Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • Sheldan gives us some really cool information about the ships of the Galactic Federation of Light and The Anchara Alliance. Part 1 here talks about the ships of the Galactic Federation of Light.
  • And does Biden actually control the US military...?? I think not....and why do the US and Russian forces share the same base in Africa, which is Niamey 101 military base in Niger...?? I thought the sides were supposed to be opposed to each other, over Ukraine....?? Things are not always as they are presented, by the dark orthodoxy...
    CNN may spin this, but things are just not what they seem, to the casual observer. Those who follow MSM....with it's 04.00 am drops....
  • And of course, when I speak of the US military I mean the real patriots, not the TV Generals" like Lloyd Austin....Who I admit, is corrupted by the deep state....
    This so-called 4-star General, now serving the Biden regime as "Secretary of Defense..." in the fake admin...Nope, not him, but there are others who are waiting in the wings, so to speak...Maybe as VP in the next Trump admin...?? Michael Flynn.....? Well, if he accepts that role...
  • L'd like to think the satanic biden admin was allowed to manifest-fester is more like it
  • I will vote-it's the overnight ballot stuffing that's then counted-repubs call for recount and verification-satanic dem judges refuse then it's law suits, litigation and they'll find out Trump won as everyone has recently and no one does anything about it-the US military is supposed to step in but they are corrupted by the same satanic ilk- I hope this is all thwarted.
  • AE...In response, I hope that nobody among the US electorate, will be put off voting Trump, just because they might believe that the 2024 election will be rigged...?? In fact, this election coming, Nov 5th, will be protected under paper ballot, plus voter ID, plus supervised by the military....Under emergency process, which allows the National Guard and US Army to be present on US soil, in the emergency scenario which commenced in 2020....The previous election, which was a fake election, was heavily monitored and ALLOWED to progress, albeit, under a military activated in response to the fake Biden election and coup, by the deep state on 6th Jan 2021, which was against Trump and not what the baddies claim at all....(Trump was still President on 6th Jan.)

    The process of a Biden regime, rather than legit government, was allowed to manifest, in order to WAKE THE PEOPLE UP....So many dems are now thinking of voting Trump, as they remembered how much better their lives were when Trump was in office...Blacks and Latinos are now siding with Trump, as they see the illegal migrant invasion, as a threat to their way of life....Jobs, homes, etc....As well as rampant inflation, under "Bidenomics." (Actually, due to the fiat system implosion.)

    And because the dark are failing, they will use a cyber attack on the US elections and blame outside nations, in a false flag....The US military will step in (good excuse,) as America will be under attack from enemies, foreign and domestic....TRUMP WILL BE ELECTED FAIR & SQUARE....

    So I hope you give Trump your vote....? No need to fear years of more of the same madness, from satanic marxists.....Said satanic ones will be rounded up and sent to gitmo.....

    There will be military tribunals, of the dark cabal/deep staters, that cannot be interfered with, by lefty civilian lawyers...And the three-letter agencies will be and are, OUTRANKED by the US military....And especially under emergency powers....

    Regards, Colonel Omega
  • The dems in battleground states are going to cheat again and no dem judge will hear the repubs complaints or accept proof-it will take years again. We are dealing with satanic marxists
    Five middle school girls who refused to compete against a male in shot put were just banned from al…
    Lately, there have been numerous “wars” happening both in the US and around the world. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues, and the sit…
  • I often hear the notion that England has "lost it's sense of tradition." However, we still have it and that includes the Mayday festival with Morris dancers and ancient celebration of Beltane...✌🏻🌞

    'You'll never stop Mayday!' - Cornwall residents support traditional festival welcoming summer...
  • Great video.. Trump is supported by the light and he will win 2024 by a landslide! God bless you President..❤️🤍💙
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