J'Tariah En Ra El's Discussions (233)

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YOU'RE ASCENDING!! World Healing Ascension Invocation Meditation by Sananda -- It is Time Now to Together Co-Create Heaven on Earth (Terra Nova) -- We Are One and We Are Light! WITH ASCENSION GRAPHICS

World Healing Ascension Invocation Meditation by Sananda -- It is Time Now to Together Co-Create Heaven on Earth (Terra Nova) -- We Are One and We Are Light!



World Healing Ascension Invocation Meditation

by Sananda


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FOCUS!!! Stargate 7D 8D 9D 10D 11D 12D Holographic Source Astral Projection Balancing-Energies Galactic Meditation by Ashtar + Now is the Time! Is it TIME? by Ashtar Pre-Launch 5-4-3-2-1!!!!!!!!!!!!

FOCUS!!! Stargate 7D 8D 9D 10D 11D 12D Holographic Source Astral Projection Balancing-Energies Galactic Meditation by Ashtar + Now is the Time! Is it TIME? by Ashtar Pre-Launch 5-4-3-2-1!!!!!!!!!!!! 




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DIMENSIONAL JUMPS UPWARD NOW! 5D 6D 7D 8D 9D 10D 11D 12D Time-Space-Continuum Dimension Jump Meditation by Ashtar + From SOURCE for All + AA Michael's Call to His Legions + PULL YOUR SWORD

DIMENSIONAL JUMPS UPWARD NOW! 5D 6D 7D 8D 9D 10D 11D 12D Time-Space-Continuum Dimension Jump Meditation by Ashtar + From SOURCE for All + Archangel Michael's Call to His Legions + PULL YOUR SWORD (Use your Sword of Love and Light!) 




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STAY AWAKE LIGHTWORKERS! WAKE UP OTHERS! Ashtar and the Ashtar Command by Archangel Michael + In His Own Words By Lord Ashtar + The Real Ashtar by Lord Ashtar + What is the Ashtar Command? + How the A

STAY AWAKE LIGHTWORKERS! WAKE UP OTHERS! Ashtar and the Ashtar Command by Archangel Michael + In His Own Words By Lord Ashtar + The Real Ashtar by Lord Ashtar + What is the Ashtar Command? + How the Ashtar Command Came to Be + ASCENSION GRAPHICS




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GALACTIC ASCENSION, NOW! Stargate Crystalline Matrix Portal 888 Transmutation Meditation -- NOW UNTIL AUGUST SEVENTEENTH! + The Domino Effect = Planetary, Galactic, Universal, All That Is Ascension!

GALACTIC ASCENSION, NOW! Stargate Crystalline Matrix Portal 888 Transmutation Meditation  -- NOW UNTIL AUGUST SEVENTEENTH! + The Domino Effect = Planetary, Galactic, Universal, All That Is Ascension! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST-OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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ROAR, LIGHTWORKERS AND STARSEEDS!!!! Lion's Gate Ascension Teleportation Influx Time-Traveling Meditation by Archangel Michael! Roar, and LIGHT UP THE GRIDS, LIGHTWORKERS AND STARSEEDS!

Lion's Gate Ascension Teleportation Influx Time-Traveling Meditation by Archangel Michael! Roar, and LIGHT UP THE GRIDS, LIGHTWORKERS AND STARSEEDS!


Lion's Gate Ascension Teleportation Influx Time-Traveling Meditation 
Archangel Michael 

channeled throu

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