Roberto Durante's Posts (28)

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Entry Submitted Anonymously at 12:48 AM EDT

on March 13, 2019

What does the cabal stand to lose by triggering earthquakes on the west coast?

Thousands of dead children kept in dog kennels in cities under the mansions people admire so much. These children are sold for sex until they get too old then they are used for snuff films, satanic rituals, cannibalized, and harvested for adrenochrome. Billion dollar business.

Cloning factories. 

Billion dollar illegal drug manufacturing. 

Human trafficking warehouses.

Things are manufactured in these cities, sold and transported by FedEx spaceships to ports all over the universe. 

The cabal stand to lose billions every year if all these revenue generating ventures are destroyed. If these earthquakes do happen it won't be by the cabal. 

Gaia is ready to relieve herself and us of unspeakable evil and the west coast is home to the most unspeakable evil that exists in maybe the universe. All this activity is huge. Destroying and collapsing these underground cities would destroy the above ground cities as well anyway. 

The Galactic are okay with this evil being destroyed.

If you are not part of it,



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I received this blog from a very good friend with a big heart, her name is Eucharia, she is the founder of the foundation Kids Club Int. located in Nigeria. Little by little we are becoming a team, and with a % of  my royalty that I will get from the sale of The Little Light Point at I want to support this foundation directly, because it has always have been my dream to start a foundation to help children in need, and here I have found it in this foundation..........

Children is such derogatory situation are seeing and experiencing their human right being strip off them in the most in human way and even at the political frontier they are not protected they suffer physical , mental , emotional and psychological damages that affect their mental well being and in do doubt their lives in general , in most cases ends up having a ripple effect on the society by becoming drug dealers, prostitutes, pocket pickers, thieves and not mentioning the fact of ending up in prison.

 But there are tens if not hundreds of legislation’s out there that purport to defend and promote the child right such as the 2008 strategy by UNICEF to protect children from dangerous environment by calling for a systematic approach to change the society attitude, custom and practices that allows children right to be violated.

 Also the United Nations Secretary General study on violence against children which calls for the accountability of Government of every state to put in place the best possible system for protecting children irrespective of their religion, ethnicity, age and disability.

 But in a society where the rule of law does not operate and in most cases does not exist where corruption seems to be the order of the day this dream seems to be light years away to a street child as far as the society is concerned he is unknown and unseen, he stands at the corner of the street and waits roughly through the crowds on hard rocky roads bare footed.

 Homeless children walk in rubbish and dig hard metals and coopers just to have a meal, he tentatively works in gully's any where that seems lifeless is his hope for survival.

 He moves between the crowd's and takes from each side of the road as fast as he could without been noticed, anything and everything he could get his hands on and at the end of the day he takes stock of his earning because pocket picking is his hope for surviving.

 He has little or no sleep each day because he has to get up so early to hang on the side of a moving vehicle in other to get a square meal, he is not paid wages because he is exploited, he takes whatever he is given with a grateful face.

 He carries fermented corn food on his head walking the street's perspiring under the glaze of the African sun he calls out loud to everyone that could hear and wants to take them off his mental tray.

 He lies on the floor lifeless and does not move, his neck is twisted to the corner and bleeds by the side of his mouth for the surface that he falls on is rough and hard he is not touched on still the whole episode is over and he gets off the floor , dust his clothes, swiped his mouth and face but forget his identity for he is epileptic on every episode he stands between the gate of life and death not knowing where he will eventually wake up.

 He sits by the corner of the street filled with rubbish , pollution and sewage to ask for alms, he runs the street filled with dirt and he is covered by it, dirt to him is his color and its tench is his perfume.

 He sings and dances and even composes his own songs and lyrics for his voice is his comfort for it gives him hope for each day.

 He has a dream to be visible , loved, great , to be identified and counted as a human being by the society which he comes from, all he want is for someone to stop, smile, hold his hand tell him that everything will be okay and that he has right to have a dream and to become whosoever whatever he wants to be.

But all these he cannot have unless we stop and look beyond the shadows of life to see who lays there , to see their potentials to lend a helping hand no matter how little , this would be a step towards helping to fulfilling that dream and up holding their right.

 Dedicated to the Street children in Edo- state Nigeria

And we are around Christmas, so I you ware planing making a gift to one of the Multinational who say helping the kids in the world, please, stay near a true foundation that don't have a big office and several ceo with salaries above the middle man, just get in touch with the Kids Club International working directly with this streets kids, giving them food, a roof to sleep under and above all the love they deserve as kids to grow happy, look at this picture below, all this faces glowing of love, of happiness with just a enjoying the reading of The Little Light Point. Enjoy the photo and the video recording and look in your heart to help them by a little gift.

Thank you in advance for your noble action......

