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 Sunday Call 8/8/2021 (SANANDA, OWS, Shoshanna)

James & JoAnna McConnell




 Sananda  and One Who Serves channeled  by James McConnell

Shoshanna (Joanna’s Higher Self)


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ  on August 8, 2021. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website (www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings) and join there


 SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am Sananda. I come at this time, in these times of great change. Great change that is in the process of developing now.


And as you have heard, there is nothing that can stop this momentum. This momentum of revolution and evolution that is occurring right now. And great changes are in the winds and coming fast now.


And all of you are preparing for those changes. We have been preparing you. You have been preparing yourselves for those great changes, the great shift that is coming to this planet.


Yes, it will be preceded by several quite major announcements. But change is in the wind now. Now all of you must begin to fully prepare for this. For things will become quite rocky at times. It is unavoidable at this point.


But through the darkness that you have all been moving through, you will fully move into the Light. And not only you, but your brothers and sisters that are ready also to move ahead and into the Light fully. Darkness will be a thing of the past. It is only a part of the illusion.


The illusion that separates man from man, woman from woman at this point now, bringing the Great Divide that is occurring. Bringing the separation of the wheat from the chaff. Bringing the prophecy of two will be gathered in the field, and one will be taken, and one will be left. This is that prophecy now: you are witnessing it, that I gave as Yeshua those 2000+ years ago.


It is those end times now. It is the end of the old, and the beginning of the new. The New Golden Age of Gaia. You are all on the cusp of that New Golden Age right now.


And what can you do? You can do much at this point. But the best thing that you can do right now is find yourself living in the present moment as much as you possibly can. And not falling back into the past. Not holding onto the past. Letting go of the past. And forgiving anyone that has been in your past. You must forgive and let go.


Let go of the attachment that you may still be holding onto. For that only holds you to the illusion. It only holds you in this third dimensional expression. But letting go of that, and forgiving all that may have harmed you in the past—that, my friends, moves you out of the illusion, and into the higher vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensions. That is what you are all here to do. To let go of the past. To forget the old memories that you don’t need to hold onto any longer. That does not mean the good memories; it means the ones that are holding you back. The ones that hold you to attachment.


And then, the future. The future is what you make of it in the present moment, and the next moment, and the next moment. And when you fully come to understand that, that there is no past, and the only future there is is what you are making right now in this moment. And when you come to fully understand that, then you are ready for the ascension. But in order to do that, in order to come to that realization, all attachments must be let go of. And your thought processes must be only in the higher vibrational thought processes, no longer in the illusion.


So even though there appears to be great turmoil in the world, the appropriate term there is ‘appears to be.’ For it is only what it is to you. And if you do not see it as turmoil and rather see it as change, see it as evolution, and even revolution, if you see it that way, then it no longer becomes turmoil. It no longer brings on fear. It only leads to love. Love incarnate within each and every one of you.


But that is what you are. Every human being on this planet, and all of civilization throughout the universe: that is all you are, is love incarnate.


And yes, there are those that step off of that love train, if you will, and move fully more into the shadows of themselves and find those dark spaces within themselves. And hold onto that, and listen to their ego. It is those ones that are destined to not move along, not be a part of this evolution and revolution. Rather, they will remain behind. But that is of their choice, not of yours.


You choose, each and every one, to move on. To continue with your evolution through revolution. When I say revolution, I am speaking of that you will not go gently into the night. You will not comply to those that want to hold you back. That want to hold onto this illusion of separation. It is time now to let go of all of that. And let go of the illusion of separation.


Find the togetherness with your brothers and sisters once again. To come together. To be together. To be as one.


And as always, trust in yourselves. Trust in yourselves to know and understand what discernment is, and to know and understand when truths are revealed to you. Because they come from within. They come from those whispers within.


But as you have heard many times, if you do not hear the whispers, then you will hear the shouts. And right now, the world is shouting to you all: “Let go, and let God work His/Her miracles through you.”


I Am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love. And that you will find that sense of oneness within each of you, and that deep level of love that is incarnate within each and every one.


 ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum. Greetings to you!


One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is here. And we are ready for your questions if you have them. You can unmute your phones now and speak freely with your questions if you have them. If not, then we will move on. Is there anyone out there that has a question? Would someone speak please so we know that you are there?


Guests: We’re here.


OWS: Very good. Would there be any questions here?


Guest: I’ll ask a question. I guess we’re at the line now. I know you can’t say dates, but are we are looking at days, weeks, months? Can you tell me anything?


OWS: All of the above, Dear Sister. Days, weeks, months. Yes. But can we give an exact date? No. As you know, that we are not able to, or are forbidden to, actually here. And we cannot do it because we do not know the exact date at this point. We only know that it is real. We only know that there are those times coming, those changes that are coming, and those changes that cannot be stopped at this point.


You are in the process right now, as Sananda has said, of evolution and revolution. And, being in that point right now, and being more and more in the present moment, then you are in a position to find yourself more and more in those higher frequencies. And when you are in the higher frequencies and higher vibrations of the higher dimensions, then those things such as time become irrelevant to you. The more that you find yourselves in the higher vibrations, time becomes more and more irrelevant.


And when you come to understand that, then you will know that time is just part of the illusion of separation that is here. And time becomes more and more, we will say, miniscule in importance here, because you will know that you have spent lifetime, after lifetime, after lifetime and even beyond that, system after system, planet from planet, even other universes that you may have come from. And then you look at this small time frame here and it becomes simply a speck of sand within all of the beaches of all of creation throughout the history of the universe.


So, do you still want to know about time now?


Guest: No, I’m good. Thank you. Very good.


OWS: Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?


Shoshanna: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

We do not. And, the answer that you have given is eloquent. Namaste.


OWS: Very good, very good. Would there be any other questions here now?


Guest: I’m not even sure they can address this, but we had discussed earlier in our discussion, and I know you can’t give specific names or anything, but have some of the evil doers, the bad ones, have been rounded up potentially, or is that disinformation, or is that just for us to figure out for ourselves?


OWS: We will say here that it is certainly all about discernment at this point. But also know that you have deep feelings within yourself. Those whispers that come to you that tell you whether something is true or not true. And if you trust those feelings within you, then you will have your answer. But we will say here that certainly there are mass changes that are in the works right now. And there are those of the dark forces that are, and have been, being rounded up for a bit of time here now, and many more to come yet. So it is a process. And you are right in the middle of that process at this point. Okay? That is how we can answer that here. Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?


Shoshanna: We will share on this. May we share, Dear Sister?


Guest: Yes, Dear Sister.


Shoshanna: Dear One, the illusion that has been passed upon humanity is very much an illusion. It is thick with hypnotic viewpoints. What one that is seeking to know the truth and to live the truth, one must look around and notice the illusion. Notice, we will just say, in your media, in your movies, in your press conferences, there is much illusion that is perpetrated on humanity. So when you ask have they been rounded up, you must look for yourself and see the illusion that is cast upon humanity, and there will be your answer, you see. You know the answer. Namaste.


Guest: Yes I do. I see the illusion. It’s almost comical, if it wasn’t sad. So I do see the illusion. So thank you very much for your answer.


Shoshanna: Namaste, Dear One.


OWS: And we will tell you here that very shortly you will have even more of a full answer to this that will come as a result of those various announcements that have been spoken of. Get ready.


Guest: Very good!


OWS: Would there be other questions here?


Guest: Yes. You said we are the System Busters, and that we’ve done this many times before. But you’ve also said that this is the first time this has happened. So can you give us some concrete idea of how that’s possible? How we could have done it before, but it’s also the first time it’s happened? What was it specifically that we did somewhere else that was like this?


OWS: We cannot tell you specifically what you have done before other than that you have done it. But we can tell you that this particular situation that you find yourselves in now, this system that you are busting wide open, is about the entire planet, all of the population of the planet, and the planet herself all moving through the ascension process at the same time. This in itself has never been done before, where you, those of you, the population of the planet, are able to move through this ascension, taking your physical form with you. Altered, we will say, but still taking it with you. Okay?


Shoshanna: We will share.


OWS: Yes, please share, Shoshanna.


Shoshanna: We will share here, Dear Sister. May we share?


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, what each of you has done in every system that you have been presented with, you have shined the light upon the darkness. You have illuminated those that were within the system who were asleep, you see. Your job continues, as those that wish to illuminate those that have fallen into darkness. That is what you have done over and over and over again. And in this moment, this planet has fallen into darkness in many ways, and again, your job is to illuminate. Namaste.


OWS: And you may find in times to come, in the future sometime…again, past, present, and future all being one, so it is difficult to form an understanding from your three-dimensional understanding here to come to realization of this, but you will find that you will likely be called again to another conclave, in another system, far far away, and you will go through this entire process again. You know, we know you say, no, you’ll never do this again, but you will.


Shoshanna: And we will add here that when you are called upon, your hearts will leap with joy.


OWS: Yes.


Shoshanna: As this is your mission, and this is what you were born to do. Namaste.


OWS: Yes. It is who you are. Yes. Would there be any other questions here?


Guest: I have a question.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: The rockiness that Sananda spoke of, is that going to be the result of what comes about from the announcements?


OWS: Or just preceding those announcements, we will say, more likely.


Guest: Okay, thank you.


OWS: Yes.


Guest: I think we are in that moment now. It feels very rocky, so I feel the announcements are soon.


OWS: Yes.


Shoshanna: And we would like to add to this.


OWS: Yes, please do.


Shoshanna: As you have spoken of both, Dear Sister, it is clear that those that are of the Light are feeling the pressure, are feeling the movement, are feeling the anxiety, or what is called the ‘rockiness.’ And this is the prelude to the movement in consciousness. Namaste.


OWS: Yes. And we would suggest here, as Sananda also suggested: do not comply with anything that you know that is not for you, that is not a part of the higher vibrational expression here on this planet. Do not comply. Do not go along just to go along. That is what you need to focus on through these coming times here. Be who you are. Be yourself. And do not let anyone dissuade you from being yourself.


Shoshanna: Do not go quietly into the night.


OWS: Yes. Do not go quietly into the night. Yes, certainly. Would there be any other questions here?


Guest: Can I ask a second quick one?


OWS: Yes?


Guest: The movie, The Avengers, the movie series, the Marvel series: I know that some of those comics are on the side of the Light, and some are on the side of the dark. Are the Marvels on the side of the Light?


OWS: That is for you to come to discernment on your own. But we think you already know the answer to that. Between your various expressions that come through your various movies and those things, they are attempting toi depict. And yes, one side is more predominantly on the side of the Deep State, or the cabal, and the other side is on the Forces of Light, or the Alliance, we will say here. Do you have anything to add, Shoshanna?


Shoshanna: We do not.


OWS: Very good.


Guest: Okay, thank you.


OWS: Are there any other questions here, before we release channel then? Nothing further? Then, Shoshanna, do you have any parting message here?


Shoshanna: We will say that foir all of those that are watching, that are listening, that are paying attention now: watch out! It’s all coming to a head.


OWS: Yes.


Shoshanna: Namaste.


OWS: And we would say here, as we have been saying over, and over, and over: the most important thing you can do right now in these times that are coming is to be in the moment as much as you possibly can. Do not hold onto the past, do not only look toward the future, but be in the now moment as much as possible. And simply find the joy in every moment as you can.


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.  



Channeled by James McConnell 



Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website (www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings) and join there.

"Believing is seeing!"


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Sunday Call 8/1/2021 (KaRa, OWS, Shoshanna)

James & JoAnna McConnell




KaRa (Pleiadian Emissary)   and One Who Serves channeled  by James McConnell

Shoshanna (Joanna’s Higher Self)


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ  on August 1, 2021. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website (www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings) and join there






KaRa (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am KaRa. I come at this time to continue to bring you along, bring you along through this long period of darkness. For indeed, you have weathered the storm through these dark ages, lifetime, after lifetime, after lifetime.


You find yourselves now at the end of those dark ages. Even though it seems quite dark now to many of you as you look within the illusion, and at times you forget that it is an illusion. You forget that it is a show. A drama being played out in front of you. And the more that you can be the observer self and witness all that is happening as a show, as a movie, as a play that is being enacted, and in many cases re-enacted, the better.


You have been through this before; you just don’t remember yet. But it is coming back. And those times when you feel a sense, a sense that all is not right. All is not as it is appearing to be. In those times you remember. You remember your times in other systems, other galaxies, other planets, upon the ships. You remember deep within you, and it triggers that awakening within you.


That is what is happening now to more and more people across the planet. And their awakening is being triggered by, as you have heard many times: you are the Wayshowers, you are the ones that are coming forward and showing the way first. And it is necessary for those of you to do this. It is necessary for you to do everything you can to bust this system open.


Is it easy to do? No. That is why you were chosen. Each and every one of you were chosen for this. You volunteered, and you were chosen. And you are weathering this storm. But the storm is not abiding yet. Rather, it is gaining force. And as it gains force, the more that you can see it for what it is, as a hurricane or a tornado, within the illusion.


And you, being outside of the illusion, being outside of the storm, can simply witness it., can simply watch it. But not to sit back and do nothing. For then no thing would be done! You would not be able to move as a collective consciousness here on this planet. Move beyond the storm. But because more and more of you are realizing it is an illusion, or realizing that it is outside of yourselves and does not have to affect you directly unless you let it affect you, unless you become attached to it. And the more that you can help others become unattached to the illusion, to realize that it is a play or a show.


And know, as all of you know at this point, that you are going to be able to enjoy the ending of this show. That is what you are here to do in these moments now. And the more and more that you can find yourself only in the present moment, and not hold on to the past, the past memories, the past programming. To pull yourselves out of that programming and to reprogram yourselves. Reprogram yourselves into the higher vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensions. The more that you can do that, the more that you will not only free yourselves, but you will free all of those around you that are ready to be free.


Are all ready to be free? No. Will all be freed? Most likely not. For there are those that are destined, those that have contracted to exit the Earth, to exit this illusion, this third-dimensional illusion at this point. Many have chosen to do this already and are in the process of doing so. Can you stop them from doing that? No, you cannot. Unless they decide to stop it. They can end their contract at any time they wish, just as you have, in many respects ended some of the contracts that you came in with.


So please, my brothers and sisters, know that you can only do so much at this point. But all that you can do is enough if you put yourselves into it. Whatever that might be. Whatever you feel a calling toward, follow that calling. And you remember that even though it seems like a long journey, the journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step. So be ready to take that step. And the next step. And the next one. And as you do that, step after step after step, there will be those alongside of you that will take those steps along with you. And pretty soon you will find yourselves as a collective at the end of this part of your journey.


I am KaRa, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And know that as these times continue on, as the vibrational frequencies continue to rise, we are coming closer and closer to you.




ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you!


One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is here. And we are ready to entertain your questions if you have them. You can unmute your phones now and ask your questions if you will. Please someone speak up so that we know that you are there.


Guest: Hi, One Who Serves. I had a question about which actually took place about two years ago. I went to the Renaissance Fair here in Colorado. And when I went there, I was having a good time going from shop to shop. But I went into this one shop foir furs. When I got there, I felt extremely fearful, uneasy. I think that I was feeling the fear of the animals that were turned into furs. That is the best that I can verify that’s what I was feeling, because I felt extreme fear and I had to get out.


But the second part of the question is, can I use the power of feeling what they felt to the advantage of helping others?


OWS: First of all, there is no verification needed on your feelings. For if you felt it strongly and deeply within you, then certainly it was accurate. Okay?


The second part: you are wondering if you can use these feelings, this intensity within you, to help others? Certainly. That is what all of you are here to do. You are here toi help others. Help yourself first, to help yourselves fully awaken first. And then to assist others in their awakening process, in whatever way that you can do that. And you can certainly always trust your feelings. Not your thoughts, but your feelings. Okay? Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?


Shoshanna: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

We do not.


OWS: Very good. Was this sufficient of an answer for you?


Guest: Yeah, I just pretty much wanted verification, and you gave it to me, so I thank you.


OWS: Yes. Would there be any further questions here?


Guest: I have a question which was brought up in the discussion that we had earlier, that pine needle tea can convert the effects of having had the vaccination. I have family members, we all do, and we know people who have had the vaccines. They thought they were doing right from what they saw on TV, but now they are asking questions.


OWS: You are breaking up with your conversation here (audio difficulties), but we believe that you are asking about pine needle tea, and whether it can be effective in reversing some of the processes within the vaccination that is being given out.


We can tell you that there is certainly benefits to this, because it is nature. It is nature taking care of nature here. And nature will always find a way. So even though there are man-made concoctions here, nature is able to combat all oif this. The Prime Creator has put this here. Gaia has provided this here for you.


All of the remedies, even those that are used in some of your pharmacological remedies are derivatives of nature, you see? They are not purposefully utilized for the purpose of healing, and this type of thing, by your pharmaceutical companies, but they are still potential helpful ingredients that are put in there because it is part of nature.


So knowing that, and also the intention is also what is needed here. This is why your placebo effect is so important. One that takes a remedy and believes that it will cure them, or in some ways assist their own immune system in curing them, healing them, will do so very much more than if they do not believe it. So, as we say many, many times, believing is seeing. So the taking of this tea, and the intention behind the tea, knowing that it can be very helpful, will make it helpful, you see?


And there is also that which has been given previously though, there are various concoctions that have been put in these vaccines, some more dangerous and detrimental than others. Some are being completely neutralized, having no effect whatsoever. Some simply being a flu vaccine that has been put out as a so-called COVID vaccine here. But it is all part of the sham, the scam here that has been perpetrated on the world public.


So, understanding this, it can be helpful to do some research. And there are other things as well that will also be found to be of assistance in reversing many of these effects. But some will not be able to be reversed, because those that are seemingly reversed within them do not believe in the process to bring that reversal, you see? Shoshanna, do you have something to add here?


Shoshanna: Yes. We can share here. Dear Brother, may we share?


Guest: Yes.


Shoshanna: Dear Brother, the body physical is toxic from the compounds that are in this vaccine, which is not a vaccine, but this compound that you call a vaccine. The body becomes toxic, you see. Pine needle tea is meant to boost the immune system, and it will. It is designed to enhance the immune system. But it is not designed to remove toxins, you see. That is the job of the immune system, as well as other compounds that can be used.


We will suggest four things. The first thing we will suggest is milk thistle. We do not know why we are getting this. But there is a compound known as milk thistle, which is an herbal compound, that will assist in removing toxins.


The second one is dandelion. Dandelion tea is known to cleanse the liver, and toxins reside in the liver because blood flows through the liver to be cleaned and leaves behind the toxins.


So milk thistle, plus dandelion teas, or extracts (which are much better than teas), and pine needle extract, oi pine needle tea in combination will assist the being in riding itself of toxins.


Lastly, and this is the most important part, if one is suffering from toxins, toxicity, we will suggest that they soak their feet in a combination of apple cider vinegar, and dead sea salt, and relatively hot water. The feet must soak for 20 minutes and then be removed. And one must do this two to three times a day to draw the toxins from the body. Just the feet. The feet are very good at removing toxins.


This is what we suggest if individuals feel that they have been poisoned, you see. This is what we suggest. Namaste.


OWS: Very good.


Guest: Thank you.


OWS: Would there be other questions here? Any other further questions?


Guest: I had a dream. It’s about energy, so this might relate to other people. I was in my kitchen, and it is like it is now, and I was packing up to go, taking things out (which I actually have to do soon.). All of a sudden there was this big sucking of energy from behind, from up above that sucked in some of the boxes that I was removing and kind of blocked it. It was quite intense, but I didn’t feel afraid, or anything. Then there was a small fire in the same area, which is like an upper cupboard in my kitchen. So I just wondered. I haven’t quite been able to put my finger on what this relates to, except for the energy I have been trying to trap to get out of here.


OWS: We would ask you: what have you received from this particular dream. And how does the dream relate to the collective consciousness here, rather than just simply yourself, which it does relate to others as a help.


Guest: Well, the closest I fot was that it was the energy I have been creating to move from here, which I have wanted to do for quite some time. And it ties into the collective wish and desire and energy collecting for change in general.


OWS: Yes. And what do the boxes represent to you?


Guest: That’s what I’m curious about. They are cereal boxes, and they were kind of empty. But they got sucked into this hole at the top of the ceiling that was square, so they kind of squared off into there. I thought actually it could represent that I’m blocking some energy by, I guess, focusing on the parts I don’t like about being here perhaps.


OWS: Yes. And we believe that you have just simply interpreted your own dream here, have you not?


Guest: Um, I have. I wondered if you had anything to add.


OWS: Yes. Shoshanna, do you have anything?


Shoshanna: We will add here.


Guest: Thank you.


Shoshanna: May we ask a question, Dear One?


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: Dear sister, what does the kitchen, the room you call your kitchen, represent for you?


Guest: The first word that comes to mind is ‘home.’ It is where a lot of positive energy is created. And I’m looking forward to a new, better one.


Shoshanna: The kitchen for most is a nurturing place. It is a place you are fed. You are taken care of. You are re-energized for the world. It is where you survive, you see. That is mostly what a kitchen will represent for most, you see.


So now, what is represented here is a removal of energy because this place that you call your kitchen is no longer a nurturing place for you. Fit is what you want to remove yourself from this area. So your brain is simply saying, “this is no longer a place for you; we are withdrawing the energy; we are moving things out of your way.”


And the idea that there was a fire in a cabinet, as we heard you say, is a cleansing. Is a burning. Is a removal. Is a finality. Fire represents a finality. It is gone now. It is active, you see.


So this is simply confirming your deep desire to remove yourself from this area. Does this make sense, Dear Sister?


Guest: Yes, it makes perfect sense, and that’s good. Thank you very much.


Shoshanna: Namaste.


Guest: Namaste.


OWS: Very good. And would there be other questions here?


Guest: Greetings. I wanted to understand your perspective on what it means to be the observer. I have opportunities to do something about the COVID situation. I get all excited, and I want to do this, and I want to do that. And today, with what entails with prevention, I just got a feeling of great peace with observing it, and not getting involved. So which approach is wiser. Do we just observe it? Do we meditate as a group, and fight it that way etherically? Or do we try to we try to take action? Which would would you say is the right one for the most conscious approach? Thank you.


OWS: We would say both. You want to be the observer. You want to be aware of what is going on, but not become involved in it attachment-wise. Now that does not mean that you cannot become involved as an observer, and also as a participant, but without the attachment, without the attachment to the results here, you see? Just simply do what you feel that you need to do, whatever that might be, and then let it go. That is what you need to do. Just as Yeshua, when he did his healing miracles, which of course was science in many respects. But when he did that, he did what he needed to do, and then let go, and was not attached to any of the results that would happen there, you see? And that is how he was able to do those things. “That,” as he said, “you can do also.”


And, you now have the ability to do many things that you could not do before, or would not have done before. For many of you would, years ago maybe, you would have sat back and just let everything revolve around you, and not become involved at all. Now that has all changed because you have recognized and realized and, in many cases, remembering your mission here, and what you are here to do, you see?


OWS: Do you have anything to add?


Shoshanna: We wish to share. May we share, Dear Brother?


Guest: Yes, Dear Sister. Thank you.


Shoshanna: Dear Brother, we find that you wish to know what is right and what is wrong. We notice that you use the word, which one is ‘correct.’ That is a form of logic that you are using to define your life. And that is not truly what a human is here for, to determine what is right and what is wrong. A human being is here to determine its own guidance, and to follow its guidance, you see. So we are designed to have what we call, and we have been taught this: an energy, and a rest. So when you feel a great energy to take action, that is guidance. When you feel a need to draw back, and simply observe, that is guidance. All is guidance for each of you, you see, and there is no one thing that is better than the other. The one thing that is paramount in the life of each, is to follow their inner guidance. Namaste.


OWS: Wonderful, wonderful. Yes. Would there be any other questions here before we move to your email question? Very good. Then we are ready for your email question.


Guest: Yes, thank you. The question is, “was Moses able to part the Red Sea because of knowledge he had gained from the ancient mystery school? Thank you.


OWS: Very interesting question here. We would say here that the one, Moses, was there for a mission. Just as you are all here for your mission. And he did not have the experience or the expression of attending those mystery schools as you are feeling here.


He had an inner knowing that he followed, inner guidance, as Shoshanna has given here, and followed that guidance. And that guidance directed him further and further along in his mission.


He did not know what his mission was from the beginning, but it correlated, or it took shape, we will say here, over a period of time, more and more, as he trusted the guidance and followed the guidance, and was able to realize that indeed there were experiences that could be had that he did not know that he could do before in terms of what you might call ‘miracles.’


So, when the time came for the freeing of those of the Israelites from the Egyptians and moving through that sea, and parting the sea as was depicted happened here, he called upon the Source within him to do so, and believed that it would happen. So there was not any special training that happened leading up to this. Just as you, those of you, have not been to special training in terms of mystery schools and those types of things. You have followed your inner guidance all along, just as Moses did, you see? Shoshanna, do you have anything to share?


Shoshanna: We wish to share on this.


OWS: Yes?


Shoshanna: We wish to share here. The action that was taken was taken through the energy of the entire group that wished for liberty. Their intense feelings and desire to be free were channeled through this one known as Moses, and he accepted this deep channeled desire of all, and this created his ability ot move forward. Belief is everything, and desire and intensity of that desire is what the causation was here. He allowed himself to be the channel. Namaste.


OWS: Yes. Very much so. Would you have any parting message, Shoshanna?


Shoshanna: We do not.


OWS: Very good. Then we just simply say do not give up. Do not give up. Do not let those things that are happening in the world bring you down, bring you back down into the illusion. Continue to rise up above the illusion as much as you can. And realize, as always here, that it is simply an illusion, a show. A play that is playing out in front of you. And at some point, you will come to the end of this play, and very much enjoy that ending.


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.  



Channeled by James McConnell 



Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website (www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings) and join there.

"Believing is seeing!"


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Sunday Call 7/18/2021 (Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna)

James & JoAnna McConnell




 Sananda  and One Who Serves channeled  by James McConnell

Shoshanna (Joanna’s Higher Self)


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ  on July 18, 2021. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website (www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings) and join there


 SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am Sananda. I am here at this time. In this quite opportune time, I will add, as things are rapidly changing, both internally and externally, within all that you are coming to understand your lives, as things more and more are coming to the surface.


It has been said, those in the shadows cannot stand within the light, so they are coming out of those shadows and being shown for what they are. What they represent, as they do not represent love and Light. They represent fear and darkness, attempting to hold onto the unknown. Keeping you, rather, in the unknown. Keeping you in the shadow within yourself. But no longer. For it has been destined that the Light shall prevail. And the Light, indeed, has prevailed. It is only those small pockets of darkness that still remain.


For largely, the collective consciousness of man is now enlightened. Not all, of course. But the majority of the population of this world, of this planet, are now within the Light. It is only a small percentage that continues to attempt to hold control over the larger population of the planet, but not for much longer. For a great announcement is about to come forward. You’ve heard this before, and for various reasons it has been curtailed, held back, postponed. But not for much longer now.


When this announcement comes forward, all will be revealed to this yet sleeping population. Whether it awakens them or not is up to their life plan. But I tell you this now that this great announcement is going to shake many, many across the planet. Not only here in this country, but across the planet, will be shaken out of their doldrums. They will be shaken out of their sleepiness. Many will awaken as a result of this. Many that have been wondering and ‘on the fence,’ you might say, will wonder no longer, and will step onto the other side along with you. But as yet, many will also tend to hold onto everything that they have known, for they will not be ready to relinquish those things that are being brought forth or relinquish the comfort zone that has held them, to keep them from knowing these things as they come forth.


As always, continue to trust. Trust in yourselves. Trust in those that work alongside of you. Trust in the Great Plan. Because it cannot be held back much longer. Forces are at work, Forces of Light are at work. And you’ll find then, as you open up to the possibilities, you will find them not in the shadows, but more and more in the light: the light of truth, the light of oneness, the light of love.


Believe in yourselves, my friends. Believe in who you are. Trust in who you are. Trust that you are the ones, the ones that are stepping forth, moving ahead. Because you cannot be held back, as a collective, much longer. It will not be possible. For the Light has won, the plan is set and cannot be undone. Nothing can stop what is coming.


All of my peace and love be with all of you. I am Sananda. I love you all deeply, beyond what many of you can even come to understand, as many of you have a strong connection with myself and with all of those that are alongside of me in working in this plan within this planet.


Peace and love be with all of you.




ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you!


One Who Serves here. Shoshanna here. And we are ready for your questions if you have them. You can unmute your phones now. We are ready when you are. Please someone say something though, so we know you are there.


Guest: Hi. Can you year me?


OWS: Yes we can.


Guest: Wonderful. I will be the one to say something, and also to ask the first question. My family, my sisters particularly, are very ‘Born-Again Christian.’ I am giving you this low-down so you can understand the question. One sister is very much aware of the government shenanigans and that there is dirtiness going on, and all of that. But if I try to talk to her about crystals, she shuts down completely. The other sister is in the media unfortunately and so she is not aware of all that. But both of these are very good, kind, loving, wonderful people who would help anybody in need. And they are very strong in their ‘Born-Again Christian’ religion thing. For the ascension, how much does religion have to be gotten out of the way for people in order for them to be able to ascend? Is it totally going to be in their way?


OWS: We understand. You are looking at it from your point of view only. You are not looking at it from the point of view of others who have different understandings, different connections, different contracts that they are working through. So do not look at it only through your eyes, but attempt to look at it through theirs.


And know that there is not any one right way. There is not any one right religion or that there is any religion that is right, you see? Because there is no right or wrong here. There just simply is. Anyone that is ready to move on and is ready to move up into the higher vibrations and begins to awaken to those higher vibrations can be a part of this ascension process.


Know that we have said many times that there are at least three waves of ascension that will be happening here, not only just one. So there will be much time for those who are in the sleeping population at this point to be able to awaken to their own inner guidance to take them further along here.


So it is not for you or anyone else to judge another whether they are ready or not, or will ever be ready or not. It is only for you to step back and observe the process, and within yourself to do everything that you can to bring yourself further along through the ascension process here. Okay? Shoshanna?


Shoshanna: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

We will share. May we share, Dear Sister?


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, we find that many long to connect with their families. Many long to be able to converse in an enlightened way with those that they love. And that is not necessary here, you see. We will say that those that have found God outside of themselves is just one step away from finding God within themselves. They are on the right track, you see. You must let go of wishing for them to see your point of view. And be more acclimated to seeing their point of view, and that will allow them to find the God within. Namaste.


OWS: Wonderful. Yes.


Guest: Thank you.


OWS: Would there be other questions here?


Guest: Yes, I have a question.


OWS: Yes.


Guest: Sananda made a reference to connection to us, or some of us, and also Yeshua had done that in the past. I am not, and have never really been, an emotional person, but every time Jesus, Yeshua, the historical figure, has come into my awareness through television, various ways, I get a visceral emotional palpable feeling that I don’t get from anything else. I was wondering, can you tell me if I am connected with him?


OWS: We think you already have the answer to that. But have you heard of the 144,000?


Guest: Yes. I’m not quite sure what it is. If it’s a frequency, or something else. I have hard various theories on what it exactly is.


OWS: This is what he was alluding to, is that the connection with all of you that are on this call are connected in that respect. You are part of those ones who came here. You’ve heard of the conclave. You have heard of the volunteering. This is why you have all come together on these calls each week here, to find the camaraderie, and the connection, and the light within all of you. To come together once again. Old souls being drawn together once again. And the connection with Sananda, and Yeshua, and Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Lady Nada, etc., etc., etc. is very strong with all of you here in various ways. Some maybe more than others. But still you all have that connection here, and that is why you have all been drawn together here. Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?


Shoshanna: Does this one wish to ask further?


Guest: I was just going to ask is it possible to ask is there anything personal you can tell me?


Shoshanna: We can share on this. May we share, Dear Sister?


Guest: Please do.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, listen to your physical, mental, and emotional response to this one. It is highly likely that you have a very strong connection, as One Who Serves has given, and that you may have a connection physical in that lifetime that he lived here on this planet.


We would say to you, how do you wish to use this connection, Dear One, may we ask?


Guest: I don’t know. It ju;st came to my mind when Sananda said that in this channeling that maybe there is a connection. Because it’s so palpable, and I don’t have that reaction to anybody else.


Shoshanna: Dear One, may we continue?


Guest: Please do.


Shoshanna: Dear One, you must listen to this response that you are having. It is not a mistake. It is not something out of the blue that just occurred. This is a connection, you see. You must ask yourself, “how can I utilize this connection?” We know the answer. Do you?


Guest: No. I don’t.


Shoshanna: You, Dear One, can use this connection for guidance. You have this connection, you see, and you can simply call upon This One to guide you, to show you, to reveal to you what you need to know that is true for you. What you need to know to become totally conscious of who you are, and what your purpose is, and how to continue your mission on this planet, you see. This One is making this connection with you like one would wake someone out of a sleep! “Hello! I am here for you, Dear One! Ask me, and I shall give you guidance, you see.” This is imperative that those that have these awakenings, these shaking moments, these ‘visceral’ (as you call them) moments begin to utilize the connection for the good of all, for the upliftment of mankind. For the upliftment of themselves. For the advancement in consciousness, you see. Do you understand this, Dear Sister?


Guest: Yes. Thank you.


Shoshanna: This is not a small thing, you see.


Guest: Oh, I know that.


Shoshanna: So you must begin now toi use this connection for good, and for service, and for yourself. Namaste.


Guest: Thank you.


OWS: We will share this further here, since this has been brought up, that this one that we speak through, James, before his awakening fully began, he was introduced a rock opera, ‘Jesus Christ Superstar,’ and had the same experiences that you are describing here at that time. This is a long time ago in his life, in his college years here as we find it. And it was very emotional for him. He would lay there and listen to this rock opera over and over and over, to the point that he could recite most of the words within it, and had very much emotional responses from this, and did not understand why. But regardless, had those responses, and that was a beginning of an awakening process there for him. And others, we are sure have also had similar types of experiences when watching various movies and things of this nature, and having those same visceral emotional responses to the connection that they knew within them that they had with This One. So that is all we can say on this.


Guest: Thank you.


OWS: Would there be other questions here now?


Guest: Yes, I have a question, please?


OWS: Yes?


Guest: In relation to the meditation that we just had with the crystalline temples, Atlantean and Lemurian temples, it reminded me of a channeling through Blossom Goodchild where she spoke of these obelisks and that there were six of them on the planet. I know that there are also man-made obelisks around the planet: one near Boston, one in Washington, London, Cairo, many other places. Are the obelisks that are man-made blocking ley lines, important areas of ley line crossing, and if so, can we deactivate that process? Thank you.


OWS: That is correct. That was the attempt to block the energies, block the light here, energies. And they were successful in doing that for a very long time. But those particular monuments that you are speaking of will be ‘turned over,’ we will say here, to the Light when the time comes here. When the vibrations increase enough to bring this about. So you are correct in the use of the obelisks. But it is the ones that are in the etheric, or in the higher vibrational frequencies that we are speaking of here in terms of connecting with these great crystals and the crystalline grid here, you see? Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?


Shoshanna: We will add to this. May we add to this, Dear Sister?


Guest: Yes. Thank you.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, these man-made obelisks were erected as an attempt to duplicate that which is in the spiritual realm, you see. It is laughable to us that those dark ones thought, “oh, we can make our own; we can have the same power by simply creating a physical structure that would have the same power as the great spiritual structures that remain in the etheric realm.” They were wrong. And so we can see this, how wrong they were. This is their attempt to have power over all that do not take the spiritual path. This will crumble. This will no longer have power on this beautiful planet. And that which is rising now, that is the true monuments to the spiritual realm, will prevail. Namaste.


OWS: Very good. Yes. Would there be other questions here?


Guest: I have a question.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: This is regarding Sananda’s message today. Those of us on the call here, the Awakened Ones, are very aware that there will be announcements coming. He said it was imminent, which rings true. I’m wondering if those of us on the call, those of us of the 144,000, will be shocked and surprised of what they are going to announce, or the things they are going to announce, will it be surprising even to us?


OWS: In some ways yes, and in some ways no. Some will be ready for some of this, but not all of it. There are things that are happening even out of your purview at this time that you are not even remotely aware of yet. But then there are other things that you are.


But predominantly, those that will be very much shocked by much of this information will at first attempt to decline it, or to think of it as disinformation, and fake news, and this kind of thing. But they will come to understand more and more that it is reality. It is those things that have been happening behind the scenes that are now coming forward as the truth. Okay? Shoshanna?


Shoshanna: We wish to share. We wish to ask this one a question. May we ask you a question, Dear One?


Guest: Of course.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, what is it that you wish to know? What is it that you wish to hear in the form of an announcement? What is that?


Guest: All the turths. Everthing that has been going on that they have been keeping from the unawakened ones.


Shoshanna: Dear One, the truth resides within. Namaste.


Guest: Would this likely be coming from the White Hats and the Trump Team, or other sources? Can you tell us that?


Shoshanna: Dear One, may we continue then?


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: The truth of your being, which resides within you, can only hear the truth outside of you to the extent that you know the truth within you, you see. So the source does not matter. It does not matter who springs forth with the truth, because if you are ready to hear it, and the truth within your being has been revealed to you, you will hear it. It may come from Zora. We do not know. It could come from anyone, you see. It could come from Quiona, from a way that she moves her bowl, and you’ll discover something, you see. So you must be prepared, as all must be prepared, to hear the truth from the source which resonates with you and within the truth that you have within you. Does this make sense, Dear Sister?


 Yes it does.


Shoshanna: Namaste.


OWS: Very good. Are there any further questions here before we release channel?


Guest: Yes, I have a question.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: Yes. I know somebody asked a similar question about two weeks ago with regard to NESARA and specifically to the global currency reset, and I know you are not a financial advisor, but would it still be prudent to let’s say purchase currencies, and will those currencies increase in value? I’m trying to state this very generally, but with regard to the GPR and the RV, with the Dinar and all the things that have been doing on within the Lightworker Community over the last couple of years, my question is, is it still prudent or worthwhile to perhaps purchase some currency?


OWS: Yes, and yes. It is worthwhile, and yes, what you already have will come to fruition for you.


Guest: Thank you so much.


OWS: Shoshanna, do you have anything?


Shoshanna: We do not.


OWS: Very good. Then we are done with questions here other than your e-mail questions. Would there be those e-mail questions?


Guest: Yes, thank you. The first person is asking they’ve been working with Kundalini energy and have now experienced some peripheral nerve issues in their feet, their hands tingling and burning, and they are asking if it is related.


OWS: It is most definitely related. For we have shared this before in terms of working with the Kundalini energy directly and what we call ‘taking heaven by storm.’ And if you do that, you take a chance here, we will say here, that you are possibly not ready for this. Now that is not to say that meditation and even working with the Kundalini energy, but doing it safely, cannot be very, very beneficial for you. But in order to work with the Kundalini energy, you must have guidance. You must have that one that is an ideal that you are raising up for here, and up toward here. So that is something that is missing in some of your yogic types of expressions, as we find it, where the raising of the Kundalini energy is just to do it, not to be consciously award of what you are doing at the time here. So it can be very dangerous, and it has led to various types of nerve damage because you are working with the central nervous system here, and opening up avenues of expression, we will say, that are not quite ready to be opened when you work with this fire within here. So there must be much caution, we will say.


