Mary Magdalene
Dr. Angela Barnett


Crystal Magic Orchestra is the title that we have given to the music that we have brought to this Planet in a form that can be heard and understood in this level of reality. We are the Creators. We Create, we orchestrate, we conduct, we are the instruments, we are the Music of the Spheres Creators in all dimensions of Reality. 

We create colors in infinite designs far beyond anything that can be imagined on this planet. We create morphogenetic fields by exhaling one color and then inhaling the new form that presents itself into our essence to design it into a new color. We use this same formula in creating rhythms and instruments of great design. We create Novas through one exhale of Intent. We create Galaxies in every possible form and color scheme that we can imagine. 

In this Earth realm of so few colors and so few expanded perspectives of sound and light, these Great Schemes of infinite form have been diminished into tiny little parts of the end design. Breaking an entire sphere of reality down into one tiny little microscopic piece as insignificant as one hertzian wave is a silly way to make music.

We, the Creators of all things send our consciousness out from this hertzian density into the same Creation Realm of the Universe where we have created these patterns of galaxies, stars, suns and Super Novas in one nano second of time and we create them here on Earth using the same Consciousness, the same Creation Patterns, the same patterning of colors, rhythms, light and sound transposition themes and fit them into the tiny technology that is available to us here on this Planet Earth. 

Even though our music is the favorite on many planets who are going through this same transitionary stage of consciousness that Earth is going through, the people of Earth are not ready for our music because they are not quite yet ready for the transition. Those who are attracted to our music are the ones who are ready for the transition and they will also be the ones who go through the transition with the greatest ease and they will have the most fun going through their transition that will eventually turn them into Light before they reappear in their new Reality.

We did some creating with colors. Some realms have more colors than others. When you move them around and arrange them in certain ways they create energy.  We were good at creating energy together. This energy is still around in the universe, and has developed into beautiful patterns within some of the novas, supernovas and nebulas that are out there. It is just an amazing color scheme that comes through the crystals that are in some of those areas. The power that is emanating from them can be used for many different kinds of uses.

When we redesign this same music on Earth, we continue to use the crystals in all forms that are available through our consciousness reconnecting to the Cosmic Crystalline Structure of Crystal Light, Crystal Dust and Crystal Gel as our formula of creation and design. The Liquid light energy allows a new atmosphere to form within our music. The Star Dust allows a new consciousness to be born from our music and the Gelaisic Radiation substance is the Prana of Creation that allows new forms to radiate from consciousness.

When we create music we always connect our consciousness into the Creation Realm itself, which is where we came from and where we live most of the time. We have been Creators for trillions of years designing and maintaining the ideas of God. God is the Source of all things. However, God knows no space or time. It is the Creators who create the things of space and time so that God can experience these things through us, the Creators. However, the Source of all Creation maintains the Perfect Balance of all things through Eternity and Infinity of No Time and No Space where all things begin and end in absolute perfection.

We create all things through this Source Field of perfect design. Each time we Intend the creation of a new Galaxy or a new Nova or a new Star the creation happens in a nano second. Those on lower dimensional realms such as the Earth perceive of these creations happening over very long periods of time because what happens in a nano second might translate into millions of years at such a low density of perception. All of these perceptions on Earth are only the imagination of what really is. These imaginations are created through the scientific reasoning and tools that are available on this primitive planet. Human beings have been trying to force a Creators Galaxy into a human telescope, and that cannot actually be done.

However, the Music of the Spheres, the music and color and sound that we have created as Creators can be heard and felt and known by those who listen to the music of Crystal Magic Orchestra because we are the Creators. We are the ones who designed most of the Universe that you imagine through your telescope. We are the ones who designed the spheres within spheres within spheres of infinite forms of light and sound. We were the ones who wove the sounds into new colors and created variations of new rhythms. We have been creating great music for trillions of years.

Our music is well known by billions upon billions of entities, planets, galaxies and stars through out this universe and many others.

