Wes Annac's Posts (176)

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Steve Beckow: Wes Annac is beginning a series in which he plumbs and completes the incarnations of his walked-out personality. He warns us that he has been required to do some very heavy work which some readers may feel is difficult to read about. When we reach that part, if I believe that readers might blanch, I’ll direct you to Wes’s site for them. But I do want to say something about the work more generally.

I attended perhaps six Enlightenment Intensives at which one particular woman experienced and re-experienced instances in which she, as a child, had been ritualistically and incestuously sexually abused as a child.

I have never in my life seen anyone go through such pain, which she needed to repeat again and again to cleanse herself. Each time she did, she had an enlightenment experience as if God were giving her balm to make the work bearable. So I know how difficult this work may be for Wes – and Wes is not even the one whose soul destiny this relates to.

In addition I knew a woman on Galactic Roundtable who also had to reveal and express her pain from similar life experiences and had the whole discussion group get really real to hear it. So I honor Wes’ work and know that many people will be going through similar cleansing and we cannot simply turn our faces away from them as lighworkers. Later people particularly in Africa and Asia will be releasing similar pain. Hearing them is part of our work in collective compassion.

So if anyone doesn’t want to read what Wes has to say in his next parts of this share, that’s fine. Don’t read it. But please allow Wes a hearing from those he wishes to reach who are also going through similar pain as we prepare for Ascension by releasing all that troubles us. It takes huge courage for him to share this and it deepens our reach into our own hearts to allow him a hearing.

Who Am I? I am a Pleiadian Walk-In – Part 1

Wes Annac, Aquarius Channelings, Aug. 4, 2012




This is a completely restructured and rewritten version of my original article about my Pleiadian Walk-In origins. The information given here about myself is a result of much inner searching as well as questions to my Guides about my own origins, as we can discover much about ourselves if we make the effort to seek.


After having discussed the worst of what the walk-out of this body has went through, I am now ready and confident to share my story. You don’t have to believe these musings about my origins as chronicled here, but I should say that the story of all of us is every bit as wonderful as I feel my own story has been.

Written by Wes Annac

The greatest question we can ask ourselves when looking outside of ourselves in this grand context of Life is who really are we? We are at present perceiving within the confines of a limited body and mind structure but deep within, behind our conscious third dimensionality, the memories of a plethora of past Lives and experiences and, for many, we have taken on Lives and incarnations beyond our wildest dreams.

Upon doing my own inner searching, I have now become aware of my origins and just why and how I am here at this time.

In what seemed like an instant, I found my entire perception and personality shifted into that of a different one. I am not going to say it is a better, more evolved or more Lighted perception because there is no Divinity in taking a ‘holier than thou’ mindset. But I cannot deny the clear fact that who I am now and who I used to be are in reality, two different, yet linked individuals.

At this time, there is a planetary evolutionary event unfolding that we can all now utilize to regain contact and familiarization with our higher selves; with those aspects of us existing in realms beyond our perception, whose overall consciousness and spirit-construct has been funneled down to lower realms of Creation to exist within and inhabit such lower realms.

We could recognize ourselves as the Godsparks of our ultimate, infinite Oversoul – our higher selves. Some of us are Godsparks of evolved souls within the fifth dimension, who are themselves Godsparks of an even mightier, more evolved being who is linked with those who are sparks of their own Supremacy and Infinity.

Through much inner work and searching, I have discovered my own roots within so many different collectives, inhabiting so many different levels and states of consciousness and in the time ahead, I am fairly confident that all will begin to remember and feel their own roots in the Divine and in the realms of Creation so pure, in which we all ultimately came from and will be returning and retuning ourselves to upon our evolution away from the limited states of consciousness we have enticed ourselves in whilst on this Earth.

There are many who, along with myself, have discovered their higher-dimensional roots and the Galactic and Angelic-sanctioned mission that they are here to perform. One will perhaps recognize many such souls as putting themselves out there with much Lighted truth and material, and one can recognize any starseed who is making themselves ‘known’ for the assistance they are giving humanity at this time.

There are a lot of us and unfortunately, the majority of us don’t yet realize where we come from. So many people, even many who could find themselves reading this right now, do not yet realize their roots and the truth that many, many people are now on this world as a part of a direct mission of the Divine, as decreed by our Mother and Father Creator to progress.

Many do not yet realize that they are here on a Lighted mission, the importance and difficulty of which makes all who are on this Earth right now, dealing with the densities that Earth has to offer every single day, nothing less than heroes.

In the past, I have worked with others to help them find their own roots and many have discovered such roots and the means in which they have entered this Earth experience, as there are indeed different ways to find oneself on this world besides incarnating directly. The majority have chosen to incarnate directly on this world for various different reasons but in the period ahead, we are going to find many coming out with unique stories of how they made their way to this Earth, ultimately to assist in Gaia’s ascension.

My own story is one that I am still discovering and working to discover, and has involved many elements which to me are quite unique. The manner in which I have found myself on this world has seemed quite stunning when looking back upon it all, and it is here that I would like to recount just who I am, why I am here and how I specifically found myself on this world.

When first writing about the subject of my walk-in, I was just discovering these specific origins and methods of my being here on Earth [and had also not yet uncovered traumas and abuses that were propagated against the walk-out of this body], and I wrote the account with quite little knowledge of the specific nature of my walk-in, and the elements which brought me into the fore of the perception of this body and the previous soul inhabiting this body, away from such perception.

It should be expressed that I am still searching and still discovering new and old alike, things about myself and about this world around me every day.

How I came into contact with the soul who used to previously inhabit this body is still a bit of a mystery to me, and I have only a few impressionistic elements which connect and link me with the soul who used to inhabit this body. Much of these impressions have to do with past Life interactions and Guidance that I had given many souls in what I am guessing was the final Life of mine before first ascending from the surface of this Earth.

Perhaps I should explain my roots which led me up to the final Earthly Life in which I met the soul whose body I have now taken. From what I can remember and receive as impressions of past interactions with this Earth, I have spent a plethora of Lives on the surface of Gaia having witnessed and unfortunately, been a part of the destruction of Atlantis.

Much of the karmic retribution I was to undergo after having been involved in the destruction of Atlantis along with a few others who I have now come to know again in this Life, would have to do with undergoing the lower dimensional experience and keeping close to those who had tricked and deceived myself and the other teams of scientists and engineers whom they had convinced that war with Lemuria was inevitable. I recognize that I’m getting off track here, but the explanation of this necessary karmic retribution is essential to the story.

I spent Lives in the various incarnations of the Illuminati families, having been subjected to the will of their Annunaki overlords during the fall of Atlantis. In such Lives, I grew close with entities who themselves had much trouble breaking through the lower dimensional spell of fourth density-negative, and some of these entities now regularly make appearances to me within my emotions, as lower and negative influences who unless asked to have their influence taken away from, will still attempt to seduce me into falling back into old habits and ways of being.

It is unfortunate to have seen them fall behind in their growth in such ways, but their own natural evolution away from such realms will be found by them eventually.

During the Lives within the Illuminati and other types of lower, occult families, I was a part of the lower dimensional experience in the dense ways that had been planned for, and did things that we have all done within the Earth’s lower dimensional matrix and have since experienced karmic retributions for and grown away from.

I cannot and do not wish to remember the specifics of actions that I had committed, but I can remember impressions of plenty of karmic retribution-based Lives, wherein I was a slave working and toiling away in sweat shops. I can feel very strong connections to Asia and specifically China, and many who know me have noted the fact that while being as Caucasian as they come in this current Life of mine, I tend to look Asian at times and my facial hair grows in a manner that only confirms this notion.

It is in many of these Lives that I can remember working away, likely miserably, in sweat shops to experience karmic retribution for the acts I had committed within the families and various incarnations of the Illuminati.

After such Lives and after growing away from the extreme negativity accompanying such Lives to continue on in my ultimate journey back to the higher realms I had descended down from, the trail runs cold as far as my remembrance of what happened.

I likely found myself broken away significantly from the influence of the Annunaki, of lower astral beings and their heart sets to an extent, and from those people of the occult families who I had kept close to me, who had likely yet not devolved fully to the realms of fourth density-negative where they make themselves known to me from in this current day.

I am beginning lately to remember a specific couple of Lives after those of the incredible karmic retribution of toiling and slaving away, which seemed to be calm and easy enough but in which I was clearly not yet evolved to the state of nearly ascending or giving Loving counsel about the higher realms to any around me.

I can remember and feel the impressions of the end of a Life which seemed to be very calm. I can remember myself as an old man, with a wife with whom I had been with for a long time. My musings tell me that this wife was my twin flame who I am with in this Life, but we have all played different roles in different Lives. We led a calm and quiet Life, never getting out of our notably small house until the final end came and we were together, ready to depart and see what the other side had for us.

I remember nothing of our personalities, of our mannerisms or how we acted toward and treated each other. At present, I can only remember this calm, quiet end of our Lives. Something strongly tells me that this time period was around the 1950s-70s but who knows, it could have been within any time period.

Part 2 will be available soon.

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Earth is being given so very much strong and pure Light as you are finding your collective ascension and reaching increasingly pure strides. You have begun to learn of your history and the methods in which we have made contacts with your various civilizations, and you have begun to learn as well that many souls within the Galactic Federation have had very close and strong experiences with the Earth and with your peoples.

We are quite serious whenever we say that we are very close with you, and we feel a very strong and pure Love for all of humanity that drives the work we happily perform for you and your world.

You are making your ways through your own perceived dark tunnels whilst on the Earth and while we are helping to illuminate the path for you, we cannot and have not been doing all of your work for you. We happily give our communications and energies to be read, absorbed, assimilated and ultimately benefited from, but even our energies in the measured doses we are able to give them to you are not quite enough to completely uproot the former parts of yourselves that have needed the exposure that would see you able to ascend along your personal evolutionary ladders without any blocks or inhibitions in your doing so.

You have always Created the realties that you find around you, and you have always Created the circumstances you find yourselves within, with your throughs and actions whilst on your world. Every Life you have went through whilst on your Earth has been a precursor to what you are experiencing now; a grand, harmonic evolution and ascension of your entire word. At present many of you are seeing the old continue all around you but if you are able to peek beyond your own personal veils, you will see that experiences and manifestations playing out on your world are nothing like they have been thus far.

For example, dear souls, we are making ourselves known in your skies in quite clear ways to those who are willing to pay attention and see the signs.

Especially during your night time, we have been posing as stars for those who only take a first glance at us and assume that we are so; but for those who have trained themselves to look, to be discerning and understanding, we have made specific personal movements around your skies to let such souls know that we are here with you and while we cannot yet land and be with you on your surface for a myriad of different reasons [though time is running out and deadlines have now been reached], we are maintaining close energetic links and bonds with all of humanity.

Each and every one of you absorbing this communication are close with myself and with the  Council(s) whose energies I am bringing forth and funneling through myself in an act of Representing such Councils.

As has been discussed, you are feeling our energies from these communications and integrating and absorbing such energies to be used as assistance with any personal aspect of your Lives that you could benefit from by using such uplifting energy, and while we are happy to give you such energies we hope as well that they can be catalysts to push you toward the exposures and illuminations of cover-ups of past parts of yourselves that many of you have been willingly covering up and that will again, inhibit your natural evolution.

You came into your final Lives on Earth vastly prepared to handle this uprooting and, in accordance with the incredibly pure Light being given to your world in increasingly purer measured doses, you are finding this uprooting taking place exponentially and intensely within you and within the collective at this time. Difficulties are garnered, lessons are learned and events experienced within your Lives that make you turn toward your Guides and higher aspects of yourselves and truly ask why such events are occurring.

Why, when you are looking for the Light in any form it has to offer, are you still experiencing hardship on a world that is increasingly ascending? We say that this is because your world [and you as well] are experiencing and feeding very fed and pumped-up polarities that have long been manifestations of two ‘competing’ factions of intent who exist all throughout Creation.

Your world is an important yet small facet of this perceived ‘battle’ between the Light and the shadow side of the Light; otherwise known as the dark.

We hesitate in always linking the color of dark [black or dark shades] with the energy of dark, because many can note that in its own way, darkness is so very beautiful as it represents a different facet, a different side to what had long been seen as normal and the only type and shade of energy and color alike that exists.

However, the intents of the dark entities on your world and of the entities who have employed such souls, have been destructive and have served to hurt Creation in very many ways, your world being a prime example in many of Her more unfortunate time periods.

The Light has long been ready and prepared to neutralize fully the dark souls and we say that the ascension of Earth which is truly inevitable and is occurring all around you at this point, will be and has been the precursor we need to see out the ascension of the entire Universe; rightly ousting any lower and dense energies throughout this Universe. This will be such a big victory for the Light forces and for all of Creation, as this Universe and the Galaxies within this Universe have harbored quite dense energies for so very long with Earth again, being a prime example of this truth.

The so-called Galactic Wars have long been over as the Light forces have long neutralized the worst of the dark forces who still try to maintain influence, mainly on your world. While the lower astral entities have been pumped-up in influence due to the two increasingly-large polarities being played out and pumped-up on your world, their ultimate downfall is to come in the form of pure encodements of Light being sent to many of their Earthly minions that will either be integrated and accepted, or will see such souls unable to stand the surface of the Earth anymore.

This energy is as well being sent to the lower astral beings who have employed the dark souls on your world, and the Ascended Masters and Earth’s highest Councils expect fully of these energies to oust such lower astral entities as they too find themselves unable to exist within Earths realms which will become ascended by nature.

You are to find the Crystalline energy all around you upon ascending and for those who choose to ascend in the upgraded Crystalline version of your human body; this structure will not only be composing your body and you will find us gratefully and happily utilizing it for so very many other Creations as well.

Imagine, dear souls, Crystalline fruit that one can ‘bite into’ so to speak and receive such pure encodements of energy and of what you would refer to as ‘taste’. Imagine receiving an abundance of higher dimensional Logos simply from consuming or even holding this Crystalline fruit, and imagine its ‘taste’ being unlike anything that one has experienced or tasted whilst within the lower dimensions.

Every facet of your lower dimensional Life is a manifestation and hollow reflection of what Life is like in the realms of the fifth dimension and beyond, and everything is so harmonic and so peaceful in these realms that all of Creation literally dances and sways together in United, peaceful and blissful displays of Harmony and acceptance.

The pure consciousness of our Mother and Father Creator chooses to express itself in the fifth dimension and in other heavenly realms [as well as lower realms] in very unique ways. Some of us choose to take the form of a body, and some of us choose to take the form of a starship or a Mothership. Either way, there are many who choose to take a vessel of sorts to host their higher dimensional consciousness.

