Hello and greetings. I'm not going to go into long introductions regarding myself, except to say that I am a 'spokesperson' for the Interplanetary Peace Council based on earth at this time. I've been on this site before, and was recently asked to return for a time to deliver some messages.As such, I'd like to share and express regarding the inner and planetary transformation process in ordinary every-day terms that will hopefully shed some *light* on things for a few people.First of all, lets clear up the labels. There are so many names and labels for off-world extended family being used on earth that it is extremely confusing, even to me. People spoke of the "Association of Worlds" back in the '80's, which really is just a term for the group of civilizations who work together to maintain peace and harmony in the universe (which also includes the Ashtar Command and several other fleets). Nowadays people call them the "Galactic Federation of Light". This is the same thing. Since I am a representative from the Pleiadian civilization, I can say that we refer to this same group as the "Interplanetary Peace Council" because we come from what you would call your future, and that is what this group will eventually become. Regardless, it does not really matter what you call them, since it will not change who they are in the slightest.This universe is the 12th universe out of 13 we know to exist. Certainly the Pleiadian civilization has not explored them all, and in fact we don't know of anybody who has at this point. This 12th universe is a "duality" universe and also a "free will" universe. That means both of those concepts play themselves out in full in this universe. Other universes have different "themes" that allow for different growth and exploration of the nature of Self.Pretty much all of you should be familiar with the concepts of free will and duality. Of the two, this second concept is in a process of transformation. Earth is the center stage for this transformation, as you know. That's the part that is causing all the strife and activity at present. Many civilizations other than earth humans have worked through the lessons associated with duality. Each has done this in their own way and in accordance with the set of tools they had at their disposal. Thus some could be said to be further along the track than you in terms of spiritual growth, and some are not.There are in fact some worlds far worse off than earth, and in time you will become familiar with them because there will come a time when earth humans will be called upon to help them, just as many of our civilizations have helped you over the last few decades. At that time you will really get to understand why we (the Federation or Interplanetary Peace Council) work within the law of "non-interference". We have seen and experienced what direct interference can do, and we have learned from those mistakes, just as earth humans will.There is one world somewhat similar to earth where the people have already created a world war. They have used weapons similiar to nuclear weapons, and now that planet is in a state of self-destruction. We did have some contact with that world, but the people did not choose to change enough to prevent that outcome. Why didn't we just step in and stop them? Because it is not our job or our right to do so. They had to make their own choices in accordance with what they understood at the time. There are important lessons in what happened to these people, for them, and for all those who observed their progress - or lack of.As I say, for those who think we should go about saving everyone from their fate - one day you will understand why this is not a wise course of action. There are repercussions to stepping in and drastically altering the natural evolution of an advanced sentient species. We could cause them to suddenly follow a path which leads to events they would never have ordinarily had to face, and thus will not be equipped to adapt to. We could inadvertantly give them advanced technological knowledge which they would then take and use to create weapons (already happened on earth to some degree). It is not the right of any being to go and take away the free choices of another being. On earth, that is called slavery, and that is not how we operate and it is not a concept we support or choose to express.We are not contacting earth to save anyone. That would be like saving you from your own growth. Taking away the wealth of your experiences and limiting them so you don't have any choices. A huge part of personal growth is about choices. It is about being presented with many pathways, many different aspects of information and truth, and then you sort through them and choose what feels right deep within your being. You make mistakes and fall down, then you have a realization which allows you to pick yourself up and change your course entirely. That is where you will discover your true power and strength. That is where you will see the answers lie within you. Then you embrace those truths and become them. If you were always told what to do, and your path controlled, you would never learn, never progress.No-one wants to see the people of earth suffer, and this is truly the hardest part of being observers and being those who work to assist in this transformation process. It affects everyone very deeply, and it may surprise you to know that many within the Ashtar Command have to be relieved of their posts from time to time and they have to seek healing and balance because they become so affected by the energy of earth and the pain and suffering of so many souls. Some find they cannot tolerate it, and have to return to their home planets - sometimes permanently. To some degree this will affect many of you earth-based operatives as well. You also need to regularly seek healing and balancing during these difficult periods of transition. What you call the GFL and the Ashtar Command are your support team. We - both those on and off earth - are your 'back up'. That is to say that we lend our energies to combine with yours when you need the extra boost. We don't merge energies with people who want us for selfish reasons. We do this only when the person is genuinely using the energy to enlighten and spiritually advance themselves. Or when they are working on healing the planet or others.As for being with representatives from other civilizations in a physical sense - this will happen, but it is when you are vibrating at a very similar frequency. It is not up to us to lower our vibration so that you can see us (except for very specific communication purposes, which is rare). It is your job to work on yourselves so that you can get to the point where we can meet on even ground.Which brings us to the subject of Starseeds. There are a few who come to this site, and many others who come due to curiosity...and other reasons. True Starseeds have a sense of 'mission' or purpose for being on earth, and by now should be well aware of a growing sense of urgency regarding helping to create positive changes on earth. Other aware and awakened souls will feel this also. You will be feeling impatience and frustration at the current seemingly slow progress. The sense of displacement and not-belonging are challenges that only you can overcome. Some already have, and others are still working on it. It is difficult to shed the feeling that you are a 'square peg in a round hole' because you still remember being part of civilizations and experiences that are loving and harmonious, and so radically different. Everyone off-world sympathizes with you, I can assure you.The only way you can really come to a sense of peace