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by Justin Deschamps,

The following report details the current state of geomagnetic activity and resulting effects on human consciousness. This can be used to guide one’s activities in meditation, mass meditation, personal energy work, and self-mastery practices.

Report: The impact of individual and coordinated mass meditations will be HIGH.

Geomagnetic activity is fairly stable, ranging from 1 to 2 of the Kp Index. The solar wind intensity is somewhat erratic but trending down. A quiet period of the geomagnetic field corresponded with several global mass medications yesterday, which likely contributed to the infusion of whatever intentionality was brought forward to the collective via the earth grid. Calm solar wind conditions until the 9th or so


Effects: High synchronicities, precognition, deja vu, energetic downloads, and connectivity to cosmic energy systems.

Social Effects: High capacity for telepathic exchanges in small or large groups.

Universal Effects: High energy and information streaming in from the celestial bodies, like surrounding planets, as well as stars, the galactic sun, and other galaxies.

Forecast: Meditations for the collective via outer work should have a high impact for 72 hours.

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Inner Work: Develop gratitude for the cosmic lessons received in the form of mirroring of oneself, like stubbing a toe, a friend being upset with us, or the genuine reactions of others and ourselves to life events. All is information that reveals the nature of self and reality. If one does not consciously invoke acceptance of circumstances and emboldens themselves to overcome those obstacles via inner growth, it is likely one will feel emotional upset and angst. But with purpose and dedication to self-mastery, all challenges can be overcome so as to develop wisdom, personal growth, and a spiritual character. Strive to know thyself and this will help one know the world and others.

Outer Work: During quiet geomagnetic conditions, focus your meditations on forgiveness, social harmony, relaxation of tensions, and collective healing. Strive to be honest and transparent with your desires that affect others. See the other self an extension of your own being, developing unconditional love balanced by honest communication and clear agreements. When personal expectations are not met and communication with others isn’t clear, this is an opportunity to reflect on the methods of how we manifest our desires (with honesty and explicit communication or cowardice, fear, and blind faith others know what we want). Social harmony is the constant building of trust with oneself and others, which creates inner and outer peace, harmony, and abundance.

Related Consciousness “Hacking” for a Better Life: Spiritual Tools for Growth and Empowerment (Video)

Related Science Suggests Love and Receptiveness to Truth Enhance Psi Abilities — Telepathy Can be Explained by Interacting Coherent Electromagnetic Fields

Note: The recommendation and impact of meditations report only analyze the electromagnetic (material) aspect of consciousness, operating within the subluminal electromagnetic spectrum. Other, super-material, energetic, or spiritual mediums of informational transference (telepathic and energetic effects of meditation) will likely still have a profound effect, even if the geomagnetic conditions are chaotic that day. Please do not assume this report is suggesting you avoid meditating on days when the impact is forecasted to be low.

Scientific Basis of Telepathy, Mass Meditation, and Global Field Effects:

The human organism is energetically linked to the earth via electromagnetic interactions in the extremely low-frequency range (ELF). These frequencies interact with the global system via the Schumann Resonances, ranging from 7.83hz up to 39hz. The human body, particularly the heart and brain, resonate at the same frequency range, measured by an EKG and EEG.

The heart is a piezoelectric liquid crystal oscillator that produces strong electromagnetic pulses, which are governed or attenuated by the brain, radiating outwardly up to 30 feet from the body. By way of inducing coherent states of mind (usually through meditation and/or chanting, sounding, yoga, or qi gong), the mind can focus the energies of the heart into a coherent field that is able to interact or “link up” with the global field.

Related A Case for Mind-Mastery | Bio-Electric Fields and Evidence for Morphogenetic Field (Mind) Governed Biology and Reality — Bioelectricity, Morphology, & Electroceuticals | Electricity of Life

Dr. Michael Persinger conducted research on the global mind, postulating that the geomagnetic field, due to the Schumann frequency ranges, has the potential to link up with the human mind, allowing information to be “stored” in the earth’s field. He was able to historically demonstrate that during times of low geomagnetic activity, individuals experienced greater spontaneous cognition or received telepathic downloads. Conversely, during times of high geomagnetic activity, telepathic downloads decreased.

Dr. Persinger also worked with Ingo Swann, an exemplary remote viewer who was involved in the DIA’s Star Gate Program. Experiments were conducted that involved placing Swann in a coherent magnetic field with a second participant who was asked to look at a photograph. Swann then entered a meditative state and “viewed” the drawing via the coherent field and the other person’s mind. This enabled him to draw statistically significant depictions of what the second participant was viewing. Dr. Persinger was able to prove that a coherent magnetic field provides an energetic medium for the exchange of information between minds.

Related Telepathy will be Enabled by the Earth’s Magnetic Field on a Global Scale

The geomagnetic field is the largest field on earth, immersing all living things and human beings within a coherent magnetic field. Via the principle of entrainment or synchronization, governed by electromagnetic sympathetic resonance, information within a human mind can be “uploaded” to the geomagnetic field, which can then be “downloaded” to other people and have stabilizing effects on any electric body. The greater the coherence of the individual, the more likely they are to inform the geomagnetic field. The greater the coherence of the geomagnetic field, the more likely the information can be shared between individuals.

During times of low geomagnetic activity, the human organism’s electromagnetic field embeds within the geomagnetic field (phase conjugation), allowing information to be exchanged between each system coherently (without degradation).

During times of high geomagnetic activity, the human organism’s electromagnetic field disconnects from the geomagnetic field, which has the effect of isolating each system from other systems.


When people take the time to make themselves mentally and energetically coherent, by way of meditation techniques, while also visualizing or praying for peace, various types of stabilization effects can occur. The Maharishi effect stabilized social systems, reducing crime and overall suffering of people on earth.

In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi predicted that one percent of a population practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique would produce measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population. This phenomenon was first noticed in 1974 and reported in a paper published in 1976. Here, the finding was that when 1% of a community practiced the Transcendental Meditation® program, then the crime rate was reduced by 16% on average. At this time, the phenomenon was named Maharishi Effect. The meaning of this term was later extended to cover the influence generated by the group practice of the TM-Sidhi® program. Generally, the Maharishi Effect may be defined as the influence of coherence and positivity in the social and natural environment generated by the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi programs. (source)

Dan Winter postulates that the effects of a coherent mind can be used to “steer a tornado” via a phase conjugate dielectric bioplasma produced by a shaman or person who has developed abilities in meditation and energy practices. In other words, an individual can produce a bioelectric field that allows them to merge with another field, influencing the second to some degree.

This can be simply described by having genuine empathy (care) and compassion for living energy systems, which could be people, places, weather systems, countries, and even the entire planet. Non-living “empathy”—electromagnetic connection between humans and dead buildings made out of steel and aluminum—reduce the coherence of the person, and are to be avoided.

Meditating in nature or being surrounded by natural materials, like a wooden house or a cave, increases bioelectric coherence, strengthening an individual’s ability to affect other systems. Conversely, attempting to link up with the earth’s field from within an artificial “dead” structure, will reduce energetic embedding effects. You can’t connect to the global field in a steel building as well as you can in a natural setting.

Meditating in close proximity with other people, particularly after hugging each person for a least 20 seconds, will increase the individual’s brain-heart coherence. This effect also transfers to groups, a kind of energetic tuning that increases the energy embedding effects mentioned above. Group meditation, after tuning, have a greater impact than individual meditations.

These effects suggest that depending on an individual’s ability to develop coherence as well as what they visualize, they can have a profound impact on stabilizing weather and seismology.

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(Mickey Megistus) As the world watches, the coronavirus pandemic (“plan”demic) has completely changed life as we know it. Many are panicking. Some believe it’s part of the long-planned NWO take over. But for those brave enough to look past paranoia and fear, there’s a growing body of evidence that suggests the fall of the Cabal was predestined. Testimony from an ex-Navy Seal suggests that—despite their best efforts—the Deep State will be defeated. The use of time lensing technology has all but confirmed a future they could not alter. And now, more and more signs suggest the liberation of humanity is likely just around the corner.

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by Mickey Megistus, April 2nd, 2020

For this article, I’d like to first bring your attention to the 2012 testimony of Bill Wood (not to be confused with Bob Wood—an associate of Secret Space Program whistleblower William Tompkins). Bill Wood is an ex-Navy Seal (part of Seal Team Nine) that was recognized by the military for his gifts in cognitive reasoning and showed signs of psychic potential. Because of this, he was selected for training to enhance his psychic abilities at places like Area 51 and later was employed to assist with classified programs, one of such being Project Looking Glass.

Now, for any of you not familiar with Looking Glass, I will simply say it is a technology that enables one to view future timeline realities with the aid of supercomputers to gauge the probability of possible outcomes.

Originally, this knowledge of time manipulation came from famous scientists like Nikola Tesla, and then later from the reverse engineering of ET spacecraft which had come into the possession of the government. Essentially, this technology uses the forces of electromagnetism to bend gravity, space, time and “see past” the curvature of the event horizon.

Related The Nature of 3-Dimensional Time [Law of One Science] | The Daniel Papers

One of Bill Wood’s tasks, back in the late ’90s, was to “troubleshoot” a problem that the higher-ups were having (known as the 2012 problem). As Wood puts it:

Some very smart people figured out that something big was coming up. Something that made it so all the possibilities of all the future scenarios of any choice any possibility that was fed in and observed through the Looking Glass inevitably ended up in the same future. And no decision and no possibility changed past a certain point. That’s the big secret.

Wood goes on to say:

That coincides with December 21, 2012. All possible timelines lead to the same basic history in the future. The elites of the game figured out the end of the game. Nothing could be manipulated beyond that point.

Book Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious

So according to Wood, this “bottlenecking” or “convergence of timelines” has since occurred on December 21st, 2012; and as of now, we have all been on a timeline in which the same inevitable outcome will unfold. And the elites of the world—the “bad guys,” you could say—that have all the information in regards to Looking Glass, saw that no matter what they did to change things or control the reactions of humanity, it would always create the opposite effect and the results remained the same.

Partial interview with Bill Wood can be found here (he begins talking about Looking Glass at the 4-minute mark):



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Qanon and Looking Glass

In recent months, it became apparent that the reason why the Q operation had been so good at countering the “bad guys” agenda was because the “good guys” or Alliance/White Hats had access to Looking Glass as well. This was mentioned in a drop back in November of 2019:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9b601a No.7352963
Nov 11 2019 19:49:10 (EST)

Project Looking Glass?
Going Forward in Order to Look Back.

Of course, this idea of positive elements/people within our government and military that have been working to nullify the elite agenda (New World Order) is nothing new. This secret (and silent) war has been going on for a long time, and things have been accelerating in earnest since the assassination of JFK.

Book The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: Nasa’s Nazis, JFK, And Majic-12

Bill Wood and others have also referred to these Alliance/White Hats as “Oathkeepers” because they still honor their oath to the Constitution and are resolute in defending it from all threats foreign and domestic. The primary threat is commonly understood today as a multinational shadow military and intelligence apparatus known as the “Deep State” or “Cabal” which serves the elite agenda of global technocratic/financial enslavement. Agents of the Deep State/Cabal have been called Black Hats.

And just in case anyone missed it, Qanon is a White Hat military operation designed to bypass the propagandized mainstream media (Operation Mockingbird/CIA) narrative and disseminate actual intelligence to the public through anonymous message boards like 4chan, 8chan and now 8kun. This author has personally been lurking on the boards since the Q operation began in October of 2017.

Related Fall Cabal: 10 Part Documentary (Video) #WWG1WGA #QANON #Q

Q has often described this silent war as “moves and countermoves” much like a large scale chess match, and ironically enough, that’s how Bill Wood described this process:

Basically what we’re experiencing right now is two master chess players sitting at the board and one of them looks down at the board and sees that he’s in check mate in seven moves. And he looks across at his opponent and he knows that his opponent sees it too. So at this point the loser can only prolong the game. Both players know the game is over. We as a race, if we can understand that the game is over—that based on the rules of the game, the bad guys have already lost, the good guys have already won. Yes, there are moves on the table, but those moves are being forced by the player that is going to win.

It’s probably no surprise that Q also mentions what’s happening now as “The Great Awakening” because sure enough, Wood proclaims something similar in 2012 when asked about this event. He responds:

If I had to give it a name I would say it is the awakening process. It’s an evolution of consciousness that cannot, will not, and no matter what decisions or possibilities are injected into the equation, eventually, it all results down to us all learning the truth, and becoming aware of this massive dam of lies that has been built to keep us from knowing massive volumes of information… Now at first I thought it [the event] was end of the world. But now, I see it is the end of their world.

Related Q Anon: The Plan To Save The World (Video).

Wood claims that this awakening process is part of an “Ascension Timeline” more commonly referred to by the elite as Timeline 1. This is the timeline that the elite didn’t like talking about, as they consider it a problem that needs to be fixed. The preferred timeline that the elite are trying to manifest results in some sort of global catastrophe in which the majority of survivors are driven underground, leaving only a small population on the surface to fend for themselves. This was referred to as Timeline 2.

Though Wood did his due diligence and investigated this problem of the timelines to the best of his psychic/intuitive abilities, in the end all he could offer to his superiors was reinforcement of what Looking Glass and the computers were already saying. The timelines will contract to some inevitable outcome that the bad guys didn’t like talking about.

Despite knowing this inevitability, the elite were still hedging their bets and continuing to build underground cities and trying to foment nuclear wars and natural disasters to kill off the vast majority of the population. Why persist in doing this when all the data says otherwise? Wood had a simple answer:

Because they are insane. And beyond being insane, they have literally deluded themselves into believing that they can somehow manage to get away with what they are trying to get away with. There is a distinct lack of reality in that way of thinking.

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The “Plan”demic

We’re going switch gears for a moment and talk about this current coronavirus pandemic, and how this global crisis could actually be part of another attempt by the elite (Deep State/Cabal) to manifest Timeline 2.

For those of you who don’t know, the Johns Hopkins Initiative, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, including representatives from the UN Foundation, the World Bank, China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Central Intelligence Agency, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as leaders from the travel, banking, pharmaceutical, and healthcare services industries met for its most recent “exercise,” called Event 201 which was held in New York City in October of 2019, to model response to a worldwide coronavirus pandemic (coincidentally).

“Our exercises are primarily educational tools,” Eric Toner, MD, senior scholar with the Center for Health Security and a Senior Scientist in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering, told Contagion®. “One of things we try to demonstrate through these exercises are economic and societal consequences, as well as the public health consequences, of a severe pandemic. We want to show policymakers, business leaders, and global public health organizations that a severe pandemic may be as disruptive to a country as a national security event can be.” (Source)

At the start of the exercise, the world was three months in, and there were already more than 500,000 cases globally. By its end, worldwide leaders were faced with a pandemic that involved more than 10 million cases, with the disease spreading rapidly through low-income districts of “mega-cities” around the world. Governments had issued travel bans, crippling the global travel and tourism industries. Thanks to these and other factors, the global economy was in “freefall,” with financial markets in tatters.


Of course, this was a worst-case scenario—but, sadly and most concerning, it is all too real.

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Now, if you consider the narrative being overtly pushed by MSM outlets and governments around the world at this very moment, it seems all too convenient that an actual coronavirus pandemic would occur just months after it was modeled as an “exercise.”

Side note: The use of “exercises” to provide cover for false flag activities is a staple of the Deep State’s modus operandi.

Back in June of 2017, the World Bank had launched its first-ever pandemic bonds to support $500 million pandemic emergency financing facility. This marks the first time that World Bank bonds are being used to finance efforts against infectious diseases.

Well, how convenient is that, don’t you think? And who was a member of this Event 201 in October? The World Bank.

If you would like to know more about this “plan”demic I really suggest watching the video below. Amazing Polly does an amazing job breaking this all down and covering much of the details.

The point I’m getting at here is that if some armchair investigative journalists can figure out that this pandemic was being engineered months in advance. How far in advance do you think White Hat military intelligence with access to Looking Glass technology knew about it? And what sort of prepared countermeasures do you think they had at the ready?

QAnon: The best is yet to come! Trust the Plan

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Moves and Countermoves

For whatever reasons, if this COVID-19/SARS-CoV2 coronavirus was indeed a bio-weapon meant to wipe out humanity (with or without the assistance of vaccines, chemtrails and 5G technology), it definitely hasn’t turned out that way. As the numbers kept coming in, it became increasingly difficult to reconcile the data with the premeditated reactions of the MSM and governments the world over, especially when compared to normal flu or influenza statistics.

The quarantines, travel bans and places/events getting shut down were obviously put into place regardless of the coronavirus. If this global lockdown was really because of a disease, then the same procedure would have taken place in years prior when we had swine flu, or bird flu, or Ebola, or other forms of SARS (which had more serious morbidity and mortality rates).

Related Insiders Expose COVID-19 Coronavirus: Medical Professionals Agree That Coronavirus Pandemic is Essentially a Myth

If we to look at all the pieces on the board, we can see this is clearly an orchestrated event involving multiple participants like those mentioned above (Event 201).

One could deduce that the Deep State/Cabal was deliberately trying to use this engineered pandemic as an excuse to crash the (debt-based fraudulent) economy and, if not foster a total global collapse, at the very least politicize it for the next presidential election.

Think of all the high profile CEO’s stepping down during the few weeks leading up to the pandemic. And then look at the stock markets just a few days after the pandemic was official, they never crashed this hard over previous diseases. This points towards orchestration.

