
I really don’t know where to begin my story. The knowledge I have attained seems just so incredibly powerful and complex that I don’t know how to even describe it with words. I have been putting off writing this because I felt it would be too much to write and was unsure whether I should even share my knowledge. But I’m here now and I’m writing and I tend to always be where I must be so this feels right. Might as well tell you the story.

Dear reader whoever you may be,

The story I’m about to tell you starts out interesting to say the least and ends up reaching the wildest conclusions and awakenings. Read only if you are prepared to accept the truth and have faith in your heart.
The best way to start is at the beginning no doubt. Like me, you will undergo a journey by the end of which everything said at the beginning will begin to fall in place and start making sense. Be patient, be faithful.

It started when I was 7 or so. Well in fact I feel it all might have started much more earlier but the sign § was revealed to me at the age of 7 I believe. You will learn much more about this sign/symbol/number.

I was staying at my grandmothers place in the countryside, she is a very spiritual person with healing and other abilities. In fact I’m beginning to realize she might just be my spirit guide. Anyway I woke up one morning with a symbol on my cheek. The § symbol, originally called a section sign to note paragraphs etc. It was there sitting on my right cheek I think, like a double s, entwined snakes or even a number which I will reveal later. It was of brown and red colour like a birthmark and not on the skin but IN the skin. I initially thought it was a prank by my grandma and that she had put a tattoo on me while I was sleeping. So I showed her the symbol and asked her if she did it and of course she didn’t believe me at first and thought I did a tattoo! :D After investigating the symbol and talking she was convinced I had no idea what it was or where it came from. It stayed for a whole week or so and could not be washed off. It slowly faded away by itself.

There’s no point in asking me whether I slept on some coins or some other option because trust me I have considered all the options. My pillow was white as snow there was nothing that could have imprinted it. When a symbol randomly appears on your face you really go out of your way to find answers…

Back then I never did come up with any explanation neither did I manage to take a picture of the original symbol. I didn’t even own a phone or camera back then and neither did my grandma. I put it off as some random magical event or whatever, I was a kid.

Some years later I tried researching the symbol but with no luck.

It wasn’t only until some more years that I came across a book while going through the shelves. This was an ancient book in latin or some old language and it was about ghosts, demons, spirits and so on. My mother said the book had belonged to my great grandfather who died before I was born. I don’t know much about him yet except that he was a unique kind of person.

I should note that my Great Grandfather was from my mother side and the grandmother who I stayed at when the symbol appeared was from my fathers. So there's no possible connection.

You see the really interesting stuff was at the very back of the book, on the inside cover. There were symbols sketched there with a fountain pen or dip pen, you know what they used back in the day. There were various § symbols there and one of them matched mine! Then I explained the appearing of the symbol as my great grandfathers soul visiting me and just saying hi or something. It might still be connected to my great grandfather but the real meaning of the sigil goes much deeper… I believe my great grandfather discovered something and I’m very close to figuring it out or perhaps I already have.

I didn’t question the event anymore for a long while after that. I thought it was simply my great grandfathers spirit visiting me.

Then years passed, I graduated, went to uni, dropped out. I experienced love for a short while but it was not as pure as the love I feel now. I experienced pain, anger and disappointment. I have not had a great life. I have been lost in time and in myself. Depression has been a master and I succumbed to darkness for a while. But that phase in my life has ended like the numbers told me. Basically I grew up and came to know good and evil. My mind was polluted by darkness but has ever since been cleansed with divine knowledge and understanding.

I am 19 now. And it was not until 2-3 weeks ago that the symbol caught my attention again. I told the story to some friends and their reactions made me see how unbelievable the story seems to others and that determined me to find answers for myself, about myself.

I started researching the symbol and initially found very little connections. I read a lot about the caduceus, ouroboros, serpent symbolism which all ties in with its ideas of balance and wisdom. For a short while I feared the symbol might have a bad omen to it, I even began to think it was 616 as the mark of the Beast... But I have confirmed it is not.

I had been reading many theories and bible passages all day and things seemed to start making sense, I can’t explain it but I have a sense of intuition or a “vibe” about things and usually I sense things correctly. I understood how to interpret signs and felt the world was in great danger from an evil source, the theories spoke of the end times and the antichrist and terrible things in general… and of course this was all just stuff I had picked up on the web using this “vibe” feeling ability I have. And I’m sitting there wondering how could I possibly know or confirm these feelings, I was falling into desperation and was sad that I could not make sense of it.

