
...the Pleiadian High Council would first mention...that we are coming into another round of significant evolutionary change....These new energies that we are now facing daily are not only affecting each and every one of us on the path to higher consciousness, but they are also beginning to really effect the ways in which the people of the whole world function...those who were seemingly unaffected by the intensified photonic frequencies in the past will now begin to show signs of increasing volatility...The tide has turned in your favor…the conscious few rule the governing direction of planetary energy now...lets call it ‘the 5D energy’


Sept.19th, 2012

Before we get into the meat of this beefy article, the Pleiadian High Council would first like me to mention, rather, reiterate (from the last report) that we are coming into another round of significant evolutionary change. My feeling is that they are referring to the second of seven Uranus/Pluto squares happening this week (9/19), the equinox (9/22), in addition to the intensifying pressure of the cosmic contractions (10:10, 11:11, 12:12) leading up to our collective birth in December (12/21).


These new energies that we are now facing daily are not only affecting each and every one of us on the path to higher consciousness, but they are also beginning to really effect the ways in which the people of the whole world function… in noticeable ways.



They explain it like this:


The new energies are here now to serve those at the forefront of humanity…lets call it ‘the 5D energy’. These inevitable and unavoidable forces of light are beginning to infiltrate the world at large in a much more physical way than before. By this we mean that those who were seemingly unaffected by the intensified photonic frequencies in the past will now begin to show signs of increasing volatility, just as those of you reading this are undoubtedly noticing the almost comical speed by which time is flying by you. Indeed you are approaching the sacred zero-point where the rapidly increasing compression of time forces itself to collapse as a linear construct.


Moreover, the new frequencies you are now able to perceive and participate with are much more in-line with the new (5D) human prototype than the old (3D) human prototype. This means that those of you who are nearing the completion of your cellular transformation will be subject to the many benefits of transfiguration, while those who are wired to the old harmonic will begin to experience the deterioration of their reality system much more swiftly. This is not to say that these energies will bring undue harm, only that many more will be prompted to look within for answers to the building pressures forcing change.





More than anything I am getting the message for the coming weeks that the role of the new human is not one of saving, healing, or altering external circumstances, but to uphold a sense of order (neutrality) for the new paradigm.


I’ll be the first to admit that this is not as easy as it sounds, especially when it comes to loved ones. There are, and will be, more and more unexpected events/changes in the lives of people we know & love that will at once be brilliant, catastrophic, amazing , devastating, and all divinely ordered.


It’s in these moments that we are called to put our mastery in action because it can be tempting…especially for you healers out there…to try to “save” our friends and family from the purifying fires of hell. Yet, deeply we all know from travailing our own individual versions of hell, that this is ultimately necessary and that even though the fire can get ridiculously hot, we never get severely burned…long as we are “thinking with our hearts”.


The heat is definitely getting cranked up and so we are urged now more than ever, to stay in neutrality and radiate the light of (universal) LOVE…and mostly because falling out of LOVE has more consequences than before.


As we become more adept at carrying the (528Hz) LOVE frequencies in every cell of our being, we also put forth and maintain an energetic equilibrium that is vital to our new-human health, and also to the integrity of the new (planetary) grid…the system that feeds and sustains us as new earth beings.




If we fall prey to the energies around us… that is to say, if we become emotionally entangled or attached to the rumbling drama of the falling world (which will be getting louder)…then we are not only at risk of becoming destabilized, but we also become a major contributor to this outworn reality system.


What we are meaning to convey is that many of you are beyond powerful now in your capabilities as new-human avatars, which means that the slightest intention wields great universal support. If that energy is put to misuse…for example, inadvertently applied to the emotional unrest of the dismantling world…this would, in fact, reinforce its capacity to derail you ten fold. -PHC


In other words, where we put our energy/focus is much more powerful now because, as the PHC said in the last report, the energetics that once served the 3D world are fully “flipped over” and in position to serve the 5D world. So as we enter into more tumultuous times on the planet, our focus on LOVE becomes a much bigger deal.


In fact, our focus on LOVE as the precipitating force behind the core structure of change will increase the possibility of making it so. At the risk of redundancy, the PHC remind us again and again that now is the time to take the bigger view, to remain firmly planted in the truth that LOVE is the foundation for all change. The more we are capable to do this, the more we can significantly reduce planetary suffering on all levels.


NOTE: In the event this information invokes a somber tone or if you’ve been feeling a general sense of anxiety or foreboding looming about, I want to be clear that whatever changes are in store, it’s likely not just one event that will topple things over. Tho system changes continue, and will no doubt increase in succession, the series of shifts that will take place on the micro & macro level will likely be a chain of events that will ultimately restructure major parts of society. Like most things, we will probably notice most of it in retrospect.


We are sharing this strictly to effectuate change at the light-work level, to those who are capable of putting forth great (scalar) waves of LOVE…which will be greatly effective over the ensuing days. The tide has turned in your favor…the conscious few rule the governing direction of planetary energy now .-PHC


If your wondering how to put this information to use, to literally effectuate change in your life, in the world…and even at the universal level…the unseens say what they always do: Just BE LOVE.


So just for shits and giggles I asked…how, specifically, do we just BE LOVE?


By which they replied:



You BE LOVE by refusing to fall into negativity or fear. It’s as simple as that. Each time you override a thought of fear with LOVE, each time you expand your view, each time you remember that ALL IS PERFECT AND WELL, you have won. Remain as a pillar of LOVE, call on LOVE, breathe LOVE in and out. That is all. When you do this with intent to spread LOVE you multiply the flow of adamantine particles which are controlled only by LOVE. Similar to negative ions, these sacred particles release enormous pressure on earth & humanity by easing tension and soothing strain. We can’t think of a better way to change your life and the world.





...[The rest of this post is protected.To purchase full article see below.]... ©Expect Miracles, Inc. 2012 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely.

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  • "What we are meaning to convey is that many of you are beyond powerful now in your capabilities as new-human avatars, which means that the slightest intention wields great universal support. If that energy is put to misuse…for example, inadvertently applied to the emotional unrest of the dismantling world…this would, in fact, reinforce its capacity to derail you ten fold. -PHC


    In other words, where we put our energy/focus is much more powerful now because, as the PHC said in the last report, the energetics that once served the 3D world are fully “flipped over” and in position to serve the 5D world. So as we enter into more tumultuous times on the planet, our focus on LOVE becomes a much bigger deal."

    Oh yes this is what I have noticed, we're so influential on the people and energies around us, very important to stay centered and grounded in the Now, so as not to get caught up in it.  When I get upset, I can shake the world and I affect everyone around me... nature helps the most, and our loving animal friends. 
This reply was deleted.

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