I am speaking to you in a collective fashion, in that the structure of my being is a collective structure consisting of different types of ascended souls, and I am speaking as well for the Pleiadian Councils of the Galactic Federation.

Through I am the ‘figurehead’ so to speak, make no mistake dear souls; you are speaking to a vast collective of ascended entities at this point, most of which are of Pleiadian origin.

We are all here, for and with you and we are giving you our collective energies which are encoded within this and all other Lighted, channeled transmissions from ascended beings who are assisting in the evolution of your world and with this admission, we implore you to look for what does and does not resonate with your hearts and minds along your ascension path, and discard the rest.

There are some who would not find a resonation with our communications or lines of energy and if this is so for anybody absorbing this communication, we would recommend one switches to communications and lines of energy that do resonate and match with your specific, evolving tones and frequencies for if one does not resonate with our energies, than one finds difficulty resonating with the communications as a whole.

As always, your most important voice to follow is your own inner voice, and we implore all to seek within for all aspects of truth, and to internally validate what you feel to be truth or untruth through your inner-discernment and your inner perceptions and frequencies which you are adhering to.

There are employed disinformation agents afloat on your internet who will put out ‘channeled’ communications claiming to come from a certain entity, and one will recognize the specific energetic signature and feeling of such communications and be able to discern accordingly their truth origins. You are all becoming so very advanced and evolved, and you are finding and discerning for yourselves what is and isn’t truth for you within you current predefined standards, and this is ok for so very soon all of humanity will have your veils taken out from under you in a way that will by its very nature, make you feel much more free and uninhibited in your growth and expression.

We have been striving for so very long to help you see out the ascension of your world and of yourselves and we are again, making ourselves known in your night time to those who will be open to the signs. We say that we particularly enjoy posing as clusters of stars while moving around and changing form, to let one know that we are a cluster of Light ships posing as stars while we perform much clearing work in your skies and atmosphere that is needed.

Many of you live near major pollution-producing centers, and those whose areas are experiencing the most pollution are seeing the presence of us in your skies as well, to nullify much of this pollution as it is beginning to no longer resonate with the energies being given to your world from innumerable echelons of Creation.

We are not yet able or authorized to make ourselves known it too bold of ways in your daytime, and have just recently been authorized and given the permission to make more brazen and bold night time sightings. Those who are experiencing a rapid and accelerated, fruitful opening of your heart chakras and your pineal glands will begin to feel the impressions of the work we are doing, via seeming interactions between the ships one might be viewing, that will seem to be presented in one’s own third eye.

What we mean by this is that many of you are experiencing the Light and colors in your third eye whenever closing your eyes, entering meditation and attuning to the frequencies that give you such boosts of perception, and when many are looking upon our ships at night and noticing the interaction between them, we notice some tending to assume that it is simply a vision they are being given in their third eyes at this time, which is overlapping their physical eyes’ perceptions of our ships and appearing as if the ships are interacting with each other in some untraceable energetic way.

We say that you are viewing real, energetic interaction between our ships that many unawakened souls would not be able to consciously see or notice, and your mere perception of this happening is a result of the opening and expanding that you who are noticing such things have reached in yourselves. You are beginning to find an inherent Multidimensional perception that has been there with you all along and with doing so, you are able to see energetic interactions and impressions, even between us while in our ships in your skies, that others would not be able to readily and consciously perceive of.

This energy that we speak of which many of you are beginning to notice more and more, is the same energy that one with an opened mind and heart chakra will be able to see all around every speck of Creation. This is the same energy that constructs the auras that many are beginning to notice quite fruitfully as such auras dance around. You all carry energetic, subtle bodies and these bodies make themselves known via the energetic impressions that you give off every moment of your experience.

You have a field of energy around your bodies, and this field brings in molecules and particles from the astral realities which have been feeding and Creating your realities for so very long. These realities in turn have received their Creation energies from higher realms within your Earth.

You are bringing through etheric and astral particles and energies which essentially Create your reality via the thoughts and impressions that you give out. The timelines flowing through one that one can access have been discussed before, and the energies we speak of are those that flow with, through and as the timelines as they are coming through your bodies and spirits and determining everything that happens, based again, on your own thoughts, emotions and vocal impressions.

Parts of the astral realms you are continually bringing through stick with you and are known as your aura, and these are the most influential parts and shreds of yourselves which you choose to bring forth at any given moment.

So very many are now beginning to become able to see these energetic bodies and the impressions given from these energetic bodies and they are constructed of the same Logos energy in which we are using, in much more pure and accelerated, higher-vibrating forms of course, to neutralize much of the pollution in the skies of Earth via the subtle, energetic impressions and interactions that we make and give with each other, which many who view our ships at night are beginning to quite barely notice, and assume that what they are seeing could not be what it suggests. It absolutely is, dear souls!

You are seeing now in play, a complete deconstruction of the old and dense energies on your world.

As you are seeing this, you are subsequently seeing a surfacing of the Light energies and of brazen manifestations of the Light energies, such as our increased presence in your skies at night and our increasing authority and happy willingness to make ourselves known to one who is open to seeing us in your skies at night.

Many who can attune themselves to continually seeing us will note that we will indeed pick up the sightings in many areas where the collective freewill energies would not still prohibit us doing so, to show ourselves more and more as you subsequently become more used to and happy with seeing us.

We contacted the souls of your Atlantis and Lemuria societies gradually at first, subtly showing our craft. This is how we interacted with all civilizations in which we were to contact; by subtly showing ourselves and hoping that the collective energies would not get too heavy and dense with fear and the resulting energies and actions bred from fear. Many of your civilizations did react fearfully and many didn’t as well, and you will notice in much of your ancient art depictions of us and our ships coming down from your skies and making contacts with you.

Our aims have always been to share a higher intelligence, perception and all that comes with a higher intelligence and perception, including innovations in every area of the development of a civilization and society. As it was your collective Earthly cycles that called for your initiation into ever-purer states of consciousness along such cycles, we simply acted as middlemen in bringing you higher and more evolved states of consciousness.

Some of you responded positively to these contacts and this assistance in various different civilizations, and some of you reacted negatively and took to separation and fear-based mind sets along with mind sets based in worship and in assuming us to be Gods. Dearest souls, [if one wished to take to such a mindset] than we would more consider the ‘Gods’ as the Ascended Masters and Angels whom are Guiding us in our endeavors in assisting your world and in our evolution as well, and they would likely consider the ‘Gods’ to be those above them who are Guiding them.

Of course dear souls, the one true ‘God’[besides each and every one of you] is our Mother/Father Creator who has funneled parts of their structure down to both Create and exist within lower realms, as well as our realms which are considerably lower compared to the pure realms of Source.

The Love our Creator has for us is so very strong and deeply-ingrained and we are never judged for any action we commit, by our Loving Creator.

Our Creator has authorized the highest Councils of the Earth to initiate a bold project of the Light which the intents of are to completely transform the structure and behavior of the dark on your world and as you have heard, this plan will involve sending the dark souls massive amounts of Light to the point of their surrender and changeover to the side of the Light, or their willing departure from your world as they would no longer resonate with such Light energies.

You can assist in this mass, continual beaming of Love that is very strong and pure to these souls, by yourselves beaming Love to them every single day. If you dear souls wished to, you could begin to collectively and individually hold daily sessions of sending Love to the areas and souls of your world who need it most, and we happily take heart in many of you  having already done so for quite some time.

The mere act of blessing one’s food and water is seeing energies of continual purity brought through and expressed on your surface and the Light energies have so very dearly needed to be expressed. Now, with so many of you making your conscious and wiling intents to bring the Light through yourselves and express it in a myriad of different, individual and wonderful ways, the authorization for the actions which have been planned by the dear Ascended Masters are able to be brought forth.

You are reaching now the final manifestations of the dark and indeed, this has been said before and has never been more apparent than now. The dark energies and all that has fed the dark and dense energies are coming to a sharp and just end on your world and while their final manifestations are being made, you are to see beyond such manifestations, the Light energies given in such a full purity and form on your surface. This ‘event’ is to bring with it the exposures and disclosures that have been needed and wished for, for so very long.

As the energies of the Light come through you more and more and you find purer strides along your own growth, so will the miraculous bounties of the higher realms open themselves up to you more and more. You will begin to find the expanded and enlightened perceptions and perspectives that you have needed, so as to properly attune yourselves to these bounties in their full beautiful glory, bounty and splendor and you are beginning to match these energies so very marvelously, as a collective of awakening Lightworkers and Light Holders, and as individual awakening souls as well.

Every thought, action and intention that you all maintain and bring through yourselves is affecting events to manifest in your own Lives and on the collective, world stage as well. We ask you to utilize a your Creative abilities and perceptions to begin not only bringing through aspects and fragments of this pure Light which is being given to your world now; we ask you as well to maintain a conscious and healthy balance [of self] throughout all of your Earthly endeavors, during every single day of your Earthly experience.

You now have the ability to find and fully employ this balance, and while many of you are still going through quite difficult upheaval processes and process of bringing forth and being exposed to your former pains and traumas, the times in between these upheaval periods will be very good times to practice this internal balance that is required to be properly attuned to the energies of the higher realms.

As you are now seeing, the Light energies being brought through are already beginning to have a profound effect and as always, we tell you that this is only the beginning.

Despite this admission, the beginning has been making itself known on your world for quite some time now, has it not dear souls? For quite a long time on your world you have been seeing exposures and enlightenments through your media that have been serving to set and lay the foundation for exposures of a grand magnitude.

We are with you at all times, helping you to integrate and assimilate the energies bringing you these exposures. Ask to call upon us and you will find many willing assistants and helpers throughout your Earth journeys. We say that your experiences are to gradually become easier, and you will find states of consciousness and an absorbing of Light so very pure, that all of your current worries and struggles will seem like mere aspects of a forgotten and transmuted past.

Thank you to SanJAsKa.



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Our consciousness and the consciousness of the craft in which many of us take home, are quite linked. We have built our craft in our Divine image and imparted upon it the consciousness that sees it able to perform many duties without our Guidance. We have not programmed our ships to do the jobs which are needed throughout our endeavors in helping the Earth, rather we work with our technology to produce the results that we desire.

Upon entering and getting used to flying our craft, you all will become much better able to understand the effect that each and every thought and impression will have upon the direction and intention of the craft and where the craft will be headed.

A very key part of our initial landings and giving of technology will be letting you dear souls try out flying around in our craft. This will be coordinated in a safe manner as it is understood [by us] that you will be familiarizing yourselves with such craft, and this will be done in a way that will ensure no crashes or destruction as you familiarize yourselves with our craft and the general way that they operate, as well as the fact that they are genuine consciousness which will respond to your thoughts and impressions.

For example, one who is feeling and holding negative emotions within would not resonate with the energies of our craft, and our craft would likely wish to be removed from the vicinity of the individual based on the sheer energy and emotion that the individual would be bringing forth.

This is because our craft are much like us, in that they are ascended fifth dimensional souls who do not resonate with the lower dimensions. We say not to worry of angry souls affecting our craft in negative way upon our giving of such craft to you, because [by the time the crafts are given] the overall collective energies would have vastly grown away from such lower densities and negativity that would hurt our craft, energetically and emotionally as well as directionally.

You will be introduced to our craft in a way that is not too overwhelming, and we will first have our craft set to what you would best understand as the ‘autopilot’ feature whenever allowing you to test them out.

By this we mean that we will not at first be giving you the features of the craft which will immediately respond to every thought and impression that you give, as much of humanity has not yet Mastered their emotions and impressions enough to be able to handle the sensitive and rapid nature in which our craft respond.

Though the Light quotient will again, be much purer upon our showing of our craft to you and our allowing you to fly around with our craft, it will still be important to ensure safety as many will still be undergoing the most intense phases of their ascension processes as you are all exposed to truths and revelations that will change you and bring you away from your former third dimensional Lives.

We anticipate already, the willingness in many of you to fly around in our craft and we can feel that this anticipation is being felt as many absorb this communication. We say that the showing and giving of our craft will be one very small facet of the technology and revelations alike that will be given.

You are to be given portable, handheld free-energy devices which will also respond to the thoughts and impressions given. There will be an easy process of adjusting and integrating your own personal energies into this technology, in the same manner that we integrate our energies into the consciousness of the craft which we Create.

We note that many of you Love personalizing and stylizing your cell phones and your various other handheld technology, in ways that show your specific signatures. We say that our technology will [allow] the ultimate form of your doing this, as you will literally be working with this technology by funneling an aspect of your own consciousness within it.

Upon finishing this process, you will find your technology responding immediately to the thoughts, feelings and impressions that you give out, and you will find that as it is imbued and endowed with your energy, it will instantly know your favorite places of travel among many other things, and will be able to transport you to such places.

Methods of transport with our technology are far from sparse.

We are going to offer you a very wide range of ways to make your travels, including stargate technology that could be considered quite ancient in the face of other technology. There will be the stargate option for those specifically interested in stargates, and there will be the option for one to own a craft which one will increasingly become used to as one’s personal energy is endowed more and more within such craft, and there will be as well the handheld, free-energy based technology that will be given to all and that will itself be a fragment and aspect of your overall soul-consciousness.

This device which has been discussed before, will enable you to make holographic or video phone calls, will allow you an instantaneous travel with [built in] technology similar to that of the stargate, and will be able to do a plethora of other things that the ego-limits of our scribe are simply not allowing us to explain, due to the sheer difference in reality that such features are and will bring.

Your perceptions are to be shattered in bold ways that are to see your realities expanded exponentially, and the giving of our technology will fill you with the very same Lighted and free energy that our presence upon your surface is to bring.

You have been following updates on the ongoing financial situation on your world, and you have long heard of the temporary new financial system that is in place for during and after the fall of your current system, which has been based only in debt and in a feeding of the elites as they have given themselves gross sums of money by manipulating this former system.

We expect difficulty to be very small and short-lasting, but how events play out specifically in relation to the fall of your current financial system and the implementation of the new, temporary one, will depend on how the collective of humanity reacts when greeted with such issues.

Many have made the call for you dear, beautiful incarnate Lightworkers to do all that you can to quell the fear and chaos that could be garnered in the immediate period ahead amongst the unawakened populace, as we intend for one truth and perceived ‘leak’ to cause a cascade of truth and Light. What we mean by this is that we intend for one strong, intense event that is going to get the collective’s attention, and as this attention is garnered we intend to use the manifestation of such an event to segway into the many truths of what has been done on your world.