about being on earth, is to fully embrace the truth that what represents 'home' is not a physical location. It is a state of being. That is to say, all the elements you enjoyed experiencing, you can create on earth (not yet on a global scale, but that follows). Most important is that you are working now on creating more harmony and balance in your life. Easier said than done, that is understood. But it can be done. That is your biggest challenge, and that is where you will face the most opposition because the structures of earth are so firmly grounded in fear and limitation.You are amongst a civilization who is still trying to prove they exist. Because of that, meeting with off-world extended family is not on the current agenda. That includes many who come to these websites who are still questioning "does it exist"? "Is it real"?.... Questioning is healthy, but continuous doubt and skepticism is eternally dreary, and only keeps those ones going round and round in circles, chasing their own tails. The answer has always been to "Seek Within", and to connect to the intuitive senses of the soul which allow you to quickly discern anything and extract from it the most valuable lessons.It is a difficult time for many of you also because you are living at a time when the structures of earth are crumbling or in a state of flux, and thus you usual 'supports' seem to no longer be there, or to be dissolving around you. This is when true faith is tested (not believing in an outside source saving you, or coming to make things right - but faith in YOU, as a spark of God. A co-creator with God in your own right). You have the power to turn things around to your advantage. Some of this process will involve having to let go of old beliefs and concepts you have clung to because you believed them to be real, to be truth. This can only be painful if you resist the process. Be willing to let go of what you need to, and then look to the horizon with excitement rather than fear - because you need to know that you DESERVE to have abundance and to live a life of harmony and peace.One of the really great sayings on earth is: "one door closes, another door opens". There are always other opportunities all around you, as many as you are able to conceive of. You can attract them to you and mold them into something if you have the will to do so. You just have to believe that you are capable of it. Be prepared for many new structures and ways to emerge that will be very different from what you have known. Be open to new viewpoints, information and ideas, and don't try to put them into the catagories of the old systems and structures, because they won't fit.Don't be afraid to say "Hey, I don't accept this" if there is something you see manifest that you don't agree with or do not resonate with. You can say "This is not my truth. Instead I choose another reality". And if you are truly creating your chosen reality and it is working well for you, then you can be rest assured that you have made the right choices. But don't go around shoving your truth down someone else's throat or creating warfare with those who have differing opinions or views - because then you will just be perpetuating the same ignorance and confrontational ways that humanity has exhibited for centuries. So much about the consciousness on earth has been all about 'making' others see someone else's viewpoint, or control through fear. There are those who believe they are superior to others because their viewpoint is the 'right' one. Then they set out to destroy those who do not agree or share the same ways. Please take care you do not start following that same pattern. Remember what happened to the Atlanteans, who followed that path.Being 5-D is about harmony. It is a state of being reached when every aspect of your being is in harmony with every other aspect. You are not at war - within or without. There is no longer any need to manifest conflict. There is no longer any need to express extremes of duality. There are still inherent lessons to be explored, but they are different ones to what you came across in 3D and 4D. You will also be equipped to deal with what challenges you far more efficiently, because you are functioning at more of your full energetic and spiritual capacity.One of the major differences between Pleiadians and earth humans is the way we deal with challenges or imbalances in ourselves. We do experiece occasionally being out of balance. But we have mechanisms in our belief-system, attitudes and mental capacity which help us to quickly override or correct any imbalance - whatever level it has manifested (physical, emotional, spiritual). We quickly decide that we do not want to feel what it means to be out of balance, and we do something about it. We let go of issues quickly and then move on. Failing our own efforts, we have the benefit of certain technology to help correct imbalance also. You do not have this, but you do have the same capacity to change your attitude or mindset, or to bring through energy into yourself that can heal you. Barring the technology (which you soon will have anyway), you have exactly the same tools that we have.Some people on earth have said we are "emotionally cold" because we don't sit and brood or process over things for long periods of time. This couldn't be further from the truth. It is simply because we do not "let the sun go down" on our problems, but have embedded deep within our psyche mechanisms that help us to move quickly out of negativity. We 'recover' and change our attitude to one more positive, and some on earth have found this strange and think we have some kind of mental illness!. It is not necessary to suffer for indefinite periods, or unnecessarily. It is sometimes necessary to let emotions take their course as they will, but it's important not to let that go on for too long and become a situation where you are 'wallowing' in your troubles.Of course a large part of becoming 5D involves moving beyond a state where you experience a great deal of fear (or have it manifest in your reality). Most of you tend to think this refers to 'external' and obvious things, but the hardest fears to overcome are the internal ones. In 5D you can temporarily experience the feeling of fear, but it passes or is dealt with quickly, because again - you have acquired the mechanisms you need to transmute it. You do not buy into fear and wear it like a cloak and say "well I can't help it, because it's who I am". It is interesting that the sensation of fear, and the sensation of anticipation and excitement are closely related. These are in a sense two sides of the same coin. It is possible to look more closely at what has caused you to feel fear (recognising it is the first step) and then transmute it into excitement or anticipation for something more constructive.Fear = Resistance. The more you resist your natural transformation, the more fear you will experience. The more you learn to flow along with events and sensations involved in your transformation process, learning quickly and moving on, the more rapidly you will see positive progression. Already much of this process has been accelerated on a global scale because so many people are doing exactly that. The ones that are not coping and embracing change will stand out clearly, along with the individuals and groups who were comfortable with a fear-based reality, and are desperately resisting these changes.It is a time when all of the things that represent imbalance (the opposite of harmony) will come to the surface and be obvious to people on earth. After all, you have to first recognise what needs changing before you can work on changing it.

