

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - February 21, 2012

4 Kan, 17 Zac, 8 Manik

Selamat Jarin! We return! Much continues to happen. We are monitoring the final negotiations between the secret sacred societies and the world's military. An alliance is being formed which is the precursor to a series of arrests that will bring down many major dark-controlled governments. This operation is scheduled to start once basic agreements are in place and needless to say, the dark cabal is working diligently to prevent this from happening. Our liaisons have stepped in and are encouraging the chosen militaries and their leaders to complete these vital discussions as quickly and seamlessly as possible. We have also sent in this fleet's military advisors to explain several alternative scenarios that we would rather not be compelled to use. The first response of these military leaders to our suggestions is that these alternatives sound 'interesting' and hence have a good chance of being chosen to oust the cabal-led governments from power. Thus, we are now exploring the best way to use one of our many options with these military leaders.

Our technologies place a wide choice of procedures at our disposal. What is needed is to be able to override any given military force in the event that it is used against us to prevent government change. All we require is a gentleman's agreement that the leaders of these chosen militaries will not respond with any major action against what we have in mind. This is what we are discussing at length with many of these leaders. The result so far is the beginnings of a system of responses which are to happen once we institute our plan to extract the 'bought' political leaders from power. The military is agreeing to accept only certain individuals to be ministers and secretaries in the caretaker governments and these posts have to do with military and veteran affairs. The result of this complex agreement will be a number of transitional governments. Once this pact is firmly in place we intend to begin the process of arrests that will take down these many cabal-directed regimes.

We find working closely with these secret sacred societies to be quite interesting. All of them are deeply committed to change and bringing peace and prosperity to this world. Like the Ascended Masters they jointly represent, the organizations are dedicated to using the vast resources they each command. At present, our Earth allies are moving into the last stages of a legal maneuver that will greatly help the cause of these many secret sacred societies. We have explained that Heaven has a timetable and once we are in a position to move, we intend to do so. The dark has used its guile, its sheer hubris, and its knowledge of the workings of this reality to defeat and delay the Light. Our aim is to use our superior technology and wisdom to overcome the dark's advantages. This we have done, and we now intend to exercise our capabilities when the final agreements are in place. The surface population of Gaia has suffered far too long for us to hesitate further.

We intend to accompany this final series of operations with more extensive daytime flyovers and displays. We need to let you know that we are here. What we do not want is to overdo it and thereby give the dark any chance of using these displays as opportunities for propaganda against the Light. This is quite a high-wire act, as you can imagine, and we intend to be very judicious in pursuit of our goals. Shortly after the new governments are established, a series of disclosure broadcasts will be made, and these will be reciprocated by us in a positive and forthright manner. The announcements will lead to discussions between us regarding a first contact operation and its heavenly objectives. We need to begin a level of dialogue with you, which will then be hugely expanded upon when the landings are accomplished. This important exchange will be mainly about you and full consciousness. A great watershed in your history will be upon you, and this will require open and comprehensive discussion about what it all means for your civilization and for you. You need to know what the true implications of this new epoch are all about.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day with good news. Our associates are readying the plans that are to be used to deliver your sacred prosperity and to arrest those who have ordered their minions to prevent your freedom from manifesting. Various governments on your world are using slanderous rhetoric and brute force to beat down those who openly declare themselves for freedom. We are almost ready to unleash on your behalf a great spiritual power that will allow this reality to accelerate the transformation designed to sweep these unholy ones from office. Our galactic associates are likewise nearly ready to assist us and permit this great miracle to manifest. What we all intend is to free you from the weighty shackles placed upon you many millennia ago by the dark. These ones now insolently threaten you with a major conflict which they think can somehow perpetuate the tight grip they currently have over your reality. This is not going to happening!

Our desire is for you to be able to express openly your newly reborn sovereignty. This brings with it much responsibility. You need to realize that you are to reform your socio-cultural web and reorder your financial and governmental systems. This will give you a vigorous new range of perceptions about how your reality operates. This can be done only because you have risen in consciousness and have begun to experience the way this transforming reality affects you. The world that most of you grew up in is to slip away and be replaced with new governance and abundant prosperity. This new reality cannot be approached like the former one. Rather, it requires new understanding, new thought, and new action. We wish to come among you then in great numbers and assist you. Let this new epoch of humanity be declared and let its great joys be experienced by all!

Your life is to take on a whole new significance, and your responsibilities, as you can well imagine, will increase proportionally. You are to greet your Inner Earth family and celebrate this new epoch with your spiritual and space brothers and sisters. We are in great joy over being able at this time to walk freely among you and, as many of us did in former times, to teach you about the wonders of Spirit and the joys of being freed from the dark and its fearful theologies. In Love and Light we are to go forth together and sustain Mother Earth and all that live upon her. Whether plant or animal, we rejoice in what all will become. The beauty of Earth, both inner and outer, will be revealed to you. All peoples of this solar system will unite to produce a new star-nation, which will then become the driving energy for transforming this galaxy and indeed all physicality.