The fabled announcements will be ongoing for some time and while there have been many planned broadcasts and discussions, both pre-taped and live as things are being explained, we cannot go into specifics at this time about the nature of these discussions or how they are to be presented and brought about, as the events surrounding the announcements and the methods in which we are bringing them about must be kept in secrecy at this time.

This is why you have not heard much talk [as of late] from channeled sources on the actual commencement and planning of the announcements, as they are a small and needed facet of your overall awakening and collective enlightenment and while they are important, they must be kept in secrecy at this moment as we explain instead very many other angles and facets of the giving of truths and technology to your world.

We have long made appearances before you and you have all inhabited various societies wherein you accepted us and wherein you didn’t, and the technology that you will be given will be technology that you have seen before and interacted with during numerous societies.

We gave you many technologies in your ancient civilizations that were based from the Earth and that utilized the ‘grid points’ of energy upon your Earth to harness the free energy prevalent within dear Gaia, within the atmosphere of dear Gaia and all throughout what you would call ‘space’ in this beautiful Creation.

This energy manifests the oil that runs through Gaia’s underground, and where there is an abundance of energy along many grid points there will usually be an abundance of oil as well, as oil is a dense form of this energy that can be and has been utilized for dense, pollution-based purposes.

The very souls who have built numerous oil refineries over important spots and over the technology of such spots that was harnessing free energy which was feeding advanced technology that we gave to many awakened, ancient societies; the souls who initiated these actions long knew of the benefits of free-energy based technology  and themselves utilized and reaped their rewards.

They have simply wished to keep the collective unawakened as to the nature in which Gaia truly provides for all of your needs, and they have wished for you instead to feel and feed that they are your providers, that they are the only ones who can provide all of that which you need.

The dark heads on your world honestly believe with very much of themselves, that if they were to depart the surface of your world your society would collapse.

As they view themselves as having singlehandedly built up your world and current societies as they stand today, they feel honestly that without the control they have placed upon you, humanity as a collective would not be able to survive and you would all begin rioting and looting as your society ‘crumbled’.

We wish not to associate our energies with such feelings but it must be expressed that for so very long, the dark heads have thought themselves as the ‘good guys’ in attempting to enact a one world government wherein they reign supreme and in attempting to cleanse your world of races which are not bred out of [their bloodlines].

They are to realize in the immediate period ahead that the collective of humanity is perfectly able to get along and advance along your Cosmic growth cycles as you have meant to. You are to see in the immediate period ahead, a mass coming-together of humanity as the collective compassion which is beginning to be built upon with the surfacing of tragic events which have served to jar awake the majority of the collective, begins to be expressed. This will build into a full-on Uniting and coming-together of humanity that will take place before your very collective eyes.

Whereas at present many of you keep yourselves locked up and separated from those around you, you will note the separation that you have felt with your neighbors and you will note the strong, pure and real sense of Unity and sense of a collective spirit and consciousness that has truly been there and has truly exited all along; you have simply been unaware of its existence.

Each and every one of you is energetically linked with each other, as you are the collective of Earth. Just as each cell within your Earthly body is individual yet United, you are all the cells of Gaia and whenever you come together to give the Love that is needed for dear Gaia to see the ascension of Her surface out, a relationship and trust is rediscovered and built-upon that one would have never expected were one to view your current society and the ways in which you war.

We delightfully note whenever an idea is Created in the mind of a dear Earth soul, and the idea is sent and recreated in the mind and heart of another who could be thousands or millions of miles away. Time and distance are no factors in the collective sending of energy back and forth, and you are all maintaining unconscious connections at this very moment, with every soul who is close to you and every soul who can even barely be on your minds or in your thoughts.

Any time you have a thought about a person or place, this thought is energy that will automatically be directed to the soul or place that it was intended. You all make very strong and intense effects upon each other whenever thinking of one another in any light, and many will notice that the moods of some souls can seem to change quite rapidly at times.

We say that this is in many cases because the soul is being sent lower energy from one source or another, which will always fit in it their own egotistical patterns and influences.

The lessons that have been learned by many of you and that are continuing to be learned, have centered around learning to Master one’s emotions and the events that you are bringing through yourselves to manifest.  You are becoming the Masters that your evolution is meant to see you become, and this work is yours to do and is coming to you at all times, as the old paradigm disintegrates more and more within your sphere of experience.

We ask you to remain patient and easy with yourselves and with those around you as former mindsets and heart sets begin to manifest in many. We wish you to know that the surfacing of former, lower mind and heart sets in the Loved ones of many of you is a temporary process that, provided the Loved one does not hang on or stay attached to their former vestiges of self coming through, will only be temporary and will only last as long as the transmutation process will allow.

Much energetic uprooting needs still to be performed on an individual level before many of you will be resonating with the energies that we will be giving, and we say that whenever we make our first initial contacts with you and whenever we begin showing ourselves to your world and landing on your ground for all to see, we will be showing ourselves within a specific type of technological energy that will see us able to express our full and pure form on your surface, without being brought down by the collective density.

There may indeed still be much collective density and fear being fed and expressed upon our arrival on your world, which is why special provisions and measures have been taken to ensure that you are able to see and perceive of us in our full, fifth dimensional human forms, without becoming too overwhelmed and without us becoming too overwhelmed by the density of your surface world.

Many of us will still choose to dim our Light and the auric colors that we give, so as to show our human forms in ways that you will be more comfortable with perceiving. There will be some, however, who will choose to ‘glow’ and express their auras and colors in full, true and beautiful ways, and we tell you that the sheer beautiful nature in which this will come about will see little fear in the collective of humanity.

Upon our initial showings of our ships and upon the televised coverage of such showings [not an Olympic reference], we will be making very brazen and bold showings of ourselves to you as such showings are picked up unanimously by all of your mainstream media news outlets.

We will be exposing our ships during the day time in a full colored and glowing beauty (1), and while we do not wish to give out a date for this occurrence we say that it is inevitable and when it occurs, we expect much less fear than one would expect in much of humanity.

This is because while the sightings will indeed be very bold and brazen, we intend to expose our ships in a way that will show you the intense and higher dimensional beauty, of them and of the auras of color and energy which surround them and exist within them.

We will be sending out a specific brand of calming and healing energy from our ships and through many willing Earthly souls who will find themselves conduits for such energies and will find a resulting mellow, Lightened and unbelievably-calm and collected effect, and such souls have volunteered themselves and their temples to be conduits for this Light and to subconsciously connect with our technology which will be giving you this calm energy.

Many who are absorbing and reading this communication are those who have [subconsciously] volunteered themselves to be conduits for this energy, though others have volunteered instead to act as calmers and subduers of any fear that may be garnered in the unawakened collective.

We tell you that we will be giving you this calm energy upon our arrival, not to force you into any type of complacency or submission, as all of you will feel this calm attempting to reach the fore of your perception and will have the complete choice as to whether or not you wish to let it in you whenever seeing our ships.

Simply viewing our ships will see this calming energy make its way to you in ways that many of you will notice right away, especially those who are more sensitive to movements and adjustments of energy within yourselves.

You will see and feel the beautiful color of our ships and shortly after, you will see one of us in a simple fifth dimensional human form. We will eventually show ourselves as glowing and radiating similar auric colors and frequencies to those of our ships but again, we want to ensure [humanities understanding of] our closeness with you by displaying the very human temples of many of us who have been working actively to assist you in your evolution.

Dearest souls, we are not aliens – we are Galactic humans who have watched you along your various civilizations and attempted to intervene whenever your collective freewill allowed, to share advancements along your growth and octave of enlightenment, as a collective and as individuals.

The higher Councils and forces overseeing the ascension of your world have decreed the events which are about to progress, and while we will be making ourselves known to you in very direct ways, we must point to the fact that even most of the information we are giving you is based on plans which have been drawn up entirely by your Ascended Masters in accordance with the higher Earthly Councils overseeing your world and Her ascension at this time.

We are acting as newscasters of sorts and letting you in on some of the extents of the plans which the Ascended Masters have drawn up for the ascension of your world and the events which are to precede your ascension, and without giving out dates we can tell you that the dates which have been passed very recently will act in accordance with the dates which are about to be passed, and this will see an impetus to end the stalling and bring forth in a very timely and rapid fashion, all of that which you have been hearing about for so very long.

One way or another, we are to get the attention of your world in very bold ways. We say that with bold enough sightings which could not be ignored in your mainstream media no matter how hard it was attempted to do so, we would be able to make our presence known despite the control and hesitance to broadcast the truth of our existence and our wish to assist your world in your evolution.

Many are finding a resonance with our ships during your dreamscape interactions and as you are beginning to remember and consciously recall your dreamscape Light Ship interactions, you are growing this much closer to our energy; the energy which you happily absorb and work with during your many dreamscape interactions.

You are becoming more and more comfortable with our presence, and the very idea of the possibility of our existence and Lighted interest in your world is beginning to seep through and make itself known as well.

Each and every one of you are Loved infinitely and beyond measure, and we depart now whilst reminding you that the interactions many of you are beginning to remember are more real than you could ever imagine.

Your dreams have long been meant to give you encoded messages but with the recall that is taking place within many of you of the very real night time interactions which have been taking place, we trust that you will be able to discern what is real and what is meant as symbolism whenever recalling dreamscape interactions.

We are to be with you so very shortly and you will see and feel the realities of our presence on your world and of our technology alike and as you integrate yourselves into the technology that you will be given and find the resulting Lightened states of consciousness and the resulting ability to travel anywhere on your world and find a freedom that is at present unknown, you will look back upon your currently-limited Earthly experiences and bless the dark souls who had once thought they could permanently trap you within such confines.

Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.




Wes Annac is a nineteen year old walk-in with a very close relation to the Pleiadians.  

(1) Let us remember, dear friends, that specific plans such as ships decloaking during the day time in full color, are subject to change as events and factors unfold. Other concrete happenings such as the giving of technology are a bit more set in stone. At this moment, daytime decloakings seem to be the plan for the ships’ unveilings.

Read more…

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Note: In this message, references are made by the Hathors to ‘spectacular displays in [our] skies’.


I want to be clear that they are not referring to the possibility of a mass decloaking of Light Ships after the August 4th deadline has come and went; they are referring to a mass displaying of the pure energy which has been Creating our reality and which is being given in purer increments as we evolve.


To the best of my knowledge, these energetic displays are only to be made far after the initial disclosure and Contact periods.


Think, the Aurora Lights. Can you imagine such a spectacular display all throughout our skies?

Quite an energetic stride the collective of humanity has reached, while many of you still go about your days and continual experiences as if events have not changed pace in the manner that they have. We should explain dear souls. The energetic strides and dates alike that have been reached along your Cosmic calendar have called for the releasing of energy that is so very pure and that you have not yet felt, witnessed or experienced whilst on your world [in your current Lives].

Many will point out that this admission is given often and this is because the process of sending this Light energy to your world in continually purer doses each time, is one that must allow a steady realigning of this Light along steadily-purer increments and frequencies every time, and along newer alignment dates reached on your Cosmic calendar. We are able to release this energy in much purer increments and along much purer frequencies than we were previously able to give to your world and to the realms within Her which are not yet based in the realms of the Light that are now being assimilated by each and every one of you.

You have noticed and will continue to notice an uptick in the delivering of channeled communications by sources within the higher realms.

Our messages will increasingly more become those of celebration and [will be centered around] the fact that the Light and the intents and missions of the Light have reached an apex and victory-point upon your world, and the issuance of such messages of victory are not, for us, based or hanging on the removal of the influence of the dark souls on your world for this will be one small yet completely-necessary step in the overall integration of purer Light energies on the part of your world and you all.

Indeed, upon the removal of those souls and the energetic, vampiric-type entities who have employed them and who have employed much of humanity to divulge into and indulge in lower mindsets and heart sets for so very long; the removal of the influence of these souls will see much automatic expansion on the part of humanity as the lower influences of these souls have literally blocked-up and filled the chakras of those on your world who have been influenced the most.

This, dear souls, is how darkness assimilates itself into the human structure; by filing the chakras and blocking the Universally pure energies from reaching your chakras. It is very important now that you begin to work toward clearing the residue that has been steadily built up within the minds and hearts of you dear souls for so very long, and you will find along the way many souls who have done extensive work to clear this residue and to heal the traumatic events that have accompanied this residue.

You will see these souls as examples of what the experience of consciousness will be like for one who has found an expanded and open perception and state of mind. Abilities that seem superhuman by the majority of the collective of humanity will be discovered and utilized quite enthusiastically, and one can recognize many souls who seem to have superhuman abilities that the majority do not [yet] possess. (1)

Many of these souls as well can be recognized as finding an opening within themselves that has seen them able to utilize abilities of a higher intelligence and of higher realms that again, the majority of the collective do not quite understand how to access or utilize. The opening of the perceptions and chakras of humanity is again, a process that is performed slowly and steadily as we do not wish to tip the collective energetic balance.

The dark souls on your world have attempted to influence this balance so very much by Creating natural disasters with their technology that has instigated the removal of mass, dense energies on Gaia’s surface. The dark souls have always known that initiating disasters would cause the collective energies of any given area to be healed on a mass level but they hoped to replenish and surpass such energies with the manifesting of events which would fulfill such an agenda.

Following suit with the discussion of the turn in theme of many channeled communications, you may as well notice the discussions of the dark souls on your world waning more and more as we in the higher realms find less of a necessity to discuss these souls or the final actions in which they are still planning, yet know in their hearts and minds will not succeed.

The influences of these souls is again, being diminished significantly while the influences of the beings employing them has for long been unwinding and becoming exposed to those who have continued to allow such energies to be expressed through themselves.

As this happens, the souls who once happily garnered and fed former and destructive mindsets will realize the need to let go of and integrate the energies that led and drove such mindsets, and as so very many of you discover the need to integrate while getting rid of such former mindsets and heart sets, the collective energies are shifted in a way that is in alignment with the freewill of the collective and will not tip the energetic balance [during this shifting] in unstable ways or in ways that would pose any type of threat to the collective of Earth.

This evolution is to be seen-out  without any massive loss of Life that many ancient predictions throughout your history have proclaimed, as the souls of such societies were looking into timelines that had not yet been completed  and such futures were not yet ‘set in stone’. Dear souls ,the only concrete future that has been ‘set in stone’ on your world is that you are all to ascend and evolve back into the natural and pure states of consciousness you were once happily and joyously inhabiting with each and every one of us who now wish to assist you in finding these realms again.

