Apocalypstick's Discussions (7)

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FLOW - The privatization of Water

FLOW is a documentary about our water.
It uncovers the conspiracy to privatise water, selling it to the people who need it the most, and are least able to afford it. Bringing countries under slavery for a basic human need.
It also covers the absolutely

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I am a feminist. I am proud to be a feminist. Contrary to popular belief, feminism is NOT a dirty word.

I am a feminist because I believe women are powerful and we have been wrongly denied our rightful place as EQUALLY important aspects in Earth's di

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I don't know why.

I'm a very open minded person. I love spirituality and alternative views. I love discussing theories with intelligent, well researched people.You'd think I'd love it on AC right?Yet every time I come here, I feel annoyed, aggravated, depressed and di

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