Cedric's Discussions (96)

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Condensendant arogance

I do not know if it is just me, but i feel like people who talk in the name of god always seem to be verry arogant. This is only my view on the matter and i am no specialist so bare with me. I kind of never understood where they get this condensendan

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The air has cleared...

Feared the sky was falling on my head and i could not see straight , so i put on my intelectually intented glasses and a helmet. The bombardment of words was kind of heavy, so just in case i'll keep them on for a while...lol. And Jericha your descrip

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This morning, i fell out of bed from a 5.8 tremor in Puerto Rico. It is a weird feeling when it happens and the silence afterwards is out of this world. Normaly this being tropical, there is a incredible amount of noice outside from insects frogs etc

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Here i go again

Jumping of mauntains into the abbys. And getting artefacts with powers. Then waiking up feeling like they hit me with a bus. verry intens dreams latelly, it is a pitty i always wake up in the midlle of it thanks to my buddies the COQUI FROGs...one of

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At least 2 or 3 times a week i go diving at my favorite beach and always i spend my time getting shit out of the water. Today i fished 12 botlles of beer 7 cans of beer and 5 plastic bags out of the deep...PISSES ME OFF!!!! Yesterday some kids had a

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Mystical marriage.

Interesting and more acurate definition than kundalini exp or re-birth. After having this hapening to me i was not at all happy with the terms. Now this one sounds more like it. The mystical marriage of the inner masculine and feminine energies opens

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There it went

Changes are manifesting fast, i am starting to feel unconfertable. A strange and unexpected thing happened. I can not stand to eat meat anymore and me being a coffee adict has to stop drinking it ...!!!???. It tastes like S..t. Talk about cleaning up

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You ask and you will recieve...i have always been for truth, ever sinds i was i kid and started talking my only questions were, who am i and what do i do here, and why are things the way they are. So now i am in a truth mode more than ever and it is

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