iA52PjubVYkk.jpg?width=350Putin Declares Defeat of New World Order ~ Removes All Globalists from Positions of Power
Posted: 19 Jan 2014 10:23 PM PST
Russian president Vladimir Putin, after winning the popular vote of the Russian people and retaining his presidency in 2012, has declared that he and his administration have identified and removed from all positions of power those men and women who were agents of the New World Order agenda to bring Russia down from the inside by collapsing the economical, political and social structure of his country.

In Putin's victory speech to the Russian people (see video below), Putin praises the Russian people who, he says, recognized the impostors who were attempting to bring Russia down while pretending to love their country.

At this time, the NWO middle management teams who act under the orders of the ruling oligarchs of our world are attempting to destroy from within the United States. This is their mission at this time. Some of you may have learned recently that some of the top globalists have stated that their plans for a New World Order are running up against strong opposition by the people due to the sharing of information throughout the internet and the subsequent awakening of the masses.

US President Obama has already declared he will snub the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games at Sochi, Russia, on February 7th, the first time in modern history a US president or vice president will not attend an opening ceremony at an Olympic Games.

What will happen in days to come for Russia remains to be seen. Their fight is not over by any means as there will likely be opposition to their sovereignty. Will the people of the US be manipulated again into supporting yet another war?

Here in the United States, the New World Order agenda pushes on. The plan of the globalists is to destroy the United States from within through a collapsing of our financial system while simultaneously causing civil unrest in the streets and ecological disasters throughout our country. Will our nation survive these attacks? Will the American people awaken in time and see what is being done to their beloved homeland and preserve the dream conceived by our founding fathers almost 3 centuries ago?

Greg Giles

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  • A.O.,yes we know from pic's on the web, that Trump did touch the orb but maybe that's a good thing as he too did meet with the good aliens like the GALACTIC FEDERATION of Light and others, who cannot interfere with our progress against the bad aliens who have had us under there control for many thousands of years. But they can inform us and help us to brake free in many other ways.So now Putin and Trump are working together along with a number of other countries to brake free of the DC-NWO and all of earth will be free. Its taken a long time to get where we are now but the tide has turned as they are rapidly loosing control over us as we brake our shekels,huh. We must stay positive and see this thing through and remember we are all one, so be it. Indeed Adonai

  • DAa2y5VXgAAVEjZ.jpg

  • ans all this positivity is happening in a country where people are prepared to kill each other over something as trivial as a question on Who will be the one to work at a cemetary and not.


    Can our beloved aliens please give us some clarity on that issue?

    Why would this be allowed to even happen in a country whos leader is obviously under alien control, unless the aliens are NOT friends of humanity?

  • I read somewhere here on this site that Putin was taken up on a ship of our ET friends and explained the whole situation of the DC and he agreed to help us and them to remove the DC from earth. They also implanted him to protect him and know where he is at all times. That's probably why he made a about face from his previous job as a KGB AGENT MGR. Another blog I read from his ex-wife said he is a clone and a much nicer one than the org.Putin who mistreated her badly and that's why she is in hiding in N.Europe. Hes not the same old Putin that's for sure. I for one am glad hes on our side now and has exposed a lot of things that they are doing,indeed Adonai

  • Yes, someone is DEFINITELY playing the world right now, and that someone seems hell bent on getting all nations on this planet to 'get along' and to fight against a common enemy.  :)

    Of course, this all means that all the previous postings about "fake alien invansion" and such, have been nothing but carefully prepared smoke.

  • It seems that m comment below ''jan.17 was correct about the DC Illumanati in France that has now created another F.F Event like they have done before and many times in the USA , all staged to caused fear in people world wide. The new Putin who is a better copy of the old one, will soon speak out on this as well, soon I think and the NWO huh Adonai

  • Oh but your are wrong my friend, at least according to the ones who made the vid. That word is originally latin and its translation into french can be used both ways and or both; meaning " Fanatic" but also meaning"Illuminati"and combined as well meaning "Fanatic Illuminate". People have to read between the lines for the moment but someday Adonai

  • No my dear priest. What he said was "Illuminé", which is a popular french word for fanatic.

    No tinfoil for you to jump on here. ;)

  • Looks like this is catching on. The President of France this wk made a public announcement that it was the Illuminate that has been doing all the killing and Terrorist movement in France. Theres a vid on this site proving this by live TV. its translated into English as well. So if more PM's and Presidents speak out as these two have about the Illuminate then we will have made a giant step forward in exposing them and getting red of the whole DC indeed .Adonai

  • Antichrist Putin calling "I AM" Angel on earth - USA the Kingdom of Antichrist. LOL!!!!!!http://www.infowars.com/does-putins-brain-believe-that-the-united-s...     非利士邦國:美利堅(亞實突)澳洲(亞實基倫)加拿大(迦特)新西蘭(以革倫);                                     Philistine nations: the United States (Ashdod), Australia (Ashkelon) Canada (Gath), New Zealand (Ekron); http://blog.roodo.com/esir/archives/26048474.html


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