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Been a vegetarian is the best growing healthy way of life
I give you few reasons why you could think about turning Green too


Avoiding meat is one of the best and simplest ways to cut down your fat consumption. Modern farm animals are deliberately artificially fattened with a lot of grow hormones up to increase big profits. Not natural growing animal meat increases your chances of having a heart attack or developing cancer.
Animals who die for your dinner table die alone, in terror, in sadness and in pain. The killing is merciless and inhumane. To get more information just go to this link and see what really happen with this animals for meat consumption. You need to have a strong heart to watch this video till the end, its a presentation of The Human Society as program for school.
After watching this video showing you the treatment of this animals without mercy, could you still enjoy your meat diner or just will be conscious of the horror behind the curtain before your meat arrive on your table.


It's must easier to become (and stay) slim if you are a vegetarian. Vegetarians are fitter than meat eaters. many of the world's most successful athletes and celebrity are vegetarian. You will don't need anymore of this expensive diet, curses to loss weight and of course what about all this medicine you need to regulate what this industrial consumption meat destroy in your body. Think about the quantity unwelcome grow hormones, tranquilizer,because if you didn't know, this animals need it, and a lot, to keep them quiet, and waiting for an awful death at the end of their life path. And of course I almost forget, they get also antibiotics to try to keep them free of several injurious infection provoked by the deadly bacterias of Staphylococci in the most infected meat consumption animals that grow in very unhealthy circumstances. For that reason, I let the word to the specialist Bon appetit, enjoy this unnatural meat, or will it not be better to think about to turning green. I don't want to make you feel sick, it is just that it have been a very long time a go that you probably eat a healthy meat, if you know that all the meat you by in supermarket is that way produced, not on quality and not on healthy reason. How many time are peoples contaminated with consumption meat, think an the bacterias that grow in your meat without knowing, when it happen a small defect in the cooling installation from the transport truck, they don't tell you about it, and after freezing again the meat, they produce unhealthy meat.
Have you ever think about this industrial farms, and what happen with the rain forest!
Ho! wait, what have the rain forest to do with our meat animals production for our daily consummation? You will ask me........

Do you know how many hectares of the rain forest been cut every day to make place to the biggest farms who will produce this horrible meat that our consumption society need, every day! And that is a big part of the pollution of the planet, watch it on this video.
To turn or become vegetarian have to be part of our evolution, of our awareness of our consciousness, for an healthy life in our future, to have children growing healthy and not feed with junk food. And that you believe it or not, it have been proof that Jesus also was a vegetarian, not so strange, as God messenger, he brought the message of universal love on the planet, what also included the love for every living beings human as animal. Watch this video and just turn vegetarian for a peaceful world. Who say that vegetarian food is boring, have no taste or not creative to create, I would like to recommend you this amazing book, full of magic recipe that will turn on your home kitchen to the kitchen of one of the best vegan restaurant on Earth. Are you curious and have already the water in your mouth, are you yearning to try directly this great and wonderful new way of life, a healthy life, than just go to this link and discover the best recipes in this colorful book with over 100 recipes you can serve to your friends and family.

And the best think is this best Selling Vegan Cookbooks With Rave Reviews, in your Ipad And Mobile Friendly PDF Files Download With Ease.

If you are fancy for an exotic vegan kitchen, I would like to recommend you this Vegetarian Cookbook Package. Complete Chinese Vegetarian Guide With 400 Pages.


Discover in that book the best juice easy to realize for you and your family or friends.

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My dearest friends, I have received this great information from a group where I am member of and I have done this great meditation, and would love to share it with you, because on the next full moon at Monday September 12/2011, we all can have this great Kundalini experience with our mother Earth, and as try out, I did it yesterday, and never in my life, I have experimented something so strong, it was a real Cosmic Orgasm, I have no other words who can describe this power full explosion.WOOOOOOOOOOO my friends, I was searching for something to show you what it felt, and I found this amazing video, and THAT is exactly how you will feel through your body, what I was trying to explain, watch it, do it and enjoy the trip.............

Daily Attunement
Remaining Focused and Centered
Connecting to the Group Rhythm
Repeating often... I AM Avatar
Surrendering to the Incoming Energy
Full Moon Monday, September 12
Group Grid Transmissions and Personal Sessions of Support
Planetary Grid Transmissions
Sydney 8 pm,
India 8 pm,
Paris 8 pm,
New York 9 pm world clock

This mp3 audio invokes the assistance of our Divine Guides and intends that all activity be aligned to the greatest good of each individual as we are connected to the Group Avatar and the stability of the Crystalline Grid and Earth's core.

This audio was prepared to give us an exercise to use in group formation while supported by the very high frequency cosmic energies that are now entering. It is intended that we then take this to our daily practice and continue on our own.

Here is the link where you can download the MP3 meditation of 44minutes and 44seconds.

