So far using observational analysis I have concluded that the real Sun is inside our home and that the objects people often called the Sun and the Moon single handedly in the past, appear to be the same objects and are actually residing in our home´s atmosphere. Yet I am not asking anybody to believe what I am saying. So far I feel pretty happy to conclude that the Sun and the Moon as people used to call them reside within our home´s atmosphere and are often put there by human beings and that the real Sun is operating on the inside of our planet. But the planet we used to call the Earth.
So far the Earth has not been known to exist anyplace else than in the mainstream media. So far the generally accepted mainstream term used to refer to the apparently imaginary planet called Earth, is Terra - and thus not Earth. Terra is an international term used to refer to our world as a whole and thus not the Earth as an actual planet existing in this solar system. To create a One World Government, belief in a world you can centralize to dictate your commands is required. That world must have a name so that you can define that name, so that you can use that name to dictate your commands to influence peoples´perceptions of reality.
What is the Earth then? There is a very simple answer to that - the Earth is not any place in particular. It´s never been successfully photographed and recent analysis of supposed photographs of the Earth appear to reveal paintings rather than any significant proof which can demonstrate that the Earth actually exists. If we´re going to seriously attempt to provide the interplanetary community with proof positive that the Earth exists - we´ve gotta do better than analysing mere NASA and mainstream media footage.
Yes there must be real,hard core proof to substantiate the existence of the Earth. Please don´t provide me with fluffy photographs or digitally manipulated imagery. It works the same way with ´the Sun´and ´the Moon´. Yes you´re looking at your surroundings while standing on the ground but that´s the ground you´re standing on and that´s Terra you´re standing on, not the Earth. Worldwide realization that the Earth does not exist is going to help vast numbers of people to awaken from what I´d like to call the Earth Deception, which I believe is the real nature of what some have tried to term the Perception Deception. You´re told that this is Earth you´re looking at. Oh really? What if there´s more lands out there you´ve not been told anything about and that the real world looks a bit different? Belief in the existence of the Earth as our supposed home works perfectly for globalists because that enables them to jumpstart development projects on a global scale. Before the imaginary fantasy realm called Earth got introduced into public consciousness, real estate business in other countries was nearly totally impossible for people operating in places like New York or in London. Before the term ´homo sapiens sapiens´got introduced, people lived under small names they used to define their tribes and nation states, and now people are again starting to rebel against the use of ´homo sapiens sapiens´. Once I successfully proved I am a Neanderdthal peoples´perspective on the supposed extinction of the Neanderdthals changed dramatically. What did the Church and the Mosques do to keep people in line and to keep them from exploring? They introduced a Hell supposed to exist inside the Earth which has been recently used as an idea to produce Hollywood blockbuster movies like Into the Woods.
In other words since claims for the existence of the Earth are extraordinary in nature to prove their validity one must have access to data which can present that proof to anybody out there who still doubts the existence of the Earth, including me. So far however I used to believe in the actual existence of the planet known only in the Western World and hardly anywhere else under this very name, Earth. I even believed in it´s existence this morning. But later during the day I decided to conclude that the Earth doesn´t exist because I drew the conclusion that since it´s mostly a mainstream media creation it cannot possibly exist in this reality. Yet we are shown simple images of continents and continental rafts and those are portions of the planet known as Terra, not the planet known as Earth. Observational analysis has thus far led me therefore to consider the possibility that, if I am right, then we´ve all been lied to concerning claims of the existence of the Earth. Who makes most of those claims? The biggest liars, the mainstream media! So far people have claimed it´s relatively easy to find the Earth. All you´ve gotta do is look down. That´s not finding the Earth. That´s looking down at a portion of the planet Terra. Then people ask you to look up so you´ll find the sky. That´s looking directly into Terra´s atmosphere, not Earth´s atmosphere. After Earth vs. the Flying Saucers had been created and mass produced, it was now possible for the mainstream media to convince millions of people around the world that they were living on a planet known as Earth, despite everyone knew that Earth is such a recently coined phrase. Who first began to use the phrase Earth? Who first decided to get everybody together to call their world the same name? That is why claims for the existence of the Earth are by their very nature extraordinary and therefore require extraordinary evidence to support their content. I´m leaving it for the so - called self - described Earth Experts on Ashtar Command to be so kind to provide me with any proof that the Earth exists at all. I won´t be surprised if I won´t receive any actual proof and I´m not trying to talk down to Earth believers or Gaia hypothizers.