Of course, the Alliance/White Hats knew what was going to transpire and we can see some moves being made from their side of the board. To offer up a few examples:

– Federal Reserve Bank has now merged with the US Treasury, paving the way for a new economic system that will likely be backed by precious metals and not debt (this is huge).

– Venezuelan President Maduro was just indicted for drug trafficking and corruption.

– 298 government officials arrested in Saudi Arabia.

– US nationwide arrests of 750 Mexican cartel members (CJNG) during Project Python.

These are only a few things we can see on the surface. It is highly likely that with numerous countries in lockdown, and people in quarantine (out of harm’s way), the Alliance/White Hats will be conducting communication blackouts (3 days of darkness for cell phones/internet), financial resets and military operations to move major pieces off the board. This could possibly include the unsealing of over 100,000 indictments and mass arrests.

David Wilcock expands upon this in one of his most recent livestreams (which unbeknownst to me covers much of the same material I had just touched on in this article). He also delves into the Law of One material around the 2-hour mark.

Related The Alliance is INTENTIONALLY Destroying the CABAL-Controlled Economy—But A New Development Will Bring Us Back from the Brink

For anyone who has read my previous articles, I usually include Law of One references, but since David Wilcock already covers it, you can check it out in the link.

There is also the claim that a large batch of adrenochrome in Wuhan was either spiked with poison or tainted with coronavirus by the White Hats. And much of the famous people, politicians and government officials “getting sick” with coronavirus could very well be frequent users or addicts of adrenochrome (who are connected with the Deep State/Cabal).

Now, for argument’s sake thus far, I’ve been simplifying this silent war between White Hats and Black Hats.

The truth is the Deep State/Cabal is comprised of various rival elite factions, all vying for supremacy; some have more malevolent agendas than others. And while the Alliance is comprised of various factions that are more or less unified in a common cause, there are still some factions (and individuals) that see more of the “bigger picture” than others.

What we see happening on the geopolitical stage is hard to discern.

You can see both White Hat and Black Hat agendas playing themselves out simultaneously as this unfolds. It is prudent and responsible thinking to always question governmental responses which include abuses of power and overreaching of authority no matter the circumstance. Many truthers believe this pandemic is being staged as a power-grab to take even more rights and freedoms away from the people. And rightly so, because this looks apparent to any person who questions the mainstream narrative.

Related CLAIM: The Alliance is Rescuing Children from Deep State Pedophile Tunnels, Red Cross Ships Mercy and Comfort are More Than They Seem

I am in no way a statist, but with that being said, I am also an anon and a Q patriot, and from what I’ve gathered over the years, this engineered pandemic was inevitably going to be staged by the Deep State/Cabal in an attempt do many inhuman things. It has undoubtedly been a part of the elite/NWO agenda for some time now. And in many ways, it was probably an unavoidable move on the board that the Alliance/White Hats were planning to deal with.

As I understand it, the “good guys” are doing everything in their power (through years of preparation and use of Looking Glass technology) to counter and curb this pandemic into something positive, similar in Aikido to using the opponent’s move and force against them. If the testimony of Bill Wood is to be believed, then the “bad guys” have already lost, and the only thing the loser can do is prolong the game.

Final Thoughts

One thing I can tell you from my years of study in esoteric/occult material is that the proper way to work with spiritual guidance and protection is to act in accordance with the non-aggression principle of the divine feminine and also the self-defense principle of the divine masculine. It is important that the “good guys” refrain from making any moves prematurely so they can maximize respect of free will.

This means that, in effect, it is the Deep State/Cabal that is functioning as the aggressor or initiator. The timetable and moves are being dictated by them, but their plans will always backfire and create the opposite reaction, because no matter what they do, the Alliance/White Hats have a move to counter it.

More than just moves and countermoves, we are dealing with a game in which “We the People” are the final piece. As Wood said:

It’s an evolution of consciousness that cannot, will not, and no matter what decisions or possibilities are injected into the equation, eventually, it all results down to us all learning the truth, and becoming aware of this massive dam of lies that has been built to keep us from knowing massive volumes of information.

Q has also stated on numerous occasions:

Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing.

In essence, We are the most important part of the equation. And it appears to me like this pandemic has been nothing more than a brazen and futile attempt to manifest Timeline 2.

But in reality, all this created was a huge wake-up call for humanity to start questioning the official narrative and break free from the chains of mental slavery, which invariably leads us to Timeline 1, the Ascension Timeline.

Those are my thoughts on the matter for now. We’ll see how things develop in the meantime. Thanks again for reading.

– Mickey Megistus


Magenta Pixie has a comparable understanding about this on YouTube entitled: Timeline War, Covid-19 Narrative, Attempted Planetary Takeover. She delves a bit more into the metaphysical side of things, but also tries to break things down for the layperson. And while there are a few conclusions here and there that don’t align precisely with my own, there are infinitely more similarities than differences. Link below:

The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.

About The Author

Self-proclaimed pantheist, anarchist and occultist, Mickey Megistus is an eclectic researcher with a passion for truth and the liberation of humanity. He is an avid proponent of using knowledge, compassion and wisdom to raise our collective consciousness through a blend of alternative science, eastern and western mysticism, and metaphysical practices.

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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.

This article (Qanon, Looking Glass and the Ascension Timeline: Could this Pandemic be Leading us to “The Event”?) originally appeared on and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and are provided. If you spot a typo, email

Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?

Several researchers, insiders, and alleged whistleblowers have reported that an alliance within various sectors of human life is working to overthrow the Deep State, restore the rule of law, and stop environmental destruction. There are several indications that this alliance does indeed exist but nothing totally concrete. The preceding information discusses updates from someone who claims to have contacts within this alleged alliance. This information is helpful because it provides a bit of hope in an otherwise bleak situation. However, one should not cease in their personal efforts for freedom upon the hearing of these updates. This is one of the potential harms of information of this sort; it tends to make people inactive because they feel someone else is going to do the work of gaining freedom and ending the tyranny of the Deep State. To be sure, these Great Works cannot be done by one or two people, but it also can’t happen without an active population capable of recognizing positive changes and rallying to support them. Indeed, without the spiritual support of the people, any such effort on the part of an alliance will only produce temporary results. True freedom, prosperity, and goodness can only come about because a majority of people in a civilization recognize their role in maintaining that society through intelligent and coordinated participation with other like-minded lawful custodians and wayshowers.

– Justin

Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.

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Filed Under: NWO Deep State, Politics, Secret Technology, Uncategorized Tagged With: ascension, coronavirus, covid-19, David Wilcock, disclosure, Mickey Megistus, q anon, Q Clearance, QAnon, SITS OG, time, time travel, video
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Our mission here is to curate (share) articles and information that we feel is important for the evolution of consciousness. Most of that information is written or produced by other people and organizations, which means it does not represent our views or opinions as managing staff of Stillness in the Storm. Some of the content is written by one of our writers and is clearly marked accordingly. Just because we share a CNN story that speaks badly about the President doesn’t mean we’re promoting anti-POTUS views. We’re reporting on the fact it was reported, and that this event is important for us to know so we can better contend with the challenges of gaining freedom and prosperity. Similarly, just because we share a pro/anti-[insert issue or topic] content, such as a pro-second amendment piece or an anti-military video doesn’t mean we endorse what is said. Again, information is shared on this site for the purpose of evolving consciousness. In our opinion, consciousness evolves through the process of accumulating knowledge of the truth and contemplating that knowledge to distill wisdom and improve life by discovering and incorporating holistic values. Thus, sharing information from many different sources, with many different perspectives is the best way to maximize evolution. What’s more, the mastery of mind and discernment doesn’t occur in a vacuum, it is much like the immune system, it needs regular exposer to new things to stay healthy and strong. If you have any questions as to our mission or methods please reach out to us at

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More ships are arriving!

Our attention also frequently turns upward as evidence of a great deal of activity continues to surface.

Gina's on top of it. Her iPhone 8 with a clip-on lens they no longer make yields these spectacular images.  It seems quite a crowd is gathering. Are they here to watch the show? Or the showdown? Are they "extras"?

More ships are arriving!

That concludes the Late Edition. Can you feel the world changing?

Dark to Light.   ~ BP

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The Perth mint is the only mint acknowledged by the Western financial system that is smelting Asian off ledger gold.  This is especially interesting since three Chinese warships just sailed into Sydney harbor, apparently without the knowledge of the Australian military.  Has China just seized control of Australia?

The Russians have also made a huge move by de facto seizing the world’s largest oil reserves in Venezuela.  The Russian government now owns them.  This means any move by the Washington DC regime to seize Venezuelan oil will lead to war with nuclear-armed Russia.

Related Why Did Russia Just Halt Domestic Gold Purchases?

The FED is now obviously losing control of the petrodollar as the price of some grades of oil is falling to $4 per barrel.  Experts are now predicting oil prices to go negative as the world runs out of places to store the stuff.

So why isn’t the U.S. dollar collapsing?  The answer to this is that the U.S. dollar is not controlled by the United States.  There are many countries producing U.S. dollars including China, Japan, and Indonesia. What is happening is that the formerly oil-backed dollars produced by the faction controlling Washington DC are not being accepted by most other countries.  Japanese or Chinese made U.S. dollars, though, are in high demand.  Seizing Australia and the Perth mint was necessary to ensure the cabal couldn’t get its hands on more gold to back its dollars with, Asian secret society sources say.

Related The Alliance is INTENTIONALLY Destroying the CABAL-Controlled Economy—But A New Development Will Bring Us Back from the Brink

Now, for a look at what the cabal has planned for China in this undeclared World War III, let us look at a CIA version, conveyed face-to-face by a source, of what’s going on with the pandemic:

“Wuhan will not open; this is all a stage show for the media.  There are still hundreds of apartment buildings sealed with the doors welded shut.  China is starting with a new round of infections from returning nationals carrying a different strain of the bioengineered virus.  Before the end of the year, China is scheduled to implode with hundreds of millions of deaths. The cabal’s goal is to eliminate up to half of its population.

There are five different strains of this weaponized coronavirus created at Ft. Detrick.  The strains that hit China and Japan are different from each other but Italy and Iran have the same strain.

India will only have minor problems and the death toll there will be marginal. The lockdown will be enforced by the cabal, which still controls India.  The pandemic should be winding down by July, so by summer, it will all be taken care of.”

Related David Wilcock LIVE: on the Great Pandemic, Part IV: Answering Your Questions! (Video)

It is interesting to note Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Israeli TV that the pandemic “might take two months, it might take three months, it might take a bit longer but that is the plan.”  Then we have a Rabbi telling the Jews not to worry because the coronavirus is “only for the goyim.”

Furthermore, we have CIA sources in South East Asia noting that because “100 people in a country of 270 million died from the ‘new flu’ they are shutting down the country.”  He adds: “This is the largest scam ever pulled on humanity.  People are waking up all over the world as to what this really is.”

“We see the whole affair as a pre-emptive strike that has gone spectacularly wrong.  Now we will see a counteroffensive designed to level to the ground all concerned,” is what MI6 had to say about the pandemic talk.

Interestingly the Satanic number 666 is again popping up in various news reports these days.  Two examples are linked below.

Book 1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance

These BBC and Fox News stories are hinting that asteroids will be used next to scare people after the pandemic show fizzles to an end.

We are also hearing from many sources that preparations for what is happening now have been going on for quite some time.  Take a look at this phrase from a September 2007 conference called, Defense in 2020 and Beyond:

“The British Armed Forces Joint Doctrine and Concepts Center expects a general collapse of the global order in the next decade, and other strategic thinkers are equally pessimistic.”

The “strategic thinkers” may have known their fiat-based control grid was mathematically doomed to lose touch with reality.  However, they apparently failed to see the collapse of the old control grid paving the way for a phoenix-like rise of a new age.  Soon our concrete and steel cities will become green with vegetation and filled with abundant animal life.

Remember the cabal requires fear and hate in order to stay in control.  Friendship and love, when backed by overwhelming military force, will prevail.  Just watch and see how many bad guys vanish over the coming days and weeks.  There is a lot we cannot say for operational reasons, but rest assured the good guys are winning.  It’s revolution time.

Love fully. Forgive Completely.

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Energies for our mass meditation are already building up and you can listen to this new Cobra interview, which brings some clarity into the current situation:

Pleiadian fleet has communicated that they will drastically increase their presence in Low Earth Orbit, stratosphere and atmosphere near the planetary surface in the next few days for our mass meditation.
For the next few days, if you look at the western sky after the sunset, you will see a powerful conjunction of Venus and Pleiades, which will be exact about one day before our mass meditation:
Pleiadians will be using this conjunction as a very powerful portal that will permanently secure the presence of the Pleiadian fleet in the inner Solar System.
My credible sources have communicated that “three days of darkness” internet blackout will definitely NOT happen until Easter.
You can check the current status of global internet here:
Certain areas on the planet may experience internet slowdowns because of intense internet usage so it might still be a good idea to print the instructions for the meditation or take a screenshot with your cellphone:

You can also write down the exact time of the meditation for your time zone:

Thousands of  people are sending me emails stating that they would like to participate in the meditation. It is NOT necessary for people to send me emails to sign up for the meditation. They can simply do the meditation at the exact moment and they can find all instructions here:
And everybody can find promotional and guided meditation videos in about 40 languages here:

Victory of the Light!
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Planetary Ascension

Our beloved planet Earth (Gaia) is currently moving into a part of our galaxy that is being bombarded with highly-energetic cosmic waves.   This energy is the impetus of our planetary ascension; and those whose frequency is not a vibrational match will find the ascension process very difficult.  This class will teach the student about the ascension process, and how to raise your vibrational frequency so that you can experience ascension in harmony with Gaia, as our Creator intended.

The Time is Now

“Be aware that a great opportunity is presented to all of your peoples at this time. Those among you who can raise their consciousness rapidly enough can take part in this great Graduation. Your planet moves into a higher vibratory area, and only those whose vibration can be raised along with this planet will continue into the Golden Age which will soon dawn upon your surface. It is a spiritual age of beauty, grandeur, and true love.” ~ Voices of the Confederation

Sphere Being Alliance

The Sphere Being Alliance is comprised of five different non-terrestrial and highly-advanced soul groups, including the Blue Avians, the Golden Triangle Head Beings, and the Blue Spheres – 9thdensity living beings that look like swirling spheres of blue light and can expand and contract in size. These Sphere Beings also transport Corey throughout the Universe and have been protecting our Solar System since at least the 1980s.

Corey Goode

A member of the Blue Avian soul group who incarnated to Earth to help with planetary ascension, Corey was recruited into the Secret Space Program at the age of six because of his intuitive empath abilities.  The Blue Avians refer to Corey as “Ra-Hanush-Eir” – a derivative of a Hebrew word which is synonymous with “Enoch” and roughly translates to “Messenger.”   Quite literally, Corey is the Enoch of our modern times – sent to our planet to reignite the Christ Consciousness message of love, forgiveness, and service to others in preparation for the most extraordinary time in our recorded history.

Corey’s Guides

Since 2015, Corey has been receiving messages from Blue Avian, Ra-Tear-Eir, and from Ka Aree from the inner Earth civilization known as the Anshar.  The message of the Blue Avians is that humanity needs to be more loving, forgiving and in service to other selves.  The Anshar are our distant future relatives, who have come back in time to manage their timeline and ensure their (and our) survival.

Review the Class Outline and Sign Up

Planetary Ascension

Our beloved planet Earth (Gaia) is currently moving into a part of our galaxy that is being bombarded with highly-energetic cosmic waves.   This energy is the impetus of our planetary ascension; and those whose frequency is not a vibrational match will find the ascension process very difficult.  This class will teach the student about the ascension process, and how to raise your vibrational frequency so that you can experience ascension in harmony with Gaia, as our Creator intended.


Sorting Out the Truth

The first step in the ascension process is learning the truth about who we really are, who created us, and why we're here.  Until we understand the ways in which we've been manipulated, lied to, controlled - and unwittingly divided - we will never come together in unity to take back our God-given free will; and we will remain enslaved in the current "Babylonian Money Magic" system of free-range control (the "Matrix").  Join us as we learn the truth, heal ourselves and our beloved Gaia, and raise our consciousness.

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Part 3

Source: Galactic Federation – SaVi

Disclaimer: This message is only meant for those to whom the contents resonate, for everybody else you can read and then let it go.

The article series is structured in different parts which are not necessarily connected to each other. They provide an overview of the current developments. 


Activation of Light Warriors (Commander)

Since October 2019 some light warriors who are incarnated on earth, and whom some are also commanders, were called to the GFOL fleet ships for a special mission which started on 01.01.202.  Since then they have been working closely with Light Forces in teams for different tasks.  Many groups were formed with these special tasks – and in each group there is one Light Warrior incarnated on the surface.  It does not matter if you are aware of this meeting in your day consciousness or not.

Most of them have no access or awareness of their being part of a group in day-consciousness due to protection they are receiving, but they are part of this operation.  All of these Light Warriors work in a special in-between timeline that stabilizes the positive timeline – many Starseeds are already very much decoupled from the old 3D matrix world, making it harder for them to stay in the old matrix.  This is very noticeable to them in many areas of their daily routines, day consciousness or the 3D environment.

Offense of Light Forces since January 2020

A series of major operations started as planned on 01.01.2020 and will continue throughout 2020 and beyond with further operations in the lower atmosphere as well as directly on the surface.  It is also important to know that Light Forces allow things to happen more from their perspective in the current time – superficially – including the imposed quarantine and the restrictions of the Dark side.  They allow it to a certain degree for certain reasons.

