A Website and A Global Electronic Newsletter

A Thought, A Way of Life,


ISSUE #151



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Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted

With Love and dedication to the Light by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers.

One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward, feel free to share this information.




*** The Gathering of She 2011



*** Let Go Of All Excuses and Procrastinations


*** The Fulcrum of the Future

*** Imperfections, Frailties, and Failures To The Universe They Are A Place Of Possibility

*** St Germaine Violet Flames Chevron Amethyst




THE 5th Annual




October 22-23 2011


As we get closer to the intersection of time and circumstance entering the gate of 2012, we come to a place of seeing with a blind eye. A place that grants us a glimpse into what could be, what could happen, what could come to past. Within the gray matter of all that is the human mind is a portal of knowing and remembering. We all feel the sense of dread and anticipation as we round the corner over the mountain of self. Will our internal visions come to past? Will our hearts and future soar with hope or dive into the deep abyss of all that shadows our precious light?


This years Gathering of She goes beyond a conference and meeting point. This Gathering of She embraces a power beyond logic and known ability into a place that issues a fierce feminine decree ‘we will not succumb to the will of what was written and decreed for millenniums past, we will create a promising future.’


This year’s Gathering of She asks you to put on your big girl panties and stop whining about all that has gone wrong in your life this past year and step up to a place of full fledged creation, on such a vast paramount scale, angels fear to tread . A place where victims do not live, a place reserved for those true of heart and Great of Spirit.  A bold intelligent place that risks all to save what goodness still dwells upon earth. We all feel the pull in our hearts to do more, to be more, to achieve more. A quickening is upon us and we feel it in every cell of our body.


This Gathering of She is for those daughters of light that cannot give up on hope or humanity. Together we will seed a future that is deemed to continue into a place beyond what we previously have known as truth. Within each of us is a seed of light that came from the stars and holds the future within its very nucleus. Within us is a love that is so deep it cannot be compared to any measurement on earth. When all agendas are placed aside, the vibration of pure possibility awakens from a deep cellular sleep.


We are granted the gift to shift what appears dark and thick with sadness. The energies come to confuse us and take us from out destined path of light. Day after day one thing after another comes to steal our peace and our joy. We push our hearts needs to the side and serve ourselves up a plate of cold disappointments. The disappoints serve only to lower our immune system and change our energy fields into a place of confusion. Most days we do not know if we are coming or going. We are emotionally stretched in so many ways our tapestry of light is worn thin. The Great Comforter comes on Wings of Light to this Gathering of She, promising a place of cosmic resolution where the pixels of truth are seen on a virtual wide screen. 


Each of you is a living pillar of light, like a nebula, a star nursery; you were born to succeed in ways others can only dream. Each of you represents a multitude of light masters and councils of light that came to earth to help her through this upcoming transformation.  We each have a symbiotic relationship with earth, we feel for her as she feels for us. The beautiful Smokey Mountains of eastTennessee is the perfect energetic place to come to a place of higher knowing. The land is pure and the people are good hearted, no matter what their spiritual or religious beliefs.   Autumn in the mountains is refreshing as all the colors give to one an optical healing that goes beyond understanding.


Set your Heart and Light for October 22-23 2011 and point your magic wand in the direction of theSmokey Mountains and Sevierville Tennessee.  Women of Great Light from all over the world come to experience the 5rd ANNUAL GATHERING OF SHE: ‘THE PROPHETIC SHE’ held at the BLUFF VIEWCONFERENCE CENTER in HIDDEN MOUNTAIN RESORT-Sevierville. Tennessee.  This Event comes to fill your heart with a soft powerful feminine light that heals and guides.  Each speaker houses codes of Light that will awaken the Divine Feminine allowing you access to ancient and future truths. Come join us for 2 Days of Journeys Working with The Prophetic She in all her Sacred forms.

More info Posted




As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


We herald from the Star and the System of Light known as Arcturus.  We hold keys to Time Gates that are being given issuance to open.  These Time Gates herald situations of healing for all of humanity.  The Time Gates occupy a space which holds unto all that it serves.  As the Time Gates are unlocked, what once served you will be released into a flow that moves away from you.  Everything that you have held unto emotionally, physically and mentally is now given a decree to be released. 