Also to understand, these nerve types of experiences are also a part of the ascension process here, and the ascension symptoms that many are experiences throughout the planet. Not as they are working directly with the Kundalini energy, but as these waves of energy have been coming into the planet and raising their Kundalini without them even knowing it is happening. They are not consciously aware of it. And in that case, it is quite safe what is occurring, because it is not being done from the ego sense here, but from a higher sense within them. Okay? Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?


Shoshanna: We do not have anything to add.


OWS: Very good. Then we are done with this question. Do you have another?


Guest: Yes, thank you. The person is from Australia, and they are asking about the lock-down that is currently present in their country. Is it going to get worse? How long is it going to last, and any information you can give them. Thank you.


OWS: We will say that it is likely get worse, as you are saying, before it gets better. But it is going to get better, because those that are there in that country have had enough. They will not stand for this oppression much longer here. So as they are able, they will rise up against this. Just as you are seeing many across the planet rising up against their controllers as well. So this must happen. The Light must come forth, and the darkness must recede away. And the darkness is that control we are speaking of here. So Light shall prevail, no matter what. Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?


Shoshanna: We do not.


OWS: Very good. Then we are done with this for the time. Would you have any parting message here?


Shoshanna: We do not have a message.


OWS: Very good. Then, we actually do not have message either. We think that the message that came from Sananda was quite prevelant in terms of what is about to occur here. So we would just say then, with that, just be ready here, as things begin to heat up quite a bit here.


And we would say again, that which has been said before, enjoy the end of the show, or the end of this movie!


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.



Channeled by James McConnell 



Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website (www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings) and join there.

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 Sunday Call 7/25/2021 (St. Germain, OWS, Shoshanna)

James & JoAnna McConnell




 St Germain  and One Who Serves channeled  by James McConnell

Shoshanna (Joanna’s Higher Self)


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ  on July 25, 2021. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website (www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings) and join there




SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time with a message.


Yes, we come with messages each and every week for all of you. But there are times when we come with messages that you may not have heard of before. Or if you have heard them, they did not resonate with you. This message is for all of you that are on this call, as well as all of you that will resonate with these words after. The message is to be at peace. To be at oneness within yourself. To feel the love that all of us, all of those that are mentoring to you, are sending you now, in this moment, right this moment, sending you love, sending you peace, sending you tranquility.


For in these raucous times when everything seems to be going to hell, those of you look out and realize that it is yet but only the illusion. The illusion of darkness. The illusion of turmoil. The illusion of disruption.


As you already know, those of the dark forces are masters at misdirection. But we, those of us, the Ascended Ones, the Galactic Forces, we are also able to use that as well. And we do that at times. So what seems to be everything going into turmoil, and those of the dark forces believing that they are winning the battle, we of the Forces of Light are turning that around and misdirecting them. And in many cases, misdirecting all of you at times. For you are not seeing fully what is happening in the background, what is happening behind the scenes. Yes, some of you are seeing this at times. But the full ramifications of God’s plan is not being shown forth yet at this point. But it is coming.


As you have heard of announcements. They are beginning to percolate now. Beginning to come to the surface more and more. And very shortly there will be several announcements that will come to the surface and will be undeniable by many.


Even yet many of those that are asleep now will awaken from these various announcements. Because they will not be able to turn a deaf ear away from this for much longer. It will be too overwhelming for them. Just as at times it has been overwhelming for you in your awakening process.


But you have become acclimated to these energies, have become acclimated to these truths coming forward. That is why you are here.


Yes, it is true that the timelines will be separating. And when they do, there will be nothing that you can do to stop it. That may seem like doom and gloom for some of you, but it is reality, that you will not be able to stop those that are not ready to turn to the Light, or even turn away from the illusion. They can be in the Light and still be within the illusion. They will just find their way into another reality that is being prepared for them for their purposes, for their individual purposes.


It is not for you to convince anyone. But it is for you to assist when that need arises. And arise, it shall. Those times now are becoming very short. And very soon, along with the announcements, will come a shattering of the illusion to many. And I use the term purposefully: ‘shattering.’ Because many’s comfort zone will be shattered to the far winds. They will not understand as you understand. But they will be ready to find the guidance that can come from you.


That is what you are here for. That is your mission. To become the Ascended Ones, just as we have. To become the Guides, the Spirit Guides, or even the physical guides. It will continue to bring them forward and prepare them for the later stages of the ascension, or the later waves.


You all have much guidance from those of us, from the Galactics, from the Agarthans. All are here for you. All you need to do is ask. “Ask, and ye shall receive.” But you must ask. When help is most needed, it will be there for you.


I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that the Violet Flame continue to purge out all of that old programming, and continues to further and further break down that illusion. That illusionary veil that is only yet at this point just an illusion, it is not real.




ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum. Greetings to you!


One Who Serves here. Shoshanna here. And we are ready to continue this program. this process. And continue to assist you in any way that we can, for that is what we are here for.


We are here to serve in any way that is possible for you, without doing it for you. We are not here to take your place. We are here to just guide your place here. That is all.


Do you have questions here for One Who Serves and Shoshanna? And you can unmute your phones now at this point.


Guest: Hi One Who Serves, can you hear me?


OWS: Yes, we hear you.


Guest: Excellent. I was listening to Saint Germain, and I’m not sure if you can divulge this, but I’m ready to be of service. And, as he said, I am asking, how I can be of service besides just running my normal life? I just want to have some type of goal to work toward that’s something I can see physically or hear. Just looking for guidance.


OWS: Yes. Dear One, it is in the asking that ye receive. It is in the believing that you know. So let the process happen. You continue to attempt to look foir a shortcut along the way in finding the answers from those of us or anyone else that would be willing to give you the answers. We cannot give you the answers. We can only help guide you to the answers, you see? And the answers, believe or ot not, are within you already. You already have the answers. We just lead you to them. Hope you understand that. Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?


Shoshanna: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

Yes. We can share. May we share, Dear Brother?


Guest: Always.


Shoshanna: Dear Brother, when you say that you are ready to serve, in what capacity do you wish to serve?


Guest: In whatever capacity that my soul chose before I incarnated. I am wondering what my purpose is.


Shoshanna: And what way do you serve now in your current moment in your current life day to day?


Guest: I help all that ask me to help. I love to teach. And whoever asks for help, I always try to say yes and help as much as I can.


Shoshanna: And do you not see that that is serving?


Guest: Of course. I now that is.


Shoshanna: And what way do you wish to expand that.


Guest: Something that I know is helping the ascension process.


Shoshanna: All that each of you do when you do it with love, when you do it with compassion, when you do it with opening your mind and attempting in any every to understand those which you serve, is moving consciousness forward.


Ascension is a process of moving consciousness forward. Each time that you uplift an individual, a group, each time you uplift those that ask for help and you do not deny them, you do not walk from them, you do not ignore them, you are working toward upliftment of humanity. You are working toward the ascension process.


What I think most people perhaps do not understand is that this is not some massive mission that is magnanimous and glorious. It is line upon line, as Edgar Casey has told us. It is line upon line, thought upon thought. When you extend your hand to any individual, even with a smile, when you decide to love rather than hate, to understand rather than push back, you are uplifting humanity and raising the vibration.


We find that most are doing that in their everyday lives. And in that process, they are moving ascension forward. Namaste.


OWS: Yes. And we would add here that you ask, what is your purpose. Others have asked that before. We give mostly the same answer all the time: there is no one purpose. Purpose develops and changes as a result of doing, as a result of action. And as you continue to follow what you believe is your purpose in the moment, and you do follow it, then your purpose changes as a result of what you have done previously. So there is never any one purpose. It continually changes through divine timing here, you see?


Guest: I sort of see. As life goes, it’s a process, so just trying to get the answers.


OWS: It is a process, yes. Would there be other questions here now?


Guest: Yes, I have a question.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: As we are guided every Sunday through the meditation, and we speak and hears about the chakra, what has come to me as a correlation of the spin of the chakra as related to the spin of the DNA helix. And can you speak to us of the spin and the symbol of that, please? Thank you.


OWS: You are talking about the correlations here between your chakra centers and your DNA processes, is that correct?


Guest: Yes, and also the shape of the helix itself, the spin, the double spin, the one direction and then the other.


OWS: Yes. That is what would be considered in some ways a paradox here. That it can spin in both directions. Just as your chakras can spin in both directions. That is accurate.


But what you must come to understand as you are working with your chakra centers and receiving these various DNA downloads (as you have been calling them) then, in those, the DNA process is reactivating. And it reactivates as you work with your chakras, as we have been doing with you each Sunday. See, we have been doing, in some ways, a misdirection with you as well here, where we have been working with your chakra centers each time here, and then changing it up little bits here and there. And that is in itself working with your DNA as well. It is reactivating. It is bringing the helixes back together. Taking it from the dual helix and changing it, or re-activating it to add the next one, and then the next one, etc., etc., you see? Does this answer your question? Or perhaps Shoshanna has another perspective here?


Guest: That answers my question. Thank you. I appreciate that.


OWS: Yes. Shoshanna, do you have anything to add to that?


Shoshanna: We wish to ask this one a question, if we may.


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, what is your purpose in asking this?


Guest: Alignment and ascension.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, are you asking then that in the perfection of the chakra system, the perfection of the physical system evolves?


Guest: Yes. That would be a good way to put it. I also believe that in the activation of the DNA and the vibration that is sent in self, as I am out in nature that it all connects, and that my senses are activated. And that sometimes just when I stand, I start to spin and sway. So it is all synchronicity and connection. Thank you.


Shoshanna: And yes, Dear Sister, we would like to add our perspective to this, if we may.


Guest: Yes, go ahead.


Shoshanna: You, Dear Sister, are very close to completely understanding the process. You must simply trust that what you are experiencing is accurate for your involvement into the ascension. Namaste.


Guest: Namaste.


OWS: Very good. Would there be other questions here?


Guest: Yes. Hello my Dear Ones. I was at a family party the other day. I would like clarification on this whole issue. My niece is a counselor and she is teaching her seven-year-old daughter to swear appropriately, to cuss appropriately. And apparently ‘appropriately’ means cussing not at another person, but just using cuss words.


This landed so poorly for me. I’m not about the business or arguing, but our whole family had a conversation about it. And I was trying to express. I’m not quite sure what’s there for me, but I know when a person gets to the ascended place, say Robin Williams, or whoever, they are being retrained not to use those cuss words or curse words. And what is the exact specific reason why those are so dangerous, if they are. I mean, I believe that they are, and not a good idea to be teaching our children to use them. Can you say more about that?


OWS: What we can tell you is that the words within themselves do not hold meaning. It is the meaning that those that use them put with it. So it is not something that you do not hear us using those words because we know that they do not have the power that is required that we need to bring forth here.


And we tend to think also and realize your feelings as to how you would respond if we used some of those words, you see? So we do not use them.


And it does not mean that they within themselves are anything that needs to be avoided except that within the culture, within your particular society it is not accepted for children to use these words, etc., etc. Even adults, for that matter.


So it depends on the situation. There is no right or wrong. You must come to understand that. The right or wrong comes within the person that is perceiving whether it is right or wrong, you see? Shoshanna, do you have perspective on this?


Shoshanna: Yes we do. May we share?


Guest: Yes, please.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, as we listen to this story, we see something much deeper that is occurring here. This one that you speak of that wishes to teach her prodigy to express herself, there is a reason for this, you see. As the one that wishes to teach this daughter to express herself has been suppressed, has over her development been told not to express herself, has been shushed. Has been told not to be demonstrative. So she has gone the other route, you see. She has decided, “not only will I express myself, I will teach others to express themselves inappropriately.” She is angry, you see. She is expressing this out of anger. But she does not know this. She does not know how deep this runs within her. So she is moving forward in a way that is inappropriate.


She must find her own peace. She must find a way to forgive those that have suppressed her, that have shushed her over her lifetime, so that she may once again appropriately teach others, you see.


The profession of counseling is entered into mostly because those that wish to become counselors need to be counseled the most, you see. Does this make sense, Dear Sister?


Guest: It makes every kind of sense. Can I just grab a caviot here too, please? I thought also, that there is a certain vibration that we put into these words now. So that even though you might say the word, ‘shit,’ or whatever and it would mean something anatomical, but we put a vibration into them, a resonance, an energy. Is that at all correct?


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, of course iot is. As One Who Serves gave, the meaning of a word is no meaning until the meaning is given by the one using it, you see. So the vibration of the one using it is what the sound emanates, what the sound vibrates at.


We must emphasize here that this one that you speak of must deal with her own anger if she is to resolve this issue within herself. What she is doing is harmful. We apologize for that directness. But the understanding that you have, and that your family has that are attempting to stop her from this, understand that what she is doing is harmful. It is not only harmful to her daughter, but harmful to herself. She must look to herself and find resolution. This you cannot control, Dear One. But you can voice your opinion to her and hope that she hears. Namaste.


OWS: We would add here that it is all about vibration. And various words that have been used or are continuing to be used by the dark forces certainly in terms of the word ‘fear,’ and ‘hate,’ and other words, how that vibration within that, how you feel when you hear those words. And then when you hear the word ‘love’ and the different vibration that is within that. So it is all about vibration.


Shoshanna: And what do you wish to add, Dear One?


Guest: I just want to check this again, because you keep saying the person using it. But even if somebody is just throwing it out of their mouths, they are not using it in a negative sense particularly, they are just using it, but the rest of us have come up with that that thing means, and so it is still not a good vibration because of all of the hearers combined, I think.


Shoshanna: Yes, yes. That is accurate, Dear Sister.


Guest: Okay, thank you. Because that was the argument that I was given, was that ‘well, they don’t mean anything bad about it, blah, blah,’ but yeah, it doesn’t fly.


Shoshanna: Yes. That is correct, Dear Sister, and we appreciate your concern. And we hope that you can help resolve this. Namaste.


Guest: Thank you.


OWS: Very good. Are there other questions here?


Guest: I have a question. Those of us here in the group, and those of us that don’t believe all the propaganda around the COVID thing, but we are still partially living in this 3D matrix and around vaccinated people. I was wondering if it’s a benefit to our physical bodies to add certain nutriceuticals such as Nano-Soma or pine needle tea, or anise, or even Ivermectin if we are around a lot of vaccinated people. Or is it not necessary at all?


OWS: Again, this is all about vibration. Again, this is all about vibration. And as you have a certain higher vibration (when we say you, we are speaking to all of you that are on this call, and resonating to these words), as you have that higher vibration, then all of these things do not have any control over you. They cannot harm you.


Now the use of various higher vibratory chemicals or substances that are being introduced can be helpful certainly, but only because you believe they are. It is all about belief. Remember the placebo effect. The placebo effect is very, very real. It is all about belief. And as you believe, so shall it be. So if you believe that there are these difficulties, or ‘spike proteins,’ as they are saying from those that have been vaccinated, then indeed that will affect you. But if you do not believe it, and if you are at a higher vibration, then it will not affect you, you see? That is now this works.


That is why we have been working so diligently with you, and why these waves of energy have been coming in and increasing, and increasing, and increasing the vibratory frequency here on the planet that is preparing all of you, or acclimating all of you to these higher energies. And as you acclimate to these higher energies, and your consciousness raises as a result of this, then you do not have to be concerned about all the fearful vibrations that are being put out here, you see? Shoshanna, do you have something to add?


Shoshanna: We would agree completely, and do not see a point in adding. However, we wish to ask a question. May we ask?


Guest: Yes you may, yes.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, what do you believe?


Guest: Well, that’s my question. I know my vibration is too high. I do not buy into the psy-op about it. But I went to a holistic doctor, and he checked some bruises on my arm, and he said, ‘you’re so healthy, don’t worry, but you’re fighting off some spike proteins because you’ve been around vaccinated people unbeknownst to you.” And he wanted me to take Ivermectin, and I actually don’t know if that resonated with me. That's why I asked.


Shoshanna: And now do you know if it resonates with you?


Guest: I think it does not resonate with me. It’s a pharmaceutical, and my Higher Self has always kept me healthy.


Shoshanna: We would ask, Dear Sister, that you listen to you. And that you trust your guidance. And that you trust your guidance. And that you trust your intuition. We would ask that you do that. You are always right. That being that decides what is right for them, is the only council that is required, you see. So we would ask that you trust in your own Higher Guidance, and we believe that you do. Without us telling you exactly what we think, it is all about trusting your own understanding of yourself. Namaste.


OWS: Please understand that all of this talk about spike proteins and viruses and vaccines, and all of this, will become a moot point as this ascension process continues on here. And you will move completely beyond that, because that is all part of the illusion, and you are all moving past the illusion, if you allow it.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, we wish to add here. May we add?


Guest: Yes.


Shoshanna: We are going to cross the line: we agree with you. We are always asked to do what we can to have the individual that wishes for information to find it within themselves. But we must say, we agree with you. We do not agree that this substance would benefit you. Namaste.


Guest: Thank you so much.


Shoshanna: Namaste.


Guest: Namaste.


OWS: Very good. Would there be other questions here before we release channel?


Guest: Yes, I have a question.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: Following the Advance, I had a very strong intuition to go to Mt. Shasta. That is essentially what my Higher Self was guiding me to do. I have never been to Mt. Shasta, so I was really excited. So I was scheduled to go. There was supposed to be a big activation. I was going with friends. There was a bunch of people going up there for July 4 weekend. Subsequently, the mountain caught on fire so-to-speak, and was evacuated, and we had to cancel all our plans to go to Mt. Shasta. My question is, and I’ve heard a lot of different things, but I think because of my internal curiosity since I had such a strong intuition to go there internally, my question is were those fires, or the fires that were in and around that Mt. Shasta area specifically over the July 4 weekend, was that the work of nefarious forces? Was there something like, I had heard that it was actually a smoke screen literally for higher beings coming out of Telos coming out of Mt. Shasta, I’ve heard that randomly. Everything seemed so lined up and so perfect to go, and at the last minute it was canceled. So I am curious whether there were the dark forces at work there blocking some thing, or something was supposed to happen and they blocked it, or whether it was just a natural fire.


OWS: We will tell you this: it was not a natural fire. Many of these fires that have been occurring are not naturally occurring. Some are, of course, and some are started by an errant camper or something of this nature. But many of these, the larger fires are happening as a result of those of, yes, you said the nefarious forces, that are creating these catastrophes here for various reasons. Sometimes simply to misdirect those from looking at certain things that are occurring outside or beyond the illusion, or beyond the illusion they are trying to create here, you see?


It is not to say that this particular one, we will not answer that directly, because you must go within yourself and trust. In your case here, it was more of a divine timing type of thing that occurred here, you see? So it is not something to be concerned about. If you are meant to go there, then you will.


It is just the same as occurred with several here from this group, including this one we speak through was going to go to Mt. Shasta some time ago. Last year, as we find it. And at that time, they were all set to go, and the same exact thing happened: fire. Several went, but some did not go, including this one we speak through. So there are various reasons for this, and it is all about divine timing. You were not meant to go yet. Okay? Shoshanna, is there something you can add here?


Shoshanna: We believe that you have sufficiently answered, and we agree with all that has been giving. What we wish to add here. May we add, Dear Brother?


Guest: Absolutely.


Shoshanna: Dear Brother, the human is a curious being and wishes for finite answers when there are none. We will say that what One Who Serves gave in their perspective is that it does not matter what the reason was for this, that it was not meant to be, you see. But what we find even further is that you long for the perfected vibration of that area. You long to participate and merge with the perfected vibration of that mountain. And we will tell you that you can have that without being there physically. Namaste.


Guest: Thank you very much. I appreciate it.


OWS: Very good. We will take one more question if there is one, and then we move to your e-mail question.


Guest: I have a question.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: I don’t know if you can answer or not, but my tenant here, he has applied and has received a grant from the Canadian government. And they keep pushing back the date he is supposed to get his money. Now it is till the end of July, and it seems to line up with everything that’s been going on. So I wondered if this grant is contingent on some dynamic changes going on, and is it being controlled by the White Hats or the dark hats, for example?


OWS: We cannot answer that question directly about this one, but we can in terms of a collective understanding. And the various monies that are coming in, or are attempted to come in, are being held off in various ways and for various reasons here. And it is not something that you need to be concerned about, because all of this is going to become alleviated quite rapidly here as we find it, as these announcements come forward, as the various things begin to shift more and more.


And that is not only here in this country of America, but also in Canada, England, France, Europe, Germany, and so on, and so on, and so on. All of the various countries of the world are coming together. And it is happening now, even behind the scenes, that you are not aware of, where various factions, or Forces of Light, are coming together to bring this Great Changeover to this planet. Shoshanna, do you have anything to add to this?


Shoshanna: We can add here. May we add our perspective to this, Dear Sister?


Guest: That would be wonderful. Thank you.


Shoshanna: Dear Sister, we must fall back on divine timing here. All things work together for good for those that wish to bring light upon the planet, for those that wish to bathe the planet in love and understanding. All things work together for good. So we will say that whatever the result is here, it is purposeful, as this one that you speak of is being guided to do the right thing, you see. He is being guided to do what is right for himself. Or herself. We believe that this is a male. Is this correct? (Note: This fact, a male, was confirmed by this Guest who re-entered the discussion post-recording.)



OWS: Is the one who Asked this question still there? It appears we have lost that connection.


Shoshanna: Are there others listening?


Other Guests: Yes, we’re here. Yes we can here you. Yes.


OWS: Then only that one we’ve lost.


Shoshanna: It is all divine timing. Namaste.


OWS: Yes. Very good. We ask now for your e-mail questions.


Guest: Yes, thank you. I will start with the second question I was given: Are there currently Starseeds on Earth destined to become Ascended Masters?


OWS: Oh, my goodness! Yes! All of you, if you want! If you are ready. If you progress as you are intending to do. And, certainly affirmative all the way here, yes. Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?


Shoshanna: We will add that all beings are destined for ascension, and that all beings perhaps could live 50 more lifetimes on a planet such as this to achieve that. What we will say that mastership is a process that each individual achieves as they live their lives as themselves. Namaste.


OWS: Very good. And the next question?


Guest: Yes. The next question is in Australia and Canada, Martial Law is suppose to begin in August. Is this action from the dark, or from the Light Forces?


OWS: We would say it is from both. In other words, those of the dark forces have their plan. They are planning to have lock-downs, and virus scares, and vaccines to everyone, and all of this. This is part of their plan. And as they continue with their plan, those of the Forces of Light have their plan as well. And they are doing everything they can to go against the plan of the dark forces. The various things that are planned, such as Martial Law, as you are saying here, or lock-downs, and this type of thing, can be utilized by both sides. It can be started by that of the forces of darkness, but the Light Forces will be able to use this for their benefit as well, you see? Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?


Shoshanna: We do not.


OWS: Very good.


Guest: And the last question has to do with weather events around the world, earthquakes, and floods, well, floods in particular. Is this just rain, or is this a manufactured event happening in Europe and China. Thank you.


OWS: Much of it, as we find it, is manufactured in terms of bringing tumultuousness or disasters, and this type of thing, to various points of the world so that they continue to create fear. But, it is also a natural occurrence at times in terms of much rain, and it is the Earth, Gaia, doing what she needs to do to cleanse herself, you see? So it is a combination of things here.


But remember, it is all part of God’s plan. The Divine Plan. The Divine timing. All part of the same here. Shoshanna, do you add here?


Shoshanna: We do not.


OWS: Very good. Then we are done with the question for this time. Do you have any parting message?


Shoshanna: We do not.


OWS: Then we are done. And we just simply encourage all of you to continue to see what is going on, to be aware of those things that are happening around you and within the illusion, so you can be of assistance to those who are ready in their awakening process when they are ready. But as you are aware of these things, do not become emotionally attached to them.


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.



Channeled by James McConnell 



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James McConnell- Sananda, One Who Serves

Susan Sammarco – Mother Mary, Arabella, Ashira


Greetings. I am Ashira. Welcome all and indeed, the heavens have opened and the invitation has gone out far and wide for all to come join this group today. Yes, Mother Mary, as she is known by many of you has come to share her energy and spirit with you this day with a message.

And so close your eyes and we are going to use an exercise similar to the exercise that was used last week. The energy is perfect for this. So, in your mind’s eye, extending out that vision from your heart, not through your three dimensional eyes but through your heart, feel her presence now in this room. Imagine she is standing in the middle of the room. And as she stands she moves around as if on a pedestal, not to be better than you but for you to have a vision to be able to imagine her. And her arms are wide open and her countenance beams on you.

And this room is filled with her blue love. This energy ray of perfect, clear blue love filling every corner, every space of the room. As you breathe, replace that golden light with her blue light of healing and love. Her perfect love. And see as she connects with you, very deeply touches you on your heart and smiles with you. And she wishes to share her message with you this day.


Beloveds in this room and all around who might be reading this and sharing this message today, I bring you love for that is all that I am about. Love, is indeed, all that you are about. Love. And these are the times that are about moving back into the state of love that is perfect in every way. Perfect for that whole being that you are and that you express. The perfect love that overpowers darkness, indeed. But even more than that, all of those who have had this deep love of power and the excitement that power has brought in this dimensional world, have been washed away.

And you see but a shadow of it in your room and in your hearts and in your minds for it is only a shadow, a reflection of the past. For the new reality my friends, my beloveds, my brothers and sisters, the new reality is that the power IS love. And that power of love continues to remove the barriers that were set up falsely in that world you have left behind. And yes, even though it feels real to you, the message that I bring to you today is that it is no longer your reality. And while you all may be waiting for that heaven that you expect to manifest, it is already manifested. And it is but a short distance for you to be able to see it through different eyes, through different hearts. To say yes! To love.

And in my touching you very deeply today, very personally, by being able to be here with you, that you take this with you and let my love wash over you each and every one. Wash over you for your healing at the very deepest levels, bringing up to the light anything that holds you back from knowing truly who you are as divine beings of love and light.

This is the time now. These are the blessings that we bring you. Indeed, I am no better than you. I am  no more than you. I am you and you are me. Just as you are all parts of one another and in one another. For the Divine Father, Mother, Creator Spirit, whatever you choose to call that Being which IS, has its reflections in every single one of you. Every single one of you is a part of that wholeness and a part of that love. And it is only the limitations that you accepted by living in the world that you have manifested your life into that hides this from you. And it was by choice on your part. We know that makes you laugh and wonder but it was here that you chose to be at this time and these are glorious times.

And I promise you that by saying yes! my friends, each of you will see through these new eyes that have been given to you. And it is but a realization on your part to be able to see into the new world of light and crystal and dimensional shifts and kindness and compassion and sharing and caring and love. So all of those I bring to you today with the message that is already here. You are no longer waiting for that new time to approach. It is here for you.

And so we will continue to have our energy here with you today as you continue to share in the messages of others including one who is known as my son, and you shall be blessed for you are blessing others with your ears and your hearts and your attention. And we give thanks for that. And we bless you with all of our love and all appreciation for who you are and what you bring to this very exciting moment in time today.


Well, you’ve heard from my friend, Obeediyah, you’ve heard from him several times. I am, Arabella, Arabella, from the kingdom you would call the Devics, the Elementals. We decided it was time for our people, yes, we call ourselves people sometimes too (little giggle from Arabella), to share with you information about the times that are now. You spoke earlier of the children who can see those of us of this vibration and indeed, not only children but many, many people are seeing the fairies, the elementals, the sprites, the elves, all of those pixies who share the task of taking care of the world as it is, has been and will be.

And we will continue to take care of all of those aspects even when the new experience, what will be grand and wonderful for us, is that we will be able to share with you. You will be able to work alongside of us as we sprinkle our fairy dust and we get together and create the magic of creating the new world for you and with you! And won’t it be fun to be able to imagine that we, just imagine in your mind that you are tending your plants and your gardens and your flowers and asking us to change the color of the flower and we sprinkle our dust and we sprinkle our magic and the flowers are able to change colors for you in your garden.  Wouldn’t that be a fun trick?

So, many times we come to you as dragonflies and as butterflies and sometimes have you experienced a butterfly that has landed on your hand visiting with you? Perhaps it was not a butterfly but one of those of us who live in the elemental realm but your mind does not recognize us because fairies do not exist for you in this mindset. So we have come to express our love to you as butterflies or dragonflies who have been able to fly around you and land upon you share with you. So think back at times in your life when this may have happened. And it is indeed an opportunity for us to mingle with you safely and have it in an unexpected way because you would not have been able to see us in the world we live in. Our image has been captured in photographs and artwork and such through the ages. Those who have picked up on the reality of our realms have depicted us in positive ways. Many, many children’s films have come out with good representations of us as well and that has continued to open the reality that children can accept more easily and see us more easily.

But this shift that is happening, as Obeediyah, my friend has talked about, that the animals are holding the door open for you and all the other kingdoms are holding the doors for the humans. And we have been very excited because the shift that will take place will very rapidly change your abilities to see the world through your heart center and with that seeing, you will be able to see than all of us who are operating at that higher dimensional level. And so seeing fairies will become normal for you, just as it will be, as Obeediyah has shared, seeing the other animals that seem to be mythical in nature to you in this world, in this time, yet you will be able to see them such as the Unicorn and the Pegasus.

So those creatures, as we all are, are part of the reality that is the new reality that is coming for you and we wanted to make sure that we had the opportunity to speak for ourselves and share the good news, the good news and the excitement from the world that evolves and continues to show. And we know that the time has been long for you, those of you who have been waiting and waiting to see and again, as the Mother Mary just spoke, when you say YES! and you allow yourself to see the change that IS here, then indeed, you will be able to see us at dusk when we are moving amongst your garden plants, amongst your flowers, amongst your cactus. And we say to you, if we appear to you as a moth, or a dragonfly and you take the chance to say YES! and speak to us, we will have a conversation with you. We know that there is so much to be shared today so we will keep this short but we want to say blessings to each of you from the fairy kingdom from those of us who serve Mother Gaia in so many ways and we have done this since the beginning of time on this planet and we chose to stay in this realm and we are so excited about coming to see you once again. We sense that there is a question or two from the group and we will take those at this time. And so, again, my name is Arabella.

Question: My neighbors and my neighbors’ yard and back yard are the backyard of darkness. And nothing grows in my yard, nothing seems to be staying that I plant so I definitely need your help and your advice to be shielding the backyard. To tell me what plants and flowers to put it, to protect us and to push this darkness that is spreading. They have a very, very big yard and it is filled with darkness and its energy is not good. I spend time focusing on their yard and not on mine. I need to change and I need your advice. I need to welcome the fairies. I welcome the fairies to come. Things have improved but nothing grows, nothing lives so I need your help.

Blessings, child. We are so pleased that you put out the invitation to us. We would recommend that lilac would be a positive plant for you to place in your backyard as well as rosemary. And the placement of sunflowers around the perimeter of the yard will provide an additional source of healing and protection for you. For this indeed is a dark space and people are continuing to feed it with their energy. So their yard is not welcome for us to do our work however the invitation you put out for us, we do appreciate it. And we would also ask that you include water in your backyard and in your front yard, perhaps a bird bath, that you could put out for us to be able to do additional healing work with plants you put into your yard that would bring healing energy through the water there for us to carry and to bring a magical medicine to those plants that you do plant. Does that make sense?

Additionally, brighten up your space as bright as you can, utilizing crystals but they do not need to be gigantic crystals but bringing clear crystals into your yard will help with transmutation of dark energy from the space you have with your neighbors but also to bring additional energy into your yard and help to cleanse the yard. Additionally, to work on any consistent affirmation that you sing to the fairies in gratitude and continue to feed the positive energy into the yard and for those of us who are working with you to counteract that which is in the energy.

Remember too, as you continue to focus on the darkness that is in your neighbor’s yard, there is an aspect of that, that is being reflected in your’s. So, we would ask that you in any case, that you may catch yourself, child, to send the blessings to the neighbors. Say, “I bless you.”  And if you could work on some forgiveness, “I forgive you, I forgive you, I forgive me, I forgive us.” Because in this forgiveness, this is healing for the earth beneath your feet as well and will bring more light into your own space so that the plants that are planted there will be able to have a better vibration and love energy to work from. Report back!

Question: I had an experience. I had a plant that a landscaper who came in and trimmed everything in the backyard and there was a rosemary bush, that was trimmed way back and I never thought it would come back. I was angry that it was cut back so far. And it was barren and the other plants around it were flowering and getting new leaves and this one was doing nothing. I was sitting out in the backyard feeling unhappy about it. This one day I decided to start visualizing buds growing on it and to forgive the landscaper in way, or stop being angry. I started visualizing buds on it. I walked over and there were buds all over it. So, in an instant I realized that I was creating the barrenness of the plant with my anger. I wanted to share that because I believe I had the power to change that with my change in attitude.

What a beautiful example of what we just shared! Thank you, Joanna.

Question: My yard is actually good energy. I think everything grows very well. I talk to my plants a lot and I always feel that my plants draw energy from the neighbors, not a bad thing but like drawing out the bad and creating a good environment. It is something I always imagined in my head. I wonder if this is really happening.

Transmutation of vegetation is part of the natural cycle of plants. People have a hard time understanding and you have a brilliant insight! Brilliant insight! That is a part of the tragedy of deforestation of the world’s forests in all locations. It is not only about producing oxygen, it is about the transmutation of negativity on this planet that the plants are not able to do. And it is part of their job. And that is a wonderful understanding that you have. And it doesn’t even have to be negativity, they are cleansing creatures, the plant kingdom is here to assist the humans, the animals and creation with cleansing, providing an oxygen source, for providing food and they gratefully do all of that because they are in service and that is what they do of service. We love your property, Sir. It is a beautiful property. Would you consider putting up a couple of fairy houses, just as a way of saying thank you for the work that we do? (His daughter would love that) And we can assure her that it is time to share those conversations and we can actually see that we have quite the opportunity to visit with her and have tea with her in our houses!

Message for one in group-

We know that we have spent time with you before because you have been of our kingdom. So many of us have not shifted into human existences but we know that you have a strong bond with us and we want to make sure that we acknowledge that with you and say thank you to you for all the work that you are doing in the human world.

 My hummingbirds come and speak to me face to face. I love the idea of the fairy house and I will put one in my garden as well.

And we know that our friend, Victoria, friend of Susan and our friend as well, discussed this (topic) last week and we hoped to be able to travel there some time with all of you who can make that trip. She has wonderful fairy houses throughout her property and acknowledges all the wonderful gifts that come from our partnership.

For those who were not here last week, she shared that her apple tree produced thousands of apples when nobody else in the community had any apples because of the frost and it is because she invited our kingdom to come and to protect the trees from a late frost after the buds were on. We are very happy to help! We are doing all we can for our regular responsibilities but if we are called in specifically for a task, we are happy to step in and assist in any way we are called to do.

Fairies are also very good at finding missing things. If you need to have something found, you can call and ask for the fairies to help you find it. Not for frivolous things all the times but for something serious, please call out for our assistance. This is part of the friendship to open you to and to make you more aware of so that we are more accessible to you as we are working with you more and more closely as these changes take place upon this planet. So we give you our blessings this day and thank you for this time.


I am Ashira and I am here to bid you adieu today because there is information that needs to come through James. I thank you for this opportunity to share with you again and we look forward to our next time with you. Again, we give thanks to all of you who have come from all dimensions, all places, all times to be here today. Namaste.


Greetings to you. I am known as the “One Who Serves”, and I am going to be here briefly to introduce another and then I will be back to answer questions that you may have as a result of this one who is going to speak or whatever else you might wonder. Be back here shortly.


I am Sananda. Many of you know me at a level different than we are today at this point. For we come from long ago and far way together, to come to this small planet. To bring about the changes here and the changes, my dear ones, are about to begin. I know we have said, many have said this over and over, and you wonder and you look about you and you say, “But Sananda, but St. Germain, but Arch Angel Michael, where are the changes that you have spoken of?” And we would say to you now, look all around you. They are everywhere. Your world, as you know it, is different, even now. Yes, in some ways, pardon the expression; it looks like all hell is breaking loose. But is it really? Is it hell or is it heaven?

That is for you to decide, using your discernment. But we can tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, that all is changing and about to change more. But you are here, not to see the changes come about but to bring the changes about. That is what each of you, each one in this room, and each one who is reading and resonating with these words, that is what you are here for! You are here to bring about the changes. You are the ones you have been waiting for! You have heard this before and it is so true. And you may have heard that you are here for a mission. I can honestly tell you that your missions are about to begin if they have not already. Not that your entire life is not a part of your being here, it is. But when we speak of the mission, we speak of the higher mission now. The mission of bringing in the light, holding the light, spreading the light, becoming a light bearer and light sharer.

Just know, my dear brothers and sisters, that as these changes begin to manifest all around you know that your time has come. So instead of looking about and seeing what others are doing to bring about the changes, we would implore you, we would ask you to bring about the changes that you can right now. The time is NOW!  The time is NOW! To go about your Father’s business. And yes, I said that as Yeshua, as Jesus, many years ago and it was true then just as it is now. Time to go about your Father’s business. Because that is what you are here for. That is what we are all here for. And in any way, big or small, to bring about the changes to this world that have been prepared for, for many, many thousands of years.

All part of the Father’s plan, the great plan, Prime Creator’s plan. And you, each one are part of that plan, have been and are about to take a major part in that plan. Some, of course, greater than others, but even the least among my children, will have an effect on the greater purpose. The greater understanding.

You are moving into a new vibration. A vibration that, to your three dimensional understanding now, is foreign to you. But as you move into that new vibration you will understand it is an old vibration. It is one that you have had before. You will be comfortable in it. It will be as if you are taking a cloak and putting it around you. At first it will be appear to be a new cloak but as it is around you, you will feel more comfortable in it, and feel the love from that cloak, from that new understanding, that new vibration that is you.

So we ask you again, now, to do whatever you can to become a part of the changes which you seek within this world. The time is now. Go in peace my brothers and sisters. I am Sananda.


Greetings to you, once again. We are the One Who Serves, there are several ones of us and we come to be of service in any way that we can. And yes. we are what you would call, Ascended Masters. We have done this before, all that you are about to go through, we have already done. We have already been there, done that, that type of thing. But understand that those types of things that we had to go through in those times you do not have to. Now, we are not saying it is going to be a cake walk. We are never going to say that because for some it will be easier than for others. For some, they will have a very difficult time through this because it will be so foreign to them, so much out of their character, out of their knowing awareness. But for those of you who resonate to these words, to Mother Mary’s words, to the Fairy Kingdoms words. All of you who resonate to this will feel very comfortable in the new energy just as the Sananda said, in your new cloak that is the old cloak, the one that you have worn before.

For you have been called before, system busters. Those of you who do not understand that, you have been here before. Not here in the Earth necessarily, but you have been here many times yes, but you have come from other systems, other worlds, other planets of darkness. And you have moved through that darkness and brought the light there and busted the system wide open, just as you are doing here again. You are busting this system wide open here. Talk about opening doors wide, you have no idea of how wide this door is going to go open!

Please understand, my brothers, my sisters, all is going to change in the twinkling of an eye. It will appear to you as such. But understand that our sense of time is a little different than your sense of time and we know that you know this. When we say soon, we may mean months and even years is our soon. Because from where we are, people, there is no time, no time as you understand it now. But you are going to understand that “no time” that you are moving into. Why do you think everything is changing within your time frame now? Is not your time speeding up? Do you not look and say, “Where did this day go?” “Where did the month go?” “Where did this entire year go?” “My goodness, where did the decade go?” You see one minute you are twenty years old and the next minute you are sixty and seventy. Where did it all go?