The situation is precarious… but for Light Forces it is manageable as long as the surface population remains calm and Starseeds follow their mission.   The surface population and the Starseeds are not directly subject or exposed in the direct line of fire between the Dark and Light sides.  Therefore, Light Forces are also using the current situation to keep the surface population outside these fields, so that they can freely perform all operations with the other factions.

The Light Forces and other factions continue to focus on removal of negativity, cleaning and stabilization together.  For this purpose, there are dedicated squadrons which are specially positioned and ready for operation.  The apparent or perceived disorder or confusion is actually extremely minimal … it is rather a sorting and filtering from the perspective of Light Forces.

Weakening Communication Structure of the Dark Side

Some weapon systems are already defused, deactivated or have a reduced effect which has been achieved through certain information transmissions from the Light Forces.  For the Dark side, however, these weapon systems are still visible – their reporting systems however indicate an operating status that is not reflecting the reality.  Several sleepers, who were active for the Dark side – consciously or unconsciously – have been successfully deactivated by the Light Forces as well – but in such a way that they were or are not aware of it.

Again, the control systems of the Dark side display or indicate an operating status that is not reflecting the reality.  Meanwhile the whole information structure is weakening for the Dark side and they become more and more aware that their reporting systems can no longer produce reliable data or provide actual information.  The Light Forces have full control over all information structures of the Dark side.  Some parts are already taken over directly and completely, parts are allowing information to flow within the Dark structures.  The Dark side, however, is not able to see which ones work or not.

The reaction is now openly visible – the last resort that remains for the dark side is an open series of attacks against the surface population which makes the hostage situation more and more visible for everyone.  This means that the cosmic war is now visible on the surface of the planet – an open war against humanity, against life, the planet and therefore also against the creation.  It is also more and more openly visible which person belongs to which side.

Attack Against Humanity

The Corona Virus and its current promotion is a distraction of the Dark side from their actual goals and intentions and other exotic weapons and weapon systems they utilize.  Their goal of full control, the achievement of full enslavement – also through expropriation (direct/indirect) – and the beginning of massive depopulation.  It is a large-scale attack against humanity performed with several parallel and/or successive strikes with other weapon systems used by the Dark side.  This also includes the 5G network.  The Light Forces and their allies are still taking care of it however, to eliminate all these systems one by one.

Defense Against Complete Subjugation

Due to the current situation and the increasing isolation caused by the Dark side, a side effect has been created resulting in the best conditions for the Light Forces and their allies to enable this great purification process.

Complex Mesh of the Dark Side

Why these massive measures? In the past, the Light Forces have continually tried to implement a different yet permanent solution via negotiation and reasoning, sometimes with success and sometimes without.  Any arrangements or agreements made were rarely followed by the Dark side. Their network is unimaginably complex, pervasive and huge – it is completely interwoven like a mushroom mesh.  Almost all key positions or decision-making positions are interwoven with them as well.

The Dark puts guardians in these critical positions who have been indoctrinated or corrupted.  These guardians may include sleepers with organic and artificial clones, hybrids, mixed creatures physical and not physical. The Dark side eventually realized the best way to maintain the populace in its’ unacknowledged hostage stage/situation was through the complete implementation of an artificial intelligence-based quantum technology.  To fully consolidate their aim for total control and complete subjugation of the surface population, it would also encompass directly influencing the lifespan and health status of humanity via their food, water, air, medicines, health systems, etc..

Source: Galactic Federation – SaVi



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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 969px) 100vw, 969px" width="969" height="545" />

By Dr. Katherine Horton, JIT

EDITOR NOTE: This article serves as a reminder of what is a stake, however, there is actionable intel that white hats are fighting back. We are right in the middle of that fight right now! Be aware! Be prepared! Don’t fear as there is good fighting back and we’re winning bigly! [Think of the Fed being moved into the US Treasury as an example]

No, This information is real, this is not an April’s fools Joke…

Get ready…If the bad guys win this current battle your world is about to be turned UPSIDE DOWN! The corrupt, criminal regime currently occupying Washington D.C. is starting to lose its grip on America. The American people are tired of being lied to. Smart Americans are “waking up” in droves to the reality of our nation’s leadership and financial critical condition. They’re tired of been propagandized, controlled and imprisoned by an illegitimate totalitarian regime that trashes our Constitution, Bill of Rights and is stamping out our individual liberties.

The Globalists are completely lawless and getting ready to arrest, throw into jail and murder anyone who gets in their way to fulfil their plan. If they win they soon will suspend our 1st Amendment rights and take absolute control of the Internet. Patriotic voices and religious “extremists” who contradict the government’s official narrative, will be censored and silenced. Any journalist who tries to conduct an honest investigation will be arrested and thrown in jail.  You can also say “goodbye” to your guns.

This will result in total chaos and upheaval in America. But this is only a part of the story, keep reading… Total Global financial collapse will be forthcoming along with the destruction of the Petrodollar and the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. The “death of the dollar” has been talked about for many years but will be finally realized. Don’t get duped into believing that the “2015 Shemitah” was supposed to be the final doomsday for the dollar.

Don’t worry, the dollar’s funeral is coming as is the ONE WORLD CURRENCY, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and ONE WORLD RELIGION. First will be the 2020 – a time of incredible darkness that will descend on the American people and indeed the world! The consequences of what’s coming for the average American are nothing less than catastrophic, yet many still have no idea whatsoever of what is about to happen.

Bank closures, riots, cities burning, starvation, chaos, Martial law, gun confiscation, FEMA camps, Constitutional rights obliterated, globalist takeovers, disease, despair, gangs, lawlessness, crime, you name it and much much more could soon be unfolding. Add to this the certainty of the coming regional/Middle-East wars involving China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel, the world stands at the precipice of World War 3. Again sadly, most of the population is completely totally unaware of what could happen because relatively few people follow Alternative Media. They get their nightly dose of government propaganda from NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX and CNN. What is also interesting is Economic and War cycles are coming to a climax in 2018 – 2020. Casualty rates could be astronomic.

A little humour helps ease the pain of having to live in our world today. Laughter is therapeutic. But what is getting ready to happen is deadly serious business – even life-threatening business! America wants to implode Washington D.C. and Washington D.C. is at war with Americans. It’s a titanic struggle to the finish of good vs. evil to determine the winner. Let us all do our part for the battle to end well and so there’s not much blood spilt.

Pray for the candidate’s physical safety. Have you prepared for the FUTURE SHOCK that is coming? If so, you won’t panic when PANIC sweeps the globe. The PERFECT STORM is truly mind-boggling. It’s unusually ominous and is rapidly approaching: -when markets across the world plunge because the $225 trillion debt bubble explodes; -when the banking system collapses because of the 4.25 quadrillion Derivatives market and the Central Bank scams of “QE” printing money to infinity!

-when your local bank steals all your money you’ve deposited (called “BAIL-INS”) because it has to else it will go bankrupt;

-when the entire world launches into a major Global Financial Crash & Global Great Depression;

-when food, medicines and commodities because scarce and prices SKYROCKET!;

-when domestic terrorism breaks out across multiple cities simultaneously;

-when Global War breaks out fueled by the Middle East conflicts;

-when rampant domestic violence and the Global Chaos of 2020 unfolds;

-when the New World Currency of 2020 thru 2021 is unveiled; -when the GREAT VIRUS PANDEMIC of 2020 is unleashed;

-when the total WORLDWIDE POLITICAL UPHEAVAL OF 2020 takes place.

Evil is exploding exponentially as Lucifer is unleashing his dominions to furiously prepare the world for his arrival – the day wherein he will be “revealed” to every living human being on the planet as “God.” The false god for sure to be followed by the REAL GOD.

The wicked are becoming more wicked and the righteous are becoming more righteous – just as the Bible predicted. Mark these words… If we don’t make a DRAMATICALLY CHANGE now. Millions will be standing at death’s door. Chaos will be coming and will be going to spread far and wide.

Democracy as we know it in Britain and the U.S. is only a few hundred years old. The majority of Europe and the rest of the world has been ruled by powerful elites with absolute power. Domination is by means of force. The high cabal of the New World Order would like to see this model reinstituted.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs functions at the behest of the British monarchy. They have spun off their American counterparts–the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. The Bilderbergers are their creation. Hundreds of humanistic study institutes in the U.S. also promote their theories.

The Committee of 300 is comprised of a hierarchy of the Freemasons, the American Eastern Liberal “Establishment,” the European Nobility, the Order of Skull and Bones and the Illuminati.

Their interest is in the eradication of the middle class. They desire only rulers and servants. “No national boundaries” is their mantra. The U.S. Constitution is a major stumbling block for these people.

Stalin kept the USSR heavily armed with conventional and nuclear forces because he did not trust this group. Putin understands the threat as well and has brought the Soviet Union to an apex of nuclear strategic capability.

Let’s now analyze in detail the genocidal Plan the incredibly evil NWO has been carefully preparing for you and your love ones. That is if you do nothing…

Few people around the globe know of this website and even more claim the organization doesn’t legitimately exist at all. Despite the overwhelming suppression of its significance, WikiLeaks documents have revealed it was legitimately used as reference material in a Stratfor report on the technological capabilities of The People’s Republic of North


Deagel’s reports, in particular the aforementioned research on North Korea, was also provided to the President during Presidential Dialy Briefings. Deagel thus provides information which is subsequently used by global intelligence communities and governments.

Here is a partial list of known Deagel partners and clients, according to their own website:

  • National Security Agency
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO – OTAN)
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • OSCE
  • Russian Defense Procurement Agency
  • Stratfor
  • The World Bank
  • United Nations (UN)

This highly regarded intelligence organization has a grim outlook for the United States in the coming years including a 78%-83% decrease in population. In fact, it predicts a similar, cataclysmic fate for the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Japan, and Denmark, and more U.S. allied nations:

Year: 2013, Population: 316 million, Forecast 2025: Population: 69 million

I know many Australian readers will be curious as well, and for their reference, their population will be cut in from 23 million to 15  million.

To make matters even stranger a statement on Deagel’s forecast page can found be which was made by the authors on October 26, 2014, which apparently claims the population shifts are due to suicide and dislocation and assure us they are “not a death or satanic cult”:

Historically a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. This is not mainstream but it is true. A new crisis joins old, well known patterns with new ones.

We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. It is not God’s word or a magic device that allows to foresee the future.

Note This website is adjusted and updated frequently accordingly to how well their current Planned USA 2018-2025 genocidal plans are going.

After carefully analyzing the numbers note which are the countries most affected and which are the winners. Most importantly note which ones are losing the most. Most people don’t know that the NWO archetype ALWAYS MOVES WEST (originally started in Babylon, following Assyria, Egypt, Rome, Paris, London, Spain, last the USA…and it is now China’s turn. This is why the controllers of this world slowly moved and transferred all USA industry carefully there for the last 50 years. Unfortunately for the Western cultures, that “industries migration process’ has now been completed.

It is utmost important to note that the NWO Satanic sects are not solely composed by Americans, Europeans or Asians origins but they are a collection of international multi-cultural Cabalistic and Illuminati crime syndicates. Ruthless and dangerous crime Syndicates, Cartels, Families or crime Covens who are the culprits of all wars, drug running, distribution (Legal & illegal drugs) money laundering, corruption, all human child and sex trafficking and basically all international criminal activities that are ailing our beleaguered world. In short, they are an ancient and deeply-secretive multi-cultural cult of death hiding behind many masks in positions of elite wealth and power in every country around the world.

Two of the most dangerous of those interlinked groups are the “Blue bloods” (Global Royalty) and The “Elders of Zion”(Khazarian Mafia), In essence, they are an ancient but powerful conglomerate of global Satanic cults of “Death”. You may read a detailed document clicking the link below which spells their NWO control plans in great detail. It is important to remember that no matter what mask they chose to wear in whatever country they reside in, their common denominator is they are all part of the same cults of: Death=Baal=Satan=Leviathan=Lucifer=Devil=Shaitan=Demon=Prince of Darkness, among many other names attributed by different cultures throughout human history…

Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zionism: The New World Order Zionist Plan To Dominate The World


According to the current Satanic controllers of the world, the USA NWO/Illuminati World Domination championship time is over. The plan presented here is their preferred way of domination used by them numerous times for thousands of years since ancient Babylon. This is their perfect system of domination and enslavement, first the raising and then the carefully manufactured total collapse of civilizations… but ONLY AFTER they have carefully leached, stolen and moved the entire country’s wealth to their next country victim farther WEST.

Now more than ever we need to listen to the monumental speech, given as a warning to America by to Robert Welch, leader of the John Birch Society, about the decline of America due to Communism, a speech that will sound eerie familiar since most of his warnings have already come to pass:

Robert Welch Speech (Greatest Speech in America, 1958)

Their idea of their NWO only works if they convince you that it is YOU the problem, that it is humanity as a whole and not them THE VIRUS of this planet. Their last move is to infect you with “The Virus of The Anti-Christ” which is “FEAR”! Remember that “God Is Love” and “Darkness/Evil is FEAR”, are you already infected with the 666 Virus?  Knowing these plans, are you just going to sit frightened in a corner somewhere just observing and doing nothing while allowing this great USA nation and our unalienable freedoms to be overrun with evil? Make your own conclusions after carefully analyzing the following data…

For details by countries click the link below:

Updated Depopulation Murder Rates in the Forthcoming Planned Global Genocide 2018 – 2025 as forecast / announced by


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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Cobra & Benjamin Fulford Interview Graphic 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px" width="1280" height="720" />

Prepare for Change welcomes back Cobra and Benjamin Fulford for a very important conversation about the Corona Virus and escalation in the war for planetary liberation.

We include several vital messages for our Prepare for Change community that we urge you to listen to for a little more perspective of what’s going on and for the need to react calmly to reject the Cabal’s dark agenda.

Our conversation with Benjamin and Cobra thoroughly goes through all the rumours regarding the Corona Virus and focuses the attention squarely to the Cabal perpetrators. We take up how they are reacting and what the White Hats response is and will be over the near future. Cobra gives us an update from the higher planes perspective and we also set up the mindset of the dark brotherhood for those new to this message.

While it’s very important to hear the message and be prepared as well as vigilant, it’s also important to know these higher truths as this premeditated biological attack is one that is beyond the pale, in plain sight, and perhaps necessary for the public to observe to further wake up and take part in demanding change. Now is the time to firmly put out your intent.

We also urge viewers to do their own investigating of our claims as well as investigate the MSM claims regarding overflow hospitals. Hospitals are proving to be drastically empty. Go walk into the emergency room of your nearest local hospital and you’ll notice they are quieter than usual because with so many people now staying at home in “quarantine”, therefore there are far fewer road and work accidents. Using you common sense: Do you hear any ambulances sirens anywhere? Then stop buying into their fear mongering. Does this align with MSM narratives?

We have prepared a global meditation “Ascension Timeline – End of the Corona virus global meditation” on April 4th & 5th (depending on which part of the globe you live) This meditation is to End this “coronavirus” madness and instead bring Peace, Health & abundance to our planet for good! You may find the link with all the details of this important meditation here:

This “Ascension Timeline- End of the Global Coronavirus”  meditation has been translated in many different languages and again, you may find those videos at Cobra’s website below:

You can find instructions and time zones and links to video guided meditations in all languages here:

For the guided meditation in English, find it here:

Finally, please find information regarding the Prepare for Change Community Leaders Briefs and do what you can to distribute the information.

For a list of our past interviews with Benjamin, please go here:

Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.


Prepare For Change is a registered 501c3 charity and only run of public donations, to help us continue bringing you more interviews and daily posts on our website please offer a financial donation. Beyond keeping our operating costs covered with an all-volunteer staff. Prepare For Change is the proud founder and supporter of an orphanage in Malawi, Africa. A significant proportion of our donations go to this noble and worthy cause.

To donate please visit:

As always try to raise your vibration and remain loving to one another, we’re all one, and we’re all going to bring about a new world!

For more direct information from Benjamin please see his website: &

For more direct information from Cobra please see his website:


(Note there is an introduction and an important final message not included in the recoded version of the interview) 


Cobra, among others out there have been warning constantly since 2012 of the upcoming Paradigm change. We have been asking our community to “Prepare For Change” by understanding the hidden history and control of the planet, and very importantly right now, to load up with enough food, water and basic necessities for this turbulent event we now are experiencing.

For those who have been following Prepare For Change you’ve probably seen since 2013 our warning of this event in our “Community Leaders Brief” on the home page of lf you haven’t read it yet you, we encourage you to do so now, just go to  We’ll list this link at the bottom of this video. This important document was originally created in 2013 and translated into as many different languages as we could with our limited resources. “The Community Leaders brief” was the original plan of the Light Forces, in order to create a smooth & peaceful transition towards a better world for everyone in this planet.

Unfortunately, the dark ones recently attempted a preemptive strike and are using the lab-created Coronavirus as a cover-up for their planetary coup. They are using this to try to implement their dark, mass-mandatory-vaccination agenda. Fortunately, their plans are not going quite as planned as the virus has been neutralized at its origin, however, they will keep using Chem-trails or drones to keep spreading the same virus around the globe to take advantage of the extreme panic & fear they’ve created. They are using this against the public through coordination of mass media and corrupt health officials.

In short, the only serious weapon they now have left is the blind compliance they’ll try to get from you if you remain trapped in their artificially low vibrational field that they created for all of you. This dark, low-vibrational field is a trap that you can free yourselves out of, but only if you stop feeding it because “that is where the real danger is.”