We have heard a lot about Kundalini Awakening and the union of the sacred masculine and feminine energies within. In the past, serious aspirants of the Kundalini awakening have engaged in extensive practices such as physical postures, controlled breathing exercises, meditation, chanting and much more to prepare themselves for the awakening.
Fortunately, in this time of the "Great Quickening", this awakening can be achieved much faster and easier than ever before. Kundalini is a magnificent power and it is imperative that one be prepared for the energy that may be released in such an experience. If one is not ready, it can be like putting too much electricity through a small wire or fuse and you can overload the circuits.
Instantaneous results can be achieved by those who are prepared with a healthy body, an even breath, stabilized mind and balanced emotions. Additionally, the ether envelope of the body has to be pure before the upgraded DNA configurations can be opened into the physical body matrix. Please understand that some purification can be the result from this Kundalini exercise.
This is why so much attention is being place upon the Sacred Fire as a way to accelerate the deeper purification, on all levels and layers of our multi-faceted being. When our own ether body has been constantly held in the Sacred Fire of the merged Platinum Ray at the Cosmic Core, it can more readily take on the light pattern of the Kundalini and Christ expression building our I AM Presence. The body can then more quickly out manifest this in the physical flesh.
As the Kundalini activation permeates the body, a chain reaction is building. This can happen very quickly or slowly depending on the quality of a person's practice, acceptance and surrender.
THE KUNDALINI PRACTICE (To clarify the audio)
This activation is actually an exercise to begin consciously raising the Kundalini, the divine evolutionary force that enlightens and bestows immortality when activated.
Note: The Kundalini cannot be raised into the Pineal Gland if any of the chakra energy centers have blockages. This exercise, our Crystalline Grid atonement and any personal sessions greatly assist to clear, balance and accelerate the chakra centers.
Empowering the Vision
Within the sacrum at the base of the spine are charged bolts of intelligent liquid fire coiled like a serpent. There is a negative charge stream which can be imagined as a silvery serpent of light, representing feminine energy. Also coiled here in the sacrum is a positively charged bolt of fire, which can be seen as a golden serpent of light, representing masculine energy.
Caduceus Staff: The caduceus is a winged staff, with two serpents, and was carried by the Greek god, Hermes, who is said to be the messenger of the Gods. We are using the Caduceus Staff as the symbol of the entire system of kundalini awakening. This is the central rod of power from which these serpents intertwine, intersecting at the chakras. This column is platinum light which bridges the dual aspects of the serpentine fire into a unified field. At the very top of the staff are wings... representing "winged radiance" from the One who achieves spiritual transcendence. The round ball represents our enlightened Pineal Gland
In this Kundalini practice, we keep our gaze held within the chakra energy center between the eyebrows, the meditative access point to the Pineal Gland.
Our intention is upon the very quick movement of the kundalini serpentine fire through one long inhale.... up the spine, through the medulla oblong, to directly reach the Pineal Gland in the center of the brain. It is within the Pineal Gland that we access the "Crystal Palace".
Assume meditative positioning. Relax the body and release the mind.
Keep the tongue up touching the roof of the month just in front of the teeth and the gaze upward and fixed on that interior 3rd eye.
Place the attention on the breath, from the lower abdomen to the upper chest. Keep focusing on your breath.....inhale and exhale very slowly.
Now, focus your breath at the base of the spine....breathe into and out of your sacrum. As you breathe, see your sacrum expanding and contracting, becoming alive as a rhythmic pulsation.
Keep breathing the sacrum for some moments.
Place your attention upon the serpent energy at the base of the spine inside the sacrum...... make contact with two serpents of light... one is a silvery female, the other is a golden male.
THE INHALE AND EXHALE: Visualizing the Energy Flow
Take a very slow, deep inhale. From your sacrum, see the gold and silver serpents energy moving quickly up the central spinal column of platinum light. They wind, uncoiling upwards. See them interweaving around each chakra center. The serpents merge together at the Medulla Oblong as one unified stream of energy penetrating up into the center of your brain reaching into your pineal gland. Your pineal gland explodes with light. Your entire brain is illuminated. As you reach the top of your inhale, a beam of platinum light surges up and out the crown chakra.
The platinum light that is bursting out of your crown forms a Tube Torus geometry around your entire body. Feel the light particles falling down all around you. Your toroidal field is getting brighter, fuller, and ALIVE. Feel your I AM AVATAR blueprint emerging.
Credit for this wonderful information, just go to:
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this came out of a discussion for a little boy

this came out of a discussion for a little boy from another friend from another site.

it is wonderful way to heal and sending healing energy to who is in need, thank you to Torch my friend.


Every one should have gotten that was a general broadcast, and we do this a lot here sis!

Thank you for giving what you saw back to us...

I felt very ill myself while sending it out.

let us all make an effort for this little one.

Here are some techniques..

.I'm sensing liver problems,

but I would do a work up for all the areas.


1. Sit calmly but alertly.

2. Pay attention to the calm place behind your mid-brow.

( I use an Invisible "dot" connection, to the Universe, but that is My own Special Way)

( Other Chakras, or Areas might work for You, depending upon Your "Tuning")

3. Think of something you love, and relax.

4. Bring your attention to the organ in need of attention.

( You need to "reach out, into the World, to the Person You are trying to Heal)

5. Picture the organ, feeling the love you experienced in #3.

6. Picture the organ as a rose that is the color required,

and imagine the rose slowly opening.

Repeat until the color radiates through and from the organ.


