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Do Mexicans still call it the Gulf of Mexico-…
Above photo is the police and bomb squad arriving at a medical center in Shreveport, Louisiana (in 2022) after a patient threatened to bomb the hospital over an argument concerning narcotic pain medication…
Darkness & Light - Reconcialation Of Non-Duality Transmission
...Darkness & Light - Reconcialation Of Non-Duality TransmissionBy Shora From White WallsNon duality is NOT no duality. The irony of non-duality is about being in the dual nature of this plane, yet at the same time understanding and embodying the…
Read more…A Vision For Smiles & A Vision For You !
The Vision Alignment Project A Vision for Smiles Here is another wonderful Vision from our friend Pernille Therkildsen in Denmark. Thanks so much, and keep them coming to us, Pernille! She says, "This morning I woke up with a song on my mind:…
Read more…The New Wave of Awakening By Lady Nada & Octavia Vasile
The New Wave of Awakening By Lady Nada & Octavia Vasile Beloved children of light, the time of suffering is dissolving like mist before the morning sun. You have carried the weight of pain and fear for lifetimes, but now, the gentle embrace of…
Read more…How To Create A Safe Space For Your Own Healing By Matt & Joy Kahn
How To Create A Safe Space For Your Own Healing By Matt & Joy Kahn Are you carrying too much? Do you feel like you're holding the weight of the world—your family, your community, even the struggles of the world around you? It’s easy to believe…
Read more…Affirmations: Releasing the Suppressed Feminine, Embracing the Divine Feminine By Steve Nobel
Affirmations: Releasing the Suppressed Feminine, Embracing the Divine Feminine By Steve Nobel Affirmations directly address the unconscious mind, the part of you that never sleeps, the part of you that is always listening to the thoughts you think,…
Read more…The Healer’s Clearing and Upliftment Transmission By Steve Nobel
The Healer’s Clearing and Upliftment Transmission By Steve Nobel If you are a healer of any kind and wish to clear intrusive energies interfering in your work and to upgrade your connection to Universal Energy then check out this…
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Clown Show! Massachusetts Town Votes To Become “Sanctuary City For Transgender & Gender-Diverse People”"
Yea funding climate change deniers, putting ads out denying climate change lol ExxonMobil, yet ohh the elites behind climate change lol The only ones playing into the hands of the elites, are YOU FOLKS, sadly lol Like you always do lol Can’t put 2+2 together lol
I mean ohh the elites behind climate changeee, yea then WHY are they funding anti-climate change groups lol People who deny climate change lol WHY do they suppress studies that show how climate change is affecting the Earth, if they’re behind climate change lol
And this is PROVEN lol It’s not just talk, they really do do that lol The elites, and big oil, have been proven, to fund climate change deniers lol And suppress climate change studies. Now why would they do THAT, answer that lol
The Sirian protective suit, used for underwater exploration, is the "veleto." It can visit the depths of the ocean, without the single occupant suffering any ill effects...Of course, that ancient tribe of Dogons assumed that Sirians using such suits, were "fish men" of sorts.....The Babylonians also thought this, when they witnessed such suits being used...Thus legends of "mermen" and "mermaids," etc....
If such tribes had seen modern scuba gear, wet suits and fins, the same results, no doubt...
The Akonowai star system has neighbours and there are Sirians living on planets within the systems of Sirius C and D....The inhabitants of a planet named "Watarindan" (watery representative,) as an example...
Sirius C is a red dwarf star and has two gas giants, which appoximately relate to Uranus in size and there is one waterworld, which has a Sirian inner planet colony and the outer planet is almost entirely covered by ocean, with very small islands, scattered about the entirity...Somewhat akin to the Pacific ocean on Earth, but global...
And just as Samanet and Atarmunck have both sea and land guardians, as does the planet Watarindan, of Sirius C...
The Sirian name for all cetacean sea guardians, who conduct daily divine rituals, is "Makudeem," which means sacred ones....But, a more specific name for the dolphins of that order, are the "Nommo," which are very much in abundance within the singular waters of the planet, exceeding the equivalent dolphins on other Sirian waterworlds, by several hundred percent...
This is the reason why the name of the Sirian Nommos is so well reported in relation to Dogon lore, as their Sirian visitors and instructors, were humanoids from inner Watarindan, who when asked who their people were, included the paramount importance of the Nommo, who are both sacred Makudeem and true representatives of their watery world....Placing reference to both their star nation, as well as their prime sea guardian race...And the Nommo are telepathic dolphins, with high intelligence...Albeit, animals, they are unique in their intellect......So, offered the respect of a salient role, as a people, in their own right...As per the teachings given the Dogon tribe...