The Power Of Herbs – Full Herbal Medicine Documentary
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Herbal medicine, also known as herbalism or botanical medicine, is a medical system based on the use of plants or plant extracts that may be eaten or applied to the skin. Since ancient times, herbal medicine has been used by many different cultures throughout the world to treat illness and to assist bodily functions. While herbal medicine is not a licensed profession in the United States, herbal remedies in the form of extracts, tinctures, capsules and tablets as well as teas may be recommended by healthcare practitioners of many different disciplines as a practical way to address a wide variety of medical conditions.

This video is related to the following subjects:

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documentaries national geographic,
documentaries bbc,
documentaries alternative medicine,
documentaries about herbalism,
documentaries about herbal medicine,
documentaries health,
alternative medicine documentary,
herbal medicine documentary,
holistic medicine documentary,
healing herbs,

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The Power Of Herbs – Full Herbal Medicine Documentary…