Breathe out the colored light

Blue: The healing color of the kidneys. ( orange balance )

Red: The healing color of the heart.      ( green balance )

Green: The healing color of the liver.    ( red balance ) 

White: The healing color of the lungs.   ( black balance )

Yellow: The healing color of the spleen. ( violet balance )


Art and design

Blue-Yellow-Red color wheel. Opposite colors are called complementary.

Because of the limitations imposed by the range of colors

that were available throughout most of the history of art,

many artists still use a traditional set of complementary pairs, including:

The complement of each primary color (red, blue, or yellow) is roughly the color made by mixing the other two in a subtractive system:

  • red complements (blue + yellow) = green
  • blue complements (red + yellow) = orange
  • yellow complements (red + blue) = violet

When two complements are mixed they produce a brown, or, in the case of black and white, a grey.



evidently complimentary / opposite colors need to be used to balance the focus,

so find out the proper complimentary color, to balance the spell-casting or healing


Yes, that yellow needs to be cleaned up.

 The positive use of bright yellow can result in regeneration of cells,

so its a good focus.  

But since violet is the complimentary/opposite color to yellow,

it would be a good color to use in being sure

that there is not an over-correction: its a balancer.

Natural light is made up of a wide spectrum of colors, and the visible spectrum is represented by the colors of the rainbow. The colors of the spectrum are also the colors of the chakras (the body’s energy centers), with red being the first chakra, the center of the survival instinct at the base of the spine. Violet is the color of the crown chakra, the center of spiritual development at the top of the head.

A full spectrum of colors is healing, and some colors in the spectrum target specific problems. Find out what color heals what disorder, and promotes what important part of your self. For instance, did you know that yellow promotes the intellect? Read more:

* Red heals blood disorders, promotes vitality and creativity

* Orange heals lungs and kidneys, promotes assimilation

* Yellow heals stomach and liver, promotes intellect

* Green heals heart and hypertension, promotes unconditional love

* Blue heals thyroid and larynx, promotes self-expression

* Indigo heals eye diseases and vision, promotes psychic abilities

* Violet heals mental disorders, promotes spirituality


Natural light is made up of a wide spectrum of colors, and the visible spectrum is represented by the colors of the rainbow. The colors of the spectrum are also the colors of the chakras (the body’s energy centers), with red being the first chakra, the center of the survival instinct at the base of the spine. Violet is the color of the crown chakra, the center of spiritual development at the top of the head.

A full spectrum of colors is healing, and some colors in the spectrum target specific problems. Find out what color heals what disorder, and promotes what important part of your self. For instance, did you know that yellow promotes the intellect? Read more:

* Red heals blood disorders, promotes vitality and creativity

* Orange heals lungs and kidneys, promotes assimilation

* Yellow heals stomach and liver, promotes intellect

* Green heals heart and hypertension, promotes unconditional love

* Blue heals thyroid and larynx, promotes self-expression

* Indigo heals eye diseases and vision, promotes psychic abilities

* Violet heals mental disorders, promotes spirituality

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Way to pray, everyone!  You people are wonderful!!




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A little boy need our help

Request for prayers


My dearest friends,

I would like to ask you to join me to assist a small boy who need our love to recover to a healthy state. This little boy name is David Ramos Mesa and he is 4 years old, he is the son from a brother colleague and he need our love to recover from a virus attack. Right now he staying in observation in the Residencia hospital of Santa Cruz of Tenerife. The first diagnosis have be based on the symptom’s of a meningitis , till the result of several test done the last few day's, the medic don't want to pronounce it. It happen at the moment that he couldn't stay on his feet anymore and felt down, without the possibility to stand again. In full emergency, he have been transferring by helicopter to the central hospital of Tenerife from La Gomera where we are living, and where the hospital is not totally up to date like on the biggest island.

So now that you know more or less the situation, I would like to ask you to take David Ramos Mesa in your curative prayer and send him all energy he need to cure and be healthy again. I thank you from my heart in advance and will keep you up date on the progress of his recovering after receiving universal love energy from all around the world to help him to be healthy again.

There is no illness that universal love will not cure. 

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I think that if we show them that we know that they are watching, and really don't care about it, if millions of peoples will show on their page that the are conscious that big brother is watching and don't give a shit about , I think that it will change their point of view, because who more peoples are writing about, be careful, because you are on monitoring and that way create non sens fear, that give big brother power and a bad feeling to be watched. So, I just have made this image and go to post on my FB, with the message that everyone who like it, have to post on their FB, so, like that Big Brother facebook will know that we know that they are monitoring and that we don't care about it, that if they want to know something is more easy to ask, not so childish, they have to grow up.

