Photo: Shine and illuminate the world around you with your peace and presence and let your light been seen by all. You can do this without saying a word -Art by Steve Truett

For the last several years myself and others have been busy getting rid of Trolls, shrills and debunkers on this site and it has been quite a job and not easy for they fight back and attack in anyway that they can. But one by one we got rid of them, many of them were payed by the DC,some even admitted it. Fewer and fewer new ones came on and just when we thought we were winning we discovered that many of the False flags events that we thought were coming from our Mentors were actually coming from the "VISITORS". And getting rid of them has been even a more difficult task, they keep coming back again and again. These Visitors are very good at what they do, they can immatate any and all of our Mentors including Ashtar, Sananda, even Prime Creator, thinking that if we rebuke Ashtar, Sananda and others we would not Dare to rebuke our Creator but we did rebuke them all, cause we learned how to take them down, they mix truths with untruths, they never addresse why there predictions like Disclosure never come true. They blame it on us.

This is all designed by the DC and Visistors to make us disbelieve in our Mentors and to argue amongst our selves. And all of that did happen and more and was allowed to happen because this is a open site. So of course I go after them as soon as I see them here with there False Flags. But these Visitors are very persistent and as a group mind they are extrmly powerful. The "Allies of Humanity" has warned us about them, in fact it was they who has given us much info as to how to fight them, which is what i have been doing but hey have fought back. Mostly by messing up my blogs while I write, it took me 2 hrs and two different days to finally get my post up two wks ago. And last wk when I was writing the blogs exposing Beth Tuitwin and the false Flag Astar blog she posted , they attacked my mind, while I was trying to write, My screen began moving, swirling around, I could not read my words on the screen. I had to bring in white light energy for protection and AA-Michael, then it finally stopped. I am telling this so people know they are powerful. They use a group mind consciouness so be very careful.

So just when we think we were getting ahead a little bit by winning the last dispute, I noticed sometimes those comments on the side by a private Discussion group Aniu-Ra. It seemed a lot like dark occultism. Most of it was being directed by a guy called Frenzy and then later Peter. I let it go for I had bigger fish to catch. But I began to see it more and more with a lot of younglings and newly awakened and unawakened ones following along in all of this mysticism and occultism which many of the New Age light workers are really cought up in. Then yesterday a friend sent me a link on them with no reason why,

 Comment by Feather Winger yesterday

I went to the Discussion and they were trying to say that there are many good people into the DC-Illuminate that not the whole Group of Black Loges were bad. To me reading this it sounded like they were again trying to promote and integrate the Illuminate into the New Golden Age movement on this site. All of that junk and untruths has no place here.

So while we were busy fighting the DC-Visitors intruding on the outside as false channeling and the Trolls, the Cancer was growing on the inside and this cancer is getting quite large and must be removed now before it infects the whole site. The younglings and Padawans don't know any better and those new comers to this site. They are being mislead and drawn towards the Dark-side. So we are being attack on all sides at once. I can only do so much, many people think its ok for this propaganda to go on inside of this site but I don't, its part of the DC-Visitors program to take us down. If we did not fight back in the last couple of yrs this site as we know it now would not be here!! So I took it upon myself once again to expose this cancer and sent out comments on this site, hopeing that people will wake up before its to late and or stop this discussion group or at least stay away from it. One of the people besides Frenzy was Peter Immanual leading it. Below is is his comment and then mine. The rest is up to you again,Discretion is important!

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Peter Immanuel said

Dear Joshua , I can't say I'm surprised by your remarks about the masons etc. but to go right ahead and label me as DARK CABAL out of hand is just plain RUDE , UNFAIR AND DOWN-RIGHT UNTRUE and with THAT I find offence my friend . I was both a Rosicrucian and a freemason that is true but as it happens that was a rather long time ago now , over 35 years ago actually . And after rejecting the bloody ILLUMIMATI all those many years ago , my life was virtually destroyed so very many times that it beggars description . All I was saying was that there really are good people in those places and it is sadly to my way of thinking unfair to point the finger of blame at them ALL and label them ALL AS EVIL INCARNATE .