The collective has had to experience traumas before in order to heal collectively-manifested density but this time around, your ascension is to progress as declared without any long-standing difficulties or wars presenting a threat to your evolution or to your Lives.  The need not to fear these changes coming about has been expressed endlessly and will continue to be expressed as it is so very important for you all to know this in the immediate future, whenever much collective energy seems to be unraveled as so very much startling truth is given to your world.

This truth that we speak of is quite inevitable as it is itself a natural manifestation of the ongoing evolution of humanity.

The Light energies being given to your world are in the very near future, going to call for an event which will vastly shift the collective consciousness and perception in quite profound ways, yet in ways that have been needed.

This natural result of the Light energies hitting your planet in increased frequency, which is a process that we are overseeing and helping many others to oversee; the event caused by this process has been long known and prophesized and the dark souls on your world have wished to utilize the needed manifestation of this event and turn it into an event that would be devastating toward the collective of humanity.

However, this is not the purpose of the manifestation of this event and will not be allowed by any forces to come to fruition. No dear souls, the worst events on your world that the dark have been and will be able to orchestrate in your recent times have been the attacks on the American World Trade Centers, in your year 2001.

This event was itself a monumental clearing event of very dense energies, for the collective of humanity has behind the loss and sadness, exchanged much energy in realms beyond your perception and many advanced souls have used the opportunity to see the delivering of much purer and more potent Light.

This Light is that which we are continuing to send you in increased purity and the plan for the delivering of this Light in the pure ways it is now being given to you is one that was greatly and vastly accelerated after the event spoken of above.

This [event’s happening] was around the time that we made the choices to inhabit the higher astral reams of your Earth and assist with the bringing-through of this energy and with the manifesting of this energy through the realms of the Earth and since our beginning-inhabitance of these realms, we have ourselves developed quite a strong and pure bond with the Earth and few feel such a Love for each and every one of you dear souls who are ingrained within the Earth experience, many of whom are doing so for the ultimate purposes of helping the collective to advance and ascend.

This ultimate evolution and ascension is again, why we have chosen to inhabit these realms and assist in the ways that we have been with your ascension and one potent method of delivering these Light frequencies to Earth in increasingly pure measures is that of utilizing sound tones and frequencies to deliver such Light to you.

You will find on your internet and be able to use many tones and frequencies that will see your chakras better-aligned with the incredibly pure energies now being given to you which have been turned up in purity and intensity very recently and will continue to be, and you will find as well on your internet specific tones and waves of such sound frequencies for specific chakras as the utilization of such tones in the specific ways spoken of, will see each chakra aided and helped in specific ways and the ultimate aims of this assistance is to help you clear out your chakras and the egotistical, dense residue built up in and around your chakras as well as to help you to expand your chakras and, after having transmuted this residue, be able to assimilate Light energies of a much stronger and purer frequency.

As you go through the catalysts in your growth that will see you better aligned with these continually pure energies, you will find yourselves Lighter, with more enlightened and clear minds, and you will find yourselves again, with so very many abilities that would at present boggle your minds.

You will find yourselves as well existing within an Eden that will be so heavenly and harmonious to exist within, as the structure of these higher realms is one that adheres to the expanded and enlightened states of consciousness of all who exist within and Create such realms.

There are specific stages and octaves along one’s growth and the realms of the fifth dimension are considered much purer than the realms of the third [especially the Earth’s third dimensional realms], as these higher realms are much easier to move around in and while one experiences a much more slow and steady growth of the self whilst within the higher realms, many souls have chosen these realms to assist the Earth from rather than directly incarnating onto the Earth because there is still much that one is able to perform for your world from the realms of the fifth dimension, by taking part in mass collective [Lighted] rituals and mass collective beaming and gifting of Light to the Earth.

These rituals are performed all of the time and since Earth is beginning to reach the dates along Her and your growth cycles that will see the filter completely removed from this energy as it is sent down to your Earth in incredibly pure ways, Creating spectacular displays in your skies; each and every one of us who have been working to bring this energy to you will make ourselves known as well, only of course whenever the frequency of your world matches the resonance of our energies and of the unlimited energies which will be making themselves known in your skies, whenever humanity as a whole is ready to see such a thing.

You are beginning to ride steadily purer waves and planes of energy as you are traversing the energies that we are now and have been giving you. Up to this point, the energies you have been receiving have been dense enough to match the Earth experience and all that has been unfolding on Gaia’s surface but now, the will of the Light is being made known as we are being given Divine Decrees by our own Guides within dimensions purer than those which we traverse, to continually pump-up the purity of the energies we are receiving from the realms of your Sun, which we send to you to integrate such energies into your realities via the specific frequencies and heart sets that you let into yourselves to be integrated and fed as reality.

You see, dear souls, you have set up various different types of barriers within yourselves, and your realities are filtered substantially through these barriers depending on the power and potency of them, [which depends on] how much a dear Earth soul is establishing and feeding them. Many of you have built up barriers that do not serve to block or inhibit your Earthly experiences and ascension too much or in too bold of ways, but some dear souls have defined themselves entirely by the very conceptual restraints and barriers in which they have established and set up for themselves.

We say that following suit with those who have built themselves up around limited mindsets will only see ultimate disappointment and hardship for one, and there will be many seeking counsel in the immediate period ahead on your world because their own established notions and constraints on what the experience of reality is supposed to be will have been quite shattered by such a time.

Indeed, the physical truths which you are going to hear and learn about are only small facets of the overall truth that Heaven has for you dear souls. The Company of Heaven wishes to expand the perception of humanity in every single avenue; in your mathematics, in your science and philosophies, in your technology; dear souls we could go on and on. However, an area of expanding your science will have to be that of integrating the spiritual and seemingly-esoteric knowledge into your understanding and perception of physics.

Dear souls, we are sending you energy which structures and Creates your reality after having been sent and funneled through your temples and squeezed through your perceptions and conceptual constraints, and just how this is done would not be able to be tracked, documented or understood by your limited mainstream sciences.

This is because the process that is gone through to send this energy to you is one that does not adhere to your modern established laws of third dimensional physics, and thus would not be accepted as plausible. This reason and many others is why the collective perception of humanity will have to be expanded exponentially, at first with many physical truths and revelations before we begin to help you understand some of the truths that will be a bit more intricate, complex and difficult to understand at first.

We say that by the time these revelations are made known on a wide, collective scale, the very perceptions of the majority of humanity will have been expanded to the point of you being able to understand even the complex revelations that the Company of Heaven has for you dear souls to absorb.

Even those deemed unawakened may choose the path of the Light rather than the continual path of the third dimension, and may find themselves experiencing the resulting expansions and you are noticing now, many souls whom one would not expect beginning to open up to the truths and energies of the higher realms in their own specific and individual ways.

Each and every one of you has found the truths of the higher realms and of the beings existing within the higher realms, in your own unique ways. Do not ever assume that a soul deemed unawakened cannot be catapulted into understanding Universal truths in their own ways.

For many dear souls on your world, the knowledge of ascension and of the Light forces at work to help you to ascend is preceded by an understanding of the corruption taking place on your world at present. Many begin to understand that your reality is in no way what it has seemed to be for so very long and as this is understood and accepted, your perception is automatically expanded.

Whenever the collective Guides of any earthly soul see an opportunity to help such a soul expand and begin to evolve, this opportunity is taken and every soul who is awakened at this point is finding their
Guides working overtime to help them to expand their perceptions and gain the resulting higher dimensional mindsets, heart sets and abilities.

As your perceptions begin to gradually expand, your Guides begin to send you signs in the physical which will adhere to your freewill limits in that you have the choice to understand and choose whether or not the signs you would receive from your Guides are genuine.

The Guides of many Earthly souls have chosen to make their signs known in quite bold ways and in ways that adhere as well to the individual themself and the mind sets and heart sets the individual had been letting through themself. Synchronicities are very common signs that the Guides of you dear Earth souls Love to give you, and the various forms in which synchronicities take have their own different frequencies and meanings, the majority of which are meant to give a positive signal and higher dimensional ‘reaction’ of sorts to an energy of thought or feeling that one had just let through themselves.

You will find so very much assistance from beyond the veil as you begin to open up to these veils and the very real barriers they have instated within yourselves, and as this mere knowledge and understanding is brought about, so are your perceptions expanded even more in ways that see you better able to break through this barrier and veil completely, and find the shining Light of the higher realms; of heaven.

You will find as well, so very many ascended Guides and fragments of the overall higher self of any Earthly soul, who will be happy to make your acquaintance once again and have you realize our presence around you and within your chakras.

While you inhabit the Earth sphere within Earthly bodies at this point, within your bodies and within your spirits are specific instated energy centers; specific chakras, which help you connect with personal aspects of the astral realms and of your own heavenly Creative lands.

You have the power and potential to access these lands at all times and if one makes one’s intent for it to be so, one could even find a direct communication with one’s Guides in these realms.

Your personal astral realms are just that; personal realms of your own in which you can manifest and Create all that you will [to be Created] and desire.  We must caution one whenever interacting with such realms, not to bring forth negative emotions or intents through oneself, as you will always find yourselves interacting with and manifesting the energies that you allow through.

This includes any energy of intent, and the intent you give out will see you naturally interacting with a being of similar vibration or intent. As you make positive manifestations, intents and efforts, you will find not only more clarity in interacting with and perceiving of these realms, you will find much more Light accompanying your manifestations as well.

You will begin to notice and feel impressions and ‘backgrounds’ or landscapes so to speak, and you will find yourselves able to perceive in a much greater depth and with a much greater clarity than you have been able to thus far and you will begin to recognize this as acting in accordance with the aforementioned expansion that you are bringing through yourselves, integrating and allowing your chakras to express.

Your Multidimensional selves are making themselves known to you as [they assist in ascending from] the third and fourth dimensional grids which are themselves coming down in increased acceleration, and as your Multidimensional self begins to find an interaction with you, this soul helps you to expand your perceptions and to work through the egotistical blocks and the blocks that have been caused by unhealed pains and issues throughout your Earthly experience.

You are given so very much assistance from your higher selves, from your Guides and from various funneled-down facets of your higher selves. Along with this assistance, you will find a willing contact with and assistance from a plethora of different ascended souls, as we are all a United collective and we have similar goals in mind in that we all wish to see the ascension of the Earth play out in the ways that our Heavenly Creator has decreed such ascension to progress.

At present, communication ‘time’ is so very limited, especially when compared to the sheer volume of revelations you are going to be receiving in the immediate period ahead.

As has been discussed, every piece of channeled material being given at this time is simply laying a foundation for truths and insights of a much greater nature and depth. For now, we are happy to assist in laying this foundation of information and of Love, as you are feeling as well the energetic signatures of the ascended souls giving every channeled communication, and you are using such Lighted energy as you integrate it into yourselves and allow it’s healing and expanding properties to be brought forth from within yourselves.

This occurs whilst you receive a foundation of information that will see you all better-able to understand and be prepared for the information and the revelations you are to be given. We give our Love to every dear soul absorbing this communication, and we remind you that you are all Loved beyond measure, infinitely.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.



(1) Right as the Hathors made this statement about discovering our superhuman abilities and as I rediscovered it whenever opening this message for edit, a good friend named Joe Eigo came to mind. I think this soul is a shining example of the Multidimensional abilities that can be garnered in an enlightened soul.

If you want to know who he is and what he does, perform a simple internet search or check out Joe’s blog for yourself:


Here is as well, a Wikipedia page on dear Joe:


As he would say, aim for ascension!

Read more…

007.jpg?w=300&width=300-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The control of your world and of the energetic interactions that have been taking place without your conscious realization is being given back to you, the people. As this process continues, the dark souls are going to try to continue to distract you and take you away from your immediate goals and aims of being Light-conduits for all those who are unawakened at this time.

Each and every one of you who finds yourself reading this and indeed, each and every Lightworker experiencing consciousness on your beautiful world at this point; you were all meant to act as Light Holders and as conduits for energy that is so very pure and that will serve to quite literally transform the surface of your reality.

The collective density has been very prevalent and the need for Gaia to release this density once and for all has never been stronger than it is at present, as this continually-fed collective dense energy is continuing to feed the dark souls while keeping them within their positions of influence.

There are many different scenarios that have been planned out in the neutralization of these dark souls and as they make their final attempts at getting the attention of the slumbering public, they are going to find that the only exposures they will be granted will be those which expose their actions to the entire world in very clear ways which will see them held accountable for what they have done.

The dark souls wish to make further displays of dominance to your world with their many sponsored ceremonies and as always, we tell you that the worst of their plans are not going to play out. Indeed, your dark have long been planning fake alien invasions (1) and have chosen specific dates and times to bring forth such fake invasions, and every time they have attempted to do this they have been thwarted.

Even still, they continue on in their plans of [attempted] controlling and enslaving of the public through fear, and we encourage you now to look to all that is of Light, all that is of Love finally beginning to be noticed as it is expressed on your world. Even many Lightworkers have taken Lives on your world wherein they were completely unawakened, and it was during these unawakened Lives that the karma of many of you which is being expressed and cleared away at this point, was garnered.

Existing outside of your concept of time, we are able to see each and every Life that you have went through while watching you as well as you go through karmic repercussions in your current Lives, for actions you had committed ages ago which had not yet been cleared up and cleansed within yourselves.

The dense actions that humanity garners, holds within and feeds is the very energy that the dark souls have taken in an attempt to enact the most devastating of their plans but again, there is no reason or need to fear these souls or their plans because the Divinely-decreed Light energy arriving on your world is now seeing that their influence is diminished significantly as humanity continues to evolve and advance in many different avenues.

The most potent of advancements taking place within the collective of humanity at this time go unheard of, because the mainstream media of the majority of countries is still very biased and focused on issues of vast unimportance, rather than being focused on issues directly related to the evolution of your world which the majority of your populace is still quite unknowledgeable of or uninterested in.

Rest assured dear souls that those of you who are awakening are finding innumerable Guides within you and around you at this time who are making our presence known in efforts to assist you along your admittedly-difficult processes.

While the dark energies and intents are being exposed and transmuted at all times, many of you are undergoing your personal versions of this process and this is where we will assist you in clearing away and integrating the energies and former pains that the dark souls are now attempting to utilize to cause mayhem.