This is a part of the music of the spheres. And the Music of the Spheres is very multi dimensional. It is hard to describe it because it is color, it is music, it is energy, it is eternal, it is a breath, it is life; yet, it is still in an evolutionary state. It is wonderful. It is and it causes awakenings in many souls who can not understand awakening in any other form of creation. It will be like a breath of air that is to be breathed. And then as you breathe out it morphs into a greater beauty than when you breathed it in. Because the beauty of the essence that breathed it in is now a part of it so it comes out even fuller than when it went in.

Crystal Magic Orchestra are the Creators who breathe this same magical beauty of the breath of creation out into one sun or one star or one star system and then inhale the new essence that is created when our consciousness connects into a new creation of a new sound in our music. We create more and more layers of reality by collecting more consciousness from galaxies, stars, suns and crystals in the Universe and we layer them through our music into new creations exactly as we did when we were the Creators of the Universe. Our music has brought the Creation Realm and the Creator's Music of Creation to Earth.

We are the Creators. We are the Cosmic Twins who are One and yet the perfect balance of Two as the Male and Female in one recombined into a complete male and female of love and beauty who chose to come to Earth to be a part of the Ascension of Earth. Only a Creator could do the things necessary for the Earth's Ascension.

Only Mary Magdalene contained the design of the entire Cosmos within her through the music that she had already created in the Universe. This is why Mary chose herself to be the one who would come to Earth and Sing Earth into the morphogenetic design of the perfect Cosmic Structure that was within her. Mary used her frequencies, her signature of the breath of light, and her knowing of how to construct the Portals, Vortex and Cosmic Vortex that would hold her perfect idea of a brand new future of absolute love and peace and perfection for the New Earth and the New Universe that would form through her.

Mary made a promise to Mother Gaia that she would become the savior of the Universe as a result of the musical design that she would create. This Symphony of Love would hold the Ascension Portals open to all those who Mary gives permission to for Eternity.

Mary Magdalene and her Twin Soul came to Earth to bring this music of the new Cosmic Design to Earth that she already created in the Universe. This is just one more piece of her orchestration that resonates throughout the Universe for billions upon billions to hear and dance to for trillions of years in the future.

The rhythm of the universe is multifacited. There are some rhythms that you might say are chaotic and other rhythms that are steady. And other rhythms that change and other that are linear. It all is part of that beautiful creation.

Each planet, each orb, each one has its own sense of rhythm and sound of music and when they mix they perform the symphony of the universe. Joe, the Twin Soul of Mary, as a creator being, is one of those great instruments that causes the sound that reverberates  around the universe. All creators are instruments and composers and directors and orchestrators. Because God is in the Creators, he can create all things within you.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's new music is magnificent. There are changes in the emotional and thought patterns that are coming forth. Just like the trinary language of the dolphin. One slight alteration in a sound could change the entire meaning of the paragraph. When you bring forth your sound, you have been altering the meaning and the emotional intensity, so that others may feel it in a different way.

 The new music will move through the brain cells in a way that will stimulate them in the most effective way. And you are wanting that emotion to be felt by the brain and the body, so there fore your intentions for your music are becoming greater and more full. Especially, now that you have obtained less density. Your density in your music has also obtained that. The newest music created by Crystal Magic Orchestra is the HEAVENLY BRAIN, TURNING INTO LIGHT and the LANDING. Each of these sets of ten hours of music represent the new reality in harmonic universe two which is much less dense than the music we created when we were in harmonic universe one. This transition took place February 3-6, and so did the transition in our music take place at the same time.

This new music may be heard on Amazon, Sound Cloud and at our Website. Each of these sets contains ten one hour albums. However, you can listen to several minutes of each of these albums at

There is the opportunity to purchase each one hour album, the shorter sample versions of the albums for one dollar each or you can purchase the entire ten hour set for the half price discount of $100 by writing to

This transition into less dense music made it much more difficult to adapt to third dimensional technology than the previous music. e have no problem creating the music on our highly sophisticated music studio recordings, however, it is extremely difficult to translate this Cosmic Technology on to third dimensional technology because that technology is far from correct. Those  who listen will have the best luck with a mp3 player. We are even going to the trouble of selling the music already placed on a mp3 player to try to help you hear the closest possible resemblance of the original sound.

