
Morpheus Sirius ArchAngel
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The Crystalline Realms ~

The Crystalline Realms (or Spheres), in one sense, defy physical
description. Their scope and diversity are awesome. However, a simple way of
beginning to imagine these Crystalline Realms is to visualize them as a
series of different colored Light Frequencies, somewhat similar to the
Aurora Borealis (The Northern Lights). If each of these shadings across the
Full Spectrum of Light Frequencies were hugely magnified, then this would
give an idea of what the Crystalline Realms can house.

These Light Frequencies are Pure Crystalline, and the different colours
Reflect the different Crystalline Frequencies; Emerald Green will reflect
one expression of Crystalline Light, while deep Magenta and Indigo will
reflect another. Perhaps what is Most Important is the Feeling when
Connecting with these different Frequencies.

An initial starting point can be to Infuse your bones with a chosen
Crystalline Colour, feeling it Expanding throughout your Physical Body and
on into your Crystalline Light Body. The experience of an Emerald Green
Crystalline Frequency will be very different from that of a deep Magenta
one. The feeling and sense of beauty are tangible as the different
Frequencies are Accessed.

The Crystalline Frequencies that can be Accessed are like a gigantic
Kaleidoscope of different colours and energies, each with its own Frequency
Bandwidth and Resonance. Feeling a Connection with a column of Crystalline
Liquid Light can be utterly exquisite and will present a different sense of
WHAT IS, and what is not, REAL.

These Deeper Connections will help to build up a Reservoir of Crystalline
experiences that can help to mould the Crystalline Light Body and provide an
increasing Trust and Sureness in working with Crystalline energy.

The Crystalline Frequencies and Worlds are true Portals into different
Realms and part of the unfolding process will involve Feeling how the
Physical Body Responds to these Connections.

You may find that a certain Distant Memory or Deeper Feeling may be
Activated, rather along the lines of a cascading waterfall. One impression
Opens a Doorway which then leads on to Another Doorway, and so on and so on,
in a Crescendo of more powerful Feelings and Vibrations. This is akin to
Unlocking the Doorway into the Past, or into a Timeless Present that you can
directly Key into through Accessing the Crystalline Doorways within your

This Cascade and Re-Emergence of Memories or feelings is part of the Process
of Recognizing the Ancient Crystalline Heritage within you ... It is an
Essential Element to Awakening, and Accessing, your Crystal Consciousness.

Building a Crystalline Light Body ~

There is much written about the Crystalline Light Body and how to work
towards Building and Developing it. There is a school of thought which
teaches that there are twelve distinct levels of attainment in order to
complete our Light Body. There are other teachings that state that the Light
Body will Manifest only to those ready to Ascend.

Whatever different ideas and teachings there are out there - one thing is
for certain . Building the Crystalline Light Body is an Essential Process in
the Awaking and the Experiencing of the full potential of your Crystal

It should also be noted and understood that ANY form of Journeying or
Travelling within the Crystalline Realms will act as Re-Inforcement and
Nourishment toward your Crystalline Light Body - no matter what stage of
development it is at. Good News!

In essence, a Daily Meditation with one or more of your Crystal
Consciousness Carvings from CrystalsWork will enhance and help Build Up the
Illumination of your Crystalline Light Body!

Please see our Unique range of Crystal Consciousness Carvings by visiting
our On Line Shop.

In other words, the pure fact that you are Meditating with your Crystal
Consciousness Carvings, embarking on Journeys and Travelling to the
Crystalline Realms with your Selected Meditation Pieces, will be enough to
Nourish and Fortify your developing Crystalline Light Body. It does not have
to be a hard Crystalline work out! A gentle Daily routine will suffice.

The Crystalline Light Body is a Frequency Resonator which surrounds and
cocoons the Physical Body. It is a Vehicle Of Consciousness, and has a
separate reality and composition from the Physical Body. In appearance, it
is shaped very much like the Human Body but it extends to several inches
larger, all the way around.

The Light Body is made up of an absolutely Exquisite intermeshing of
Crystalline Frequencies, representing Previous Incarnations with Crystalline
Light, as Manifested in those different Past Incarnations. It provides a
Reference Point for the new wave of Crystalline Frequencies entering the
Planet. EVERYONE working with Crystalline energies WILL develop a
Crystalline Light Body - the formation of which will depend upon the
individual's Intensity of Focus and Access to Crystalline Frequencies.

The Broader and Deeper the Connection, the more Intense will be the
Crystalline Light Body. The formation of the Light Body will take time; it
will be established over months and years of Intensive Work with Crystalline

Once a basic pattern for the Crystalline Light Body has been set down, it
can function in a number of different ways. It will Pulse and Glow in
response to varied inputs of Crystalline energy, which will wash through the
Crystalline Light Body and become Absorbed within it.

The Frequency Level will alternate in response to the Degree of Refinement
or Type of Incoming Crystalline Frequency.

High Frequency Crystalline Light will only be Captured by a very refined
Crystalline Light Body, one that vibrates at a high enough level to contain
such frequencies.