Now here comes the crazy part… I noticed two pieces of paper on my table, these pieces of papers had numbers on them. And believe me or not these were numbers I had written COMPLETELY randomly about 2 weeks before and back then I wasn’t even thinking about the things I know now. It was like a joke, I sat down with nothing on my mind and began writing numbers, like a joke to my friend I told him “hey look Im doing useful work” and we laughed and I forgot about these numbers I had written in a random unconscious flow. It seems I was actually doing useful work after all though…

Now 2 weeks later I see these papers on my table and before that day I had looked into numerology and stuff like that. So jokingly I decide to add together all the 16 numbers I had written down. At the same time in my mind I was asking for answers and a sign from some force that what I had figured out was real. And when I added up the digits I almost got a heart attack… 666 spot on. I calculated it a few more times and the answer did not change. I don’t even know what pushed me to add up those numbers, I’ve no idea how I even made the connection! Initially I thought the 666 was a bad omen for me and my symbol but I also felt it was more like a warning. A warning that said yes evil is real and you must fight it. Since then I have found out MUCH more about this mysterious set of numbers from my unconscious which I will save for later. In fact the total was not 666 but 664. I read a 3 as a 5 and the answer changed the whole thing. 664 is the real total 6+6+4= 7 You will see later why I added it up like that.

After feeling this divine call and receiving understanding that was confirmed by the 666 from the seemingly impossible event of me predicting the number weeks before I started to feel this pretty indescribable feeling. It was like a calling or memory of something so so sacred and holy that it brought tears to my eyes. I felt I was part of something that to me feels like the most honourable and sacred thing there is. That was when I realized I have been given signs my whole life and must learn to interpret and notice them. I was still unsure of who I was and of my mission but I felt I was getting close.

EDIT: It seems I made a mistake in reading one number and that sets the total of the strange numbers at 664 instead of 666. This makes EVEN MORE SENSE (6+6+4=7) in the final conclusion as you’ll see, keep reading! Mark of Beast 666 panic avoided! I still sense danger from some form of evil however.

A little bit later I started to see the § symbol as numbers, a 6 and 9! I then read about angel numbers and meanings of numbers in general and things became a bit more clear. That websites and signs I saw felt like clear messages to me. I then randomly came upon the 8 traits of a Lightworker and as I started reading tears began to run down my face. I was at a friends place so I quickly went to the bathroom to finish reading and cry in peace. Cry because in those words I once again recognized myself and the ancient cause so holy and noble, so sacred. I began to see beauty and horror in things. Beauty in the world, in people, in animals, in EVERYTHING. Horror in the evil that I feel is lurking among us.
I also realized that I have been seeing the number 69 a lot. A LOT. Things like looking at my phone to check time and also randomly notice that I have 69% battery would happen to me about 5 times a day. AND THEN I REMEBERED.

About 2-3 months before my grandma had given me a reading with some angel cards or something, don’t know exactly how to call them. Anyway I got the card called “Angel on Earth”. It explained how I was a bringer of Light (notice keyword LIGHT?) and my purpose here was to show an example of divine peace and love so that others may learn to do so. It said I don’t even need to try to make a change but just be loving and kind towards all and that love I feel is the power itself that will heal the world.

And you want to know how I suddenly remembered this angel card reading she gave me 3 months before? THE NUMBERS. I just somehow knew or remembered that the “Angel on Earth” card was the 69th one and I called up my grandma to check and of course I was right. She was quite surprised but she’s a very spiritual person so she immediately connected the dots and we talked a bit.

By this point I had researched MUCH more and found about something called Kundalini spiritual awakening, the chakras and alchemy. The vault of knowledge in my mind had grown MASSIVE. And somehow I could just connect the dots and see clearly. I knew signs were being given to me all the time and I knew to look out for them.

The spiritual and inner peace I have achieved is just incredible… like a harmony. I’ve come to understand that I love every single one of you. I love everyone and cannot hate. Only that of which is purely evil in nature gives me a negative vibe. The rest is all love… Love for the birds, animals, nature and sun shining in the morning, love for people around me everywhere, I feel like I’ve reconnected to an ancient mindset or understanding.