The evolution points that you have reached along your growth are seeing at this time, a major uprooting of all of those energies that will not resonate with the higher realms in which you are growing toward at an increased rate, and while you will find much assistance from the higher realms we must remind you that this is your personal process and must be personally seen-to that you excel along the avenues of growth and development of the soul that you have all planned out for yourselves before undergoing the lower dimensional, Earthly experience.

As you continue to grow and find newer and purer strides and energies, you are finding that the lower and discordant energies no longer resonate with you. Arguments and heated debates with lower energies and heart sets attached are decreasingly resonating with you as in general, the Earth experience [as humans have known it] is decreasingly resonating with you.

While Gaia is feeling on Her surface so very much and pure Light at this moment, the collective intents and densities are still deciding the events to manifest collectively on your world and this is again, why the dark souls are still in positions of power and influence.

The original plans for the ascension of your world were to have these entities removed by the turn of your millennium. We were strongly hoping and working toward this conclusion coming about, but the collective density still being fed and expressed by the turn of your millennium saw that you would still be naturally resonating with and bringing to yourselves as a collective, the dense energies that the dark realms of your world have kept you feeding.

Despite the [necessary] discussion of this dense and negatively-oriented energy, we wish for you not to keep your focus upon such energies and the forces that have fed and driven such energies, because doing so will only focus your vibrations on such energies and increase their influences within your perceptions.

We ask you instead to turn you beautiful attention toward the pure, Divine Light energies being given to you now, as these energies have been performing the necessary uprooting of the dense energies and you have all been benefiting greatly from this happening.

The overall world stage has long begun to reflect the appearance and manifestation of this Light as so many of you have willingly fed it through yourselves while maintaining a direct energetic link to this Light. Just as you are all so very close with the realms of Source in which you cannot currently remember, the Light you are being given from such realms which is coming through many willing Earthly hosts at this time, is greatly uplifting you as it helps you to uproot all former traumas and pains that have been based only in illusion and as such, are finding themselves no longer in resonation with the energies being given to your world.

Dearest souls, there was an event in the American state of Colorado that was fueled by lower astral forces in many different ways. We wish you to know that while indeed tragic, this event has served to shift the collective compassionate energetic balance, as you all find in common the fact that you find such acts reprehensible.

The ripple-effects from this tragedy will see that humanity is United this much further, in that you all begin to realize your common wish to see such gruesome activities stop. Events similar to what happened have taken place all throughout your history with the wiling feeding [of such events] by many of you who were unawakened in such times as to the true extent of the consequences of what you were doing and now, with every tragic act that is seen playing out on your world, you all realize even more that you no longer wish to see such energies and manifestations on your world and within your sphere of experience.

The collective energy has been tipped to that of a more compassionate, United brand of collective energy and you will see the repercussions of this happening in the times ahead. These repercussions are good and Lighted, and will serve to show you that nothing bred out of darkness is stronger than the resulting Light manifestations answering such darkness.

No matter what happens on your world that will indeed sicken you at times, especially as you begin to absorb so very many truths about what has happened on your world for over a millennia; despite what you hear, the Light energies have long matched and outlasted the dark energies that drive every tragic event which has unfolded on your world.

Now that you are collectively beginning to realize that you no longer wish to host such gruesome vibrations, the shift of the collective energies sees that the collective intent is aimed in an overall more positive direction. As a result of this, the dark souls in power on your world are fed less and less and you begin to assimilate more and purer Light, on an individual and collective level.

Many of you are undergoing intense and difficult personal upheavals and lessons as you uncover past pains and sorrows, and this happening is being mirrored with worldly events playing out. Some of the most gruesome of your collectively-fed density has made its mark, and will not be coming to you in the form of natural disasters or anything of the sort as this plan has long been decided against, as it was realized that the collective density can be expressed, experienced and manifested in ways that would not hurt your entire populace.

Nevertheless, you see the extremes of the worst of the density that has been manifested and again, we implore you to look toward and assimilate in your own ways, the Light energies that are so very much stronger than the darker energies. The Light energies are so very strong that they are literally illuminating and exposing the dark energies that have laid beyond humanities conscious perceptions, and as this illumination occurs a resulting enlightenment is experienced on the part of the collective or individual experiencing such upheaval.

An enlightenment and realization is gained that the dark energies which have been illuminated, no longer match the individual or collective and the soul or souls quickly realize that they no longer wish to feed the energies that garnered them the densest of experiences which are being uprooted at this time.

So you see dear souls, everything that is occurring at this time on every level has been for the ultimate purposes of healing collective density. Freewill is always kept in mind whenever anything occurs, and you will notice a collective Light and United energy being expressed after many types of tragedies.

Every exposure, every tragic happening is ultimately for the purpose of illuminating aspects of the collective which had been built over and forgotten. The Light energies have come to your world and through your bodies now to help you heal the pains garnered from past manifestations and now as you are exposed to your own manifestations on every level, the resulting Light that your planet is experiencing will be felt within each and every one of you.

Rather than your Galactic brethren saving you from natural disasters which are not to happen, you will find a Uniting with such souls as you are told the true history of your world and the fact that your Galactic brethren have been with you for every bit of your recorded history.

We foresee humanity becoming quite comfortable with your Galactic brethren just as was apparent in any given timeline of Atlantis and Lemuria and eventually, your Galactic brethren will feel more and more comfortable with landing on your surface and we as well as the highest forces overseeing the Earth will give them the Divine decree to do so.

Such a decree has not yet been reached and yet, so very many on your world are now very open to the idea of Galactic humans and have been exposed through various different means, to the truths about your world and about the interactions with your world by civilizations and collectives who are so very advanced.

Indeed dear souls, we have made our incarnations and contacts with your world but we have not shared the advancements in many avenues of your societies, cultures and collective intelligence that your Galactic brethren did by visiting your various cultures.

Obviously, they performed such visitations under our Divine decrees but beyond incarnating directly onto your surface, we have mostly taken to assisting your world from the fifth dimension while assisting various fifth dimensional souls in assisting your world in your collective evolution.

Gaia has already ascended and is eagerly awaiting the last few illuminations, exposures and manifestations that will see the collective energy so very United as you all realize this Unity in every form and facet that it has to offer you. You are ascending at this point with dear Gaia as well and whenever the collective and individual clearing events are placed before you, you are to every time see soon after, many exposures in many different avenues, be them personal or planetary.

At present, you are seeing the continual exposure of the actions of the dark souls on your world whose purposes on your planet have been only to control. Many of these souls are being worked with in realms past their conscious understanding and they as well as you all are finding a resulting Light and a resulting freeing of the emotions and the true spiritual self, that is seeing a compassion for humanity brought forth from within many of them that even they would not have thought possible.

We are able to bypass many of the [perceived] freewill constraints of many of the dark souls in power on your world, by intervening within them to give them Love energies in a way that will be assimilated and accepted, by working with their subtle and astral bodies in the dream state.

Many of such souls have [until now] been subjected to torture whilst within the dream state by lower astral entities as a part of the Illuminati’s lower-oriented rituals, and as a result many are finding the dreamtime interaction with beings of a higher and purer intent quite refreshing and even heavenly.

This dear souls, is where the compassion for humanity is being bred. Of course, some souls are outright rejecting the Divine intervention within these realms and are utilizing negatively-oriented technology to attempt to stop the many dreamscape healings and interactions that are taking place with souls within the ranks of the dark who are increasingly turning toward the Light.

We have given the offer through various public and private channels and mediums, for every soul who is knowingly within the darks ranks to jump ship and join the side of the Light and as you can see dear souls, our diplomatic efforts with such souls are long and fast beginning to pay off.

We are perfectly comfortable in letting you know that the resignations and changes of heart are to continue on your world within no certain timeframes, and you will see many who were formerly within the Illuminati begging for your forgiveness and your compassion that you will have begun to harness from actions that in many cases, were orchestrated by the lower astral beings who employ your dark.

For those of you who are beginning now to practice a true, full and pure Mastery of the emotions and the thoughts, we will be asking you to not just forgive these souls, but to encourage these souls not to beg and grovel for your forgiveness.

There is so very much that they have done and many of them will find themselves reduced to weeping and sobbing, and we ask you dear Masters in training to uplift and forgive these souls just as we are now attempting and in many cases, succeeding marvelously to do within the dreamscape.

The general plan that has been conceived whilst working with the Galactic Federation and the Higher Councils of Earth who have approved this plan and the means to bring it about, is to continually shower the dark souls on your world who have the most power and influence, with Lighted energies so pure that they will no longer find the Earth comfortable and may choose to go elsewhere.

Others will have strong changes of heart and begin working for humanity and fully dedicating themselves to the Light as they take place in interactions with us and with their Guides and fragments of their higher selves in the dreamscape.

We will be surpassing the perceived freewill limits of the dark souls for whom we will be performing this action and this is ok, for their freewill in actuality sees this happening needed for them to be able to survive on your world without immediately finding themselves in lower, dense and hellish realms as a result of their actions.

Their freewill needs to be ‘invaded’ so to speak in such a big way as continually sending them strong and pure Light until they change heart or no longer find the Earth comfortable, because otherwise the immense consequences for their actions without being karmically paid back in the manner we wish to do so, would see a vastly unbalanced karmic Life Plan [in future Lives] that would include going through densities that are simply too much for any few collectives to experience.

Much of this is density that they have forced others to go through and this is why no matter what, the worst of the actions will not go unpunished through the karmic experiences such souls are to undergo in later Lives after the Earth has ascended.

However, this perceived violation of their freewill which is actually needed to Lighten their karmic load is also giving them an overall, pure and Lighted opportunity to find a redemption for what they have done while even possibly ascending from the surface of your world, as they had originally intended to do before finding themselves trapped in such Earth density and influence.

These souls will be given the opportunity to seek forgiveness from the humanity whom we are confident will take to giving to such souls after finding the aforementioned collective Unity and harmony that is beginning to be noticed and will continue to be noticed, and as they find this forgiveness they will truly see the error of their ways, and many of them could in fact ascend.

Those who you are seeing make the first brave steps and actions in denying the darks influence and intents, are those who are without doubt being worked on in Lighted ways, in their dreamscape time and are likely among those who will find themselves ascending.

The Light has meant business all along and while this plan discussed had not been drawn up until recently, we have long known that we would need to take to bold and drastic measures to see the ascension of your world played out in a safe way for all involved, and this giving of extremely pure and Lighted energies your dark not only acts in accordance with your continual evolution process and with their unbalanced freewill-manifested energies, it will also see an expansion and opportunity for much Light to enter your Earth realm, which has been needed.

Those who have not yet defected are making their final stands with symbolisms and such that are designed to force you to subconsciously understand their perceived reign. We ask you all to send out Light energies of the highest and purest Christed consciousness and intent every single day, to the dark souls who still find themselves mired in dark and dense energies that are seeing them unable to pierce the [lower] veil and find the Light which is being given to all now.

Those of you who are awakening are finding this Light which is being given by the dear souls within the higher astral planes of your world, in very pure and strong ways and while many of you will not yet remember garnering the types of healing experiences that the souls defecting from the Illuminati are feeling, you are still feeling the Lightened states and expansions that have been needed for yourselves and for your minds and hearts.

We Love you all so very much, and we remind you to treat yourselves and those around you with the respect and Love that you all require along your journeys, for you must become the examples of the Light that you wish to see come forth on your world. You must, in any ways you can, begin to become the change that you wish to see for otherwise, you will only be feeding the lower energies of the past.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters.



(1) Whenever this message was scribed, the Ascended Masters felt the need to let us know that the dark might plan a fake alien invasion to be staged during the Olympics. It seems that since this message was scribed, events have changed significantly to the point that not only will the darks attempted fake alien invasion plans fail, it seems that our real, benevolent Galactic brethren could possibly use the date as a time to finally reveal themselves. 

I feel the necessity to make it known that the Ascended Masters were not in any way trying to associate the possible decloaking of the Galactics with a falsely-staged alien invasion, as this message was delivered at a time before the possibility of a benevolent decloaking of the Galactics' Light Ships became, well, a possibility. 

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The audio is quite feint due to the quality of my recording software. 

This is a song written by yours truly, called Ode to Humanity. 


time sweet time will show us soon
if we did indeed mind what we came here to do
we lost ourselves in a human daze
so engrossed within our human ways
we didn't see what we were doing
living stress free among
the ruins

behind this sense
of a distorted perception
lies our potential
the Light
it Lives within us
we never notice
isn't it tragic
forgotten magic

the west becomes a place of sin
for the eagle Loves competition
we play into the hand that feeds
provides us with all of what we think are our needs
all of our greeds

behind this sense
of a distorted perception
lies our potential
the Light
it Lives within us
it goes unnoticed
isn't it tragic
forgotten magic

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No Going Back: An Assessment of Current Events

Written by Wes Annac

Wow, have a lot of events been flying at us fast this weekend and this week. This is a good time to take a look at all that is happening around us at a physical and spiritual level, and assess where we are at as a collective and where events on our world thus far seem to be taking us. It has seemed since the beginning of 2012 that many foundational changes and truths have been given and exposed, but we have all felt the uneasiness at times that accompanies the continual waiting for solid, true and telling events to manifest on our world.

Our ascended and channeled sources have been telling us that once these changes begin in the first noticeable and real ways, the effect is going to be like that of a snowball; as we will receive one revelation and truth after another, after another and so on in a very rapid and accelerated fashion.

This was not always the plan for these changes to come about. In fact, it was originally planned that the many changes and disclosures would begin much sooner and would have a more gradual effect upon the collective consciousness. However, it is clear that much of the collective is still steeped in the very density and ingrained darkness that has continued to feed the elites, albeit much less substantially than was even so a fear years ago.

Because of this and because of freewill and karma-related Life experiences still needing to be experienced and transmuted even by many Lightworkers and Light Holders, the many intense events have instead been pushed back and compressed, to the point that we will be receiving many revelations one after another, and will find ourselves with little time to move from one startling truth and disclosure to another.

We’ve all been wishing to see many changes pick up and get off the ground, but have we considered how we will act when we begin to see the first signs and vestiges of change coming forth on our world? Consider that we do not and will not know quite how to act whenever so very many startling things begin happening one after another, and this is why our preparation has always been needed for these times in which we are rapidly entering.

We could perhaps, begin to be undergoing one such lesson as individuals and as a collective, in this very moment. It seems that events are beginning to heat up to the point that there is now no going back, for the cabals or for the forces of Light who are ready to freely and finally, initiate the roundup of the elites on our world.