If you like the idea? Take this image over and post it on your FB and ask your friend to do it, lets see how many inside a week will have this image on their FB hahahahahahahahaha

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Now is the time particularly powerful between the new moon on 31 of July and the first quarter on 5 of august. This will shift our consciousness in a ways that will result in the creation of our new world.
And from this point of view, I cam on this idea to organize a world wide meditation on the 3 of august between 20:00pm and 21:00pm GMTTime, with the goal to produce rainwater above Somalia and Ethiopia. Of course I hear you or let say I can read your mind, “ I knew that Roberto was a bit rare, this time is going totally nuts”
Well let me you explain why I believe that it is possible, like the tittle say “thought become thing” a very famous slogan of the law of attraction, we can use it for everything we need.
And if you are a Christian, you know that Jesus did miracle happen only by the power of his thought, and if you are not Christian, no problem you know that through quantum physic is possible to make it happen, its enough time demonstrated the last few years through peoples like Gregg Braden, Fernado Vossa and a lot more.
I we believe in this theory that work when we use our thought with enough passion. When you know that we can change the identity of the water only by thought, watch this video and see what Dr Masaru Emoto in 3 minutes can show.

when you know and realize that we all are part of the ONE, that if I think positive, at the same moment and in the other part of the world someone can feel it. If you know and realize that we have the power to reduce criminality in one experiment of a concentration of thought together at the same momentum, like it have been done in US when thousand of peoples enter in a deep meditation to reduce criminality in Washington, and the result was amazing, it is not bullshit, you can see the result in this article based on the results of the study, the steady state gain (long-term effect) associated with a permanent group of 4,000 participants in the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs was calculated as a 48% reduction in HRA crimes in the District of Columbia, just follow this link:

So my dearest friends here on internet, we all together have so many connection one to another, so if I use my connection, I probably reach more than 2000 peoples, when this peoples have only 100 friends to multiply, we already arrive at 200.000 peoples who have also friends to share this little thought. Remember that when our American native had to short water, they start a rain dance and it work, so don't be scary, I will not ask you to make this rain dance, just one specific day and when ever you can take in your thought, let produce rain clouds above Somalia and Ethiopia. Do you remember when if have been possible to reduce from 7 to 3 the dangerous tornado when it was approaching Australia and that through a world wide meditation of this matter. So my dearest friends, what I am asking now is not impossible, because we are all part of all, everything is energy connected to each other and we have the power to create the world we want it, a peaceful world. In this powerful time scale of the new moon, where we have the power to realize what ever we want, let demonstrate that we can move mountain when its need, lets fall rain in Somalia and Ethiopia. I cant do it alone, its a very big challenge, so lets all be connected and make it coming true. No obligation, just a small thought for few hours, and if you think that I am nuts than keep this in your mind, I know that out there enough peoples share my theory and will meditate this day, even if this meditation wake up the world wide several government to take action and this time faster, not so many useless meeting and blablabla, this time action and NOW, because this is not a recent problem, I remember that when I was on school and that’s long time a go, peoples in Somalia and Ethiopia ware already dying from to short water in this two country or in general in Africa.
I am nuts and I am proud to be, because I have compassion for my specie on this planet.
Thank you so much in advance for the one who will share my idea and lets all create a great world filled with love, NamastE
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DATE: First sunday of every month.

TIME: Anytime during the sunday will be fine, but the core time is 7 -- 8 in the evening, your time.
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The little red book that swept France

The latest call to (non-violent) arms has turned a 93-year-old war hero into a publishing phenomenon. John Lichfield reports
Monday, 3 January 2011
Stéphane Hessel, centre, at a rally in Paris with the singer Jane Birkin and the writer Dan Franck.




Take a book of just 13 pages, written by a relatively obscure 93-year-old man, which contains no sex, no jokes, no fine writing and no startlingly original message. A publishing disaster? No, a publishing phenomenon.

Indignez vous! (Cry out!), a slim pamphlet by a wartime French resistance hero, Stéphane Hessel, is smashing all publishing records in France. The book urges the French, and everyone else, to recapture the wartime spirit of resistance to the Nazis by rejecting the "insolent, selfish" power of money and markets and by defending the social "values of modern democracy".

The book, which costs €3, has sold 600,000 copies in three months and another 200,000 have just been printed. Its original print run was 8,000. In the run-up to Christmas, Mr Hessel's call for a "peaceful insurrection" not only topped the French bestsellers list, it sold eight times more copies than the second most popular book, a Goncourt prize-winning novel by Michel Houellebecq.

The extraordinary success of the book can be interpreted in several ways. Its low price and slender size – 29 pages including blurbs and notes but just 13 pages of text – has made it a popular stocking-filler among left-wing members of the French chattering classes. Bookshops report many instances of people buying a dozen copies for family and friends.

But Mr Hessel and his small left-wing publisher (which is used to print runs in the hundreds) say that he has evidently struck a national, and international nerve, at a time of market tyranny, bankers' bonuses and budget threats to the survival of the post-war welfare state. They also suggest that the success of the book could be an important straw in the wind as France enters a political cycle leading to the presidential elections of May 2012.

In a New Year message Mr Hessel, who survived Nazi concentration camps to become a French diplomat, said he was "profoundly touched" by the success of his book. Just as he "cried out" against Nazism in the 1940s, he said, young people today should "cry out against the complicity between politicians and economic and financial powers" and "defend our democratic rights acquired over two centuries".

In a party-political aside which might or might not undermine his new status as political prophet, Mr Hessel went on to imply that "resistance" should begin with a rejection of President Nicolas Sarkozy and a vote for the Parti Socialiste.