It has not gone anywhere. It is all a part of you. And you are a part of it. And you are expressing now just as you have always expressed. The only difference is that you will be expressing with your heart center now. And that is a major difference because the heart center brings the love, the oneness, the companionship. The wanting to draw your neighbor to you instead of pushing him away.

You see all of this. We know this is going long here so we will lessen this. We have much to say, please understand this. There is much more coming. From many different sources, many different levels of expression. But are there any questions now that we might answer?

Question: I would like some advice on what I can do, what action I can take, to make others feel empowered.

It is a wonderful question. First, to make others empowered, you have to empower yourself. You have to know fully, who you are or at least come to more of an understanding of who you are. And that you are not this flesh and blood person who is here in this 3 dimensional consciousness that is a part of all the programming here that you have had lifetime after lifetime. You must know that you are not this and as you begin to understand more and more that you are not this, then you understand who you are and what you are and you will understand that you are a light being.

You are a light being, dear sister, and as a light being you control all within you and around you. That is what you have to understand. So, if you wish to reach out to another and empower them and help them, then understand it within yourself that, that is what you wish, that is what you want. And it will come from your heart center and as it comes from your heart center it can be nothing but love coming back out. It can be nothing but empowering another to help them, not in terms of helping one’s self. You see? It is the idea of moving from service to self to service to others. And we understand that you, yourself who asks this question, find yourself in service to others whenever you can but there is also that part of you that is not in service to self necessarily, in a knowing sense but service to self in a subconscious or unconscious sense. You understand this?

It is rather a simple, from our point of view anyway, rather a simple understanding. Just know thyself. Did not the Yeshua, did not he say this long ago? Know thyself. Know that all these things I do, so can ye do also. Because I go unto the Father now. And you, yourselves, are going unto the Father. Which means you are connecting once again with your higher God self, your Father. They are one in the same. You are one in the same. Does this answer your question? Rather round about fashion, possibly.

Question: If I understand it correctly, I feel empowered about 95% of the time. Are you saying that if I acknowledge that part of myself, I can give it to others?

Yes, as you said earlier, know the divinity inside of yourself. That is the key. Know that you are divinity. You are divine yourself. And then it cannot be but coming from your higher self.

Very good energies. Extremely good! If there are no more questions, we have a question for you. Then our question for you, for each of you in this room, even for those who were not here last week, because you experienced it somewhat again this week, those of you here now. So, what is your understanding or rather what was the feeling, a sense of the feeling coming within you as you were touched by the Sanat Kumara last week by the Mary this week? And even more importantly than that, did you have a sense of change in any way coming from the touch of Sanat Kumara when, by the way, he did provide an initiation of sorts, last week. And so did the Mother Mary provide an initiation of sorts this week. And we say of sorts, because it is not the initiation of old, where you move from one dimension to another dimension. It is a movement of consciousness, a change within you. And we wish for you to begin as the Arabella has said, we wish for you to begin to see the changes within you and around you. Go out into nature. See all that is changing. And again, we say to you, believe and you WILL see! It is not the other way around. It is not the Missouri way. Do you understand this? Seeing is believing, show me. What is this? The Show Me State. You see?

It is there. You will see it. But it is that little bit of a doubt that comes up within you. They say believe it! I believe it! But where is it? I am not seeing it. I am not seeing the fairies. I am not seeing the sprites. I am not seeing all these weird and wild colors that they have been speaking of. Where are they? And as soon as you say that…doubt. And as soon as you doubt it is back to seeing is believing. So stick with the believing first and you will see it. And believe it and know it, deep within you. Trust. Trust.

So we will leave the question for next time. Each of you find within you this week you are coming up in, by the way, there are going to be some things happening in this week, just so you know….hint, hint. Watch for some things changing. But mostly, watch for the changes within yourself as a result of the touch that has occurred here, as a result of these initiation processes. Changing your DNA. Your DNA, people, is reconnecting. Some of you would say, “But I didn’t know my DNA was disconnected.”

But it is and has been. Your DNA has been disconnected from what was originally intended and originally was. This is why the Sananda said the new cloak is the old cloak. Because you will feel the DNA processes changing within you and you will experience the changes. And yes, it may be as just a little bit of a change here and there, it may be line upon line at first, but we can tell you, the tsunami IS a tsunami. It is not a small little wave. It is a huge wave. You can even call it a tidal wave of love. But a tsunami comes in gently at first and gains momentum, gains momentum, it gains and gains. Yes, you are thinking that maybe in terms of destruction that a tsunami comes in and tears everything apart and in some ways that is correct. The Tsunami of Love is tearing away the old, breaking it down into the new. So that you can take on this new cloak and wear it for yourself and wear it proudly.

Yes, as a lightworker. Yes, as a child of God. But even more so, as a complete Oneness with the God Source within you.

The James does not know this yet but we will put this out as a possibility. When this question is asked here in the next week that you find yourself and we go around the room and share in this way, we are going to come in and somewhat take over here, if this is alright with those of you here and with the James here. And instead of the normal discussion period that you have we will provide for this, if that is OK for you. Different than your normal way of doing things here but we think it will be helpful because it will bring about a knowing within each of you, yes those things that are happening in each one but also those things that are happening outside of yourselves too and to the others and it will help to solidify or crystalize the understanding that yes, there are changes happening. Because so many times when you have discussion everyone does not speak and we wish for everyone to have an opportunity to speak with no judgments whatsoever. Can we do this?

Then, this we will do this next time as well as another couple of visitors will be here. This is becoming a happening! People. We have told this James a long time ago, that there would be many coming and that many would be called and come into this group. And he wondered, “Where are they?” Two here, three here, four here but it is growing. And it is going to continue to grow and this group will grow into another group and another group. This is what is planned but as you know, plans don’t always work out the way you want them to or the way we want them to but always have no preconceived notions or judgments or a sense of purpose. Then it can evolve into what it is to be. You can go with the flow here. And the flow will always take you downstream and not fighting against the stream. You see?

Are there any further questions?

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one!

Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated





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Note: this first part was during our group meditation as OWS came in and was given control to complete it.

Greetings to you, stay where you are. Do not come back. Stay in the space that you found yourself and the vibration that you are operating in now. Not in any way come back to your physical form yet and to your 3-D understanding. Because that will, as they say, ruin the effect here, some. So, continue to stay in that higher vibration and as you are there begin to visualize.

Use your visualization capabilities to visualize, to see with in self to see the Sanat Kumara. It does not matter if you know what he looks like or anything of this nature but deep down within you; you do know him for certain. But see him on his white horse and see him in all of his majesty on his white horse. For he is the “One Initiator”, the “Ancient of Days”. He goes by many different names, the “One Initiator”, the “Lord of the World”, all of these are him. And he is here now in this space that you are in now. Can you see him? Can you see within your spiritual eyes now? Can you visualize him? Do you see him in all his majesty? And that beautiful white horse that he is on? (individuals are answering, “Yes”)

Now, as you are seeing him in that way with your inner sight, now begin to, just a little briefly, just a little bit, begin to open up your physical eyes but only a little, to the point where, if you can see auras or you can take your vision and change it so that you are not seeing with your 3-dimensional eyes directly but you are seeing beyond the veil and just allow yourself to get a glimpse of him there. Do not be concerned if it is not happening for you. Because this is a first time here. As you have a saying here, “Practice makes perfect. NO?” So, just allow for it to be. Believe and you will see. But certainly you have seen with your inner vision and that is as important as seeing with your physical eyes because it is only  the mind that asks for confirmation. The mind, the 3-D mind that asks for this. Deep down within you, you already have confirmation. You already know who you are and that all of these things are real and all of that, all of what you call the other stuff. This is real! So know this.

Allow for the process. See him still on his white horse, prancing along. The hooves going up and down in the front. Gallant and seated on his horse with that commanding presence. For he IS the “One Initiator” for he is the One who is present wherever there are major movements of consciousness known as initiations. There are some here who might be experiencing some of that in this time now, the initiation process. And if you are, go with it and allow it to be. For it is what it is.

He may have a gift for you or simply that he would touch you. He would come behind each of you. Come and touch you on the shoulder. Similar to the knighting effect. Where do you think that came from? He does not use the sword but his hand. Feel it touch you. Feel the electricity going through you as he touches each of you in turn. Know that you are being imbued with his energy, his love, his Oneness. Feel the connection as he makes the connection with you a personal, individual level. You are him and he is you.

He has completed going around the circle and has touched each one of you in turn. Begin to allow yourselves to come back into the room, into the consciousness of yourself. Come back into a state of complete consciousness and circulation. Fully revitalized and refreshed.

This is new energy. Know that as he touched you, that has gone deep within yourself. And is even now manipulating your DNA processes and also, in turn, reactivating an ancient gland, the pineal gland, the third eye. And we leave you now so that he will come forth to speak with you.

Sanat Kumara

I am Sanat Kumara. I am the One you have known, each of you has known, in many times previously.  For we have fought many a fight. Not the kind of fight you would think of though. Not the battle you would know of today but a fight for love and understanding. We have been there in the trenches, you and I. To all who would be in this room and to most who would be reading these words. For I am One who is known as the “One Initiator”. I am the One who is there whenever there is that change in consciousness that movement that takes you to the next level of your being. I am there with you at that time. And have been many times before. But now at this time, we no longer call it initiations because that is no longer necessary. In the past, it was an initiation to move from dimension to dimension. From vibration to vibration. In order to receive that initiation you had to go through much. Many of you have done that in the past. If not in the bodies here in the Earth, in your other systems that you came from.

But now the time has changed. It is a new time. A new awakening. It is the time to start anew. With a new body. Not that you will not have your physical body, you will. But a new body of vibration. A new body of light. Some have called it the rainbow body. You are taking that body on once again. You are taking on as a cloak over you. For it is really no different than that.

It has been said that the year you are in now is a year of transformation, a transition. That it is. This is the year when all that you know of is going to wash away. That tsunami of love that has been spoken of many times. Just as the old is washed away in the wake of a wave, so too will this tsunami wash away all the old ways, the old programming that you have become accustomed to. It will wash away all that is no longer needed. For you are approaching a new life. A new level of understanding within you. And in many respects it will appear as a new life for you. But in reality it is not. You are returning home, each of you are returning home from whence you came. From the One-ness that you know already.

All is about to change in the twinkling of an eye. And you, dear ones, are here to be a part of that. As you have been there in other times and other places. In other galaxies. For you have moved into a system and scattered it asunder. Just as is happening now to the understanding of what you know as the 3 dimensional illusion. For it is being taken down piece by piece to be replaced by the new you, being the collective You here.

We are prepared and have been for some time. You are preparing and have been for a long time as well.  When the time comes, as you know it is not too far off now, no we will not use the word soon or imminent, but we will say on the verge. You are standing on that precipice, each of you. Ready to jump when the announcement is made, the clarion call goes out. It is coming!

All of my peace and love and understanding and joy be with you now as you hear the changes coming.




I am Adama. I come to be with you now from that which you know of now as the Hollow Earth. From our Telos, your Telos. Because each of you in this room now, may already be aware of it, each of you have been there before. You were there with us as brothers and sisters, long ago, in the Earth’s time frame, there on our beloved land of Mu. For we worked together as a family. To make everything in our civilization at that time as perfect as it could be. Then, as you know, the Dark Ages came upon us. Not without warning for we knew ahead of time, that it was coming. It allowed for those of us to prepare. To find what you would call refuge. And where did we find refuge? In the City of Telos, deep underground.

And there we are still to this day. Many of us. And we were with you at that time when you first heard about those changes coming. And small portion of you at that time was frightened but the majority of you, you yourselves, knew that even though there would be those darkest of times, there would be the brightest of times after that. You now are in those brightest of times, fast approaching.

And soon, yes, I will use that word, because we are right here with you on this, our beloved planet, Gaia, Terra, we are here with you. And we are aware of all the things that are happening here on the surface. We monitor that on a daily basis and we know of the lights going off in each one across the planet. We know as consciousness changes that those lights flicker more and more grow to ever increasing brightness until they become the violet flame within each. That is what those of you here in this room and those who would be reading these words are about to do. You are about to become the violet flame once again.

Indeed, those of us who mentor to you, your brothers and your sisters, are here ready to emerge from our deep refuge, to be back on the surface with you once again. To intermingle, to join once again with our brothers and our sisters, our family that we left behind in those times long ago.

We are anxiously awaiting the time for our emergence. We have grand celebrations planned, both here in Inner Earth and there, on the surface and yes, up in the ships as well. It will be as if you are going from one party to the next. We think that you will not mind that for you have worked and worked and worked in your many lifetimes here to bring you to this very moment you are arriving at! We think all of us, believe, that you have earned the right to party.

But it is going to be unlike any party you have ever attended. The celebrations are going to be many and varied and in some respects, wild! Not in the sense of drunken stupor-ness but wild in ecstasy and joy. For you, my brothers and sisters, are coming home. And we are coming home with you as well.

All my peace and love be ever with you as we continue on this journey together. I am Adama. Adonai.

One Who Serves

Greetings to you. I am One Who Serves and there are many of “One Who Serves” here. And that is what we do, we serve. For those of you who don’t know us, here we are! We are here to answer your questions in any way we can but before we do so, we wish to ask you question. We wish to ask you, “What is your experience here?” Please be honest. If you did not see anything or feel anything, say so if you would. But if you did have experience, please share that with each one here, for they must know that this is real, that all of this is a real happening, people.

So who would share here first?

I didn’t experience anything. I feel very relaxed but I did not experience anything.

Thank you for your honesty.

I’ll share. I definitely had a vision in my mind and I cracked my eyes and I lost the vision when I used my 3-D eyes so I went back to my internal eyes. Before you said he was coming to each of us, it had already touched me with his “rod” on my shoulder. He got off his horse and came over and looked at me, face to face, and hugged me. Then I saw him go around the rest of the circle and definitely had an experience with this!

He carries a rod like a rod of energy. And it is a vril rod. Thank you for sharing.

I saw the white horse and the beautiful armor. I felt him touch me on my right shoulder. And I felt the rod and I saw all the colors, I am seeing all the colors right now. The green, yellow, violets, and I saw water, a lot of water, creeks, rivers…just see a lot of water.

Whales need a lot of water! I don’t mean to interrupt but I would throw that it in here but what you are seeing and experiencing is accurate here. Yes, continue please.

When I opened my eyes I could not see but I did not want to force it so I closed my eyes again. Went back to this very different vision.

Very good. Anyone else?

In my mind’s eye, I also visualized the white horse. And the rider and the wind blowing through the mane and tail. And as the rider looked at me, he got off the horse and my angels stepped back and kneeled. And he put his hand on my shoulder. I had a feeling of reverence. It filled me with peace and love, joy and also a strength. I didn’t need to see with my “real” eyes. I realized that. It wasn’t important. It’s what came out inside my mind and body that awesome feeling of peace and power at the same time. I am grateful for that.

And we are grateful for you being here and experiencing this and sharing now.

I like Sue, opened my eyes and closed them because I felt like I was going to doubt so I shut my eyes. I just wanted to see with my spiritual eyes because as soon as I opened them, I feel like that I didn’t see anything so I just closed my eyes again. I felt that I experienced  my brother, our brother.


Yes. I saw the white horse come galloping in. We were all in another location and there was a lot of green, a green I have never seen before. In a field, there were more than just us there. And the horse rode around the outside of the circle that we were in. And I felt the magnificence, the strength, the energies that were there.

We have gone around the room, except for one.

I feel very relaxed and comfortable and loved. I kind of pictured the horse but I didn’t really get any visuals. I had this one point that I felt maybe there was a strong feeling on the back left of my head. I don’t know what that was but that was all I felt.

Thank you. Actually, we played a trick on you. We played a trick on James here. And we share that we never explained what kind of manifestation would be. He immediately thought it would be a manifestation for his physical eyes to see or for your physical eyes to see. Because that is what he does, he wants to see things but the purpose of this was the feeling part of it. And all of you felt, in one way or another, something. You felt the energy, the love, you felt the touch, something, you see? And that is what we were after here. This is the manifestation we were looking for!

But if we had told you that, it would not have manifested as it did. Although it is possible. Those who are able to see auras not through their physical eyes but through their inner sight that they use, they are the ones who would be able to see this. But it is a practice effect. It is something you work on. And the more that you work on it, the more you will see.

But it takes a belief. Believing is seeing. If you came in and open your eyes and you doubt, immediately, there will be no manifestation for your physical eyes. See, your physical eyes, hold you back in many respects. That is why one who has been seeing all their life and is suddenly blinded can still see. They can still see and they see more than they ever saw before. Vistas open up to them that they never had before and their other senses became enlivened.

And this is what is happening to each one of you. You are experiencing enlivenment—is that the right word here? In your senses. The more you allow it to be, the more it will be. And one day, and it is not far off, we can tell you this, you will be outside predominantly outside in nature, you will look where there is a tree that your physical eyes will see spirits, fairies, sprites…you will see through the veil. The veil will no longer exist. The veil is dropping now, rapidly. It is allowing for many across the planet to see where they have not seen before. To hear what they have not heard before. To feel where they have not felt before. Just as you, Lance, experienced the green you have never seen before, it IS there! You will experience colors and sounds that you have never experienced before, at least not in this dimension.

We will take questions now. Yes, we have switched and this is another one who serves here.

Two years ago Adama appeared at the end of my bed, woke me up from my sleep and said to me, “Susan, we will be working together.” But I haven’t had a direct experience with him since then, except in a channeling like this. What was this message about?

Exactly what you are believing it was about, dear sister. He was telling you, he was touching you, he was giving you an understanding that you were already together. You have never really been apart. He is saying to you, soon, very soon, we will be close again in your physical bodies. It will come though, as you are least expecting it.

Who was with us, (during the meditation) besides the group here?

There are so many here that we cannot begin to count! We would love to count them in the hundreds, maybe the thousands here for there is a space here that opened up to many across the galaxy even. Many were called here. Many heard the call and came and wanted to experience this. You must understand that even though this is a room and a small space here it is not that in the higher levels. You must understand that there is no space or time in terms of limitation. So, although you can only fit so many in this room in your physical bodies, there were thousands here. There were many fish, dolphins, whales swimming in the water, horses, angels, even the guardian angels came and the archangels. Yes, Ascended Masters, many of us were here. For you must understand, whenever these things happen, it is a happening! A big happening, you see? It is like a party. We are ready to party. We are ready to be with you and go with it. Let our hair down!

There are going to be so many parties, so many celebrations that it will make your New Year’s and your Fourth of July skies look like child’s play. There will be fireworks that you have never experienced before. There will be fireworks of many different colors that you have never seen before, not in your life here. And sounds. By the way, did you hear the dogs joining in? Is that not wonderful? They wanted to play too?

Very good energies here! Extremely good energies here! Vibration high! Think you will go from this room and stay in this high vibration for some time today! Let it last, make it last.

I always want to share these wonderful moments and new experiences with my husband. I have asked many times and many people on this planet what shall I be doing to help him join us. And people say, “It is your path. It is not his journey.” What shall I do? I know there is a reason why I am with him. I know that I am awakening and I know my children are and I know I have a path, a journey for my husband and I to be sharing and experiencing together. Staying on the high vibrations and going home. How shall I share these experiences with him to help him?

Many have these same questions. We will answer this question in this way. Be you. Do not try to be anything else but who you are and at the same time, allow for that other one to be who they are and to be on the path they are at the moment because in the next moment, it could all change. There could be an “aha” moment that could occur with him that would waken him, you see? Your light, you are a Lightbearer, a Lightworker, share your light. He is also one as well, he just does not know it yet.

But he is going to have an experience very soon that will begin the awakening process. Many across the planet are beginning to have these experiences when before they would not have them, they will begin to awaken, to come out of their slumber, their sleep, sometimes their nightmares. Some look at this life as a nightmare. We can assure you that it is all but that. You can make it to be a nightmare. You can make it to be hell on Earth and it will be. But if you make it about joy and ecstasy and love, it will be.

Any more questions here?

I had a very odd experience for me last night. And I was telling the people I was with that I was home and that they were people or souls I had been searching for all my life and I just kept feeling that I just wanted to keep saying that. I felt like I could almost feel them outside of their body, like somehow I knew them and it didn’t matter what their body looked like, I could feel the familiarity. I felt like part so it I couldn’t remember. I don’t know what was happening to me last night. I just got home it felt like a dream.

Yes, this is called the glimpses. It is through the veil and more and more are experiencing this and more and more will experience this until the veil is all over here. So allow it to be.

For the very first  time in my life I had an experience with marijuana last night. I wondered if it was a spiritual experience or what? I don’t know what I was experiencing. They told me it was stimulating my pineal gland.

Yes, but understand that your powers that “were” are the ones that have held back this marijuana, cannabis. And it is from the Earth and how can something from the Earth that is meant for altered consciousness, to raise consciousness be bad for you? For how can altered consciousness, raised consciousness be anything that is negative? But only for those that put that negative connotation upon it. They have done so but the lid is being lifted off this. Now we are not saying to suddenly go out and buy marijuana and begin to use it on a daily basis, NO! This would not be beneficial to you at all but to utilize it when the time is right to allow for the altered expression within self, to move into altered states of consciousness, such as happens with the Native Americans in their use of various spiritual drugs that they have used. In this sense there is nothing wrong with it and it can actually heighten the senses and yes, the pineal gland, the pineal gland that across the planet has become calcified by all of the various things that have clouded it over, the fluoride in your water. The misuse or disuse of that gland thinking it was nothing or thinking that it was not important, as the powers that “were” wanted you to believe.


We want to say that we appreciate all of your efforts here, all of your energies that you put into this and love the various experiences that you had and ask that you continue on with these processes that you learned here or wherever you have learned them. Work with them. Continue to practice. Find yourselves, each and every day, and even for a moment, getting out of the hustle and bustle of your regular daily activities and go within, find some quiet time, go somewhere where you can be in nature, by water. And experience the energies that are coming to you, become a part of it.  Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One!

Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated

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Saint Germain:

I am Saint Germain.  The time has come my brothers and sisters, for whoever would be in this room and whoever would read these words – the time has come. It has been said you are on the verge - you are on the verge of a transformation. A transformative event is coming upon you and within you. First it will be within, first you will know it without a doubt that there is a transformation happening within you. It will not be denied. You will not be able to move throughout your day and know that you have not felt the transformation within you. This is for most will come even in this month we are in now. There are many that are in the process now of their ascension. Some have already moved on and are returning. Others have moved on and don’t even know that they have yet moved on. But after this transformational event within you, you will no longer doubt that. You will know that you have transitioned. This is not something that is going to take years and a lifetime – you have been through that already. You have been preparing for this for lifetimes, some thousands of lifetimes, preparing for this very time, this very moment that you are approaching, that you are on the verge of now.  Some would say they are not ready for this. Some would say others are not ready for this for they would pass a judgment upon another saying “how can you ascend…you are not ready”. But how can one say that one is not ready? Who is it that can make that understanding but the Creator, Himself or Herself.


You are all on the verge of the precipice now. And as you look out over this precipice, it looks like a long way down. But know that as you step off in faith and in love, there is no falling. There is only a soaring, flying with your wings, your angelic wings that you each have and do not even know it. You, my brothers and sisters, all of you are about to step off that precipice and we are stepping off it with you.  And when I say “we” I am talking not only of those that mentor to you. I am talking not only of the Earth herself or the solar system or the many solar systems within the galaxy, or even the galaxy. I am talking all are stepping off the precipice, all are moving in vibration to their next level of consciousness that they would reach.


So what is happening here has been called the tsunami of love and this tsunami will spread. It will start as just a small wave, maybe even a trickle, but it will gain in its intensity until it encompasses the entire planet, the solar system and the galaxy. You, each one, are a part of this grand experiment coming to an end and forming a new beginning, a new beginning that is being forged from the very fire that you are.


There is also that which is being called the Reset, the financial reset that also is upon you now. For you have the transformative event within yourself and also a transformative event external to yourself, or seemingly external because all is the same, all is One. It is internal and external at once for you are in the present moment. And in this present moment your very world, as you know it, is about to transform. No one but the Prime Creator knows the exact moment but as has been said, you are on the verge now and it is upon you.  I AM Saint Germain, go in peace my friends, my brothers and sisters. For we are in this together and have been for a very long time and we are with you all the way. Peace and Love.  (Peace and Love, thank you so much)


One Who Serves (OWS)

 Om mani padme um,  om, om, om. Greetings to you! (Greetings)  Good to be here again with you. We so enjoy these times and I able to be here with you at this time - they have let me go here (laughter). I am another of the One Who Serves (OWS) and I do not often get to speak about this and so enjoy these times when you can hear me ramble on (laughter). And I am not so much going to ramble on though at this time because we know you have questions and we are here to answer your questions to the best of our ability. And always know that when you ask your questions and are receiving your answer and are finding the growth within that answer, so too are We growing when we are able to give the answer. Because it is always a give and take, is it not? It is always to serve and to be served. And you each are moving into another level of your being where becoming of service, rather than finding the service to you, is going to be more and more paramount. There will be more and more that will reach out to their brothers and sisters and give a helping hand when before they would not have.  And that will be wonderful, will it not? (Yes)  What questions would you have here for OWS?

 Can it be about anything? 

 OWS: anything you wish, my sister.  (laughter)

 Ok, the other day or yesterday I had been up for a while and probably needed sleep but I was watching television laying down and I kept kind of drifting off to sleep and then waking right back up. And then I had this  experience which I’ve spoken of before and I have a couple of questions about it where my astral body left my physical body, at least I think this is what happened, left my physical body and wanted to go.  I don’t know where. But my consciousness (OWS: wants to go home)  (laughter) Well it was out of my body, my physical body. My consciousness, I felt, was still in my physical body so  that was kind of a frightening feeling. I don’t know why I get frightened of that feeling but maybe it’s because I feel out of control or something. But how do I when that happened I had a great bit of struggle to get my astral body to come back to my physical. Can you give me some ideas of how to call my astral back into my physical?


OWS: Yes. First understand what is occurring here. Your astral body is leaving because it is tired of being here. It is saying “enough is enough” in many respects and it is wanting to, let us as we say here, go home. And as it leaves you it moves further and further and further away because of the vibrational changes that are happening within you. And we are not only speaking to you who has asked this question but to all now because as the Saint Germain has said, there is a transformative event coming within each of you. And not only to those here in this room but to all of those, many of those, that will read these words will be having this transformative event within them. And you, yourself, now who have asked this question are going through this now in the present moment. You may not feel it, you may not think that anything is happening but we can assure you that it is. There are many changes that are occurring and in no respect here is there  any reason to be of fear because it is only the unknown that you are afraid of. It is only that which you are not aware of that brings the fear. For if you had your complete knowing would there be any fear? (No). There would be none because you would already know that you are One, you are all that you came here to be so there would be no reason to be of fear. And this is what is coming for each – to come to that point where fear is in the past, it has burned away in the old dross, you see?  Does this answer your question?


 Yes, part of it. Part of it was just wondering how, since my consciousness didn’t go with my astral body and it’s still in my physical body, I wanted my astral body to come back to my physical body…how can I get it to come back?


 OWS: It is not that your astral body has gone without your consciousness. This cannot be. There is a portion of it in both here as you are saying (Yes) and in order for it to come back you simply will it to be back. (Alright) It is nothing that is very difficult, except that you are making it difficult.


 Right, I feel like I have to move, like, if I can move my leg it will bring it back but it’s like I’m kind of paralyzed because I don’t seem to have, my astral is gone so I don’t have control over my physical anymore and it’s really hard to, like, move my leg. And once I can move it, finally, through my will I guess, moving my leg did bring it back, but…


OWS: And we would suggest to you when you have this experience,  to let it be, to let it be. Go with your astral body.


I’ve started to do that sometimes…


OWS: Yes, go with it. Go with the FLOW. Has that not been said many times here?


Yes. (laughing)


OWS: Then why do you swim against it?


I know – I’ve been letting the fear go down more and more with that and I do soar and starting to…and I do…you talk about soaring.  It’s not what we do here in the class, it’s like really, uh, flying (laughs) so I’m practicing at it. So thank you for that.


OWS: And it is not that those here in the class, as you are saying, are not doing it – they are as well. 

Other questions here.


The objects that people see in the sky more and more, and they say they’re so bright and so brilliant that they can’t ascertain whether or not it’s a ship or what kind of a shape the ship is.  I feel that it’s not a ship at all, but Light Beings that could be…it’s a Being, not a ship. Is there any possibility of that being so?


OWS: Yes but you are talking about one and the same thing here. That which is the ship could also be that of a Being, for a Being and a ship can be one, you see? (Mmmhmm)  It is consciousness and those that are beginning to see more and more, that has been said, that have the eyes to see now and the ears to hear are becoming more and more aware of that which is the higher vibrational frequencies, those higher dimensional understandings, you see?


 I did hear in my head that they were Beings.


OWS: Yes. They very much are so.


Thank you. 


 I have a question about…thank you so much for being here…so as the changes take place, for instance, through the month of you know, possibly this month, things like our 9-5 jobs, is this going to shift this quickly where we’re you know not, not going to be…needed at those jobs anymore? We’re going to start the new phases?


OWS: When you have the transformative event that has been called “The EVENT”, when that has occurred, and that is not necessarily this month.  Must understand here what has been said… But when “THE Event” happens, which is culminated by several different events, when that happens there will be many things that will be changing in respect to your regular daily activities. Many already now at this point are being, moved away in various ways from their present understanding of what has brought them their support, their support system, their understanding. Many are beginning to leave the familiar, those things which were the old way, and leaving that and moving into something more that is unknown, yes, but it brings them a certain, feeling of accomplishment. A feeling of being in the right place at the right time, you see? (Yes) So it is not that when “The Event” occurs everybody will simply stop living. This will not be – you will still have your lives, you will still in many respects, some will still go to their jobs but their jobs will be changing. Not overnight necessarily but understand that as there is no more need for things such as oil and gas and how this will change the entire atmosphere of your culture, you see?  There will be no more need for factories and all of these things when the replicators are brought out, you see? So all of these things will change but this will be somewhat more of the gradual change. But when “The Event” itself happens, there will be moments of joy that you have not even begun to understand yet and this will be accompanied by the Great Awakening across the planet which will then trigger many other different changes happening.


 Great – thank you.

What’s the difference between what Saint Germain was talking about that could possibly happen this month, to the transformative thing within people and “The Event”?  Is one more personal?


OWS: Yes. The first transformative event is within yourself. It is a knowing that comes within you and it is already beginning for many. And in some, had even culminated in some, but those that have not had it yet are going to begin to experience this. And there will be those, as has been said many times, those “aha” moments. But these “aha” moments will be coming one right after another. It will not be one and then you sit and rest for two months, three months, that has been happening before. It will be one here in that moment and then a few moments later another one and another one, you see? This is the tsunami that has been spoken of, a tsunami of love will come upon each of you and within each of you.  And it is those of the Lightworker community that will be experiencing these things first because they are the ones that are mostly awakening here. But those that will follow after this will come about because of those that are awakening, you see? They will lead to the next and to the next and to the next. And the flames will be burning within each and as we look at these things from our point of view (and we can see across the planet) we can see the light, the lights flickering, as the Ashtar said last week when he spoke about the light bulb going on within each or above each you might say as a visualization, we can see those light bulbs going on everywhere or a little flicker of flame going on everywhere. And those flames are spreading now, those light bulbs are spreading everywhere. And after “The Event,” they will be completely across the entire planet with only very small pockets of darkness still. And those will be the ones that will be pushing against the Light


 I have a question.


OWS: Yes.


 I was wondering if  you could help me understand why I’m hesitant at this point to try to remember my dreams. I’ve had a lot of dreams and I wake up not wanting to remember them.


OWS: Because, my dear sister, there is a portion of you, a part of you that is holding on for dear life. There is most of you now that is saying to “let go, it is time to move on”. You have done this in your physical world in terms of your business type of atmosphere and you’re letting go of certain things, but there is still a portion of you that is saying “no it cannot be – this is still the old 3D and it’s going to stay this way and nothing is going to change” you see? You have that conflict going on within you, that war within you. We know you have called that, as we find it within the James, the “Golem effect” here. And that is still going on but it is lessening. We see it lessening and lessening and lessening and as you find yourself delving into your work and your experience of creativity it is becoming more and more and more lessened that that part of you that we would call the ego self of you is holding you back, you see? And it is trying for dear life to not lose its own life. It is as if the ego itself has a life of its own and in many respects, in many, it does. It has been called many things somewhat the “dweller at the threshold”, you see? And this is holding on for dear life and will continue to do so until the love comes through and washes it completely away. Not in terms of washing the ego away or not…that is not going to happen, but it is going to transform the ego, you see?


 I understand what you just said, I just don’t understand if you could be more direct, if that’s possible, why I’m afraid to remember my dreams.


OWS: As we are saying here…can try to say it differently possibly but it is that part of you that is holding you back. It is that part that is holding on to the fear in some respects. Not that you want to have the fear, we are not saying that because at a conscious level, at a deep knowing level, you know that fear is nothing. It is not even meant to be here but it is still holding on because that is what the ego has known. And for a very long time too, to protect. It is there to serve and protect, you see? But in that serving and protecting that is the old way, the old paradigm. That is not the new Golden Age that is upon you. There will be no more need for the ego to serve and protect.


 So there’s no, there’s no message in my dreams?


OWS: There are many messages in your dreams but it is needing for you to let go so that you receive those messages, you see? (okay) And when you have done that you will move more fully into the dreams and you will have those, what are called more lucid dreams.


 But the dreams seem dark and scary.


OWS: They seem dark and scary because they are unknown. Whenever there is blackness in your dream, dark in your dream, it is because it is the unknown.


 It’s not necessarily bad then?


OWS: No. Very few dreams, unless they are what  have been called nightmares, very few dreams have that aspect of something bad in them or negative in them. For you can always look at the negative or the positive side of the negative, you see?


  Sure, yeah that’s true.


OWS: It is the two sides of the same coin.


 So, so what can I say to myself before I go to sleep that would help me remember my dreams and not fear?


OWS: Yes and this is for ALL to hear here. When you are going to, in your sleep state, begin to, drift off you say simply “I will remember and be in control of my most important dreams.” That will put that into your, semi-consciousness state.  Anything further here?


Thank you.


OWS: We hear some other question coming.


 Just real quick I was going to ask about it the other day when I was dreaming away having my dreams, crazy dream, I you know, sounded like it was outside of myself although, you know, it could have been inside myself. It was outside of my dream. I heard a voice in my left ear. It spoke to me and it said “wake up”.


OWS: Yes.


  And I did wake up but it was more, it wasn’t like it was part of my dream. It was separate from the dream like somebody was really speaking to me.


OWS: Yes.


  Would you comment on that?


OWS: We think you already know the answer, do you not?  For what do the two words mean, “wake up”?


 Well right…


OWS: They are simply to say to “Wake Up” and here is not to say to wake up from your dream.

This is for you to AWAKEN! To, to know that you are already awakening, you see? To come to that understanding.


Okay, I guess I was more curious if that was a voice of like a guide or was that the voice of my Higher Self…


OWS: And we would say to you…


 Does it matter…


OWS: Does it matter who the messenger is? But is the message, is it not? And this is not only for you and in no way take it as chastisement or anything of this nature for there would never be that coming from us but see it as an awakening process that is happening. This is part of the transformative event we’re talking about here within you. This is the beginnings of that. And the more you ALLOW it, and this is what is most important here, you must allow for this. And the more you allow it and go with the flow the more it will happen. But if one says “enough, I cannot take it anymore” then it will stop. You see?


 Yes I see, thank you.


OWS: So allow it to be. This is what you have been looking for! What you have been asking for! You want signs? Here are the signs coming (laughter). They are right in front of you, they are going to beat you over the head here (laughter). Be ready!  And then you think “Oh I just got a feeling of beating over the head but that’ not a sign, what is that?” (Laughter) “That’s nothing – that is just the same old, same old”. No, it is NOT the same old, same old anymore. TRUST Yes, the truth shall set you free, people! (Laughter)  It’s coming.


  I have another question, just really fast.  I heard some testimony, some interviews, some people attesting to an event that happened in December when there was a very loud sound and they said it sounded like somebody blowing in a bottle (makes blowing noise) like that but it was really loud. So loud that it woke a lot of people up and they haven’t been able to locate the source of the sound but it apparently happened in many different states across the country.  …and people are coming forward and asking “what is that?” Do you know what that is?


OWS: Yes. And it is certainly for those that have ears to hear.


Joanna: I didn’t hear it.


OWS: That does not mean it is not there.


 No, I’m just saying I wanted to have the ears to hear but I didn’t get to hear it.


OWS: But you do have that already, you already do.  You hear much do you not?


 But I didn’t hear that sound.


OWS: Ones that were out there could have some of the things that have come to you in ways of signs they would be very appreciative of that, very happy for that. And we’re not saying that you are not, this is not the point here. But the point is that it is already happening across the planet to many and they receive these various understandings and signs, if you wish to call them that, and they say, “no this is not a sign, it is not real” or “I want something else, I want more (laughter) and I want more and I want more”, you see? And as your collective consciousness reaches out and says “I want more, I want more”, you are going to get more, you see? It is all in consciousness as you, yourself, have said many times. The collective consciousness is creating all that is happening here but is not only the collective consciousness of the Earth, you must understand this, or humans here on this planet. It is the collective consciousness of all of the solar systems within the galaxy and the collective consciousness of the galaxy herself.


 So was the Earth making the sound? What was making the sound?


OWS: Yes it is coming from the Earth. You can call it, if you wish, birth pangs, you see?


 Okay, yeah that makes sense.

Group: Very interesting – you can look it up on YouTube. That’s a great explanation….birth pangs.


OWS: Thank you, we think so too. (Laughter)


 So those that were hearing the sound of the birth pangs of the planet, were they also experiencing their own rebirth?


OWS: Possibly yes. It could be somewhat of the “aha” moments we were speaking of but it could also be one that has no conscious understanding of any of this and hears this and wonders. And just that little bit of wonderment begins to create an awakening process within them. And then it leads to the next and to the next and to the next. And very soon they have that tsunami coming over them and filling them with the Light and the Love and the Oneness. Anything further here before we release channel?


Group: no I don’t think so…


OWS: We have enjoyed this time to be with you, as we always do and are very much looking forward to those times that are coming now where we will be more in physical proximity with you.  And we can literally place our arms around you and you around us. We are looking for the great cosmic hug. (Laughter – yes, us too). Shanti , peace be with you, Be the One and Be in joy.


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated




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Sugat Guraru

 Greetings to you (Greetings). I am another one you have not heard from although two here have heard from me previously. Not very often do I come through anyone here; only a couple of times, two times here as we understand it, have we come through this one James here. And must understand that I am the one who is known as Sugat Guraru and I hail from a Tibetan monastery high up in the mountains, a place where you could not get to in your physical bodies. But in your spiritual, in your astral or your causal or your etheric bodies certainly you can come there and visit and we would love for you to come and visit with us. Understand that we have been doing this for a very long time (laughter). I myself have been in this body for more than 1,000 years. Maybe soon I will be ready to leave it, (laughter) not so sure yet. But times are a-changing as you have a saying here and certainly that is what is occurring in  your existence, your momentary existence now. And we use the term momentary very emphatically here because you are in a moment to moment existence now. Your life is to be moment to moment. In other words, be in the NOW, be in the present moment. Do not be concerned about the future or the past, but be in the now. That is the only thing that matters at this point. And when you can find yourself in the perfect now, and it IS a perfect now, and you must look at it as a perfect now, as a beautiful now, as the now that is everything that you wished it could ever be and would ever be, you see? And that’s what you want to do, you want to be in that now at this very moment and not be concerned about anything else outside of yourself.