It is time to heal.  It is time to release the pain in your heart.  It is time to let go.  It is time to forgive.  It is time to love, deeper, fuller, more beautifully than you ever have thought. The Time Gates have held your thinking in a formatted structure that has served humanity up until now.  As long as you had the security of the four walls and the ceiling to rely upon, you were not afraid.  As the constructs of invisible walls and ceilings are released from you emotionally and mentally, you are then free to fly home into your original source thought.


The walls in your heart, the walls in your life, in your automobile, in your home, in your thinking – have all served you.  They have lovingly served and limited you.  They have kept you looking at the same scenarios over and over again, never refreshing what you thought in the past, always bringing it to the future, to the now, chewing and re-chewing what you created as truth. 


Imagine a world where you own nothing and yet you have everything. There is never envy or jealousy towards another --- for each individual has the same inherent ability to create.  A place where each passing thought creates whatever you need.  Imagine a world where nothing is concealed and all is seen.   Imagine a world where you as a community decided upon the weather patterns, where you as a community decided upon how crops, trees, flowers  would grow and what elements would be inherent within them.  This is a scene taken from Arcturus. This can be your future if you choose wisely. 


Imagine a world where with a single thought, you could create any healing action that you needed or wanted. Imagine a world where you could see your past/present/future in one sitting. See all the expressions of yourself, all apexes, all mistakes, all loves and angers in situations time after time. Enabling you to choose with full knowledge, and a full heart, your next expression of self.  Imagine a world where you thirsted for knowledge as water. You have explored and experienced all the knowledge of your realm and you seek knowledge from other dimensions and spheres of existence. Seeking knowledge, seeking wisdom, seeking truth from place after place, star after star, experience after experience.  Creating love in places that never knew of love.  Heart in places that had no heart.  Joy in places that had never felt it. 


Your bodies were formed from the stars and they yearn to go home. Allow us to lift you back into the stars while your feet are still on the earth.  Allow us to stretch your humanness beyond its boundaries, complications, angers and its sadness.  Allow us to retrieve for you the knowledge that you seek, the answers that you need.  See us as a cosmic search engine of sorts. 


We stretch ourselves to answer what needs to be answered.  We are not Gods.  We are not grander than you are, but we are your potential, as you are our past.  Strive to become more and in that striving, you will expand your consciousness and your ability to perceive worlds beyond worlds.  See us as those that come to help you heal.  We ache as we watch you trip upon yourselves.  There are so many blocks within your consciousness that you trip over day after day like land mines. They explode as rage in your heart.


You have forgotten the declaration, “We the People.”  You the people of earth must stand up for your future.  Stop bending to the needs and the wants of a world that manipulates you on every level.  Receive your power.  This time, this day, ask to be empowered with your divinity, with the pinnacle of your humanness, and the star that lives within your heart.  Do not let others decide your future.  


The reason that so many star systems will eventually come to earth on every level is that there are many cracks within your world. Not the fissures or fault lines of the earth but cracks within your relationships, your marriages, and your integrity.


Your earth declares its vulnerability.  Earth is open for all to enter her because she is not healed within herself she is falling apart as are you.  You are not together in your hearts.  You are not together in love, and you are not together in peace as a world or as a family. There is separateness, as a state as a country as a continent, and as a world; there are great deep crevices of separateness.  That is what draws others to earth to take her over, to use her. 


If you stood together as a planet, this would not happen.  A microcosm of that macrocosm that was needed initiate standing together was officiated in your 911 emergency situation. The world stood together for a moment, for a day, for 24 hours.  Everything stopped and life became holy, life became sacred.  We do not want to see you come to that point as a planet, not just two buildings – but as a planet.  Unite in your effort, continually with each other. Take that extra step toward a neighbor, toward a friend that has betrayed you, towards a family member that disagrees with you.  Take that extra step.  Just starting with the hands of those that read this, begin to wind yourself around earth. 