I MYSELF KNOW FULL WELL THAT THERE ARE SOME IN THERE THAT ARE EXACTLY WHAT YOU DESCRIBE , FOR THEY TRULY ARE JUST THAT , EVIL INCARNATE , I DON'T DENY ANY OF THAT , I would know that's for sure because they been trying their level best to kill me ever since that , apparently they don't like it when people tell them to go stick it when they go to all the trouble to invite you in , and well , I told them TWICE , so they must be twice as pissed hey . What I am doing is standing up for those who aren't cut from that cloth my friend . For did not the lord say JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED AND BY THE SAME CRITERIA YOU YOURSELF SET . By the way our group is private and has only been open to view by mistake actually . And anyway all I'll say is I'm certainly not who you seem to think I am that's for sure .

I Replied;

Well I apologize, but what I read from the link of your private group Aniu-Ra,you still hold the Illuminate with high standards. That DC group is evil and that includes all of the 100 black lodges starting with the head of the group The "Freemasons" Its good that you are out of it and that you are still alive. But if you have turned to the light then you should give up explaining to younglings about the groups as though there are good. There are few good people in them if they stay in the group. Mostly it sounds like you are still trying to promote the Illuminate. I have set in on several of these Discussions that are full of Occultism trying to tie it into the New Age movement that the DC has infiltrated. If you are truly removed from the DC and the Illumanate and Freemasons, then you should not promote them but warn people about them and to stay away from them for they are Satan worshippers and this site has no room for such things.

I don't understand how Ben lets such a occult Private Discussion group exist like Aniu-Ra, within this site that is supposed to be a spiritual site. To have the DC inside of us here at ACC is like having a wasp hive inside your home and if you don't get rid of them quick then they are going to cause serious problems. Bettr to get rid of them while they are still small instad of waiting till they are large and nearly to big to get rid of safely.I see nothing of the light in it and it should not be allowed and I will do my best to see that such things are disbanded. The Demons are within you,..JC.

You cannot Enter into the light with "Dark Companions". You cannot enter alone, you can only enter with your true Brother of the light...JC...Adonai

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  • If there are no lessons for spiritual expansion on oneself, then there is chaos. And I fail to equate chaos with the light. Cold realities are not darkness, and you can't have light without darkness. Both co-exist, yin and yang. Furthermore, understanding the reality of the lies told to us from spiritual hierarchys (and those who get a lot of media attention) is part of one's spiritual expansion AND understanding of reality that one must deal with. It sounds like you understand this. 

  • The light doesn't just happen and you enter. Before you enter the light, you must understand the lessons and the cold realities (i.e. darkness) of this present lifetime that got you here from your past lifetime. Otherwise you will return to the same cold reality again, and probably with more complex issues of suffering to deal with. Understanding that there isn't a reality within this present reality (and also understanding that there is a reality one must deal with) is one of these important lessons. Otherwise you'll have to deal with the same reality again in the next lifetime.


  • Hello! dear rev. Joshua! 

    You may think about the following proberv.

    "Go home and kick the dog."

    It was true to become for most lightworkers very dissapointed with the Citizen Hearing Disclosure Issue!

    But, why did you assault the Ainu Group? This group has absolutuley never promoted and advertised the D.C. Hearing for Disclosure anymore!

    So, please CALM your temper of Mind, and we should not "disperse from ONENESS."


    As I know, you are also and always towards to the LIGHT BEINGS, I KNOW!

    So, please deliberate yourself of mind Deeply, once more and Think About We are ONENESS!


    - youngling of lightworker, SEBANYOTH. <3 <3 <3






  • This is merely a personal thought form.

    Man is constructing thought-forms all the time, and is following unconsciously the same method as his Ego pursues.  A man speaks, and a very diversified mantram is the result. The energy thus generated swings into activity a multitude of little lives which proceed to build a form for his thought; they pursue analogous stages to those just outlined. At this time, man sets up these mantric vibrations unconsciously, and in ignorance of the laws of sound and of their effect.

     Much that is to be seen now of a distressing nature in the world can be directly traced to the wrong manipulation of mental matter by man. The selfishness, the sordid motives, the prompt response to malevolent impulses for which the human race has been distinguished, has brought about a condition of affairs unparalleled in the system. A gigantic thought-form hovers over the entire human family, built by men everywhere during the ages, energised by the insane desires and malicious inclinations of all that is worst in man's nature, and kept alive by the promptings of his lower desires. This thought-form has to be broken up and dissipated by man himself.

         Facing each earnest aspirant of the Mysteries, is that vitalised form which he has himself constructed and nourished during the course of his previous incarnations, and which represents the sum total of his desires, motives and thoughts.