Pray heavily, and DAILY. Meditate DAILY, stay in LOVE and JOY at all times regardless of what you hear in the the fake MSM news of what is “supposedly” going on out there. The Universe has been preparing those who are already awakened for a large scale event and this is the time to use all your skills.

Understand what is happening here,  that It is all a theater and a sham designed to trap your souls!  Now is the time to take all you have practiced and put it to good use!

We have prepared a global meditation “Ascension Timeline – End of the Corona virus global meditation” on April 4th & 5th (depending on which part of the globe you live)

This meditation is to End this “coronavirus” madness and instead bring Peace, Health & abundance to our planet for good! You may find the link with all the details of this important meditation at Cobra’s website: (and also at the bottom of this video).

This “Ascension Timeline- End of the Global Coronavirus”  meditation has been translated in many different languages and again, you may find those videos at Cobra’s website:  (also at the bottom of this video).

Regardless if you ever supported this group or not, if you are rich or poor, if you believe in aliens or not, if you are black, white, yellow or brown, if you are straight or gay, if you are a Christian or not, if you are a protestant, catholic, Jew, Buddhist, Hinduism, Muslim  or an atheist, it matters not a this point – we are all human. The brotherhood of darkness is knocking at your very doorsteps now.

Everyone listening to this is being called for immediate action and if you don’t joint & hear the resistance call now, when reality is hitting you straight on the face… then WHEN?

As the powerful, infinite and eternal beings we truly are, it is time to reclaim our full sovereignty, our compete spiritual and physical freedom! It is time to put our foots down and say NO more to darkness, no more human enslavement, No more distorted illusions and instead demand peace, happiness & abundance for everyone as we deserve no less…

Now on with our interview with Benjamin Fulford and Cobra:



Benjamin Fulford & Cobra Return: Critical Corona Virus and War Updates

Welcome to Prepare for Change. Today is Wednesday March 25th, 2020, and today we are honoured to speak with, and thank, our guests Benjamin Fulford and Cobra.

Benjamin is a geo-political reporter who has contacts in many high-level intel groups and secret societies who are negotiating through this period, and is in contact regularly with White Dragon Society sources, Pentagon, P3 Vatican Lodge, and Mossad, among others. Please subscribe to his weekly blog at

Cobra is the chief intel provider for the Resistance Movement, at his blog His information is connected to the higher sources, and he was the was the founder of the original Prepare for Change groups and website.

We will discuss the coronavirus, but more importantly the war that is now on the surface, with a look at both sides in the battle and get a lots of intel updates and hope.

Cobra, it’s been a while, so thank you for joining us at this critical time.

You’re much welcome.

Yeah, we really appreciate it. I’ll start with a general assessment question, and then ask some questions directly to each of you. But feel free to jump in if you’ve got an important point to add.

So, let’s begin!

Regarding coronavirus, can you each give us your two-minute update? Benjamin first, then Cobra.

Okay. My update is that both the dark and the light forces are trying to use this outbreak to their advantage. The old cabal is trying to use it to enforce draconian martial law and put people into concentration camps. For example, the governor of Japan passed a law that allows them to seize private property in order to put patients there and isolate them. In other words, to create concentration camps. The good news is that the virus was intended to kill many millions of people by this time and it’s not happening, so clearly our herd immunity is preventing this from killing the amount of people they were hoping for. The other good news is that the White Hats are using this to carry out mass arrests, and I know there have been 80 arrests of senior satanists in the Vatican for example in Italy; I have that from direct sources. And I think the war in the United States is reaching a climax too. So, overall it’s turning out to be a good thing. But, there’s way too much fear-mongering, and my final message is don’t let them scare you with this. It’s just BS and don’t worry about it.

Thank you. Cobra. Your assessment?

Yes, as Benjamin said, this situation is being used by the dark side and by the light side. The dark side’s main agenda is they want to create digital currency and new world order type of controlled society. They want to release a vaccine that will be actually more harmful, that could actually worsen the situation. This is their plan. They are combining this with the roll-out of 5G networks. Some of them are on the surface of the planet, and some of them are on star-link satellites. That will increase the intensity of mind programming of the surface population. That will increase the quarantine status, and at the same time the Light Forces are using this opportunity to further their plans. I will not go into details here because there have been lots of rumors; I will not deny them, I will not confirm them; but I would say that the Light Forces are doing their part of the job. One aspect of the situation is that the Pleiadians have been drastically reducing the efficiency of the virus with their Command RCV Stardusts protocols, they have been reducing the lethality of the virus, and they have been reducing the spread of the virus. But at the same time, one aspect, one part of the surface population is not taking this in the right way and they are spreading the virus quite effectively. So I would say, this virus is a problem but something that can be contained – something that will be contained – and will actually trigger irreversible changes in society.

Thank you for that. There’s a lot that was presented there. We can unpack that. And I do want to take our time a little bit with some of those points because it is having an effect in triggering a lot of people’s worries, and I think if we go point-by-point on some of the bigger things that we’ve learned, we can sort of assuage people’s fears.

So Benjamin, can we see this coronavirus as a premeditated attack?

Absolutely. There’s no doubt about it. The evidence is overwhelming. The fact that they had initial reports by scientists that there’s no way this virus could have appeared naturally, and then you have people with guns actually threatening the scientists and forcing them to withdraw their scientific paper. I mean, the fact they had a US athletic team at the world army olympics in Wuhan just before it started who won no medals even though they have the biggest army on Earth. Everybody who is actually aware knows this whole thing is engineered, it’s not a natural occurrence, but like I say, it is having the effect of collapsing the existing financial system and if we do it right it’ll allow for a much better system to replace it. And that’s what the battle is about right now. We’re looking for, and I’ve got sources now in the [unclear], the [inaudible] are now saying it’s true we are going to finally carry out a debt jubilee and a redistribution of assets, and they’re going to try a system of financial governments based on best practices which I have identified as being in places like Singapore, China, and how Japan used to have it. I’m not talking about society as a whole, I’m only talking about the economic planning aspect. How to plan to build a better future systemically. That’s all. I’m not talking about political liberty, all the other aspects, just economic management.

Thank you for that.

Cobra, in your opinion, did it trigger, or in your intel, did this trigger event release an Earth Alliance response that was expected or planned by the Earth Alliance? Did it catch them sort of off-guard or did they have a plan perhaps prepared to put into action?

Well, they had their plans prepared but to a certain degree this was not expected. In December it was known that the dark factions had various plans. Some of them were targeting more in the depopulation of the planet sectors, some of them were targeting the financial sector, so there were various plans and most of them have been caught immediately, they have been stopped immediately. But this one went a little bit out of hand. So now the Light Forces are implementing their response which will be quite…which is not yet visible….but it will be quite efficient at some later stage in the game.

Well hold that thought and maybe we can get to that. That’s definitely something I wanted to dive into a little bit deeper.

Benjamin, as we often talk about, how is this the ‘endgame’ of the Cabal? It seems like they’re pretty desperate to have done this. Was it even accidental?

It was clearly planned long in advance because you have multiple signs of this. If nothing else, you have a whole pandemic exercise by the Bill Gates Foundation, the Davos people —

And Jon Hopkins University that was event 201 —

Yeah Bloomberg financed that. So these guys, they were hoping that this would… what they wanted is they wanted to kill a huge amount of the world population and force the rest into submission. Instead what’s happened is they’ve made us all very angry and we are attacking *them* instead of submitting to them. So it’s really blowing up in their faces, and it will continue to do so.

Yeah, I agree with that.

Cobra, can we say that the cabal and the central bankers are satanic? I ask that and obviously we understand this, but for some new viewers we understand that there are a lot of people with this lockdown at home that are seeking information and more information is flowing, so we think that they’ll be driven to this site more than ever before. Just touch on that topic, why this is a satanic kind of cult.

The Illuminati cult is widespread in all aspects of society throughout the planet, not only among central bankers, also among politicians, actors, government officials. It’s a planetary network. It’s actually a cult of death, they believe in death as we believe in life. And one aspect of this network really wants to eliminate I would say 90% of the human population. They are serious in their intent. Their intents have been prevented and their goal with this pandemic was to have at least 15 million people killed by the virus and as a consequence with the economic collapse, even much more than that. So this was their plan and of course this plan is not going to be successful. This plan is not going to work.

Bejamin, why are they so desperate at this point?

I think it’s because the critical mass of people are becoming aware and even if you don’t, like I said, I was brought up as an atheist and I found it very weird dealing with satanists and stuff like that, but they actually invited me to join them and that’s how I became aware of them. I got this first-hand, not through reading something on the internet. They actually said you can join us and become rich and powerful or we’ll kill you. And that’s how I found myself in a fight against them. It’s very real. Even if you don’t want to get into that whole monotheistic sort of mindset, you can say that the current process where they create money out of nothing, they just put numbers in a computer, it’s extremely parasitical and detrimental to 99% of the population. It’s not a good way to run an economy or a planet, and we are destroying more life on this planet now than at any time since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. We really do need to change this. It is anti-life, it is destroying life on this planet and that has to be stopped. And that’s what we’re all about.

Thank you. You know we say a lot of things that seem very ‘out there’, so you have to use discernment and I throw that out there —

One thing that I learned, I try to avoid certain words that people have been trained to shut their mind if they hear them – and you have to take people in baby steps. Just like I had to myself when I was running into this stuff. But I think that the real bullet-pointer is that the central banks are not government entities, they are privately owned by an interbred group of families, and a large percentage of those families were involved in a plot to kill 90% of humanity in order to save the environment. This is the objective truth. But a large part of these families are actually saying, “That’s horrible, we shouldn’t do that, we can fix the planet without killing 90%.” And those are the people that we are aligning ourselves with, because we have a common enemy. And these are the global warming type people in specific. And they are part of the old cabal but they realise that genocide and what they call omnicide – killing all living things – is not a thing that they support. They’re breaking up, and a big faction is now siding with humanity.

So it seems that we have one lesser evil cabal faction fighting with this extremely evil faction for power and control and the planet. Cobra, did you have something to add to that?

I would say this is a very good description of the situation and these two factions, this split goes thousands of years ago into Black Nobility families. And actually the Italian strain of the virus, which is more deadly and more powerful, was put in Italy as a result of that struggle. So, the faction that wants to kill 90% of the population put the Italian strain of the virus – which is a mutated version, it’s not the same as the Chinese strain of the virus – it was put in an area near Piacenza in Italy. Piacenza is a place in Italy which was ruled by, I would say, a vast majority of the main Black Nobility families in Italy. So, it was put right there as a signal in that particular country.

So that’s where I’m trying to frame people’s perspective. And thank you Benjamin for bringing up the point about using ‘baby steps’. Every time we do a presentation there is a degree of baby steps, but we’ve been talking for well over a year, so do you see this as one of the final battles between good versus evil?

I don’t know if we want to call it a final battle between good and evil, but I do see it as a way where we can really fundamentally improve how we run this planet of ours that we all share. I think that it’s a time where love will overcome hate and fear, which is what the cabal has been using to control us. So we need to take advantage of this and we need to make sure that this opportunity is not wasted, and that’s what I’ve been pushing for. I’m sure now that statistically we are going to win. They’re doomed. I don’t see any way out for them. More and more of them are disappearing and they can’t cover it up with computer graphics and fake news reports anymore. Obama is gone, Hillary is gone, Rockefeller is gone… they’re all gone. Now Bill Gates will obviously have this blow up in his face. What is it like 1000 corporate executives, more than that, are quitting now? The whole system is falling apart and the next few weeks will be critical. But, I guarantee that humanity is going to be liberated.

I’m sorry but I’ve got urgent matters here, a lot of stuff is on my plate. There was an attempt to attack Tokyo with a 5G electromagnetic thing in order to get people scared again, and we had a big fight. We stopped that. There's a lot going on and the next few weeks will be critical. But I’m hearing that it’s now a statistical certainty that we will win.

So any last questions? I’ve got to go. I don’t have a lot of time right now, so just one last question please and then I’ve got to leave you guys.

Okay, I’ll give you one, and Cobra if you don’t mind staying on for a few more questions.

Yeah, sure.

Thank you. Totally understand your position. How about economy, Benjamin? That’s up your alley. Can you summarize what we’re seeing here?

Yeah, the very important thing about the economy is that – there’s two things – one is what is known as the real economy. That’s the actual physical things like factories, buildings, farmland. And then there is the virtual economy which is what people think about it – also known as finance. And what’s happening is the way they’re creating all these trillions of dollars but the reality isn’t there. So their whole control using stock indexes and all that kind of stuff is becoming dysfunctional. People are waking up to the fact that the real economy is not the same as this financial magic or mass hypnosis that they’ve been using. So I think it will mean that the excesses that started basically in the 1990’s are finally coming to an end. That’s what makes sure of the allowing 100 times leverage. It means that it’ll be very good for the average person and it will be a reality-based economy again when this is all over. And I promise you that once the American regime is overthrown, we can double American living standards for the average American within a year. At least double. That’s a promise.

Okay, I have one question for Benjamin. What is your opinion about the coming mass meditation that we are having on the 4th and 5th of April?

I think that mass mediation is important because it is in many ways a psychological battle, and having a lot of positive energy out there does make a big difference. And so if people wish it to be true, they have the power to make it true if there’s enough of them doing it.

Okay thanks, and bye for now!

Keep on fighting the good fight, for sure. Well thank you for hanging out with us Cobra. You let me know if you’ve got any time constraints. There were a lot of things that we can cover, and hopefully we can get through the bulk of that so I appreciate your being able to stay on and commit the time.

This whole thing seems biblical. This is being portrayed sort of psychologically as Benjamin mentioned as an ‘end-times’ scenario, but perhaps that’s end times for the people that are trying to portray this. So of course they’re going to be very worried. And just to give it a little bit of context too, I don’t like dwelling in this area, we tend to talk a lot about darkness, and it’s easy to identify the problem, but help us understand the solution a little bit better. We don’t hear a lot about Christ in the equation here. What they try to do is get us away from Christ and Christ love and Christ teachings, so in a very real sense this feels like the rise that they’re trying to push of the antichrist.

Okay yes. This end-time scenario, the end-time madness, end-time is actually a very good thing. It’s the end of a certain type of cycle. It is the end of the old cycle of darkness and the beginning of a new cycle of light. In India they call it the end of the Kali Yuga and the beginning of a new Satya Yuga. So it’s a beginning of a new cycle. And at the end of the old cycle there is always the greatest degree of materialism and lack of spiritual connection. Well in a new cycle, a strong impulse of new spiritual energy comes. And it can come for every being, every person in their own way. Some people have a connection with their own Higher Selves some people have connection with their Spiritual Guides. Some people have connection with Christ, some people have connection with Buddha – it’s up to their own individual belief system. But what what I’m saying is that individual connection with higher spiritual principles will exponentially grow as we create this Breakthrough, so we are now in the last phase of this old cycle of collapse of the old society which didn’t work anyway.

Thank you for that.

While we’re talking about a collapse why don’t you talk to us a little bit more about the meditation that’s coming up on the 4th and the 5th. And I wanted to make a point of everyone looking up the times early because there are rumors out there, there are so many rumors and uncertainty going on, that one possibility is at least in the United States this sort of blackout, information blackout, so if there were some sort of shutdown of utility or internet – I really don’t see that happening but it’s a possibility – that we certainly want people to still utilize the opportunity to do the timed coordinated meditation. So what’s happening with that meditation?

So what you can do, you can print out the time of the meditation and the instructions, or you can take a screenshot on your phone and have it saved there. So in the remote possibility of something like that happening, if there is a internet blackout – which is not likely – then you can of course use that same data. I would say no matter what happens I would urge everybody to meditate because this meditation can really determine how things will develop. It can determine finally.


And here I would like to publicly invite those who have enjoyed our meditation to promote it, because it’s not about me, it’s not about my meditation, it’s not about my idea. It’s about the principle of mass meditation, a principle of critical mass, a principle of quantumly putting a signal in the energy field. So I will publicly invite Corey Goode, I will publicly invite David Wilcock to promote this and to set aside their, if they have any, blockages towards me for whatever reason. It is not time now for something like this. It’s time now to unite and to to do this. And of course if there is anybody else in the future, for the future situations, that would like to create a mass meditation for humanity they are more than welcome.

Thank you for that. Hopefully that message gets out there. I actually can report to you quite positively that some of the regular friends in even my circle, in my groups, have sent me notifications about the mass meditation. So yeah, that brought me a lot of joy to think, “Well hey great, this is getting out to the mass audience out there.”

Since we’re trying to educate still the audience on some of the information that might be out there, I wanted to touch on adrenochrome. What have you heard about the drug, and was it supposedly being manufactured in a lab in Wuhan, and have you heard any talk that there’s a possibility that the adrenochrome was tainted on purpose by White Hats?

I have heard about that rumour. I cannot confirm it, and there are other ways to identify the bad guys.

Great. Thank you.

At this time it seems like God is saying, “If you want to worship idols like athletes, I will shut down the stadiums. If you want to worship musicians, I will shut down civic centres. If you want to worship actors, I will shut down theatres. If you want to worship money, I will shut down the economy and collapse the stock market. You don’t want to go to church and worship me? I will make it where you can’t go to church.” During this time that people are at home what can people be doing while they’re at home, and how does that message resonate with you?

