Dan's Posts (5)

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Latest Web Bot Report from http://www.halfpasthuman.com/

I just finished reading the latest Data Analysis Report from http://www.halfpasthuman.com/ (It costs $10.00 to download) and was more than a little impressed at how a LOT of what it describes in a section is calls "SpaceGoatFarts" (The extra terrestrial influences) could well be the fulfillment of a few of the channeled messages that have gone out lately. IT talks about a lot of "Lost" or "Hidden" information being released, mush to the chagrin of the PTB/w (powers that are/WERE). While a lot of the information is cryptic, to me anyway, a lot of it made perfect sense because of all the other information I gather. A lot of the information is from now through March of 2012 and a lot of from there, on.
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As I pasted my reply to the other discussion, the discussion was closed, right after I was booted from the same page mid reply. Those stating that the GFOL, FOL, ACC etc. are lies and/or aliens "coming to get us" are, as far as I can see AND sense, causing fear, unnecessarily. A reply I had for the other discussion, typed in WP, follows. This is regarding the YouTube video about NOT getting on any ship or believing any "alien", and why they are really coming.

Ah.. She and archangel Michael (who is just outside Pluto, on his way here but going to take until spring to get here) are going to”fix” this.
A group of “space aliens” that could easily and stealthily have come to this planet and taken hundreds of thousands of people, or millions (for food or whatever), that have been helping the population in general by stopping various governments and groups from either blowing up the planet or simply killing and disposing of millions MORE people than they have, that has been telling us that our governments have been planning a false flag alien invasion, also halted by these space aliens, is going to come in a friendly way just to haul as many of us away as possible to eat or enslave?!?
I’m sorry, but this feels a lot more to me like “Oh oh! We are losing and have lost control! The people don’t believe us any more and know we’re setting things up for world domination. Let’s reverse things and tell everyone that ALL of these aliens that ARE going to show themselves are bad and out to kill and eat you or at least put you in to slavery.” (The Outer limits episode "To Serve Man" comes to mind.)
To me, as in my personal opinion, what would you say if Linda Lovelace (I know, an OLD name) decided to say the same thing after “channeling” a ton of info while telling you that no one else should or could be believed because SHE was THE channel of the right and proper angelic beings, and then totally changed her story. Discernment, REAL LOVE and light will allow each of us to KNOW what’s up when the time comes. I KNOW how to expand my aura of knowing, sensing love and light. By the time this all hits (Again, personal opinion but based on several other sources) before Mid November, or the end of November THIS year, we will, those of us that DO base our energies in and on love, know who is right and who or what to believe. No SINGLE channeler or source of information is going to be 100% right and accurate, (Even those "I" love) so we have to blend and discern for ourselves. Anyone trying to stir fear is not to be believed. “Fear is the mind killer”, remember...
I do not, as far as I know, channel anything other than me, but I DO know what strikes me as pure fear mongering and stirring the pot vs making calm and honest statements. If you watch the video again and really listen, she is not scared, she is excited! More attention coming!
Again, this is what I see and sense. NOT that I plan on hopping on any ship if and when invited. But if and when invited, I will reach out and feel, sense and discern whether or not I am being lied to AND A twisted truth IS a lie.
I had most of this typed in and the ACC page simply reset itself for no reason, so now, in WP, I’ve retyped and will copy-n-paste. THEN as I pasted, the other discussion was closed to replies and then simply went away...

With Love, Light, Peace, Healing Energy and Discernment to ALL!
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To know, to dare, to keep silent... No more with the silent part! Over it!

