Starseed Ikse's Posts (5)

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I can't get enough!

I recently decided to get creative in the kitchen, so I thought I'd post tonight with my little recipe. I'd love to hear what others think after trying it! The ingredients are also very adjustable to taste and you can substitute other things too. I'll share my version.

What I've been using:

-1 Banana

-A handful of walnuts

-4 packets of grade A honey

-Extra virgin olive oil


--Chili powder


--Ginger powder


--Cayenne pepper

You can add it together just about anyway you like cause you can mix it together at the end, but what I've been doing is starting with my 4 honey packets (I get them from work, hence the packets), then the olive oil (together they'll form a nice 'dressing' consistency). Then I add the spices, ginger, cinnamon, chili powder, and a dash of cayenne to the honey. I slice up the banana, then I add the walnuts. You could easily substitute any nut you like, or do several kinds if you want. Then just mix it up, and its like a little fruit salad sort of thing. Aside from chili powder (haven't looked it up) every ingredient is really good for you.

Just felt like sharing! Let me know what you think if you try it!

Much love!


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I'm noticing more and more that the "highs" and "lows" I keep experiencing are not merely a pattern, but an actual rhythm. Through life, I swoop low, then arc high, over and over and over again. My mood, my optimism, my progress... even as I note that I am seeing many signs, blessings ,and synchronicities,

Perpetual undulation.

I feel caught, stuck, between the extremes of duality. At the same time, I observe with increasing awareness as many signs and blessings come to me in life. I've continued to make improvements in a number of ways, but it's always one step forward, one step back, like an endless see-saw motion.

I'm starting to really wonder about this. That there must surely be something affecting me beyond the simple "things" in life that seem to illicit these responses. Is this a pattern I must break? Or am I riding a great wave?

There are times the pattern doesn't seem fitting, such as now. Such as in that so much good has happened to me recently, so much that I can no longer even try to deny the existence of a higher power-- something is clearly at work and working together with me... the low I feel just now doesn't seem... authentic. Not when I think about it objectively. I don't have a reason to feel like this. I have too much to be happy about.

Maybe I'm flickering back and forth between two dimensions. Two possible futures perhaps. Good or bad. Its so confusing.

Recent lessons will prove valuable in navigating this confusion. I welcome any feedback.

Its honestly like I just remembered the manic sine wave I've been living through is "just a ride" after all. It feels like a ride now. I feel... detached from my own heartache, right here in my chest. I don't even understand why I feel it anymore. I just undulate through duality endlessly, regardless of my experiences. Maybe I'm just starting to see through my prison. I can't figure it out, but I will.

Are others experiencing similar rhythms of high and low such as this? Even seemingly despite what is actually going on at times? I dare say it stands to reason that I am in tow or in step with something far bigger than my little bitty self. Can't make any other sense of it.

Ah well. Trust in the higher power has served me especially well in recent days. I know I'll be alright. I guess I just feel like I'm... taking a step "outside" of myself, to observe this strange pattern as I already observe the world. I am after all, the one thing I seem to have figured out the least... 

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Pick your poison, or pick none at all

I'm aware I've been spotted on my 'return' by some of my old friends, but regrettably, I can't say I'm making a full-on return to ACC at this time.

I don't wish to go into a protracted explanation, but I do feel I've left people hanging a bit in my withdrawal. Suffice to say, I reached a point where being on ACC no longer uplifted me. Rather, it does the opposite. When I am here, I feel like I am in the belly of the beast. I might as well be at 'work', slaving away for the corporation that presently 'employs' me.

There are many silver-tongued deceivers, not just here but in many places. Some of them quite celebrated. I won't go into detail out of respect for the atmosphere of the community but suffice to say it just isn't a welcoming atmosphere anymore. Perhaps that could change, maybe someone will yank me out from under my rock, but I feel I can only stand to check up from time to time at most.

Know that in the lessons I have learned here and elsewhere between the time of my joining and now, I have learned to value honesty and integrity on a high level... even if many take it for granted, perhaps claiming the same in automated clockwork fashion, even if they do not reflect this in their actual actions.

People needn't be deceivers, they needn't say insincere things and mislead others, they needn't judge so much or be so hateful. Bad experiences tend to poison things for me and "ruin it" so to speak. Its the way I am wired. I have a rapid immune response, if you can look at it that way. I don't need to burn my hand on the same stove more than once. Since I have such tendencies, these experiences have made it such that even if I'm in a grand mood, and I spend a bit of time on ACC, I soon find myself depressed and dwelling in thoughts of the past.

So I have come to realize something, because I have learned to trust in the highest power, who has become more and more evidently present in my life in recent days. My journey has been more blessed than I was ever formerly able to recognize, and I now see that even painful lessons are necessary in order to learn MY truth, MY gift, and MY destiny in God's plan. Though I still work to resolve much within me, I have come a long way in recognizing my blessings, and most importantly: learning to trust in the higher power that blesses my path. I am not alone, even if every mortal body turns from me. This is a greater peace of mind than I can describe.

There may come a time when I feel more comfortable and spend more time here again. I can't predict for certain, and I may even start posting some things... but I am still brought down if I linger. I have much love for my beautiful friends here, so its regrettable, though I do hope to keep in better touch. To those friends: don't be a stranger!

Indeed, if I were worth nothing as some believe, why would God spend his time on me? In the end, it is only the sincere gifts that mean anything. Too many people just pantomime through social interactions while blanketing some ulterior motive, deceiving... and those persons have my pity, for they too have quite a long way to go. The difference between myself and them is... I'm able to recognize said fact about myself. I'm no guru.

Just an awakening starseed on his path to true self.

To all, even those who disdain me, I wish all the blessings and healing you need and want. I truly wish for a world where we all learn how to behave as the one united family we in fact are.

Much love,


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I must speak from the heart. Speak my truth, as they say.This isn't going to be a long post. I haven't the energy or inspiration. However, I am compelled to make a point now.I observe the world around me. As I do so, I notice many things. One among many which I am finding increasingly disturbing is the notion of discarding other people based on convenience. While I understand making distance from someone who is toxic to you, such as an abusive relationship, or some such... there seems to be an ongoing effort to perpetuate the frivolous discarding of other people. There is another name for this: a fair-weather friend.A fair-weather friend is only your friend sometimes. Not always. Never unconditionally. Only when you serve their purpose.As such, I feel this notion is not only misleading but dangerous. We must be cautious to walk the right side of this line, and not trade compassion for convenient apathy. I see it all around me: the utter cheapening of relationships, friendships... perhaps the true concept is misunderstood by many, even those some of those who preach it."And you shall know them by their fruits."Let me go on record saying I do not consider myself a prophet, but those who do take on a serious responsibility to lead by example, in my most humble opinion. If you find yourself challenged, and you choose to run from it rather than at least try, you may cause lasting wounds unto others who have opened up to you and loved you unconditionally when you truly could not, would not, do the same.Is this the same as detoxifying your life of hostile, abusive people who do not intend love?Food for thought.
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Insights of a child

I thought it curious.

My mother told me last night about my niece who is highly intelligent. She's only a couple of years old and she is memorizing and even improvising lyrics to songs in detail. It seems she likes to sing!

She has her own version of Old McDonald's Farm, and there are "aliens" on her farm. This immediately made me think of crop circles for some reason... I wonder if she is more aware than people realize. 

I just thought it was worth mentioning! Only a few years old and she is already showing an interest in her family from the stars! I've read/watched material about children having unusual abilities, additional strands of DNA... I can't help but wonder if there's something to it! What do you guys think?

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