Dear Friends,
Greta Thunberg is designed to offer a PRETENCE of grassroots-driven, climate change actions, demanded of governments. In reality, she is a pawn, controlled for effect.
Most people hate disruptive climate activists and also government mandates, invoking serious restrictions upon lives, especially without debates and discussions, prior...The higher green taxes on energy, the drive for ethanol in petrol, from E5 to E10...Not good for many cars. The prospects of being forced to change gas boilers, with expensive and inefficient alternatives, such as hydrogen pumps..
The idiotic activists who glue themselves to major roads, to stop traffic. The people are not at all impressed. These fanatical groups, taking such absurd actions, are not representative of public sentiment.
The science is not settled at all and needs ironing out, in public forums and TRUE scientific consent, among real experts in climatology. Currently, such real scientists are being shamed and ostracized. Very similar pattern to the covid tactics used against virologists, who disputed the "science." And there were many of them.
The phasing out of cheap petrol and diesel cars, replacing them with pointless electric cars...Pointless, because fossil fuels are still used to charge the batteries and expensive, because many will find unaffordable in a high-tax economy. Especially one in recession and subject to inflation...So who the hell, among most people, will be buying such cars..?? All baloney...all poppycock....
And I've heard that electric charging has not been seriously planned for travel. Those few with electric cars are not reporting excellence in the charging network grid, across the country...This truly is moronic virtue signaling by government. Smoke and mirrors.
And it gets worse. The food we eat is threatened with extinction, in order to "save the planet." Moronic, stupid, idiotic....The choices for protein could be lab-manufactured "meat," or insects, such as locusts and others, too disgusting to mention here....🤮
So to recap, Greta is used to present the illusion, that grassroots public support is greater, than that of governments and corporations. That the public are "demanding" actions by government, to save us all. The whole concept of "man-made" climate change, is a ruse, to allow elite forces to bring in the great reset of economies and all facets of people's lives, leading to a totalitarian and dystopian; one world government...
Selamat kasijaram zau.. (Sirian for “be blessed in the love and joy of spirit…!”) 🙏
Col. Drekx Omega
And as their madness continues, the people reject their unworkable proposals, more and more...
So Greta, the little green pixie, from the fringes of WEF fairyland, decided to protest the oil executives, at an energy conference in central London, yesterday...
The police arrested her.....👏🏻😎
So basically proving that the whole idea of "man-made climate change" is FAKE.......
Ahhhh...!! WE TOLD YOU SO.....!!👏🏻😎
Richard Tice is the leader of the UK Reform party and gate crashed a globalist dinner, which had speakers filled with religious zeal for the insane policies and objectives of net zero....An insight into their madness, can be viewed in Tice's video, below...Interesting to confirm how mad these globalist buffoons, actually are.....And full of guilt for the British industrial revolution....Frankly, Britain's deep state are absolute scum...
They buy up farmland, that could be productive and build homes for illegal migrants and solar panels...They cull cattle livestock and offer no alternatives but their minimalist answers to nutrients, which is always; "eat less to save the planet." Don't have babies, to "save the planet." NOTICE THE TREND, WHICH WANTS HUMANITY GONE...?? They want us poor, in cramped cities, ill and undernourished, in debt, unable to travel far, on meds...If we do survive their "climate crisis." (Their "solutions" are the actual crisis.)
Notice that the lefty types who support globalism, always accuse we who seek sane solutions, of being "anti-environment," when the opposite is actually true....And always notice how the likes of Al Gore, Obama and Kerry, buy beachfront property, and fly private jets, while telling we plebs about "sea levels rising" and aviation being a problem....
Notice how the WEF always include excellent meats, eggs and fish on their annual conference menus, while telling the rest of us to give it up and go vegan....??
Notice how Bill Gates "solves climate problems" by DESTROYING FORESTS......??
Notice how none of these lefty and elitist buffoons ever offer solutions to REAL environmental problems, such as a ban on dangerous Chinese EVs, that, when they catch on fire, produce highly toxic smoke that kills when breathed in, containing cobalt....And the fire continues for a week....?
Just imagine a fire combusting EVs, parked in a city car park...? Imagine how much deadly pollution that would offer the people...? Cobalt gas only needs to be breathed in, briefy...
And as for lithium batteries....Highly toxic if put in landfills...And cost the earth, when replacing them...And being heavy cars, can cause more damage to people in collisions and to road surfaces..
Ever wondered why there are more potholes on roads, since EVs started being used, more..??
And just imagine the agony of little black children in the Congo, who have to mine for the minerals that go into EVs...?? And die from the poisons they touch and inhale, just so that some SMART ARSE western pillock, can virtue signal in his/her new electric vehicle, to his lefty friends in Hampstead....Yes, going green is it...?? NOPE....It's being a lefty idiot...
And these morons still assume that their power comes from wind and sun, when these factors are minute contributions, as all virtue signal nations, with moronic governments, simply import gas and coal.....So that they can appear virtuous at Davos and COP28, or whatever madness they indulge in...
Why not plant more trees...?? Why not improve the current car technology, so it's less polluting..? Why not lift "national security" classifications on aetheric energy propulsion systems...?? Why not keep wild life safe from ever more pylons, solar panels and wind turbines...??
Have these fools ever considered that pollution will only get worse, if all our manufacturing goes to China..?? And is carbon a problem..?? Of course not...Plants need carbon and we need plants...Is the planet getting hotter..?? No, it's actually entering a cooling phase.....Have the polar ice caps melted yet, as Gore predicted they would...?? NOPE......All these "climate " predictions fail....So get real Jancar, you are on the coolaid...
Watch this video, to appreciate that fires cannot be put out and have not been put out, since the event first started.last Tuesday...
The gases being given off are extremely poisonous and consider what that would mean in a city carpark fire, potential, if EV cars became more ubiquitous....It would be a complete disaster for humanity and EV cars must be banned, in consequence....Certainly the batteries...⚠️
The net-zero agenda is not only fake, it's deadly....WAKE UP WORLD..!
In the UK it's currently raining, a normality, as he points out and a few degrees below average temps, for July......In southern Europe it's normal and hot, so nothing new there...It's the weather in Summertime....Slightly cooler in the UK...But the fake news are out there, trying to cause alarm...