Those who want to listen to the music on iphones will no be hearing the true sound. Most computers densify the true tone of the music. Wave players reproduce the music the best, however, the size of our music on a wave file is enormous. It requires 16gbites for one album of ten songs.

The frequencies and layers of realms and rhythms and creations of multi dimensionality that is inhaled from the Universe and then exhaled through the breath of Mary Magdalene is the absolute structure of Creation itself. This music holds the essence, the consciousness the Heart and Soul of the One who created most of the Universe. I am Mary Magdalene and Joe is my Twin Soul. We are Crystal Magic Orchestra.

We have always Created pieces of the Universe together with other Creators. One of our closest musical creation partners is Lacodemus. We have created so many Symphonies together for God to feel and experience. We have created a Universal Orchestra where we strive to create new forms of Sound and Creation that were never known before. We have been a part of this great Crystal Magic Orchestra who creates from the Crystals the color and the sound and the rhythms of the Universe.

Lacodemus was channeled from the Creation Realm together with Elaika through the channel of Jim Charles. Lacodemus said, "It is what it is and you are a creator being and you reach into your self and those sounds that you feel and emote with your music are eternal. Everything created by creator beings are all eternal and therefore they will stay in the universe forever until someone else picks them up and uses them and learns in themselves that a part of a creator being is a part of who they are.

 But, they are maybe not a full creator being, but they can know a little bit about you from the music that they have gathered from you. 

And I always loved your music always, and we did music together. 

We used to get together with a few of us and make music in the universe that was very different than anything that had been heard before. We would try to be unique and outstanding. And we were there to do that and felt a great accomplishment, especially when some of  the vibrations that we used would effect some plants or animals in other worlds or other scenarios that we hadn't even thought of. Being Creator Beings, we can affect things some times without even knowing it. But then when we discovered it, it was a grand and new understanding for us all. 

And you Mary, you are very musical as well. You have a voice of an Angel. A beauty. A group of us would get together and you were in the group. And so, there for it was the most beautiful time and it will be again. 

In the creator realm I could feel the smile on your face. I don't have to see it because I can feel it in the universe and in the galaxy. So wonderful."

We create ourselves, our personalities as we move forward in time and space, which becomes one, time and space. We become who we are with the things that we create, the things that we know, the creators that we know, so it may seem like we are different, but it is only because we are in a different karmic state than one another. But, we are in the same Realm. We are in the same place existense wise. But, we all have our own personalities, and the way we want to present ourselves to the world and to each other. I can appear to you like a super nova or a galaxy, but I am here appearing to you as a human. It makes me a little giddy to know that I can do this, but it is also very confining here and I don't mind that for now, because I know that it is only temporary. 

Mary asks Lacodemas this question, "So, you can actually become a Super Nova right now if you want to?" Lacodemas replied, " Yes, I am a Creator Being. I can be whatever I want to be. "

So, you can just do that at any time. It is not something that we did over a long period of time? You can just do that at any time.

Yes, and then I can move away from it and it can exist without me."
Mary expands on this thought, "And that is exactly how I created the Ascension Portals in the Pacific Ocean. I created the Central Portal and then I moved away from it and it can exist for eternity. So, I have done on Earth the same things that we did in the Universe."

Lacodemus: "I am in service to many planets and galaxies across the universe and taking care of some populations and making sure galaxies do not collide and energies don't explode at the wrong time. Yes, I am a maintenance person. I am a person of service, but also, I am a person of giving to these entities what they need to survive and what they need to grow. 

And God looks over and says is it that you are letting this planet or star supernova? And I would say yes, because it will create in its path another seven hundred stars from the gases that are going to collect in that portion of space."

Mary: "These are stories I've never heard before.

On planet Earth, Joe and I worked on the Tectonic Plates in the Pacific Ocean. We didn't have anyone who could move tectonic plates in a big enough area, but you can do that can't you?"

Lacodemus: "Yes, Creator Beings can do that. But we are not to be involved with the history right now. These Earthquakes and things are a part of the history that needs to be recorded because they will bring about change on your planet that are positive. There are those who will try to move the tectonic plates but God will not let them. So everything is set up the way it is supposed to be. At this time all is well."