We understand you have been talking about dramas and things of this nature and we would say to that do not be caught up in the dramas. They are all around you, they are here now but if you get caught up in it then you are becoming a part of it, just as you have always been – you being “collective you” here. So be in the now, be aware of what is happening around you, but not get caught up in it. You understand that? (Yes, yes). It is very important to do that. Always know that everything is happening as it needs to happen in any given moment and you are a part of that given moment. And the more that you realize that you are only in the moment and not being concerned with the past, certainly the past, because what happens when you do this? You dredge up all the old things, all the things that are a part of your programming, and that holds you back, does it not?  It keeps you in the past. And when you are focused on the future and what is coming in the future, then you are not in the present now either. So you can look toward the future but do not become a part of the future yet. It is not here yet.  It will come, certainly. So let it be whatever it is going to be. The saying has been given many times, “go in the flow”, “be in the flow” of the moment and you will have everything that you wished for, and want, in your lives.


One other thing I would like to say at this time and that is you have also been introduced to the idea of attachments, have you not? (Yes) The idea of letting go of your attachments and also being aware of your thoughts. We know we gave this sometime ago through this James and it is not something though that is only come through here, it has come through many different sources on this. Be aware of your thoughts. Always be aware of your thoughts. Begin to control your thoughts because as you control your thoughts, you control that which is the next dimensional frequency. And the more that you control your thoughts, the more you are ready for that higher vibrational frequencies, you see? (Yes). So continue to do that and your attachments, let go of them. They do not hold with you anymore, rather they hold you back if you allow them to.  So let go of those attachments – they do not need to be a part of you anymore. You, my friends, are moving into higher vibrations, you are moving into what has been called  higher dimensional frequencies and as you are moving into these higher vibrational frequencies, you are being prepared to do so. You are being prepared to be in these higher vibrations and to be at that level that you are moving to. You understand this?  (Yes).


We are going to release now to one other here who wishes to speak with you, but as you are going through your daily experiences, your daily lives, know that all is happening as it must happen. And you are a part of everything that is happening, both within you and outside of yourself. And as things happen outside of yourself, you are responsible for those things happening, you see?  Everything affects everything else – it is what you have called the butterfly effect. Everything affects another and that one affects another and that one another, and another, and another. Always know this.  Shanti, peace be with you. (Shanti, thank you).


One Who Serves (OWS)


Om Mani Padme Um, om, om, om. Greetings to you this is One Who Serves. I apologize here, we apologize for the one who is the Archangel Michael was going to come through but he had other things to do (laughter…he’s busy huh?). That is not correct, we are joking with you here.  (Laughter). What is correct is the vibrations have not been right within this one James for that to happen at this time. There is something within his system that is not allowing for this at this point. That is all we need to say here on this. So you are stuck with us.  (Laughter). That ok? (Yes, it’s definitely ok). We will do our best to impersonate him, how’s that?  (Laughter). That would be a tall order though.


We do not necessarily have message for you but we are sure that as, or yes we do here, yes we do have message, we just come with this here. We understand that you are speaking of things of energies and how energies affect you, and how energies are affecting all around you and we would say that your world now is made up of many energies, is it not? Many different types of energies. You have your definite frequencies that are in many ways bombarding you every day. You have your cell phones, you have your microwaves, you have your television sets, you have this electronic gadget and this electronic gadget. But we would say to you, those electronic gadgets in different ways, you might say, are available at higher vibrations as well. So it is not so much that those vibrations, those frequencies, are negative or bad for you for they are not. But it depends on where you are in the moment. If you are in your 3D paradigm and stuck there and focused on all of the various dramas and things that are going on, then yes these vibrations, these frequencies, will harm the physical body. That is correct.


But also understand that you, as the Lightworkers, you have been bombarded by different energies for a long period of time now.  These energies, these frequencies, have been coming in to the planet literally bombarding the planet with vibrations that have not been here before and these vibrations are entering your bodies and, eh, filtering out, you might say, all the negative, harmful effects of those other frequencies. Now we are not saying that it is something that you want to immerse yourself in, you would not want to get in the microwave (laughter) or anything of this nature, certainly. But know that these vibrations around you, if to an extreme they would be harmful for your physical bodies but if they are kept to a minimum, and a minimum is as long as you do not hold a cell phone to your ear all day long, seven, what is your saying? 24/7. Then you would be ok, you see? (Yes). It is in the consciousness this is what we want you to understand. It is all in the consciousness, so if you believe it is going to be harmful to you it will be. But if you know and believe that it is not, it will not be. It is just as if you believed that a snake could bite you, a rattlesnake since you are in the desert here, and a rattlesnake bites you and you believe it will not harm you, it will not. But you, yourselves, if this rattlesnake bit you, you would believe it would harm you so therefore it would, you see? It is all in consciousness and when you are moving into higher vibrations, higher consciousness, you will be immune to all of this. And you, yourselves, that are moving now into higher vibrations – you may not think you are, but you are – you are becoming immune to much of this now. Whereas you are immune to it, others around you may not be, you see? And those scientists and things that are coming up with these ideas of the harmful effects of various rays and things like this, they are not understanding what we are giving here in terms of consciousness, you see? Does this make sense to you? (Yes).


I have a question about it (OWS: yes, please). And I want to kind of ask a couple of things in a row. The Himalayas, for example, the Tibetan monks and the lamas that reside in the Himalayas are very, very, very careful about their environment and how they grow their food and what they ingest and they live very long. And the air that they breathe (OWS: very simply in many of these places) and they also are conscious of food combining and when to eat it and what to put in their bodies, and apparently their longevity combined with meditation and consciousness and love and food creates longevity for them beyond what the western world experiences. So given that example, and given the amount of disease from food substances like GMOs and flu vaccine and pharmaceuticals and things that we ingest in our bodies, I do agree that everything is consciousness. Why do the Tibetan monks care so much about what they put in their bodies if we shouldn’t care about what we put in our bodies?


OWS: We are not quite saying do not care, we are saying do not be concerned. There is a different sense of idea here. Those that you are saying the lamas and those in Tibet and other places, not only there but other places, where they practice these types of things, they are aware of what is going into their bodies, they are aware of everything that is happening and are in control of that. But you, yourselves, in this western influence are not in control or do not realize that you are in control so therefore you are not in control, you see? So you, eh each one, in this western influence are believing that these things are harmful and then, therefore, they are harmful. But those in the, as you have said Tibetan mountains, those there if they wished they could take anything they want into their bodies and it would not harm them.  But they understand that they do not need these things, you see? They have no need for, eh microwaves and all of these types of things. They do not have a need for that. So they live very simplistically. But they, themselves, could come into your western world if they wished to and imbibe in these various things and it would not affect them, you see?


Well I do, I do, however, um, the book called the Third Eye by Lobsang Rampa (OWS: yes, yes) which I resonated so deeply with (OWS: yes) has an example of a monk that was exposed to the western world and he got very sick from ingesting…


OWS: Depends again on consciousness. You must understand this. We ourselves, those of us that are in various places in the earth here at various different times – we move around a lot – but we tend to stay away from the influences of western types of influences and some of the eastern influences, it depends. And we tend to stay private, you might say. But there are times when we do go out into what you would call the public and do our thing. We practice healings and things, whatever is needed in that moment, and we are influenced by those things just as anyone else would be. So we tend to minimize those types of situations.


So it does harm you if you prolong it.


OWS: If it is prolonged, yes, that is what we are saying here. It is consciousness but if, if anything is in moderation it will not harm you. But if it is in large amounts, again if you stood in front of a microwave oven and it was going all the time, yes eventually it would start to hurt you, you see?


Sure. Can you transmute it by love?


OWS: If it that is consciousness. That is a higher level of consciousness working from the heart center as opposed to the lower three chakra centers.


So should we be having concern about the food we eat then?


OWS: When you are looking at your various foods, it is the same thing again. If you are focused on keeping the body pure at a 3D level, now understand this, you are a 3D level or at least your mind is still occupying you there. And as you are there in that 3D understanding then you are operating in the 3D boundaries here, you see? So if you were operating at a higher vibrations in terms of 4th & 5th dimensional frequencies then it would not matter. But then there is another thing. If you were operating at those levels, you wouldn’t want those things anyway, you see?


So the answer is we should be concerned about what we put in our bodies…or not?


OWS: The answer is it is up to you, you see? It is what it is, it is what it is. And we would suggest to you, yes be aware of what you are putting into your bodies, certainly, be aware of it. Purify your physical form as much as possible in many, in all the ways you can do it. Purify your mind as well. Work on your mind. This is what Sugat Guraru was saying here. Try to say that one three times fast (laughter).


Thank you. I have a question. I have two questions. The first one seems kind of redundant to even ask you now; it’s for the James because Sugat Guraru came through and said “be in the now” and I know that’s where you exist is in the now. Um, about the Event and thinking that, like, if you’re the Pleiadian or galactics that they’re already in the future and so that it’s already happened in the future, so he doesn’t understand why you can’t give a time for the Event if it’s already happened in the future. Can you address that?


OWS: Yes. There is the James here looking for the “X marks the spot”


Yes, I was going to say that.


OWS: But understand that it is the 3D, eh inquisitiveness that is still occupying you in many respects, some more than others and some at different times and things. So to understand the question you must first know at the higher levels of vibration there would be no question here, you see? At the 4th and 5th D and higher, this question would not even be, would not even arise. But we understand from your point of view how that could be important because you are in the linear time frequency here still. And what you call, eh what have been called many timelines and things of this nature. And you, yourselves, are continuing in your 3D understandings and as you continue in your 3D understandings you are still going to be inquisitive about when this is going to occur and when that is going to occur. Because that has been your programming up until now, you have always been wondering about the next, the next event, the next thing you look forward to in your life. It is always a factor of time, being on time for this, being early for this, being late for this happening, you see?  (yes) And from our point of view, and from many others, in terms of galactic point of view and those of the Pleiadians and things, again they are not concerned with this. But if they were to look in terms of when the Event happened, they would know it has happened in their understanding. In their level of understanding it has already happened.

Now can they then turn around and say for you this is going to happen at this particular moment in time? No they cannot say that. Number one, they cannot say that because they are forbidden to say that. That is interference so it would take away from, and this may sound very strange to you but it’ll take away from your enjoyment, you see?  From the curiosity, from the “oh my goodness look at what is happening now”, you see? (yes, laughter) That is what you would be missing, you would be losing out on that.


And we’d be waiting for it, for that certain date, yes I understand.


OWS: Each day you are waking up and there is a little part of you, more in some than in others, but there is a little part of you that says “is this the day, is this going to be it?” (laughter) “Are we going to have it today?” And then the day goes and goes and it doesn’t happen and you go “well maybe tomorrow, maybe it’ll happen tomorrow”. (Laughter). And then you wake up the next day and again and again. And we understand that through this process many of the Lightworkers and such are getting discouraged in many respects. But we will tell you, as this is what AAM was coming to tell you, so I guess we are impersonating him a little bit here… He was coming to say that there is hope, you have hope. Do not lose that hope! Whatever happens in your world around you, do not be concerned with it, do not be wrapped up in it. Look at it as the movie as Susanna has said earlier. That is what is needed here. To be aware of it but not become a part of it. Because if you become a part of it, you are right back in the same position and part of the programming again. It is the same old, same old what is your saying of insanity?  What is that saying? 


Doing the same thing…


OWS: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting something different to happen. It ain’t gonna happen that way, people.  (Laughter)


Well thank you for that. I understand and I did have one more question. I don’t know that much about it like some of the others may know but something about supposedly a 13D Being the size of Mercury is headed towards Earth, is that correct? Can you explain what that is and what’s happening?


OWS: We can tell you this – that it is a great happening. It is real. It is not a figment of imagination, although remember what is imagination? But it is very real and becoming, going to become more and more real. But it is only real at the level that it can be to those that are ready for it. You see it is the same thing all over. Those that do not have eyes to see and ears to hear will not be aware of this as anything special. It is just the same as those that are unaware of all of these types of things and they look up at the sky and they see they sky riddled with these chemtrails and things like that and they say, “oh that is contrails, nothing to be concerned about”. (Laughter) Even though the sky is completely blackened in many respects (laughter) but they do not see that, you see? They are not ready for it. When one is ready for it then see it.


I find it kind of exciting though because it’s…I think 3D scientists I don’t know they might be of higher consciousness but…that it’s actually kinda coming in to the 3D realm. You know what I’m saying?


OWS: Yes. And at one level they will be aware of it and are aware of it. But at other levels it will be beyond their awareness.


Because it’s maybe more than maybe what they think it is.


OWS: Yes it is a precursor to that which you are calling the Event.


Well, that’s fantastic.


OWS: Definitely a part of that.


Well thank you. Can I mention one more thing? Do you guys mind?  It’s fine…I wanted to tell you OWS said you know I had a channeling in Sedona, a private channeling with James not too long ago, a few months ago and I asked about a dream I had… a scary dream and the OWS said “oh you call on Sananda, Sananda and AAM and we hear you but” and it was funny but then you said “but you can depend on yourself because you are God and you are the Light so you don’t actually have to call on everybody to come save you”. And I just wanted to tell you that I took that to heart because I had a dream the other night which was scary and started turning into a lucid dream. And this dark being came around to my bed and I remembered what was said by the OWS, by you, that, you know, that I could depend on myself and not have to call on anybody. And so I didn’t call on anybody and I just stood up for myself, like in my mind, and stared it down and it disappeared. And I woke up. So I just wanted to give some credit to you guys because I followed your advice and it worked.


OWS: The credit, my dear sister, is all yours. There is nothing to do with us here other than a little nudge here and there is all we are able to do.


I thank you for that because it worked and I didn’t freak out and call every Master known to man to come save me so I appreciate that. (Laughter)


OWS: We would ask here if you wish for this to continue the AAM is standing by and would like to come in and speak. (yes, yes) The energies have risen here but this one needs a cover around him, a blanket of some sort, there is shivering going on and the energies are very strong here and this one cannot withstand this. We release here and see if this will work here.


Archangel Michael: I am the one you call the Archangel Michael and I am come now to be with you in this respect, in this manner, to help you understand that all is right in your world. All is as it needs to be. There is no reason to be concerned in any respect for everything that is happening now in your world, both in your world in your inner world and outside of yourself, is all happening for a reason. Each of you is a part of, and have been in, this play that you have been a part of for a very long time. And you are playing your parts to perfection, I would say here. And from our point of view, you are all playing your parts to perfection. ALL of you.  There is not a one among you that is not. Now you have heard before that those of the dark forces, they are evil in all of these respects. But they are not evil because God the great Creator cannot be evil and if they are a part of God, how can they be evil, you see? So you must allow for different expressions to come through because they are all coming through for a reason. This is what I wish you to understand. That as you continue on in your programs, these programs that are changing daily, it would appear to you, and to us even they are changing every moment. And every moment the plan is being reworked in this way and that way but it is all to bring about the changes that are expected by all of mankind, by all of the solar system, by all of the galaxy and all of the Universe. Because everything that is happening here on the earth is happening at the higher vibrations, is happening at the solar system level, is happening at the galaxy level and is happening at the universal level. All is being affected. This is why when there were those nuclear weapons going off, when it was finally said “no more” because they are having an effect across the galaxy. And this could no longer be allowed.


So at this time now none of that can be an issue for you. There is to be no concern of that whatsoever because it cannot affect you anymore. The plan is in place, the plan is changing daily, momentarily, and as it is changing it is becoming a better plan every moment. And it is becoming a better plan because it is incorporating all of you, not just a certain few, but all of you are being incorporated into this plan. And it is being reworked and reworked to allow for consciousness to develop, for consciousness to expand.  So please, my brothers and sisters, do not become wrapped up in all of the happenings around you. They are going to happen regardless of what you believe or know is happening. They are going to happen anyway. So just be aware of it and move on. Go with the flow. And as you go with the flow, you will be in the flow with the Universe itself. All of my peace and love be with each of you as the days become shorter and shorter. Peace and Love.


(thank you)


OWS: Greetings, back again here.


I think you raised James’ vibration by making us laugh and happy.


OWS: Joy can definitely do that, can it not? But be in joy in the moment, every moment that you can. Let those others around you continue to look for only their moments of joy, you be IN the moment. Are there any further questions here before we release?


I have one small one…


OWS: By the way did you notice the dogs were going crazy when you were ohm-ing?


Yes, they were joining…


OWS: You had a chorus of angels and you, yourself, were the angels here as well.


I felt and saw that.


OWS: Did you feel like you were angels? And there were many angels around you.


Yes, yes – I pictured that – angels were singing…


OWS: I just wanted to throw that one in here.  Yes, your question?


I want you to define attachment for me.


OWS: Define attachments…


Because we are supposed to let go so I want to know what they are.


OWS:  Yes. Attachments are those things that hold you back, that keep you in the past, that keep you in the programming, that keep you in the 3D paradigm as a part of the continuing hologram that is here. Those attachments can be many different things. You can have attachments to money, you can have attachments to computer equipment, you can have attachments to cars and homes. You can have attachments to people, you can have attachments to your children, your family. All of these things are attachments.


How about attachments to drama?


OWS:  Yes, certainly that as well. Attachment to movies and tv and you have all of these types of attachments. But we would say to you, and please now remove the blanket here the body is now becoming warm. We would stay to you to let go of these attachments, to let go of anything that would hold you back in any respect. And if you are unsure of whether it’s going to hold you back, then let go of it anyway, you see?  Because your world, your 3D world, is attachment, after attachment, after attachment. If you look around and those things are things are everything that have been holding you back for lifetime, after lifetime, after lifetime. Thinking that you came in here to learn your lessons and we have said this before: you did not come here to learn lessons, people! (Laughter) That is not what this whole thing is about. You came here as volunteers to raise vibration. Now there are some here that come here for the school, they come here for those lessons. And you, yourselves, in your past lives have been here for, and have learned, lessons. But your whole purpose for being here, the whole plan that you as the Lightworkers are here for is not for that.  Your whole plan is to be here to raise vibration. This is what you came here for, this is what you are doing and this is what you are going to continue to do. Do you understand this?


Yes, yes, but isn’t raising vibration correlated somehow with learning a lesson so that you don’t repeat it?


OWS: Only if you are thinking of it in terms of 3D. That is lessons, that is the school that you came here for, or many believe they came here for. But that is also part of the programming. For that is what you call the cabal, the dark forces here, have created this programming. They wanted you to think that you came here to learn lessons. This is all part of the religious teachings and such.





OWS: Let go of that idea. You are not here to learn lessons. Do not think in those terms any more. And we know this will go against the flow of many, but it is important to know that that is not the reason you are here.


So can we reframe it and, I don’t mean reframe it like 3D reframe it, but have in our minds that as creators we are enjoying the discovery of things, discovering more.


OWS: Yes that is a good reframing as you are calling it. Seeing the beauty all around you, looking for those things of positive nature. You have a saying, “seeing the glass half full”, as opposed to “half empty”.


So there really wasn’t any karma?


OWS:  We are not saying that. There is karma if you believe there is karma. If you are involved in a 3D paradigm and this hologram that has been created, the illusion that you have been operating in, then yes you are in karma. Yes you do go through that, and if you believe the various religious teachings and such that say you’re going to go to hell if you sin and all of these types of things, then you will be in part of that. But we got news for you, people. When people pass through, eh leave the physical body, they go initially to what they believe is going to be, but there is no hell. There is not even a heaven as you have come to understand it. It is all in consciousness.


So karma, death and sin and devil, they are all illusions…


OWS: Yes. You all as a collective created this. And now it is time to uncreate it. Tell it to go bye-bye. (Laughter)


So is there evil?  I mean, are there creatures that are evil? Or is that a figment of our imagination as well?



OWS: There are those that have taken on the evil or the dark persona and have held onto that for a very long time as part of their programming, as part of what they came in to do. But many of those that came in with this and volunteered for this part of the mission came in and did their part but they decided to continue to do it. And that was not part of their plan, part of the programming. They were going to give it up a long time ago, you understand this?


Yeah, yeah. One more thing…


OWS: They got caught up in the glamours of the 3D world here, yes.


So, so in order for us to…this is my experience. I don’t know if it’s, um everybody’s experience, but my experiences is as I expand my consciousness through experience I am able to understand more and able to move up the ladder of, the dimensional ladder so to speak, by understanding experiencing so I love and enjoy tremendously having experiences. Even the experiences of being afraid.  Just any experience feels right to move through experience, so my question is, is experience the way to expansion?


OWS: Yes, understand that all of your experiences lead to awareness and awareness leads to movement, movement in consciousness. So the more you become aware of various things that are going on within you and around you, you are then moving in consciousness. And you use term “moving up a ladder” did you not?  (Yes)

Yes and the creating of awareness, the increasing of awareness coming from your experiences leads to higher levels of consciousness, therefore, moving up the ladder of consciousness.


So the people that don’t, like, do the same things every day don’t really get out and experience things and don’t…are not moving in that direction…are they expanding in consciousness?


OWS: It depends on that individual person and what their plan is, what their blueprint is. Some at this point in their existence have come to the point where they are saying “I’m done, I am tired, I do not want to do this anymore, I’ve had enough of this.” And when they come to that point, they are resting. There is an energy and a rest in the Universe. All is an energy and a rest.


So should they be happy with that or should they…



OWS: There is no shoulds here, there is only what is. But we wish to continue this here. The energy and a rest and when they are finding the time, or the need rather, to rest then they should rest. And there will come a time when the resting time is over. The alarm clock goes off and it says time to get up, time to move on, new day, new dawn. Hint, hint.


(Laughter) Is that our call? Are you calling to us to wake up?


OWS: Yes, yes a new dawn it is coming.


Thank you.


OWS: Anything further here?


I have a quick question. It’s not even important but I just was wondering. Remember…


OWS: If it is not important then why are you asking? (laughter)


I was just making a correlation in my mind…


OWS: We are just joking with you Cynthia, you must know this by now.


I know, I don’t take it, anything personally like that. But remember those stairs, those steps from the readings?


OWS: Yes


So I take it now that those are dimensions or something, is that correct?


OWS: Yes. Those were…


Because we didn’t quite understand back then but we knew we were at the very bottom of the rung (laughter) so to speak.


OWS: That particular presentation, yes, not at the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the rung.


But so those 90 degree angles are dimensions.


OWS: They are shifts into the next dimension, yes.


Yeah, thank you. I don’t have anything else.  Are the teachings of Thoth something we should review again because it was hard to understand before but it seemed like it time for us to do that. What do you think? Let’s stay out of the angles. The teachings of Thoth…


OWS: There is again, no shoulds. You use that word again.


I didn’t say “should” I said is it time…


OWS: That was your second word. The first one you said is “should” we do this, yes and second was the time, is this the right time. And we would suggest to you that there…whatever is right for you is the right time. In other words, if you are…believe that you are ready for that particular type of understanding then it is time for it. If you do not believe you are ready for it then it will be an exercise in futility. But understand this, even if you go into it with that belief that you will not understand it, you will still come away with certain awarenesses that will take you to a higher vibration as you read it. Now, those that have read it before many years ago got it at the level that they were ready for at that time. If you were to re-introduce it again now it would come at a new level that you are at now. Therefore your understanding would be much higher at this point and you would have many what you would call “aha” moments. Aha now I understand what that was saying before…these 90 degree phase shifts, the angles… oh it’s the same thing. You see?


Yeah, I’m gonna dig it up.


OWS: The James knows where it is.


I do to.I think. Thank you.


OWS:   We will release channel here now.  There is a lot to transcribe here now, no? (Laughter) Shanti, peace be with you, be the ONE. 


Shanti, thank you.


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated




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Sananda:  This is Sananda.  I come at this time in your new year of 2014 that many of you thought you would never get to this, but here you are now.  But understand where you have come from.  We have given this story before but for those that have not heard it it can be helpful to understand just how far you have come and why you are here now in the moment, in this very moment that you find yourself.  Because so long ago you participated, each one here in this room and many others that may read these words, participated in the gathering, a conclave you might say, many thousands of years ago, and yes, in a galaxy far, far away. (laughter)


At that time you came together, you came as volunteers and you knew not what you were volunteering for, but you knew that it was to be of service and at that time in your understanding that is all that mattered.  You heard the word “service”.  You heard that you could be a part of that service and that’s all that mattered to you.  The details came later after you had already volunteered.  Can you imagine yourself now in your time period now volunteering for something you do not know what you are volunteering for?  But in those days you did, you all did.  And you came together in this conclave and many came that were called from many different lands, many different systems, planets, all of this.  And you came with high expectations that you would be able to be of service to a planet called, Gaia, as you know it now.  And you knew you were going to come to be of service to those  that were there at that time to help to bring in a new understanding, a new level of development and understanding that would take you into the far future, into the very time that you find yourselves now. 


But at that time, you did not know what was to come.  Many tried to give you an understanding of what you could expect and you listened to these words of what would be.  You knew that you would fall, fall far, far down from the heights that you were at that time, in terms of dimensional understanding, in terms of vibrational frequencies.  You knew that you would be bereft of the connection of the Source, or at least believe that you were bereft of that connection.  But yet, you came anyway.  Now there were many who volunteered, but few that were chosen.  You have heard this before, but it is from this very time this saying came.  Many were called and few were chosen, and you, those here were those that were chosen, and you look at this now, today and you wonder “why did I volunteer for this?”  Yet, you know deep down within you that all that has happened, has happened for a reason and that all that has happened, you are a part of.


So here you are today, many lifetimes after, many, many lifetimes after that you are coming to the conclusion of that conclave, that time that you met and many met at that time and got together in various teams.  And those teams spread out throughout the planet, throughout the evolution of this earth.  And you all were participating at the levels that you could participate.  Some became great leaders, others were seemingly in the shadows.  But no one has been above anyone else for as you have been a leader before, at other times you were the ones being led, and each time has been different and you have learned lessons and all of this but that is not what you came for.  You did not come here to learn lessons.  You came here to be of service, and of service you have been, my brothers and my sisters, greatly.  Those of us that mentor to you look upon the lifetimes that you have had, the service that you have rendered and we marvel in many respects that you are still doing it.  That you are still here, for you know that this has not been an easy endeavor.  But yet, you have persevered.  And now you have come to this moment in time and all that you have worked for is in front of you and there for the taking and all will take it at once.  That is the beauty of this, that you are all to participate at the same level.  There will be some that will be in the forefront.  There will be others that will be taking up the rear you might say.  But all are important in this endeavor.  No one is more important than another, even those of us that mentor to you are no more important than you are, for we are all a part of this.  We all have our part to play.  You have played your part to perfection.  Do not let anyone tell you differently.  Everyone, and I do mean Everyone, has played their part to perfection.  Yes, there are some that are seemingly the ones that have created the chaos that is here, and that is true but they are no lesser or no more than you are.  You are no lesser and no more than they are. Although you many look at them today as your enemy, those of the darkness, and yes they appear to be so, but those you call enemy now, you will call friend, and brother and sister once again.  And those that call you the enemy, or what has been called the “useless eaters”, they will look at you at a time to come and will say brother and sister to you as well.  For we are all One.  Know this.  Do not forget this for even as the times that come may tax many individuals to their breaking point, it is but the beginning of the end. 


That is my message as Sananda.  Go in peace and love in your continuance of this great endeavor that you have been on, and know that it is shortly to come to a conclusion.  Peace and Love be with each of you.



Guardian of the New Dispensation:

I am one who is known as the “Guardian of the New Dispensation”, and I have not come very often to this gathering or any other gatherings, but have been somewhat in the background, you might say.  Somewhat held back.  But the time has come, my brothers and sisters, for all that you have been a part of, to come to fruition.  In this past year that you have just completed, your 2013, this year has been the year of preparation, preparing for all that is to come in this new year of 2014.  And in this year of 2014, this is the completion of the preparation of the past year.  The completion or some would say the transition or transformation of one world into another world, one understanding into a new understanding.  And you, all of you, are ready for this.  You have created this in your own consciousness.  Those of us that watch from afar and watch your progress are all saying, now is the time, now is the time to move on, to become all that you came here to be. 


You each one are God in expression.  You have always been God in expression.  You just have lost that knowing, that connection.  But I am here to tell you now that “after the Dawn” you will know once again of your expression as God and you will not be able to look at another individual that is here with you and see them as anything other than God in expression.  There will not be the dividing lines between your countries, between your nationalities, between you cities.  There will be no more division.  Can you imagine a world like that?  Can you imagine a world where all are as One. Well you are imagining that world because that is why it is happening.  You have been creating this new understanding, this new vibration that is coming within each of you.  It is always so within, so without.  And all that is happening outside of yourself is first happening within yourself.  And as it happens within yourself it becomes manifest outside of yourself.  It is always this way.  So you cannot look to the outside, to the exterior, and say why is this happening, and why is that happening because each of you has created the “why” it is happening.


You must come to understand that this is so.  That you are the Creator and the Creation all at once.  So as you move into this new year of 2014 you have heard in many different ways and from many different sources that all is going to change.  That your life as you know it, is over.  And in many respects, yes this is true, but it is a life that you are creating yourselves.  So as you continue to move into this new year, there are going to be many things that are going to happen, that are going to shatter the old paradigm. The 3d paradigm of duality is going to go away forever, at least in this evolution.  And you, each one will be tasked once again to choose an expression, once again volunteering to be of service.  But that is what you are.  The times of service to self, which is part of a 3D understanding is nearly over.  Yes there will be a time of change, of adapting.  It will not be as waking up one morning and everything will be changed.  It will not be quite that way as it will be somewhat more gradual.  But there are going to be changes that are going to begin and it will be, as has been told, the dominoes.  And your first domino is near to falling, and when that falls there will be the proof that you have been looking for.  There will be no denying.  There will be many that will not be prepared and will be looking around and saying, what is happening to our lives?  Our lives are falling apart.  There will be those of you that volunteered to be here that will help to put their lives back into place, back into order.  To put the pieces back together, for as some have said, this is a puzzle, a puzzle that is coming back together once again.  At one time it was complete, then it was as if someone took all the pieces and threw them everywhere and now they have been brought back together, piece by piece.  But you know as you build a puzzle it is difficult at first, is it not?  To find the pieces from all the hundreds maybe thousands of pieces that are there.  But as you come closer and closer to completion, the energy rises within you, does not the excitement rise within you that we are near to completion of the puzzle?  And as you come to the end of the puzzle does it not become easier and easier to find the pieces because there are less and less pieces to find?  And that is where you are now.  The final pieces are coming together to complete the puzzle.  Those final pieces are the dominoes that have been spoken of and you have come to this point where you are ready to bring those final pieces together.  We cannot give a date nor would we give a date.  Those of us do not know that date ourselves.  No one , no one knows the date that can be given.  But the probabilities are there, the probabilities and possibilities, And when you are in no time, which we are, we can see those probabilities and we can put them together with the pieces of the puzzle yet to be completed.


That is what is happening now.  So all of the sources seemingly say different things but all are really saying the same thing in different ways.  If you look deeply within yourself, not to the external,  not to the sources but within yourself, you will know, each of you  that “Now Is The Time”.  The dawn is fast approaching.  It is the dawn of a new era, a dawn of a new understanding of love, peace, harmony, order, joy, understanding, Oneness.  You are to be a part of this new dawn. And after the dawn all we can say is, be prepared.  For once the dawn has approached nothing will be the same as it has been before the dawn.  You all have earned this through your never ending service to mankind and we mean all have been of service to mankind.  That is my message as the Guardian of the New Dispensation, and the New Dispensation is about to begin and a new era of understanding and of those who would take you forward is upon you and even you yourselves will be apart of those  who take this evolution forward.  You have been preparing for this, this is your mission.  Be ready now.  Peace and Love to all of you as you complete the preparation. 


One Who Serves:

Greetings to you.  Good to be back here with you again in case there are any questions.  That is a joke.  We know there are questions, we always know there are questions.  But we so enjoy answering your questions because as you ask your questions and receive your answers, it not only helps you in your understanding, but it helps us in our understandings as well.  And as we are in service to you and you are then in service to others, this is how we all come together.  And coming together we are doing, my brothers and sisters, my dear friends.  We are coming together more than you can possibly know.  What questions do you have here now?


I had a question in regards to hybrids.  Actually it was in one of the other discourses.  And because we have all come from different galaxies and we are all part of one, even the aliens that we call aliens are our brothers and sisters.  We are all hybrids.  We are all part of the One.  We are all part of the Creator, correct?


OWS:  Yes, that is correct.


I also had a vision of when we ascend or when the changes to come and when the dawn is to break I visualize a world where there is all peace, harmony and love.  There isn’t any thing that we have to do, we all take care of each other.  It is all Soul, Soul growth, communicating, I don’t have the words to put it, I can see it, I can feel it but I don’t have the words to put it into form.  Everything is beautiful, color is beautiful and you have a purpose, but you have a purpose amongst yourselves to all of mankind.


OWS:   Yes, very well spoken.  Further questions here?


IS there more than one timeline now?


OWS:   As we are finding as we look at this situation we are seeing several different timelines still working in terms of all moving in a certain direction.  All moving into what can be considered that has been called the “zero point”.  And all of these timelines are not like they were in previous times.  Understand that all of these times as they come together, they are coming together in forming One, and the One is “Being the One” as we have said many, many times.  Be the One.  This is what we were referring to in many respects, is becoming the One.  Becoming all that you came here to be, all that you were previously, all of you were part of the One at one time, you see?  All of you.  All of us are all part of the great Oneness of existence.  And we are all coming back to be part of that Oneness again.  So there are different time lines still going now.  There are those things that can still happen in terms of probabilities and possibilities and all of those things are in the process.  But they are in the process of working out for there are many levels of understandings to completely come to fruition here, so that the completion can be completed, you see?  So all of this is happening at once, and these timelines are being worked as part of the plan to come together.  At one point the plan called for many different timelines and many different possibilities that could be.  This was your earth changes and many people dying in terms of two thirds of the world’s population not being here any more. All of this was the old timelines.  Those spoken of in biblical terms, all of this.  But this is all to come together as One now.  And that will be the Ascension, that will be the transition from three dimensional understandings and vibration to four and five dimensional understandings and vibration.  Does this answer your question?


Yes.  When we reach zero point that will be it, right? That will be the beginning of the end.


OWS:  Yes.  It will be a glorious new beginning and understand that zero point is not the end of all, it is simply the end of, or the beginning of the end here and a new beginning starting again in a new understanding, a new vibrational frequency.  All is vibration.  All is consciousness.


Are there different levels?  I have read there are different levels of consciousness, different levels of vibration, which the answer of course is yes.  I don’t know how many levels there are, so we ascend to another level than we are currently present?


OWS:  In many respects, that is correct.  And we ourselves do not know how many levels there are, because it is infinite.  And infinity is exactly that, infinite in both directions. You see?


So as we constantly create, we constantly change?


OWS:  Yes.  And as you change, God, Prime Creator changes.  And becomes more of Prime Creator, more of that consciousness.  Your consciousness changes the  greater consciousness.  And the greater consciousness changes your consciousness.  It is a symbiotic relationship throughout all creation. 


So I wish I didn’t feel so much like an amoeba.


OWS:  So we can only say to that, that you are much more than that.  You have come from that level of expression and evolved into the level that you are now.  But understand that the level you are now is in some respects you would look at in a duality level lesser than you once were.  You see?  You are all going back, you are all going home, whatever home would be to you, you see?


There are a number of channelers out there coming out with information which can get frustrating at times when there sources say one thing is going to happen and it doesn’t, and even some of the channelers say that they find out later that the entity that they thought they were channeling  is not who they thought it was.  Can you give us any names of channelers who are truly channeling who they say they are?  So we know who is telling the truth as they know it?


OWS:  If we were to do that, we would be interfering in your own understandings, in your own ability to discern.  (I was afraid you were going to say that).  We can do it  but who is to say that we are correct either.  You see?  We see things from a different point of view, a different vantage point than you.  But we are no greater or lesser than you are and those that are the sources, as you are saying, are not greater or lesser than you are either.  So to look at various ones that are coming through others in terms of channeling, you must understand what channeling is, first of all.   Channeling is a way for those of us that would mentor to you, to reach you.  That is all it is.  It is a way to reach the majority of the world’s population, as much as we possibly can.  Does everyone benefit from this?    Certainly not.  For there are many that would look at this type of communication and call it the devil, you see?  They look at it as speaking to dead people, and things of this nature.  We assure you, we are not dead.  We are from it.  We are as alive as you are, in some respects more alive. 


I guess my question to is that I have heard that the Cabal has ways of initiating channeling that is not valid and is there any way that we can as a group generally listen to, and what percentage is Cabal generated?


OWS:  We can answer this in this way.  If you look at all of those that you are listening to without naming names here, but you know the ones we are speaking of, and those that you are constantly becoming aware of and listening to their every word and trying to understand what they are saying, and why they are saying it, and all of these things, we can tell you that most of that, not all of that, for it is never 100%, but much of that and most of that is very accurate, very accurate in that moment of time.  For you see, when a communication such as this comes through one such as through this James, it is happening at the very moment that it is happening and it is correct at the level that it is coming through at this time, but because consciousness is changing drastically all the time through all of mankind, then it can never be exactly as it comes out at that moment, in the next moment, you see?  Do you understand this?  (yes)  So when you look at those various ones that are coming through, look at it, hear it, understand it, but use your discernment at the level that you are at in that moment, and all will be clarified to you if you take it within yourself.  Has there been in the past those that have been there to deceive?  Yes.  The ones that were doing the channeling that were being the conduit did not know this, did not know they were being deceived.  But can it happen?  And has it happened?  Yes it has.  But to a very small degree, especially at this time now.  For you have heard and read in various respects much of those deeper influences, you might say, deeper down the rabbit hole, have been dissipated, they have left. Literally they left the system, so they are not there to wreak the havoc that they could before.  You see this? (yes, thank you)


I am trying to find a way to encapsulate most of what was said to make my point.  So I think that we hear things in channeling, I do, that speak to what we would like to believe or what we feel is important to us at the time and we would zero in on those types of things.  It is like the law of attraction, it is like what we are attracted to.  So, I’ve always felt deep within myself that all things are a result of our internal processes, that everything external that we recognize and our conscious of are a result of an internal mechanism we have called creation and so the process that I think the Guardian of the New Dispensation said that we are “so within, so without” kind of thing.  So if we seek to know external events through the process of reading channeling are we not attempting to just find some way of corroborating our own internal beliefs?


OWS:  Yes. 


And is that a way to authenticity and the truth? Or does the truth lie in each one of us as the truth would be for us, as an individual process, rather than seeking external processes?