Okay, that message doesn’t resonate with me because in the way it is implied is not resonating with my Higher Self. This virus is a bio-weapon which was released by the dark forces and not by some higher spiritual entity. But people staying at home – this can actually have some very good effects because people will have time to calm down, slow down, to reconnect with their own self, with their Higher Self, and with nature. And the most excessive distortions of human society will be at least to some degree lessened for some time.

How does fear play into manifesting a positive or negative outcome? Maybe talk about energetic levels that everybody has in their own auric field.

Fear that is now being triggered was always there. It was subconscious. So what is happening now is an active purification of that fear, and much of the fear is actually entities which are co-existing in human energy fields. And now with this global mass isolation, global quarantines, global lockdowns, people are isolated and those entities cannot be transmitted to other people like the virus. So they will starve out and die. We are not just removing the virus, we are also removing all those entities, as well as much of the global fear which has been suppressed throughout history and has been through generational trauma transmitted from parents to children, from generation to generation; it will now be cleared forever.

And also this global quarantine thing is a good exercise for The Event, and all the transformation this world went through in the last ten days is a good rehearsal. So when The Event happens – I’m not gonna comment when that will be – but when it happens, people will be much more ready because they have gone through this preparation stage already. And this situation also makes it much easier for the Light Forces to plan The Event, because now they have much better models of human behaviour. They understand much more how humans will react to something like this. So it makes it so much easier now.

Absolutely. I completely can see that. You were the force behind establishing Prepare For Change originally, and that goes back to 2012. The purpose was always to educate and inform people about The Event, and so there was a plan that was in place that I think seemed to have the idea that the banks were going to be shut down and then that would lead to mass arrests and getting rid of these people. With this [virus] event that has happened it seemed like we had to react to that attack. So, has this always been sort of a ‘phase one’ of THE Event? Because this takedown did have to happen? Correct?

Can you reframe your question? I don’t quite understand your question, what’s your question actually?

People get confused and want to look at The Event as the solar event that we talk about. That’s an event that you mentioned you don’t want to give a date on.


Can you consider this part of The Event as well, sort of the takedown of the financial system?

I have outlaid the plan of The Event many times already, and the data on financial system is part of the process.

Great, thank you.

But I cannot comment if the current situation is actually The Event or not. I cannot comment on that, obviously.

Sure. But this has to happen. We have our community leaders brief, and in the brief the steps were that the bank event would happen.

Yes of course, yes of course. Yes, yes.

So, we don’t want to say that we weren’t surprised by this. This is this is all part of it like you say.

I had a question about the virus itself. Is there anything in the DNA itself – if it was created as a bio-weapon, and it sounds like it was coronavirus and part of SARS, and part of something else… Does the overwhelming creation, creativity, positivity of the carrier coronavirus, which isn’t in itself that lethal, does it seek to cleanse itself of that SARS virus in the same way that if a human body gets a sickness, all the cells in our body work to eliminate that sickness, that virus? Can we expect it is the same thing happening with this virus, and the size of the virus, that is not a really big living organism, that it will work itself out quickly because it’s got a short life cycle?

Yeah, the human body learns how to react to new threats, and this virus is a new threat. Everybody who was infected, their immune systems were learning very fast how to react to that threat and remove the virus. In most cases they were successful. What is the problem is the older people who have various chronic diseases at the same time, so their immune system is fighting three or four conditions already and the next one could be lethal. This time it was this virus. In other cases it could be something else. So human immune system will learn how to deal with the virus but before that happens we need to do whatever we can to stop the spread of the virus.

Thank you. Cobra, 5G has been reported to be a major factor in at least weakening people’s immunity. It was on the original Diamond Princess cruise ship. How far can electromagnetic attacks affect a person physically and mentally?

Very much, actually. The 5G network is the most dangerous of all of them and it can actually severely compromise the immune system. It affects the cellular membranes and actually this is one of the most dangerous technologies which has been publicly released until now. So it’s a major concern, and this 5G network has to be stopped one way or the other.

Is there any basis that would support the idea that since the planet is going through Ascension, since individuals are going through Ascension, since the Sun is creating more radiation and more energy; everything has to vibrate higher? Is there any support that would say 5G is sort of forcing humanity to move a little bit higher in vibration?

I would not say that 5G is accelerating evolution. 5G is trying to stop evolution actually. The dark forces are trying to do the impossible, they are trying to stop the Galactic Central Sun pulse which is of course something they cannot do. I mean they will try everything they can and they will fail.

Thank you for that. You mentioned the Galactic Central Sun pulse for people that are coming to the channel. That’s something that these bloodline families and rulers and controllers and archons are aware of, and they figured out a way years ago correct, to kind of weaponize that. When you said it’s an ‘end of times’ scenario. For them it certainly is. Is that something to be concerned about?

Yes, actually the archon families the Black Nobility families have in their prophecies that there will come a time of this solar pulse, a Galactic solar process which will trigger our Sun, and this Black Sun worshipping cult is actually speaking about the activation of the Galactic Centre. So this is what they’re speaking about. One of the legends they have is that at this end time they will be saved by some higher dark entity, when in reality what will happen is they will go to the Central Sun. They will go to be transformed, their soul essence will be destroyed. All those who have failed in their evolution will be actually disintegrated and they will have to start their evolution renewed. So for us there is nothing to be afraid of. For us it will be the beginning of a most wonderful time.

Thank you. It’s nice to have some hope and understand the positive message that’s there as well.

Okay. I have time for a few more questions.

Thank you very much. Do you see this leading to a forced vaccination agenda?

Okay, when the vaccine will be ready there is a possibility, if the world stays as it is, that there might be attempts of forced vaccination. But most likely they will not go as well as dark forces have hoped. Number one, the biochip equation. The biochips are out of the equation for this new vaccine, because the Resistance Movement has removed the biochips which are stored in certain secret facilities. So the new vaccine will not involve any biochips of any kind. But still there might be some chemicals in there which can be harmful for human health so we will see.

Trump posted recently that this is a war with a hidden enemy, and that we will win. What do you think he’s referring to there? Do you believe he’s aware of an ET or interdimensional presence?

I think he personally does not believe in that so much. He has not been briefed at the highest levels. He is aware of what is happening to a certain degree. He has been used by the Light and by the dark factions, and I would not put so much weight on his words and actions. He is just one of the players in this in this endgame.

Hmmm. Just today he mentioned that he’d like to have churches filled on Easter Sunday. Does he know something we don’t, or is there something to worry about?

Well this is not a good idea because of the coronavirus, because a large meetings can accelerate the spread of the virus. Regarding the symbolic meaning of this, he wants to restart the economy as soon as possible. That’s his agenda and he is having this target day of Easter to restart everything.


Which might of course – I will add this target date is also a possible target for some other things which people can interpret one way or the other.

A couple more questions for you, if you don’t mind.


A galactic topic. There’s a war going on in the higher planes for planetary liberation or control. Most people don’t understand this. Can you give us a brief…

Okay I will give a simple explanation of this. Probably you all are aware that this planet is not the only planet with intelligent life because there are so many… Our galaxy has hundreds of billions of stars and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in this Universe so it will be crazy to presume that this is the only planet with intelligent life. So, there are other forces in the Universe and many of them have their own agendas about this planet. Some of them are positive and some of them are negative. Planet Earth is the centre of the proxy war between the light and the dark factions of the galaxy, and of course at this point all those extraterrestrial races are not showing themselves openly. This is a covert war, it is not an open war, and this war is taking place on the physical plane and it is taking place interdimensionally on higher planes with advanced technologies. None of this ever gets reported. For example, there is a quantum war taking place right now. I was not speaking about that before. I can release that right now. There is a war with quantum technologies and the Light Forces are winning.

Thank you for that. From the Light Forces’ perspective, are Starseeds and Lightworkers on the surface doing enough to support the liberation? What else can we be doing?

It depends on which segment of the Light Forces, of the Lightworkers and Starseeds, you are referring to. Some people are doing really, really, really, everything they can. They are very dedicated, but some people are… Actually I would say their personality flaws, their belief systems are coming in the way. So much more was possible, much more was planned to be achieved, and certain things would have been been very much different right now if certain key people and certain other not-so key people would behave differently among the Lightworkers. Many dark scenarios have been prevented and even this scenario could be prevented most likely if certain people would behave differently in Lightworker communities. So, it’s a mixed situation, and I’m not saying this as a form of judgement, I’m saying this as a statement of observation.

Thank you. Speaking about observation, many, many, many of your observations are collected at your website. We have the links down below but again your website is…?

You can just google Portal 2012 and you will find the first hit.

And then you can also get onto for Cobra’s key articles. Those are all there, as well as the community leaders brief and more information about The Event.

Before we let you go can you talk about the future, and releasing some of the SSP type of technologies or healing technologies?

The future that is awaiting us is really wonderful. I mean, imagine all darkness being removed. Imagine all financial worries being removed. Imagine all illnesses being removed. Imagine all those wonderful technologies being released. Imagine being able to travel throughout the Universe, and all options, all possibilities, endless possibilities will open for us. So this is the golden age we are all working for. This is something that is awaiting us at the end of this dark tunnel.

We’re now in the final phases. This is really the end. You can see the proof in what’s happening in the world. This would not have happened if the dark forces were not extremely desperate, because they know it’s game over. So this is why they’re doing this.

So at the end I would just like to invite everybody to participate in our meditation, and share our meditation, because together we can really change and really improve, and can actually determine the destiny of this planet.

Thank you very much, and Victory of the Light.

Thank you very much Cobra. Alright, thank you for your time. Blessings.

Thank you, bye.


Everything negative that is happening right now is being orchestrated by the self-appointed controllers of this world, self-described as The Brotherhood of Darkness. Their intention is to disconnect you from Love and Light. They are trying to lower your levels of personal and overall planetary vibrations.


The Universe has been preparing the already awakened for this large-scale event – and this is it!

Please, take a bit of time to remember your own personal awakening process before you really understand what is happening. This is the time to take all you have practiced and put it to good use.

Ask the Universe to show you the truth of the situation and adjust accordingly. You know how to bring Unconditional Love & Light to any situation. And now, it’s GO TIME!

This is not a time for fear. The dark Cabal “Ordo Ab Chao,” (Order out of chaos) is their motto. THIS is an attempted PREMEDITATED and PREEMPTIVE – psychological operation to establish “their” New World Order out of this artificially created chaos.

Psych warfare. Information Warfare. Bio Warfare. ElectoWarfare. And in the next days, an attempted financial war which will try to deny you access to your money. Next, potentially food along with everything else to turn you into a complete obedient and compliant desperate slave..

We have been warning you of their “Divide & Conquer” techniques that they’ll use to attempt gaining an iron-grip control over the entire population of this planet.

The Galactic Federation & the Confederation of Free worlds have been debating and came to the conclusion that humanity will receive the necessary Light to give us back our God given rights! Our birth rights!

The Higher Spiritual hierarchy sees this ongoing situation as a Planetary Coup but A Divine decision for aid has already been made. They simply ask us to stay calm and create the positive outcome in your mind. Avoid the MSM narrative, because IF we buy into that, WE WILL GENERATE A DIFFERENT REALITY FOR OURSELVES! as we’re ALL MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN WHAT YOU REALIZE!



IF YOU WANT TO BE SAFE FROM ANY VIRUS, please read the articles about the many alternatives found on and do further research under our numerous health and healing articles. Also, please ask for the help of you Spirit guides. The angelic realms are always there waiting and wanting to help. Have faith because one needs to believe in higher power and your own higher purpose


God has the Divine Plan ready for you and for those who seek it and deserve it. Find peace through prayer and invoke the Christ Consciousness. Avoid “their realities” portrayed in the Mainstream Media.



Please share and help disseminate this message far and wide as time is of the essence!


—-End of Message—-


We hope we have answered some of your major questions and provided you with many more that YOU can and should research in the quest for truth.

Remember later this month, Prepare for Change will be releasing our updated NEW website which will be full of vital information, critical updates, and more dynamic features.

This means that our website will be down for a few days right before the launch of our new & improved site. So don’t worry if you all the sudden you can’t access us for a few days.

Be sure to visit the websites of all our guests, support them, spread the message, and sign up to be a member at, your financial donations are much needed and appreciated! Remember that there will be a debt jubilee forgiveness for all soon.

know that every member of the global prepare For Change  team carries its own financial weight but we are worried about having enough to support our orphanage with 532 children throughout this transition since they depend solely on us for their need of weekly food and aid. If you like & appreciate our selfless

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Its getting pretty crazy out there in the cyber net world, lots of info and dis-info. So what is really going on, well my friends no-one really knows for sure but I do see a pattern starting to emerge. Certain themes are coming together, that is they or we are starting to share some of the same views even though its all still very confusing.Many of the last blogs that I re-posted and the last one that I wrote are dealing with which camp are you in, do you believe the china flu is a bio-weapon from the DC in Wahun china  or was it just accidentally released and the 3rd story now coming from the CCP [ Chinese communist Party} is that the US created it and released it on China so that they would have someone to blame for what has happened in the US and around the world.?

 I side with Simon Parkes in that China created it to take down the US and then the rest of the world. Yes the DC scientist dr. charles lieber was one of the persons involved in creating the bio-weapon but the white hats was on to him and when he tried to enter the US he was detained and they found 21 vile's of the covid#19, that was going to be combined with another that would have made it the most deadly flu virus ever released on the US. His counter part was a Chinese person who also was offered a huge amount of money to sneak out the viles. He his 23 viles of the 2 part virus in his sock drawer in his apt. and carried 6 vile's to the DC person in the Market, the deal went sour and he was shot after only giving 5 vile's he droped the 6th one and released the china virus right there. They both died later but the 5 vile's got out of the country and was released in Italy, Iran and two in the US one on each coast, That's 49 of the 50 vile's that was made. Wheres the last one?

Rumor has it that china is now having a resurgent of the covid#19 so maybe thats the last one but remember none of them are really deadly until the 2nd part is inserted into them but they do spread extremely fast and that 2nd part is in a lab in the US who may or may not have that last missing vile, so China should maybe back down of accusing the US for what the DC members of both countries were involved in. The virus was supposed to kill millions of people world wide but is now without the 2nd part a very weak flu that kills far less than the common flu does each year. KILLING MILLIONS was only a small part of the Deep States plan. They wonted to scare people so bad that they would all line up in groves world wide to take Bill gates Vaccines that is designed to kill off the rest of them who are stupid enough to take the deadly Vaccines.

 The 3rd part of the plan was to cause a economic collapse 1st in the US, then world wide as people eyed the ''Social-Distancing'' and self quartene in there homes. Then Billions of people would have lost there jobs instead of just millions that is now going on. Then the plan was for China as the 2nd most powerful military in the world, and who is the acting out of the NEW WORLD ORDER, would then invade the USA and then or at the same time the rest of the world ! i know this all sounds crazy like its out of some sci-fi book or Holly-wood movie but its is real but thanks to our White Hat allies it did not turn out that way and will not, I repeat, it will not, Because- Trump and his 151 nation allies used the looking glass effect to see into the future and use the DC's plan against them. Note here that they upgraded to a super qua-tom com-perter.

That is why they have done nothing much to down-play how bad the China virus really is, for they [both sides ] wont the people to stay indoors and obey the Social -Distancing, to keep people from civil unrest or civil war in the US and other 151 countries of the allies. So that they can continue to go after and arrest the Deep-State members all the way up to the top of the Illuminati pyramid . It is said that they have over 500,000 indictments and another 500,000 on the way. They and there allies have moved there top military under Shian mt. in Colorado. One million National guard and military reserve troops have been called to active duty to take out the last of the DC strong holds and take back the million of children and some adults they have captured each year as slaves , sex slaves and torture the children and then remove there blood to make the dreaded Adreno-Chrome Drug, made for the rich and famous as the most dangerous and most expensive Drug in the world.

 While these arrest are being made Trump and Allies are comforting the people by sending them re-leaf cks. They cannot tell the people the truth that we are fighting the worst war the world has ever seenor else it would ruin it, and people would not believe it in the 1st place, but it is the truth! as far as I can see and I have been into this movement for 35 yrs. But then again don't believe anything that I or anyone else says, go and ck it out for yourself before the net goes down. Opps I just let the cat out of the bag. The FEDERAL RESERVE Lost there contract in DEC. 21 2012, when the Ascension movement started. So Trump has dissolved the fed into the US Treasury and as of April 1st-''april fools day'' it is no more, on this day there will be what is called  Black Wed. every thing will be shut down, all they banks, The Central banks that was controlled by the feds through the World bank will be no more and the other banks will re-sit there banks under the new Treasury $.

It is said it will take 10 days for them to re-open, this is called the ''10 days of Darkness'' the world will experience and again people will not know what is really going on and will probably Freak out. At the same time the military and allies will take out the last Dumbs and strong holds of these sick evil rich and famous people, many of them are not human. Trump and allies will have completed there jobs for the most part and the lock-down will be lifted except for the lg cities, where the 500,000 live pretending to be human but are Satanist and Aliens, who were ancestors of the ones who started this NWO- Deep State thousand so of yrs ago if not more. So hope you got all your supplies by now and take out the money by 4-1-20 of the banks that you will need if you live in big cities, for a couple more months. Some time After this 10 day black out, It will be revealed to the people of the world bit by bit, just what really happened and again people will be freaked out but happy, that We the people are once again FREE,NO MORE SLAVERY by the EVIL ONES. Of course Trump and his Allies will be famous around the world and don't forget all the inter -net Rebel Warriors like myself and many others will have the recognition and support that we too deserve. Victory is ours,nothing can stop what is coming, nothing. We are all one and one for all, Amen. Adonai rev. Joshua Skirvin

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by Benjamin Fulford, March 30th, 2020

The Battle for Planet Earth is reaching a climax as opposing forces try to use the “coronavirus pandemic” to achieve their agendas.  The liberation forces are using the lockdown as an opportunity to arrest senior Khazarian Mafiosi, while the Satanists are hoping to vaccinate and microchip the general public back into submission, multiple sources agree.  It’s almost as if reality is bifurcating, with one version filled with fear and death and other in breathless anticipation of planetary liberation.