We are the Arcturians.  Our message brings frown lines to your faces but brings truth to your heart.  That is the place that it shall dwell.  Call upon us to assist you in healing. You are blessed.  Live that!




As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


Throughout time and incarnation there has always been one theme, over and over again, we hear the words echo in our head and heart, just love.  Just love these people, just love this planet. Remember child you are here to love.  Once in a while we would come off our mountain and venture out in the real world.  We would try to show others what was truth, what was light, what was love as we knew it, as we remembered it.  Our words and actions would mostly fall upon deaf ears and a blind heart – they were not ready to hear truth, to see light, to embrace love and they let us know it very loud and very clear.  Along our way the Universe would send angels and beautiful visions to ease the pain of humanness. As we got older our gifts began to amplify no matter how hard we tried to push them away they would break through the crystal stage of dormancy demanding more from us, pushing us closer to our light. 


The visions would tell us of a time on earth that the God within everyone would finally rub the sleep from their eyes and waken into remembering their divinity.  The visions would tell us that we were not alone on earth, the visions would tell us about truths that were about to be unveiled and revealed.  The visions would speak of a time that we would be the light leaders and lead the people of earth back to source, to first light, to the singularity; one light, one heart. Announcing  a time when every face we looked at would reflect the light that lived in their heart.  A time when our light would become a catalyst and ignite the dormant god light within everyone we met.  We held tightly to those visions knowing that they were truth.  They were given to us to nurture us, love us and hold us until it was time for them to be birthed in the now.  In that time of waiting, we reunited with our own divinity, we contemplated our own light and we learned how to love this human body.  In 1987, the first clarion call to humanity was issued.  All the hearts of earth lined up and exclaimed it is time.  The children of earth took their first baby step into believing. 


In 1992 another clarion call was issued via numbers.  The constellation of Colombo and the Dove Star emanated to earth the Christ consciousness awakening the sleeping prophet within all of mankind.  The doorway was opened and there was no going back.  Since those times, millions have awakened and seen the light within themselves.  They have awakened to their divinity, acknowledging the face of God that they represent.  Day by day we get a glimpse of what is to come.  You sit anxiously awaiting the promises of a loving creator. 


We know now that none of our journey was in vain that it was all part of the sentence of light.  We were the nouns, the pronouns, the verbs, the adjectives.  We know now that we never really forgot that all was an illusion as is our humanness, as is our limitedness.  We know now that light lives in every molecule of existence always. 



Let Go Of All Excuses And Procrastinations

As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


As you walk into the wholeness and the holiness of the expression of who you know yourself to be, you will find that the lines that divide and sever your being begin to fade with time, with wisdom, with love.  You will find that the expression of self that you know as the beginning and the ending of this life no longer are divided components. They become streamlined in the natural sense of the word flowing forward naturally issuing notice of cleansing, of clearing. Issuing awareness of different octaves of knowledge, of wisdom, of strength.


Open the gate to the Allness that you have forgotten that you are.  Open the gate to all that you keep yourself separated from in thoughts, in fears, in longings, and in your heart’s desires.  Open the gate that keeps you from a future in which you are totally in health, in love, in joy, in beauty, in youth.  For it is only your belief systems that decay the body.  It is only your belief systems that keep you from moving forward in leaps and bounds.  It is your canyon that seems endless in a sky that seems cloistered.  Open the gate and set free all that has once served you so that it can learn to fly, learn to swim, learn to tunnel deep in the earth.  Open the gate to everything that your parents, your teachers, and your lovers told you that you could not be, you could not accomplish, you could not experience. 


Experience the flowing of the truth of your beginning without end, of your end without beginning.  Let go of all self imposed limitations and programs.  Let go of all excuses and procrastination's.  Unearth the potential that you have kept sequestered away.  Open to see all that is happening in a single moment in any place in this universe. For you have that ability but you must announce it to yourself in remembrance.  “I can see through space and time, through sky and cloud, through dirt'. 'I can walk through stars and the air with the greatest of ease.”


