I hear people spread all kinds of stories... Stories of Globalists, stories about the "evil" people who want to control everything. Meanwhile, those same people glorify Dictators, Demonize people they hardly know, and continuously propagate poison t
conspiracy (5)
GAMMA : (Physics / Atomic Physics) involving or relating to photons of very high energy.
TRON : As in elec tron ic a circuit a network based on communication with i
The past 3 years I’ve been researching an unknown genre of art with symbolic references to Knights Templar. This includes many curious religious works that have been misidentified as Catholic.
There is a long history of the people behind the artworks
Hello my dear brothers and Sisters,
Full Disclosure has begun, With the Premiere of the Sirius Movie. Many individuals were disappointed with all the confusion of the Red carpet premiere being invaded by the many bots and the not so nice people attack
It is of welcome that I stand on this plane of reality.
I come from the finer dimensions to bring messages through the beings that have held their light in truth and right action. The beings that speak through compassion are with you. The beings that
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Maybe it’s there, maybe it’s not.
That gold is owned by the American public! We want to know if it’s still there. - Elon Musk