To my knowledge nobody seems to be able to point to the actual location of the Earth. What if the Earth is actually the biggest scam of all time, a scam so big it requires additional supplies of multiple billions of US dollars and British Pounds to keep itself from collapsing on itself like all scams do in the end? If nobody can point to the location of the Earth and thus prove that it exists, then the mainstream media is in serious trouble with the content of it´s myriad and seriously many times repeated claims of the existence of a planet they´d like to call Earth. Pointing here and there is not going to prove to me that the Earth exists. Sending me geosamples from Norway or Sweden or from Canada is not going to help me either and convince me that the Earth exists as a planet. The Earth huggers are going to have to dig further in their research to provide me with the kind of proof I am looking for. And so far we´ve all been told that the Earth is simply the Earth from cradle to grave by mainstream media journalists and all kinds of science book publishers, and I still don´t know who it was who actually used the phrase Earth. In my country the story goes that the British Edda claims Earth to be one of Thor´s daughters. And so certainly in our remote past there was no planet to anybody´s knowledge whose name was Earth. And if somebody decides to call somebody else an idiot for doubting the existence of the Earth that´s not going to be much of a help either.
Despite a few attempts made to ask me to look within or even beneath my belly for signs of proof positive that I am living on the Earth, these claimants appear to have found it signiticantly difficult to prove to me that this is actually the Earth I am living on. What I am living on, is our world. Terra. Not the Earth to my awareness. If I was able to look down upon the Earth and prove to myself thus that it exists, then I´d know for sure that the Earth exists. But so far most of the so - called photos of the Earth have been declared to be paintings or even digitally enhanced imagery, so how can such ´evidence´provide one academic with proof positive that the Earth actually exists?
Well according to traditional myth, the Earth is supposed to have existed for a) 6000 years according to extremist materialism and Young Earth Creationism and b) more than 6000 years according to the Mainstream Media. But isn´t it a bit curious that it is easier to determine the age of Venus and Jupiter than Earth? No one seems to know for sure how old the Earth is. So how can they then prove to themselves that it is actually the Earth the yare living on? Predictably they´re going to look for persons in ancient Greece and elsewhere who provided our ancestors reportedly with wonderful examples of how to measure the Earth. But what they´re not realizing is that those guys who were around in ancient times measuring This World, were not measuring the Earth but what they assumed was a planet they were living on, which they had no name for in particular. The case appears to be that the existence of the Earth in public memory has been around for at least 60 years instead of 6000. Sounds confusing? Who provided us with claims of proof positive that the Earth is 6000 years old? The Biggest Liars. And therefore who provided us with claims of proof positive that the Earth is older than 6000 years old? The descendants of these same people! The people who run the mainstream media! Most people are told that the Earth is all there is, so they will refuse to explore their surroundings. If they refuse to explore their surroundings, then they can be more easily managed by greedy staff superiors as obedient workers. If hundreds of millions of ´obedient workers´on this planet can be rendered convinced that they are all residing on the same sphere of perception by the Biggest Liars think they´re going to let people let go of the Earth as the only habitable world there is that easily? I don´t think so. Before 60 years ago it appears to be the case that relatively few people were talking about a planet known as the Earth. The place known traditionally as ´the Earth´on Google is really known simply as ´Your Location´and thus not Earth. Now you´re a bit confused aren´t you? If you don´t know you´re living on the Earth, how can you prove to other people that you are indeed living on the Earth?
Just remember that you can prove easily that America exists - there is North and South America. But you can prove with very little ease, if by the use of any methodology at all, that the imaginary realm known officially as the United States actually exists somewhere. When I was in New York over 10 years ago I was in New York, not the United States. When I told my friends a few weeks ago, one of them threatened to use my name to cause my privacy to be invaded. You see the US is a bit like Narnia. You only get to go there when U.S. Citizens call you. Just like you only get to go to Narnia when Narnia calls you. But you you can buy a flight ticket to North America and land on one of it´s States. In my honest to goodness opinion, the world I am presently residing on is probably hundreds of thousands of billions of years old. And it´s one of myriads of other worlds, most of them mostly unknown so far by the humanity which currently resides on Terra.