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  • Hi Napa,
    Your energy imprint is interesting - has anyone ever told you that you are two souls who have come together in this life?. This happens sometimes when you need to combine with some of your greater soul family to be able to draw on the combined knowledge and experience. There is a distinct Lemurian energy within you, and a distinct Zeta energy. So far you have been challenged with blending the two aspects of your soul harmoniously because they are both very different, with different viewpoints!. It's necessary for you to not feel 'split' as this will confuse you. At times it will seem like you have more one aspect expressing than the other, but this will pass as you learn to blend these two aspects more. On the one hand, you have the connectedness to the land and nature and an understanding of human nature on the Lemurian side, and you have the intellectual, detached and scientific Zeta side. Within you is a residual slight contempt for humanity that you will have to acknowledge, and I feel this is partly why you have pulled the Zeta side into this life because there is a need for you to learn to understand and embrace humanity (and all their faults) without judgement by experiencing those same limitations yourself. That's in your Akashic Record. I hope this helps!
  • This reply was deleted.
    • I have discovered that within myself exists a world/life which is separate from what's happening outside. There I'm challenged to examine, choose and change.....then I can alway see the effects of that change reflected on the outside, usually my family and work colleagues.
      It has been a challenge to become aware on my daily walk through life, of my judging nature which, i discovered to my shock is immediate!.... based on my preferences, likes,learned (cultural) views etc.. And it also has been a challenge and still is, to integrate what I believe and understand and have experienced is the truth of interconnectedness of all that is, that we are all One.
      It has been in my inner world where I am being shown that all my steps and all the falls are being held within the unfathomable Love of the Creator. I know I am more that just Marion, much more, I want to know who I AM.
      I am maybe like Napa integrating two strong natures in my life and I have been told that I am here to balance and that it is an important role but I have not yet fathomed the significance. Can someone bring a little light of insight please? Its really tough sometimes....

