moonflower's Discussions (26)

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I usually post channelings here.

I work with many different souls, Mother Earth and more.

Why can’t mars wait?

Why can’t we feed our children here on earth first,

before we travel and put a lot o money in space knowledge?

Why can’t we treat Mother Earth w

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Bast the Lioness!

I have many names
I am very old
I am a cat
I am a lion
I am a protector
of life
A saver 
of love
And grace
is very important to me
Life is a flow
and the more love
the more flow
of light
glittering sparks
in the dark night
I am an ally
to Vanadis
We work

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Knowing liberation!

Knowing liberation...! A view on imprisonment...!

What do I mean? What am I talking about? I am talking about limitation. Limits. Borders. Handcuffs...Chains. Blood. Sweat and tears. Life passes, another life comes. Never ending story. It seems. At fi

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Life is love...! is love... you might wonder?

Life is a design, to make you learn about love. Why?

Why is that important?

Love is the strongest energy in the universe.

Everything comes from love.

Love - created everything - LIFE...

You are made of love and li

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We see your light!

We see your light, beloveds!


”In your being there is fire. It is a part of you! Fire is an element, as wind, earth and water. Within you there is a combination of these elements! Of course! They are all a necessity to life itself! They are equally im

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Blue star Kashina!!

Now what about this Blue star everybody seem to mention? Can anyone actually see it with fysical eyes? No, not yet, but soon you will be able to do that!


The Blue Star Kashina is a big blue ball of love and hope - actually it´s a ship - a real star s

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