Related David Wilcock LIVE on The Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture! (Video)

First, let’s look at what the white hats are saying.  Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Prince Charles of the UK and many others will be or have been “coronavirused” (arrested), according to CIA and Pentagon white hats.  One CIA source says:

“They are putting out disinformation to keep this as classified as possible.”   Merkel is going to have a third test and Macron also tests positive.  This is code for they are being removed.”

He adds, “Abe is going to collapse the country’s economy because he works directly for the cabal so he has to be removed. (Since this is the age of deep fake computer graphics, here in Japan I will keep in touch with press ID carrying colleagues to see if the real Abe vanishes).”  Pentagon sources agree and say, “regime change may also happen in Japan as Shinzo was forced to delay the Tokyo Olympics for one year.”

Book DeepFakes, Social Media, and Celebrities: A Technology for the Combination of Fake and Deep Learning Used for Swapping Faces of People in a Video

Maybe it’s the fear of American assassins coming for Abe that has prompted Japan to consider an entry ban on all American citizens.

In any case, a purge has clearly accelerated inside the U.S.  Pentagon sources say:

“The Navy hospital ship USNS Mercy arrived at LA on March 27th and its sister USNS Comfort to NYC on March 30th but they may provide neither mercy nor comfort for arrested Zionists and pedos.  Also, truckers have been ordered to not deliver to New York as [U.S. President Donald] Trump personally went to Norfolk, Virginia to send off USNS Comfort to New York City.”

Now let us look at what the dark side is up to.  In the video at the link below, starting around the 15:20 mark, Bill Gates is calling for only people who have a vaccination certificate to be allowed to travel.

Related Jeremy Corbyn’s Brother Claims Bill Gates and George Soros are Behind Coronavirus

Related Is Bill Gates Profiting From The Outbreak? Or Is Something Far More Sinister Taking Place?

NSA sources confirm this and say the cabal is hoping to get the sheeple to show up at the local Walmart to get vaccinated and micro-chipped in exchange for receiving “digital wallets.” This is serious folks, do not let them scare you into being vaccinated because I guarantee you any vaccine they provide will be worse than whatever it is they say they are going to protect you from.  U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden was probably telling the truth when he said, “We have to take care of the cure, that will make the problem worse no matter what.”

The key battle to watch over the coming days will not be the one against the “pandemic” though, it will be the one over control of the financial system and thus the planet.  On this front, any veteran market expert will tell you what is happening now is beyond a black swan event.  The United States military did not call up one million reservists and move its headquarters to an underground bunker because of a mostly bogus coronavirus threat.

By the way, if you still do not think this pandemic is mostly hype take note of one thing: fewer people are dying now than before the so-called pandemic started.

Related David Wilcock LIVE on The Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture! (Video)

Anyway, to understand why the planet is now moving into historically uncharted territory take a look at this NASA video of activity around the sun.  I do not usually write about space stuff but this was sent to me by several trusted sources.  It appears to show the solar system undergoing some sort of fundamental shift.

Book Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future

Now take a look at this photograph of FRB chief Jerome Powell

powell-300x200.jpg 1024w, 768w, 1260w" alt="" data-lazy-srcset=" 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1260w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-lazy-src="" data-was-processed="true" width="300" height="200" />

Maybe it is just my imagination but if you look at his eyes, he doesn’t appear to be human.  Is he a Reptilian overlord of the sort David Icke describes?

Book Alien Reptilian Legacy by David Icke

Freedom is Returning. Educate yourself and your family with this docuseries.


Tell the world with this.

OK, enough space stuff for now.  Regardless of whether cosmic forces are involved or not, what we are seeing for sure is a battle between fiat and reality backed money that will determine the future of this planet.

The controllers of the old system with its G20, IMF, World Bank, and United Nations are pumping out trillions upon trillions of dollars in an attempt to keep their control grid intact.  It is being advertised as well that the U.S. Treasury Department has taken over the Fed and will be handing out money to the common man.  However, as Catherine Austin Fitts notes, ( a former high-level establishment insider), control of the trillions of dollars being pumped out by the FED has been given to arch-cabal company Blackrock.  “The guy who runs Blackrock was going to be Clinton’s Secretary of the Treasury.  I used to work with Blackrock.  NO PATRIOTS THERE!,” she tweets.

(Stillness in the Storm Editor) While we should be skeptical of Blackrock, the jury is still out on what’s going to happen. If the alliance is truly giving cabal members an “offer they can’t refuse” then perhaps the man heading Blackrock isn’t a totally bad guy. People can be turned toward the light. That said, we should be vigilant and keep eyes on the situation to look for clues as to what’s really happening.

Despite the increasingly desperate FED adding ever more zeroes to their promised numbers, their helicopter money is increasingly getting out of touch with reality.  Creating dollars out of thin air means nothing to real-world restaurants, airlines and oil companies, etc. watching their businesses collapse.

One sign of the fiat collapse is the fact that physical gold and silver are now far more expensive than their paper equivalents.

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Thanks to the relatively free flow of information on the World Wide Web, it's becoming increasingly apparent that everything about our reality is artificial... fake... a lie. To some it's frightening, for others, exhilarating.

Because there is so much fodder for the mill and such a glut of fear porn, we're taking a more reflective approach in this post rather than hammering out the ample evidence of the shifting reality.

The informed ones don't need this reality check, but plenty of new people saunter by these days and we aim to calm the jitters, allay the fears, and foment an attitude of gratitude and acceptance---because we're largely just along for the ride. Q's advice to, "Enjoy the show" is excellent. Appreciate what is happening and those who toil on our behalf.

When we know the truth, we can't communicate to the masses in terms of reality because they wouldn't understand it. Pieces of the puzzle are disseminated daily, and we're all on our own journey as we navigate the storm and assemble the puzzle as best we can.

The scope of the lie is revealed every day if we're paying attention, but we may need have the truth presented to us, and framed in different ways, over and over to grasp it.

The false reality created by the legacy media repeating it for decades takes time to undo, and that is part of the purpose of QAnon, who repeats reality and questions to encourage us to probe our perceived reality for elements of truth.

There are now a lot of people who have learned over time that the globalists intent is to eradicate nearly all of Humanity. The workaround for the cabal is to terrorize those who know that by putting out false evidence that they are coming for us; that our demise is nigh. As usual, they are the mirror. It is "they" who live in terror because they know we know.

They've tried it all: the chemtrails are going to kill us, the UN troops are coming to disarm us and throw us in FEMA camps where the guillotines are, the coronavirus is going to kill us, 5G is going to kill us, an asteroid is going to kill us, nuclear war is imminent and we're all gonna die.

It's all just talk. The fake news circulated images of rows upon rows of coffins in Italy because they want us to believe the virus is out of control and kills hundreds of people every day. It's simply not true. We have proof that those coffins were for a boatload of migrants from Africa that capsized in the Mediterranean in 2013.

The lying, treasonous media has been using fake photos and video for decades to convince us their narrative is true. Why do people still fall for it?

It's all Hollywood, folks. The world is run by creatures pretending to be Human, pretending to be smart, pretending to be generous, pretending to work for us and represent us fairly in government, pretending to heal us and search for cures for disease, pretending to educate our youth in school, and pretending to be in control... and it's all make believe.

Where does all the missing money go? Where do all the missing people---particularly children---go, every year?

How can people photograph the things they do in our skies if we live where they tell us we do and if the physics they teach us are true?

Below is one more example that our reality is manipulated. It's footage from an FAA camera in Alaska suggesting our reality is contrived. Nothing is what it seems.

Fortunately, we understand we are being protected and that the end of this nightmare on "Earth" is nearly over; that we are about to make an evolutionary shift that will pop us out of this prison planet and into a phenomenal reality. It's not the end of the world or mankind, it's the end of life AS WE KNOW IT. Evil will no longer rule our lives.

As Q has said, "The world is about to change" and we will soon be celebrating. This evolutionary leap would naturally have happened eons ago, but the vermin running the world prevented it. We have been under their spell, unaware we were captive slaves and commodities.

When Q says, Where We Go One We Go All, it means that all the people who are truly Human and choose a higher vibration are going forward en masse. It will happen automatically. We don't need to do anything but strive to the best person we can be, in service to others.

The final days. Enormous umbrella seen on FAA weather camera shades planets from view. 3-29-2020



Having said the above... don't take the language or messages of QAnon, Trump, or anyone else literally. There is a lot of code. Many are interpreting but that's not to say they are correct.

Very few know for certain what is happening, and some compartmentalization may be in place so that while some patriots know enough to do what they're doing, they may not have the whole story. Treat it as speculation.

There's a lot of educated guessing, and it's best not to count on any of it until it manifests. We're all free to formulate our own probabilities.

Obviously there is a lot of disinformation and misinformation about the coronavirus. The media is pumping out the usual lies trying to scare people, but the good guys are playing along to some degree to enable the Earth Alliance to execute their operations performed under cover of quarantines, shelter in place, stay at home initiatives, etc.

The axis of power is gradually being shifted to the Governors of each state. The Earth Alliance doesn't want Trump to be perceived as the one stealing freedoms from the People, and inflicting hardship due to business shutdowns, etc. The United States is a large country and regionally is experiencing different situations as a result of the coronavirus. There's no need for federal mandates. The governors are empowered to make tactical decisions for the best ways to handle their individual situations.

Here where I am, it's not a big deal; today they're reporting only 51 cases/0 deceased---which is dramatically less than a regular flu season would produce. I'm living my normal life, working from home, going out for occasional groceries and daily dog walks. I would be very surprised if we had a full-on lockdown, but it's possible.

It sounds like the extreme situations will be in the sanctuary states, for the most part. Wherever there is a high concentration of cabal/deep state minions, I believe that is where the military are concentrated and covert ops are planned.

The President wants to put the country back to work, but I suppose the military have not completed their layers of operations and for our own safety we need to honour the sequestering until the end of April or whenever they feel it's safe to get back to normal.

Fauci says task force 'argued strongly' with Trump to extend coronavirus guidelines

Draining the swamp...

Washington, DC issues stay-at-home order

The dark ones are trying to make it look like they are in control and in some countries, in some areas, they may have the freedom to pull some of their stunts but for the most part, they have been rendered impotent. They have a few mind controlled bots out there they might be able to trigger to pull off an isolated event of some kind but that's all. If civilians respect the requests to stay home and not congregate in groups, there will be no targets for them.

Simon Parkes confirms that under cover of the very real virus, the White Hats are making a move on the dark ones. He speaks of the period of "darkness" and how that might look in the UK and in America (different) and for how long.

He also drops some intel he says has not been revealed anywhere else on the Internet. You can check it out if you like.

He also confirms what I said from the outset, and that the virus release was intended to take down President Trump.

2020 03 30 Update - Simon Parkes



What we CAN see is that activities of the White Hats are moving very quickly now and the military worldwide has been deployed to secure the planet and as President Trump says, to win the war against the virus. He doesn't mean the coronavirus, he means the deep state psychopaths and pedophiles.

We understand the Navy hospital ship the Comfort was used to transport people from Haiti to Guantanamo Bay; the naval prison facility. That ship is now servicing New York. For what, or whom, we don't know for certain. We doubt it's for coronavirus victims.

Videos like this one from And We Know explain some of the coding in what we see. QAnon gave us a basic understanding of how the secret languages and symbols, numerology and gematria are used to communicate with the patriots, and with the dark. The White Hats use it to taunt the globalist bloodline family psychopaths.

AWK News 3.30.20: We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS. God Bless America.



The USNS Mercy is in Los Angeles, and for what purpose we are unsure. The information will come when the operation is complete.

The following post from Facebook is food for thought, and we did hear from multiple sources that many children were rescued. Would it not make sense that the military would swoop in without warning to snatch up the children while the predators suspected nothing? If it was announced, they might have done unspeakable things to them---even worse than what they have already been doing.

It makes sense that the children would be the first targets of the military. The deep state psychopaths will be afterward, in my opinion.


It appears that before long we will see significant, undeniable evidence of what has been happening covertly. Ideally, we should be able to relax, for the most part, adapt to the situation, and trust that it's all being done in our favour.

There's no doing this half way. Every aspect of our environment on this planet, or wherever we are, is known, understood, and we don't need to worry---but it is a war, and we need to pay attention.

The fake reality is being exposed in a strategic way that the masses can grasp without causing panic, chaos, and civil unrest.

The Plan is moving along as quickly as it can safely do so, and we need to be patient and refrain from buying into the fear.

Don't worry ? about the "10 days of darkness" because we don't know what that means.? It could mean bad news for the cabal, and not anything that will affect us very much at all. It won't be a big deal, and we don't need to panic.

Read more…

I usually don't comment except in the comments from this site when I or someone else re-post. But I have been thinking about this for sometime now and I would like people to think about it as well, then comment below on AC. Some weeks ago I re-posted on this site a blog about a USAF pilot who admits that he and many other USAF pilots have been spraying the whole world with the deadly Chem-trails for 22 yrs, along with the US Coast guard who sprays only the USA  and the S.west for 60yrs. He felt guilty and was sorry and warned us they can now spray invisible chem-trails and that they are spraying this deadly new one now ! but didn't give its name.

What if this new chem-trail was the Corona virus directed at every living person on Earth. Every person, sick or well would have this positive result if tested. And that result would give this Deep State the right to vaccinate every living person with an RFID and who knows what else is in the deadly vaccinations.The DC- Bill Gates owns the patent on Corona virus and he is set on depopulating the world and has given a hundred million to the CCP. They were able to only release 4 vile's of the Corona virus on the world, thanks to the Resistance movement.{ in part 2 I will tell what happened to the other 46 viles} So that everyone tested would eventually show positive. So what if the virus is in the New Chem-trails being sprayed on us is the one that wont hurt most of us but is a signal marker and the ones from the vile's of Bio-warfare will make people sick.

Its not deadly except to those with a weak immune system which includes many people,especially in the USA and here in Belize where junk food is there diet. 80% of the food in regular supermarkets from the US are poisoned ! Put that together with all the fast food, the result is a weak immune system that cannot fight off the Corona virus and many other diseases, then add the Chem-trails poisons that they have been spraying on us over the whole world then mix in poisoned water and air, one would have a deadly toxin. Sprinkle a good amount of Fear to lower the immune system by as much as 30%, add 5G tech towers and yes then people will die off. 1st the elderly the average death rate is 80 yrs and that is 90% of the death rate so far. I am a 71yr old light worker and we baby boomers are targeted next ! As they don't want us to tell of how things used to be and how they are now. Next ones down are those who have a weak immune system and or they also have one to 3 known diseases already and those who are grossly overweight.

 So it seems the plan of the Deep State to kill 90% of us off straight away, has failed because of the resistance and the White Hats. Trump and his 151 Allies world wide have used this CCP attempt to kill us off to go after the DC. But they need for us to stay out of the way so that no civil war or world war will brake out any where. That is why he lets the MSM run amuck on this Corona virus and of course the CDC and WHO both have also been infiltrated by the DC will be exposed after this is over. That leaves the question why did he appoint the USAF to lead the new Space Force if they have been the ones making us sick for the last 22 yrs and started spraying us 60 yrs ago. Are they going to expose the USAF as well? They should you know. I am a disabled USAF vet living on a Vet disability pension.

I am speaking here from my own experiences as well as from research.I got very sick from being sprayed the toxic Chem-trails back in Jan.1999 a few months after they started spraying the whole world. I ran and got a flu vaccine and became even more sick and I have never fully recovered because they are still spraying us today. I have nearly died 5 times in the last 15 yrs here in Belize, from variety's of disease's . I was 40 lbs over weight and am now a bit under weight. There is no organic food stores or organic food in the market. So too keep alive I have adapted a very strong strict positive eating habits. I do not put poisons in my body if I can help it. Negative attracts Negative.

The water is greatly poisoned here from the Dam DC Dams so I catch rain water but I still have to breath the poisoned Chem-trails they spray on us here. We are on lock down for 2 wks now and supplies are already running low. I plan to make it through all of this and am putting this in my new E-book that I am writing. I hope this helps clear up some things and give another insight as to what is going on. The white Hats need to move very fast on this before things get out of hand. We are all one, be safe my friends and eat and drink only clean food and water ! Stay and think positive.Nothing can stop what is coming, Nothing.    Adonai- rev. Joshua

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(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is a synopsis of altmedia updates related to the Deep State takedown operation unfolding at this time.

I cannot confirm the validity of the material below. As always, exercise discernment, do your own research and let us know anything you find in the comments!

 – Justin

Related Coronavirus Updates: Cuomo Delivers Thursday Press Briefing As NYC Hospitals Overrun, China Bars All Foreigners From Entry Over Coronavirus Fears

SourcePrepare For Change

by Staff Writer, March 25th, 2020

We are living in very exciting times! Catch all the action of what is going on in the world that is not covered by the Media.