What you seek is inherent within everything. What is of value to you?  Is it diamonds?  Is it gold?  Is it wood?  Is it water?  It depends on what part of the universe you park in.  You can beckon to you all things that inherently hold the richness that you desire until you are able to vibrationally manifest that in your own earthen world.  The letting go of perimeters, of expectations, of boundaries, of containers, of thought forms frees you up to be it all. 


Imagine yourself being the earth, What about the universe Are you ready for such expansion?  Are you ready to open your arms your heart and your mind to such a place of totality?  Are you ready to become what you are in truth able to be, to conceive, to perceive, to birth, to create, to manifest? 


When God, the Almighty One, the Source, the Prime Creator desires, that desire is enough to make it happen.  Your desires have great potential within them.  God does not strain but desires naturally and it is made so. Watch your world more closely and you will see what we speak is neither divided nor diluted truth; these abilities are yours for the acknowledgment. 


Let go of the way you define yourself and allow your soul to re-define you in a way that serves the Light.  the soul is deemed to expand, to re-create, and re-define your lineage of light that you wear as a physical body.  We are the Pleiadian Council of Light and we come forth to initiate you into new understandings. 




As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


The opulence, the prosperity, the role of Creator-ship that you so seek is within the cellular structure of your being.  It is not housed in a thought, it is not housed in a meditation, it is not housed in a way of life, but it resides within all potential tapped and untapped within the multi-dimensional structure that you exist within. 


When you sense a lack within your life, you immediately move your presence into that place and you are re-united within that structure of lack – not as a punishment, but as an instructional  knowing.  When you have a need within your life, you are moved into a situation with a potential for that need to be fulfilled existing along side the potential of that need not to be fulfilled. 


When you place yourself in the sector of deserving, then you become magnetic to all possibilities that exist beyond the limitations of your dimensional perception, beyond the limitations of what your earthen mind forecasts, and beyond the limitations of what the self thinks it can accomplish.  You seek what you are.  You seek to learn and in that expression of expansion, it serves all.  You seek to become blessed.  You seek to become love.  And yet all of these qualities are inherent within your own creational field. 


It is by the poignant understanding of embracing what you think you need to be, need to receive, need to know --- that you will fully walk upon the not so distant land that holds these truths. In being human, you embrace the island of division.


The mechanics of manifestation, the mechanics of creating will be re-defined in the upcoming times for you.  The words 'want and need' will no longer be a logistic that describes who you are.  The words “have, create, deserve” will be where you land upon as you are flown through this universal understanding of who in truth you really are. 


We exist in consciousness beyond a Gate of Time.  That Gate of Time has just recently been seen by your world.  As we are seen visually – then we are able to be heard energetically. We do not come to conquer your thoughts, your world, your crops, or your children for we are beyond form as are you internally at the core of your being.  We exist as you exist – in a multi- evolutionary sequence where you are growing in spurts and bounds in many different dimensions and worlds.  


That is why oft times there is such a confusion in your human heart, inviting an inquisition of thinking.  There are places that you exist as pure undivided Light.  There are places that you exist as only color.  There are places that you exist as bacteria and viruses.  Some places you are only sound.  Some places you only exist as a dreamscape. Your brainperceives much of this confusion as inter-dimensional static.  


Multi-dimensionally, you enter a place where you can become all of these.  In the time when you sleep, you enter into a place where you are a planet, a moon, a star, a fairy, a shadow, a light.  More and more your earthen dreams bring this reality back to you, but your brain sifts through the trash in the morning after a hard night’s awakening – and filters out what seems to be gibberish. 


You are all that you believe yourself to be on every level of your life.  Now take that knowledge and create a collage with it.  Take all the pieces of the broken vase of the universal you and paste them together to see who you really are.     When you embrace the complexity of your all-ness, then there is nothing that you need or want.  All is created with a thought as was originally intended.  We leave your presence at this time.  More will come from our part of the universe.   



The Fulcrum of the Future

As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


We are the energy of the Council of Light of One.  We are exemplified and animated in each one of your energy fields at higher levels of your own light and your own heart.  We exist for you at the 13th vibration of your own light.  If you would just breathe us in at this moment of entrance and allow us to bathe you in potentials.  Allow us to bathe you in a frequency of remembering.  And allow us to bathe you in the fluidity of future perspectives.