The book has not pleased everyone. It also contains a lengthy denunciation of Israeli government policies, especially in the Gaza Strip. Although the final chapter calls vaguely for a "non-violent" solution to the world's problems, the book also suggests that "non-violence" is not "sufficient" in the Middle East. Mr Hessel, whose father was a German jew who emigrated to France, has been accused by French jewish organisations of "anti-semitism".

Mr Hessel was born in Berlin in 1917. He emigrated to France with his family when he was seven. He joined General Charles de Gaulle in London in 1941 and was sent back to France to help organise the resistance. He was captured, tortured and sent to concentration camps in Germany. After the war, he helped to draft the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

Jean-Pierre Barou, the joint head of the small Montpellier-based publishing house Indigène, which commissioned the book, said Mr Hessel had revealed a "deep sense of indignation in France".

As a political tract, the book contains no especially original analysis of the world's problems.

"They dare to tell us that the State can no longer afford policies to support its citizens," Mr Hessel says. "But how can money be lacking ... when the production of wealth has enormously increased since the Liberation (of France), at a time when Europe was ruined? The only explanation is that the power of money ... has never been so great or so insolent or so selfish and that its servants are placed in the highest reaches of the State."

The originality of the book is the suggestion that an organised "Resistance" is now called for, just like in 1940. "We, veterans of the resistance ... call on young people to revive and pass on the heritage and ideals of the Resistance," the book says.

How people should resist the power of money and the markets – by peaceful means, the book insists – is not made entirely clear.

A message of resistance

* "I would like everyone – everyone of us – to find his or her own reason to cry out. That is a precious gift. When something makes you want to cry out, as I cried out against Nazism, you become a militant, tough and committed. You become part of the great stream of history ... and this stream leads us towards more justice and more freedom but not the uncontrolled freedom of the fox in the hen-house."

* "It's true that reasons to cry out can seem less obvious today. The world appears too complex. But in this world, there are things we should not tolerate... I say to the young, look around you a little and you will find them. The worst of all attitudes is indifference..."

* "The productivist obsession of the West has plunged the world into a crisis which can only be resolved by a radical shift away from the 'ever more', in the world of finance but also in science and technology. It is high time that ethics, justice and a sustainable balance prevailed..."


Indignez vous! (French PDF)

(Google English translation PDF)



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"Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history. ~Joan Wallach Scott"WikiRebels -- The DocumentaryExclusive rough-cut of first in-depth documentary on WikiLeaks and the people behind it!From summer 2010 until now, Swedish Television has been following the secretive media network WikiLeaks and its enigmatic Editor-in-Chief Julian Assange.Reporters Jesper Huor and Bosse Lindquist have traveled to key countries where WikiLeaks operates, interviewing top members, such as Assange, new Spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson, as well as people like Daniel Domscheit-Berg who now is starting his own version -!Where is the secretive organization heading? Stronger than ever, or broken by the US? Who is Assange: champion of freedom, spy or rapist? What are his objectives? What are the consequences for the internet?  He is the best light warrior of 2010 this the real revolution, not with deadly weapon, with the liars of the “elite” against themselves,its time to pay the bill and they will, the darck will totally disappear......... I think that we have to post and re post this documentary again and again all around the world, that the only exit for this corrupt elite is far a way from our society or surrender to the light without any compromises, lets clean the planet from all this dark energy and parasites
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So may I suggest you a nice idea, my new children book just published and its all about a message of love for the next generation to create a beautiful peaceful world full of love and harmony.
And I know that you are curious about the little light point, so for this week I will lift the curtain from the second chapter first page ........................and to read the entire fairytale, its possible to order the book at

Chapter two
The Little Light Point…

“Now Roberto, let me begin my story of the Little Light Point.”

“Once upon a time, in the Cosmos, there was a little light point in search of a small, safe place where it could be protected and develop its brightness even more.”

Roberto looked confused,
“And where is this place Grand Ma, here on the planet Earth?”

“Why Yes Roberto! It is here on Earth!”
“There are so many small secret places for these Little Light Points, all of the Mummies in the world have these secret places within themselves.”

“This is the way that you arrived here on the planet Roberto, first like a Little Light Point and there after, you became a human being, like everyone around you.”

“This is the law of creation, all is created from a Little Light Point, and all of the Little Light Points are connected to each other.”

Grandma continued her story.

“The Little Light Point arrives on the planet and seeks a Mummy who has a special secret place, open and ready to receive it.”

At that moment, Grand Ma moved closer to Roberto, took his hand and in a soft voice said:
“Only Mummies have this secret place and it is only open from time to time.
The only way to open this little chamber is with a key, which all Daddies have.”
And if you are on facebook to, you maybe could become fan, just goto
and please help me to realize my dream and mission , that every children in the world read this message of love for a peaceful world full of love and compassion for each other <3
so you maybe also can suggest your friends becoming fan to :)
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We all love our children and its almost X Mas, Santa Claus is on his way.
So may I suggest you a nice idea, my new children book just published and its all about a message of love for the next generation to create a beautiful peaceful world full of love and harmony, are you curious and first at all, I will tell you in a short story how my book is born.