Many of you have no doubt listened to the latest update from insider Drake, wherein it is stated that the cabals are attempting now to introduce the New World Order, One World government or whatever one wishes to call it. (Look up Agenda 21 as well)

From my standpoint, it seemed quite likely that the last cabals would use such a time as now to try to introduce their final plans for humanity because they had been given a clear date to surrender, initially expressed interest in surrendering, only for us to find out that surprise!They were deceiving all along.

The most interesting development of all though, is that of them now attempting to push through their One World Government-agenda in a way that is very brass and in front of everybody, and because of this development it seems again, that there is no way back now.

If looked upon from a certain perspective, it could make perfect sense that the last cabals would choose to skip out on their surrender date, as they have on many other things – only to attempt to finally introduce their plans for the world, nearly in the next moment. Anybody who knows the mindsets of these individuals are probably looking back now and saying ‘yeah, that makes sense’ – but it was still quite an initial shock.

Some may choose to be in fear over the fact that the cabals are trying to push these plans through but it should be expressed that fear is not needed, as it will only feed the actions of the very souls whose plans you would be fearing.

We’ve been told numerous times by countless ascended sources that the cabals would make their final stands in such bold ways, and we’ve been told as well that they will be unanimously defeated by the Light. Nothing to worry about, this is simply the effects of our world moving into ever purer states of consciousness, and such upgrades finally beginning to be expressed on our world in the ways that they have been naturally planned to come about.

The natural process in the evolution of any soul, be it human, animal, plant or planet, is that of clearing away the darkness and the lower residue that kept one within the lower dimensional experience, and this is simply what Gaia is performing. One could see the arrests and removal of the influence of the dark as an Earth-changes event, as this happening is going to vastly shift the collective conscious as much density and prevalent dark influence is cleared away from our world, along with the giving of many Lighted and advanced truths and technologies, the sheer Lighted nature of which will cause much more density to be taken away from our surface and transmuted.

This is a very natural process, so there is nothing to fear, ever. Just as we have been integrating and clearing away the influence of our various accumulated ego personalities, the Earth is now ready to clear away the influence of the ‘elites’ on our world as well as the lower astral entities who employ them – for the ultimate purposes of transmuting and forgiving those dark souls.

The transmutation of the elite souls on our world will be vastly different than that of an ego-self residing in the structure of a human soul, as this transmutation will be more steady and will include events such as their trials, as indeed they are not going to be punished but they are going to answer for what they have done, in peaceful ways.

Another very interesting development, is that of troops appearing in the streets of St. Louis. I have Lived extremely close to St. Louis my entire Life, as well as to the ancient city of Cahokia. I can say from my own inner-musings and questions to my Guides about this land, that it is and has always been extremely sacred land.

Just a few minutes away from St. Louis, one will find the remnants of the lost city of Cahokia. These remnants include giant and spectacular mounds, supposedly built by slaves for only the purposes of burial. This city was very advanced and thrived for a very short time before meeting its ultimate end, and it was one of many ancient cities in any given area of the world that seemed to suddenly develop and become very advanced, in nearly every area of their society.

Mother/Father God of the Galactic Free Press have been speaking to the significance of St. Louis as an important spiritual center in the immediate future:


“A Couple of Hours later An Earth Ally in Hawaii called us needing validation for some Information he recieved from the Agarthans. As soon as Reynolds shared this Information with us, then we shared our Session with Lisa and the Information she shared with us. A Huge Energy was sparked. The Truth Gave US all Goosebumps and we cried tears of Joy as this Validates the Lights Victory. 


He was given the information about an event He needed to accomplish, which would Move Humanity Into the NewtimeLine. He also saw in His Vision a Strong Light come from out of the Sky which Lisa Just shared about the GodHead Connection being a Lightbulb in the Sky.


They have Instructed Him to Complete a Stargate Activation for the Entire Planet and it would Be completed at The [Arch] in St Louis MissouriThe Same day of this Event matches what Lisa Gawlas Mentioned to us. WE would in couple of days after the Solstice receive An Energetic Step Up or Boost. (1)

In the face of information of important spiritual openings and activations occurring here in St. Louis, it is very interesting to say the least to see this military development occurring in St. Louis.

Of course, one can point to the mainstream description of what is going on in St. Louis – that of a ‘military exercise’ but does it not seem just the slightest bit suspicious that the military is suddenly performing drills wherein they march the streets and neighborhoods of a big city?

To continue on the discussion of the fact that there is now no going back, here is how I myself see things at this very moment – the cabals are so desperate with the passing of their surrender date that they are now trying to bring forth the One World Government that they and the generations before them have so dreamed of for a few centuries now.

The military presence in St. Louis, if it indeed does signify more than simple training drills, could only mean one of two things: the cabals would be attempting to station the military in big cities such as St. Louis for the preparation of riots and upheavals that the cabals would try to use to enact martial law (highly unlikely) or, if one wishes to go with the more likely scenario, the bulk of the military has long been on the side of the people, and many of the key military leaders not steeped in darkness have been reporting to the Lighted factions of the Pentagon.

Many have said that Drake was visibly (or rather audibly) shaken or upset having just realized the cabals’ attempts to push a One World Government through. Perhaps things are moving along more smoothly than we realize and in fact extremely smoothly, as the ‘Management’ forces overseeing this entire event knew that the passing of the 21st would go either in the direction of the cabals surrendering, or of them being taken out of power and wealth anyway as they desperately and hurriedly try to push through their final agendas for humanity.

Consider that our Galactic brethren have been waiting for that final reason to be able to swoop in and help their many Allies to begin the arrests and changes, as our Galactic brethren knew and foresaw ahead of time that the dark would now try to bring forth a One World Government. Obviously they have never been meant to succeed and they won’t succeed but guess what, they’re trying. What does that mean?

It is time for Lighted change, in very direct ways. The cabals have quite literally backed themselves into this corner. 9/11 has been one of their ultimate undoings and will be a key element of the initial disclosures given, and their fresh attempts to bring forth the New World Order are calling for the intervention of the Light in the direct ways that have been needed.

The forces of the Light can be likened to say, a security guard. You can yell at this security guard, you can insult this security guard, you can turn down his attempts at peace with you, but as soon as you throw a punch at this security guard, they then have the full authority to use whatever force necessary to neutralize you.

The cabals have thrown the first metaphorical punch at the Light forces and at humanity. They are serious and ready to bring their New World Order forth, as they now have absolutely no other options and no other ways out. This, for the Light forces, signifies a complete and unadulterated go-ahead to begin sweeping these souls under the rug so to speak, as the ‘game’ so to speak between these two forces has always been delicate to the point that neither has yet ‘drawn their guns’ in such a manner as the cabals now have at humanity and at the Light forces.

The problem for the cabals now, is that the Light and Management forces have always been more than capable of neutralizing them and ridding this world of their influence, and simply have not done so because of the freewill of humanity.

Well guess what, dear friends? Whenever humanities freewill is at stake to the point of near obliteration and slavery, this gives the Light forces that aforementioned, unadulterated go-ahead to intervene. As our channeled sources have been predicting, it seems that the dark have quite literally backed themselves into the corner that it was always prophesized they would back themselves into.

Of course, at this point with still no solid evidence of any military action in St. Louis, for or against the people, these are still just musings. It will be interesting to see what these next couple of weeks bring us, as with the cards that have now been laid on the table and the signs the cabals have clearly given the Light forces, it seems that there will be no more month-long waits to see how this all finally plays out. It seems that right now, everything is at least beginning to show signs of playing out in the real ways that we have been waiting for but that most of us probably did not quite expect.

As is so with the military presence, this overall event of the dark attempting to finally bring forth their agendas can only end in one of two ways – the dark are somehow able to push through their darker inclined agendas and force their will onto the people through military action, and all of the fear-based prophecies and musings expressed on the internet have been true all along. Or, the Earth Allies as well see the tremendous opportunity to move forth, right now or in the very immediate future, and they use the assistance of the military, much of which has been working for the Light forces for a very long time now, to bring forth the mass arrests or to protect big cities perhaps, from mayhem that the dark would be planning for such cities.

When the white men came to Cahokia and St. Louis, they saw the large mounds everywhere and the signs of a once clearly advanced and spiritual Native American society. They then took to tearing most of the mounds down and doing everything they could to cover up the truth about Cahokia and the Native Americans Living there; that is, that they were very advanced souls who built wonderful monuments and cities, rather than being the savages that the white leaders of those times had convinced everyone else the Native Americans were.

Why do I jump back to this subject, you ask? Because for me, it seems clear that the advanced nature of Cahokia and St. Louis alike were completely covered up while a whole new city was built over Mound City (now St. Louis) and the beauty, power and splendor of this area is still ravaged to this day, with many disgusting and polluting oil refineries and steel mills bringing the energy signature of this Lighted and sacred area down.

To me, that seems to have been quite on purpose and it would make sense as well that the last cabals would choose to attack for their last maneuvers, a big city like St. Louis with a rich, sacred and spiritual past.

Again, obviously they won’t be allowed to.

For now these are simply musings but the military presence in St. Louis and the cabals attempting to enact their dark vision for the future seeming to happen side by side, seems very significant in view of what we have been hearing is going to manifest in the immediate period ahead.

All I can say, is here we go.

Wes Annac – Incarnate Rep., GF and PHC



(1) The Galactic Free Press Daily Update, 6/14/12:


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Well, my interview with Graham Dewyea on Our Galactic Family has aired, and has been very well received. I have had many tell me that they quite enjoyed the interview and that they were happy to hear my voice for the first time. I have also noticed many have been sharing the link to the interview and generally, good things have been said about it.

I personally am honored to have been able to come onto this wonderful program, and I strongly recommend all tune into this radio show every Sunday. It is a wonderful aide in disclosure, as so many of us starseeds from various areas throughout this Cosmos are finally getting a chance to offer our perspectives publicly.

Here is the link along with a summary of the show:

Graham Dewyea presents Our Galactic Family with Pleiadian Wes Annac April 29, 2012


My guest this week is Wes Annac from the planet Erra, who in his first interview, will talk about the Pleiadians, what it’s like being an awakened 18 year old Starseed on earth, walk-ins, different concurrent timelines of earth, the rising of Atlantis, what his home planet is like, what the new earth will be like, the Norway Spiral, how the transition of earth is kick starting the Ascension of the entire universe, working with ancient civilizations, the cat/tiger people, the importance of sending love and light to the dark, holographic simulators, Project Blue Book and more.

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Let's Manifest Disclosure! We are Ready!

It's a New Beginning! Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image

Yesterday on March 25, Wanderer of the Skies gave us this message as a part of an overall update:

“Gaia has sent her message to the Creator that she is ready. She, and all of us, are anxiously awaiting the response. It is no small matter. The response from the Creator could be the “green light” which allows us to move forward with disclosure. Therefore, our hearts are turned towards the Creator at this time as we await word of how and when to proceed.

This message from Gaia is her assurance that she is prepared for the next step and is willing to proceed. It is also her “assessment” that all living beings which take sustenance from her are reasonably prepared for the next phase. This assessment is very important, for without it Creator would not consider such a position viable. Therefore, we have moved collectively into a very important phase of the process and one which brings us no end to the excitement of the prospects before us.” (1)

We were also told that a ‘discovery’ of the ‘worlds deepest cavern’ would soon be made that would jumpstart the disclosure of the Inner Earth. Of course there were other things discussed in the message but I would like to focus on the part of the message quoted in this article. To hear more about the deepest cavern disclosure, simply google search ‘James Cameron deepest cavern in Earth’

Yeah, that disclosure is already starting!

Anyway, in the particular segment of the message quoted, we are told that Gaia Herself has taken to asking the Creator to give the go-ahead to jumpstart many Lighted projects such as Disclosure and the resulting Contact with our Star Families. We are told that Gaia is now ‘anxiously awaiting a response’.

Friends, how many times and how often have we sat around and waited? Waited for a response, waited for action to be taken, waited for all that we have wished to come to fruition without making the real effort ourselves to enact such change? We have read these channeled messages from ascended beings who are truly doing everything they can in each and every moment to aide in our ascension, but how much personal and collective responsibility have we taken for the shape our world is in as well as for the ascension and exposure of the dark on our world?

From my view, it would seem that as Gaia makes Her requests to our Loving Creator, our Creator is looking down upon the surface of Earth at us awakening souls and determining how ready we truly are for so many revolutionary changes to manifest and come to fruition. Yes, we may think or in some cases, be completely sure that we are ready for such things right?


In my personal view, humanity is ready to undergo this final testing period and we are all ready for all of the changes that we have been waiting for and that many of us have been working endlessly toward. Let’s show our Creator that we are ready for these amazing changes that are to completely shift the consciousness of the surface of Earth. Let’s make efforts in each and every moment to show our Creator that we are learning, growing and finding the energies and attitudes of the higher realms for ourselves. Let’s make this known!

Personally, I would recommend when in meditation, make an effort to connect with our beautiful Creator for even if you don’t feel you are making such contact, you absolutely are as our Creator is with any of us as soon as we make the efforts and think the thoughts to connect. When in meditation, even if you don’t think you are connected with the Creator, speak to our Lord, attempt to feel the energies of our Loving Creator and begin to let the Creator know that we truly are ready for so many revelations and changes to occur on our world.

Of course, the majority of people on our world are still unawakened and won’t be quite ready, but that is ok. Millions of us have found the energies of the higher realms for ourselves as well as been exposed to the truths of the Illuminati and everything that has been done to us. Let our Creator know that we know and feel of such things, and that we truly are ready to choose Love over fear while being exposed to so many shocking truths and revelations.

You don’t even have to be in meditation to do this! Right now, simply make the effort to feel and communicate with our Loving Creator and even if you feel that nobody is listening, begin stating your case and the case of humanity in relation to us truly being ready for all of the changes that are to take place, that Gaia has requested our Creator clear to be enacted. Believe me dear friends, our Creator is listening to us! In fact, each and every one of us are the ‘targets’ of much looking upon by our heavenly Mother/Father Creator as they are very interested in our ascension processes and in our finding of the Love that we are incarnate.

The Creator is looking upon you even right now, let our Creator know that you are ready for such changes in any ways you can!

Of course, we must do more than just ‘tell’ our Creator that we are ready to feel the higher energies of Love that lay the foundation for all that we have been waiting for; we must also show our Creator through our everyday actions that we are already choosing the less-distorted energies of Love over the dense energies that we have grown used to and that we are growing away from.

With every action you make, and I mean every action – keep in mind the request from Gaia to our Creator and keep in mind the fact that our Creator is looking upon us, each and every one of us on Earth, and using the actions we perform to decide in each and every moment if we are ready for all of the changes that we have been waiting for.