    The average man is often the victim of his own thought-forms. He constructs them, but is neither strong enough to send them out to do their work, nor wise enough to dissipate them when required.

        There is no life so circumscribed and no person so situated who cannot begin to work intelligently and to build thought-forms under law and with understanding. There is no day in any man's life, particularly if he is an aspirant or a disciple, when a man cannot work in mental matter, control his use of thought, watch the effect of his mental processes on those he contacts, and so handle his mind substance . . .

     A thought-form can also act as a harming mediator and contagion. . . .A violent dislike, a gnawing worry, a jealousy, a constant anxiety, and a longing for something or someone, may act so potently as an irritant or venom that the entire life is spoilt, and service is rendered futile. The entire life is embittered and devitalised by the embodied worry, hatred and desire.

    All relationships with other people are rendered equally futile or even definitely harmful, for the worried or suspicious aspirant spoils the home circle or his group of friends, by his inner mephitic attitude, governed by an idea. His relation to his own soul and the strength of the contact with the world of spiritual ideas is at a standstill, for he cannot progress onward, and is held back by his harmful mental system. His vision becomes distorted, his nature corroded, and all his relationships impeded by the wearing, nagging thoughts which he himself embodies in form and which have a life so powerful that they can poison him.

     There is necessity for clear thinking and the elimination of idle, destructive and negative thoughts, becomes increasingly apparent as the aspirant progresses on his way. As the power of the mind increases, and as the human being differentiates his thoughts increasingly from mass thought, he inevitably builds thought substance into form.

    It is at first automatic and unconscious. He cannot help so doing, and fortunately, for the race, the forms constructed are so feeble that they are largely innocuous, or so in line with mass thought that they are negligible in their effect. But as man evolves his power, and his capacity to harm or to help increases, and unless he learns to build rightly, and correctly to motivate that which he has built, he will become a destructive agency and a centre of harmful force -- destroying and harming not only himself, but equally hurting and harming those who vibrate to his note.

     The selfish words, sent forth with strong intent, build up a wall of separation. Long time it takes to break that wall and so release the stored-up, selfish purpose. See to thy motive, and seek to use those words which blend thy little life with the large purpose of the will of God or whatever you believe in.

          The word of hate, the cruel speech which ruins those who feel the spell, the fatal gossip, passed along because it gives a thrill -- these words kill the flickering impulses of the soul. If spoken in the light of day, just retribution will they bring; when spoken and then registered as lies, they strengthen that illusory world in which the speaker lives, and holds him back from liberation.

  • People join side groups so that they can have conversations about things they find important, and they are more likely to get their point across privately than on the public forums.  I don't agree with the Allies of Humanity, but you are welcome to your own opinions, it's unfortunate that you are judging others through their eyes.  I agree that there are trolls here, but they don't go to groups, they like to be up front and public, getting as much attention as they can. 

    Esoterics have been persecuted long enough, I suggest learning more about the ancient wisdom teachings, it will give balance and understanding. 

    I'm surprised Benarion has allowed this discussion, it's close to hate-speech regarding other members. 

  • Dear Joshua, why these things happen? To join this group you have to pass a test. Then I have to say that those who want to enter pretending to be who actually is not really big and then shoots her, telling lies? But what are the real funnels? Of whom we trust, since we are in Ashtar Sheran Command? And he says in this regard that the Commander of those who often usurps his name? I also wrote to Aniela Michaela about it, but I have not received any answer ... is there someone who can give the true answers? These people here are recorded from every part of the earth, and it is assumed that being part of this group, at least have a clear idea that this is not any site, but a spiritual site, to talk about many things, but above all for respect each other, love each other, and follow the path of light! And then we are waiting to get in 5D ... let's do it in the best way possible, without conflict, anger and epithets, ... and pray intruders who come in disguise ... once in here, at least audition to learn something, it does not hurt anyone, a little 'common sense it takes forever! With the hope that everything returns to normal and above all in the light of the truth, I salute you! A hug bright!
    Elizabeth <3

  • Hello Joshua.....I must confess to agreeing with what Feather Winger has said below....

    However, you have my support regarding your tireless work in helping to remove the real trolls from ACC....But I'm certain that friend Peter does not number among them...and the world "occult" simply means in hidden energies that cannot be seen visually....There are several secret sacred societies who truly serve the Light and do not follow selfish agendas.....They have great esoteric knowledge......

    Kind regards, Drekx

This reply was deleted.

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