The Crystalline Light Body will act as a Tuning Fork to different
Crystalline Vibrations, and it is the Scope or Flexibility of the Light Body
that will Determine the Types of Frequency that can be Held or Attained to.
The Greater the Scope, the more Varied the Types of Crystalline Frequency
that can be Absorbed. The Narrower the Focus, the more Specialised the Light

By Building and Connecting with the Crystalline Light Body, it will be
possible to Feel one's increasing and growing Awareness as a Crystalline
Being. The feeling is one of deep quiet, depth, peace and stillness, which
Radiates or permeates through the Crystalline Matrix of the Light Body. By
becoming aware of this Light Body you can directly access Higher Crystalline
Frequencies and Raise your Vibration to match those of the Mental Planes.

The Crystalline Light Body will also have a feeling of liquidity and
coolness, so that your Awareness permeates it, and it is possible to Scan
for areas of Slower Frequency, or those that need to be Flooded with
Crystalline Light.

Connection with the Crystalline Light Body can form the basis for Accessing
a Diversity of Frequencies, so that Each Frequency is Downloaded into the
Light Body, it can be lived or experienced within a Crystalline medium. This
also provides an Alternative Reference Point to the normal Physical Body,
where a Crystalline Body can be experienced as something separate yet
equally REAL.

Within the Process of Crystallization, the Chakras also have to change, and
to become Doorways for Crystalline energy. Just as the Light Body must be
Cleansed and Purified of Slower Frequencies, the Chakras must go through a
similar process of Dredging and Releasing the Old Frequencies. Once cleansed
to a reasonable degree, each Chakra will provide in itself an Access Point
to Crystalline energy.

For most Light Workers this will focus primarily through the Third Eye and
Heart Chakra and to a lesser extent the Throat Chakra. However, it is
important not to forget the Lower Chakras, for the Solar Plexus, Sacral
Chakra and Root Chakra centres will all play an important role in acting as
a Platform for the higher energies.

Clearing these Lower Chakras is important since they will provide a strong
Balancing Mechanism for the holding of the Higher Frequency Energy. It is
important to remember that clearing the Chakras will require multiple
sessions, since Residues of Old Energies will be Retained from multiple Past

Once this process is complete, it will be possible to start working with the
Crystalline Light Body in new ways. At one level, the Crystalline Light Body
is a Vehicle Of Consciousness and Experience, and can be Projected through
Intent and Focus to different places both on the Inner and on the Physical

In particular you can develop your Crystalline Light Body as a Parallel, or
super-charged version of the Astral Body. Whereas the Astral Body allows
Primary Access to the Astral Planes and cannot travel up into the higher
ones, the Crystal Light Body has Direct Access to the Mental Planes and can
be used as a Vehicle Of Higher Consciousness.

Within the Physical, the Light Body can be Invoked to Resonate with High
Vibrational energy spots on the Planet, such as Sedona or Mount Shasta.
Connection with these High Vibrational spots on the Planet act as if dipping
into a kind of Liquid Energy pool of Super High Frequency Energy.

On the Inner Planes, conscious Projection of the Crystalline Light Body into
the Mental Planes and into the Crystalline Spheres (another name for the
Crystalline Realms) can open up new Doorways to different Worlds. By
Resonating at the same Frequency within the Crystalline Light Body as that
which can be found in the Higher Mental Planes, different degrees of
Energetic Merging can take place, such as with Crystalline Guides, with the
Crystal Skulls, or with other Crystalline energies.

The Greater the Merging - the More Energy is Downloaded - the Higher the
Vibration that is Embedded Within the Crystalline Light Body.

The process for Downloading and digesting Higher Crystalline Frequencies
will directly Impact upon the Physical Body, as appearance, organs, body
shape and bones will begin to reflect the new Crystalline Patterns.

Within the Physical Body the Bones represent the most Direct Connection with
the Crystalline Light Body. Bone is made up of a Crystalline Matrix, and can
be used as a Starting Point physically to Connect with the Crystalline Light
Body. As this is Cleansed and Cleared, so the bones are Purged of their
Lower Frequencies. Patterns held within the Crystalline Light Body can be
Downloaded into the Bones as Crystalline Reference Points within the

This is the Literal meaning of 'Earthing The Energies'.

At its purest, the Crystalline Light Body is a Holographic Representation of
Crystalline Energy seeded from the Higher Planes. As a Tuning Fork of
exquisite sensitivity, the Crystalline Light Body can bring through and
Radiate a host of different Crystalline Frequencies, and can also form the
starting point for housing much more Substantial Crystalline Energies within
the Physical Vehicle, a process rather like Trance Channeling.

The beauty of Higher Crystalline Intent and Love can be housed directly
within the Light Body, and Radiated to those around us. In a very real way,
the New Crystalline Frequencies can thus be Birthed into the Planet and
Reflected Outwards to other people and life forms that are Willing,
energetically, to Receive them.

As the Vibration of Crystalline Frequencies ascend, the depth and breadth of
the Crystalline Vibration will become clearer. It is a Direct Feeling of
expansion, clarity, purity, love and light, which will Not Tolerate any
slower frequencies in thought or in form, and which will quite literally
strip away any such residues. As the Crystalline Frequency of the
Crystalline Light Body ascends, the Focus will Increase, and the housing
mechanism of Crystalline Light will Expand to Galactic Proportions.

