Try to imagine INFINITE space, a volume, to be more precise, all that there is, nothing outside of it! Really, try it now. Take a realmoment and try to imagine it.
It is hard to imagine as we really don't have a visual for what the INFINITE really is. We try toenvision the Universe as INFINITE volume, but that's also hard to getyour head around.
Therefore I propose that you imagine an object, a sphere, in which there is INFINITE volume, but since youcan't imagine it from the inside, try to imagine it from an imaginaryoutside (as the volume of the sphere is INFINITE, there can be no realoutside span).

Now imagine that inside the INFINITE volume, there is matter and energy,both constantly changing form and in motion, much like an infinitevolume RIVER or CURRENT. A good visual for that would be the Yin / Yangsymbol. Energy moving from black through the white tunnel to thewhite side, back through the black tunnel to the black side, constantly,and forever.

Now imagine that you are inside the sphere, an infinitesimally small partof the INFINITE Universe. What happens when we divide INFINITY byINFINITY? You get 1 (ONE). Think about that. Whatever it is that weare in, the Universe, INFINITY, GOD, whatever you call it, it is thewhole thing, there is nothing else other than it, and you, no matter howmuch you weigh or how much space you take up, are such an infinitelysmall part of it, that there is no way to separate yourself from thewhole thing. You are simply a tiny part of the INFINITE CURRENT ofenergy that constantly flows, like a river through the Universe. Thereis nothing outside of this CURRENT, and YOU are it!
Just like when a drop of water falls into the ocean, and we can not tellapart the drop of water from the ocean, neither can you distinguishyourself from the INFINITE volume itself. You ARE the volume, theINFINITE, or if you want to call it something else, GOD!
But even though you are INFINITE, the WHOLE THING, GOD, at this moment YOUare conscious of it from a human perspective. Notice that I did not saythat you are a human, as we are pretending that we are the CURRENTflowing everywhere, and at this moment, YOU are seeing that from a humanperspective. In fact the CURRENT, is flowing through EVERYTHING, andsees itself from the perspective of EVERY living and non-living (ormore accurately said "non-measurably-living") thing.
If you really imagine what it is like to feel that, REALLY take it in, youmay realize (Awaken to) that all of your fears, your desires, yourplans, your goals, your wealth, your misery and happiness, are all aDREAM. You are DREAMING of being a human. You are actually theCURRENT, the ENERGY, that flows through everything, all the time. Youwere not born on your birthday, you are the CURRENT that has been aroundfor EVER and EVER and EVER.
Now what is FOREVER time? It is INFINITE time, and if you try to divide INFINITE TIME, INFINITETIMES, you get ONE! ONE what? ONE TIME! ONE MOMENT! That is ALLTHERE IS! The ONLY MOMENT that is REAL, the ONLY MOMENT that EXISTS!
Our ILLUSION of TIME as a sequence of seconds, minutes, and sunrises andsunsets that we call days, is pointless, NOT REAL! In fact, it is anarbitrary period that we have chosen to focus on as being relevant toour human experience and awareness.
So if there is NO TIME, just ONE FOREVER MOMENT, and our experience of that MOMENT is justa DREAM, then what happens when one WAKES UP from the DREAM?
Well, one sees, clearer than ANYTHING ELSE that one has EVER SEEN BEFORE, the TRUTH!
I am TIMELESS, INFINITE, FOREVER FLOWING, with NO FEAR of death, lack ofaccomplishment, or anything else that may have every bothered you. I AMGOD, YOU ARE THE SAME GOD, WE ARE THE UNIVERSE!
So what do you do when you realize this? What does GOD want to do?
If you have NO FEAR, NO LONGING for ANYTHING, COMPLETE CONTENT AND PEACE? You relax, and explore the experience of being human. You PLAY, youLOVE, you LOVE you PLAY. Your PLAY becomes your WORK, as you don't workout of fear, but out of PLAY. Your LOVE becomes your BLISS, and youLOVE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING, as you clearly FEEL that each of those"things" that you see are EXPRESSIONS of YOU, PERFECT, BEAUTIFUL, PUREEXPRESSIONS OF ALL THAT THERE IS, AKA "REALITY"!
Wake up!
lead to Rome they lead to zeropoint in our heart and we can have such wonderful fun
with each other in the dance of heart being pulsing and thumping with delight
when we are in the moment with yin/yang dancing in ecstatic unison
think on this Annaja. Anna who is from a holy place for the angels sing before
our Creator God Hosannah Hosannah in the highest and ja or ia is a name of God
So dear Annaja who is from All That Is and who just is One Beautiful Ecstasy
have a wonderful day lots of love and light with a few cuddles tossed in Kingjeff
before we inhale it and it continues to breath us and keep us alive. I've wondered the same thing and
I have also used the Yin/Yang however I went further using Pink feminine and Gold masculine for it
was the only way I could end up with the orange Chicken egg. This has been a mystery to me along
the way. I know that I am that energy expressing in the form I have been given with the tasks to perform
which I am growing into which as I have said has to do with re-unification hence the Unifiers Group so
Huge Ambition thank you for allowing me this opportunity to express myself this way.
Lots of light and love my brother keep up the good work Kingjeff