OWS:  Yes, the truth is different for every individual, so everyone looks for the truth in whatever way that they can find it.  Some will look from within and certainly others will look outside of themselves.  You know you are saying “Seeing is Believing” but we have said many times that “believing is seeing”.  First must come the belief, then you will see.  And this is how it has always been and those that have come from the past, your various leaders have known this process.  They have been able to utilize this creation process in creating whatever it was that they needed to create and that is what is happening now, more and more and more we would say.  But there are still those, many still, that will look outside of themselves and need to see something of proof, something that says, yes, now it is happening, yes now it is real because are you not still in many respects in your 3D dimensionality?  In your duality here, are you not still in that mindset that would look for various levels of expressions that show some kind of proof?  This is where you still are in many respects.  Now understand that there is a part of you and more and more are having this part, that is moving ahead, their consciousness is moving into higher vibrational frequencies, into fourth and fifth dimension, but your mind, that creative part of your mind is still kept somewhat in the 3D world here, you see? So, as that part of your mind is still looking for an expression of change, still looking for something that says, yes it is now, because this is you, this is all of you.


OK, so what you originally said was “believing is seeing”.  So we are seeking to believe in something that we can see.  That is all it is. (OWS: Yes). So when you try to look for something external to us, it is to corroborate what you think you believe. (OWSYes). 


OWS:  Now are we saying that is the way to go?  NO, we are not saying that.  We are saying the opposite in respect here.  The more that you believe, the more that you will see.  And the more that you wish to create, you will create.


It sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it?


OWS:  It is pretty simple from out point of view but we know from your point of view it is not so simple. 


Believe and so shall it be?


OWS:  Yes. And you have also heard “the truth shall set you free”.  And at the deeper levels that is so true, cannot come up with any other word but that. 


Except it is not somebody else’s truth.  That’s the challenge?


OWS:  Yes.  It is your truth you are looking for. And that truth can come from within or outside of yourself or a combination of both.  But however it comes, some would get their truth from listening to channeling in this respect, and others would poo-poo that and say no, I will not listen to that type of thing, I wish to see it with my own eyes and ears.  But what has been said in the past.  Those that have eyes to see and ears to hear will understand and know the truth.


SO the reason that it is said that way, that those that have eyes to see and ears to hear is,  if we don’t believe, then we cannot see or hear?


OWS:  At the level that you wish to be. (exactly)


 I know that people think that it is complicated, but to me it distills everything down to a common denominator.  (yes).  So we can look around ourselves and our world and our Cabal, and our situation and our 3D, and recognize and realize that that is our belief system manifesting.  So, if we change what we believe, and we can get down to fundamentals we can see the process changing vs. looking for something external to tell us it is changing.


OWS:  Yes, but if you, each one, in your own individual endeavors each day make the changes yourself within you, each day look at another and see the good in that one, not the bad, not the negative, not the darkness, see the good.  Look all around you and see the beauty, not the ugliness. 


So, we can stop talking about the financial system and the cabal because that is looking at ugliness.


OWS:  Yes, yes you can. But, will you, will anyone? You see?  Because it is still your 3D illusion that you are still wrapped up in, in many respects.


SO, we just have to help each other, then?


OWS:  Yes, help each other.  Follow the golden rule.  IF all followed the golden rule, what would your world be like?  Not just your world, our world.  We are part of this too.  We always say “yours” but we are here too.


But somewhere in the discourses that we just heard, I can’t remember exactly how it was said, but we affect everything, and everything affects us.  (Yes).  It’s that butterfly effect kind of thing.  So, we are affecting you right now by listening.  (Yes)


What if you don’t want to follow the 3D?  I don’t want to be in that program.


OWS:  Then, we certainly say to you, do not be a part of that program. But understand that as you make that decision to no longer be a part of that program, part of your 3D duality here, then what is left for you?  For you are still here.  You  are still within this and you still need to be occupied within this illusion at this level.  In other words, you still need to feed yourself.  You still need to clothe yourself, you still need to find shelter, you see?  On and on you are still a part of this, and until it has changed, until you have changed it, you being the collective “you” then it still must be this way.  But we are saying is that the more and more you begin to move away from duality and move into your higher understanding of who you are, then you will move into that, and the next one will move into that, and the next one, and each one will affect the “One”.  This is the butterfly effect that you have said.  And it will eventually affect all.  And now there is going to be those happenings, you might say, those expressions that will create what has been called the domino effect.  And when those things, those happenings, those events of various nature begin to happen, then more and more of what you might call, will come aboard here.  For they will be the ones that will need to see something, to be shown what is there.  You, those of you that are still meeting in these groups, you are doing it in faith.  You are not seeing a lot of proof, many of you, but yet here you are, here you continue.  This is what Sananda was speaking about.  You have continued on through all and here you still remain, steadfast on your goals and in your mission.


So we can each be a portal?


OWS:  Be a portal?  Yes, you are, each one already a portal.  Try to tell that to the masses! (laughter)


I was looking for a portal outside of me, and that is what I heard, that we are the portal.


OWS:  Yes, and you will not find a portal outside of you until you know the portals are within yourself already.  Then they will appear outside of self.  Somewhat of a paradox.


I just have one more thing.  My observation of those that are unhappy and want to check out of the three dimensional world have not made peace with it.  So it is like when you said, find the beauty and look for the good and all those things, that has to be practiced, in my opinion, moment by moment.  If it is going to become a habit, it has to be practiced moment by moment in a conscious way and those that want to check out, their expectation of happiness has become so external that they don’t know the way anymore.


OWS:  That is correct in some respects but not in others.  For you must understand that there are those various levels of contracts that you have heard of, and these contracts bring people to a point where they decide to leave because this is what they are supposed to do.  They are not supposed to be here.  They did not say that they would be a part of the continuance of these expressions here in the 3D duality to bring in the higher level frequencies.  So, they have as you have said, as you used the words “checked out” because that is what they came to do!  And they are doing it in many different ways and many more will continue to do this.  There are some who look around and do not like, do not see the beauty around them and therefore they lose hope.  That is a little bit different situation.  But there are both combinations here.  You cannot look at any individual and know their journey.  You see?


Yes. Thank you.


OWS:   You can only know your own journey.  Where you have come from, where you are now, and where you are going. 


Seek and you shall find.


OWS:  Yes.  But always remember you  have to knock and then it will be opened.  Just looking is not going to cut it.

We must release channel now.  Shante, peace be with you, be the ONE. 


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated




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 This is Sananda.  I come at this time in your new year of 2014 that many of you thought you would never get to this, but here you are now.  But understand where you have come from.  We have given this story before but for those that have not heard it it can be helpful to understand just how far you have come and why you are here now in the moment, in this very moment that you find yourself.  Because so long ago you participated, each one here in this room and many others that may read these words, participated in the gathering, a conclave you might say, many thousands of years ago, and yes, in a galaxy far, far away. (laughter)


At that time you came together, you came as volunteers and you knew not what you were volunteering for, but you knew that it was to be of service and at that time in your understanding that is all that mattered.  You heard the word “service”.  You heard that you could be a part of that service and that’s all that mattered to you.  The details came later after you had already volunteered.  Can you imagine yourself now in your time period now volunteering for something you do not know what you are volunteering for?  But in those days you did, you all did.  And you came together in this conclave and many came that were called from many different lands, many different systems, planets, all of this.  And you came with high expectations that you would be able to be of service to a planet called, Gaia, as you know it now.  And you knew you were going to come to be of service to those  that were there at that time to help to bring in a new understanding, a new level of development and understanding that would take you into the far future, into the very time that you find yourselves now. 


But at that time, you did not know what was to come.  Many tried to give you an understanding of what you could expect and you listened to these words of what would be.  You knew that you would fall, fall far, far down from the heights that you were at that time, in terms of dimensional understanding, in terms of vibrational frequencies.  You knew that you would be bereft of the connection of the Source, or at least believe that you were bereft of that connection.  But yet, you came anyway.  Now there were many who volunteered, but few that were chosen.  You have heard this before, but it is from this very time this saying came.  Many were called and few were chosen, and you, those here were those that were chosen, and you look at this now, today and you wonder “why did I volunteer for this?”  Yet, you know deep down within you that all that has happened, has happened for a reason and that all that has happened, you are a part of.


So here you are today, many lifetimes after, many, many lifetimes after that you are coming to the conclusion of that conclave, that time that you met and many met at that time and got together in various teams.  And those teams spread out throughout the planet, throughout the evolution of this earth.  And you all were participating at the levels that you could participate.  Some became great leaders, others were seemingly in the shadows.  But no one has been above anyone else for as you have been a leader before, at other times you were the ones being led, and each time has been different and you have learned lessons and all of this but that is not what you came for.  You did not come here to learn lessons.  You came here to be of service, and of service you have been, my brothers and my sisters, greatly.  Those of us that mentor to you look upon the lifetimes that you have had, the service that you have rendered and we marvel in many respects that you are still doing it.  That you are still here, for you know that this has not been an easy endeavor.  But yet, you have persevered.  And now you have come to this moment in time and all that you have worked for is in front of you and there for the taking and all will take it at once.  That is the beauty of this, that you are all to participate at the same level.  There will be some that will be in the forefront.  There will be others that will be taking up the rear you might say.  But all are important in this endeavor.  No one is more important than another, even those of us that mentor to you are no more important than you are, for we are all a part of this.  We all have our part to play.  You have played your part to perfection.  Do not let anyone tell you differently.  Everyone, and I do mean Everyone, has played their part to perfection.  Yes, there are some that are seemingly the ones that have created the chaos that is here, and that is true but they are no lesser or no more than you are.  You are no lesser and no more than they are. Although you many look at them today as your enemy, those of the darkness, and yes they appear to be so, but those you call enemy now, you will call friend, and brother and sister once again.  And those that call you the enemy, they will look at you at a time to come and will say brother and sister to you as well.  For we are all One.  Know this.  Do not forget this for even as the times that come may tax many individuals to their breaking point, it is but the beginning of the end. 


That is my message as Sananda.  Go in peace and love in your continuance of this great endeavor that you have been on, and know that it is shortly to come to a conclusion.  Peace and Love be with each of you.



Guardian of the New Dispensation:

I am one who is known as the “Guardian of the New Dispensation”, and I have not come very often to this gathering or any other gatherings, but have been somewhat in the background, you might say.  Somewhat held back.  But the time has come, my brothers and sisters, for all that you have been a part of, to come to fruition.  In this past year that you have just completed, your 2013, this year has been the year of preparation, preparing for all that is to come in this new year of 2014.  And in this year of 2014, this is the completion of the preparation of the past year.  The completion or some would say the transition or transformation of one world into another world, one understanding into a new understanding.  And you, all of you, are ready for this.  You have created this in your own consciousness.  Those of us that watch from afar and watch your progress are all saying, now is the time, now is the time to move on, to become all that you came here to be. 


You each one are God in expression.  You have always been God in expression.  You just have lost that knowing, that connection.  But I am here to tell you now that “after the Dawn” you will know once again of your expression as God and you will not be able to look at another individual that is here with you and see them as anything other than God in expression.  There will not be the dividing lines between your countries, between your nationalities, between you cities.  There will be no more division.  Can you imagine a world like that?  Can you imagine a world where all are as One. Well you are imagining that world because that is why it is happening.  You have been creating this new understanding, this new vibration that is coming within each of you.  It is always so within, so without.  And all that is happening outside of yourself is first happening within yourself.  And as it happens within yourself it becomes manifest outside of yourself.  It is always this way.  So you cannot look to the outside, to the exterior, and say why is this happening, and why is that happening because each of you has created the “why” it is happening.


You must come to understand that this is so.  That you are the Creator and the Creation all at once.  So as you move into this new year of 2014 you have heard in many different ways and from many different sources that all is going to change.  That your life as you know it, is over.  And in many respects, yes this is true, but it is a life that you are creating yourselves.  So as you continue to move into this new year, there are going to be many things that are going to happen, that are going to shatter the old paradigm. The 3d paradigm of duality is going to go away forever, at least in this evolution.  And you, each one will be tasked once again to choose an expression, once again volunteering to be of service.  But that is what you are.  The times of service to self, which is part of a 3D understanding is nearly over.  Yes there will be a time of change, of adapting.  It will not be as waking up one morning and everything will be changed.  It will not be quite that way as it will be somewhat more gradual.  But there are going to be changes that are going to begin and it will be, as has been told, the dominoes.  And your first domino is near to falling, and when that falls there will be the proof that you have been looking for.  There will be no denying.  There will be many that will not be prepared and will be looking around and saying, what is happening to our lives?  Our lives are falling apart.  There will be those of you that volunteered to be here that will help to put their lives back into place, back into order.  To put the pieces back together, for as some have said, this is a puzzle, a puzzle that is coming back together once again.  At one time it was complete, then it was as if someone took all the pieces and threw them everywhere and now they have been brought back together, piece by piece.  But you know as you build a puzzle it is difficult at first, is it not?  To find the pieces from all the hundreds maybe thousands of pieces that are there.  But as you come closer and closer to completion, the energy rises within you, does not the excitement rise within you that we are near to completion of the puzzle?  And as you come to the end of the puzzle does it not become easier and easier to find the pieces because there are less and less pieces to find?  And that is where you are now.  The final pieces are coming together to complete the puzzle.  Those final pieces are the dominoes that have been spoken of and you have come to this point where you are ready to bring those final pieces together.  We cannot give a date nor would we give a date.  Those of us do not know that date ourselves.  No one , no one knows the date that can be given.  But the probabilities are there, the probabilities and possibilities, And when you are in no time, which we are, we can see those probabilities and we can put them together with the pieces of the puzzle yet to be completed.


That is what is happening now.  So all of the sources seemingly say different things but all are really saying the same thing in different ways.  If you look deeply within yourself, not to the external,  not to the sources but within yourself, you will know, each of you  that “Now Is The Time”.  The dawn is fast approaching.  It is the dawn of a new era, a dawn of a new understanding of love, peace, harmony, order, joy, understanding, Oneness.  You are to be a part of this new dawn. And after the dawn all we can say is, be prepared.  For once the dawn has approached nothing will be the same as it has been before the dawn.  You all have earned this through your never ending service to mankind and we mean all have been of service to mankind.  That is my message as the Guardian of the New Dispensation, and the New Dispensation is about to begin and a new era of understanding and of those who would take you forward is upon you and even you yourselves will be apart of those  who take this evolution forward.  You have been preparing for this, this is your mission.  Be ready now.  Peace and Love to all of you as you complete the preparation. 


One Who Serves:

Greetings to you.  Good to be back here with you again in case there are any questions.  That is a joke.  We know there are questions, we always know there are questions.  But we so enjoy answering your questions because as you ask your questions and receive your answers, it not only helps you in your understanding, but it helps us in our understandings as well.  And as we are in service to you and you are then in service to others, this is how we all come together.  And coming together we are doing, my brothers and sisters, my dear friends.  We are coming together more than you can possibly know.  What questions do you have here now?


I had a question in regards to hybrids.  Actually it was in one of the other discourses.  And because we have all come from different galaxies and we are all part of one, even the aliens that we call aliens are our brothers and sisters.  We are all hybrids.  We are all part of the One.  We are all part of the Creator, correct?


OWS:  Yes, that is correct.


I also had a vision of when we ascend or when the changes to come and when the dawn is to break I visualize a world where there is all peace, harmony and love.  There isn’t any thing that we have to do, we all take care of each other.  It is all Soul, Soul growth, communicating, I don’t have the words to put it, I can see it, I can feel it but I don’t have the words to put it into form.  Everything is beautiful, color is beautiful and you have a purpose, but you have a purpose amongst yourselves to all of mankind.


OWS:   Yes, very well spoken.  Further questions here?


IS there more than one timeline now?


OWS:   As we are finding as we look at this situation we are seeing several different timelines still working in terms of all moving in a certain direction.  All moving into what can be considered that has been called the “zero point”.  And all of these timelines are not like they were in previous times.  Understand that all of these times as they come together, they are coming together in forming One, and the One is “Being the One” as we have said many, many times.  Be the One.  This is what we were referring to in many respects, is becoming the One.  Becoming all that you came here to be, all that you were previously, all of you were part of the One at one time, you see?  All of you.  All of us are all part of the great Oneness of existence.  And we are all coming back to be part of that Oneness again.  So there are different time lines still going now.  There are those things that can still happen in terms of probabilities and possibilities and all of those things are in the process.  But they are in the process of working out for there are many levels of understandings to completely come to fruition here, so that the completion can be completed, you see?  So all of this is happening at once, and these timelines are being worked as part of the plan to come together.  At one point the plan called for many different timelines and many different possibilities that could be.  This was your earth changes and many people dying in terms of two thirds of the world’s population not being here any more. All of this was the old timelines.  Those spoken of in biblical terms, all of this.  But this is all to come together as One now.  And that will be the Ascension, that will be the transition from three dimensional understandings and vibration to four and five dimensional understandings and vibration.  Does this answer your question?


Yes.  When we reach zero point that will be it, right? That will be the beginning of the end.


OWS:  Yes.  It will be a glorious new beginning and understand that zero point is not the end of all, it is simply the end of, or the beginning of the end here and a new beginning starting again in a new understanding, a new vibrational frequency.  All is vibration.  All is consciousness.


Are there different levels?  I have read there are different levels of consciousness, different levels of vibration, which the answer of course is yes.  I don’t know how many levels there are, so we ascend to another level than we are currently present?


OWS:  In many respects, that is correct.  And we ourselves do not know how many levels there are, because it is infinite.  And infinity is exactly that, infinite in both directions. You see?


So as we constantly create, we constantly change?


OWS:  Yes.  And as you change, God, Prime Creator changes.  And becomes more of Prime Creator, more of that consciousness.  Your consciousness changes the  greater consciousness.  And the greater consciousness changes your consciousness.  It is a symbiotic relationship throughout all creation. 


So I wish I didn’t feel so much like an amoeba.


OWS:  So we can only say to that, that you are much more than that.  You have come from that level of expression and evolved into the level that you are now.  But understand that the level you are now is in some respects you would look at in a duality level lesser than you once were.  You see?  You are all going back, you are all going home, whatever home would be to you, you see?


There are a number of channelers out there coming out with information which can get frustrating at times when there sources say one thing is going to happen and it doesn’t, and even some of the channelers say that they find out later that the entity that they thought they were channeling  is not who they thought it was.  Can you give us any names of channelers who are truly channeling who they say they are?  So we know who is telling the truth as they know it?


OWS:  If we were to do that, we would be interfering in your own understandings, in your own ability to discern.  (I was afraid you were going to say that).  We can do it  but who is to say that we are correct either.  You see?  We see things from a different point of view, a different vantage point than you.  But we are no greater or lesser than you are and those that are the sources, as you are saying, are not greater or lesser than you are either.  So to look at various ones that are coming through others in terms of channeling, you must understand what channeling is, first of all.   Channeling is a way for those of us that would mentor to you, to reach you.  That is all it is.  It is a way to reach the majority of the world’s population, as much as we possibly can.  Does everyone benefit from this?    Certainly not.  For there are many that would look at this type of communication and call it the devil, you see?  They look at it as speaking to dead people, and things of this nature.  We assure you, we are not dead.  We are from it.  We are as alive as you are, in some respects more alive. 


I guess my question to is that I have heard that the Cabal has ways of initiating channeling that is not valid and is there any way that we can as a group generally listen to, and what percentage is Cabal generated?


OWS:  We can answer this in this way.  If you look at all of those that you are listening to without naming names here, but you know the ones we are speaking of, and those that you are constantly becoming aware of and listening to their every word and trying to understand what they are saying, and why they are saying it, and all of these things, we can tell you that most of that, not all of that, for it is never 100%, but much of that and most of that is very accurate, very accurate in that moment of time.  For you see, when a communication such as this comes through one such as through this James, it is happening at the very moment that it is happening and it is correct at the level that it is coming through at this time, but because consciousness is changing drastically all the time through all of mankind, then it can never be exactly as it comes out at that moment, in the next moment, you see?  Do you understand this?  (yes)  So when you look at those various ones that are coming through, look at it, hear it, understand it, but use your discernment at the level that you are at in that moment, and all will be clarified to you if you take it within yourself.  Has there been in the past those that have been there to deceive?  Yes.  The ones that were doing the channeling that were being the conduit did not know this, did not know they were being deceived.  But can it happen?  And has it happened?  Yes it has.  But to a very small degree, especially at this time now.  For you have heard and read in various respects much of those deeper influences, you might say, deeper down the rabbit hole, have been dissipated, they have left. Literally they left the system, so they are not there to wreak the havoc that they could before.  You see this? (yes, thank you)


I am trying to find a way to encapsulate most of what was said to make my point.  So I think that we hear things in channeling, I do, that speak to what we would like to believe or what we feel is important to us at the time and we would zero in on those types of things.  It is like the law of attraction, it is like what we are attracted to.  So, I’ve always felt deep within myself that all things are a result of our internal processes, that everything external that we recognize and our conscious of are a result of an internal mechanism we have called creation and so the process that I think the Guardian of the New Dispensation said that we are “so within, so without” kind of thing.  So if we seek to know external events through the process of reading channeling are we not attempting to just find some way of corroborating our own internal beliefs?


OWS:  Yes. 


And is that a way to authenticity and the truth? Or does the truth lie in each one of us as the truth would be for us, as an individual process, rather than seeking external processes?


OWS:  Yes, the truth is different for every individual, so everyone looks for the truth in whatever way that they can find it.  Some will look from within and certainly others will look outside of themselves.  You know you are saying “Seeing is Believing” but we have said many times that “believing is seeing”.  First must come the belief, then you will see.  And this is how it has always been and those that have come from the past, your various leaders have known this process.  They have been able to utilize this creation process in creating whatever it was that they needed to create and that is what is happening now, more and more and more we would say.  But there are still those, many still, that will look outside of themselves and need to see something of proof, something that says, yes, now it is happening, yes now it is real because are you not still in many respects in your 3D dimensionality?  In your duality here, are you not still in that mindset that would look for various levels of expressions that show some kind of proof?  This is where you still are in many respects.  Now understand that there is a part of you and more and more are having this part, that is moving ahead, their consciousness is moving into higher vibrational frequencies, into fourth and fifth dimension, but your mind, that creative part of your mind is still kept somewhat in the 3D world here, you see? So, as that part of your mind is still looking for an expression of change, still looking for something that says, yes it is now, because this is you, this is all of you.


OK, so what you originally said was “believing is seeing”.  So we are seeking to believe in something that we can see.  That is all it is. (OWS: Yes). So when you try to look for something external to us, it is to corroborate what you think you believe. (OWSYes). 


OWS:  Now are we saying that is the way to go?  NO, we are not saying that.  We are saying the opposite in respect here.  The more that you believe, the more that you will see.  And the more that you wish to create, you will create.


It sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it?


OWS:  It is pretty simple from out point of view but we know from your point of view it is not so simple. 


Believe and so shall it be?


OWS:  Yes. And you have also heard “the truth shall set you free”.  And at the deeper levels that is so true, cannot come up with any other word but that. 


Except it is not somebody else’s truth.  That’s the challenge?


OWS:  Yes.  It is your truth you are looking for. And that truth can come from within or outside of yourself or a combination of both.  But however it comes, some would get their truth from listening to channeling in this respect, and others would poo-poo that and say no, I will not listen to that type of thing, I wish to see it with my own eyes and ears.  But what has been said in the past.  Those that have eyes to see and ears to hear will understand and know the truth.


SO the reason that it is said that way, that those that have eyes to see and ears to hear is,  if we don’t believe, then we cannot see or hear?


OWS:  At the level that you wish to be. (exactly)


 I know that people think that it is complicated, but to me it distills everything down to a common denominator.  (yes).  So we can look around ourselves and our world and our Cabal, and our situation and our 3D, and recognize and realize that that is our belief system manifesting.  So, if we change what we believe, and we can get down to fundamentals we can see the process changing vs. looking for something external to tell us it is changing.


OWS:  Yes, but if you, each one, in your own individual endeavors each day make the changes yourself within you, each day look at another and see the good in that one, not the bad, not the negative, not the darkness, see the good.  Look all around you and see the beauty, not the ugliness. 


So, we can stop talking about the financial system and the cabal because that is looking at ugliness.


OWS:  Yes, yes you can. But, will you, will anyone? You see?  Because it is still your 3D illusion that you are still wrapped up in, in many respects.


SO, we just have to help each other, then?


OWS:  Yes, help each other.  Follow the golden rule.  IF all followed the golden rule, what would your world be like?  Not just your world, our world.  We are part of this too.  We always say “yours” but we are here too.


But somewhere in the discourses that we just heard, I can’t remember exactly how it was said, but we affect everything, and everything affects us.  (Yes).  It’s that butterfly effect kind of thing.  So, we are affecting you right now by listening.  (Yes)


What if you don’t want to follow the 3D?  I don’t want to be in that program.


OWS:  Then, we certainly say to you, do not be a part of that program. But understand that as you make that decision to no longer be a part of that program, part of your 3D duality here, then what is left for you?  For you are still here.  You  are still within this and you still need to be occupied within this illusion at this level.  In other words, you still need to feed yourself.  You still need to clothe yourself, you still need to find shelter, you see?  On and on you are still a part of this, and until it has changed, until you have changed it, you being the collective “you” then it still must be this way.  But we are saying is that the more and more you begin to move away from duality and move into your higher understanding of who you are, then you will move into that, and the next one will move into that, and the next one, and each one will affect the “One”.  This is the butterfly effect that you have said.  And it will eventually affect all.  And now there is going to be those happenings, you might say, those expressions that will create what has been called the domino effect.  And when those things, those happenings, those events of various nature begin to happen, then more and more of what you might call, will come aboard here.  For they will be the ones that will need to see something, to be shown what is there.  You, those of you that are still meeting in these groups, you are doing it in faith.  You are not seeing a lot of proof, many of you, but yet here you are, here you continue.  This is what Sananda was speaking about.  You have continued on through all and here you still remain, steadfast on your goals and in your mission.


So we can each be a portal?


OWS:  Be a portal?  Yes, you are, each one already a portal.  Try to tell that to the masses! (laughter)


I was looking for a portal outside of me, and that is what I heard, that we are the portal.


OWS:  Yes, and you will not find a portal outside of you until you know the portals are within yourself already.  Then they will appear outside of self.  Somewhat of a paradox.


I just have one more thing.  My observation of those that are unhappy and want to check out of the three dimensional world have not made peace with it.  So it is like when you said, find the beauty and look for the good and all those things, that has to be practiced, in my opinion, moment by moment.  If it is going to become a habit, it has to be practiced moment by moment in a conscious way and those that want to check out, their expectation of happiness has become so external that they don’t know the way anymore.


OWS:  That is correct in some respects but not in others.  For you must understand that there are those various levels of contracts that you have heard of, and these contracts bring people to a point where they decide to leave because this is what they are supposed to do.  They are not supposed to be here.  They did not say that they would be a part of the continuance of these expressions here in the 3D duality to bring in the higher level frequencies.  So, they have as you have said, as you used the words “checked out” because that is what they came to do!  And they are doing it in many different ways and many more will continue to do this.  There are some who look around and do not like, do not see the beauty around them and therefore they lose hope.  That is a little bit different situation.  But there are both combinations here.  You cannot look at any individual and know their journey.  You see?


Yes. Thank you.


OWS:   You can only know your own journey.  Where you have come from, where you are now, and where you are going. 


Seek and you shall find.


OWS:  Yes.  But always remember you  have to knock and then it will be opened.  Just looking is not going to cut it.

We must release channel now.  Shante, peace be with you, be the ONE. 


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated




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8108907276?profile=originalOne Who Serves:

Ohm Mani Padme Uhm. Greetings to you, good to be here with you again. But I am only staying a short while here, just a moment, to prepare energy here for the next one to come through that wishes to speak a little bit.  We will be back here shortly.



I am Ashtar.  I have only been through this one, one time previously but it is time now to lend my energy through this one to many that would be hearing and reading these words.  For the time has come now, a time to prepare for all that you have been waiting for.  For very soon, very shortly many would call it imminently now, there are those changes that are coming that have been prophesized for many eons of time. Those changes are in the works now.  They have been building and building to this moment, to these very times that are approaching where the lid, you might say, is going to be taken off the can, in terms of the truths coming out.  Many truths will be revealed and many of those domino effects that have been spoken of are going to be beginning now.  And as these dominos begin to fall you will begin to be enlightened in many ways that you have not even imagined yet.  And each time those dominoes fall, another truth will come out.  And you will be prepared for the time coming in the not too far off future as has been spoken of through other sources now, speaking in terms of nine months, in terms of September of this year there will be those who are prepared to move into that higher frequency vibration en mass, as a world, as a planet.  And those times are very soon approaching and these times now that you are in and this month that you are in now, March, so March, 2013 is a time now of energetic preparing for all that is coming and once this starts it will be one thing right after another.  There will be seemingly no stopping.  You will be on your internet and you will see something new, not just each and every day, but every moment practically and it will come as a rush.  It will be so fast and furious it will take you in many ways by surprise.  And this is what is coming and it is time now that the moment, the call has come from that which would be heaven and it is very soon now to begin, very momentarily now, that all those things are going to have their beginning.  This was the message we wish to give.  Be prepared, all my brothers and my sisters for all that you came here to do because your mission, the need for what you bring to the table you might say, is about to begin.  So be ready for this.  I will leave you now.  My peace and love be with all of you as you continue to prepare and move to understand and know who you truly are.


OWS:  Greetings to you once again.  This is One who Serves now to be assist you in any way that we can with your questions, but before we do so, we wish to share just a little bit more.  Understand that these times that the Ashtar has spoken of are already in the works,  already have begun and these things are going to begin to take on a momentum of “a rolling stone gathers no moss”.  The momentum, once it has started rolling, will continue to roll and take everything along its path in terms of many things are going to happen, many things are going to change and you will be astounded as these things begin to come into your physical, your three dimensional understanding.  Now we say three dimensional understanding and we have been working with you at your higher frequency vibration understanding, 4th and 5th dimensional.  But for this, it is time for your three dimensional understanding to begin to get more of these glimpses we have been speaking about so that you are prepared for all that is coming.  For it is your three dimensional understanding that must see and know these things as they come about.  The truth you might say coming out.  Would there be any question on this to begin?


“In order for that rolling stone to start gaining momentum is there a need for some major changes to happen, like for example what I am referring to is when my son was saying that you can feed the entire world based on what we spend on for six days on military things in this country.  So the world could be fed for a year or something based on how we spend money.  It just seems like that has to stop in order for other things to gain momentum – like the insanity of humanity”.


You must understand that all of these things you are saying are correct but there are going to be those things that are going to happen that are going to make people wake up, you might say, to be the catalyst rather.  No one will be made to do anything but it will be a catalyst to alert people as to what has been going on and how they have been held down in many ways.  Yes, it is by own free will but they have been held down and do not even know they have been held down, you see?  So these things as they begin to occur are going to awaken a great many just as you yourselves, the lightworkers have awakened. There will be those who have not yet awakened but will do so from these things we are speaking of in terms of many of the truths coming out.  We are speaking of a change, a total change in your financial system.  We are speaking of your disclosure, of the galactic situation, we are speaking of first contact, all of these things that are going to occur, one right after another.  Once it begins, there is not stopping it and first it will be a little bit gradual but then it will pick up and pick up – steam as you say, and it will be unstoppable at a certain point. 


“Is it the quantum effect?”


OWS: Will not be a quantum leap necessarily but to some it will certainly appear to be quantum leap.  For some it will be a gradual build up. For you, those that are the lightworkers, it is a gradual build you.   You have been preparing for this for a very long time.  For those others it will be sudden to them and they will question, where did this come from?  Does this answer your question?


“Do those things have to change in order for humanity to change.  For example, people are starving all over the world, while we are spending money on guns and bombs”


OWS:  You see, once the financial system is rearranged you might say, there will be many things that will be coming in to play and there will be many changes, many programs that will be developed that will prepare and take care of the great many that are suffering now at this time.  You must understand that your son was only a little bit correct there.  There are so much resources, money and all of this that is available for when the time comes to be disbursed.  It will not only feed the entire planet for one year, but it will feed them for a very long time.  There are trillions and trillions, many hundreds of trillions of dollars prepared.  You could say enough for somewhere near ten million dollars to be given to every individual on the planet if it were to go that way.   That is how much is there.  And it will be a leveling effect, for everyone will be equal and it will level the playing field you might say.  Not that many of you think that this is play. 

“I read a channeling today, another Ashtar channeling and it was very similar because it spoke of that nine months, you know in September and all those things starting to happen and all of that.  Tonight what I thought I heard him say is, besides all the dominoes and everything going like that, that the time in September could be a time of many ascending.”


OWS:  Yes, that is correct.  Other questions here?


“I had an experience this past weekend where I was walking on a mountain path and the sensation I can only describe that in my left foot, I stepped on something that felt metallic but more of a springing motion and the whole foot vibrated like crazy.  I have no idea what this was other than it must have been something in the earth, but I don’t know what it means.”


OWS:  It is the Earth-Body connection that you are speaking of here.  But also understand, what was your feeling or thinking at the time previous to this?


“My friend John…. Who had passed recently had just communicated with me and the friend that I was walking with, she told me that she had just been thinking of him, so I don’t know if there was a telepathic thing going on or what, but still I had the spring effect”


OWS:   Yes, and this one John had something to do with this here.  He is energetically assisting you and others who have been a part with him here to prepare in the ways that they are ready for in terms of preparing for their missions.  So he is one who is assisting now, assisting those of us here, he is a master himself now and he is assisting those that are ready for there preparation for the next step you might be ready to take.  And in your particular situation with the foot and the energy there was another awakening of your Kundulini energy.


“I had another unbelievably awesome experience at work this week.  I had undergone a couple of energetic healings to clear out my aura.  While I was at work, I looked to my left and I saw a being of white in the direction of the file cabinet and behind the being in white I saw a ramp going up and it looked like it had stairs on it and I knew that if I had tried to follow the intention, go check the ramp out I would have been blocked by the physical object.  Am I limited to just sight of other dimensions or will I be able to transport myself eventually?”


OWS: Eventually all will be able to do this.  This is the mass ascension that has been spoken of and which you are seeing similar to what the James has seen and others. Many have seen in terms of stairways or elevators or escalators or any of these things that take you up from the level that you are on to a higher level, and many are seeing these things, the glimpses of them and you yourself were seeing that stairway to heaven you might say.


“Many people have told me that I have many beings around me for protection. My question is, who am I being protected from?  Is it other, not so pure beings?”


OWS:  At this time there is not a problem with this.  That was in the past.  The influences that were there previously are no longer there and are not something to be concerned about anymore.  You have those around you but they are not bodyguards or anything of this nature.  They are your guides that are moving you along energetically to your next level, to the next moment and to the next moment after that, and assisting along the way, you see?


“I asked for a DNA Activation from St. Germain, did that happen?”


OWS;  Whenever you ask, then you will receive.  So you are asking for assistance in your DNA activation and therefore, there is that assistance coming and you will begin to notice more and more as the times go, and certainly as these dominoes begin to fall as we are saying you will notice more and more those that have been called the glimpses.  It will be coming to you fast and furious in many ways, you see?   You are being activated.

You understand that each of you that are listening and those that are reading these words are being activated to prepare, to be there for their mission, the mission they have come to take on and each moment you are moving closer and closer to that and when you have fully begun that part of your mission, the mission you have been on for many lifetimes, we are speaking of the culmination now, the last mission you might say, at least for this evolution.  And that is approaching and many will be there to assist all those others that do not understand what is occurring here.  But you have the understanding already and the energetic levels of vibration to work with those.


“A few weeks ago you said all you have to do is ask to see through your third eye so of course I have been asking every day and I keep asking but it does not seem to be working and I don’t know if it because it is not my time yet or my third eye is not open enough yet.  But, a second thing I want to say is that today I decided to listen to those Harmonics, the binaural beats for opening the third eye.  So I listened to that for quite some time with the headphones and got into a meditative state.  Will that also help open the third eye?”


OWS: Yes, these are all tools.  Understand that you my sister, who is asking this question, have been asking this for a long time now, years now as we find it.  And each time that you ask you receive but you just do not realize that you are receiving.  You are looking for something at a three dimensional level.  You are looking for the gates to open up to heaven and the trumpets to come out and the angels to be playing and all of these things and it is not going to be that way necessarily.  For some it will but for others it will not.  It will be more gradual, more subtle, you might say, and that is what you are experiencing my dear sister.  You are experiencing the subtle changes that are coming.  But, when it takes off, it will take off, and it will be difficult for you to keep up with the pace.


“When I look at the sky, I have an open mind that the sky is not totally changing but sometimes I see a more beautiful color or something.  It basically looks the same to me but there are some little things that I notice more.”


OWS:  Yes, but when you look at it and this goes for all now, when you look at it, look through your third eye.  There is more than just asking, there is seeking now.  There is ask and you shall receive and seek and you shall find, so you must do the second part and that is seeking and then the final, the knocking, to open up the door.  So, there is the asking, but then there must be the action here as well, so utilize your third eye.  Use it, it is there, and begin to work with it in ways that come to you, and they will come to you as you work with this.   It is like if you sit on your couch or your chair and expect the world to change, it is not going to do that.  You have to be a part of that change.


“When I ask that I become aware of my heart chakra opening, I become aware of it connecting to my pineal gland, so it is not like I am just asking, I become aware of those things,  I don’t know quite how to do everything, I just become consciously aware at the time, so maybe that is not enough and maybe I will soon know more of how to do it”.


OWS: Yes, other questions here?


“Does it matter how you connect the heart to the pineal – in what order?”


OWS:  Does not make a difference, do whatever you feel works for you.  Make the connection.  It is only been given to open up the heart first because that is where people are already operating.  Many are not operating at the sixth center.  Do not even know what a sixth center is.  Do not even know about a third eye.  But everyone knows the heart, do they not?  So it is easier for them to begin there.  But, it does matter not.


“What is it that we should expect to begin with? Is it an impression that we are getting, is it intuitive or psychic impression that you get with your third eye or is it visual or both?”


OWS:  It is different for all.  One will get a visual understanding, a visual knowing of something.  Others will get an inner sense, what you would call your sixth sense, an ESP type of thing, others will increase their other senses, various different senses here, others will become telekinetic, in various ways, you see?


“So is it a gradual thing?”

OWS:  For some and for others it will be sudden.


“What is the evidence that you are improving in that area?”

OWS:  It is within yourself. You will know.


“So, will events occur in September?”


OWS:  Understand that there is a time, we cannot give correct time frame here, because so much varies, so much changes from moment to moment.  But that time that was given at this moment now, as we are looking at it, this is energetically what will be.  So in that time period there will be many that will be going through the ascension process here.


“Is the Cabal getting weaker and weaker now and hopefully will not be able to interfere with the probabilities now?”


OWS:  Very much so.  They are almost to the point where they are immobile.  At your three dimensional level, there is still that hologram that is still playing.  So, it seems like business-as-usual with most of the planet.  But that is soon to change.


“Ascension – I don’t get it.  I have been told what it is a million times and it still does not make sense to me.   I am understanding, know how to get onboard so to speak, how to ascend, does this mean I am leaving the planet if I ascend?  Does this mean I have to leave my girlfriend if I ascend?  So is it just a state of mind?


OWS:  No, no and no.  It is a consciousness movement, a movement of consciousness from your three dimensional level of understanding to a higher frequency.  But understand you are just going back home.  You are going back to where you already came from.  Three dimensional is not your home, it is not where you belong.  So you are going back but you are not leaving the planet because the planet has also ascended.   And you are moving along with her. 


“If everybody changes with me nothing will change, so I will never know if I actually ascended.”


OWS:  You will know.  There is no way of not knowing.