As you stand at this Trans-portal of future self, you entertain a dialogue of what is to come, and what is to be your experience.  Each of you stands guard on the fulcrum of your future. You view your present circumstances, you view your past, and yet you see very little of your future. You feel Future-viewing is for seers and psychics not for little ole mortal you. You have chosen to wear thick veils and a blindfold that keeps you from fully experiencing potentials that are as of yet un-birthed.  The gestation period for birthing future event is but a few weeks in comparison to the past where it once was as long as an elephant’s nose and pregnancy.


This past year, thought and manifestation accelerated to a point in time and space that quickened all outcomes. As you stand at the apex of your life viewing future events, you have a certain knowing that as you follow path A to B, the outcome is predictable. If you move your awareness away from the 27 letters of the alphabet and add a new language of light, then the outcomes will exceed your expectations and your uncreated potentials. In other words, you are predictable.  The path you will choose is predictable.  The path that you have taken in the past has been predictable.  Your reactions are predictable.  Your outbursts are predictable, because you follow the same emotional pathway and patterning that you have always followed. 


In this time of numerous celestial alignments, and dimensional potentials – we ask you not to take the same route that you have always taken. Move past the borders that once held you as a captive audience. Always keeping you in a very small theater, squared away in the pegs of the past.  You are much more than you have been able to understand or appreciate. 


Each and every thought that you have ever had exists somewhere in simultaneous time. Each and every desire, want, need, prayer has been fulfilled and lives somewhere in time or in some parallel existence. Thoughts and manifestations are not wasted.  They are not thrown away.  They are recycled energetically.  In some parallel existence of the time/space continuum you are living all of your dreams.  In another one, you are living your perfect body shape.  In another one, you are living your perfect hairstyle or your perfect health.  Each thought either stays in the Now or exits to another plane of existence.  The doorway to that exit is opened and closed by your own thinking.


When you desire a certain outcome, it begins to grow within your own energy field. If you fluctuate from that thought with doubt, with fear on any level – then it ‘exits’ the earth experience and enters another probable universe where you also exist. 


Now think about this: you are creating perfect hair days on other dimensions.  You are creating and have the perfect body in probable realities where you have not given up! You were creating the perfect soul mate, the perfect marriage, the perfect relationship by your initial prayer and asking – and then you gave up on it.  What ever you lose hope or give up on exits through a trans-portal and enters another realm where you also exist simultaneously.  Your dreams went to another version of you in another place and time just because you did not believe enough.


You have the ability to create exactly what you desire by holding it in focus, in certainty, and in knowing.  The minute you give up, it exits your world and enters another where it lives happily ever after. Don't you see that one singular molecule of doubt can become a lethal toxic weapon when you are trying to create a desired outcome?  Wrap yourself around your creations/manifestations as a mother that protects her young. Allow no harm to come to these newly born desires, keep them safe until they are old enough to stand on their own two feet.


You are not allowed the luxury of giving up on anything or anyone, especially yourself.  As soon as you give up on anything, it leaves this dimension and enters another.  Often in your dreamtime, you enter into these places where there is the perfect love, the perfect family, the perfect life.  You are living it simultaneously.  The 'You' who continues to dwell upon this earth plane is not receiving any energetic fringe benefits, because you let it go, you gave it away, you gave up on it. 


So we ask you to hold the vision of what it is that you seek and it will be made manifest for you in the here and the now. Time collapses.  Space expands and so do you.  There is no more waiting by the door of your life for one to five years for something to come into it.  It is only a few weeks.  You can believe for a few weeks, can you not?  Hold the focus, the belief long enough for it to get here.  Hold the focus each time that you think of it, renew the faith, renew the knowing, and do not let anybody shake you from that creation and that manifestation.  We are the Council of Light of One.  We leave you on this evening.



