
...we come to guide and to support ALL at this time of vast frequency and energy changes...Not only are you receiving LIGHT coding's from the universe but you are giving OUT LIGHT coding's to all whom you share this planet with for the human vehicle is a transmitter as well as an antennae...The necessary information that you require at this time is around the frequencies that you carry and that you transmit for what you transmit you will RECEIVE in TRUTH...NONE of the old 3d earth is required in order to create the new earth and the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND for one is a lower density frequency and one is a HIGH frequency, the distance between them so vast that it is not possible for them to co-exist within your human vehicle...allow the flowing of the new earth energies to WASH AWAY the remnants of the old. It is akin to standing under a waterfall



We are the energies that wish to be known to you as the Creators, we come to guide and to support ALL at this time of vast frequency and energy changes and we ask that you understand and anchor that energy frequencies and exchanges are a TWO WAY PROCESS. Not only are you receiving LIGHT coding's from the universe but you are giving OUT LIGHT coding's to all whom you share this planet with for the human vehicle is a transmitter as well as an antennae and we guide for you to process our words through your heart for the HEART KNOWS TRUTH.

There are many on planet earth who are still transmitting the old 3D earth coding's of dimensional frequencies and this is adding to the chaos that is now unfolding across and within planet earth. We come in order to clarify and to guide, our role is not one of judgment. The necessary information that you require at this time is around the frequencies that you carry and that you transmit for what you transmit you will RECEIVE in TRUTH. This has never been fully explained to the human race and has been kept hidden in plain view for in order to contain and suppress the human race it was necessary to blind them on ALL levels of their BEing.


Now the new earth frequencies begin to heighten and more and more of the human race are anchoring and TRANSMITTING these frequencies, this is the new age in TRUTH and we guide ALL to become more aware of the energies that they are sharing at this time. To anchor more LIGHT and transmit the old 3D earth coding's by way of belief and of living is to neutralize the power of the new LIGHT coding's for one cannot exist with the other. The anchoring of LIGHT and the transmitting of LIGHT is vital at this time for if you allow the old 3D earth frequencies to live through you by adhering to the paradigms of the old earth then you are holding on to the old earth in TRUTH and you are muddying your inner vision. Do you understand our guidance at this time?

We guide for clarity that NONE of the old 3d earth is required in order to create the new earth and the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND for one is a lower density frequency and one is a HIGH frequency, the distance between them so vast that it is not possible for them to co-exist within your human vehicle and upon the planet. We draw your attention to this in order to help you clarify your vision for many are now trying to logically work out how to change the human race and human society.

Logic plays no part in the unfolding of the new earth and such are the vast changes that will unfold that the human race has no reference point and therefore will be unable to logically work out what will unfold. We ask for you to go within into the heart space and to FEEL TRUTH and then allow the flowing of the new earth energies to WASH AWAY the remnants of the old. It is akin to standing under a waterfall, with the new energies being the WATER OF LIFE that will re-invigorate and re-energize you at this time in your human life experience.


Much as you would not try to dam up the waterfall for the whole point and action of the waterfall is to provide a continuous stream of water then you cannot dam up the new earth energies for they are continuous and will continue to expand and to deepen in their intensity. Do you understand our guidance at this time?

The old earth tries to prevent you from understanding this concept for to understand the concept is to detach fully from the old earth and detaching fully means that you no longer FEED it, it requires food, the food it requires is your fear, your anxiety and your anger. ALLOW the waterfall of the new earth energies to flow over you, through you and around you and hold the intention to RELEASE, you do not need to define it any further than to RELEASE all that no longer serves. Then allow the new energies to anchor within your BEing and allow the reflection to change and shift as YOU change and shift.

This waterfall will now increase its flow, every moment CLEANSING, CLEARING and RE-ENERGISING all that is TRUTH. The new earth now calls to each and every human BEing who has incarnated into and upon this planet and asks them to understand the reason for the cleansing and to honour the reasons for the cleansing. The human logical brain will try to teach that the cleansing is not needed and that the new can be anchored on top of the old, this is a distortion and must be detached from.


We are the energies that wish to be known to you as the Creators.

We walk with you as ALL walk with you...

... as you now begin your journey home in TRUTH.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.





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  • Dear Karen Doonan.

    I have sent you a message, and immediately I got a message from "moderator", I suppose, that my message should be approved. I don't think I wrote anything ofensive; Why should be approved? As a member, I am not free to voice my opinion? Is this not another "policy" to control the people, just as the cabal is doing for so long time?

  • Dear Karen Doonan.

    So many so called "channels" suggest again, and again, "to go within into the heart space", but nobody explain anything about such action. Can you help us to understand, what a physical person should do to go to heart space?


  • 8114767892?profile=original

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