
Those who are aware of the change of frequencies may have noticed a surge in energy within their human vehicles....This is all in place for the next stage of human consciousness... teachings are now being dissolved one by one and within each individual who is able to see these teachings active within their energy system....the human race has now moved into the golden age and is moving out of the harmonisation process... the breaking down and dissolving of human system and society will now start, we guide for all to become aware of the thoughts and the feelings...


Oct.27th, 2012

Greetings we are the energies that are known as TRIANGULUM and we are here to guide and support as the planet now rises in frequency and begins the movement into the higher dimensions. Those who are aware of the change of frequencies may have noticed a surge in energy within their human vehicles, connections to those around you may have also increased and deepened with many able to walk the inner landscape of those around you and remember the dialogues that take place.


This is all in place for the next stage of human consciousness and as more and more begin now to flex the senses long denied to them the increase in vibration of the whole planet begins. For the ascension of mother earth is the ascension of mother earth it is not the ascension of only "elite" members of the human race and we are here to guide and support to help quell the rising anxiety amongst many within the human race that somehow they will be "left out" or "forgotten".


This anxiety stems from the teachings of those who sought to contain and suppress the human race, teachings were taught that divided, that lowered frequency and that curtailed energy systems, all designed to keep you in "your place" and suppressed and controlled. These teachings are now being dissolved one by one and within each individual who is able to see these teachings active within their energy system. This is the key to the new earth for you are not able to achieve the natural frequency that you are whilst holding tightly on to the teachings that seek to lower that frequency. Do our words resonate?



Each human being on planet earth has free will, has free choice but those choices were curtailed by those who sought to contain and suppress. This has been lifted and now many are able to freely decide the reality that they wish to experience. Your skill in this will hone as you become more aware of this skill within you for you are the creators of your reality and always have been. Those who sought to contain and suppress working to have you believe the smoke and mirrors of external control.


As you now work with the teachings then the new earth will reveal itself to you. Dreams will now begin to anchor on planet earth as the energies that you contain and the energies that you hold are now allowed to bloom. YOU have allowed YOU to bloom, no longer curtailed you are able to bring through that which makes your heart sing and find the support that has always been there but has been denied to you.


Energetically this is the garden of dreams, we guide all of you to dream and to create and to TRUST in SELF for this is the creation of the golden age of the human race. We walk amongst you, space holding and individually guiding and supporting where requested, this will increase as your ablities increase. Many of you may now be aware of energy sparkles, many of you may now be aware of faint outlines around you of the realms and races that have always walked with you.




As you continue to raise your frequency and cleanse the heart then the energies around you will become clearer and more identifiable, the human race has now moved into the golden age and is moving out of the harmonisation process. At any one point across the planet you may move in and out of harmonisation as you rise in frequency. There is a period of harmonisation as you move through the levels of frequency in order then to stabilise the frequency before rising further to the next level. This is an ongoing eternal process and for many of you may feel very strong, please be assured that as you heighten in frequency and begin to stabilise then it will be akin to breathing and you will rise in frequency naturally. So long has the human race being kept enslaved that the intitial rushes of energy may feel extreme, they will come to settle and to harmonise all with ALL.


As we have guided separately the breaking down and dissolving of human system and society will now start, we guide for all to become aware of the thoughts and the feelings that are arising within as this happens. This is a NATURAL occurrence and we guide for you to allow the process to happen. As civilisations grow and prosper and expand then it is natural for outmoded ways of living and BEing to dissolve in order to make way for more supportive ways of living and being to develop. We guide strongly that this is the process that is occurring upon and within planet earth at this time.


Those who sought to contain and suppress the human race are no longer on planet however their legacy lives through the human race and all who have aligned with their vibration. Those who aligned with this vibration will try their hardest to prove that what is being experienced is the end of times. This is NOT TRUTH. They cannot understand vibrationally what is occurring for they have limited their frequency and only understand the rigid paradigms that were created FOR them. We guide for all to pour the LOVE that IS across and within the planet regularly to minimise the distress for all who find themselves in this energetic crisis.


Expansion and growth is now available for all on planet earth. The dreams that you harbour deep within can now be shown and grown for all to see.


We ask that you hold the LOVE that IS within your heart and beam it out around the world, for ALL ARE ONE.




Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved




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