The Building of a Crystalline Light Body is only the Beginning of the
process of Raising our Vibrations to Resonate with the Crystalline Realms,
and of our Discovery of our Inner Heritage of Love and Light, as expressed
within the framework of Crystalline Divinity.

As we have already said, it is obvious to those Sensitive and Open to
Vibrational Change, that the Crystalline Frequencies now entering the Planet
represent a New Era in Energetic Manifestation.

The new Crystalline Frequencies are a Manifestation of Unique and Specific
Light Frequencies which have originated in the Higher Planes. We refer to
these 'Higher Planes' when meaning the Fifth, Six and Seventh Spiritual

Now is the time for these Crystalline Frequencies to be Re-Activated ...To
be Remembered.

Crystalline Frequencies represent a unique Matrix of Alignment. This Matrix
is supported and held in place by our Human Will and Intent.

This means that with the Projection of our Will (which fuels intent) we can,
when fully focused within the Crystalline Realms, facilitate the Unlocking,
and the subsequent Opening up of new Doorways to Crystalline Frequencies.

This is what we term as Accessing Our Crystal Consciousness.

By Accessing our Crystal Consciousness in this way we are able 'Tap Into'
these new Crystalline Frequencies of mass diversity, and exquisite beauty.
These new Crystalline Frequencies, which contain within them a substantial
Source of Information on ALL matters Crystalline and on their relevance to
our Planetary Evolution at this time, represent a significant opportunity to
Re-Open Old Doorways, and to build major new Portals of Light - to Shine on
and to Illuminate the whole of Humanity.

The Absorption of these new Crystalline Frequencies into the Planet is now
Connecting with and Activating, those Light Workers who have a Resonance,
and a Sympathetic Alignment with these new Crystalline Frequencies. For
these Light Workers can recognise the Crystalline Song, and can respond to
its tune by receiving it within their Awareness, and subsequently then
Earthing these new Crystalline Frequencies within their own bodies - to
create a Crystalline Light Body.

This Frequency Recognition can be born of Past-Life work with Crystalline
energy, which for many Light Workers dates back to Lemurian and Atlantian
time periods, as representations of the Third and Fourth Root Races

The full extent of the Crystalline Realms and their frequencies is utterly
staggering. In order to quantify it - to understand it with some perspective
- it is necessary to go far beyond the scope of normal limitations of the

The Crystalline Frequencies cover a quantum vastness of frequencies in
Multi-Dimensional Inner Space. This Infinite Range of Frequencies spans the
Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Planes . And beyond.

These Crystalline Frequencies are accessible from Journeying into the Higher
Planes, namely the Mental Planes and above. Journeying with one or more of
our Selected Meditation Pieces will ensure a Crystalline Connection of
purity and intense clarity.

Please see our Meditations Section for a list of Crystal Meditations.

Whole Crystalline Worlds exist in different Dimensions - Crystalline Life
Forms and Intelligences can be observed where Solid and Liquid Crystal are
fused together to form Crystalline landmasses and oceans . These Crystalline
Worlds are creations of the most profound and exquisite beauty.

These Worlds can be Explored and Accessed through working with your
Crystalline Guides and through Journeying with one of more of our unique
Crystal Consciousness Carvings.

Our Crystal Consciousness Carvings are essential tools for Accessing Your
Crystal Consciousness safely and swiftly. Our Consciousness Carvings will
facilitate your Access to experiencing the Higher Realm Crystalline
Frequencies and the Wisdom contained therein.

When Journeying with your Crystal Consciousness Carvings - be it a Quartz
Sphere or a Crystal Skull - either Ancient or Contemporary - you will be
presented with the Keys to unlock new Dimensional Doorways to Other Worlds.
You can chose to explore these New Worlds, these Crystalline Realms of
Wonderment, or you may chose just to observe them - to gaze upon their
beauty and wonderment and take Inspiration and Peace from that experience.

You may then, In Time and when you Feel Ready to do so, wish to Re-Visit and
go further within the Crystalline Realms and to experience the feeling of
true Crystalline Mergement . a Melding of the Human and Crystalline

A Truly Enlightening Experience!

These new Crystalline Frequencies will Illuminate beyond any Dimensional
Knowing you have experienced before. You will find that your Consciousness
Opens and Expands to a new Macro Cosmic level of Understanding of what we
are and where we have come from ... - with K.H Yap
www.facebook.com="" k.h.yap.75=""> .

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Realms ~

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  • Dear Hellen,

    We have any color light body depending upon our emotional stage....

    It can be Pure Crystaline,, That of any single color or all the seven colors giving like Rainbow color image...

    But if one emotion is stronger than that color will predominate...



  • Dear Feather Winger,

    I am so happy to see all of your Pictures of different auras and healing colors....

    Yes, we have to proceed for to have... Crystaline Light Body...

    It requires intense Meditative practice with proper understanding and drawing perfect energies at perfect time.



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