“I know that I have interesting gifts that other people have but have not accelerated.  I am sure that is part of ascension, or was already born with this stuff and I activated them earlier”


OWS; Your gifts of spirit are activating as we speak now.  They are about to move into another gear here.  It has to do, in many ways with your crystal.  Begin to use it more and more as we have said.  And as you begin to use it more and more and you come with questions about it, we will give you more.  We cannot do this until you have already worked with it. 


“Can we say for clarification purposes, can you say that this is accurate:  Ascension is an advancement that allows man to become One with each other where there is no more barriers?  So as we progress in consciousness it is an awareness and an understanding that we are all One.  It is unity consciousness and an understanding that we are all One. 


OWS:  It is coming back to the Oneness within you already.  You already have that Oneness within you.  You are just remembering this.


“Oneness within you –what does that mean?”


OWS:  Understand that you are already all that you are meant to be and you have always been that.  You have never not been that.  You have never actually been disconnected from your Source.  It is only the mind that has created this illusion that you are disconnected and you are just reconnecting that mind- taking the illusion away, you might say, lifting of the veil. 


“And when you become aware of that, the full knowledge of it, is that ascension?


OWS:  Yes.


“I have another question about ascension.  So if I am ascending, I am assuming I am ascending to another dimensional level.  (Yes)  So, is it fair to say at some point I won’t “cross over” if my physical body gives up?


OWS:  Your physical body is going along. You are not leaving it behind. 


“So in reality there is no physical death after ascension occurs”


OWS:  That is correct.  Your physical body must alter.  And that is what the process is that is happening now.


“I have always been under the impression that when another person dies, to them nothing has changed, but to everybody else that person has collapsed.   That person’s mind continues on and is still alive and well”.


OWS:  Yes that is correct.  The consciousness part of yourself continues forever. 


“But the people standing around the bed have the idea and the realization that because the equipment stops…”


OWS:  The person is gone, correct.  But the personality is gone in that moment but continues on at the next level.  And eventually in the past now this has happened but now it will begin to change.  But in the past when one passed over at time of death, when the physical body was left behind, then that person moved into a higher frequency vibration of their own and they began to at some point integrate with their higher self and leave the personality in a sense behind.


“So what you are saying is that integration takes place in the ascension process and eliminates the death process.”


OWS:  Yes, there is no death.


“So if there is not physical death, we are at our last lifetime.  Because technically if we have past lives, death still occurred.  (Yes).  But if we are not doing it anymore, this is it.


OWS:  You can call this your “Swan Song”.  What was the word earlier, your culmination you might say. 


“We are going home. The end of third dimensional consciousness”.


OWS:  You are going home.


“We are not ending anything.  Just the level of consciousness that keeps us down.”


OWS:  Yes, Duality consciousness.    


“If I ascend, will I still be driving my car?” 


OWS:  We will put it this way to you:  If you wish to manifest a red sports car, you can do so and drive it if you wish.  But initially in the beginning you need to get your feet wet you might say, so that you are creating your life, you are creating your world.  It is all a creation process.  Just as you have created your three dimensional world, you will be creating your 4th and 5th dimensional worlds as well. 


“So it is not so much that we don’t create now, it’s that the awareness level is so far advanced that we create consciously instead of create unconsciously”.


OWS: Yes.


“So if you ascend, technically there is no more sickness or illness. All your suffering in your whole life is gone”.


OWS: Yes, that is correct.


“So that the people that I know in my family are all ascending at the same time, they will still be in touch with each other”


OWS:  Yes, those that ascend together will stay together if they wish to.


“So then the question is, the people that are not ascending but are friends with me now, will I just simply go invisible to them?”


OWS:  At some point you could, but there is part of your mission.  Assist in the process.

Must release channel now. Shante, Peace BE with you.  BE The ONE!


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated

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One Who Serves:

Ohm Mani Padme Uhm. Greetings to you, good to be here with you again. But I am only staying a short while here, just a moment, to prepare energy here for the next one to come through that wishes to speak a little bit.  We will be back here shortly.



I am Ashtar.  I have only been through this one, one time previously but it is time now to lend my energy through this one to many that would be hearing and reading these words.  For the time has come now, a time to prepare for all that you have been waiting for.  For very soon, very shortly many would call it imminently now, there are those changes that are coming that have been prophesized for many eons of time. Those changes are in the works now.  They have been building and building to this moment, to these very times that are approaching where the lid, you might say, is going to be taken off the can, in terms of the truths coming out.  Many truths will be revealed and many of those domino effects that have been spoken of are going to be beginning now.  And as these dominos begin to fall you will begin to be enlightened in many ways that you have not even imagined yet.  And each time those dominoes fall, another truth will come out.  And you will be prepared for the time coming in the not too far off future as has been spoken of through other sources now, speaking in terms of nine months, in terms of September of this year there will be those who are prepared to move into that higher frequency vibration en mass, as a world, as a planet.  And those times are very soon approaching and these times now that you are in and this month that you are in now, March, so March, 2013 is a time now of energetic preparing for all that is coming and once this starts it will be one thing right after another.  There will be seemingly no stopping.  You will be on your internet and you will see something new, not just each and every day, but every moment practically and it will come as a rush.  It will be so fast and furious it will take you in many ways by surprise.  And this is what is coming and it is time now that the moment, the call has come from that which would be heaven and it is very soon now to begin, very momentarily now, that all those things are going to have their beginning.  This was the message we wish to give.  Be prepared, all my brothers and my sisters for all that you came here to do because your mission, the need for what you bring to the table you might say, is about to begin.  So be ready for this.  I will leave you now.  My peace and love be with all of you as you continue to prepare and move to understand and know who you truly are.


OWS:  Greetings to you once again.  This is One who Serves now to be assist you in any way that we can with your questions, but before we do so, we wish to share just a little bit more.  Understand that these times that the Ashtar has spoken of are already in the works,  already have begun and these things are going to begin to take on a momentum of “a rolling stone gathers no moss”.  The momentum, once it has started rolling, will continue to roll and take everything along its path in terms of many things are going to happen, many things are going to change and you will be astounded as these things begin to come into your physical, your three dimensional understanding.  Now we say three dimensional understanding and we have been working with you at your higher frequency vibration understanding, 4th and 5th dimensional.  But for this, it is time for your three dimensional understanding to begin to get more of these glimpses we have been speaking about so that you are prepared for all that is coming.  For it is your three dimensional understanding that must see and know these things as they come about.  The truth you might say coming out.  Would there be any question on this to begin?


“In order for that rolling stone to start gaining momentum is there a need for some major changes to happen, like for example what I am referring to is when my son was saying that you can feed the entire world based on what we spend on for six days on military things in this country.  So the world could be fed for a year or something based on how we spend money.  It just seems like that has to stop in order for other things to gain momentum – like the insanity of humanity”.


You must understand that all of these things you are saying are correct but there are going to be those things that are going to happen that are going to make people wake up, you might say, to be the catalyst rather.  No one will be made to do anything but it will be a catalyst to alert people as to what has been going on and how they have been held down in many ways.  Yes, it is by own free will but they have been held down and do not even know they have been held down, you see?  So these things as they begin to occur are going to awaken a great many just as you yourselves, the lightworkers have awakened. There will be those who have not yet awakened but will do so from these things we are speaking of in terms of many of the truths coming out.  We are speaking of a change, a total change in your financial system.  We are speaking of your disclosure, of the galactic situation, we are speaking of first contact, all of these things that are going to occur, one right after another.  Once it begins, there is not stopping it and first it will be a little bit gradual but then it will pick up and pick up – steam as you say, and it will be unstoppable at a certain point. 


“Is it the quantum effect?”


OWS: Will not be a quantum leap necessarily but to some it will certainly appear to be quantum leap.  For some it will be a gradual build up. For you, those that are the lightworkers, it is a gradual build you.   You have been preparing for this for a very long time.  For those others it will be sudden to them and they will question, where did this come from?  Does this answer your question?


“Do those things have to change in order for humanity to change.  For example, people are starving all over the world, while we are spending money on guns and bombs”


OWS:  You see, once the financial system is rearranged you might say, there will be many things that will be coming in to play and there will be many changes, many programs that will be developed that will prepare and take care of the great many that are suffering now at this time.  You must understand that your son was only a little bit correct there.  There are so much resources, money and all of this that is available for when the time comes to be disbursed.  It will not only feed the entire planet for one year, but it will feed them for a very long time.  There are trillions and trillions, many hundreds of trillions of dollars prepared.  You could say enough for somewhere near ten million dollars to be given to every individual on the planet if it were to go that way.   That is how much is there.  And it will be a leveling effect, for everyone will be equal and it will level the playing field you might say.  Not that many of you think that this is play. 

“I read a channeling today, another Ashtar channeling and it was very similar because it spoke of that nine months, you know in September and all those things starting to happen and all of that.  Tonight what I thought I heard him say is, besides all the dominoes and everything going like that, that the time in September could be a time of many ascending.”


OWS:  Yes, that is correct.  Other questions here?


“I had an experience this past weekend where I was walking on a mountain path and the sensation I can only describe that in my left foot, I stepped on something that felt metallic but more of a springing motion and the whole foot vibrated like crazy.  I have no idea what this was other than it must have been something in the earth, but I don’t know what it means.”


OWS:  It is the Earth-Body connection that you are speaking of here.  But also understand, what was your feeling or thinking at the time previous to this?


“My friend John…. Who had passed recently had just communicated with me and the friend that I was walking with, she told me that she had just been thinking of him, so I don’t know if there was a telepathic thing going on or what, but still I had the spring effect”


OWS:   Yes, and this one John had something to do with this here.  He is energetically assisting you and others who have been a part with him here to prepare in the ways that they are ready for in terms of preparing for their missions.  So he is one who is assisting now, assisting those of us here, he is a master himself now and he is assisting those that are ready for there preparation for the next step you might be ready to take.  And in your particular situation with the foot and the energy there was another awakening of your Kundulini energy.


“I had another unbelievably awesome experience at work this week.  I had undergone a couple of energetic healings to clear out my aura.  While I was at work, I looked to my left and I saw a being of white in the direction of the file cabinet and behind the being in white I saw a ramp going up and it looked like it had stairs on it and I knew that if I had tried to follow the intention, go check the ramp out I would have been blocked by the physical object.  Am I limited to just sight of other dimensions or will I be able to transport myself eventually?”


OWS: Eventually all will be able to do this.  This is the mass ascension that has been spoken of and which you are seeing similar to what the James has seen and others. Many have seen in terms of stairways or elevators or escalators or any of these things that take you up from the level that you are on to a higher level, and many are seeing these things, the glimpses of them and you yourself were seeing that stairway to heaven you might say.


“Many people have told me that I have many beings around me for protection. My question is, who am I being protected from?  Is it other, not so pure beings?”


OWS:  At this time there is not a problem with this.  That was in the past.  The influences that were there previously are no longer there and are not something to be concerned about anymore.  You have those around you but they are not bodyguards or anything of this nature.  They are your guides that are moving you along energetically to your next level, to the next moment and to the next moment after that, and assisting along the way, you see?


“I asked for a DNA Activation from St. Germain, did that happen?”


OWS;  Whenever you ask, then you will receive.  So you are asking for assistance in your DNA activation and therefore, there is that assistance coming and you will begin to notice more and more as the times go, and certainly as these dominoes begin to fall as we are saying you will notice more and more those that have been called the glimpses.  It will be coming to you fast and furious in many ways, you see?   You are being activated.

You understand that each of you that are listening and those that are reading these words are being activated to prepare, to be there for their mission, the mission they have come to take on and each moment you are moving closer and closer to that and when you have fully begun that part of your mission, the mission you have been on for many lifetimes, we are speaking of the culmination now, the last mission you might say, at least for this evolution.  And that is approaching and many will be there to assist all those others that do not understand what is occurring here.  But you have the understanding already and the energetic levels of vibration to work with those.


“A few weeks ago you said all you have to do is ask to see through your third eye so of course I have been asking every day and I keep asking but it does not seem to be working and I don’t know if it because it is not my time yet or my third eye is not open enough yet.  But, a second thing I want to say is that today I decided to listen to those Harmonics, the binaural beats for opening the third eye.  So I listened to that for quite some time with the headphones and got into a meditative state.  Will that also help open the third eye?”


OWS: Yes, these are all tools.  Understand that you my sister, who is asking this question, have been asking this for a long time now, years now as we find it.  And each time that you ask you receive but you just do not realize that you are receiving.  You are looking for something at a three dimensional level.  You are looking for the gates to open up to heaven and the trumpets to come out and the angels to be playing and all of these things and it is not going to be that way necessarily.  For some it will but for others it will not.  It will be more gradual, more subtle, you might say, and that is what you are experiencing my dear sister.  You are experiencing the subtle changes that are coming.  But, when it takes off, it will take off, and it will be difficult for you to keep up with the pace.


“When I look at the sky, I have an open mind that the sky is not totally changing but sometimes I see a more beautiful color or something.  It basically looks the same to me but there are some little things that I notice more.”


OWS:  Yes, but when you look at it and this goes for all now, when you look at it, look through your third eye.  There is more than just asking, there is seeking now.  There is ask and you shall receive and seek and you shall find, so you must do the second part and that is seeking and then the final, the knocking, to open up the door.  So, there is the asking, but then there must be the action here as well, so utilize your third eye.  Use it, it is there, and begin to work with it in ways that come to you, and they will come to you as you work with this.   It is like if you sit on your couch or your chair and expect the world to change, it is not going to do that.  You have to be a part of that change.


“When I ask that I become aware of my heart chakra opening, I become aware of it connecting to my pineal gland, so it is not like I am just asking, I become aware of those things,  I don’t know quite how to do everything, I just become consciously aware at the time, so maybe that is not enough and maybe I will soon know more of how to do it”.


OWS: Yes, other questions here?


“Does it matter how you connect the heart to the pineal – in what order?”


OWS:  Does not make a difference, do whatever you feel works for you.  Make the connection.  It is only been given to open up the heart first because that is where people are already operating.  Many are not operating at the sixth center.  Do not even know what a sixth center is.  Do not even know about a third eye.  But everyone knows the heart, do they not?  So it is easier for them to begin there.  But, it does matter not.


“What is it that we should expect to begin with? Is it an impression that we are getting, is it intuitive or psychic impression that you get with your third eye or is it visual or both?”


OWS:  It is different for all.  One will get a visual understanding, a visual knowing of something.  Others will get an inner sense, what you would call your sixth sense, an ESP type of thing, others will increase their other senses, various different senses here, others will become telekinetic, in various ways, you see?


“So is it a gradual thing?”

OWS:  For some and for others it will be sudden.


“What is the evidence that you are improving in that area?”

OWS:  It is within yourself. You will know.


“So, will events occur in September?”


OWS:  Understand that there is a time, we cannot give correct time frame here, because so much varies, so much changes from moment to moment.  But that time that was given at this moment now, as we are looking at it, this is energetically what will be.  So in that time period there will be many that will be going through the ascension process here.


“Is the Cabal getting weaker and weaker now and hopefully will not be able to interfere with the probabilities now?”


OWS:  Very much so.  They are almost to the point where they are immobile.  At your three dimensional level, there is still that hologram that is still playing.  So, it seems like business-as-usual with most of the planet.  But that is soon to change.


“Ascension – I don’t get it.  I have been told what it is a million times and it still does not make sense to me.   I am understanding, know how to get onboard so to speak, how to ascend, does this mean I am leaving the planet if I ascend?  Does this mean I have to leave my girlfriend if I ascend?  So is it just a state of mind?


OWS:  No, no and no.  It is a consciousness movement, a movement of consciousness from your three dimensional level of understanding to a higher frequency.  But understand you are just going back home.  You are going back to where you already came from.  Three dimensional is not your home, it is not where you belong.  So you are going back but you are not leaving the planet because the planet has also ascended.   And you are moving along with her. 


“If everybody changes with me nothing will change, so I will never know if I actually ascended.”


OWS:  You will know.  There is no way of not knowing.


“I know that I have interesting gifts that other people have but have not accelerated.  I am sure that is part of ascension, or was already born with this stuff and I activated them earlier”


OWS; Your gifts of spirit are activating as we speak now.  They are about to move into another gear here.  It has to do, in many ways with your crystal.  Begin to use it more and more as we have said.  And as you begin to use it more and more and you come with questions about it, we will give you more.  We cannot do this until you have already worked with it. 


“Can we say for clarification purposes, can you say that this is accurate:  Ascension is an advancement that allows man to become One with each other where there is no more barriers?  So as we progress in consciousness it is an awareness and an understanding that we are all One.  It is unity consciousness and an understanding that we are all One. 


OWS:  It is coming back to the Oneness within you already.  You already have that Oneness within you.  You are just remembering this.


“Oneness within you –what does that mean?”


OWS:  Understand that you are already all that you are meant to be and you have always been that.  You have never not been that.  You have never actually been disconnected from your Source.  It is only the mind that has created this illusion that you are disconnected and you are just reconnecting that mind- taking the illusion away, you might say, lifting of the veil. 


“And when you become aware of that, the full knowledge of it, is that ascension?


OWS:  Yes.


“I have another question about ascension.  So if I am ascending, I am assuming I am ascending to another dimensional level.  (Yes)  So, is it fair to say at some point I won’t “cross over” if my physical body gives up?


OWS:  Your physical body is going along. You are not leaving it behind. 


“So in reality there is no physical death after ascension occurs”


OWS:  That is correct.  Your physical body must alter.  And that is what the process is that is happening now.


“I have always been under the impression that when another person dies, to them nothing has changed, but to everybody else that person has collapsed.   That person’s mind continues on and is still alive and well”.


OWS:  Yes that is correct.  The consciousness part of yourself continues forever. 


“But the people standing around the bed have the idea and the realization that because the equipment stops…”


OWS:  The person is gone, correct.  But the personality is gone in that moment but continues on at the next level.  And eventually in the past now this has happened but now it will begin to change.  But in the past when one passed over at time of death, when the physical body was left behind, then that person moved into a higher frequency vibration of their own and they began to at some point integrate with their higher self and leave the personality in a sense behind.


“So what you are saying is that integration takes place in the ascension process and eliminates the death process.”


OWS:  Yes, there is no death.


“So if there is not physical death, we are at our last lifetime.  Because technically if we have past lives, death still occurred.  (Yes).  But if we are not doing it anymore, this is it.


OWS:  You can call this your “Swan Song”.  What was the word earlier, your culmination you might say. 


“We are going home. The end of third dimensional consciousness”.


OWS:  You are going home.


“We are not ending anything.  Just the level of consciousness that keeps us down.”


OWS:  Yes, Duality consciousness.    


“If I ascend, will I still be driving my car?” 


OWS:  We will put it this way to you:  If you wish to manifest a red sports car, you can do so and drive it if you wish.  But initially in the beginning you need to get your feet wet you might say, so that you are creating your life, you are creating your world.  It is all a creation process.  Just as you have created your three dimensional world, you will be creating your 4th and 5th dimensional worlds as well. 


“So it is not so much that we don’t create now, it’s that the awareness level is so far advanced that we create consciously instead of create unconsciously”.


OWS: Yes.


“So if you ascend, technically there is no more sickness or illness. All your suffering in your whole life is gone”.


OWS: Yes, that is correct.


“So that the people that I know in my family are all ascending at the same time, they will still be in touch with each other”


OWS:  Yes, those that ascend together will stay together if they wish to.


“So then the question is, the people that are not ascending but are friends with me now, will I just simply go invisible to them?”


OWS:  At some point you could, but there is part of your mission.  Assist in the process.

Must release channel now. Shante, Peace BE with you.  BE The ONE!


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated.











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One Who Serves:

Ohm Mani Padme Uhm. Greetings to you each one.  Good to be with you here in this way.  We are only going to stay shortly here for I release now to another.  Then I will return.  Be back soon.


I Am Sananda.  It is good to be here with you again in this way, this time and this moment for many things are about to transpire that have been predicted for many eons of time. For this civilization that you are a part of now, that you have been a part of, that you have become all that you can be in this civilization now, you have come to the point where you are moving, ready to move beyond that which you have know here. And you are moving to the next level of your being, the next level of your expression.  And as you do so, as you begin to make this journey, many things have been told to you, many things have been brought to your attention to prepare you for all that is coming.  And as these things begin to manifest, you are going to be prepared.  Because you have been preparing for this for many, many lifetimes for this very moment that is very near to being upon you. 

So relax, my brother and sisters.  Relax into it, relax into the moment.  Because the moment, when it comes, will take you by surprise in some ways and by storm in other ways.  Be ready for that.  All that has been told, all that has been given from many different sources is about to transpire, in ways that you were not quite expecting.  Many of you thought you were going to move through and into the Ascension process at the end of the last year, your 2012.  And I can tell you now, that you have moved through that process.   You have Ascended in many ways.  It is just that a part of you, that part of you  that still holds you back has not let go yet.  But you are certainly not alone, for many of your brethren are in this same state.  Many are at the edge of one dimension into the other.  One foot on one side, one foot on the other you might say.  And you, each one, are wanting to move ahead but yet you do not move, there is not that final push that moves you to the next level, the next frequency vibration.  But I can tell you now, at this moment now in your lives, that push is about to come, so be ready for it.  It is on its way.  And there will be those various announcements that will be heralding in these changes to come within you.  I Am Sananda and all my peace and love be with you each one as you continue on preparing for your mission that you have come here for. 



Greetings to you once again.  I am back now.  We know you have questions.  We know you have things that are on your minds as we will certainly answer those questions.  Understand though that as you continue to ask your questions, know that the answer is not always what you are looking for.  It is not always that which is the optimum for your three dimensional understanding.  But we are not interested in your three dimensional understanding anymore.  We have moved beyond that with you.  And we are beginning to work with you at the higher levels of your being if you have not already noticed this.  Have you not noticed the difference in these answers that have been coming to you in terms of being who you are in many ways understanding, remembering now.  It is time for you to begin to remember.  In order to remember you must let go of all of those things that have been holding you to this dimension, to this three dimensional understanding.  “Let go, Let God” as the saying goes.  But go with the flow now, my brothers and my sisters.  Many things are about to change.  We will take your questions now.


“I’ve got a box here with a couple of objects inside.  They are metaphysical objects.  We don’t know what it is.  The gentleman I got it from said that he was told to create it out of crystal.  And it is cool looking but I really have no clue what it does. Do you have any insight on this?”


OWS:   Yes, it is more than just cool looking!  It has a great benefit.  The benefit though is coming in terms of in the future.  It is a facsimile, you might say, of an Atlantian device that was used.  But not a device as the smallness that is there, but a device that was much larger in terms of being life-size.  If you can understand this and picture now that here in this room, you felt the energy from this little box, did you not?  We know the saying that the James gave was “opening pandora’s box” you see?  And the energy was flowing when that box is opened.  But now, picture this particular box, or rather not in a box but in the open.  And having it be life-size, having each one of those crystals be 10-12-15 feet in height connected as they are.  Not necessarily connected with copper wire though, that would not be needed.  But connected energetically to each one and now feel yourself sitting in or standing in the center of that energy.  What would it do to you?  You felt nauseous did you not (to a person in the group)?  Imagine if you were in it directly!  But you would not feel nauseous you see?  It would be amplifying the feelings or amplifying the energy within you, within your body.  That is what it does.  And in some ways it is a conductor of energy, but it is much more that that.  It is a purifying system.  So if you were to stand in the center of it, your entire being would feel purified.  If you were to make that device as it is there but make it into a larger, as we are saying here, crystals as they are, understand that those types of crystals used in times of Atlantis are not available here now at this time.  You have lost in many ways, lost the technology there to understand how to create those crystals.  For many of those crystals were created, you see?  They were not found somewhere.  They were created, they were built in some ways you might say, you see?  So what you have there my friend is a device.  A device that is a remembrance of a past time, a past understanding where these energies would be majorly amplified, you see?  Is there further clarification here?


“So you are basically saying that it is a really good thing?”


OWS:   Yes, it is a very good thing and even in that small box it would be good for you to learn how to work with that energy.  That one, you Daniel, cannot call you Dan, Dan does not work for you.  Daniel you can work with that energy.  You have been given it for a reason.  Do not squander it.  Do not just look at it and say it is pretty, you see?  It has a use, if you put it to use.


“ I think it is funny that you call me “Daniel” because I communicate with an extra-terrestrial.  His name is Trezius.  He will not call me Dan.  He has to call me Daniel”


OWS:  Yes, just as in Cindy became Cynthia, Joanne became Joanna, Jim became James, and Linda is going to have to stay Linda and it is important in many ways, especially for the female of the species here to have the “a” at the end of their name whenever possible for it is a powerful, powerful energy that connects to your remembrances.  If you would use it in this way, it has helped the Cynthia and the Joanna now especially as well.  Do you not resonate to those names more than you did to the earlier ones?  Now for the Linda cannot be changed as we are saying.  But feel the power in that word now, in that name.  Feel the energy.  Know that many of past Masters and such have had that “a” at the end of their name.  “Jeshua, Sananda, Aramda, Adama,”  you see?  Michaela, Gabriella, you see?  It goes on and on and on.   Only if it resonates for you, though.  We would not want you to struggle with it if you do not like it, you see?  That would defeat the purpose.  Other question here?


“So, since I believe that we came here to do a job, and why many of us are here in this room, what is my job?  What is my job on earth and why I feel I was asked to come here because I am not always thrilled that I am here.   What job is it?  Is it just to do my own processing and come out and still love?  Is that my job, or do I have a job to teach? What’s the job?”


OWS:  First of all we would change the wording there that you are using.  For how does the word “job” resonate in your understanding in your society?  Means “work” “drudgery”.  Now, we would say to change that word into “mission”. Now, how does that sound to you and feel to you even more importantly.  You have a mission.  Your mission is calling to you now as you are asking about this.  For the more intention that you put on something, the more it will be attracted to you, you see?  So ask, continue to ask, what is my mission?  But understand that the mission that you are on is different than your purpose.  For your purpose changes in each individual moment that you are here in your lifetime.  But your mission is different.  You came in with a mission.  You came in with something that was propelling you in your life here to complete.  And you are about to embark, to the one who is asking this, you are about to embark on this mission. (group member), you are about to not only embark on your mission but take it on fully now. (group member), your time is coming.  It is very short now.  As you know it has mostly to do with disclosure and all of this when this comes.  (group member) you are already in your mission, you just do not yet know it.  It is coming for you very soon.  And, my dear sister (group member), you are also in it, very much so now.  But it is also going to be amplified here shortly.  Each one is here for a reason.   You are not here to be the “Joe Lunchbucket”.  You are not here to be that.  You are here to assist, to help the lightworker community and all of those that are a part of this and will be a part of this.  This is your mission as a whole here.  Each individual now has a different part of this, but there is no greater or lesser part of a mission here.  You understand this?  No one is greater than another.  Some will put things on the internet and all of these things and run their talk shows and all of these types of things, but that is no better than the one who speaks to their neighbor and puts out their hand and gives them a little bit of light, you see?


“I would rest easier if that was just my mission”


OWS:  That is a part of it, but it is going to become more so. You have been preparing for this for a long time and we are not even talking this lifetime we are talking many lifetimes you have been preparing for what is coming, each one here.  And those who would read these words as well.  For it is only those who read these words, that are those that are impacted by this.  Otherwise there would be no attraction to this.  They would see something by “One Who Serves” and say , “Huh, I’m not reading this!” you see?  For many across the planet are still in the service to self.   They do not want to think in terms of serving others.  Even you, your selves here are moving in that direction to be of service to others.  The consciousness is shifting my friends.  The consciousness is shifting.   You will begin to feel it more and more and more each day here, each moment that passes, you will feel this.  Other questions?


“Isn’t our mission collectively to bring In the new age?”


OWS:   Yes but what is the New Age?  You are talking about frequencies of light, frequencies of movements of consciousness, yes.  That is correct.  It is to bring about the shift in consciousness as a global shift as much as possible.


“So it is line upon line, not necessarily a big leap”


OWS:  Ah, now, since you bring this up my dear sister, we will answer this for you.  In the past it has been so, it has been line upon line, moment upon moment, stress upon stress, you see?  But that time is coming to an end, for that is the old way, that is the old paradigm of three dimensional thinking, and if you continue to stay in that thinking, you stay there.  You see?  You must let go of this type of thinking now.  Does not have to be line upon line anymore.  Does not have to cross every “T” and dot every “I” for your karma.  It is not necessary anymore.  And we will give you a clue here, you have already moved past it!  But your three dimensional thinking, your ego process is still holding you here.  Once you realize it is no longer needing to hold you and you can move beyond it, you will be there.  You see?  This is the conundrum here.  For many are waiting for something to happen to move and shift into a higher frequency into the fifth dimension and say “now we are here” but we are telling you, you are already there.  You see?  We understand this is difficult, but it is only difficult because you are still thinking with your three dimensional processes.  Let go and you will walk outside of your homes one day and everything will be different to you.  And if it lasts, you will be there and it will be different for you permanently.  But sometimes you will feel the bliss, a sense of bliss and it will be wonderful.  Some have already felt it before and then the next moment it will be gone.  You will be back to your old ways, old thinking.  Then the next moment you will be back again and it will stay a little bit longer, and the next time, a little bit longer.  This is what you are after.  The more you can let go, the more you will be there in that bliss permanently. 


“Can you tell me my twin flame’s name?”


OWS:  The way that we can answer this question is to not answer it for you.  Because we would ruin the surprise for you.  You would not want this, because when you reconnect with this one, it will be like coming home, tears will be coming down from your eyes and you will feel a sense of longing, a sense of love, unconditional beyond unconditional that you have never felt before, not in this lifetime anyway, and not for quite sometime as we are finding it here.  So do not ask us to spoil the surprise.  It is not that far off here.  Comes with the celebrations that have been spoken of and that will be a celebration to be the tops of celebrations for you.  Other questions here?


“Do we only want to speak of positive things here or can I ask something that will come out negative?


OWS:  Depends!  Ask and we will see.


“ I have a psychic feeling that has been pulling on me for awhile that there is a lot of negative coming in the world, but it will seem positive depending on how you look at it.  I feel like there is going to be a lot of people passing – moving on very soon, crossing over and can you tell if this is accurate or am I manifesting something that is not true”?


OWS:  What you are doing, my dear brother, is you are picking up on many of the understandings, many of the frequency vibrations coming from throughout the world here, throughout the planet and the people on the planet.  And you are experiencing and knowing those particular types of things that are coming.  Now to answer your question more directly, yes, there are going to be those that are going to experience what you would call the negative aspects of this shift in consciousness.  There will be those who are going to experience the positive aspects.  It all depends on how you look at something.  Does it not even do that in your three dimensional understanding?  If you were to look at something that is occurring in your life do you not have those sayings like looking at life through “The rose-colored glasses”?  Or seeing the glass half empty, or glass half full, you see?  There are those that would look at these types of things that are coming and see the glass half empty.  And there will be those who would see it as “this is wonderful”, and my cup is overflowing, you see? 


“I see it as a positive to me”


OWS:   Yes, and many will, but there will be those who will not.  And those who will not, will not be able to let go as we are saying of the three dimensional understanding and frequency.  And they will be held back by this, and yes, some will pass on from this life through to the other side, and they will pass through the veil in that way.  But those of you who are ready and are letting go and doing those things you are receiving within your selves, not so much from us, but within yourselves, will penetrate through the veil and continue on in your body that you are in, although a transformed body.  Does this answer your question?


“So when you say transform the body, are we physically going to change?”


OWS:  Yes, you cannot take the body with you as it is into higher frequency.  Cannot take it.  Must become more of light and be able to hold the light and the carbon-based bodies that you are in cannot hold the light as it needs to, so it must become more crystalline in nature.


“Is this an automatic process?”


OWS:  It is automatic when the time comes.  It is already happening. 


“One reading that I had said I am like a vibrational frequency portal and that in order for people to get to the veil they had to pass through me and they talked about 144,000 souls that would need to pass through me to get through the veil”


OWS:  Now understand the use of the word “Me” change that to “I” to the “I AM”  for it is not through you, just as it was not through the Jeshua himself, but it was through the I AM consciousness that he was and that he had taken on, you see?  When he said I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, he was not talking about himself, you see?  So it is the I AM consciousness within you, within everyone, and all those that are reading this and resonating to this.  It is the I Am consciousness within each of you that is drawing you forward, drawing you into the higher frequency vibrations.  So in that sense, yes you are the gateway.


“But no more so than anybody else”


OWS:  Yes. 

“But the gateway is a consciousness, the way to our salvation, our upliftment is through the I Am Presence, through the conscious knowing of who we are?“


OWS:  Yes.  Through the doorway of the heart, through the love center.


“Because the other way it looks like a big burden, way too huge.”


OWS: The vibration that is passing through you is purposeful in terms of moving you forward, in terms of moving you on into your higher frequency vibration within you.  In some ways it is the awakening of the Kundalini energy that you are beginning to feel more so at some times than others.  You understand this?  Anything further here?


“This has to do with a Navajo Indian that told me about having a child that I wasn’t aware of and that later doused that it wasn’t from beings on this planet and I am wondering if it is residual energy and if you can confirm that there is any residual energy and if Dan is here to help me”


OWS:  Yes, we are finding that there is an energy associated with you and it is still associated with you.  It has that connection and it is from a long ago past time where this one was going to come through you as the mother but that was held off for various reasons that cannot be given at this time.  This one, when you are ready for it, you will receive this answer directly from this one.  Cannot give much more on this at this time.   You see many things we are blocked from to interfere in your experiences, into your experiential knowing and consciousness movement.  So to tell you this is how it is or this is what is going to happen or something of this nature, in many cases we cannot do this.  Even though sometimes we would like to just tell you.  Wake up, here it is, do with it now what you will, but we cannot.  Anything further here? Than we will release the channel now. Shanti Peace BE with you. BE the ONE!


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated


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One Who Serves:

Ohm Mani Padme Uhm. Greetings to you, each one.  Good to be here with you and we welcome the new ones here, that are not so new as we are finding it, new to this group, yes but have come from long ago, system far away.  Much more can be given at another time if you wish but for this time now we are going to release to another who wishes to speak to you. We will be back shortly.


St. Germaine:

I am the one you know of as St. Germaine.  And I come to be with you at this time to share just a little bit of understanding of the new age, understanding of all that is coming to you and within you. For much has been said for a long period of time now and those things that would come and alter your very existence and would change everything that you know of it as you have in your life today.  But I am here to tell you now that that is not quite accurate.  Everything in your life is not going to change, it is only going to be altered in certain ways but your life will continue and you as you know yourself will continue.  But those things that are going to change is the consciousness within you.  That part of you that holds you down, holds you to that three dimensional understanding and consciousness, that vibration that has been a part of you for so long now that it has become so much a part of you that it has become common place within you and it has become almost a comfort zone for you to be in that state, in that understanding that you have grown up in this life but know now that those parts of you are going to change and are already changing.  You already know and see those things around you in your everyday life.  You see those changes that are happening in the people that you meet, in the expressions in their faces.  You see it in the sky, you see it in and feel it in the plants, the trees.  If you are not feeling it yet, do so.  Allow for the experience to come through now because it is going to be a joyful, wonderful experience and all of you here in this room and all that are reading these words, all of you have come here for a reason, you have come here to bring about these new changes, this shift in consciousness.  And those things that are coming to help you to be a part of this expression of change, all of those things are coming to assist you in doing this.  All of the changes within the financial system, all of the changes that are coming from outside of the planet, all of these things are coming to assist, to assist in moving the entire planet, the entire humanity to a higher level of understanding and in knowing, a knowing of coming back to where you came from.  All of this is an expression of knowing of who you are and each one of you are moving in that direction now and are going to have that wonderful experience.  And all of those things that have been said from many difference sources, from your internet, from the various readings that you experience, all of these things are leading you now to the newer grander expression that is you in the higher frequency vibrations.  That is my message as St. Germaine.  All of my peace, all of my love be with each of you as you continue on to move forward in your journey back from whence you came. 


Greetings  once again. We are back. We do not have message of our own here at this time for we think the St. Germaine just gave a good message here, something you can think on, something that may assist you.  But, understand that we here in the Brotherhood and all of those that are working with you and some mentoring with you, all of those are here to help you in your expression, to help you understand and know truly who you are and what you are all about and as much as we can do this we are willing to do this for this is our purpose, this is what we are here for. Understand that as you move up in consciousness, we move up in consciousness and as we move up in consciousness those that mentor to us move up in consciousness.  It is a continual progression back to The ONE, always that is the movement of consciousness, back to the ONE, back to BEing the ONE, you see?  You have questions here for One Who Serves now?


“I have been told numerous time that I have gifts and I have kind of strayed off the path and have been unable to locate those gifts and utilize them for the betterment of humanity.  Can you help me understand what those gifts are and how do I utilize them to raise consciousness on the planet and for my fellow brothers and sisters?”


OWS:  Yes, that is a wonderful question, but before we begin to answer that we wish to share something about what you say there previously, that of straying off the path.  What is it that would make you think that you have strayed off the path?  For what is the path that you are on?  Do you even know that path that you are on?  And if you do not know it, how would you have strayed from it, you see?  So believe and understand, my dear brother, that there is no path for you to have strayed off of because the path is always changing.  It is always changing in front of you.  You are living in the Now and then in the next moment, each moment changes.  So if there is a purpose you have in mind within yourself that you are not fulfilling, please put that away because your purpose is also constantly changing.  You change your purpose based on that particular set of circumstances that you find yourself in, in any given moment, you see?  And as you move ahead into that next moment your circumstances change again.  And those people around you, those ones that bring about different circumstances to you, that changes as well.  But, understand that all of those that are changing around you are not changing you.  They can never change you.  It is only you that can change you.  It is only you that moves and breathes and has your consciousness within yourself.  And you create all that is around you at any given time, if you know and understand that you are doing this.  So understand that there is no path to stray away from, OK?    Now, to your second part of question, understand that you are who you are and you come here in many ways with various gifts and in understandings and in some ways those understandings have been forgotten.  But you are coming to a knowing of who you are once again.  You coming to a group such as this is one particular way of doing that in terms of coming to know and understand the expressions within you and how that works within you, you see?  So, as you continue to move and have your expression whatever way it is, then you are evolving and coming to the next level of your expression.  So you are always moving to the next frequency vibration that is you, you see?  So, have no concern about whether you have lost your gifts or whether you cannot find them, or whatever.  They will find you!  You see?  As you are ready, they will find you.  Does this answer your question?  Probably more than you bargained for, but we do what we can without telling you what to do and how to do it.  We will never do this. We cannot do this.  We cannot interfere in that sense.  Other questions here?


“Yes.  I have a question.  Is it important to know what star system you are from and why is that important?”


OWS:  The importance of knowing something of this nature is only important to your ego center, to that part of you that thinks it must know something of this.  For what is it that you must know?  You must know that you are the grander expression of yourself always evolving into that next grander expression of yourself.  You see?  That is what you must know.  To know where you come from is interesting and gives little bit of insight into who you are, possibly, just as you are looking back at your past lives here on the earth and these types of things.  They are interesting, they are enjoyable in some ways, and in some ways and in some respects they can give you a glimpse and an understanding of who you are.  But, and this is a big “but” here, it is only giving you an understanding at the three dimension level, you see?  When you are fully moved into higher frequency vibration, then those things become not necessary anymore.  Not even interesting to you, you see?  For you have moved beyond this type of thing.  Is this understood?