Today, we continued our discussion about how your global society is changing. You are in the midst of the dark's final insane attempt to foment a great catastrophe. This war will not happen as there are those who possess the power to prevent it. Nevertheless, the dark will use all at its disposal to manifest this irrational conflict. Praise be to the mighty of the Light and their ways! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization


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  • Hope everything will be done in peaceful manner, no killings to innocents civilians. Me too is eager to see the mass landings of of STAR RELATIVES. GOD BLESS TO ALL OF US.

  • So wonderful, hopefully very soon good things will start to happen! :)

  • I love being on the Ashtar crew ,and hope to see things all play out very soon ,but also feel there is not much more i can do until then.I am ready as i will ever be

    A-Z of Alien Species active in Earths Evolution



    "The Airborne division of the Great White Brotherhood"
    One of the most interesting and intriguing extraterrestrial groups of them all is that of Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar Command.


    Commander Ashtar is the man who is in charge of the Airborne Division of the Great White Brotherhood, or Brotherhood of Light. Commander Ashtar and His vast extraterrestrial army of workers of over twenty million, work closely and in conjunction with the Ascended Masters.


    Besides the twenty million personnel under His command in our solar system, of which He is in charge, there are another four million members and workers on the physical plane. Commander Ashtar, Himself, is a great and noble being approximately seven feet in height with blue eyes.


    His body type is that of the Adam Kadmon which means it is similar to ours of Earth. He evolved from the planet Ashtar, in His development as a soul. He has never had an embodiment on planet Earth. Although Commander Ashtar is in charge of the space fleet in our solar system, He is not restricted to this sector of space in terms of His service.


    He represents our solar system in the council meetings of our galaxy, and universes throughout the greater omniuniverse. One of the important things to understand about Commander Ashtar and His army of workers, and fleet of extraterrestrial aircraft, is that they are etheric in nature. They do not have physical bodies like we do, however they are able to manifest physical bodies, and manifest their aircraft onto the physical plane anytime they want.

    A person seeing them would not think of them any differently than you or I. Most of the life on the other planets in our solar system is etheric in nature. Sometimes for this reason these beings have been called etherians. They would not be considered disincarnate beings for they do have bodies.


    They are in a state of evolution just as we are, and their life on their plane is not that much different than ours, except that they have transcended much of the lower self and astral desire that the people of Earth struggle with so frequently. Commander Ashtar also works closely with the Angelic Kingdom, most specifically with Archangel Michael.


    Commander Ashtar is an extremely loving and gentle man but stern and adamant in His mission to serve, educate and protect humankind throughout the solar system.


    Commander Ashtar and His crew do not wish to be seen as Gods, but rather as comrades and equals with us on paths of ascension and beyond. Two of his main missions are to spiritually educate mankind to their true mission for being here, and secondly to defend and protect the Earth and the solar system from hostile and selfish extraterrestrial groups.


    People have no idea of the gratitude that is entitled to Him and His tireless crew and workers.

    The Ashtar Command and the Negative Extraterrestrials
    There are many extraterrestrial civilizations throughout the galaxy, universe, and omniuniverse that have come to Earth to collect data and perform experiments for their own selfish purposes.


    They are not here to be of service. Some of these extraterrestrials are of what might be termed a neutral nature, and some are serving the Dark Forces.


    There are also negative extraterrestrials who openly oppose the Great White Brotherhood and the Ashtar Command. They would seize the planet and take it over if they could. It is the Ashtar Command and civilizations like that of Arcturus, that have protected us from this taking place. Just like in Star Trek, there are bands of renegades in their star ships, that are escorted out of our sector by these commands.


    Many of the Ashtar Command walk among us on our streets on Earth without us even being aware of it. The Ashtar Command serves in a certain sense as heaven’s policemen, there are actually six planets in the Orion system, and a group called the Deros, from inner space, that have had to be cordoned off so beware of anything to do with the Orion Nebula.


    One of the problems the Ashtar Command has is that if our government makes legally binding agreements with certain negative extraterrestrial groups, they are not allowed to interfere with our free choice, unless we are endangering our solar system and galaxy.


    The number of negative extraterrestrials is small in number compared to the vast number of positive extraterrestrials, however, the negative ones are quite dangerous if not controlled.


    Thank goodness for the Ashtar Command. As a general rule, the cigar shaped UFO craft are potentially the dangerous extraterrestrials.


    There are a few exceptions to this rule.


    Back to The Ashtar Command

    Back to White Brotherhood

  • Note the importance of not overwhelming the skies with craft at this stage, lest the dark try to panic the general public into an "invasion" type mindset.....

    Look upon the governments as the Nazis in 1944, just prior to the D-day landings....We are the resistance....

    • This reply was deleted.
      • Well this process of full decloaking requires a change to actual or potential earth military hostilities....and that would mean that dark government needs to go...Or the military must rebel against any orders to attack the fleets...

        Also, the media, governments, armed services and corporations need to be rechartered and compelled to reveal truth...so that scare stories about "alien invasions" cannot be concocted by them...

        I cannot give timescales, as the process is ongoing and dates could be used to plan a counter...

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ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

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