      It is an incredible time we are in and many things are being revealed to us now ...and we are supported. What if we were not supported?? I am grateful for all those beings, family and spiritual friends of the seen and unseen worlds that they faithfully shine their light of love and compassion.

      We are All ONE.

  • You say that each world makes its choices and you talked about a world that "let" itself slip into a world war. I dont for one minute beleive the people of any world want a world war. These are created by the ruling elite as a means of divding people and keeping them in fear. It isnt fair to damn a world because of the actions of the few, such is happening in this world.
    How can this world change when they have such an iron grip of control over the wealth, the media and the religions?
    There is no way we can rid this world of them quickly without some kind of assistance.
    • No one said anything about "damning" a world. It is about guidance, love and support - without taking away choices or lessons. When you let your children go out into the world to live their own lives, make choices and sometimes make mistakes, are you damning them? Of course not. That is considered responsible parenting, because you realise in the end that all you can do is give them the tools and support they will need to make it on their own, because that's the only way they'll learn and grow.

      Assisting another civilization to recognise that they are co-creators with God, and that their birthright is to be completely soveriegn and not victims - does not involve saving them from themselves, or their own structures. It involves educating them - or especially as in earth's case - reminding them of their true natures and helping them to regain knowledge that has been forgotten which will help them rise above limitation. In a sense; 'helping them to help themselves'. The Ashtar Command and associated fleets and the angelic realms can only do so much from their perspective and state of being (dimension). They do not live on earth, and do not experience it first hand. That's what we needed all the Starseeds and walk ins for. We need people 'on the ground' who understand what it is like to experience all these changes, and who can work out - from a hand's-on perspective - how best to accelerate and asssist the transformation process so that it is less of a struggle for people on earth.
      Also, it's not so much about ridding the planet of certain people or forces - they too are a crucial part of this process, even though we may not agree with their actions or points of view. It's more about initiating change by introducing concepts and spiritual knowlege that allows the individual to lift him or herself beyond being in a vulnerable victimhood state of mind. It's about teaching people to become self-sufficient and self-empowered.

      Obviously, there will be those who don't agree with that, and they won't make the same choices as people who desire change. I think there has been excellent examples on earth of what happens when people band together and voice their opposition - or support - of something. This is very powerful. It creates a wave of energy that begins to initiate change and attract more of the same energy to create a kind of 'snowball' effect. After all, the politicians and other leaders must rely completely on the support of the people - whether they like it or not. So their first reaction is to lash out, and attempt to use their force or military might to squash the 'rebellion'. However, this is a time when that old system is not working so well anymore. It's not stopping the masses, because every time some of them fall, there are thousands more standing up to take their place. The leaders of earth all agree on one thing - that there is massive change occurring, and there's not much they can do to stop it.

      Of course most folk don't want wars. The ordinary people are always stuck in the middle whilst the 'powers that be' fight it out in a kind of planetary pissing contest to see who has the most power and status. But thinking that the ordinary people cannot change things is a mistake, because it is they who have the majority in causing the energy of a situation to go one way or another. It is also a mistake to believe that one person cannot initiate change, because -as many teachings have stated - you do not exist as a seperate being, but are rather part of a unified force (collective) and what you say, think and do has a huge impact on your environment and everything around you. You are linked into the collective conscious of humanity, whether you want to be or not. You are also linked into the universal consciousness that connects you to all other beings in existence, and of course ultimately to God the Creator.