I also sense some kind of danger arising. I see signs of end times and you may call me crazy. But I can’t deny what I feel. I will not go into details of my theories yet as I don’t want to make false statements but the danger I sense is real I’m quite sure of it…
I saw the first sign in the solar eclipse on the 20th of March 2015 (“The Sun shall be turned into darkness”)

And another one in a dream my grandmother told me. She had a dream that my uncle, came to her house in the countryside and wanted to destroy the pure water spring there, this well produces the purest and healthiest water and he wanted to destroy it? (“And something like a great mountain burning with fire
was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood.
And a third of the living creatures in the sea died,” – poisoning of pure water

I didn’t understand why my uncle was in the dream but then I remembered a theory I had about how money and economy will doom us all and is of evil and well my uncle works in a bank and he was the one destroying this pure water source.

This is not the first time my grandmother has had a prophetic dream like this. And I sense some kind of warning in it too.

Now about that solar eclipse. There’s many theories about these solar eclipses and while searching about them I found out that there was actually a full solar eclipse on my birthday, the 24th of October 1995! I feel there’s some meaning to that and I’ve found some crazy ideas and theories.

For example I found a site that explains the meaning of your birth date and I know you can’t always trust these things but astrology can be incredibly powerful and the numbers bound with it can reveal amazing things…

The site gave my date of birth the following answer:

Your date of birth is : 10/24/1995
You come under the vibrations of Venus & Saturn. The influence of Venus shall make you a demi-God - giving you a large no. of friends, admirers. You shall be affectionate but not very demonstrative in your affections. You are likely to be attracted towards the opposite sex & have many affairs. There are more than one marriages on the cards. You also have a strong sense of law & order and justice and go into the minutest of details in whatever your field of study may be. You do not like disharmony and always strike a balance and make peace all around you - for you are effected by your circumstances. Moneywise, you shall be fortunate if you stick to your own judgements. Partnerships/ associations with others are fortunate for you since you get on so well with people. Generally, you are blest with good health except for tonsilitis/ throat infections in your early years and may be, just maybe some growth such as tumours later in life. To increase your magnetic vibrations, you should prefer to wear all shades of gold, yellow, orange, shades of blue. Your favourable stones are : diamonds, turquoise, topaz &and amber.

I cannot even begin to explain how accurate this reading was to me and how many things became very clear to me as I read the words. It is true I have been rejected my whole life and felt out of place, I never did fit it anywhere, was bullied at highschool and now I realize why. And I always felt like justice should be done. I always felt like I didn’t belong, not even to this planet. And perhaps that truly is the case. I keep getting the same vibe about this. There must be something to it.

Another thing I found is some theories saying that the real date of birth of Jesus Christ is 24th October but I’m not sure what to make of that.

So that’s all that. I have come to know myself, truly. And I cried many tears when I thought about what had been done to me, but people simply don’t realize, to hurt others is in their nature. I forgive them. I just always felt more innocent than others and all I wanted was to be friends and unite in peace and love and then highschool destroys that dream… It caused an emotional crises and I lost hope and compassion for humanity. But this love for our planet and its people has now returned in me after I have been shown the way and the signs. And felt the divine love.

Now the other very strange things lie in the numbers I randomly wrote down that time. An unconscious flow of thought can reveal more than I ever thought. Basically there are 16 numbers in total and I look at them in 2 columns or pairs. So the sequence of numbers was


Now let’s look at some rather interesting facts about these numbers:

Previously I stated the total as 666 but it is indeed 664 as there was not a 35 in the list but a 33. My fives and threes look rather similar sometimes heh. Amazingly this confirms my theory even more! Check it out:

Total: 664
6+6+4= 16
1+6= 7

Amount of pairs of numbers: 16
1+6= 7

Now view the numbers as a two columns of numbers running down.
Now lets add all the columns together one side by one (only looking at the first number in the pair)

2+3+4+2+2+3+9+8+7+3+4+4+0+2+3+5=61 (also 6+1= 7)

Now the second side(second number in the pair)

8+0+0+4+5+6+7+4+2+3+2+4+1+2+6+0= 54 (also 5+4= 9)

Also 9+7= 16

1+6 = 7

BUT look at this

6+1+5+4= 16

1+6= 7

AND 61+54= 115

1+1+5= 7!!

61-54= 7 !!!

The sequence always comes down to 7 somehow!!!
Even if I added together the numbers horizontally, like so:

2+8 = 10
3+0= 3
4+0= 4
2+4= 6
2+5= 7
3+6= 9
9+7= 16
8+4= 12
7+2= 9
3+3= 6
4+2= 6
4+4= 8
0+1= 1
2+2= 4
3+6= 9
5+0= 5

And now add together the new sequence…
10+3+4+6+7+9+16+12+9+6+6+8+1+4+9+5= 115

1+1+5= 7...