The White Hats in the Military took control of the Mainstream Media, DUMBS were bombed by the Alliance, Vatican arrests update, Celebrities that have been arrested under the guise of being positive for Covid-19 and the latest info on GESARA being implemented worldwide.

Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?

The preceding information is an update from one of the many alternative media persons driven to help humanity by providing important information. Updates of this sort, as cursory as they are, help individuals feel connected to the greater works taking place at this time as well as providing a personal glimpse into the mind of a content creator. It also serves to humanize such individuals and reveal to the public that alternative media is largely populated by people that work long hours providing information usually for free or for little financial compensation.

– Justin

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by Justin Deschamps, Is the coronavirus a cover for mass arrests of the Deep State?

Many who follow QAnon and the longstanding theory that an alliance exists to take down the cabal think that this is exactly what is happening.

In the following video uploaded on the 25th, hundreds of tanks are seen on train cars headed for an undisclosed location in Los Angels.

Related Updated: Trump Pushes For The Biggest Emergency Economic Stimulus in History — Mass Arrests, NESARA, Financial Reset Initiated?

ABC7 reported that:

The report also said:

Eyewitness News reached out to the military and learned that it is not tied to the coronavirus.

So what is it tied to? Is it a military exercise of some kind?

Finally, the report said:

The armored vehicles were part of a battalion that returned from the Middle East.

They arrived in Port Hueneme and are now being sent back to Texas.

Can this report be trusted?

Well… if there was a takedown happening, then the above-mentioned explanation would be provided to keep operational security intact. We can’t discount the simple explanation they offered but it doesn’t disprove the mass arrest theory either.

Of course, many who don’t subscribe to this theory say the tanks are just part of the emergency response.

But this seems a bit extreme. 

Why would massive tanks be required to quell riots or other distributions of the people when the general population isn’t armed with heavy weapons and armor?

Perhaps it would be just a show of force—I can’t discount that explanation.

But then again, perhaps these tanks will be used to assist in the mass arrest scenario.

Book The Humming Effect: Sound Healing for Health and Happiness

Think about it.

If the alliance was going to start the takedown, the Deep State would not go quietly. From what insiders share, the Cabal plan on holding out till the last man, or woman.

If this is true, then they will likely create chaos and mayhem as much as possible, and as such, a stronger military force would be needed.

On this question of if there is preparation for a mass arrest scenario, the answer is most likely. If you have evidence to the contrary, let us know in the comments.

There’s actually more evidence to consider.

On March 3rd, Manlio Dinucci reported that 20,000 troops will arrive in Europe—but without protective gear.

This was covered by Electroverse:

None of these troops have been issued with Bio/Hazchem suits or masks, which seems a little reckless of the American Government if COVID-19 is really the threat that we are being told that it is…

The 30,000 U.S. soldiers, who “will spread through the European region,” are in fact exempted from the preventive COVID-19 regulations that apply to civilians. The assurance given by the U.S. Army in Europe that “we are monitoring the Coronavirus [COVID-19]” and that “our forces are in good health” is enough.

Why would troops deployed to Europe, which is a hotbed of Cabal activity, not be issued masks and protective gear?

Doesn’t this seem a bit shortsighted?

Unless the coronavirus is not what we think it is.

To add to this theory, some believe the coronavirus is actually just the flu, given a hyped-up label to cause global distress and an economic shutdown—for the purpose of providing cover.

Now to be clear, the evidence on the table at the moment can be interpreted in many ways. Here are two to consider.

One is the mass arrest scenario we’ve been talking about.

Two is an NWO take over of the planet.

The global shutdown and economic impact aren’t debatable. Theses things are happening.

MASS ARRESTS: Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming


Body For Awareness Project: Your clothes, your body, your truth. On Sale Now.

But who is using them for what remains unclear.

My opinion is that—without citing the body of evidence to support this—the Deep State is being taken down and the rule of law is being restored.

Here’s some more food for thought.

This man claims to have had a candid conversation with a woman who works for JP Morgan Chase. She told him that the coronavirus was a cover for a massive reform of the global economic system. She was apparently told that mass arrests of the Deep State are taking place.

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Cut interest rates from 1.25% to 0.15%.
Launched over $700 billion in Quantitative Easing (QE).
Launched a $1.5 trillion repo program.
Launched another $1 trillion repo program…. daily!
Announced it will begin buying commercial paper (short-term corporate debt).
Allowed primary dealers to start parking assets, including stocks, as collateral in exchange for short-term credit.
Announced it will begin buying municipal debt.
Opened unlimited dollar-swap-lines to the world.

And the result of all this record amount of liquidity provision – almost $30 trillion of global wealth destruction (bonds and stocks)…

Related Symbolic Pics of the Month 03/20

This graph below shows how the once almighty Fed has completely lost its mojo. They pump astronomical sums of fake money and nobody believes them anymore.

FRB-300x158.jpg 1024w, 768w, 1280w" alt="" data-lazy-srcset=" 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1280w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-lazy-src="" data-was-processed="true" width="300" height="158" />

The next step is going to involving handing cash directly to the people. MI6 sources are saying each person will be sent one or two thousand dollars every month until the crisis ends. U.S. Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin is talking about $3,000 for each family of four, more unemployment insurance and $4 trillion in liquidity to “support the economy.” European royal family sources say a write off of all debts is also now in the works.

The other thing that is going on is that the Western system of crony capitalism is being dismantled. Since most financial institutions and large corporations will go bankrupt from the predicted 50% fall in GDP, they will end up being nationalized, P3 Freemason sources say.

Related Why Did Hundreds Of CEOs Resign Just Before The World Started Going Absolutely Crazy? #TheStorm

This process has already begun in Germany where they have launched a massive quasi nationalization of every industry.

The system will be replaced by a communist/capitalist hybrid system modeled after the very successful system pioneered by Japan after WW2 and improved upon by Singapore and China, both P3 and MI6 sources say.

Ok now let us take a look at other aspects of the ongoing hybrid world war that is underway.

Pentagon sources say the “The 3/11 quake in upstate NY and 3/18 quake in Salt Lake City, Utah may have destroyed cabal underground bases.” The same applies to the March 22 earthquake in Croatia.

The sources also say:

Trump ally former house speaker Newt Gingrich appears to be the de facto Governor of Italy since he is ‘trapped’ there and his wife is U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican.

Book Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design


The Zionists are losing control as Israeli shill Nikki Haley was forced to resign from Boeing’s board. At the same time, the Shyster Israelis full of hubris signed their own death warrant when they refused to turn over 911 perps and source code for the iron dome to the U.S. military that was funded by U.S. taxpayers.

We also heard from CIA sources in South East Asia that there was a “massive electromagnetic radiation disaster near Wuhan.” Furthermore, this caused “a tear in the space-time continuum,” they say. The sources add, “The Chinese have technology and devises that we are not aware of.”

Regardless of these hidden events, it is clear that economic activity in Japan and China are now reverting back to normal despite what is going on in the west.

MASS ARRESTS: Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming

Body For Awareness Project: Your clothes, your body, your truth. On Sale Now.

The Japanese are also disobeying orders from their former Khazarian mafia masters and are no longer going along with the pandemic performance art show.

However, there is severe warfare going on in the West where we are seeing all sorts of former top political and business players vanishing. The latest appears to be German Chancellor Angela Merkel who is “under home quarantine.” The 27-member EU block has shut its borders and Belgium, France, Portugal, Spain, and Italy are under lockdown as mass arrests begin, NSA sources say. Poland has gone as far as to shut its borders with other EU states.

We are also seeing possible cabal ecocide near Saudi Arabia as they threaten to kill the Red Sea by blowing up a tanker and creating a massive oil spill.

Despite these sorts of threats, wildlife has already been returning to cities and flourishing as a result of the ongoing changes in our economic management. Soon our cities will be covered in green and filled with small animals.

Finally this week, I would like to share something unusual that happened the other night. When I was relaxing in a meditative state of consciousness one evening, I wrote the following on a box of tissues: “Pseudo Caria effect = placebo jumps to higher fractal state.” I can assure you that I had no idea what this message meant and it did not come from me or my sub-conscious but was dictated to me telepathically.

Book The Ba’al Theory of Christianity: Exploring the Impact of Human Sacrifice on Western Religion

Internet research led to a single reference for “pseudo-Caria.” It appears that by planting just a single species of shrub in the desert, a butterfly effect occurs that leads to the desert turning into a forest. The shrubs allow trees to get started, and these then capture moisture and the entire eco-system changes.

This sort of process is also known as a fractal phase change. A familiar example is boiling water. The water builds up heat until it suddenly starts to boil and the water turns to steam.

What we are trying to accomplish with the “placebo” or fake pandemic and end times is to trigger such a phase change on a planetary level. The aim is to transform the planet into a higher state, with details in the months to come so stay tuned.

When the White Dragon Society and its allies win this secret war for the planet Earth, before too long there will be humans living on other planets as our species undergoes an exponential expansion. This is what happens when sperm meets egg in a womb only this time the womb is Gaia herself.

CBD oil is proven to reduce stress, ease digestion issues, reduce pain, alleviate headaches and much more. Trust this high-quality source from Touchstone Essentials.
“I personally use this CBD Oil. It really does work. I’ve used it to calm my nerves from stress, relieve headaches, cramping, and quiet the mind for sleep.”
– Justin

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Disclaimer: This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.  Contact your health care provider for any questions concerning your health.

When making a COVID-19 survival plan, it helps to know your virus.  Your last cold could have been thanks to a coronavirus because COVID-19 comes from an old, distinguished family of viruses (that probably came over on the Mayflower).  Unlike its milder cousins, COVID-19 is a more troublesome and annoying relative you can’t get rid of fast enough.

How Viruses Behave

Let’s start with the basics.  Viruses are little pieces of genetic material.  This means they are either a string of DNA or RNA. COVID-19 is the RNA type. That’s it. No uterus to grow more little viruses. No eggs to incubate their young’uns, just little DNA or RNA strands of genetic code with a protective fat cover. They are so small that some scientists argue that they are not even technically organisms.

Without a way to reproduce themselves, viruses need a host. When a virus finds an organism that can reproduce itself, it inserts itself into the nucleus of one of their cells and takes over that cell. Usually the infected cell will be lining the gut, nose, vagina or lung since these are main the entrance points into the host though the eyes and skin sometimes work.

Once a virus inserts itself into a cell, that cell no longer functions for the host and is permanently a viral replicating machine.  Think of the movie, Alien on a microscopic scale and you get the picture. The virus starts churning out new baby viruses that infect neighboring tissue.  Viruses try to keep a low profile, so the immune system does not notice and evict them. Unfortunately, they replicate like crazy so to fool the immune police, they have to change a little each generation. They are one crime family with many different fingerprints.

COVID-19 is a particularly adept mutator.  It shifts quickly and jumps from animal to animal efficiently.  We think it hopped from bats to pangolins to humans in a matter of weeks.  High adaptability means the virus is trickier for the immune system to catch. Nonetheless, it eventually corrupts so many cells that the immune system notices and kicks them out.

Odd Characteristic #1-Children Seem Less Susceptible

Remember, infected cells are ruined and must be removed.  The elimination process is a cold or other viral illness. The reason there will never be a cure for the common cold is because the common cold IS the cure for the virus. There is not a cure for the cure.  The symptoms can be reduced but the common cold can only be prevented.

The severity of a viral illness is usually related to how long it took your surveillance system to notice the problem and the size of the mess it has to clean up. Coughing, sneezing and/or diarrhea, is how the immune system tosses out the corrupted cells while inadvertently helping the homeless viruses find new hosts.  A healthy, on-the-ball immune system clears out the virus before it does much damage. The result is a mild or no noticeable illness.  People with Covid-19 seem to be most contagious when they are not symptomatic and are chucking out the viruses early.  And oddly, children can carry the virus but are less likely to get sick.

There are very few infections that children resist but adults don’t.  In fact, kids get coxsackie, Fifth Disease, Molluscum and any number of viral illnesses that adults avoid. Their immature, less experienced immune systems somehow protect them. We don’t know why they are safer in this case, but we do know mature immune systems are stronger and therefore more capable of aggressive and inappropriate reactions. The danger with this coronavirus is the possibility of a cytokine storm.

Cytokines are messenger molecules that regulate immune and inflammation responses.  In a storm, the pro-inflammatory cytokines go crazy.  They call for more and more immune help. The immune fighters rush to the lungs, in this case, but the overzealous fighters try to clean up the infection too quickly and end up destroying the very tissue they want to save. The feedback system that usually stops the immune system from overeating breaks down. The inflammation response can clog up the airways so the cells cannot absorb oxygen and/or spill out into the blood stream and cause systemic problems (like low blood pressure and temperature dysregulation).

Odd Characteristic #2- Elderberry Extract May Increase COVID-19 Cytokine Storm

Elderberries have known immune enhancing properties and can help prevent illness. There is a report that elderberry consumption may increase the possibility of a cytokine storm in COVID-19 infections.  Cytokine storms are complex biochemical overreactions.  We know they involve too many messenger molecules and immune cells panicking but are fuzzy on all the details.  They tend to happen when the immune system fails to notice an intruder until it is well entrenched.

If the immune system is a late responder and overwhelmed, be careful how you try to help it. This applies to odd characteristic #3 also.  Ask your medical practitioner but if you take supplemental herbal immune support, like elderberry syrup consider using it for prevention and mild symptoms only.  If the illness progresses, stop it unless told otherwise by your doctor. We don’t understand the myriad of phytochemical and immune modulating chemicals in many of our miracle plants. As we learn more, we can use them more tactically.

Immune supporting vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and zinc, improve immune function without stimulating an overreaction.  Research suggests both vitamin C and zinc can ameliorate symptoms of the common cold, for example, so the “cure” is less uncomfortable.  Mushrooms also appear to optimize immune function. We don’t know if monolaurin and some of the other herbal extracts marketed as anti-viral are a good idea once the virus has the upper hand.  Love and respect them but use with caution if you become symptomatic with this virus.

Odd Characteristic #3- Ibuprofen May Make COVID-19 Symptoms Worse

The World Health Organization recommends avoiding anti-inflammation drugs for coronavirus symptoms.  Ibuprofen and cortisone type drugs are singled out, but the same principle could apply to acetaminophen, too.  We don’t understand the specifics yet.

What we do know is that fevers help the immune system.  When body temperature goes up, the immune cells are more effective.  Breaking a fever makes their job harder. But fevers, like a cytokine storm, can start to destroy healthy tissue or cause permanent damage if they climb to 104 degrees or higher.  Most invading bacteria and organisms die at 104 degrees, but the host is in danger at that temperature, too. When temperatures go that high, the immune system is desperate and losing the battle.  You need outside help.

Inflammation is also part of the immune response. If you curb the inflammation reaction caused by the coronavirus, the immune system appears to get more aggressive and creates more symptoms.  Most people do not think twice about popping a few ibuprofens, but when it comes to COVID-19, exercise an abundance of caution and ask your medical practitioner first.

COVID-19 being the adaptive little bugger it is, appears to have a number of tricks up its outer fat layer.  A vast majority of people will survive an encounter so try not to worry too much. (As ridiculous as that sounds.) To minimize risk, it is always safe to eat an anti-inflammation diet (with lots of fruits and vegetables), exercise, stay hydrated, avoid smoking, sleep eight hours a night and think loving thoughts.  I continue to load up on nutrients, mushrooms and various other supplements because they keep me healthy and happy.  And I will also watch for clues so I can effectively adapt my behavior, like the viruses do.  If you can’t beat them, learn from them.

Sending you virtual hugs.


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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1 thought on “3 Odd Things About COVID-19 that You Should Know”

  1. Work with your immune system, don’t destroy it with drugs and vaccines. Unfortunately, most individuals and doctors know nothing else, are too busy and want an immediate ‘fix’ – an attitude acquired from the almost constant programming of pharmaceuticals. It is time we learn to work with and appreciate the Divine Intelligence of our bodies and their constant efforts to keep us well.

    When challenged by a sore muscle, or any kind of pain, it is all too often is a message to me that I need to detox with a powerful blood cleanser. To that I say to my body: “Thank you for the message and healing and reach for a blood cleanser.” And it is not unusual to experience pain from emotional issues, vulnerability for instance. Again I say to my body “Thank you for the message and healing” and the pain goes away as I address the issue.

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Well, after the theatrics and drama you knew it was going to happen before long...
Pelosi Suffers Massive Political Hit – Abandons House Scheme – Announces Acceptance of Senate Bill…

More on the proposed draft of the bill below, but first...
Coronavirus: Prince Charles tests positive for COVID-19

I don't personally know anyone who is sick, but my other half found out last night that the wife of someone he worked with in New York died; they said from CV. I don't know if that's true or not because they're lumping deaths from other conditions into the CV category if there were respiratory issues and since we don't know her, we don't know any details.

We had big Century Link problems last night with plenty of unhappy customers commenting on I couldn't stream a video on my iPad, and I couldn't even get YouTube to load on my PC which is hardwired, so I unplugged at the router and waited a few minutes. This is unacceptable when one considers the level of technology AVAILABLE but withheld. It wasn't a YouTube issue, just my Internet. Then suddenly it resolved around 7 pm.