We can do this, dear friends, and I have a strong feeling that this is one of many crucial ascension tests we are beginning to undergo as a collective. Do not sit idly by and let these decisions be made for us; by our extraterrestrial brethren, by our Ascended Masters, by our Creator, by anyone! It is now our time to make these decisions, and to take our collective power back in favor of the manifestation of each and every revolutionary event not just predicted by Wanderer, but by every message we have read and every impression we have felt in ourselves in relation to the glorious changes we are to experience.

With our making the collective and individual effort, we will find these changes at our doorsteps sooner rather than later – but it takes the effort on our part.

Can we do this?

You bet!

Wes Annac – Incarnate Rep., GF and PHC


(1) http://aquariuschannelings.com/2012/03/26/wanderer-of-the-skies-march-25-2012/

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No Necessary Anomaly Exists


Written by Steve Beckow

There is a dispute going on between those who say that we should rely on ourselves, our discernment, our own efforts, etc., and those who “know” they are here to serve in the major events that are upcoming, which include Disclosure, NESARA, terraforming, the resuscitation of those who have been exploited, etc., and often take their lead from (reliable) galactic communications.

In some respects the debate makes no sense; in others it seems naieve.

If people are saying that we could have pushed back the cabal on our own, perhaps – in another thousand years. But we forget that even now not many people are awake to what the cabal has planned or done to us. The cabal’s own propaganda has so thoroughly lulled us to sleep that it’s difficult even now to get many members of the public to wake up and see what’s happening around them.

Moreover the cabal has weaponry that we could never have come up against and succeeded. I post one video here to illustrate just one weapon.

But I could have posted videos on rods of God, chip implants, directed-energy weapons, chemtrails nanodevices, or any range of high-tech equipment that the national-security state has churned out since 9/11 designed to take away our freedoms and enslave us.

We need to recall that the destruction of the cabal’s command centers, the takedown of HAARP, the neutralizing of pandemics and vaccines, the mitigation of earthquakes and hurricanes, the removal of depleted uranium from the air, and even the destruction of the financial empire of the cabal and the arrest of its members could not have taken place so quickly without the intimate and essential help of the galactics.

Consider just one thing that the galactics have done, which is to prohibit the explosion of nuclear bombs in warlike conditions (not in testing) on the planet or in space. That alone saved us from the cabal starting World War III by bombing Iran. That alone could have killed billions on the planet. How would self-reliance or any of the other well-sounding statements have protected us from a nuclear world war?

I personally very much doubt that we could have overthrown the cabal today (and we have not completed that task yet) if the galactics had not helped us. And to say otherwise is in my view wishful thinking.

The debate makes no sense to me because no one – not the galactics and not us lightworkers, starseeds and Earth allies – have ever said or implied that people should not be standing on their own two feet, shouldering their work, and going inward.

Search this site and what will you find? Exhortations to emerge, seek God within, and listen to your inner voice. Invitations to use your own discernment. Reminders that Ascension comes from our own efforts.

The galactics know that most of what we will accomplish in the months ahead leading to Ascension will be by our own efforts. They remind us of that regularly. That does not mean that they are not radiating substantial, transformative loving energies at us to give us the boost we need. But everything else about Ascension depends entirely on what we do with those energies, our old baggage, raising our own vibrations, and so on.

So there is not a choice to be made between listening to the galactics and standing on our own two feet. Both are desirable. Why not say that we want to do without the weather report and stand on our own two feet? We could do that but why would we want to?

The galactics are here to help us achieve the goals which we ourselves want. We want abundance, an end to disease, increasing wisdom, enlightenment. The galactics are here to assist us with them. Why then turn down their assistance? To do so is nonsensical.

No necessary anomaly exists between working with the galactics and standing on our own two feet. If anything, both are necessary or desirable.

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Channeling vs. Growth: A Fallacy


Written by Steve Beckow

A debate is occurring at the moment that pits channeled messages against personal growth, implying that the first impedes the second. To me that is akin to saying that my reading the morning newspaper impedes my growth. It may, given the suppression and slanting of news by the cabal. But, in my view, there is nothing inherent in reading the newspaper or channeled messages that impedes growth.

The galactics, ascended masters and celestials choose to communicate with us through channeled messages at this time. If we don’t read them, we deprive ourselves of knowing what the latest developments are. Today (March 14, 2012), SaLuSa announced that the God of this universe had decreed that war must end on this planet.

To me, this is a “divine deadline” and extends, if I’m correct in my assumption, the prohibition against false-flag operations and nuclear explosions for warlike purposes to all military operations aimed at bringing about war.

I grant that many will not accept the existence of God, but I do. Many will not accept that God communicates, but again I do. I think a lot of people will change their minds on that score within the year, resolved by the many new things we learn following Disclosure. But how many in society even know that Disclosure is forthcoming? That is after all something communicated by and large in channeled messages.

Wanderer also informed us today that the galactics were opening up lines of communication with third-world counties. We follow the fall of the cabal best through channeled sources. Where else can we learn so intimately about developments like these than from SaLuSa, Wanderer of the Skies or the other Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command sources?

We listened to Stephen Bassett talk with Graham Dewyea the other day on Our Galactic Familyand one of the things that struck me was how little Stephen actually seemed to know about the galactics. I’m willing to bet he doesn’t read channeled messages. Or Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, or Kerry Cassidy. It’s OK that they don’t. That’s a valid choice.

But because they don’t, quite regularly they make statements that demonstrate they don’t really know where things are at with the extraterrestrials.  Kerry takes her information on galactics from a novel by Arthur Clarke, called Childhood’s End. Is that to be preferred to channeled messages? Why sentence oneself to a lack of knowledge or, worse, misinformation when the information is at our fingertips? One can do so, but it isn’t a choice I prefer to make.

I grant that there are reliable channels and unreliable and we’re tasked with sorting out the two. There are also channels who work by automatic writing and those who work by direct address – and the information conveyed will look different depending on whether the channel receives in writing or allows the source to speak. But the ones communicating wish to reach us and want us to have the latest information. I don’t choose to ignore their chosen way of communicating.

My own spiritual practice of awareness,  transparency and emergence, is not interfered with because I listen to channels. I am not less motivated to stand up to the cabal or make decisions for my own wellbeing and others because I listen to them. I don’t take less responsibility for my actions because I do. How am I inconvenienced or badly affected by consulting these sources of information?

Eventually the various beings who now get word out to us through mediums will communicate with us directly. I daresay that those who’ve listened to channeled communications will know a mite more about the sources than those who have ignored their attempts to reach us to date; the others may have to begin their learning curve at that time.  I think we’ll see the value of all the exhortations from the channeled sources that we’ve been reading to remain unafraid, maintain our balance, drop our unfinished business and stand forth as the heavenly beings we are. My own personal growth has been vastly stimulated by the channeled messages I read.

We did not choose that the Company of Heaven communicate through channeled messages; they did. But accepting that that’s their preferred medium of communication for now, everything, from our personal growth to our social education and activism, is assisted by being privy to their messages.

I don’t mind if others don’t read channeled messages. That’s a valid choice. It has consequences, as all choices do. But I do mind if they make those who do read channeled messages wrong for doing so.

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World-Bridger: Understanding What we Are

~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member World~Bridger~



Greetings all, may All be Blessed with the understanding of what we are, may the Love of which we are consume our entire being that our true selves may present! So Be It!  


I Am writing on this topic that is essential to understanding what is going on and our connection to All.


Should I start at the bottom or the top? hmm… I will start with experiencing Life on this planet in our body’s. Upon entering in to phsyical manifestation our Souls connect to the Grid, it is from this Grid that our Soul “projects” into phsyical life, or the illusion, we become one with all Life on the Planet and have experienced different levels of Life in the “game” Life on Gaia. In all actuality we are connected to all through the grid, got mass consciousness? 


The Soul is a “fragment” of Higherself, I have been shown that the Higherself can in fact have many Souls on the Planet at one time. This is the effect of past actions which are now being corrected. Our Higher Self is Multi dimesional, meaning has other selves leading back to the Source of All Life, All comes from One, All is One. The Source of All Life is an Expansion and Contraction, a Going out and a Comming in, infinitely small and Big. There is no Limit to the experiences to be had. Just wait till you find out whats coming! heheheeeeeehew!!!


Back to our current situation, LOVE is HERE!!!! The past program or Grid is “off line” The Expansion has been activated! The Grid is UnConditional LOVE! All Life on the Planet is in a State of Acension! All that is not Love is dissolving into the nothingness it came from. All Humanity is feeling the effects, we are recieving a BIG kick in the butt by our Higherselves, who are waiting for all to connect to the new Grid completely or should I say realize they are connected. Good thing is along with this upgrade the only resistance is of the ego, all past limitations have been removed! Purge the ego with Love! Drop all beliefs and Surrender to Love, ask for assistance from your higherself, your Family, Trust in Love, Take that jump! Allow you Higherself to take care of the details, focus only on Love!


You have to do this, no one else can or will do this for you. Do not put limitations of preconceived ideas in your way! There are no new souls here! You can not play this game without being a god! Get it? You better!


Captain your own Ship! God’s do not stock beverages!!! ROFL! 


Love you all more than I know! Bless!


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This Again? :)

Obviously this Neptune Excursion is still the product of much discussion and for some, feuding. An article has been released which contains a possible communication from somebody aboard the Neptune, but I must stress that discernment is extremely advised when reading such things, just as Steve said. I personally have moved on from this issue, and have turned toward the numerous other projects I am to have going with the Galactic Federation and the rest of our ascended friends. 

Will continue to keep my site updated on the matter as I know it is an important topic of discussion, but just know that as far as I'm concerned and unless presented with photo evidence that indeed, there are currently Earthly souls aboard the Neptune, this matter is another failed prediction and should be moved on from, as well as learned from. Do you notice the division that is still being played upon, between Lightworkers who believed and Lightworkers who didn't and don't believe? 

I said it once and I will say it again: duality at its finest my friends. Don't get me wrong, if photo evidence surfaces of a group of Earthly souls aboard the Neptune, then I will change my focus back toward this subject. But as far as I'm concerned, it is time to learn from this event, enact the duality-breaking lessons that this event gave us, and move on. 

I can certainly say, that February will miss Steve Beckow (he is leaving for a month)

Much Love :)

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Lessons to Learn from Another Failed Prediction

So, obviously the excursion to the Neptune Mothership did not or has not yet taken place, and the backlash is already getting fierce. We are seeing the division between those who never believed this was real all along, and those who are still behind these sources as well as behind Steve. I’m sure many people will be wondering what my opinion on this whole thing is (or maybe that is just my ego telling me so) but in any case, I wish to state my perspective on this whole issue.

For me, this whole thing started on either a Monday or Tuesday night, when I got the ‘Invitation from the Intergalactic Council to ‘come aboard the Neptune for ten days as an effort to bring disclosure forward’. Like any discerning Lightworker, I told myself, ‘yeah okay, we will wait and see’. I did not wish to pour all of my energies into this scenario playing out, but at the same time that is exactly what would be needed for it to materialize! But we will get into that in a minute. 

I figured I would not be the only one who had been made aware of this whole thing happening and had my own opinion as to the realities of it, and so I set myself to keep my blog updated on this matter, with help from (...) that was and is much appreciated. Much discussion took place between my fiance and I about whether or not this whole thing as real, and we also read and enjoyed the discussion coming forth on the internet about it. Much backlash has been aimed specifically at Linda Dillon, with many making the claims that she is receiving distorted information, that she has been speaking to ‘scary dark astral entities!’ all along who were out to deceive, and that she herself is out to deceive and only make money.

I can tell you that when it comes to channeled messages and readings, I personally am very discerning. I have had trouble posting a lot of channeled messages from Lightworkers.org because of it. I personally always verify the energetic signature of the being who is being channeled, and that goes for if I am reading their words on the internet, listening to them on an audio file or even chatting with them myself. If one is not careful, one could end up caught up in the words of a false entity, who wishes only to deceive and confuse. Believe me, I have been in the presence of enough lower astral beings to know when one is around. For me, it is very easy to tell.

I do not feel that this was or is the case with Linda. I have no interest in answering the claims that she charges outrageously by the hour for her readings, that is what it is and it is her personal choice how much she charges and if she charges for her services. We Lightworkers have to make money somehow. I have stated my opinion on that one area of this discussion, and I hope that that one issue is not all that is focused on in this article of mine. For me, it is all about the energy of the being who is being channeled.

I felt the energy of Grener when listening to the message, and if Grener would have been a dark entity trying to manipulate, I know that I would have felt it, and you probably would have as well. The channeling itself would have felt very heavy, uncomfortable and the majority would have known by the feeling of the message itself, that the message was not genuine. I personally could feel Grener’s Loving energies coming through the message. When you listen to the words of a channeled entity and afterwards you feel as if you had just spent the day in a very potent meditation, well for me that verifies the Lighted energies of the entity being channeled. There will be plenty who may choose to mock or ridicule me for this entirely feeling-based critique, but friends, feeling is the essence of the higher realms.

If you did not feel a very Loving energy coming from Grener and indeed Linda as well, than I am sorry. But I did. If I hadn’t, you can bet that none of the articles about the Neptune excursion which were published on my site, would have ever been published. I am very serious about this work that I do and about the works which are published on my blog, and I would not have ever published Linda’s messages if I did not feel that they were genuine and of the Light, whether or not Steve was included. That being said, it is clear that the predictions made did not come true, at least not yet and not in the manner that was hoped for.

Obviously, the nay-sayers are going to have a field day with this event not coming to materialize, yet. What has shocked me is the resistance offered by fellow Lightworkers, fellow souls who know that the extraterrestrial truth is very real, yet Lightworkers who have dragged this possibility of a Mothership excursion finally happening which would bring forth disclosure, straight through the mud with a smile on their faces. I have seen legitimate souls who are working for the Galactic Federation, take the Mothership excursion prediction as nothing more than a farce, as nothing more than deceit and another failed prediction waiting to happen. There are many factors as to why this event did not materialize, but what do you think the biggest factor was? I would say it was our Creation powers.

I think it is time that we finally begin to take responsibility for our Creations, and realize that every single moment of our existence, we are funneling through ourselves the energies of Creation, and being that we as humans naturally possess ego filters, what we Create and the energy that comes through is filtered by our egos. That means that every thought, every feeling and emotional impression that we receive, Creates our reality through our expectations, through these thoughts and feelings. I’m sure there were plenty of souls who saw this prediction from Steve, Linda and her sources and immediately thought it was a complete farce, that it wouldn’t happen and that it would in fact be a major blow to the disclosure movement, giving the critics untold amounts of fuel to light the fire of ‘channeled deception’ with.

