    Ep. 3356a - Bill Introduced To End The Fed, All We Need Is An Economic Crisis, Tick Tock
    Learn How To Keep Weight Off 20 Million People Watched The Video Go To The people are seeing the difference between the…
  • The psychopathic CCP do not want you to see this video.....So watch it and learn truth, before it's airbrushed completely.....And now it's age-restricted...On the 18th it was not...

    Crazy, Crazy, Politix (CCP) of Red Chinese authorities...🐉

    And in contrast, bless the Chinese people and heart-broken parents of those unfortunate kids...🎕⚱️
  • One always wonders why feminists on the left, support "Palestine" and the Hamas haters of women...A dichotomy of beliefs...To side with Islamist terrorists, who hate women, in particular, especially jewish and christian women, it would appear, seems insane for western liberal feminists, to side with....Even if they confuse themselves with Marxism..

    Cowards who abduct women, are shameful....Innocents, such as Shani Louk & Amit Buskila...

    We should all support Israel in the campaign, in Gaza...✡️✌🏻 It's a war between civilisation and barbarity...Light and darkness..Which side are you on, reader...?? On the lower astral plane, a choice must be made..
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rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Also what do the Sirians call the Andromeda Galaxy? Had to ask since you mentioned the Andromeda Galaxy and yes I agree the name Andromeda is indeed a pretty cool sounding name :)"
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rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yeah around the normies I guess I still gotta use the term Milky Way. Forgot about the normies for a second lol :P"
24 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"hehe...Yeh I always thought we had a bad deal with the naming of "milky way." It obviously comes from the Greek, "galaxias," which means milky....So milky way galaxy is like saying the "milky way milky"...LOL

Now in contrast, we have a nearby…"
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RichRaelian posted photos in Mission Of Maitreya; Eternal Divine Path
33 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Good information You provided Drekx. It sounds like I might have to stop calling our galaxy the Milky Way and start calling it the Kashira Galaxy now."
37 minutes ago