Above photo is from All-Pro Reels of D.C. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The 12 pm chart is used on a basic zodiac dial due to unknown time of birth. This results in house systems, the…
ACC Members-My 2nd book is on it's way to the printer! Am I dreaming?
I tried to get my short stories published for 14 years, at mostly NYC woke publishers, and I kept getting rejected. My first book, Martian Concerns and Other Tales accepted by my publisher in London, has reached around the world and not just…
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A rocket engine in the void of space (scientist think the fabric of the void/space consists of dark matter, but they can't really measure that yet) can push itself forward on the exhaust -the exhaust becomes the matter to thrust against-so rockets are propelling through air also thrusting against exhaust and air?
"We spend so much of our time in quarrels and anger and instead we should always spend it on love. Love for what you do, love for family and friends, love the world, because even a single day spent without love, is a day wasted....!!"🪆👍🏻
The Arcturians can deactivate this insane bio-weapon program.....BUT, each person effected must request that they be healed and do so sincerely and with genuine gratitude...I'm also told that we cannot do this on another's behalf....It must be each vaxx victim who requests Arcturian healing...and the individuals alone....
So each must regret their mistake and seek to live, free of this curse...
MOREOVER, when calling for Arcturian assistance, visualise the tone of orange light, covering you.....That way you will receive the correct result..and the genuine Arcturians...
I did warn him not to, but alas no, he ignored me and listened to "experts."
Note this TGD document and the point about lipid nanoparticles spreading around the body to all organs, including the brain...and heart...Of course, the spike proteins manufactured in the cellular ribosomes, will also follow the RNA programming from the vaccine and this is the mess we see all over the insides of the victims who died.....Many living now are ticking time bombs, who will probably be gone within three years...It spreads to all cells in the body.....
This was known before distribution...Therefore we can conclude it is a deliberate act to murder the vaxx takers...I call this biological warfare...