's Discussions (40224)

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Informative Sheldan Nidle and Galactic Federation of Light videos tons of great information about what's going on on our planet and in our galaxy right now and what happened in our past.

Sheldan Nidle when he was younger was contacted by 5th dimentional beings from the Sirius star system. Over the years they taught him everything that has been going on in this galaxy and on Earth and what is to come. In his teachings he has also lear

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Brighteon Media sues Google, Facebook, Twitter, NewsGuard, Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Global Engagement Center, ISD and others for globally-coordinated government-funded censorship coll

Brighteon Media sues Google, Facebook, Twitter, NewsGuard, Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Global Engagement Center, ISD and others for globally-coordinated government-funded censorship collusion against Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natur

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