Once, and it happen few years a go, 11 years to be precisely, I had a dream, not a normally dream like always. I wake up the next morning and could remember every detail, I knew why I was here on this planet, I knew more or less what could be my mission, because we all are here for a purpose. The all day I put the piece of this puzzle together and in the evening, I knew that I had to write this message of love, this message of love will be destined to the young and next generation.
I couldn't go to sleep, so I start to write and the words just flow from my mind to the paper where the words following a story filled the blank pages one to another, sometime I stop, walk outside, look to the amazing million's of stars in the sky, smile, feel happy and beloved, not in a physical way, I felt very strong the love of our Creator of Creation, this eternal and universal love that bound us all together and as children of the Universe we are One with our Creator. It was an amazing experience, and after while I went back in side and start to write again, I didn't get tired and also didn’t notice the time, when suddenly it was daylight outside. The entire night I have been writing, and after reading the pages one to another, I was asking myself, did I write this, where the inspiration came from, it was a great feeling, my first message of love was done, it was in 1999.
Of course it was like a rough diamond and it toke me 11 years to finish it, to work it out.
Why so long, well the time fly, for 3 years I didn’t look at it or even read it until I quit my relation and that give me more freedom to spend again time to my spiritual evolution. One day cleaning my flat I found the rough manuscript, I toke the time to read it and with my new me, I decide to make some illustrations, change from a rough direct doc. to a nice and warm dialog between me and my Grand Ma because this is how happen 11 years a go, in this wonderful “dream” my Grand Ma remember me of my first spiritual encounter with her when I was still a young boy.
That's how my book is born, with the inspiration out my first spiritual encounter with the spirit of my Grand Ma and the love of the Creator receiving 11 years a go when my Heart was open for his light. And this my dearest friend's is the reason why I had to write this message of love, this is a part of my mission here on this beautiful planet who is our mother, and a mother that we have to cherish so much because she love us unconditionally. And with this message of love destined to the young generation, they will understand why they are here and who they are, and they will all together build a world full of love, peace and compassion for each other no matter the colors, no matter they will respect each other because they will understand that they all are a big family, that they all are brothers and sisters from one universal family beloved by the Creator of Creation.
And that's how my book is born,now if you are interested you can find it by pointing on the banner below

Click Here

and here I will give you a small intro from the first chapter , the first page
This book is dedicated to my daughters
Nina Durante and Nathalie Durante,
to my Grandma Charlotte Dumas,
and every one who read this book, and see it as one inspiration to wake up and discover who they really are.

“Please never forget that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience here on the planet Earth, and not human having a spiritual experience.”

I want to give a special thank for Alex Moreham who make this book possible with her correction.

Be blessed by the Love and the Light of the Creator, who inspire me to write this book.

Contents of matter

Chapter one
Grand Mother, you returned…

Chapter two
The Little Light Point …

Chapter three
Who is the Creator…

Chapter four
Our lifestyle choice…

Chapter five
With different bodies…

Chapter six
First holograms…

Chapter one.
Grand Ma, you returned…

Once upon a time there was a little boy called Roberto, although he didn’t know it, he was going to play an important role in the future.

One night, after he had brushed his teeth, Roberto climbed into bed and turned out the light.

He closed his eyes for a good nights sleep and started to dream….

But wait, this was not a dream!! His Grand Ma, who he believed was dead for a few years, was there, sitting on the end of his bed smiling at him! How was this possible?

Roberto was so excited! Here was his beloved Grand Ma! He lent towards her to touch her but Grand Ma made him understand that this was not possible. As he started to see her clearly, she did not have a body like him, she was made of light, like a rainbow in a human form.

Roberto sat up straight in his bed and said…

“Grand Ma, how is this possible, that you are here with me in my room?”

Roberto couldn't believe what he was seeing.

And if you like it you also have the opportunity to become fan of my Little Light Point at
and please help me to realize my dream and mission , that every children in the world read this message of love for a peaceful world full of love and compassion for each other <3
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the first Symposium against chemtaril and geoenginery. And the lies over the good aspect of the world wide spreadind chemtrail. It's only pure business, with the excuse that IF the seed couldn't resist at the very high % of aluminum, barium and more, you can always buy the seed from GMO seed AND PLEASE, AFTER WATCHING THIS VIDEO, PARTICIPATE TO AND RE POST AGAIN AND AGAIN THIS EVERY WHERE YOU CAN, (all your ning site, facebook,myspace every social site where you are active, just do it) THE ENTIRE WORLD HAVE TO KNOW HOW THE BIG MONEY OWNER ARE MANIPULATING THE WORLD AND DESTROY THE FUTURE OF OUR NEXT GENERATION, THINK ABOUT FOR YOUR CHILDREN , GRAN CHILDREN.I DON'T WANT TO LET A TOTALLY CONTAMINATED PLANET TO MY DAUGTHER OF 9 YEARS OLD, I WILL FIGHT FOR IT, AND ALL TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE ITTHE UNION MAKE THE FORCE, AND THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM AGAINST THE CHEMTRAIL HAVE BEEN REAL IN BELGIUM, SO LETS GO ON................
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SHAME ON The Faroe Islands

The sea is colored of red, but nothing to do with a climatic effect of the nature watch this by yourself

The must of this cruelty with which the human beings (to be civilized) kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Dolphins Calderon. All this happens year after year in the Feroe island in Denmark, in this massacre participate mainly young people WHY, just Because? In order to demonstrate that these same young people already have arrived at an adult age “maturity”

To this celebration regularly nobody lack not to lose “ the diversion ”. All participate in a way or another one, killing or seeing the cruelty “ supporting it like spectator.