“Absolutely and I really appreciate that.  Thank you.”


OWS:  We try, we do what we can.  But you see, we are somewhat, our hands are tied in many ways in working with you.  But we can give little nudges here and there and throw things out that we think you might grasp onto it at another time even.


“Is Archangel Michael within our Presence.  And if so are there any messages that I can hear from him?”


OWS:  Archangel Michael is always in the Presence.  Now are you speaking of in terms of your presence?  Being around you, you mean.  (Yes)   Now understand that as you ask for this, then they are there, whoever they may be, you see?  As you ask, then you receive.  But if you do not ask, then they may be there, but not more fully that they can be with you, you see?  So, as you ask for presence of Archangel Michael, he is certainly aware of you as we are finding now as we are looking at your experiences here and you do have a connection with this one, the Archangel Michael.  You know this already, otherwise you would not be asking this question.  And you feel a sense of almost camaraderie with this one, as you have a knowing of being with this one at other times.  Not so much in a physical sense but in a knowing presence sense in other lifetimes previously where he and others have assisted you in many ways to experience expressions of your past lives in past times here.  Do you understand this?  (Yes I do).  As far as your presence here now and him being in your presence now, he was not previously but he is now! (laughter) Because you now have asked, you see?  (Thank you).  He is wishing to say that at a not too far off time here, he will be coming through this one James again and speaking to those who are here.  The time will come for a need for this based on circumstances.


“So, are you reminding us that the simple idea, or simple premise of asking is all we have to do to receive?”


OWS:  That is all you have to do!  But if you do not ask, then it is not there for you directly.  And we say directly in terms of conscious level knowing.


“Is there asking that is more deeply spiritual because there are many ways of asking for things.  Is the asking at a spiritual level answered faster than at another level?”


OWS:  The most opportune way to ask for what is it you are looking for is to ask, and as you are asking, to know that it has already been given.  That is, as you are saying, a spiritual way.  The other way is an asking is terms of being lesser than, lower than that one that you are asking.  You see?  And asking for possibly that one to pay attention to you and give you what you are wanting or something of this nature.  That is not the most opportune way to go about this.  Always, again, we give this example.  We gave it another time and we give it again here.  When the Jeshua, the great master, wished to do any of those things that were considered miracles, and he asked his Father to accomplish these, as he was asking, he already knew it was being done, you see?  As he was pouring the wine, he already knew the water had changed to wine.  As he was passing out the baskets, he already knew that they had multiplied.  Any question of a doubt there, and there would not have been the changes.


“So that is kind of a level of higher consciousness, would you say?”


OWS:  Yes, certainly so.  But, all of these things that he did, so can you do also, you see?


“If you can get yourself to that place of consciousness”


OWS:  Yes, and that is what this is all about, moving to a higher level of consciousness, 5th Dimension, all of these things.  For understand that when he was doing those things he was operating at a 5th Dimensional or higher consciousness and therefore manifesting whatever he wanted at that time, and not so much “wanted” but “needed”, you see?  Other question here before we release?


“Is The 5th Dimension within the Earth, as above, so below?”


OWS:  The 5th Dimension is an experience of knowing and understanding of who you are.  It is a vibrational frequency and the Earth herself has already moved into that higher vibrational frequency and is waiting in some ways for you to catch up, you see?  But you are already there, you just do not know it yet.  Ah, now there is something to consider, you see?   You have already made the shift in consciousness, but do not yet know it because your three dimensional consciousness is not yet letting go. 


“So now you are telling us it is a matter of letting go of that level, that three dimension level.  That is really kind of hard to do.”


OWS:  Yes, my dear sister. We have been saying this for some time now. Go with the flow, all of these things, this is all what this is about.  For when you fully go with the flow and you let go here, and are no longer holding on the three dimensional understandings and vibrations, you are there!  You see?  And you are there in many ways even in driving your car or going about your various experiences in your life, in many times you are there.  You are feeling that sense of heightened frequency, heightened expression, heightened knowing, and sometimes in that blissful state you are knowing this and experiencing this.  Does it not feel wonderful?  Now can you imagine having that blissful state all the time?  That is what this is all about.  That is what you are moving toward.  That is what we are attempting to assist you in moving toward.  It is about allowing it and about knowing it.  As we find it here within the James, the new one here had the experiences of bliss and that is what you are after here.  To come to the point that you are experiencing that again, all the time and feeling it and knowing that sense of Oneness that is there.  That is what ascension is.  Make it be.  And we say BE, with a capital B and a capital E.  BE.  It is time for BEing now, not doing.  Do you understand this?


“Sometimes in the Doing I get into the Being”


OWS:  Yes, but being in the BEing will preclude that of having the Doing.  Anything further here?  We will release channel now.  Shante, Peace Be With You. BE the ONE!


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated


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One Who Serves:

Ohm Mani Padme Uhm. Greetings to you, each one.  Good to be here with you and we welcome the new ones here, that are not so new as we are finding it, new to this group, yes but have come from long ago, system far away.  Much more can be given at another time if you wish but for this time now we are going to release to another who wishes to speak to you. We will be back shortly.


St. Germain:

I am the one you know of as St. Germain.  And I come to be with you at this time to share just a little bit of understanding of the new age, understanding of all that is coming to you and within you. For much has been said for a long period of time now and those things that would come and alter your very existence and would change everything that you know of it as you have in your life today.  But I am here to tell you now that that is not quite accurate.  Everything in your life is not going to change, it is only going to be altered in certain ways but your life will continue and you as you know yourself will continue.  But those things that are going to change is the consciousness within you.  That part of you that holds you down, holds you to that three dimensional understanding and consciousness, that vibration that has been a part of you for so long now that it has become so much a part of you that it has become common place within you and it has become almost a comfort zone for you to be in that state, in that understanding that you have grown up in this life but know now that those parts of you are going to change and are already changing.  You already know and see those things around you in your everyday life.  You see those changes that are happening in the people that you meet, in the expressions in their faces.  You see it in the sky, you see it in and feel it in the plants, the trees.  If you are not feeling it yet, do so.  Allow for the experience to come through now because it is going to be a joyful, wonderful experience and all of you here in this room and all that are reading these words, all of you have come here for a reason, you have come here to bring about these new changes, this shift in consciousness.  And those things that are coming to help you to be a part of this expression of change, all of those things are coming to assist you in doing this.  All of the changes within the financial system, all of the changes that are coming from outside of the planet, all of these things are coming to assist, to assist in moving the entire planet, the entire humanity to a higher level of understanding and in knowing, a knowing of coming back to where you came from.  All of this is an expression of knowing of who you are and each one of you are moving in that direction now and are going to have that wonderful experience.  And all of those things that have been said from many difference sources, from your internet, from the various readings that you experience, all of these things are leading you now to the newer grander expression that is you in the higher frequency vibrations.  That is my message as St. Germain.  All of my peace, all of my love be with each of you as you continue on to move forward in your journey back from whence you came. 


Greetings  once again. We are back. We do not have message of our own here at this time for we think the St. Germain just gave a good message here, something you can think on, something that may assist you.  But, understand that we here in the Brotherhood and all of those that are working with you and some mentoring with you, all of those are here to help you in your expression, to help you understand and know truly who you are and what you are all about and as much as we can do this we are willing to do this for this is our purpose, this is what we are here for. Understand that as you move up in consciousness, we move up in consciousness and as we move up in consciousness those that mentor to us move up in consciousness.  It is a continual progression back to The ONE, always that is the movement of consciousness, back to the ONE, back to BEing the ONE, you see?  You have questions here for One Who Serves now?


“I have been told numerous time that I have gifts and I have kind of strayed off the path and have been unable to locate those gifts and utilize them for the betterment of humanity.  Can you help me understand what those gifts are and how do I utilize them to raise consciousness on the planet and for my fellow brothers and sisters?”


OWS:  Yes, that is a wonderful question, but before we begin to answer that we wish to share something about what you say there previously, that of straying off the path.  What is it that would make you think that you have strayed off the path?  For what is the path that you are on?  Do you even know that path that you are on?  And if you do not know it, how would you have strayed from it, you see?  So believe and understand, my dear brother, that there is no path for you to have strayed off of because the path is always changing.  It is always changing in front of you.  You are living in the Now and then in the next moment, each moment changes.  So if there is a purpose you have in mind within yourself that you are not fulfilling, please put that away because your purpose is also constantly changing.  You change your purpose based on that particular set of circumstances that you find yourself in, in any given moment, you see?  And as you move ahead into that next moment your circumstances change again.  And those people around you, those ones that bring about different circumstances to you, that changes as well.  But, understand that all of those that are changing around you are not changing you.  They can never change you.  It is only you that can change you.  It is only you that moves and breathes and has your consciousness within yourself.  And you create all that is around you at any given time, if you know and understand that you are doing this.  So understand that there is no path to stray away from, OK?    Now, to your second part of question, understand that you are who you are and you come here in many ways with various gifts and in understandings and in some ways those understandings have been forgotten.  But you are coming to a knowing of who you are once again.  You coming to a group such as this is one particular way of doing that in terms of coming to know and understand the expressions within you and how that works within you, you see?  So, as you continue to move and have your expression whatever way it is, then you are evolving and coming to the next level of your expression.  So you are always moving to the next frequency vibration that is you, you see?  So, have no concern about whether you have lost your gifts or whether you cannot find them, or whatever.  They will find you!  You see?  As you are ready, they will find you.  Does this answer your question?  Probably more than you bargained for, but we do what we can without telling you what to do and how to do it.  We will never do this. We cannot do this.  We cannot interfere in that sense.  Other questions here?


“Yes.  I have a question.  Is it important to know what star system you are from and why is that important?”


OWS:  The importance of knowing something of this nature is only important to your ego center, to that part of you that thinks it must know something of this.  For what is it that you must know?  You must know that you are the grander expression of yourself always evolving into that next grander expression of yourself.  You see?  That is what you must know.  To know where you come from is interesting and gives little bit of insight into who you are, possibly, just as you are looking back at your past lives here on the earth and these types of things.  They are interesting, they are enjoyable in some ways, and in some ways and in some respects they can give you a glimpse and an understanding of who you are.  But, and this is a big “but” here, it is only giving you an understanding at the three dimension level, you see?  When you are fully moved into higher frequency vibration, then those things become not necessary anymore.  Not even interesting to you, you see?  For you have moved beyond this type of thing.  Is this understood?


“Absolutely and I really appreciate that.  Thank you.”


OWS:  We try, we do what we can.  But you see, we are somewhat, our hands are tied in many ways in working with you.  But we can give little nudges here and there and throw things out that we think you might grasp onto it at another time even.


“Is Archangel Michael within our Presence.  And if so are there any messages that I can hear from him?”


OWS:  Archangel Michael is always in the Presence.  Now are you speaking of in terms of your presence?  Being around you, you mean.  (Yes)   Now understand that as you ask for this, then they are there, whoever they may be, you see?  As you ask, then you receive.  But if you do not ask, then they may be there, but not more fully that they can be with you, you see?  So, as you ask for presence of Archangel Michael, he is certainly aware of you as we are finding now as we are looking at your experiences here and you do have a connection with this one, the Archangel Michael.  You know this already, otherwise you would not be asking this question.  And you feel a sense of almost camaraderie with this one, as you have a knowing of being with this one at other times.  Not so much in a physical sense but in a knowing presence sense in other lifetimes previously where he and others have assisted you in many ways to experience expressions of your past lives in past times here.  Do you understand this?  (Yes I do).  As far as your presence here now and him being in your presence now, he was not previously but he is now! (laughter) Because you now have asked, you see?  (Thank you).  He is wishing to say that at a not too far off time here, he will be coming through this one James again and speaking to those who are here.  The time will come for a need for this based on circumstances.


“So, are you reminding us that the simple idea, or simple premise of asking is all we have to do to receive?”


OWS:  That is all you have to do!  But if you do not ask, then it is not there for you directly.  And we say directly in terms of conscious level knowing.


“Is there asking that is more deeply spiritual because there are many ways of asking for things.  Is the asking at a spiritual level answered faster than at another level?”


OWS:  The most opportune way to ask for what is it you are looking for is to ask, and as you are asking, to know that it has already been given.  That is, as you are saying, a spiritual way.  The other way is an asking is terms of being lesser than, lower than that one that you are asking.  You see?  And asking for possibly that one to pay attention to you and give you what you are wanting or something of this nature.  That is not the most opportune way to go about this.  Always, again, we give this example.  We gave it another time and we give it again here.  When the Jeshua, the great master, wished to do any of those things that were considered miracles, and he asked his Father to accomplish these, as he was asking, he already knew it was being done, you see?  As he was pouring the wine, he already knew the water had changed to wine.  As he was passing out the baskets, he already knew that they had multiplied.  Any question of a doubt there, and there would not have been the changes.


“So that is kind of a level of higher consciousness, would you say?”


OWS:  Yes, certainly so.  But, all of these things that he did, so can you do also, you see?


“If you can get yourself to that place of consciousness”


OWS:  Yes, and that is what this is all about, moving to a higher level of consciousness, 5th Dimension, all of these things.  For understand that when he was doing those things he was operating at a 5th Dimensional or higher consciousness and therefore manifesting whatever he wanted at that time, and not so much “wanted” but “needed”, you see?  Other question here before we release?


“Is The 5th Dimension within the Earth, as above, so below?”


OWS:  The 5th Dimension is an experience of knowing and understanding of who you are.  It is a vibrational frequency and the Earth herself has already moved into that higher vibrational frequency and is waiting in some ways for you to catch up, you see?  But you are already there, you just do not know it yet.  Ah, now there is something to consider, you see?   You have already made the shift in consciousness, but do not yet know it because your three dimensional consciousness is not yet letting go. 


“So now you are telling us it is a matter of letting go of that level, that three dimension level.  That is really kind of hard to do.”


OWS:  Yes, my dear sister. We have been saying this for some time now. Go with the flow, all of these things, this is all what this is about.  For when you fully go with the flow and you let go here, and are no longer holding on the three dimensional understandings and vibrations, you are there!  You see?  And you are there in many ways even in driving your car or going about your various experiences in your life, in many times you are there.  You are feeling that sense of heightened frequency, heightened expression, heightened knowing, and sometimes in that blissful state you are knowing this and experiencing this.  Does it not feel wonderful?  Now can you imagine having that blissful state all the time?  That is what this is all about.  That is what you are moving toward.  That is what we are attempting to assist you in moving toward.  It is about allowing it and about knowing it.  As we find it here within the James, the new one here had the experiences of bliss and that is what you are after here.  To come to the point that you are experiencing that again, all the time and feeling it and knowing that sense of Oneness that is there.  That is what ascension is.  Make it be.  And we say BE, with a capital B and a capital E.  BE.  It is time for BEing now, not doing.  Do you understand this?


“Sometimes in the Doing I get into the Being”


OWS:  Yes, but being in the BEing will preclude that of having the Doing.  Anything further here?  We will release channel now.  Shante, Peace Be With You. BE the ONE!


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated


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I am Adama.  It is a privilege to be here with you at this time, in this place and in this moment that you are experiencing now.  For what is about to occur is something we have been waiting for a very long time now and you have been as well.  For all is about to be turned upside down you might say in many ways.  Yes we know these things have been said before, again and again and it seems like nothing happens but look around yourselves to feel and know what is happening all around you and certainly within you at this time.  For there is nothing that is holding you back now from becoming all that you can be, all that  you were meant to be, nothing is holding you, it is only your mind that still resides in the three dimensional realm.  That is the only thing now that is holding you. 


It is time now, my brothers and my sisters, to let go, let go of all that you have known previously for those things are changing.  Much is about to occur and we are not going to give you the soon.  We know that word has been used many times over and Lightworkers are tiring of hearing this word.  Understand that it is imminent.  There are many things that are going to be happening that will show and prove to you that all of these things that have been said are real.  All of it is about to commence and then you will know that you have always been on the right track, for you have always been on the movement of consciousness that you were meant to be.  For understand never have you been alone.  Never have you been separated from your Creator God Source within you, never have you been, for only in the mind has it been so.  So let it go now, my brothers and my sisters, let it all go as has been said go with the flow, be in the now, let the moments come one after another and let them take care of themselves for as you move to that next moment, the next moment will be right there for you and it will catapult you into the new Golden Age that is upon you and upon us because we are certainly a part of you and you are a part of us.  We have been longing for this time for a very long time to come together once again with our brothers and our sisters from our beloved homeland of Lemuria and Mu and certainly we are longing for that time many of us here in Telos, many of those in Inner Earth, Agartha, are looking for this, longing for this and those of you on the surface are also looking for and longing for this and we also know that many of you do not even know of our existence.  Many on the surface of the planet do not even know that there is an Inner Earth.  Won’t that be an interesting revelation.  So be ready my brothers and my sisters, be ready for our reunion, the reunion that is fast approaching and has been talked about and predicted for a long time.  That time is very short now and very soon there will be announcements that will catapult you now into the new Golden Age and there will be no doubt of who you are and what this is about and what you are here to do, for your missions that each came here for are about to take off, about to become that which you came here to do.  So be ready now my brothers and sisters as we begin soon to make our announcements of our arrival, of our emergence back to the surface to be One with you our brothers and sisters again, as of old.  Surely it is Old Souls returning once again to be together, together forever.  That is my message.  My love and all that I am be with you in these times to come.  I Am Adama.


One Who Serves:

Greetings once again.  We know that there are questions here and we are ready to answer those questions, but before we do, we wish to share a little something with you, and that is to understand that just as the Adama said here, there are changes coming.  Those announcements are to be soon, very soon.  And yes, there is that word again, but what other word do you have in your dictionary that can tell the imminence of what is coming.  So understand that certainly when we say soon it is maybe not your soon, but sometimes it is!  So, who knows?  Be ready, be ready for all that has been said in your past year, all of those things that were given and all of that was said were preparing you, each one of you, all that are meeting here and reading these words, all of you have been preparing for these times coming here now. So it is time.  Be ready.  You have questions here for One Who Serves?


“ Yes, we want to know, as it was spoken of before, if you can explain further of the importance of protecting the bloodline of Jeshua, and what would have happened if it did get into the hands of the Cabal”


OWS: Much would have occurred if that would have happened so there were many safety factors that were put in place to make sure that would not happen. Because if that were to happen, it would have tipped the balance toward the dark side and the light would have even had more trouble penetrating in through the darkness.  So it was very important that energetically, that bloodline be maintained and held pure because what would have happened if the two bloodlines would have merged?  Do you understand this?  They would have taken that bloodline you are speaking of, that holy grail bloodline, and merged it with the Anunaki bloodline.  You see?  Think about this and what that would have done so this needed to remain pure, pure in light, pure in love, you see?  That maintained the balance.  It has kept the flow from going to the other side, the dark side.  It was very important for this to be and many levels of expression here on your planet were a part of keeping this safe.  There were various sects, you might say, that were maintaining this safety, maintaining this confidentiality, this holding back from those who would seek to defile what was pure and loving, you see?  Do you understand this, or is there further clarification needed?


“You are saying the actual Blood is a code carrier of the light or something?”


OWS: Yes, in some ways, but we are speaking of a particular Being here.  A particular female that is this.


“When you refer to the Bloodline, are you speaking of the elements, all that is expressed in the Bloodline, such as the DNA, the spiritual aspects, the Chakras?”



“ Could you tell us who was the main one that was in control of the Cabal, if it was aliens or  humans, and how did they control, like mind control, time travel, etc.”


OWS: All that has occurred over long periods of time has been working at the levels of darkness for a very long time.  There has been  those who have been experiencing in past times that have come to this planet and have infiltrated in many ways into this planet, this civilization here, into humanity, have been a precursor of all that is a part of your existence now, all that is a part of your governance, your education system, all of these things have been because of the interference that has come from outside of here.  But now, understand that this interference was purposeful.  In many ways it was to be a part of this expression, but this interference and this expression was not supposed to have lasted this long, it was supposed to have changed.  Those that were a part of this made agreements to revert back to the Light, to give up the darkness you might say, to turn back to the Light.  But the illusion that they created, they fell into there own illusion and they were a part of it so much that they thought they could be immortal and they could take it with them wherever they went, the power, the wealth and all of this.  And that was certainly never to be, but they thought they could put it off but they are mistaken certainly.  So, now at this time here now you have the expression of those that came here that were a part of this that are not here anymore.  Many have turned to the Light.  Those that came here, what you would call the Annunaki, are now the Annanuki.  They are new, they are the new ones that have moved and found their Being in the Light once again and they have abandoned those of there minions here, those that you call the Cabal.  And those here are very much left alone.  They do not have the power behind them anymore.  So you see there is not much of a bite on their part anymore.  They can do very little.  But what they can do is still somewhat disconcerting in many ways and has been and they have been prolonging the changes that were coming as much as they could, but those times are at an end.  They cannot do it much longer now and very soon they will be no more.  They will not be able to do anything anymore because their power will be completely gone, and they will be just like everyone else here and they will decide if they are going to return to the Light or they will not.  That will be their choice.  But understand that almost all of the planet now, all of mankind are going to ascend.  It is not just a few anymore, it is all that are going to go.  They are all going to have the decision to make.  And they are going to be able to make that decision based on an understanding, based on a knowing that they do not have now.  You see there was going to be that ascension process earlier on in your end of 2012 but it did not happen that way because enough were not ready for it and did not even know about it.  So the call went out to Gaia herself to hold off, to pause a little bit, and she has decided to do that along with all of the heavenly hosts you might say, all of those who are part of this that make these decisions have held it off.  But they have held it off for the betterment of humanity, for mankind.  Now we understand that those here may not think it was so much to hold off that it was not such a great thing, but you will.   You will look back at it and someday you will say it was glorious that we could all go.  That all of mankind could ascend at the same time or at least very close to the same time.  Does this answer your question?




OWS: Probably much more than you had planned on, no? 


“did you answer the part where it was asked if they were humans or aliens or both?”


OWS: There are those who are human now.  There are those that are the hybrids, they are human and in your understanding, meaning that you know who they are in many cases, not you specifically in this room maybe, but world wide they are known.  And they are a part of that expression, a part of that what you call reptilian or draconian, you see? 


“Who is the head of it”


OWS: There was certainly that one who was the guiding one within the Annunaki, the guiding force that was in control but that one has turned to the light and now there is still those who are here on planet that are the human but are the hybrid, you might say and there is one or two that are specifically in control or think they are in control.  Have been in control previously but are losing it very fast and there are those that are a part of this that have also turned and have realized that there is no hope for them to continue the way they were so they have decided to turn the other cheek, you might say, turn to the Light.


“We have a question about the mind-control and time travel. We wanted to know a little more about who was in control of that?”


OWS: You want to know about the time travel and things of this nature we understand as we are searching through this one James, that there is a conference coming up that would give you much on that.  As far as mind control and these types of things, there certainly has been that and they have been clandestine in activities, very covert in many ways and many of these experiences have been kept under cover in many different various ways but they have been controlling many across the planet in this way but that time is also at an end, very shortly to be done. 


“When is Jesus birthday?”


OWS: As we are finding there is no reason necessarily to know an exact date.  It is that it is an energetic time to come together in peace and love.  For what is Christmas, you see, what is Christmas, yes it has been a celebration of the birth of Christ, but it is not the birth of Jeshua, it the birth of the Christ within each one of the planet.  That is what it is about.  And it is not even that one has to celebrate it as that.  It is still that regardless, so when one births the Christ within them, all birth the Christ within them, you see?  This is how it spreads. So to pick a particular time and date which was important to do because it focused all on this time and this time of love of time and peace and wonderment.  When you see the children waking up in the morning and the glee, the glee in their eyes, but you see it in their faces, their joy.  That is what Christmas is, that is what the birth of Christ is.  The Christ within each individual person on the planet.  Now the birth of the Christ is the birth of the new Golden Age, that is what this is about, the second coming.  There is not going to be an individual coming for the second coming, it is a consciousness.  It is a consciousness that is being revived within mankind once again just as of old, just as back in time of Lemurian times when all were One.  All knew the Oneness around them, they felt it, they knew it.  It was moving through their very bodies, you see?  That is what it is.  And the day itself is really not important.  But we can tell you it was in the Spring.  The Spring, the new coming out, the birth of all around, the birth of the trees again, you see coming back from the Wintertime.  All symbolic.


“I wanted to know if I am a Code Carrier and if all Lightworkers are Code Carriers”


 OWS:  What we can tell you about this from our understanding is that the Code Carrier is carrying the light, but it is carrying a light understanding in terms of having the code, having the knowing the intricate knowing, to perhaps open up a portal or gateway of some type, different things of this nature.  This is part of the gatekeepers, you see, that have gone on before and are coming back now.  They would be considered the Code Keepers and the Gate Keepers.


“I did a healing on a friend of mine and during the healing I felt a sense of Pleiadians and some interaction, I just wonder if I was right on target with this feeling or was this my imagination?”


OWS: First of all we would help you to understand that what is your imagination.  Your imagination is as real as your fingers in front of you, you see?  As you look out and put your hand in front of you, you see your hand, you can see your fingers, you can snap your fingers you see?  And how is that any different than seeing within your mind, a picture, a knowing within you.  It is one in the same.  So when you have an imaging in of anything it is real.  In many ways it is beyond the illusion.  It is more real than the illusion itself, you see? 


“Even if you create it yourself?”


OWS: Yes.  For what are you really creating yourself?  How do you know that when you say you are creating something with your mind, how do you know that it was not already there?  How do you know that it is not there, and you are seeing it?  This is what we have been trying to get across to you for many years now.  Trust.  Does this answer questions here?


“When you are a healer and you want to be the vessel and channel for healing, because I have had this experience many times with the James when he has called on Hilarion, when I have had back pain, and he called on Hilarion and he will do things that he does not know how to do as James, to create that healing in myself.  And the results are astounding.  And he won’t remember exactly what he did because he was the instrument.  So when Jeshua said “I of myself can do nothing, it is the Father within that doeth the works”, would we not strengthen our ability to assist in healing others by calling on great healers to work through us?


OWS: Yes, Certainly.


“wouldn’t that magnify our abilities?”


OWS: Yes, understand here that when this one, James was calling on Hilarion and allowed for that process to fully take hold here and did not doubt, when that happened then the healing would take place.  Now understand that when Jeshua did this, was there any doubt?  Did he wonder, Oh, am I doing this right?  Is this really the Father working through me?  You see, there was none of that.  He totally knew and understood that it was real and it was already happening as he was doing it.  This is how he was able to heal and when he said all of these things I do, so can ye do also, he knew what he was referring to.  He knew that each one of you have this ability to channel, not channel like this all the time, but channel energies, all kind of energies.  And to channel these energies through you and to be the instrument for the healing to come through, this is what was occurring, this is what was happening.  And yes, when this one James does this or anyone else, when you let the process come through let it be through you and you know you are only the instrument of it, miraculous things occur in that time.  Although, they are really not miracles.  They are just a part of just what is real and not the illusion anymore.  You see?


“I wanted to hope that the vibration of doubt is so real that we can go past that?

OWS: That is your New Age moving from 3rd dimension to 4th and 5th dimensional consciousness, letting go of those doubts, letting go of those fears.  Moving away from and letting all of that go.  And then when you let all of that go, what is left?  Love, higher frequency vibrations and low and behold, where are you then?  4th and 5th Dimension!  You see? 


“What about the physical body?  Do we have to work on the Physical body to increase the vibration and the consciousness, to expand our consciousness. I think we have to work on the vibration of the physical body, right?”


OWS: Are you asking do you need to work to bring about the higher vibration within your body itself?


“The physical body holds  a lot of fear, it is not from you, but from your bloodline,  your grandparents, your parents, and this body holds a lot of information,  maybe even from past lives, so the physical body has a lot of low vibrations.  Can you speak on that?”


OWS: Now understand you are talking of two different things here.  Your physical body is not the one that is holding those things.  It is the etheric body within you, the chakra centers and beyond this that are holding those memories, those experiences, those fears, all of these things.  Your physical body is but a shell, you see, it is the one that holds all of this together in terms of being here in the now in this three dimensional understanding called earth here in your experience.  But is not so much that you are holding those things within your physical body, it is vibration, vibration is experiencing and moving you into higher frequencies and your physical body is normally not going to go along with you.  Now we say normally, because that is the way it was in the past but now your physical body is changing, is conforming into a new understanding of physical here. It is not the physical that you know of now, you see, it will hold more light, it will hold the higher expression of yourself.  It will hold the higher God self Source within you, more fully you see?  So, yes you can work with your physical body in ways of exercise and eating right and drinking lots of water and all of these things are important but it is the heart center within you that is creating all of the change.  It is taking you from that which has been the old ways into the new understanding , the new paradigm, you see?  Do you understand this?


“Aren’t there some memory, like in the DNA information?”


OWS: Yes, but all of that is held within your chakra centers, your etheric understanding.  It is not in your physical body.  Your physical body, normally when you are done with it here, you lay it down and you move on.  Normally it does not go with you, you move on.  What we are saying here is that it is changing, that it will be adapting, and able to move into the higher frequencies.  In the past it could not do that.  That is why it was laid down before in the death process.  And those that go through or have gone through the ascension process in the past have not taken their physical body with them as they do it now, that has stayed here.  It was the ascended body that went, it was the body that became light, what has been called the rainbow light body, you see? 


“So this time it will be different.  We are going to bring our physical bodies with us to the higher dimension, so you mean we don’t have to work on our physical bodies because it will naturally change to the rainbow light body.  It doesn’t matter how toxic body is?”


OWS: No, we are not saying that.  The toxic physical body will not be able to go through the changes, but you see the changes are changing the toxic physical body.  You see?


“So eventually the physical body will shift into the light body, it is a process?”


OWS: Yes.  Not so much that the person does not have to do anything.  They still have to BE, they have to BE in the now, BE in the moment, ready for this.  This is why we have been saying for a long time here, be ready, are you ready for this?  We have known for some time now that all of this was coming. We have been preparing those that have been a part of this expression here through this one James, we have been preparing those here, just as we are doing now as much as we can to bring you to the point where you are ready for this you see? 


“I want to get your clarification here on something.  It is my understanding, and I have felt this way my entire life, no matter what I read and study, that intention is everything and this woman that had a near death experience and came back, her name is Anita Moorjani, she had cancer throughout her entire body and she died and went to the Light and then came back to earth and she was healed.  What she learned in her NDE was that whatever she did in the physical, because she used to try to eat right and she became a vegetarian and she did all these things to keep her physical body up but she did it out of fear, instead of joy.  So it is my understanding, that the motive in which you do things, it is the intention by which we do those things will create a toxin or lack of toxin in the body because of the intention behind it.  You could eat as cleanly as you can or you could smoke your whole life, and if you do it out of love and service to others, and purity of spirit and the highest intention it does not affect you.  Right?”


OWS: If it is at the higher level frequency vibration within you, the higher consciousness, yes that is correct.  For you can take those who are considered the Yogis and such and they could have a rattlesnake or any kind of poisonous snake bite them  and they would be able to transmute the toxin within them so it would have no effect.  So certainly that is correct.  The one who is experiencing the various experiences is the one that can take charge of their understanding, their lives, their physical bodies, they can experience whatever it is they wish.  It is certainly that of intention that is what propels or catapults them into the higher frequency vibration of consciousness.  So certainly that is correct, yes.  Now understand that this one you are speaking of and all of these that have done these types of things, they have their soul contracts.  They came in knowing what they were going to do.  They knew that they were going to go through this process.  Because it is important for many to have gone to the other side and come back and say what is there.  It was time for this you see?  It is time for mankind to awaken, to not be clouded in doubt, in darkness and disbelief and unknowing, you see?


“What I understand about our creative power is that I can make myself sick and then I can make myself well within hours because I know it is my emotion and my fear or worry that starts manifesting physically.  So what I am saying is that, is that true for all beings?”


OWS: Whatever one’s belief is, they create.  So if you believe one thing, then you will create that.  And the more that you believe it and the more you know it even, the more it will create.  So it is that if you have the complete total knowing, not even just belief now, but knowing that you could have something appear in your hand and it would be there immediately.  But this is what is lacking you see, it is that part of self that is saying, Oh, sure you can make something appear in your hand, in your dreams.  It is not going to happen.  Then that part of you says, no it is not possible, then therefore it is not possible. And many of the things in your society have pushed this, have created this experience within each one to believe or disbelieve rather than that they have these abilities and powers to be able to control whatever it is in their lives that they wish to control, you see?


“So it does not have anything to do with the vibrational frequency or the emotion that you are experiencing that heals or makes one sick?”


OWS: It has a lot to do with it, yes.  Certainly. 


“If you are fearful, without a doubt, you will manifest it”


OWS: That is correct.


“So that is a Universal truth?”


OWS: Yes, that is why you cannot move into higher frequency vibration, 4th and 5th dimension and take fear with you. What if you would bring that fear into that dimension with you, now it is there.  You see?


“So, when the mass ascension was supposed to have occurred, and now it has been delayed, there is so much fear and doubt and negativity, just by walking out the door and seeing people what they go through, how could they possibly get to the 4th and 5th dimension?”


OWS: But there is also pure love and joy and oneness as you walk out the door as well.  It is what you are looking for.  That state of mind (fearfulness) is going to be changing in ways of understanding, in ways of knowing because many things are going to occur. And just as you have woken up, it is going to help them awaken as well and now they will also be seeing through the illusion.  They will know that there is even an illusion here now.  They will begin to see through it and understand things like movies of the Matrix and things of this nature, deeper levels of understanding.  Also, all of your various media, movies and things of this nature that they look at in times past just as entertainment, as shooting and fighting and things like this but you, those here, look past these things, you see the inner meanings, the inner knowings, the higher vibrational frequencies that are part of this and when you see this and when you know this, you know you are ready now to move up, you see, in vibration.


“So you said most people will go to the 5th dimension at the same time.  That sounds like a very long time.  How long does it take?


OWS: In many ways we are no longer able to give time frames here for various reasons but understand that those things which are coming are going to catapult many into an awakening process themselves and where you have now millions that are awakened in many respects, soon you will have billions, you see?  It will be an event that in many ways will be catastrophic within you to the awakening process.  Some will look at what is occurring and hear what is occurring and at first there will be disbelief, they will not understand it, they will deny it, but it will become so prominent that they will no longer be able to deny it.  They will know it now, just as the UFO’s phenomenon here.  In the very beginning how many believed it?  Very few.  People that came out, they called them crackpots.  You see?  They were ridiculed.  But now if you ask people around the planet, do you believe that we are alone in the universe, they would say, are you crazy?  Of course we are not alone here. 


“It is just the USA I think.  When I go back to Japan most people don’t believe it.  I talk to many people, but only my Father, a little bit believes it.”


OWS: Yes, but you are looking at it from only a small point of view here.  Look at it from their point of view, entire country.  The entire country of Japan, China, India, all these places, many have seen their own experiences and when they see an experience, when anyone sees an experience, it goes into the collective consciousness grid, and then all can pick from this you see?  It comes into everyone’s consciousness then.  Even if there is just a little bit of an opening, that opening widens and widens as more and more experiences come for this.


“Can you tell me is it one year, ten years or 100 years?”


OWS: We can tell you it is very soon.


“I watched a video that showed a woman from China who teleported to an area where a man was about to get hit by a car and she saved his life. Her body just appeared in the middle of the street.  Do you think teleportation is real?”


OWS: Certainly we can tell you that regardless of the video itself, we tell you teleportation is not only real it is going to be your experience in many ways.  Yes in this lifetime that you are in now there is no question about that.  We have been doing this for a long time ourselves, we call it bilocating.  It is fun, it is enjoyable to us and we believe it will be to you as well.   So certainly that is not only possible but very probable in a very short time here ahead.   That is one thing.  Also, this particular one you are speaking of and many have had these experiences before.  The James here has had this experience before or knows someone that had this experience, where a woman was coming to a traffic light and just before this, a car was coming the other direction and she was going to be hit and have a collision and her wish just before this occurred was please do not let me hurt anyone here.  And the next thing she knew, her car was sitting on the other side of the intersection and unharmed and no one even knew anything.  But she was there across the intersection.  Now, is this teleportation?  Who knows?  But, was it real, yes.  You see? 


“Isn’t that an aspect of our DNA?”


OWS: Yes.  It is also going to be an aspect of higher frequency vibrations.  Teleportation is not taught, it is remembered, it is known.  There is even technology that can do this, as your Star Trek type of thing.  Beam me up Scottie, you see?  So, it is not so much the DNA but it is consciousness you might say is advanced.  It is moving into higher frequency vibrations, it is all about vibration.  All of this shift in consciousness is vibration.  That is what you are going through.  You are all receiving the new higher vibrations within you and at times you can accept them and they are a part of you and at other times they do not resonate within you and you slip back, back into your three dimensional understanding and ways.  And the next moment you feel a sense of bliss come over you again, some joy, and you are right back into higher levels.  And something occurs and you are back down again. You see, it is like a see-saw. 


“It is like what Abraham calls the Vortex.  As soon as you feel really good and joyful your life is sailing along, and then something happens to you and you plunk right back down into third dimension.  But is it common for everyone?  So our vibrations are our emotions.”


OWS: Yes.  So, we will take it one step further.  As you are experiencing your emotions now, it is going out into the collective consciousness grid and then it goes to another and they pick it up and now they are feeling a sense of joy or higher frequency vibration themselves and as they are feeling it, it is going to another across the grid and to another and to another and the next thing you know, all are ascending.   You see, this is how it is going to go.  To know as you lift your vibration, you lift the planet’s vibration.  All are one. 


“Is the IRS going to go away?”


OWS: Understand that particular service, if you wish to call it this, is a part of the old paradigm.  It is a part of the three dimensional understanding and therefore anything that is part of that understanding will not continue.  Does this answer your questions?


“Is it going to be soon?”


OWS: Yes.  Soon.  (Laughing)  We have to chuckle at this.  We would say to you that you are asking this question, and we understand the reason why you are asking it, so understand that, BE in the moment, at any given time, BE in the moment.  For in the next moment, everything changes.   So whatever you are doing now enjoy it, be there in that time frame, that love and in the next moment all might change.  It will be an experience now with in your memory.


“And sometimes the things that we learn, even though it is third dimensional things, the essence of it, the concepts of it is transferable to the next dimension is that right?”


OWS: Yes, it is called transmutation.


“Thank you, we don’t have any more questions.  But when we do ask so many questions, it helps us to clarify things”


OWS: When we can help you clarify things, then you help others clarify things. (Someone in the Background:  “There goes that Grid!)  Yes, the Grid again.  Very important and you will understand it in the near future here just how important that consciousness grid is.” We must release the channel now.


Shante, Peace Be With You.  Be The ONE.


Channeled by James McConnell
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One Who Serves:

Ohm Mani Padme Uhm. Greetings to you Each one.  Good to be here with you as always in this way.  We so enjoy the song here, the wonderful OM sound.  How do you feel after you do this Om this special way that was given to the James here to work with your Pineal gland and then your heart center and the pillar of light all at once? Did you notice anything here? 


“It was easier, I felt more powerful” and I could see the light”



Anyone feel a pressure in their third eye center, their Pineal Gland?   Did you feel that? 