There is an energy and a power that is "letting" tiny little bits of information out, a tiny little bit at a time. "IT" needs to stop holding the flow back and FLOOD the world. This (ours) AND the other dimensions.
There are things that SHOULD have been seen, and should be known, by all, by now.
The world IS waking up, but slowly.
Those already awake NEED to consciously send love (AND light, peace and healing) to "Every Living Being" in, on and above the earth as well as to the earth itself.
To the body of the earth and to the spirit and soul OF the earth.
(I call Gaia, you may have another name.)
Whether the messages we get are from Blossom Goodchild, Mike Quincey, Sheldon Nidle or any of the many others, (And I love them all) we NEED to take them with a grain of salt and let our intuition guide us as to what we DO or how we act on their information.
Not thoughts and decisions, but what our instincts, FEELINGS and Intution lead us to.
These others (The senders of the messages, not the channelers) are NOT going to step in and save the day. (GFOL, FOL, Ashtar Command, The Ascended Masters, Etc. Etc. Etc.)
They WILL step UP and HELP, when we are ready to accept the help and not just with verbal (or written) talking.
We need to KNOW what is and what isn't and act accordingly.
Not necessarily by going out and DOING something, but by a conscious directing of energy to where it's needed, to whom it's needed and "to WHEN" it's needed.
Liner time is NOT a restraint when we send love, light and healing energy.
Light..., Dark..., at this time it doesn't really matter at all as it's ENERGY, as in Love, Light, Healing etc, that we are (or should be ) sending.
Think for a minute of and for the person you like the least or actually dislike the most.
Consciously send the energies of Love, Light and Healing to, at and towards that person.
(And NO, You do NOT need their permission!)
Keep it up until you can do it with a happy, glad or open heart. When that person (or group, or country or what-EVER) has stopped being on that "dislike" list, pick another and DO it again.
(We are all advanced enough that there should be NO ONE on a hate list!)
We can HELP WAKE (No, not HELP, just flat wake up!) the rest of humanity IF we stop with the Ego thing.
The ME ME ME thing.
Yes, I know that most of us think there is no ME ME ME.
"`cause I'm over the ego thing and have conquered THAT. "
But if "I" have to stop and reassess myself all the time, don't we all?
Why do I feel "this way" about "that, him, her, it or THEM".
Most times it's because, if even from a point of love, they didn't do what "I" thought should be done, say what I thought should have been said or react the way I thought they should.
We all have a destiny, a course chosen before we got here.
"WE" Chose it before we got here.
We CAN change it, deny it or head in another direction, but if (or when) we do, it WILL cause stress, strife and a certain amount of pain to US as well as those we were to be serving by following that path.
Time really IS getting short (not faster, shorter) and we need to act while we can.
Evolution (Spiritual, Mental, metaphysical) is cranking up here and if we aren't in a place to accept it and change as well, we're in trouble.

This started as a short reply to another thread and took off, so I deleted it, copied it to Notepad and kept going.
As I keep "discovering" people of power and light, and discuss with them that we've been sensing each other but worried about saying something that might "put off" or upset the other, this just flew out of me, 2 hours after I should have been in bed, snoring and dreaming of things to come. This message has no anger in it. Just love and hope! While we do need to THINK about what's going on in and around us, we really do need to listen to our intuition and act on that first. The thinking part is about why we feel or think a certain way. THEN let things flow.

Love, Light Peace and Healing energies to each of you.

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A little rewording of a reply to another post...

I am a little concerned about this site and a more than a few others I visit (or try to) daily, if not more often. (and therefore concerned about all those, or all of us that visit said sites.) There is something going on that has "dampened" a lot of the emotion, love and compassion I used to feel/sense here and on many other sites. The Love IS still there (and here), but... There is also a problem or a dampening being attempted on the "over all", the real love and anticipation of the great things coming, the changes and the building up of the light and energy. The changes we all KNOW are coming and the advances we are all making. I have no factual, scientific or other physical evidence that "I" have changed over the past few months, but I KNOW and FEEL that I have. We are all in that same boat, I'm sure, but in the past few weeks the joy of that knowing has been put down or "dampened" by someone(s) or something. The information coming through this site (and others) has slowed down and the few that have continued their regular, clockwork type postings (OK, a few OF them, not all) are the ones I tend to shy away from and not trust as much for one reason or another. We all need to keep up the love being sent to ALL and the gratitude and compassion, even to those that we have a great dislike or mistrust of. While I dislike using words from the old days (when I was a bible thumper), we need to be discerning and let our higher selves have full access to all the information we get, whether it be here, through Blossom's or any others channeled messages/web sites. ( "I" felt at perfect peace with the channeled message from Blossom on 4-23-09, in case you were wondering.) Before you close your eyes to sleep at night, picture yourselves "channeling" (If you use and send your own energy rather than channeling the universal energy you'll feel drained rather than refreshed when you awaken.) all the love, gratitude and compassion you can to everyone possible. Whether it be someone you know and like, know OF and dislike or even that face that frowned at you in/at the market/store/library/gas station/where-EVER. If we ALL keep this up, the love WILL win and consume all the other/darker emotions, thoughts and parts of any darkness. As an empath that can sense a lot, even and especially through the written words of others, I say the above to assist and not to threaten, scare or otherwise worry any one or shadow anything.This is NOT meant as an affront to anyone, but rather as a (warning is not the right word, but) notice, light, finger pointed in the right direction, idea, thought or even a whisper to watch out for what's going on around us. Be Aware...This video tells me that we ( " I " ) need to send the love, thoughts and light to ALL we possibly can. The line about having the whole world against you as long as you follow your soul really got to me. Even if and though we can't "go out and DO", we CAN send the love, light and proper energy to the entire world. Being part of a mass meditation is a great thing, but to keep that love and caring up the rest of the time, when ever you can is greater yet. Our loving energy can and WILL change the entire world and I excitedly await the day I wake up to the massive changes we're created.Namaste (in EVERY sense of the proper definition of the word), Light and massive amounts of LOVE to ALL of you!Dan
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