It is possible to mention that the dolphin Calderon, like almost all the other species of dolphins, one approaches the man to interact and to play solely with peaceful friendship gesture.

Thus, so play the human beings: they ended up all it throwing to lose or violently and destructive until insanity that allows our nature.

They don't die right away, they are penetrated with hooks, at those moments the dolphin are crying under this torture!

There is no compassion from this barbarian young peoples until this docile one bleeds slowly and suffers by tremendous wounded until fighting itself and dying in its own blood.

Finally these heroes of the island, now either are adult reasonable right facts and, or have demonstrated their maturity!

It is already enough! .......RE POST this message until it arrives at some protective animal association, we don't watch it only that turns us into WATCHING accomplices.
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Joining Hands in Health launches Nationwide Petition - THE NATION SPEAKS!Our aim is to protect the nation from a lifetime of perpetual ill health; safeguard health choice, human & animal rights, cultural heritage and secure a safer, healthier life for future generations.As the timeframe is dangerously short, we urge everyone to please sign our petition 'The Nation Speaks NO! Not In My Name' and encourage family, friends and acquaintances to do the same. you all for your particpation.With Love from founder Dounne Alexander and THE JOINING HANDS IN HEALTH TEAM.
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Time fly, and is now that I realize that I didnt post my blog here, so , NOW its done and discover what really happen on the 10/10/10 at 10:00am
TODAY 10/10/10 AT 10:10 AM
Something very surprising happen yesterday, like you know, like I told you before , here on the Canaries we don't have so many chemtrail in the sky. And you know what happen yesterday , when I drive to my work, I felt strange cloud like spider web in the sky

like someone just straw milk, and from that moment till 10:05am , I counted 5 planes flying above the island one after the other, changing the sky in oner big white sky where the sun dint came through anymore. So I ask in thought please clean the sky and see what happen during 10 minutes

the power of Atlantis in action , its real, see by yourself

The light have to come through and it took 10 minutes before we had a blue sky again.

First I was also sad, because of this and than suddenly I hear in though, the portal of Atlantis go to be open, so I close my eyes and saw a kind of light ray coming from very far a way in the sky to the sea , a portal get open where thousands of dolphins ware swimming around this portal connecting the planet again with the Pleiades through this high way of light. So I open my eyes and when I was walking , I had the feeling walking in a big energy field with so many colors and I was thinking, YES, nothing can beat the light even this skyspider in order of the dark, because Atlantis is strong again to defend it selves and building a protect shield above it. Once more I know Atlantis will rise again in peace and harmony with mother Earth and NOTHING WILL STOP IT. I hop that with my experience, I gives you a smile on your face again and took a way your sad feeling, don't worry, nothing cant stop the light anymore, and the dark is disappearing, they know it and still fight against because of their arrogance, better will be they change their point of view, accept the light feel the eternal love and go with us to the golden age of light, they have nothing to loose, only to gain, are they so ignorant , not to see it???? I forgive them and send them all love and light possible to fill up their dark life.
And today 11/10/10 you could see on my answer the photo of amazing strong sunrise on Atlantis rising again :)
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We are in a very interesting time cycle, of course it ask a lot of us and can make us a bite stressed.It is time for change, and the best way to go through is to do it quietly without fear, with full trust like you are floating in a river, don't try to reach the shores, just let you go to the midden of this beautiful river and go with the flow effortlessly, the river will bring you where you belong ;))So my beloved friends,Here you will find several link who brings you few interesting meditation.In this time of stress, its always find if you can take the time to relax, and what a better way than through a great meditation, that you can find in MP3 to download after signing in the page.The first one is to awaken your Kundaliniaffiliate_show_banner.php?ref=1922&affiliate_banner_id=31The second one is to experience Samadhiaffiliate_show_banner.php?ref=1922&affiliate_banner_id=50The third one is to guide you to your Akashic recordsaffiliate_show_banner.php?ref=1922&affiliate_banner_id=52The forth one is to enter you in the Blue Roomaffiliate_show_banner.php?ref=1922&affiliate_banner_id=48The fifth one is to become a manifesting magnetaffiliate_show_banner.php?ref=1922&affiliate_banner_id=51The sixth one is to merged with Divine Essenceaffiliate_show_banner.php?ref=1922&affiliate_banner_id=49The seventh is the key to your Manifested Enlightened relationshipaffiliate_show_banner.php?ref=1922&affiliate_banner_id=26May all your day's for ever be filled with the love and light from Atlantis,love you all, RobertO
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