





June 6

About Yourself

I am a professional musician and a seeker of Truth. I have been around a very long time. I lift weights to stay in physical shape. My bodometer registered 84 years last June.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

L Ron Hubbard, Takahama (Judo for 7 years), Pantanjali, Yogananda, Buddha, JC, Harry Palmer, Gerald O'Donnell. Osho, Ra, the Elohim, The Law of ONE, my cat, Leroy.

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  • Hello Don ! I hope you and your lovely wife are doing well and you two are still enjoying music together - Blessings - Robby

  • only just saw your request for my free book, you may have contacted me elsewhere but will send it just in case, dont come on here very often.

  • Hi Don,

    Please escuze my delay in writing but I not entered this page for a while...I had listened your tracks and man, your music is asbolutely fantastic! very nice playing and musical thinking.Are you using Cubase? outside jazz (which by the way is the most professional music style after classicaly) what other kind of music are you playing? when you have some  time off please listen one of my piece


  • hi Don.. thanks for adding.. hope u are good... cool that u have read Castaneda... the Toltec warriors worldview is what finds me in line with, mostly.. i feel i just resonate with them more than any other path... although im familiar with Eckhart Tolle's name, from forums and such... i dont know anything about him or his books...

    i didnt know u were musician... Respect... :)


  • Thanks for the add of friendship Don, which photo the Caves one? :)
  • Thank you for the friendship request.
  • Hey Don - thanks for adding me as a friend, my friend. :)  Yes, I love that the Hathors "cut to the chase."  A very timely and important message especially for those of us who are going through this Void thing. 



  • Thank you, Don, for asking! Love and light.
  • Hi Don.  Pleased to make your acquaintance.
This reply was deleted.
Don Baaska replied to Kelly Lightchalice's discussion I don't understand what these lights are that I am seeing, can anyone help?
"Yeah I get that "pixelated" thing in the corner of both eyes now--not too frequently. Originally it was only in the corner of the left eye. 
sometimes it is so strong that I can't focus on the computor screen and have to close my eyes for a bit. I…"
Apr 20, 2012
Don Baaska replied to Olga Van Karnig's discussion Ben Fulford: Rothschild Family Representative Leaves Japan Empty-handed, Makes Threats

I tuned in to the weather channel this afternoon and it reported another earthquake in Japan. So far have not seen it on the networks.
You guys should check Fulford's interview with David Wilcock to get his whole story. He speaks fluent Japanese…"
Nov 24, 2011
Don Baaska replied to Krishna Kalki's discussion Tell us all what you did on the 28th Oct 2011 and did you feel a change?
"I slept in until noon, made a pot of coffee and drank 3 cups and ate 2 bananas and did my emails and fed the cats.
Meditated and did some some chores. Took may vitamins.
Watched MSNBC Hardball with Chris Mathews.
Meditated some more.
Mafe a pot of…"
Oct 29, 2011
Don Baaska commented on Olga Van Karnig's blog post The Shift: Three days of darkness
"Thanks Olga
I've run into this before but never so so complete and explicit.
Now I gotta check out Kireal and Fred Sterling. New to me.
Love, B"
Aug 25, 2011

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