          Imperfections, Frailties, and Failures

 To The Universe They Are A Place Of Possibility

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


Everything is changing and upgrading, it is demanding that you listen. Like an old mammy the universe is pulling your ear and twisting your arm to get your attention.   It is demanding that you listen with your heart and not your hard head.  The brain that has kept things secret is now is ready to speak.  It is ready to tell you about yourself.  Who are you really? Why are you really?  You are so afraid to look at yourself.  You busy yourself in relationships, in cleaning your house, you busy yourself at menial chores.  When you finally stop, you sleep.  When you dream you become busy again.  You do not spend a lot of time or energy thinking about who you are.  You are running from that inside of yourself. 


Everything in your world jumps up in front of you and screams and says, “Look at me!  I am a part of the hologram  you are not dealing with.”  One look and you turn your pretty head and walk away.  To you -- imperfections, frailties, and failures are negative. To the universe, they are a place of possibility.  They are your gifts and they are now demanding to be unwrapped. 


Life is constantly giving to you.  Giving you the miracles that you need to keep you afloat. The much needed magical thumbs up message in the form of a little rainbow, a little blue bird of happiness, or a beautiful rose.  Something that is for your eyes only your gift.  When the magic of the moment is spoken aloud, it disappears.  How do you take magic and miracles and show and tell them to another?  You cannot.  The Earth is supporting you in all of your shifts.  The heart opens up to a higher level of love.  The notes you sing tomorrow will be sweeter than today. 


It is time to stop running from your humanness.  The hamster gets nowhere in a self-imposed cage. The limitations are self-imposed.  The merry-go-round scenarios are self-imposed.  You are honoring everything in the form of peoples and responsibilities outside of you and not honoring yourself.  It is in that place that your heart will continue to close and you will continue to be sad inside. 


You were taught that being a good person was doing for others and it was selfish to do for self.  You were taught to love thy neighbors as thyself, but do you love yourself?   Is that the way you love your neighbors?  Do you love them to the best of your ability or only love them as much as you love self which is little or none?


You come into a time of loving self but not in a way that is egotistical as was super-imposed upon your DNA, but in a way where you are loving your experience of being human.  You are loving when having a headache because you know that you are responding to something, that your body is giving you a message a signal.  Could be that you have eaten something that is not in agreement with you, or that someone is using your psychic phone line.    Everything in your body speaks to you.  Everything in your world speaks to you.  And reflects back what it is you need.  Respond to that call.  It is an SOS.  It is in Morse Code.  You walk the talk, or so it seems for everyone and everything except you.  Do not give up on who you are.  Do not think there is something wrong with you. You cannot toss away who you are and become something else.  You are what you are. Honoring who you are and being who you are in truth will ease the transition.  It is when you go against the grain of self that situations become immoveable like mountains.  Many of you try too hard.  You are trying to BE.  You should not have to try to BE.  It should be an easy thing to do.   It should not be something that causes cosmic constipation and hemorrhoids in your energy field.  Do not strain so hard to BE.  Just relax into it.  It is what you do naturally; it is what you do the best, JUST BE.  You cannot change who you are.


The new sensories that come to you are celestial of proportion, they are galactic sensories, God-like sensories. Each one invites you into a different level of knowing, a level of being. Each one gifts you a little more each minute, of each day until you are more and more comfortable with who you are.  They escort you into a place where you can see yourself lovingly and laugh at your stupidity and so-called fallings and failings as you get up again and do it again. 


How many of the great ones of your Earth did not give up?  You would be sitting by candlelight completely if Edison gave up.  What if everyone had given up?  If they just stopped being who they knew they were born to be.  If they just stopped trying.    We are asking you not to try so hard to be and at the same time not to give up trying.  It is as a river meeting an ocean.  As they meet, the waters churn but eventually all is smoothed out.  Do not try so hard, but do not give up either.   It is the point where the river meets the ocean inside of your self where creation is birthed, and the new is given freedom of flight.