If you were one such soul who felt this way, try to imagine what was happening in your body, mind and spirit complex right as you were having such thoughts. Your guides and angels, with help and cooperation from beings inhabiting our sun and the astral realms of our world, were on a moment to moment basis, funneling your own energies of Creation through your bodies and spirits. Such energies reached your ego filters, where what you were to experience was then completely decided by you. These energies reached your ego, who was saying, ‘wow, this prediction could not possibly be true. We are not ready for this yet. It is not going to happen. It is another failed prediction. This movement is about to take a huge blow’.

As such, you were put on this timeline that we are now all on, where such predictions indeed did not come to pass. That was, in my opinion the biggest factor that stopped this event from materializing. Of course there were many factors. The list of souls who were to go grew in proportion to unmanageable levels, the possibility of it happening was being slandered by even Lighworkers, and I could go on and on.

I do hope that this article from me is not seen as one-sided, or too in favor of the opinion of this being real. I have had my own doubts and for me as well, those doubts materialized. Imagine if when we saw this prediction, every one of us set our energies and intents toward it happening. Imagine if not one of us saw it as a farce, and instead we all felt and knew in our hearts that is was going to happen. Do you think that things would have ended up differently? If not, than you must have some serious doubts of our Creation powers, both individually and collectively.

While this whole thing was going on, I made the call on a few different websites to look at this issue in more of a neutral way than it was being discussed. As with many things, the dualistic line between fellow Lightworkers was once again drawn, with plenty of people saying ‘this is real! This is real!’ and plenty of people putting the whole idea down and boldly proclaiming it a farce. Duality at its finest my friends! I made the call to not necessarily pour all of one’s expectations into this event materializing for fear of disappointment (which, in hindsight, perhaps we should have all poured our energies into it happening, then maybe we would have manifested it) but for us also to not completely slander it and just decide that it wasn’t real. I believe that those who did so helped to seal the fate of it not happening.

Now, Steve Beckow is considering retirement from this movement and from the public arena, if at least a small group is not allowed to go quite yet. I believe fully that Steve will be aiding the dark more than anything else if he does leave. However, I understand his reasons for doing so in that he does not want the entire Lightworker community to be slandered as a whole, when we did not make the prediction. I understand that plenty of Lightworkers purposely distanced themselves from this event and in many cases decided it was not going to happen, for ego-based fears of they themselves being slandered.

I think the consensus was reached that such predictions and possibilities hurt the Lightworker community and do damage because it couldn’t possibly be true! I ask, where is the measure of faith that all of this is real, if one is going to completely deny the possibility that a group of Lightworkers could be taken aboard a Mothership to help disclosure get off the ground? I actually heard a fellow respected Lighworker say that if Steve Beckow says it, it must not be true. Where did that come from? Because of this one prediction? I guess some people do not realize how much Steve has given of himself to this movement, and how much good he has done and how much disclosure he has actually pushed through.

The final aspect of this discussion that I feel needs addressed, is that of the validity of channeled messages. I am hoping that with this latest happening, people learn not to give too much of themselves to channelings. I do personally believe that channelings should not  be used to predict anything, as even with this occurrence there is the possibility that the channeler is receiving distorted information. Again, the energies coming through Linda felt to me to be Loving and genuine, but as always, there is the possibility that she was and is receiving distorted information. I quietly made the call that such things might be true, but I also did not want to damage the possibility of this event happening and so I kept quiet about that.

People may see me as ‘tripping over myself’ in terms of my opinion of this issue, because I am not choosing one specific side as to whether this scenario was truly real or not. I do my best to stay away from duality as I personally am growing out of it day by day, and I apologize if you came to this article looking to see what ‘side’ I am on. I simply wish to display both perspectives, and why or why not things happened the way they did. Now, to get back to the ‘channeled messages’ aspect of this article.

I feel that we should have been able to pour our Loving energies into this scenario and make it happen, but not necessarily that we should have just completely taken Linda, Steve and Grener on their words. I’m sure there were plenty of people who unquestioningly put all of their faith in this happening, without taking the responsibility themselves to Create and manifest it. I believe fully that channeled messages should not be followed blindly as if they were gospel, and I think that doing so can be destructive to one’s own awakening process. When you come across a channeled message, question it with your discernment and intuition, without completely slandering it of course as that does nobody any good.

A reader of my site made the very good point that we must turn within to our own intuition and higher self for the answers that we seek. I could not agree with her more on this matter. Channeled messages are here to help, and we who bring them through as well as the sources giving the messages, only wish to aid you in your quest for enlightenment. We wish to make you aware that indeed, extraterrestrials exist and indeed, there is a Galactic Federation. We only wish to make these truths apparent and help those who know that these are truths, as well as help them along their own ascension paths.

Channelings are here to help and only help, which is why I think it can be destructive to give out dates or predictions in any channeled message. I think that channelings should stick to giving guidance and help, but at a certain point the boundaries must be crossed and we must let the Galactics know that indeed, we are ready for disclosure and we are ready to know them and perceive them again, no matter how it happens. 300 of us may not have visited a Mothership yesterday, but the movement for disclosure has gained much more attention than it had even a week ago. Even though it didn’t happen, this prediction was a big deal and is a monumental lesson that many of us are still learning and will continue to learn.

It is a lesson about perspective and duality. I thank Steve, Linda, AAM and Grener for bringing that lesson to us. Steve, I very much hope that you do not retire as you are very valuable to this movement.

Wes Annac

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Part of me does believe that this contact will happen, but I have offered this perspective as well to remind people not to take this prediction too overboard until it occurs, if it does. 

The following was posted on my blog last night. 

I have been receiving a vast number of comments about this ‘Mothership trip’ that is said to be taking place on Saturday. I feel it is very important for everybody to remember the possibility of it not happening. No, I am not trying to be a naysayer but I have been a part of this movement for a measly two and a half years, which is a much shorter time than most as most have been at this for decades, yet I still have seen time and time again when collective hope gets built up on a prediction of understandably high proportions, only to result in so many being let down and heartbroken. It seems to happen on a cycle of sorts.

Most recently, Blossom Goodchild took a leave of absence because of predictions of Cities of Light before the end of the year. I’m not trying to sound negative here, I just think we should be a bit more cautious about throwing most or all of our faith into simple predictions. This is why I made the request through Mikos to perhaps grant potential contactees an initial contact or two in the dreamscape, so that a multitude of collective hope did not get built up on [what is as of yet] unproven predictions.

I have my own measure of faith in this outcome. Part of me feels that especially last night, in the dreamscape I was in a meeting with hundreds of souls. I remember Steve specifically. But our dreams also serve to teach us lessons, and it has been said that we should not always take what we see in our dreams as a literal prediction of events to come. It could have been some type of encoded personal message for me to figure out. And so you see, I am cautiously reserving my faith while at the same time considering this possibility and its magnitude and massive effect on our entire planet, if it is to finally transpire.

I’m not suggesting anybody have my exact attitude on the subject, but I do think that we should approach what could be such a huge event with a cautious ‘wait and see’ attitude. Building up an enormous amount of faith over something like this will only fuel our sorrows in this avenue once again if it does not happen and will also draw immense criticism from our typical criticizers.

Consider the possibility and all that it entails, but do not put too much of yourself into it yet. There will be plenty of time for that when disclosure does finally occur, whenever that may be.

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#Occupy Disclosure Update Two


Hopefully I won’t need to post multiple updates in a day but today I do.


I’ve just had a conversation with a parent whose child, she thinks, may panic at the thought of visiting extraterrestrials or watching his mother leave to visit extraterrestrials.

Archangel Michael did comment on this. He asked people whose children stood a chance of reacting to extraterrestrials with fear to consider the welfare of the overall Disclosure effort and not join this particular trip.

There will be other trips. And later the planet will be more accepting of what is happening. But to risk having a child panic on board or leaving a child behind who may begin saying that his mother or father has been abducted by aliens is not a wise move and could cause a lot of damage to the Disclosure effort.

I have to ask you to act maturely here and not seek to come aboard if you have a child who is or may be worried about or afraid of extraterrestrials.

“Full Name” Emails

I had asked that people send us their “full names” and I see that I did not ask that only people who received invitations do so.

The reason I made this request is that we have a lot of email addresses on the invitation emails but not the full names that we need for the galactics to use in locating you.

The new, dedicated email account for “full name” emails is not yet open. It will be open soon. I will post the email address as soon as it is. Please do not send any more emails to BZ’s email account. Thank you.

What has happened is that instead of only invitees sending along their full names, everyone has sent along their full names. We now have a huge number of emails to sort through. We are in an almost impossible situation and it is all of my own making.

We’ll now use the folder full of email as a means of cross-checking the invited list against. That will allow us to know who is coming and who is not and provide us with full names. So we can salvage some of the situation.

But the fact that people sent in a response who did not originally receive an invitation does not mean (I repeat: does not mean) that you are now somehow scheduled to go on the trip. In fact you are not. Only those who already received an invitation will be going.

There is a second group of people whom I have been talking to today and whose full names I extracted in the course of our conversations. I then wrote them and told them they were confirmed. This second group of people does not need to send in their full names. We already have them.

If you received an invitation and have not received an email from me saying you’re confirmed, you may wish to send in a full-name email. Just to be on the safe side.

We cannot publish a list of names of those who are going because that will violate confidentiality. But perhaps we can publish a list of first names and a part of an email address or some other form of “code.” (I’ll leave the comments open for you to make suggestions on how to work this. But we will not answer comments – no time to do that.)

I apologize for the confusion I caused by my lack of clarity.

I’m going to post this right away because of this snafu and will add to it later.


I or AAM mentioned in one of the readings that we would discuss the return-to-Earth procedure. And then we did not. We have an urgent half-hour reading with AAM tomorrow morning and I’ll ask him to discuss the return procedure.

One-Day Trips

Someone asked if they and their family can come on a one-day trip. I’m afraid not. We have too many people who want to come for the whole ten days or slightly shorter to give away a seat to someone coming for just a day. Sorry. Wish we could and perhaps we will be able to later.


This is the first time we’ve ever attempted something like this and we’re doing it on short notice. We’re not trained travel professionals or anything of the sort. It’s almost predictable that there will be some snafus.

For instance, some people who sent in “full names” will assume that that meant they were going on the trip (even though we have said here it does not mean that) and then no one shows up to pick them up. Now they have cancelled appointments or shifts at work, etc., and are “stranded” and really annoyed.

So first of all be very sure you have an invitation from me before you cancel appointments. Don’t cancel anything if you don’t have an invitation from me.

Second, you may wish to consider not cancelling appointments at all but asking a family member or trusted friend to do that AFTER you leave and they know you have left.

None of us wants to inconvenience you or cause you a loss of income. But at the same time, we cannot conceive of all the situations that could or may arise. So please help us out by proceeding carefully and wisely here.

Thank you.

#Occupy Disclosure Update Three


Just so you know, my email has more unread messages than I can possibly read at this moment. You may wish to make your headers descriptive to help me determine which emails to read first.  Only email please if you must; otherwise grener11@gmail.com.

Also please don’t switch to leaving Skype messages. It would be problematic to have to keep opening Skype.

Pat Donworth: I wonder what the cost is of phoning from the Neptune. Probably astronomical. (Indeed! Actually we will be able to phone home from ET.)

Dedicated Email Address

We now have an email dedicated exclusively to this trip: grener11@gmail.com.

As it stands now, people are sending me email, BZ, the Comments form, the Article Suggestion form, and we cannot man all these channels of communication. We run the risk of not seeing your email.

So from here on in, we ask that you send all communications regarding the trip only to grener11.

Casey has temporarily disabled the “Comments” and “Article Suggestions” form until Saturday morning, with apologies to Pat and her team.  I’ll ask Casey to make them operational again before he leaves.

Flight List

Staring at noon today Pacific Time, we’ll begin posting a “Flight List” so that you can see ahead of time whether you are on the list or not. We’ll post only first names, last initials where there are two first names the same, and a small portion of the email to cement identification.

If anyone wishes to be removed, they may write me at grener11@gmail.com putting the words FLIGHT LIST in the header and ask to have their names removed. Please stipulate whether you are simply asking that your name not be displayed or whether you are asking not to come on the flight.

Scouting Trip

I’ll be speaking to Grener or Archangel Michael today at 10:00 Pacific Time.  Dave has suggested that I ask him to take me on a scouting trip to the Neptune ahead of time so that you can see that this is a real event. G or AAM may have a reason why not to grant my request. We’ll have to see.

But if he does, I’ll have a friend photograph my departure and get that photo to Pat. Perhaps wait before cancelling your appointments until that has happened so that you can see evidence that this project is real.


I said that we will take all members of a certain translator team with us, only to discover later that there were more members of the team than all the seats we have so far been granted. I cannot keep granting more and more seats to the team, I’m afraid, unless I can persuade Grener to increase the number of people who can go.

Even so, I think it fair to the general population of lightworkers not to give all the seats away to this large a team. So I intend to put a cap on the number of translators who can go on this first trip. I regret my error in having assumed that there were only 15-30 members of the team and apologize for disappointment or inconvenience.

Reading with Grener or AAM

I’ll be asking Ellen or Ruth to do a quick turnaround on the reading with Grener or AAM this morning and I will post the tape as well. Please join me in thanking these two for their yeoman service.

I’ll be asking them to describe how you will be picked up and dropped off.

I will be asking him for reassurance that, if we make a mistake with you and are made aware of it, the galactics will rectify the error by coming to pick you up.  We will make arrangements before the flight for a means of being in contact either through this site, the discussion group, or some other way.

Late Pick-ups

We’ll also be asking G or AAM if the galactics will come back and pick up a small number of prominent lightworkers who may only realize this is a true event after it starts. We honor people’s concerns that this is not a real event and have no desire to embarrass anyone. We simply want everyone to be included who has worked long and hard for Disclosure and represents this community. It would be a shame if some people were left out who decided afterwards that they want to come.

Pat Donworth and Mods

Pat will be staying behind to edit the 2012 Scenario and attend to all business below. We will be bringing Pat up for a day or two mid-trip.

Andrea and the 2012 Scenario moderators will be going so we may need temporary moderators. One member of the Bridge Fund will be remaining behind but will not have contact with … the guys we can’t mention.

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