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  • Agarther Z asked:
    "do the Sirians have a name for us? :)"

    Drekx reply:
    Yes, "vreg kalibran," which means "lost children."
    "Kali" in Sanskrit means black.....As per the Hindu goddess of that name....Note that Sirians use a word which has a similar structure, as also based upon ancient Lyran language and the word is "kalibran," which means "children" plural...
    One may ask, why black and why children...??

    Well essentially this useage pertains to the manner in which a child is effectively eclipsed by a parent, a mother, while in the womb and also, during the growing up process....The Sirians use cosmology in their cultural norms and traditional manners of understanding everything, so make the comparison between an unborn baby, in the mother's womb and it's birth and slow growth to adulthood....And this is compared with the solar eclipse, in which a full eclipse mostly blackens out the sun (child) and as the moon (mother) and observer on Earth (or other,) moves slowly, the moon may eclipse partially, half eclipse and finally reveal the sun again, to full passage....The sun becomes an adult, as it were....The mother's lunar blackness, which is a nurturing energy, is slowly removed and the sun may blaze it's adult glory, with the mother passed from sight...

    And Sirians consider that all surface Earth people are as "children" because of the incarnated age, in the great majority, not exceeding 100-years....Sirian adolesence is considered to be around 50-years, and adulthood is regarded at around twice that...And this is not just physical form development, but rather spiritual and mental maturity...One becomes truly wise with age and the average Sirian lifespan is around 2160 sol years....

    And so, in consequence, Sirians regard Earth's surface humanity as "children," who are "lost," as the nurturing parent is mostly absent, in the majority of Earth human lives....

    The term of "lost children" has multiple meanings, but this Sirian term centres around those definitions, given.....It is "vreg kalibran."

    Moreover, Just a reminder that Sirians refer to planet Earth as "Terra," in very much the same way, as those comrades of common Lyran ancestry, from the Plejares...

    🛸🛸🛸Ja ta vin terra.....!!❤️🌍
  • Under the spiritual law of names, we have the right to choose our own name...When we become initiate, or closer to ascension, we adopt a name, suited to our incarnational purpose and objectives....
    For example, the Sirians do use names that possess energies of resonance for each of them, with meanings and spiritual purposes...

    One of my contacts is known as Vashtar.....I'll provide some data which I provided on another blog, in discussion:

    Always pronounce any Sirian word as reversing the sounds for "y" and "j", so that gajun is pronounced; "ga-yun." The same applies to the letters "v" and "w" in which a name such as "Vashtar" is pronounced; "wash-tar." (albeit not "wash-ta.") The Sirian word "ta" pertains to "heaven" and "tar" is a slight deviation from that state...Indeed, it refers to "heavenly focus," but not "heaven" itself...Thus an aspirational word, rather than a location...
    So, a watery flow that focusses upon a heavenly destination...It is poetic, and suggest a river that flows towards heaven....VASHTAR...(of the Atar clan, of spirit-warriors.)

    Interestingly, the former Anunnaki "gods" described themselves as "heavenly," albeit they were not truly upon that level, in cosmic evolution terms....
    Advanced Sirians, such as Vashtar, do not believe themselves, "heavenly," BUT, they do aspire to reach such a perfection, and adopt an incarnational life name, to allow that progress towards a goal...
    In truth, he's on the 6th cosmic initiation...One cannot be in heaven until one rises above the material realms, entirely....Although, we on Earth-chain evolution, may view the manasic plane as heaven, for us....Even those of higher evolution, at "King of Wisdom" grade, do not....

    So his life purpose and journey is defined as a flowing river, meandering towards heaven..with focussed intent to arrive, eventually.....
    The name Sheldan uses for him, "Washta," is somewhat premature...
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  • Hope you reconsider and stay Universal Lighthouse. I like the work you do on here and always enjoy seeing your posts. Yes nobody like War and Violence or any Dark wrong doings, but it can't be ignored. Everything the dark does needs to be exposed and this site has been good at showing what they have been doing for many years and in my opinion is helping people understand what has been really going on and waking many people up. This site is spiritual, but you can also say its a good site to expose the Dark Cabal on. People who don't even have accounts on this site might accidentally stumble upon this site and see the stuff we post and say hey this makes sense and post this stuff else where for people to see. The more the dark is exposed the quicker their defeat happens which leads to a new golden age for this planet and Humanity.
  • Universal Lighthouse -this is the message board and Ben allows all types of topics-the bulk of the Discussions are spiritual in nature-we are all being attacked in various ways by the DARK and we are discussing it here-you can't stick your head in the sand and hope it all goes away-but good luck to you
  • According the wife of the author, Phillip K Dick, the Axis Powers won -in a parallel universe! She said they met a man in the 1950s who claimed to be able to traverse universes and he told them the story! You can also view the tv series on Amazon Prime-chilling!
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