Speaking of technology, many are talking about the news that 21 million Chinese cell phone users are no longer. No longer USERS, that is, not that they have died, necessarily, although no doubt many did as they probably had serious respiratory issues due to the extreme pollution already. The virus was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The common train of thought about China seems to be the usual doom and gloom, high death toll due to the CV, mass extinction, etc., but I've only heard one person address a viable alternative; that being the fact that the Great Awakening may be prompting a lot of the Chinese to simply turn off their phones---and they often have more than one.

Considering the awakening displayed by the people of Hong Kong and the push-back against the government, why would we not consider that kind of resistance in mainland China as at least part of the cause of these figures? If you lived under a regime like that, would you not rebel?

Have a listen to Sir Patrick Mack's coverage of the article from The Epoch Times... beginning around 7:45.
The Key - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.24.20

The Key - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.24.20


There is a war for a planet going on folks, and the reality is created by the information we get. As Gene C said in a recent video on Blessed to Teach, the tanks are rolling and they can be rolling for you or against you; it's your choice what you believe. We have shared ample evidence that while the deep state globalist control freaks are milking this event for all it's worth, it's not what it seems.

Gene likened our reality to the experiment where electrons were fired through holes and observed as either particles or waves. The result depended on the observer. Choose your reality, and choose your future, but choose wisely.

Very little truth has offically been revealed to us; just enough to keep the People from freaking out---and in America, from taking up arms and going ballistic and marching on Washington, etc. They need us to remain calm, confident, positive, and logical.

All the psychopaths who fight for control have remaining in their arsenal is "information". They continue to shape the reality with the information (mostly disinformation) they put out on the mainstream media to generate fear, chaos and doubt.

I think it's apparent that the White Hats/Earth Alliance is going after the media now. Their days are numbered and the polls, if they can be believed, seem to indicate the actions of the deep state are only galvanizing President Trump and generating more support for him. The People are rallying behind him more strongly than ever. "Rig for Red"?

What we see and hear on the face of things is to manage the masses while the armies joust and carry out their operations in the background and largely under cover of the Coronavirus Crisis.

The deep state has their legacy media, and now President Trump, the Pentagon, State Department, and positive media have all eyes on them, as well---every day. The Commander-in-Chief has taken full control and is displaying the fact that his administration will do whatever it takes to protect the People and the Republic.

The public is being managed. If you're no longer a member of the masses and you get inside information from our key sources in the independent media, you are in a different category. You understand there is a war, who controls the armies, the stakes, the current status of the war, the long-term objectives of each side, and how to play a supporting role.

If you believe the lies, believe you're a victim and fold out of fear, you are essentially playing for the other team. You're supporting pedophiles and pedovores; predators who feed on Human fear and flesh.

If you buy into the onslaught of articles and videos telling you they're coming to get us and we're all gonna die you are playing for the other team.

It should be a simple choice. Feed the fear or feed the Light. Let fear extinguish your Light and add to the darkness, or join the Light Forces---the Earth Alliance---to illuminate the dark and banish it forever.

If we're going to win this war we cannot afford to let our Light waver or be snuffed out in the slightest breeze. The war won't be won tomorrow, but there is plenty of positive, exciting stuff coming. We don't have the background to understand all levels of the war as it's fought in other dimensions but we can participate in the here and now as best we can.

Nothing like this has ever happened before so it's natural we feel a little bewildered and distrustful, but we have coaches, teachers, and drill sergeants to inform and educate, to lead us, and give us pep talks. Above all, we need to follow the lead of the Commander-in-Chief who sacrificed everything to take down the evil regime that was about to destroy Humanity.
Q - We Are The Plan

Q - We Are The Plan


The focus is on New York now. President Trump left New York and moved his residence to Florida. They declared New York in a state of emergency, and Gene C told us the White Hats destroyed a DUMB under Manhattan recently and confiscated all the food stores. Now anyone leaving New York must go into a 14-day quarantine.

There's a whole lot of posturing and, frankly, acting going on folks. You can't take anything at face value. Just know that it is necessary to pull this off in a way that is safe(r) for Humanity. The reputation of President Trump must be protected, and many will sacrifice their reputations. Some already have, like Jeff Sessions. They will take one for the team and do whatever it takes to win this war, even if it means leaving a plum job.

Do you believe Mike Pompeo "slipped" in the video below? Q said "Trust Kansas." "Kansas" is Mike Pompeo. So far, I trust him.

Apparently someone selectively edited this video to give it a meaning that wasn't there. Who is the fake news now?

He was saying “China should have told them”...about the outbreak. Stop selective editing and trying to panic people for scummy. Everyone go watch the full video

— Lizzie (@Citizensrising1) March 21, 2020

AWK News 3.25.20: The End is Near. Media Cleanse/JFK. Q



I don't take much at face value, but Sun Tzu said, "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." I don't assume that any of these warriors make errors. I believe everything they say and do is strategic.
AWK News 3.25.20: The End is Near. Media Cleanse/JFK. Q

Other countries are following the lead of America. Boris Johnson did so, and now Germany is following suit with their own stimulus package.

Unfortunately, they have failed to stem the flow of migrants.
Germany Closes Borders to all BUT Migrants!! , 2997

An excellent explanation of what has transpired and the grand plan overall is published here at American Intelligence Media. The old regime has not yet been dismantled and is still fighting from within the American "government". They're old deep state players, don't want their jig to be up and they fight to retain control. I believe the White Hats/Patriots have this well planned and will execute the appropriate initiatives on their agenda in divine timing.
Invisible Enemy Revealed

New topic:

Here's a very interesting Tweet...

The skies above Europe and North America right now. Funny that. Airplanes are like petri dishes for spreading germs but no social distancing or #lockdown up there. Where is everyone going? Aren’t they supposed to #StayAtHome? #Coronavirus #CoronavirusBillUK #LockdownNow #WWG1WGA

— Gemma O'Doherty (@gemmaod1) March 23, 2020

In other news, besides all the heavy rains, flooding, snow and abnormally cold temperatures, there was another "fireball" over Belgium a week ago.
Bright fireball over Belgium, meteorites possible

24/03/2020 , 9:23:02 PM
Chrome Legacy Window
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Pelosi Delays Vote on Virus Relief Bill Until at Least Thursday

They're still tweaking...

In this video, Senator Lindsey Graham tells us the stimulus bill, as drafted, wants to pay people more to stay home than to work; a bad incentive, he says. He says what they should be doing is use the unemployment aid package to bring people up to the level they were making, but not more or businesses will lose their employees and that will definitely destroy the economy---which is the goal of the globalists---and always was.

Their agenda was to destroy America from within. One of the few roadblocks was the fact that they were unsuccessful in disarming Americans. They're still at it, as you are aware, but they will never be successful. The Second Amendment stands, and always will and Trump has guaranteed that as long as he is President.
Additional big news with respect to New York...

Hopefully a lot more people are developing and using critical thinking skills. Epstein didn't kill himself and...

The Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth have reached a milestone and request our help. Please see the links in the communication below.

University Releases Final Report on Building 7, Intensifying Assault on Official Account

Send this news to Congress and share it widely!

Earlier today, Professor Leroy Hulsey and his team of engineers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks released the much-anticipated final report of their four-year study on the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.

The destruction of the 47-story WTC 7 late in the afternoon of September 11, 2001, was not a result of fires, according to the report issued by Professor Hulsey and his team. “The only way it could have fallen in the observed manner is by the near-simultaneous failure of every column,” Hulsey announced.

Share the Report Widely

On this momentous day — the culmination of four years of hard work — we are asking you to take five minutes and email this announcement to your members of Congress and to share it widely via email and social media.

The full announcement for you to read and share is here.
Information for your U.S. Representative is here.
Information for your U.S. Senators is here.
Please copy so that we can tally numbers.

Virtual Presentation on Thurs., Mar. 26

Tomorrow at 4:00 PM Eastern, AE911Truth founder Richard Gage and civil engineer Roland Angle will hold a live virtual presentation to outline the findings contained in the final report. We invite you to tune in or watch the archived presentation at

Thank You and Stay Tuned!

Professor Hulsey and everyone at AE911Truth are grateful to the thousands of people who supported or participated in this study. Now begins the work of disseminating the Hulsey report widely. Stay tuned for further developments in the coming days, including the imminent submission of our “Request for Correction” to NIST.

News You May Have Missed...

Before you buy into those terrifying death statistics in Italy, read this. As we have stated previously, there are many reasons why the death toll in the coronavirus situation may be higher in Italy and it may not be what you think---or what the lamestream media wants you to believe.
Did you know about the 100,000 Wuhan workers in Northern Italy?

Who has been running the world (into the ground)? Find out here. It's right in our faces.
Hungry for some Celebrity Cooking?

I guess it works, eh?


"Nevada’s governor has signed an emergency order barring the use of anti-malaria drugs for someone who has the coronavirus."

— Lisa Mei Crowley �� (@LisaMei62) March 25, 2020

A NY Doctor shared with Hannity his Hydroxy Chloroquine/Azithromycin results.
200mg 2x daily Hydroxy Chloroquine
500mg 1x daily Azithromycin
220mg 1x daily Zinc sulfate

350 patients
• Breathing restored 3-4 hours
• Zero deaths
• Zero hospitalizations
• Zero intubations

— I’m Your Huckleberry (@RossFairchild) March 24, 2020

Dave is asking: Did anyone get the EAS message he did? I don't believe I did, but a coffee company woke me up at 5:10 this morning with a text message and I don't have texting on my plan. That should be illegal.

Have you received an Alert [EBS]/[EAS] on the following devices
(nothing is happening, just wanted to know if the authorities are "testing")
I heard one without warning, without - this is a test - , no explanation

LIVE: President Trump and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold News Conference 3/25/20

Starship Earth: The Big Picture | March 25, 2020 at 3:

LIVE: President Trump and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold News Conference 3/25/20

President Trump's task force update is streaming now. Some parts of the country will probably return to status quo before others. We're doing fine here in Arizona. There's a lot less traffic on the roads, stores are permitting only a limited number of people in to keep them relatively far apart, people are being considerate and respectful, and we may not see any more stringent measures here.

We'll get through it all, together. ~ BP
LIVE: President Trump and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold News Conference 3/25/20

Read more… 300w, 768w, 1024w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1667px) 100vw, 1667px" data-lazy-src="" sizes="(max-width: 1667px) 100vw, 1667px" srcset=" 1667w, 300w, 768w, 1024w" data-was-processed="true" width="1667" height="1529" />

The fake end-times scenario now unfolding in the West will soon get more fantastical, so sit back and enjoy the show. Although it may seem scary at times, the real aim is to create a better world. “We have defined the duration of the theatre as 20 months,” says a European Royal Family source. So far over 30 countries and a billion people are on lockdown as part of the opening act.

However, at the same time, we are also hearing from esoteric sources that a very real war that has been raging for thousands of years is coming to an end. When humanity is victorious, the quarantine on the planet Earth will be lifted and we will be able to explore the universe, according to sources in the family groups that control monotheism.

Book Top Secret Alien Abduction Files: What the Government Doesn’t Want You to Know

Before this is possible though, the old financial control grid has to be collapsed and that means there will be turbulence and some hardship, especially in the West, as the rest of the world stops paying tribute to the Khazarian mob, Asian secret society sources say.

Before we take a look at what will happen to the financial system, let us take a peek at some of the project blue beam fake end times show now being promoted. The P3 Freemasons sent me the following images and video last week.

The first is of devil’s horns appearing above a church in AustiaThen the devil appeared in the Persian Gulf.

Devil.in_.the_.sea_-300x212.png 1024w, 768w, 1072w" alt="" data-lazy-srcset=" 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1072w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-lazy-src="" data-was-processed="true" width="300" height="212" />

Then the devil appeared in the Persian Gulf.

The following video shows a demon appearing on the roof of a church in Spain. It can be seen here:

With a few clicks of the mouse, we checked out what the P3 sent us and found out the following: According to NASA, the first picture is of a partial eclipse of the sun that took place in 2003. News reports say the second was a partial eclipse on January 7th. 2020. Maybe, but the P3 does have the technology to beam such holograms in the sky, which they demonstrated to me when I visited them in 2009.

The gargoyle or demon on the church roof, it turns out, was created by what appears to be a teenager in Spain working on his home computer. The six-minute video below shows exactly how parallel reality can be created on the internet.

In any case, the fake pandemic show we are now seeing actually represents a real war for the planet earth. NSA sources are now telling us that Covid19=Covert Virus Infection Destruction 2019.

Book [Coronavirus Predicted in 2008] End of Days: What You Need to Know Now About the End of the World

Book [Coronavirus Predicted in this book] The Eyes of Darkness

The question is: who’s destruction?

The controllers of the old system are trying to stay in power by using bioweapons and 5G electromagnetic attacks to kill large portions of the population and force the rest into submission. The resistance forces are neutralizing the bioweapons and preventing the installation of 5G towers. In a counter-attack, they are using the ongoing economic disruption to end Khazarian mafia control of the financial system. So far the white hats appear to be winning.

They are saying Italy now has the most deaths from the pandemic and the entire country is on lockdown. However, if you look at the data, it shows the average age of the people dying is 80 and 99% of them had one or usually more pre-existing medical conditions. In other words, all the cabal has working for it is fear-mongering BS.

Since the Pandemic show and computer graphics may soon stop fooling people MI6 and CIA sources say the next phase will involve “a giant…

magnetic pulse that will pass through mother Gaia within the week.” This will cause a temporary shutdown of the Internet and mobile phone communications. MI6 sources say.

MASS ARRESTS: Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming

Body For Awareness Project: Your clothes, your body, your truth. On Sale Now.

“The airlines have already started to be prepared. Airplanes flying at the time of the huge electromagnetic pulse that passes through the planet will be knocked out of the sky. Watch for any plane crashes over the next week or so. This will be the cause,” CIA sources say. Certainly, air traffic is being shut down.

This prediction of a massive asteroid or asteroid exploding in the atmosphere by NASA may be the “trigger for another big magnetic wave that will hit the planet within 10 days. It may shut down all electronics on the planet for a few days until there is a reboot,” CIA sources say.

Let us see. But, as a precaution, make sure you have the landline numbers or physical addresses of those closest to you.

Now let us look at the economic disruption caused by the pandemic show. As a junior financial reporter, I remember the incredible fuss created when central bankers announced such things as a 0.25% change in interest rates. Well now, we have James Bullard the president of the St. Louis Fed, predicting 30% unemployment and a 50% GDP crash. This would be more than twice as bad as the Great Depression of the 1930s.

So the FRB has:

Stillness General Comment on Fulford Reports

I decided to add this general comment to all Fulford reports since I frequently receive the same questions about them.


In response to many questions and comments I receive from people wondering why I share these reports, I offer the following.

Speaking as someone who has been following Fulford’s reports since 2011, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. That is to say, he seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface.

The predictions and statements Fulford makes sometimes are highly accurate, whereas, in other instances, they are completely unfounded. Instead of looking to Fulford as one who is “tapped into” some greater truth, it would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.

This of course extends to all sources of information. Fulford, like all of us, is only human, and can make mistakes. But that doesn’t detract from the work he has done to spread awareness and move things forward to a brighter future for humanity.

Discernment is the process of understanding what something is, which in Fulford’s case, means entertaining his reports without believing them blindly, and then doing the follow-up research/fact-checking to determine what actually happened. In this way, it is a real-time discernment exercise.

The fact that so many people continue to read his reports despite their sensational and wildly inaccurate nature at times—while also being accurate and poignant—means the people he receives information from are probably using him as a mouthpiece to speak to you—the reader who is on their awakening path. As such, blind belief or callous rejection are not our allies but critical thinking and open-mindedness are.

As I have said before, if he is serving as a mouthpiece for various groups working to change the status quo or agents within the Cabal, we can decipher the data as if it is a form of awakening propaganda—information that certain players want to expose the masses to. What effect this has on your personal process is largely up to you. But I would suggest taking an active role in discernment and not falling into the trap of total acceptance or rejection.

[The preceding text is only a partial update. The full text will be added to this post in a few days.]

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2020 03 24 Update - Simon Parkes video


 Trump says he hopes to have economy reopen by Easter

Simon Parkes concurs in today's update that the right move is to get America going again or not only America but the rest of the world will suffer.

2020 03 24 Update - Simon Parkes

Simon left us with a fascinating snippet of information. He said dogs are fifth dimensional and cats are fourth. I have to agree that my dog is so much more than just a "dumb animal". I tell him every day how brilliant he is because he either reads my mind about what route to take on our walk---which is different every day---or he understands my verbal guidance ahead of time as to which way we're going to go. It's uncanny.

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Your Sunday Digest for March 22, 2020: New Q—Do We Have Your Attention? [videos]

by Starship Earth: The Big Picture

Apparently the fear quotient out there is sufficient that Q broke the silence and delivered a message last night:

Michael at the Patriot Hour (former military) says there will never be martial law in America.

5,500 National Guard Troops In 32 States? Why? [Fed Guard Upgrade]


Some of the material in the videos we share overlaps with other videos, and that's a good thing because there's less likelihood of missing something important. Sometimes there are additional details around the topic, or varying opinions so we wind up with a good "round table" discussion over the course of the week.

World-Wide Military Ops Happening Now! Gene Update. B2T Show Mar 21 (IS)



While the CV-19 White Hat response may not have been planned to unfold quite the way it did, no one can say life isn't interesting. There will be jokes about the Kung Flu and toilet paper for years now. My jaw hit the floor when I saw Nancy Pelosi's earrings, below. Whoever the casting director for this movie was, they deserve a commendation. No, she didn't really wear those... but still.

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