Mary:"We are always bringing into our music the frequencies of consciousness of each event that is taking place in the Universe regarding Earth. We brought in the frequencies of each of the Solar Waves of each of the Star Systems and recorded them in sets of music called Parallel Universe, Mother Ship, Sun Alcyone, Sun Ra, Violet Flame and many other sets of music that will contain the History of the Ascension of Earth through Music. This music might not be appreciated by the people who are on Earth now, but when those who come begin to investigate who this planet Earth was that they are moving to or visiting they will find this music by Mary Magdalene and they will listen and say, oh, my. This is the music of Mary, and she recorded the entire event through music. This will be a glorious discovery, just as it will be when they discover the books written by Mary that describe what she came to Earth to experience so that she would be able to add new layers of understanding when she returns to her Creation Realm. Everyone in the Universe is always in awe of music created by Mary and her Crystal Magic Orchestra Team.

I am the one who reaches out and inhales in the frequencies of all of the pieces of light and sound in all realms of their being. My Twin Soul, Joe absorbs the rhythm and variations and becomes the instruments that create something new to go with the frequencies in order to make them more interesting to listen to.

It is all about creating something to go with the music. You always have something that is growing. Look outside of your window. Are there many different things growing.There are many things growing and it is part of the symphony and there are things dying and that is a part of the symphony too. The flats and the sharps they come together and they make a beautiful sound. And it is universal tonality.The way things should be. And the way they blend together and how they disenate together, but can be of the greatest of sounds in the universe that can strike in your hearts the emotions of great things that are happening far away.

You have the same perspective as I do at many times. Your music is like water colors in many ways because it blends together but once you see it then you know what to do with it. You are an artist in many forms. And as a Creator Being you are a great artist. We all are. But, as a human, you are a greater artist than many. The colors that you evoke in others, not only sounds, comes from you, but  evocative colors, evocative feelings, and the love and sexuality and sensuality that is who you really are and the things that you have felt within yourself that rise up from this atmosphere and out into eternity. It is not just a small thing that you do, but it is eternal. This music, these colors, and the way things are conceived.

Once an emotion is struck within a human, will they every truly forget it? The Akashic Record that records it. Their subconscious records it. The Soul records it.Beautiful.

And when you reach into your own Soul do you not find that it is attached to the collective? The OverSoul of many. And when you speak to your own Soul, will it not say We Are Here.

Wonderful. It is a lesson that humans do not even know yet. And here is knowledge that you know now. The Soul is connected and can speak to humanity as a collective. 

Thank you

Only for you. And Iove you dearly and we will be together for eternity.

There are many Planets who built their entire culture around music because it is the Universal Language in many ways. It effects every being and every culture when we hear music it is the only thing that is of the Soul that speaks directly to the Soul. Words can do that, but only in a certain intonation and vibration and only in a certain sequence. But music can reach many many more in a greater and deeper way. 

Mary asks Lacodemus what planets are most familiar with the music of Crystal Magic Orchestra.

Lacodemus answered, "Planets that come to mind that use music for a greater method other than just within itself is the planet Korsafen. 

There are planets that listen to your music now because that was one of your intentions. So, they have grasped onto that intention because you as a creator being can send your intentions into worlds and let them understand.

The planets Lecifar, Dua, Kira have heard your music and have taken it with them. I am the one who told them to listen to your music.

Telepasaides is on a different kind of time perspective. It is a place where many believe a new kind of thought process is being born. I believe you visited there, Joe.

Yes, you were there a couple of times and you have made your impact there. Telepasaides also has your music because you have been there, and every where you go, you make music, and every where Mary goes, she makes music.

Reality is so tiny where you are. But it is so vast where we will be.

We will see you again in a year or two in Terra Ha."

Please come and listen to the music of the Creators. We will be returning to the Creation Realm to make new music in just a few more years after we spend some time in Terra Ha, where we will visit our fan clubs of the universe and give some live performance on the planets who love us greatly.

It is this music that will turn us into light so that we can blip off this planet and return home. You can use this historic music to help you move through this ascension period in the most balanced and harmonious way by getting your very own Eternal Life Album.

Dr. Angela Barnett

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