EDIT: This is INSANE! Even if you multiply the numbers you get 7!

Look there’s one 1, seven 2s, five 3s, six 4s, two 5s, two 6s, two 7s, two 8s, one 9 among ALL the digits right?
Now if you leave the 1 alone but multiply everything like so: 7*2=14 AND 1+4= 5 then next one
5*3=15 AND 1+5=6 and so on, you can verify yourself.

You will end up with a sequence of numbers: 1, 5, 6, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Add them up and you get 43

4+3= 7 !!!!!

Another thing that puzzles me is that the sixes and some other numbers always seem to be close together in the sequence.
I’m sure there is even more ways these numbers come down to 7 and more answers in them. But what does it mean? Could it signal a coming apocalypse? OR perhaps the 7 chakras, or maybe even THE 7th chakra. Sure Signs? God? This what I feel it has to do with. And trust me my feelings or “vibes” have never deceived me.

Ever since I took up interest in this symbol again I have been on a spiritual path. And I believe I have awakened spiritually and am now much more receptive to the universe’s messages.

Ever since I was younger I felt I had some innate ability to “know”. And this theory is being confirmed as I feel my powers growing with my faith and my spirituality.

For example just before I played a game with my friend. The game involves me “guessing” a random colour he is thinking of or a place or something about his life. I won 99% of the times…

I was saying things about his life he had never told me, like I was trying to figure out how many and which pets he had and I already mentioned dogs which was correct and then suddenly I get this image of a fish and I always have to trust my instincts because the first thought I get is the correct one. And so I ask him if he had a fish and he stares at me mouth open because he had never ever told me this and then he says yeah I had a fish he died around the same time his miscarried brothers did… rest in peace poor souls

There are things I know that I can’t explain and I can’t explain how I know them. I just do.

This spiritual path has lead me to stop using hard drugs, become healthy and truly find myself after being corrupt for years. This can’t possibly be a bad thing. And all this due to a symbol appearing on my cheek that ignited this fire within me, the fire to seek knowledge and answers to the mysteries of life. An inner fire that calls me to do my bidding in the end times and protect mankind from evil. And most importantly, to love.
It’s as if I’m remembering the essence of our being from the ancient times, a secret knowledge that has been lost over time… but we all have it and can find it if we seek within ourselves.

Now my incredible story is coming to an end. And you might even find it difficult to believe everything but every single word I have written is the honest truth. And I know there are those of you out there who know and understand when truth is being said and I know you will hear me.
This story never was something that I wanted to prove to anyone. I’m seeking answers for myself and the story does not need to be proved to me. But I do need your help in figuring out exactly who I am and what I must do. We must figure out what we CAN do to save humanity, together.

You know another thing I just felt like throwing in here is how the nickname Soul has always been my thing, it just feels so right and how it starts with an S and my symbol was § which looks similar it just feels so interconnected. And that’s really the thing, everything is connected, on a spiritual level too. By this constant flow of goodness in our world. It’s in the sunshine, the rain, the water flowing. It is the essence of life.

Now I want to hear your ideas and conclusions, I’ve been writing all morning haven’t even eaten yet because I just wanted most of my story written down, it felt necessary.

Remain peaceful and don’t forget our loving nature.

I love you all,


25th March 2015

I feel I’m extremely close to coming to know the meaning of the § symbol. The strange numbers keep on coming down to 7 no matter what I do or how I add, subtract, times or divide them.

Also look at this: I now see § as 3 + -3=§=69 Imagine the second three is flipped around and the two are then joined. That would then produce the symbol that appeared on my face. Also if the symbol then has become of value 69, to separate the two 9-6 brings us as back 3. And 6-9 back to -3. The original. This feels like an equation.

Thoughts running through my head are of infinity? Reverse infinity? Dark matter? I don’t know yet but I’m close.

Soul signing off,
Stay righteous, stay peaceful,

25th March 2015 evening


I also just realized that the mysterious numbers or digits above add up to 7 even if you add up every single digit separately and get 439 then

4+3+9 = 16 and 1+6 = 7

The other news is that whatever power or mind reading ability I seem to possess is starting to scare my friends. I will be cautious with it.


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