hidden (5)
Personal Notes:
Ø Thank you Google: The genetic code is the set of rules by which information encoded in genetic material (DNA or RNA sequences) is translated into proteins (amino acid sequences) by living cells. The human genome is the complete set o
Silently seeking the matter which is constantly forming while forever transcending time, place, space, continuously knowing what was, what is and what will be. Holding an immeasurable freedom with the absenteeism for the need of knowledge as to why.
Stop Conforming.....
Done some soul searching lately, I think Ive come to understand what is actually wrong with society.
We all live in this world where we are made to believe that we have to be good and righteous people and that if we are not then it
Humans are a species with amnesia...Your extra terrestrial heritage is as yet unacknowledged and is in fact hidden...for when the truth is accepted, doors are opened....
Hidden History of the Human Race
"Humans are a species