      Therefore it's about becoming and being an example of how you want earth to be. If you want peace and harmony, then you have to be peaceful and harmonious in your life, your environment, and most importantly, in the way you think. Because your thoughts become manifest.

      So....what is going to happen is that there is a kind of division on earth for a while. It's not possible to be truly divided because of what I've just said about connectedness - but it will seem so. It will seem that there are those who truly want peace and harmony and spiritual advancement, and those who want things to remain as they are. So it is like a kind of tug of war between these two groups until a balance is found. You already know it is possible for supposed 'light' to co-exist with supposed 'darkness' because you already see examples of these two expressions co-existing on earth. They are two sides to the same coin. But right now there is no balance, because both are expressing in extremes and there is a lot of fear and denial going on.

      Eventually true balance is found and things change for the better, but what the earth is going through now is a crucial part of that process. To take some of the 'steps' out of the process will alter the ultimate destination. No-one wants to do that because where earth is headed is a really fantastic outcome.

      All of the off-world family understand how difficult this is because most of you cannot 'see' that outcome, and have no physical proof of its inevitability. You have to just take the word of the communicators and have faith within yourselves. We cannot find that faith for you, but have to just hope that you will find it. But, what is more important, is that you keep holding the vision of what you want earth to be. Keep visualizing the kind of life you want and the way you want humanity to express. Because that is how it will come about. Without the vision, there can be no creation.

      So that's mainly where the Ashtar Command and other enlightened beings come in. To put forward information about their knowledge, their beliefs, their lives, their ways that will give you examples of what is possible. To help you to build the vision and to tap into the knowledge you will need to make it happen in a manifest way. That is the best kind of assistance that anyone can give. There will come a time when interaction will be different as needs change and different lessons are sought - but that's how it is right now.
    • there is one way actually, if you raise the global consciousness fields frequency, the -controllers- and
      -deceivers- will soon have no other way as to leave our Planet, thats the way :) and with every moment the consciousness field rises globally, so will the dark be ever more -exposed- and brought to the surface and into the light :)
      • In one sense what you say is correct. By raising the global consciousness toward a state of being which reflects harmony, peace and love creates bigger changes - in the density of your existence mainly, because those people will then collectively begin to vibrate at a faster rate. Anything that is not of that vibration will not, from choice, enter that energy or state because it does not resonate.

        However, what you call the "light" and the "dark" are simply two expressions of the one energy. One is constructive, and one is destructive. Energy in itself is neutral in charge. It becomes charged by the intention and projected thought and emotion of the ones harnessing it. You already see that both of these expressions co-exist side-by-side on earth. The outcome of this transformation process does not involve the 'doing away' with one or the other, but rather a blending, a merging and balancing of polarities. It is a recognition that there is "darkness" within all people on earth, just as there is "light" and all the emotional and physical projections associated. It becomes a choice as to whether a soul desires to express one or the other extreme, or alternatively, to balance both polarities and become something else entirely. The one that chooses balance must first acknowledge the "darkness within" and allow these dark corners of the soul to become part of awareness. Then there is the recognition that everything is simply experience - and has simply been a way in which to learn. The soul then realises that a choice is made to take a more positive and constructive path, and to see where this will lead. Thus there is no longer the need to express or experience anything of a negative charge, because that does not coincide with the chosen path. However, those experiences and that energy is still very much a part of that soul's composition. It merely becomes part of who you are, without having to express extremes of light or dark. Thus this also reflects in the world around you as well.

        You are correct also regarding the exposing of these dark corners of the soul - and of human society - taking place at the present. This is necessary, as it is part of the 'recognition' phase of the process I have just outlined.

        To en-lighten is to shine a light on something that was previously unknown, and thus unilluminated. Therefore to become en-lightened is to become aware.
  • thanks for your words.. I appreciated that
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