Wonderful. The James also felt this.  This is a grand experience, people as it is an opening to your higher being.  Now we have been eaves dropping on your group conversations earlier as we often do and we notice what you are speaking of in terms of higher frequencies or higher dimensions and that connection between who you are now and what is there in those higher frequencies and dimensions.  And we would tell you that there is that multi-dimensional part of you, part of yourself that is waiting for you.  It is that part that you call your Higher Self of that which you are going to be reconnecting with.  You have never lost the connection, it is only the connection you have lost within your mind.  You see?  Part of the illusion you have created here.  And why has it been created here?  It has been created here so you can grow, so that you can learn and experience and not have the expression of the God Source within you that cannot allow you to be in a duality type of situation,  and thereafter the learning and the growing would be slower.   But also understand that very soon, and there is that word “soon” again, you will be moving past this expression, this illusion that you have created for yourself.  And indeed you have created it for yourself for no one has created this for you.  It is only your own creation and of course the creation of all mankind that is a part of this.  IT is the collective consciousness that has created the entire illusion that you are in.  Just as when you are in the higher frequency, the higher dimension, you will create the new illusion in a sense.  Although it would be more real to you, but it is still an illusion.  It is still a hologram in some respects, just at a higher level, a less dense level you might say.  See?  Now what questions would you have here for the One Who Serves?


“Looking at the moon the other night, and James also saw it, there was a giant ring in a perfect circumference around the moon, really big, and we wanted to know if this was anything spiritual in nature?”



Certainly it is spiritual in nature, but it is much more than it has been in the past. You see there is the Earth herself that has moved up in vibration into higher frequencies, but if the Earth has moved herself, don’t you think the other planets of the solar system have also moved.  All is progressing.  All is moving up in frequency and consciousness.  And that ring that you saw is the expression of the moon’s inner being, expressing outward.   And the fact that you can see it, those that can see it are in the higher frequencies themselves.  Some would look up there and not notice anything and there are others that would.  It is not that it is not there, they are just not in the frequency to see it.  It is the same thing as you begin to see more and more of the ships.  It is not that the ships have changed in any way or de cloaking or anything of this nature. More and more sightings are occurring because more and more people are moving into the higher frequencies.  So they can be getting those glimpses, you see?  There is more to this but we will save it for another time.  It is important but you will come to more understanding of this in the future.  Other questions here?


“Do you have any advice of how I can better connect to my Higher Self?”



Yes, stop trying so hard!  It is something that just comes when the time is.  But in your diligence in doing the meditation and doing the things we are speaking of, you are beginning to remember more and more those times past when you did these things.  That is why it comes easy to you.  So as  you are doing this, do not focus on connecting with your Higher Self, or rather seeing your Higher Self, but just know that you are reconnecting to your Higher Self, that you have never actually been disconnected.  It has always been there.   You are just remembering the connection now.  And if you do this and not try so hard to see what your Higher Self looks like or anything of this nature, you cannot do this.  It is a feeling.  It is not going to be a “seeing” it is going to be a “feeling”.  It is that saying that is called the “Beingness”, coming into the Beingness, knowing the Beingness.  This is what you are after.  The precursor of this is the bliss.  Getting into that sense of bliss, that wonderful harmony within Self.  You see?  Are there other questions here?


“In one of the last sessions, we heard you tell one of the group members that he would not have to work anymore after the 21st.  What did that mean?


OWS:   That particular question and that particular answer goes for all across the planet.   You see, many were expecting, not all of course, but many were expecting major changes to occur, cataclysmic changes in many respects, cataclysmic in terms of this is the end of the world and also cataclysmic in terms in this is the end of the life as I know it now.   So it is a new life, a new age coming upon us and in that respect that is correct.  Those things that were a part of the old way are no longer.  It is a New Age, it is new life that you are forming now.  You are beginning that new life.  And if you look at it as if you have to continue going to the same drudgery of a job then that is what you are going to do.  But when you come to the understanding and the knowing that that is not necessary anymore, you can transcend that particular drudgery of a job and find what it is that you want to do.  What makes you feel good, you see?  Many are mired in the muck in terms of various jobs that they do not want to be in, that give them no pleasure or balance in their lives whatsoever.  So the New Age is not about that.  The New Age is about finding what it is you love and Being in that.  We literally mean “Being” in that.  You see?  So to understand when there was the disappointment and there was in this one again as we say it. This one James also had that disappointment, thinking now what is he going to do and things of this nature.  So you see, it was “across the board”, as your saying goes here.  But many have gone through this and then realized that life goes on.  And you have to move on and continue on but know that as you are continuing on, you are creating a grander experience for yourself in terms of your higher consciousness creating that higher level of Being that you want to be and are Being.  You see?  Does this answer this question? We do not believe that we came out directly and said as of tomorrow you will not have to work again.  Do not think we said this.  Are there further questions here?


“Have we already ascended and do we just need to remember who we are?  Is that what you are talking about?”


Yes, and  when we heard this earlier in your group discussion, we were clapping.  We were clapping for glee and for joy, because that is a transcendent knowing, my dear sister.  To come to that understanding, to know that you have already been all that you are trying to become, you see?  You have already been there and done that.  You are only trying to find your way back again but you are already back.  You have never actually been lost.  So that is a grand understanding and remembrance.


“And would you say that a while back, I believe it was Sanada that told me to look for the clues, or something like that.  And it came to me that our imagination, our movie making industry, our Hollywood has been saying for our lifetimes ever since they could project a movie that it is all illusion. Like the Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan and movies like that were all saying that we have to click our heals or believe, and I want to know if that is the case?”



Certainly yes, the movies are depicting this in many respects.  It is all part of the collective consciousness coming to understand once again who they are.  And various means have been used to do this and whatever can be used has been used.  And certainly your media, you media and things of this nature that draw a great many people to them is a wonderful way of getting the truth to people. But now understand that the other forces here that have been known as the dark forces of the Cabal have also done the same thing.  They know of this.  And they have utilized these types of avenues as well to create fear and very negative things into the collective consciousness to lower the frequency of mankind. 


“But they couldn’t do that unless we already had that in us, right?”




Yes, they feed on your fear and then create more fear to feed upon. 


“So you just have to not be afraid.”



Yes, it is as we are finding it here within the James, that there was a Star Trek sometime ago, the original Star Trek, where there was a warring between the humans, the ones on the Enterprise and also the Klingons.  They were warring together and there was this energy force that was creating the warring happening on the ship.  And they were fighting and killing, and fighting and killing and as this was happening, this energy force was feeding upon there fear and their hate. When they noticed this, when those that were fighting noticed this, they were able to turn around and begin to laugh and love each other and hug each other and laugh some more and more and the energy force could no longer feed upon this, so it left.  This is what exactly is happening here on this planet at this time.  Everyone now is beginning to laugh at those forces.  They do not have the bite they use to have and they are realizing this.  They are leaving en mass.  They will be leaving or turning to the light. Does this answer your question?  Any further question?


“Why didn’t the 21st have such strong energy and why didn’t many people feel that they had been ascending.  It looks like there was no impact.”



Yes, that is what it seems like to those because many were looking for a greater impact, looking for a cataclysm as we said earlier.  Something major occurring that says, oh, now the world is ending or the world is moving ahead and we are ascending.  You see?  Many were looking for this, but they did not understand that it is not even such  that it is a gradual change,  it can be sudden at times, but it is a movement of consciousness that you are already going through, you are already ascending. Each one of you here are already in your ascension process.  You just do not know it yet because look at when you are out in your public, when you are with people.  Notice what is occurring.  Notice that as you are meeting people, more people are smiling. More people are finding and feeling love.  You are noticing this more and more and if you will begin to notice, that is what you are looking for.  You are looking to find those that are like you and those others that are like you are looking for you.  You see?  All are coming together, those that are “birds of a feather flock together”.  That is your saying.  And it is so true here, so even though those things did not happen as many expected, look at all the energy that was focused on that day from all parts of the planet, many different levels , many different expressions, then ask yourself did anything happen?  And you would find within yourself that major changes happened to not only external of yourself, but certainly within yourself.  The explosions have happened, the fireworks have happened.  We from our point of view, have seen the earth, Gaia herself ascend.  Do you not think that there were explosions and fireworks for this?  You see?  This is a great experience that all of the Universe has come to observe. And many are out there in their ships waiting and watching for the time that comes when Man are also going to be in this ascension.  And you are already ascending, that is what we are saying here. The gates have been opened.  They cannot be closed.  You see? 


“But I didn’t feel any sense of dizziness”.



You didn’t feel so much my dear sister, because you are already there.  You see, you are already raising up so you would not notice this.  Now, if this had been 100 years or so ago, there would have been major catastrophes.  Many would have noticed that there were changes.  But you did not want those changes, did you?  You wanted it to be loving and an explosion of light.  But the explosion of light is within your self.  You see?  There were those that were expecting and this one we are speaking through was also one who was expecting to rise up in many ways, for some sources said this would happen.    They would rise up and find themselves in a new world.  This was never to be in that respect, but yet you have risen up and you are in a new world already.  It is the new world of your making that is your higher dimensional frequency, it is moving toward your connection with your Higher God-Self.  As we said when we began this evening, it is waiting there for you now.  All you need to do is reconnect or remember to reconnect.  How to reconnect and this is where the how comes in that we have been working with you for and on in the respect of reconnection with your DNA and your Pineal gland and your heart center, raising your heart center from the lower chakra frequencies, you see?  Any thing further here?


“I want to make a comment.  I am experiencing a lot of that kindness and compassion and love, seeing people helping each other more and more”.



Do not think it was happenstance that the 21st was close to your Christmas as well.  For what is the season of Christmas?  This season of loving, so all of this came together at the same time within these same days, focused on the collective consciousness and raised the entire collective consciousness upward, maybe not to the heights of the heavens you were wanting  but raised nevertheless. 


Be at peace my brothers and my sisters.  All is well and you are going to find yourselves exactly where you are wanting to be.  Shante, Peace be with you.  Be the ONE.


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated




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One Who Serves:

Ohm Mani Padme Uhm. Greetings to you each one.  Good to be here with you.  For the new one here I am the One Who Serves.  I am one of several here for that is our title.  That is certainly not the name that I have gone by in pastimes for I have been here on your earth and have had your experiences and know what you go through here and I am so glad that I am no longer there. (laughter) you have no idea how much you have gone through and as we watch you, we are amazed at all you have done and become and how you have continued to exist, even in many ways through the dilemmas and heartaches you have had in this and all your lifetimes.  We understand you are here for a reason and you have much to do here on your mission you came here for and that mission is about to begin in earnest.  We know we have said this before but each time we say it, it is coming closer and closer.  You are going to be experiencing what you call a download very soon where you will begin to remember certain things about who you are and where you come from.  You will make that connection once again and it is coming to you.  You will experience a remembrance not only of who you are but everything that you have been.  Can you imagine feeling that intenseness, that sense of oneness and love and yes that bliss?  Would that not be glorious and we have been speaking of this for some time and you question, but One Who Serves, when is that going to happen?  We are ready for this, please send it to us.  And we say to you, patience, go with the flow, be in the energy of the now, the energy of the moment.  It is coming, you are on the verge, the edge now of all that you are meant to be.  So continue to be ready.  Now is the time.  You have questions here for One Who Serves?



“Do I have guides”?



Do you have guides.  My dear sister you have guides that you have no idea of.  As we are looking at you now and yes we can see you, you have several around you right now and yes you are from that Pleiadian system.  You have a strong connection with them and you have two with you here now that are about to become more influential in your life, as you are about to move into a new level of your existence, coming into your own you might say.  We do not want to say too much here about this but it is all wonderful and beyond your imaginings what is coming and this is for each of you here for what you are about to embark on.  You have been on a long journey but that journey, or at least this part, is coming to an end.  You are now beginning the next part of your journey and yes it continues on and on, but the next part will be different, beyond what you have known here.  It will be back to what you came from, that knowing that connection, the Oneness, knowing that you are One with the God source within you and have always been that and you will remember and know that.  Yes my dear sister you have guides.  Any further questions here?


“I have a question.  Am I crazy or am I going in the right direction”?




My dear sister, only you would know if you are going in the right direction in terms of what resonates for you, what you feel.  What do you feel, what do you love?  Do you not love what you are doing now?  Is it not so much different than what it was previously when you found yourself in the financial world where you felt very little warmth and believed you were not accomplishing anything of value even though you were.  But once you believe you are not then it is what you call “all over”.  Now you are feeling the love, a sense of fulfillment within yourself, are you not?  So you have answered the question yourself here.  You already know the answer to that question and are looking for a little bit of self assurance.  Are you on the right track?  Many people ask those questions.  Am I doing what I should be doing?  My dear brothers and sisters, you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing at any given moment and that next moment it all changes again.  You see you can never go by what anyone tells you, it has to come from within yourself.  No one can tell you what is your destiny, promise, or purpose for it must come from within yourself.  And when you know that, when you truly know that, then there is nothing that can hold you back from realizing what ever it is you are meant to realize.  Is  this understood?


“Yes, it is strange how much I am enjoying myself and having a good time”.



You are supposed to enjoy yourself.  That is what you all came here for to be in joy in every moment and we understand it is difficult in your current situation. In many ways that is changing.  Up until now it has been difficult to find the joy in every moment so you were left searching for moments of joy wherever you could find them, were you not?  So believe in yourselves and know that what you’re doing now is what your soul is calling you to do.  And one thing that can hold you back is worrying about your finances.  Do not worry about money but do what you came here to do, what you feel you are destined to do and then let it go.  You see, be in the now that very moment you are in and the next moment will take care of itself.  Are there other questions? 


“I have a question. I feel like I am at a standstill in moving forward spiritually.  Can you give me any ideas at how I can continue moving forward”?



Yes.  There is something called an energy and a rest. All of the universe works this way.  An energy and a rest, a breathing in and breathing out and each one has those periods in their lives where you are very energetic and have things going, you’re feeling great and then the next thing you know you feel down in the dumps.  You feel like your world is crashing in upon you.  Well that is the resting period.  First there is the energy, the breathing in the light and then the exhaling of all tension.  Now to answer your question directly, you are in the rest period but soon to begin to soar once again up into the heavens of your being and feel that energy moving within you again, but it will be a new energy my dear sister, a new energy that is calling to you now, cascading within you as we speak and as it becomes more a part of you, then you will feel the movement and be back in the energy stage once again.  Is this understood? Are there further questions?


“Has mother earth completely ascended to the fifth dimension”?



Yes, mother Earth, Gaia Herself is ascended into fifth dimensional frequency but there is a portion of her still holding on to third dimension so all of humanity can move with her into the higher frequencies.  In other words, She is waiting for you.  Do you understand this or is there further clarification needed?


“I Heard mother Earth had a glitch and did not completely align due to not being able to handle the galactic energy and when December 21 came, it did not completely align and that is why mother Earth did not completely ascend. Is that right”?



That is not quite correct for the full alignment has Occurred and Earth Herself has ascended and moved up in frequency but again a portion of her is still in lower frequency in fourth dimension and still somewhat in third dimension, although most have moved into lower frequency fourth dimension.  But the Earth is what you might say, locked into 5th dimension and touching into higher frequencies even to the 7th to make way for others who are ready to move on there as well.  You see?


“So a question I have then is, are we still on the Earth”?



We think if you go outside you will know the answer to that, would you not? (laughter)


“What I mean by that is, if she has ascended to the 5th dimension, how are we still here”?



Because you are part of the Earth.  You are with her.


“Well then, how come we are not in the 5th dimension”?



Because there is a portion that is still here.  That is what we were trying to convey here.  That some have ascended, have gone on and come back and are still part of this expression still but touching into the higher frequencies at the same time.  And others have not begun to move upward yet.  But all have received an energy influx of the light and certainly those who were of the darker nature also received the light, but as they received the light many of them pushed it away as they were not comfortable with the light, you see.


“So when you say the portion of the earth is still here, you’re talking about consciousness right”? 



Yes and that vibration.


“Wasn’t it said that we are a part in the 3rd and also at the third level of the 4th dimension”?



Yes it was said that your higher God self is waiting for you at the higher frequencies and a portion of you is beginning to connect with your higher God self.  You understand this? 

We’re going to attempt to have one come through that has not come through this one before.


Archangel Michael:

I am the one you know of as Michael, yes the Archangel Michael.  I have not spoken through this one before but it is time.  There is a need to understand and know my frequency, to be with you now and in the times to come.  Yes you have been aware of my energy and my frequency vibration in past times. But that time now is needed that you once again get acclimated to the energies that we all bring, those of us that are the Archangels. 


We are a group of beings that have been with you from the beginning.  And we are with you all the way until the end but of course you know there is no end.  There will never be an end.  You will continue on forever just as we are continuing forever.  But understand, that all forever brings you back to is your God Source, the connection of the God within you.  That you came from you will return to.  It has been said that you come from the stars and you will return to the stars, but you come from much more than that, beyond your imaginings at this time. 


But understand that your three dimensional consciousness is adapting, is changing  and soon you will be able to understand and feel the frequency, the vibration that we know and understand.  Soon that will come back to you.  But you must wait a little bit longer. 


Each one of you here in this room and to each one that may be listening or reading, know that you are the Ones that are here for a reason.  You are those that have been called the Lightworkers, The GateKeepers., The Pillars of Light.  You are those and as you are those you will continue to be all that you came here to be.


There is no separation except for that separation that you have made for yourselves.  So believe in yourselves my brothers and my sisters.  And know yourselves as we know you.  We know you as beyond the GodSource of this Center of this galaxy, even of this Universe.  So trust, trust in all that is coming to you in the next days and weeks ahead.  For as it comes to you, it will resonate within you.  And you will feel it and know it as coming from the Source. 


That is my message.  I am Michael of the Sun and will be with you in other times to come.  All Peace and Love be with each and every one of you as you continue on your journey back to the stars.


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated


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 One Who Serves:

We know you have questions, but before we  answer them, understand that all is as it should be and nothing has gone astray.  All is happening in its time as it is meant to be.  There is no way of knowing when the time comes for you, each one, to have your experience because you are already having that experience. It is already happening now as we speak here because each one in their own time, in their own way is going to have the experience they are meant to have and at that point and moment when they are meant to have it, you see? 


So have no concerns about this, all that has been said from the many various sources are all in many ways correct.  They are all coming together to understand the totality of all that is meant to be at this time, all that is occurring and all that is to be to create the ONEness on this planet, to create the unity consciousness that you all want.  So have no fear and no concern and no disappointment. 


We understand much has been built up for that particular day of the 21st and certainly this one we are speaking through had this concern as well, but understand there was a focus for that to be on this day.  All across the planet many were focused on this time, this day, this moment in many different ways and different expressions and because of putting all those expressions on this day created this day and created the explosion of the light that came into this planet.  It focused it like a mirror focusing all into one area and creating the flame.  If you take a mirror and focus it down on something that is flammable from the sunlight coming down and focus it and focus it, the more it will flame up.  This is what it was and it was meant to be this way. 


Nothing is awry here.  All is as it is meant to be, so have no concern here.  Also understand that those things that have happened in the past when you see or hear of those who have had an experience, a glorious experience of going up into the light and disappearing in front of those very eyes that are witnessing this.  Those times and those things happened yes, but in those times, understand that the consciousness of those on the planet was much lower than it is in these days now.  These days now, much more is higher consciousness so you will not necessarily see that glorious expansion of the light around one who is going through the ascension process.  It is not going to happen that way but for some it may.  It depends on who is experiencing and those that are witnessing this experience.  But for the most part the experience will come when you are alone and not when you are round a lot of people.  You will not be in what you call your mall or something of this nature and all of a sudden ascend.  This is not the way it will be, as it will happen in your home, your bed while you are sleeping or whatever, exactly as it is meant to be.  That is our message, that is what we wish to convey here so if there are any questions you may ask them now and we will do our best to answer whatever questions you have.


“it seems that most people were focused on a dramatic change and external events and where I believe things went off the charts because people were waiting for some kind of external event to happen and I don’t understand and my question is, is this just marketing or drawing in audiences when they talk about all these external things that should happen to bring in the New Age. I think that is where most of the disappointment comes in when there is no external evidence.  Why do these various channels and sources predict or talk about these things that tantalize some people and then it doesn’t happen?”



Understand there was that marketing aspect of all of this throughout your planet so the focus of course was on the 21st in the Mayan calendar, the end times and all of this came into the one day, the one moment.  But you see, this one day was a real moment when what really did happen was spectacular, but you could not see it, because you were not at that view point and vantage point.  From our point of view it was spectacular and there were fireworks because the earth herself has moved up or back from where she came from.  She has moved from the lower third dimensional experience up into the fifth dimension into the heart of Gaia and it is spectacular that this would be and this would happen, but understand that throughout the planet many focuses were on this, yes some to make money as that is which your system is based upon at this time now and soon to change, but understand that is what it was. 


So there is no concern here as all has occurred as it was meant to be.  There were those various aspects that came together because of the focus on that particular day and moment to create the sensational effects.  But again understand it was because it was meant to be to focus as the mirror focusing this sunlight from the higher heavens, the Central Sun itself.  So you see people, it worked!  It did exactly what it was meant to do.  Now comes the point where you are finding yourselves, in the moment that you are now ready to move on.  And what would you move on to?  You would move on to continuing your expression, but your expression at the Higher levels of your being.  For you would focus more and more on truly who you are and what you are about.  That is what you are meant to do and yes you will have the fireworks within yourself.  You will have that expression, it will be there, but you have to be patient until it comes but ready when it does come.


“why did you build us up for this day and kept telling us, it is going to happen shortly when now you are telling us you have to be patient and wait for it to happen.  Well that is not how you led us to believe in the beginning so why is everyone changing their mind now?”



We understand your frustration our brother and we welcome it, as again, all is meant to be the way it is.  If you feel that you were, what is word here, duped you might say as we know this James uses that word and in some ways he felt this way as well that day.  Much that happened here as we’re speaking from the James experience, he went through various expressions of letting go of things.  Those things which were held deep down that he did not even know were there, came flooding to the forefront and the experience in this letting go.  You see that is what you must do, you must let all of this go.  There is no reason to be frustrated.  We understand you felt high highs, thinking this would be the day we will all go up in a flash of light in the violet flame.  But that was not meant to be the way it is, but you see it was focused that way specifically so that you would be ready for it, to create the expression, to be ready for that particular moment as Gaia Herself moved into her higher expression.  It was not in any way by any source that was a legitimate source, meant to dupe you.  This was not the expression and by the way we don’t work that way.  That is not the avenue of expression we use but we have our ways and things we must do and things we cannot say and express to you all the time purposely.  But understand you are on the verge, my brother who has asked this question as are each one of you here on the verge of something wonderful.  Know it may not be tomorrow or the next day, but focus not on the day, not when it is going to happen, but that it is going to happen, that you are going to have the expression, possibly when you least expect it.  When you are feeling the bliss, when that begins to come over you and your awareness increases and you are moving forward on the release of the next part, the Beingness of who you are, when you become who you were meant to be, who you have always been, you see?  Does this answer your question or do we need to be more succinct here?


“no, it answers it, thank you.”



Have no concern here, we know it has been difficult, we know much has been built up for this day but it is all purposeful and it will all come out, what is your saying, “in the wash”.  You will see and you will look back and notice all of this year you have just gone through will be a passing memory very shortly.  Things are still going to happen, those things outside of yourself that are going to occur, those things which are a part of the new Golden Age.  But who is creating the Age?  You are, each one of you are creating this.  Your expression of what you create of what you want it to be, will be what it’s going to be, you see?  You are each a part of this, of the ONE.  When I said to you the last time your group met, what did I say to you?  I said,” now more than ever, Be the ONE”.  Be the ONE that you are meant to be, together that you are. 


There is going to be a concordance of groups that are going to be meeting more and more creating the awakening process across the planet.  It is going to increase exponentially now that the Earth has moved up in frequency and is locked in there.  There is no turning back now, nothing that can hold it off.  Even those forces of darkness are going to be filled with the light and they will either accept the light or turn away from it.  That will be up to them, but the light is here now


“I think the real challenge is people that look for evidence and if the evidence isn’t super apparent, they become disillusioned.  We are looking for evidence, but the whole time, isn’t it up to us to decide how our lives are going to go”.


Yes, what is evidence but a 3rd dimensional frequency which you have held on to.  “Show me proof,” but that is not in the higher dimensions.  We know it would make you very happy and it will come when it is ready for you, each one.  That is how the expression is growing, that is how it is coming, so be at peace, be at ONE and at ONEMENT.


“is there a way to help people understand that the gates have been opened and the new age is a upon us and that it wasn’t a grand entrance but it is still up to us to continue our awakening and how do we help people who are so disappointed”?



That is a very good question.  The gates have been opened as you have said.  All of the gates have been opened and there are no more yet to open.  There is one more connection that is to be ready which will happen very shortly in the Himalayan area in that valley where there is what is considered the power grid.  That is being reconnected finally and that will create an influx of light going across the planet from one end to the other.  But as to your question directly as to how you can help others, you can help by being the shining light yourself.  That is the only answer my sister.  Be the light yourself, be the ONE.  Be the love and the expression of that. Be what ever it is that works for you, but be that.  That is how people will respond to you more directly rather than through what you say, it is what you express.  It has been said by many that “you are the ones you have been waiting for”, so become those ones now.  The time is here.  This is the time now to begin your missions if you have not already.  You each have a mission you are about to embark on.  It is just not coming to you in the explosion that you expected here, as this one we are speaking through expected that and was disappointed without it, but many across the planet were as well. 


You have everything now to be grateful for and to look forward to.  It is going to be glorious and is already so, for as we look down at you from our vantage point, we see the light everywhere and the lights within you are growing and expanding.  Continue now to let those lights expand within you and all is in front of you and will be a part of you and you will be an expression of the new earth which is already in process now.  If there are no further questions now, we will release the channel.

Shanti, peace be with you. Be the ONE!


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated




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Note from James:

Although, I always type or transcribe exactly what is channeled, I hesitated to put this date (deadline) on the Internet as these things have thus far shown to seldom come true. However, it would seem that at some point, things will have to begin in earnest and this is the first time my sources have given an exact date, so here it is. Also, I am aware that Ashtar also gave the same date of November 4th. We will know shortly if this is accurate

 One Who Serves:

 Greetings. Good to be here with you in this way, so enjoying these times that we can be here with you and be of service in any way that we can, for certainly that is what we are called, we are The One Who Serves.  And, that is what we do, we enjoy it so much when we can be this way with you, but understand that very shortly many of you, if not all of you and then others that read these words after this, will be experiencing us in a more personal way because as you know there is that which is called the ascension process that is upon you now in a very short time. You will be experiencing these things that have been talked about and have been spoken of through many different sources and in many different ways. You will have experiences that are beyond your mind, what you say will blow your mind. You will have these experiences and they will be wonderful but you have no idea yet of what is to come, what it is going to be like.  Several of you do here but others do not and you will experience much that you have been preparing for eons of time.  Now, I will release here for another. Sananda willl speak with you and then I will be back, ok.



I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time, in this momentous occasion, this time that is fast approaching now, times you have been waiting for, for a very long time.  For long, long time ago and yes in a galaxy far, far, far away, you experienced what is called a conclave. Many of you were there if not all of you in this room and many others that will read these words, were there at that time with me and many others who were ready to experience a new evolution on this planet for the earth.  Earth was calling out, earth was calling out in dyer need, that there needed to be a change, a transformation on the earth and in the earth, and those people that were there at that time, those of you that were there, you experienced a tremendous love, a love that was unbridled at that time. You were in a direct connection with the God Source. If you could remember back to this time as I am speaking these words, you will know and understand that which I speak of here.  For, it was a grand time, a grand reunion, a grand union of people coming together to be of service, for that was the only thing that mattered at that time, was to be of service and you knew you were going to come to be of service to the earth and to the people of the earth.  But, understand that at time many of you were called to this conclave but very few were chosen. You had to be chosen to be a part of this, you had to be of the Elect and yes it is the same as the Elect from your bible. They are one and the same. You are the Elect, you are the ones who came to be a part of this expression of the earth, to bring her out of the dark ages and into the ages of light and you each one, knew you had a tremendous up hill battle you might say. 


From the very beginning you knew that is was going to be difficult times, you knew you were going to have  tremendous travails to pass through and you knew all along that your path would be very difficult to follow at times. But you also knew that there would be those who would mentor to you, those who would be within you, those who would be within earshot of you where you could reach out and speak to them and ask them for their guidance and they would lead you on and guide you. They would give you that little bit of inspiration that was needed to carry on when it was time for that.  Know and understand, that at this time and at this place and at this moment, you have reached the end of those travails, You have reached the culmination of all that you came here to do, for certainly these are the end time that have been spoken of in the bible.  These are those times when you have prepared to be a part of the new expression on the earth.  It was said a long time ago, by myself as Jeshua, that there would be a new heaven and a new earth, and yes that time is now.  There will be a new earth, there will be a new heaven on earth, and you will be a part of that, each one of you, to be a part of this new expression, this new love that will cascade across the entire planet and it is already doing so because as we look from our vantage point we see millions of flickers of light everywhere and those lights are becoming brighter and brighter and they are spreading through the darkness that has once been there but is now fast diminishing. 


So understand that those of you that came here with me in that time long ago, those of you are ready now to move and take the next step, those things that you have been brought here for, that you brought yourself here for. You are being prepared now to go into action, to go about your mission that you have been called here for.  Several of you here have already been on your mission, have already been working on it, and others of you will be called very shortly to assume your position in this mission that you have taken on.  Do understand as you continue this process, as you continue this journey, you have all the help from the celestial heavens that you could possibly ask for. We are all here to assist you, no one will be left behind, understand that.  For as the times come very shortly, you will be experiencing that which is the Ascension process, that which has been spoken of in many different realms, from many different sources you will experience that very shortly and it will be different for all of you.  All of you will have your own experience of this. Several of you have already been having those experiences and you will fast be approaching that which is the next experience for yourselves.  That is my message but also understand that very shortly, very shortly indeed there is an event that is coming a special series of events that will be a part of this expression and you will each be a part of that and know it is very soon, very soon indeed because it is before your fourth of November. Remember that date, for many things are going to be changing before that and even very shortly now.  When those times come, when you begin to see those changes developing you will understand that which we are speaking of here.  That is my message, I am Sananda, my peace and love be with all of you.


The One Who Serves:


Greetings to you once again, One Who Serves back with you. We will not have any message here for that is already been given Are there any questions. Would there be any questions that you would have at this time, pertaining especially to that which has already been given here?


“I have a question. Sananda said November 4th, did he mean that there would be an event on November 4th or the culmination”?


Or before yes.


“So the understanding of the events that would occur during the time before November 4th would be fully culminated on November 4th and then we would understand what was happening”? 


Yes, it would be in terms of many will be looking at this now, many that are not in this group that you find yourself in now but in many other groups, in mainstream you might say, and for the first time, they will take a look at this and might say ‘Oh my god what is happening here what is occurring?’ (Laughter) And you, those of you the lightworkers, will be on your mission at that point, if you are not already.  And, you will know and understand, what you are to do, what you are about here. That will be completely obvious to you at that time, what you are to do when the time arises.  For understand that times are growing very short in this process, for on the December 21stof this year 2012 there is a mass ascension coming and you are all to be a part of it, if you aren’t already by that time. 


“I Have one more question”. If each one would experience an individual ascension process and have a different outcome how could we better prepare that we would have the best outcome that we could have”?


That is very simple my dear sister, be in love at all times. Be in love, love with yourself, yes that certainly, but in love with all around you, everything, the birds, the plants, even the rocks, you see?  For all is consciousness, find yourself expressing your love for all around you and within you and then you will have the greatest expression the greatest experience you will have when the time comes. And as was said earlier another time, that you would go with the flow. This is very important. Go with the flow at all times, let go, stop the resistance. The resistance creates much anguish in your life, let it go. What is the saying from the old Beatles song, “Let it Be,” go with the flow, let the current take you wherever it will.  For understand that the current is God, the God Source moving through you and it will take you as it will. But when you try to swim against the currents, how far do you get? You see, let it take you and experience love all around you, for that will certainly propel you into the higher dimensional frequencies. Does this answer your question Joanna?


“Thank you yes”


Other question here.


“Yes I have a question. Some people are talking about the three days of darkness. Can you connect it with what’s supposed to happen in November to that day?”


No, not before that but understand that the three days of darkness you are speaking of was metaphorically. It was not to be a three days of darkness directly. That was in the old times, that was the prophets of old times that talked about this.  But understand that was also another time line, that was a time line where there were going to be catastrophes and many things like earthquakes and volcanoes and many things destroying much upon the planet, but that is the old timeline.  You are in the new timeline now, you are in the timeline of ascension, you see?  And many have tried to block this timeline from your understanding but they cannot and have not and cannot do that.  So the three days of darkness is not anymore here now. That is not to say you will not experience a little bit of darkness within yourself. You will have that experience but it does not have to be anything in terms of negative expression, it can be very positive because you will be finding yourself at a time in what is called a void and that can be a term of darkness but it is a good darkness you see? Other questions here? 


 “In my situation I’ve lived with someone that’s very much into fear of what’s going on with the government and all that stuff, how can I best balance myself from that energy and be able to serve her and myself at the same time because I find myself just wanting to block and protect myself”.


Yes, and that is number one for you, that is important for you, to block out all negativity, all fear, all of these things for yourself. As to the other, it is good to love that person as much as you can, but do not get caught up in their expression of fear and all of these things, you see?  There are many that will experience this fear in this society, in these cultures, in the world. They will experience that and that will be their expression their understanding of the dangers as the ascension process moves closer and closer.  But you yourselves, who know and understand these processes, you do not have to be a part of that. You can be a part of the love expression, just sail through the whole experience you see? If you go with the current and not against it, you will have a grand experience through out it all. But there will be many who are experiencing fear mongering and all of these things that have been set up previously by the powers that be here on the earth, but that is to be over.  Does this answer your question?


“Yes, thank you”.


Would there be further questions here? Very good energies here extremely good we could go all night here but we won’t. (Laughter)


“Do you have a message from Ashtar”?


Ashtar, my brother yes. He also has said the same thing that was given by the Sananda. He has said also that there are changes coming directly in terms of even time period here.  But understand that we are very reluctant to give time frames because in times past when times have been given these have not been met, but also understand that there are points of no return, there are points where these things are written in stone, so there is going to be great change coming very shortly here and the Ashtar himself is a part of this great change, as is Sananda and many, many others. For many of us, all of us have been waiting for this time period for a long time because you see, as you ascend ,you will be moving into our place and we can move further on you see?  So as you are of service to us, we are of service to you. It is a synchronicity, a relationship rather, you see? Does this answer your question?


“Yes”. Is there an opportunity to see our star brothers come to Phoenix or some place in Arizona?”


Are you talking about your galactic family? Yes, certainly you will be experiencing that in many different ways and many of you in this room and again many who read these words, you will be experiencing incredible times here. You will be reuniting with old friends and family from long ago that you have forgotten here in your three dimensional understanding at this time, but you will be reuniting with many of them. And many of you here will be on ships and experiencing those levels of expression that you once had at that time, and there are many who are ready and waiting to welcome you with open arms, and as has been said before by other sources, there is a great ceremony planned, great ceremony indeed to welcome you back to the higher dimensions once again out of your duality. It;s been a tough road, has it not? (Laughter) Aren’t you ready to get out of this?


“The earth herself, will she not be present in third dimesion anymore?”


There will be time, an expression of time here, where there will be a three dimensional earth and the higher dimensional earth at the same time in terms of those who go on early in the ascension process will be coming back to assist those who lag behind. You might say, in terms of a race, if you were to be in a marathon race, there are those who jump out to the front and make it all the way in high speed and they are the ones who finish first, you see? There will be those of you who will do that.  Then there will be those of you, who will kind of chug along but they will finish the race, they will come after those that move into the forefront. And there will still be those who will at times stop and walk and at the last second, at the last moment when they can, they will be ready to kick down the door of ascension and move into that because they do not want to be left behind you see? But it is important for those who do not even know about ascension and that is many, many people here, do not even know what ascension is, no idea except in terms that which Jeshua went through, had to die on the cross and then to ascend in that way.  But they have no idea that it is not necessary to die anymore to have this expression, you see? 


“So the earth will remain in the third dimension”? 


There will be a portion of it, yes that will, but it will not for long.  It is only enough to allow the others to move forward.  Those that are not ready to move forward and there will be those who have not chosen either through their soul contracts or through their conscious knowing self at this time, they will choose to remain in three dimension you see, and they will be acclimated into a new understanding a new expression for themselves in a sense a new planet you might say.


“So whats the difference between those that stay behind and those that choos to go forward, whats the main difference?”


The main difference is that they will be at a higher frequency vibration they will be experiencing what you call nirvana, you see.  And you will be out of that which is the duality expression that you are used to here, which you have been doing for many lifetimes here. Anything further here?


“Yes, is an encounter with the galactic family is that ascension portion or is that just a welcome or a visit or encounter of our galactic family?”


Are you speaking in terms of going up on ships and that is your ascension? That is not correct. You will not be beamed up on ship and that type of thing and that is your ascension. You see, you must ascend first, you must have a higher frequency vibration to then be with your galactic family.  But you who are asking this question, certainly that is your expression, that is what you come from and that is what you will be returning to with your galactic family. 


 “Well I’ve had experiences before with the fourth dimension, but now in the three dimension, is it going to take me to fifth dimension, the ascension?”


Yes the ascension process is to move from the 3rd dimension to the 4th and 5th dimensional frequencies but understand that those that do go on in experiencing this ascension process, there will be times when they will be drifting back and forth you see? They will go on and experience higher frequencies and at times be pulled back because the body tends to pull you back the sense of that which you know will tend to pull you back a little bit but be ready to let go.  This is why we say, let go, be with the current be in love and then you will experience all you want to hear you see. 


“What will happen with our bodies, our three dimensional bodies?”


Your three dimensional bodies will be converting or changing into a more crystalline body to be able to take the light in more fully.  The more light that you can take in the higher your frequency vibration moves. Is this understood?


“Uh sounds really difficult”.


You will not be doing it in terms of a classroom and you have to follow the teacher, it is not that type of thing, and it cannot be done wrong. There is no wrong or right here, that is why we say go with the flow. Your Higher Self, your Higher God Self knows how to do this process and there is a portion of you that is part of that, of course and you have done this process before. You see, each one of you here in this room, or you would not be here, you have each ascended previously in other time and many of you are what are called the system busters. You have gone through time after time, lifetime after lifetime, experience after experience, planet after planet, system after system, and you have gone into those systems and changed things and you are doing it again. Here now, the question will come, when the time comes, do you want to do it again and many of you now would say, “Hell No” (Laughter) you see, not just “No” but “Hell no” not doing this again, time to move on and you certainly have earned that right to do so.  Anything further here?


“ I have a quick question in reference to November 4th. I don’t see anything in the mainstream”.


And that is a good thing.


“Is that going to matter, as far as what I hear about the changes? Will we still get word about what is happening?


Yes, because you will not be able to not know it. It will not be possible to not know what is happening. Anything further here? Then we will release the channel. Understand now as you continue on in your journey, in your experience, in your expression of love, find more and more that expression within yourself because that is what is going to catapault you onward. Find it within your heart, open your hearts to the light and let that light flow in and you will have a grand experience and we will be here waiting for you when you come, when you cross the threshold. Shantee, Peace be with you. Be the ONE.


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated

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