Cortex's Discussions (121)

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In my opinion charity is a very important thing - it teaches us compassion with those who have more serious problems than you.


We do not even need to donate money all the time. Since in many cases donating something as cheap as a smile or a gaze or s

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Is it all pointless?

I'm feeling at the very moment as no matter what you do, if you are a white or a dark had it is all totally ointless:


Even those we usually consider to be in a better position than I am at the moment have to face that fact that there are no gains wit

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Signal from Ganymede


Did NASA and SETI astronomers actually detect an alien signal from one ofJupiter’s largest moons, Ganymede, during the 1980’s? According to someresearchers the answer is yes.

Breaking News:  NASA and SETI Astronomers detect an artificial alien radio

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As I finished a short meditation I saw the following time on my clock:




Five times Five.


From all possibilities this is actually the most unlikely to see...


But it is already the second ocurence of me seeing this number on a digital clock with

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Balancing the Balance

It may sound unlikely at first but then it became more clear to me:

To much balance may take your power and the joy of life away.

Think of an condensator. As long as there is an imbalance of charge it can perform electric work.
But as soon as the electr

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11:11 is NOW!!!!

New Reality Transmission

"On 11-11, 2010, one million people across the globe will mentally project a unified vision of a new paradigm for our species... a new reality.  The very real physics that connects human consciousness with molecular structure

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Artificial or Natural?

Where is the difference between artificial and natural things?

In my opinion THERE CANNOT BE ANY!

If the there is no duality in the higher realities there can also be no opposites anymore.

Furthermore consider this:

If creation of new things itself is a

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