Humans have fought with being their true selves for too long.  And now it is time to relax into who you really are, how you really look, how you really smell, and how you really feel.  Know that at this point of origin you are very loveable and very acceptable.  We ask you to go into the center of the wave.  See it above you.  See it below you, and then ride it. Do not give up on what you know in your heart is right for you.  Even though you do not see it manifesting, see it as you are watching a movie and you are the star. You are the visionaries, you are the prophecies, and you are the future.  You walk ahead of the pack. Thank goodness for that.  Do not give up because others do not accept you, or do not understand you.  You are beautiful, beautiful beings.  It is time that you see that and love yourself.  No matter how you look, or how you smell, or how you feel.



St Germaine Violet Flames

Chevron Amethyst

These beautiful and powerful Chevron Amethyst come to heal at the highest level. They hold the powerful presence of the Violet flame & White Light. The violet flame is one of the greatest spiritual tools on the planet. It is an aspect of God's light known as the flame of forgiveness it is an amazing process for the transmutation of negative energies. The Violet Flame is Spiritual Alchemy in action. Its purpose is to transmute denser feelings, actions, deeds, and karma, into a higher vibrational frequency. The violet flame forgives as it frees, consumes as it transmutes, clears the akashic records and sets you free into a place of holding a higher light. Every day in every way, the violet flame flushes out and renews the cells of your mind, body and spirit. 


The Violet Flame was brought to earth by Ascended Master St Germaine. It is an intelligent fire; it cannot destroy, but only free restoring energy to its original purified blueprint.  On a scientific level, the Violet flame can be directed at a sub-atomic level to the particles of energy that accumulate in the open spaces around the cell nucleus. Accumulated substance inhibits the flow of light around the electrons. This cellular clogging can have all sorts of manifestations in the physical body. Violet flame invocations can transform negative energies instantly. If you are feeling sad, depressed, fearful or angry, the violet flame can help you immediately.  When you call to the violet flame and surrender these unwanted energies the fire instantly begins to breaking down particles of substance that have accumulated over thousands of incarnations.

When you invoke the violet flame, visualize yourself surrounded by a violet-flame pillar extending from beneath your feet to over the top of your head. See the violet flame come to life allowing the flames to rise and pulsate around you. Keep this visualization in mind throughout the day. Every time you think of it, you are reinforcing the Violet flame.


Invocation to the Violet Flame
I AM the Violet Flame, in action in me now
I AM the violet flame, to Light alone I bow
I AM the violet flame in Mighty Cosmic Power
I AM the Light of God shining every hour
I AM the violet flame blazing like the sun.
I AM God's sacred power, freeing everyone.


There are unlimited ways to use the Violet Flame. Bring the Violet Flame into your body. Ask your Higher Self, a Master, Angel to assist you, or just ask the Flame to "be made manifest." visualize that there is a ball of violet fire above your head. Then ask that ball of fire to come into your body and fill every speck of your entire body. Spin the flame in and around your body asking it to come out through your heart chakra and encircle the outside of your body clearing your emotional, mental, spiritual bodies. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute everything you wish to be eliminated from your life.("transmute anything and everything standing in the way of becoming a Christed Being. on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future")  (Violet Flame turn all that has been transmuted Into the Golden Light of Christ Send this Golden Light to me now, filling and surrounding my entire body with its Divine Radiance, raising my vibration and frequency to the highest level possible for me at this time.)

Chevron Amethyst or banded amethyst is a combination of Amethyst and white quartz.  It has all the healing properties of Amethyst and then some. Chevron Amethyst is one of the best stones to work with for activating the Third-Eye, enhancing both intuition and physical vision on all planes of existence.  You can use Chevron Amethyst to cleanse the aura to promote spiritual healing, and to enhance one's psychic abilities.  it can deepen the meditative state, allowing one's higher guidance to communicate.  Chevron Amethyst to help remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds.  It creates a strong healing field around the user, speeds up the healing process and strengthens the immune system.


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“Memento 13 – Remembering the Self

through the Geometry of God’s Love”

From Gillian: The book of many many secrets, a wonderful energy, holographic of nature as it rewrites itself, and plays tricks on the ocular vision, a powerful downloading of Light and knowledge comes forth, excellent job for sure. A keeper - an activation book,




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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS  Sunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY Ashtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages were given during…

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